Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, March 09, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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f cmand Locally
)rdinary Potatoes.
Wheat Is Lower, Dressed Hogs
' Scarce and. Drop Is tx ,
pected In Veal By
i Dealers.
. ' In the local market this week eggs
are still week, running from 16 to
' lfiip. : fnncv DotatofS are acting a
litt.la hHifpr: onions are in better de
mand than lHSt week and1 tbe wheat
markfit in shamlv lower. Some sales
' of hops are recorded ; ordinary pota
toes are still at the weak point with
little demand at present values. Stor
age operations in eggs are likely to
start tliu lattpr pnrt of this month. -
The poultry s.tuation retains a very
firm tone and the demand is as good
as last week. Apples are moving fast
and celery is scarce and prices higher s
dressed hogs are, vury scarce but meat
dealers look lor a drop in the veal
WHEAT New clnb, 6?o; red Rus
sian, 65c; bjoestera, 67o; Valley, 71o.
BARLEY Feed, $28.50; rolled,
f24.50; brewing, $23.50.
CORN Whole, $27 ; cracked, $28
per ton.
RYE $1.65 per cwt.
OATS Producers' price No. 1
white, $28; gray, $27.
FLOUR New eastern Orgon pat
ents, $3.80 & $410; straights, 13.40 &
8.H0; export, $3.19; Valley, $3.60 &
3.65: graham, $3.75; rye, 60s, $5;
bah, $2.75.
MILLSTUFFS Bran, $17.50 per
ton ; middlings, $25 ; !-horts. country,
$19.60; city, $18.50; chop, $18.
HAY Producers' price Timothy,
Willamette Valley, fancy $10 & 12;
ordinary $7 & $9; eastern Oregon $14
& $15 ; mixed $8 50 & $9 ; clover $8 &
$9 ; grain $8.50 & $9 ; cheat $8.
BUTTER Oity creamery Szc;
outside fancy 30c; ordinary 27c;
store 16 & 17o.
EGGS Vo.. 1 fresh Oregon oandled
16 & 16o.
CHEESE New Full CTeam at 15o ;
Young America 16c; cheddar 15o.
POULTRY Mixed ohickens 16 &
14operlb; fancy hens 14o per lb;
roosters old llo per lb; stags 12o
per lb ; fryers 19 & 20o per lb ; broilers
19 & 20a per lb ; ducks 16;per lb ; geese
10 & llo per lb; turkeys 15 and 16o
per lb ; dressed 21o per lb.
HOPS Contracts 1906 crop lOo per
lb; 1905 Oregqn prime to choice 9 &
llo; poor grade 7 & 8o; Washington
iOg ; 1904 crop 6)o for choioe.
WOOL 1905 clip Valley coarse to
medium 24 & 25o ; fine 25 & 27o;
Eastern Oregon 19 & 22o.
MOHAIR Nominal so & 81c.
SHEEPSKINS Shearing 15&20
eaoh; shortwool 25&40 each; medium
wool, 60&75 eaoh ; Ung wool, 75c&$l
TALLOW Prim, per lb, 8&4o;
No. 2 and grease, 2&2o.
CHITTEM BAKK 3o per lb.
HIDES Dry, No. 1, 16 lbs and up,
16K&17o per lb; dry kip, No 1, 5
to 15 lbs, 14c ; dry calf No. 1, under 5
lbs., 13o; salted hides,, steers, sound
60 lbs and over, lO&llo; cows, 8&
92c; stags and' bulla, sound, 6&7o;
kip, 15 to 80 lbs, 9o; calf, sound, un
der 15 lbs, llo; green, nnsaltBd,- lo
less; culls, lo per lb less; horseraces.
Furnished Every Week by .the Clackamas
Abstract Company.
A O Hodgkin to W M Rose, . tracts,
48, 49, 57 and 58, Jennings Lodge ; $800.
T A Bluir to D Roberts, 21.46
acres in sec 84. 5-1 e; $700.-
G Ellsworth to J W Ellsworth, nej
of seW of swH of seo 82, 1-4 e ; $25.
S.liu.nnH T.urirll, I Oo tO W L
Jacobson Tract 12 Oak Grove; $800.
Sift Oo to layers, pari 01
W O Heater to M 0 Strickland, lots
1 to 7 and 10 to 12, blk 4, and all blk
5, Mt View Add; $1.
E Teiwilliger to J Berreth, sej of
sej seo 9, and sw of sw sec 10,
4 8 e ; $600. 1 , ,
V M Freeman to F Stulke, lot 6,
blk fi, Barton ; $35.
tiibernia Sav Bank to V Brandt, 1,
2, 17 and 18 , in blk 26. Milwaukie
PHrk ; $200. ,
E Gnnderson to B Lewison, lots 22,
23, 24 J in bkl fi, lots 5 and 9, in cm e,
in Pleasant Little Homes,' No. 8;hd,
H I llrnnao in S OrOU86. M Of lot
aud all 8, in blk 8, Estacada:
$500. ,
L L Hawkins to P G E Co., tract
in Moore Claim, 67, 2-1 e; $1.
O D Hawkins to P G E Oo, tract in
Claim 67, 2-1 e; $1.
G Lehman tb H T Duncan, 42
acre? in seo 16, 2-1 e; $4750.
L E Armstrong to L A Blackerby,
lots 1 and 2, L lk 90, Clackamas Co.;
455. . t
Hibernia Savings tsanK 10 n j
Bnmeardner. lot 11, blk 7, Milwaukie
Park ; $40.
W Long to J uresooner, iu aureo iu
seo 24, 6-1 w; $250.
T 1. ciimrii.Hu to G S Freeman, lo
11, blk 15, Windsor; $90. .
H Jones to uregon Bweaisu vjuiuuk.
ation Sooiety, sec 9, 5-8 e ; $5000.
h T Rnrbmnn tn D L Torrence. 40
aores in Hood Claim; $1620.
'T Johnson to J M Mason, 11 acres
seo 25,(1-1 e; $2287. .
J H Crocker to E E Morrison, ne
of ue sec 15, 5-1 e; $900. .
S Crocker to FE Morrison, s'of
se sec bO, 6-1 e;$3300.
Hibernia Savings can mj vi
Sheiwe. lots 7 and 8, blk 1. nd 9 and
10 in blk , Milwakuie.Park ; $190.
F .farnhs fit al to D ArciiiDaia dik
11, Robertson; $1000.
lrt, tn A T Winches. 1 to 4
and 9 to 12 in blk 12 Cauby ; $1.
J H Logan to jni f areetz wy3 ui 0074
seo 6 4-2 e ; $150. ,
M Wnodfolk to W Heliberg 10 acres
in Brock Ulai'm 8-1 e; $150.
W HollhHTi? to M Woodtolk 15 aores
in Brock Claim, 8-1 e; $100.
R W Elmer to F E Mueller, one
inint.li nf si; nf HfiW seo 18. abd the
fek of the nwj seo 24, 4-2 e; $285.
The Clackamas Abstraot & Trust
Co. are owners of the only complete
abstract plant in Clackamas County.
Prompt and reliable work on short
noticce, and all work guaranteed.
AhRtxncts made, money loanea, mort
gages foreclosed, trusts executed, es
tates settled and titles perfected.
f V.l iT A ID T7"
" ' J. r. ULinnu,
President and Manager.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
less; culls, 10 per 10 ihhs; uuibdhiudh, erfl alter jtue resiguauuu , ui rinu
salted each $1.25&1 75; dry eaoh fl&iMcGinnis, who was elected chief one
4.50; colthides 25&50c ; goat skins j.ear ag0. Charles E. Burns, Jr., who
li in.1firvi Aneora each ; HI I the nnsition of
vmu. -" I o I WOD nJuiMJ" , " - x
POTATOES Best sorted 80c per
'sack; producers' prioe tor car lots
70&75c per cwt; ordinary 65&70o per
cwt; ordinary 65&70c; producers'
prion 45&50c; sweets, $2.50 per crate.
ONIONS Jobbing (rice Oregon,
No. 1, $1&1.25; producers' price, No.
1, 85&90c; No. 2, 50&75c; garlic
8&10operlb; onion sets, 7o.
FRESH FRUITS Apples, '"culls, "
$1; ordinary, $1&1.50; fancy, $1.75&2;
Hood River fanoy Spitzenbergs and
Newton Pippins, $2.75&3; oranges,
new navel, $2.50&8.25; seedling, ;
Wins Office by Majority of Ten Over
Chris tlartman.
E. L.. McFarland, of Cataract Hose
Co., was "Monday afternoon elected
chief of the fire department by a ma
jority of ten votes over Chris Hart-
maa, of fountain nose uo. xiie eiou
tion was .rather quiet, as there was
ho oontest for any office save that of
chief, and considerable worn was aone
by the friends of the candidates. Mr.
McFarland will sucoeed himself, as
Iia was nnnointed 'chief some months
ago by' the board of Are commission
em. after (the resicnation . of Frank
...!.nnt nhiaf ' Traf'fti fid hv the nromO'
tion ol Mr. mop anaua, was ohjuidu vu
succeed himsnlf without oppos'tiou.
Three fire couimissiouers were chosen.
The vote follows :
For Chief
E. L. MoFarland
Chris Hartman
For Assistant Chief
Charles E. Burns, Jr.
For Commissioners
Fred W. Humphrys
Clarenoe Bruner
E. Frederiok
bananas, 4M&5o per lb, lemons, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itch, Ring;
choice, tl. 75&2. 75 per hos ; fancy, $3& Worn1 Her)es Barbers' ItcU.
8 25 ner bos; limes, Mexican, 91.20
per 100; pineapples, $4.60 per doz;
pears, $1.75 per box; tangeriness,
$1-25- ' m '
VEGETABLES Turnips, new, 75o
per sack ; carrots, 60&75o per sack ;
beets, 90c$l per sack ; Oregon rad
ishes, 25o per doz ; cabbage, Oregon,
tanerewt: California, $1.75&$2 per
cwt; green pep'ere, 40c per lb; Cali
fornia tomatoes, $2.50&$3 ; Florida,
- $7; Mexican, $3; paisnips. 90c&$l;'
string beans, 25&30c ; cauliflower, $2
per crate; green peas. 10&12o per
lb; horseradish, 6&7o per lb; arti
chokes, 85c&$l per doz; hothouse
lettuce, $1.50&1.75 per lox; celery,
"$4 50&5.00 per crate; pumkins, ljc;
squash, ljc ; sprouts, 60 per lb; cran
berries, Jerseys, $14 per bbl; Coos Bay
. and Tillamook, $10; asparagus, 12c per
lb ; rhubarb." 7o.
DRIED FRUITS Apples, evapor
ated, 13&15c per lb; apricots, 13o per
lb ; peaches, 10)i&13o per lb ; sacks,
V,a per lb less; prunes, 30 to 40, 6c;
Uc drop on each sixteenth smaller
size ; flt?s, California black, 6&7c per
lb California white, 5&6c per lb;
dales, golden, 60 per lb; fards, $1.85
per 15-lb box.
tfRESH MEATS Front street
Beeftrftcers, 4&5c per lb; cows, 3&4c
pei-'ATJiogs, block, 9&9o per lb;
packers)c per lb; bulls, 4&5c per lb;
;or.-anT. fii&9c Der lb: ordinary,
.hu. uul lib": poor, 7&8c per lb;
mutton, Tin. 8&10c per lb..
All nf t,heRe diseases are attended by
iiuirirr nrninh in almnflt in-
IU It'lJf" ........
stantlv relieved by applying Chamber-
Iain's Salve ana Dy 11s coniiuuuu ud
a pefr.anent cure may be effected. It
has, in fact, cured many cases that
had resisted all other treatment.
Price 25 cents per box. r or saie vy
HuntlevBros. Co. Oregon Oity and
Miss E. S. Watrous Is Dangerously III at
Suit to Jdose Mortgage.
o ; . lino v.oonAinmftnpnfid bv E. G.
Jones against A. Hi Niswander for the
'foreclosure of L&mjftgaga, given to se
ri,t nnv.nent of a promissory
note for $500. The flfij and mortgage
uniii.i in favnr nf Eli S. Calk-
transferred thtfiJi to .William
Scott, and Scott, in-.turntransferred
them W tne piaintm.
Miss E. S. Watrous, a sister of Mrs.
K n. KbIIv. of this city,. was stncEen
with parlysis at her home in Salem,
Thursdav. ana is lying i" "
of her sister, Mrs. D. W. Craig, near
Morningside, south of Salem, borne
time in f eoruary mibB nan. .vI
plained of not feeling well and left
her place in Patton's bootst" or
der to rest and .recuperate, nobody
considering her ailment serious, di
that time she has been stopping at
the suburban home of her siBter, and
about midnight weanesaay uo
heard cooghing violently. Mr. and
Mrs Craig went to her room to ascer
tain what tne trouoie.was, mm
1Br nnahle to speak, having suffered a
stroke of paralysis It is feared the
violent cougmng causeu uumnue
a blood vessel in the head, and her
,ase has been a very serious one
since. Miss Watrous is ahout 60
years of age and lived for some time
in tins city, Bvneio bud j
Three litte roles we all should keep,
To make life happy and bright,
Smile in the morning, smile at noon,
Tate Rocky Mountain Tea at night.
Huntley Bros. Co. .......
The Otegoa Qty Comkt will give to the person receiving the highest
ntunberof Votes up to Sattttday, April 7, 1906, at 5 P. M., a Daisy
No. 3 Reid Sepatator, Capacity 350 pounds pet houtf Wotth $85.
One vote will fee given for each Scents paid on Subscription until 5 P. M.t Satafcfay April 7, J 906
This is Election year and of course you want to keep in touch with conditions. The Courier has made
complete and special arrangments to print all the news about the candidates of all parties, who and what they
are, their good points and their failings. Our news reports will be fair and impartial and you cannot get all,
the news of the County except through the columns of THE COURIER.
Clubbing List
See this Separator in out win-'
dow. We would be pleased to
have yot come in and examine it.'
A little work among yoar friends
may enable yo to become the
fortunate possessor.
if ' "
Courier andNationalFruit Grower $i.7S
Uouriernd;Oregon paily Journal 5.50
Courier and Daily and Sunday Journal 6.75
Courier and Twice-a-Week Journal. ...... 2.00
Courier and;Weekly;Oregonian 3.25
Courier and Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World. . 2.00
Courierjand The Western Lady 1.75
Oourierand.S. F. Weekly Examiner. . . .". . . 2.25
Courier and Bryan's Commoner 2-00
Courier and Rural . Spirit.' 2.25
Courier and Soientiflo American 3.50
Courier and Paoifio Monthly ' .1.75
Courier and 8. F. Weekly Call 1.75
Courier and S. F. Sunday Call 8.00
Courier and S. F. Daily and Sunday Call.. 7.50
Courier and Town and Country Journal.. 1.75
Courier and Cosmopolitan 2.00
Courier and Twice-a-Week St. Louia Re
public .V.. 1.75
Courier and Northwest Poultry Journal.. 1.75
Courier and Tom Watson's Magazine 3.00
Courier and Madame , 2.00
- It is not everyday the opportunity comes to
get an $35 Cream SeparatorXfor nothing.
If yoar friends do not need this Separator, ask
&em to sabscribe and give yo their votes.
Sample copies sent Fre.
Use this Coupon
Oregon City Courier
Oregon City, Oregon
Enclosed find $ Send the Oregon City
Courier and .'
,) for years to
Please Cast votes tor...
This Label on every Loaf.
If Not its an Imitation
Butter Nut
Sold at our Store in Oregon
City, 7th Street near
Depot and ' v
Delivered fresh daily to all parts of the city. .
Insisb on Gettiog the Bread With the Ble Label
D. C. Lvtourettk, President.
F. J. Meybhi, Cashier
Ce Commercial Bank of Oregon CHy
Authorized Capital,
Transacts a General banking Business.
Open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
A New Home Industry
The Cascade Laundry
' Does not wear out or destroy your linen
Our Wagon will all for your soiled linen each week and deliver
your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfaction assured.
E. L. JOHNSON, Proprietor.
Wfy faq 7th St, M Ef
A. O. U WcPuilding
Oregon Gty, Oregoojo;
Pbom 1121
Jts. IS33
Olfkt In iTavw 0arSt '
Opposite maSiM build!
Williams Bros. Zransht
E$afts;Pianos and Turnitureimevingl
v 1.1 in 1
TrtiahtandParttlsDtlivtrtd U3 Prlcts1tasnabl and
to ail Parts.cf tb Clt, Satlstactim Buarant: