6 OREGON CITY COURIER FRIDAY, MARCH fl, ,1906 CAPTAIN SNOW DISCOURAGED May Not Establish Commis sion House Here. COLD WATER ON PROJECT vest to the postoffloe mile. Total length of ronte, 'i4 mile. Area, sqnare mile?, 20J. Number of houses, 110. Population served, 495. Esta caaa News. Failure to Start Business Will Be Detrimental to General Interests of Oregon City. Captain B. L. Snow, who recently arrived here from Hutchinson, Kan., is becoming discouraged "ver the situation that has developed because ef his published intention to open a commission . house in Oregon Oity. Many merchants have tlrown cold water on the project from the start and Captain Snow is meeting with comparatively little encouragement. He has concluded, however, to make his home in Oregon City, and has rentud a house in Kbdsbs Oity addi tion. Failure to establish a business that, will acoomraodate hundreds of Clack amas county Jfarmers has heretofore haan a nutriment t.n the whnlt inter ests of the city, and promoturs of the , present commission house proposition are disappointed over the result of this effort. There is no market here for all the produce that is being brought in, and once farmers fail to sell tneir produce they seldom, if ever, return. It is a fact, freely com mented on, that there are other points in the connty where any and all vari eties of produce is purchased, and from every section of OlaoKaruas county oomes oritio sm of Oregon Oity for its lack of an adequate market. March Winds. Blow softly, March winds, of tly blow, Kor dost not know the Winter's dead? Sing then'Jer reqniem sweet and low, For joys and sorrows that are fled. ' The tattered robes of Winter gales, Are fled to realms of endless night; In Heaven s blue the cloudlet cans Like wandering messenger of ijht. Oh! March winds 1 ' blow, now soft, now low, Down the heighths of mountain tips, O'er fields of God's eternal snow, Sweet as the breath of snow Fay's hps. Here in the Valley's sheltering calm, The crocus lilts its suowy head, The lowly violet lends hur bilm From hands of love the birds are fed. Thy emerald touch on sward and tree, Like necklace set with jewels rare, The soft winds sets their fragrance free, And gentle Bnnshine warms the air. Thy soft airs fan the spicy firs, Like sighs in Dreamland, pnre and sweet, 'Till heartfelt tears the vision blurs, For joys thus falling at our feet. So, Maroh winds, blow t still sotfly blow, Down the heighths of mountain tips, And lill this life witlideedsthatJgrow, Pare as the breath from snow Fay's lips. OLIVE E. M'CORD. MYERSJREPLIES TO REESE, Difference Between Socialism and Communism. NEW ROUTE FROM ESTACADA. Carrier Will Travel 24 Miles and Serve 495 People. The new free rural mail delivery route which will run 'iouj Esiacada through the Ourrinsville and Garfield countries started March 1, with W. S. Irwiu as "arrier; Mr. Irwin was the only applicant before the civil survice examination for the job and ha will hold it na long as he is qualified or until he relinquishes it, at a salary of $720 and other perquisites. ' Both the poatolHoes at Uurrinsville and Garfield will be discontinued on and after March 15, as the new route will make those offices uuueoessary. Tlioj who are having their mail oome to either of the above offices should givii notice to have (heir mail sent to Estnonda R. F. D. 1, and have it delivered to the door. The carrier will leave Estacala fttU:!!0a. m. and return at 5 p. ra. The mute as established will begin at the postollioe in Eatnnaila, thence east and north to Tracy's miles; west mile; north to Gitleu's fiorn.ir 2!$ miles; south Mist to Marshall's cumer Similes; south and southeast to Niv otne'rt corner miles; east to Ful u Bte.er's corner ?b miles; southeast an-1 emt to Porter's corner li' mil is; south to tile selioolliouso inilu; eur-t and southeast .to Kreiger's l"B miles; west to Loelterbv's corner v!1 mihn; north J-4 ii Hi I west l',(, to Davis'; l58 miles; uorili to OailieM's 1 'J miles; went an 'I n rtli )i to Warner's 7 miloH; west ', and north s8 to il eum's 'torner I mile; westerly to John Tracy's comer IJM' miles; sinun mi l TO AILING WOMEN. A Little Sound Advice Will Help Many a Sufferer in Oregon City. No woman can be well and healthy if the kidneys are sick. Poisons th t pass off in the urine when the kidneys are well are retained in tiie In dy when the kidneys are sick. Kidneys and bladder get inflamed and swollen, crowding the delicate female organs nearby mid sometimes ' displacing them. This is the t'ue cause ot m iti bearing-down pains, ameness. back ache, sideaohe, etc. Uric poisoning also causes headaches, dizzy spell-, languor, uervousuess and rhonm icio nun. I When suffering so, try Doin's Kid ney Pills, the remedy that cures sick kidneys. You will get better us soon as the kidneys get better, and heilth ill return when the kidneys are well. L"t a grateiul woman tell you about Doan's Kidnoy Pills. Mrs. A. Oanavan, of 830 Lincoln street, Portland, Or., says: "I was led to reoomtnend Doan'8 Kidney Pills throe years ago from the great re'iof 1 hud found in a case of kiduey com plaint which had annoyed me for a long time. I tried other remedies previously but Doan's Kidnoy Pills wore the ouly remedy that helped ma. My trouble had lasted for three years, luring which time I suffered from hendiohes and dizziness and could hardly attend to the simplest of house hold duties. Doan's Kidney Pills freed mi from this raisirahle exist ence ami I never had lost an oppor tiin it v t ) r icimimend. the ninety. In tact, I gave a publto testimony in li)':t, which I am glad to repoiat and confirm." Plentv more proof like th s from Hr.igon Oity people. Call at Huntley Br is Drugstor and ask what their chs omnrs report.. For sale by all dealers. Price, 50 emits Foster-Mi ibtsru Co., Buffalo. N. Y , solo agonts for the United Sfit"s. II Miiemhor the uaino Doan's and t.tku uo other. Get an $85 ureum Separator lor nothing. x See page 5. ' ;J 3 Tho Kind You llavo Always Bought, ami which has been iu uso for over JiO years, has home the signature of nml has boon mado tinder his per- 7S s ) SOUiU supervision since lisintancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-iis-gnou" arc but Experiments that triilo with and endanger t lie health of Infants and Children Expciieneo against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoriu is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotio Kiibstanee. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays l'everishness. It euros Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, euros Constipation ami Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and liowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought' In Use For Over 30 Years. Tr erHTAun company, rt Murray btrkkt. ncw von citv. OREGON CITY, March 8. (Editor of The Courier. ) I will make one more attempt to get Mr. Reese to take up the Socialist platform and discuss it fairly. Now, we will say you wil fully misrepresent Socialism or you are ignorant in regard to the princi ples. You can't make 'anything else out or tne rrodigal Hon hut an Indi vidualist, when he asked that his part tie set aside lor Ins p rticular use, b t the good book Jsavs he Jrripented, and came oacK to his Socialist father and brother. He may have become a S oialist and better man, but. history fails to tell us. Possibly just what yon will probably do when you get your $437 spent Can yon show by figures that , you havo $487 a year to spnud on your family. Ye Gods' Think of a man of your ability being satisfied with $487 when he oarns $3500 then talk about whaoking up! Talk abo t individual effort is all very fine, Mr. Reese. What are the facts? What does your individual effort amount to? Everything manu factured, from a steamboat to a pin is oo-opeiative or collective effort When you come to business these days individual effort s Nit. There are a rewind 8 Ties that are still individ ual, such as raising potatoes md gar den "sass," hut yon are told that whon you enter "the market 83 per cent is given ti the drones. What no you mean by individual effort? Get bac6 to the crooked stick tor a plow and reap-hook for harvest, spinning wheel and loom? Production has in creased wonderfally. What about the wage-earners' and producers' part of the Bvvag 17 per cent aud still you don't think you are dividing up. If yon can stop this r.hiug individu ally, why have you allowed this octo pus to grow? You remind me of a stoty told on a good old Methodist minister. Being a little ,denf, one of the sisters began to tell tier experience, saying she had been very wicked, telling a good many things pertaining to her wicked Hcts and at her conclusion, the minister shouted out, "Praise the Lord ! keep right on, Sister t" You suem to get Socialism confused with oommunism. Gyrus and Bel- shazzar communism 3000 years ago is not Socialism today. The more you misrepresent Socialism the more it will grow with thinking people. Now, Mr. Reese, he honorable onoe and answer the following questions: -low can you make a division when the Socialist demands the producer to have the full product of his toil? Is it right for cue aian to live off the ener gies of auother's toil? Is it right to allow one man or set of men to ex ploit the toil of others? Don't yon believe toe weak should be protected by law? Do yon believe that a few men ought to have the right to own the earth at the expense of the many? IJjn t yon know, uuder the competi tive and individual system, they are going to do that very thing? Don't you know tint the Sooialist demands that every able-bodied nau shall earn his livin c by his own toil, and is it not a fact that the auoient history you speak of was caused by competition a few shrewd men gettiug control and spooulators getting mortgages on. all chat the com nou people had, and in order to adjust mutters tho dav of jubilee was called aboat every ro often and the property returned to the own ers and that was Comrauuism, not So cialism? There is tliia' ditfoieuce be tween Socialism "aud Communism: The Socialist demands that we oon- sume according to our deeds: 5the CmiMiuiiist according to his lmedfl. ' 'O'.rt you know you misrepresent when y u call the Socialists lsy and siiiiiivss, and that we ouly want what we earn, aud not what'you earn? In fact, don't yon know' you have the cart ahead of tho horse? W. W. MYERS. Mrs. McKinslry Seeks' Divorce. Two suits for divorce . have linen file! in the circuit court. Dora Me Kinstry is, seeking a legal separation from Uichard MeKiiiFtry, to whom she was married in Kaiama, Wash , in October, 1902. She alloges r.lmt he drank liquor to exotss, aud that on February 14, l'JOO, he Had her ur-estwl on a 'InirgH of larceny, woll knowing that the charg i was false. On Fob i nary 10, l'.lOfi, and at other times he threatened to kill her. MoKinstry was formerly in the junk business hero. Nolla O. Hague lias eonimnticod suit for divorce from Richard Hague. They were married Jin , Sherlock, N. Y., "March 28, 1S88, and Mrs. Hague alleges that her husband deserted lur October 1, 1004. Doctors Are Puzzled. ' The remarkable' 'recovery of Kenneth Mctver, of Vanceboio, Me,, is tin subject of much interest ro the medi cal fraternity and a wide circle ot friends. Ho says of .his case: "Ow ing to severe inflammation of the throat nnd congestion of the lungs, three doctors gave me up to die. when, as a lust resort, I was induced to try Dr. King's Now Discovery, aim 1 am happy to say, it saved my life '" Cures the worst coughs and colds, bronchitis, tonsolitis, weak lnng hoarseness i'nd higrippe. Guarantee at Howell & Jones' Drugstore. 5(V and $1. Trial bottle free. Sheep Shearing In Baker. ' . From $ir,rtOO to $20,000 will be pniri iu Baker county this spriug for the shearing of sheep. It is estimated that there ar more than 100,000 sheet in the county aud shearing prices wil: mil 'from 7o for hand shearing to liSi'i for machines, and double those price for bucks. Shearing iu Baker connrj does not commence until about Ma 20 ami the crews ot meu who are al ready working in Umatilla county will uot arrive iu Baker until after the clir istluished. These men work from oi county to another throughout Oregon, Washington aud Idaho. Excellent prices are expected. Iu the spring time you renovati yonr house, why. not your .body.' ilollister's Uoiky MouutainTea drive mt impurities, cleanses and enriches he blood and purifies the entire "sys- tain. 35 cents. Huntley Eros. Co. m 1 0 t!4 1 3 i N itfl jri I TATE We're Proud to MEOT Make ff II trade of the United States, and that means the VX U 4 ...U-. wnt-aA V.- I3f orlcfeaAf ariA Him WU11U, cUlU W11U CUC idltU uy tliauoufcM "vui at $20,000,000 and whose retail business aggregates over $70,000,000 annual sales, have agreed to give their name, financial backing and endorsement to the fjuarantee that Rexall Mucu-Tone will cure any disease cr trouble arising from Catarrh or they will refund the money. ' . We are proud of our connection with the Rexall Remedies, partic ularly so of Mucu-Tcnc. Why ? Because a remedy must be something out of the ordinary that will get our backing. It's not all profit that leads us and our 1,000 associates into endorsing this remedy. It is our years of experience with medicines and our knowledge of them that teaches us that REXALL MUCU-TONE is a bona-fide discovery for the cure of all ailments due to Catarrhal affections. We know that it is not a cure-all, but a remedy built on scientific lines not a patent medicine each one of the 1,000 druggists knows its formula and its value. Ithas .one great additional value besides curing constitutional Catarrh that is as a system builder. No such tonic was ever before designed for the curing of inflammation of the mucous membrane nor can it be improved on in the present age. Just stop and reason with yourself for one minute we are doing busmen right here in your midst could we afford to offer our name and endorsement to Ivlucu-Tone as he do if we did not know that it is an honest medicine? Can we afford to agree as we hereby do that we will refund you every penny you pay us for the medicine if it does not benefit you? All we ask is your word and the empty bottle and we'll give your money back. No signed certificate. We believe the public, especially the sick, are honest and ve hope that they believe we are honest also. If they do, certainly every sick person who suffers from any of the following ailments should take advantage of our offer to-day. Rexall Mucu-Tone cures: CATARRH OF THE NOSE Symptoms : Chilliness, lassitude, feverishness and a tight sensation and fullness in the head, obstructing the nasal passages. At first there is a watery discharge, but later this becomes thick, yellbw and tenacious, constantly dropping into the throat. j If neglected ulceration and decay of the cartilage and bones occur, often perforating the palate. Headache, foul breath, weak and watery eyes, inability to think connectedly, and loss of memory ai e further symptoms. CATARRH OF THE THROAT Symptoms First, an irritation and sensation of heat and dryness, with a constant hawking; later, copious expectoration of phlegm, throat sore, breathing difficult, and voice affected. Symptoms! Sufferer is weak, dizzy, emaciated, hollow-cheeked, dull-eyed, restless and nervous; his sleep is troubled, he has bad dreams; is despondent and fearful of impending calamity ; has dull, grinding or sharp shooting pains in side or stomach; suffers nausea after -eating, is short of breath, and has a hot, bitter fluid rising in throat. , ' CATARRH OF THE INTESTINES Symptoms : Constant dull, grinding pain in the bowels and a weaken ing diarrhea, consisting largely of watery excretions with floating strips of detached bowel membrane, which biter develops into bloody flux. Emaciation, inability to extract nourishment from food, nervousness and sleeplessness, CATARRH OF THE LIVER AND KIDNEYS Symptoms! Skin drawn and yellow. Sight blurred with black specks floating on field of fisioa. Sufferer feels weak and dizzy. Rising suddenly after stooping causes everything to turn dark. A dull pain in the small of the back which gradually uses up all vitality, leaving; the victim trembling and exhausted. Also a constant desire to urinate. CATARRH OF THE BLADDER Symptoms ." Sharp pains in the lower abdomen and a loss of control of the urine. Constant desire to urinate, with intense pain as water touches the sore membranes. As a result, the' victim is continually straining and is soon brought to a state of nervous collapse. Face drawn and pallid, eyes dull, palms of hands and feet damp and clammy. PELVrC CATARRH Symptoms: A constant leucorrhea, exhausting and often ofTen'siv, accompanied by dragging pain in the back and hips, lower abdomen and thighs. Stomach disturbances and skin eruptions, sick headache and dizziness. Trouble is accompanied by female irregularities, con stipation and a disordered stomach. BROKEN-DOWN SYSTEM Symptoms: The symptoms preceding physical and mental collapse are loss of weight and strength, pallor, palpitation of the heart, short ness of breath, nervousness, despondency and unrestfulness ; lassitude and dullness; lack of energy and inability to concentrate powers; ' irregular appetite and bowels ; dyspepsia and headache. You may not believe what is printed above, but be do, and if you buy Rexall Mucu-Tone or any other Rexall Remedy and find we are wrong we will give you back your money as cheerfully as we took it. If you know of any better way for us to show our endorse ment of Rexall Remedies, tell us, and we'll gladly adopt it. Hli-TLEY BROS. CO., Druggist H V