Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, February 16, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Congressipnal Candidate C. V.
jGalloway Tells His Views.
Promises to Vote to Reduce
Tariff Rates That Grant
Pr. tection to Special
Interest Rates.
Charles V. Galloway, of McMinn
ville, lias formally announced his in
tention of seeking the Democratic
nomination for congressman from the
First district, and lias given out the
following statement of principles for
publication :
"It does not appear necessary to
offer now any protraoted statement in
the nature of a platform. I shall not
discourse extensively on so-called
"qiieHtioua" regarding the material
development and prosperity of the
First district and of the state. These
are propositions Q'i which trne Ore
gon hub agree and discussion that pre
snnios an opposition seems largely
unnecessary. Whether in private or
put) ic capacity I shall continue to la
bor to the extent of my ability to pro
mote the best interests or each
every part of onr state. A good
zen siiouin do no lass.
"vrite development of the splmdid
resources of Oregon and the prosperity
of its people are to be measured by
the . degree of success attained to lessen
the cost in energy, money and time
required to transport the products of
onr farms, forests, mines and factories
to the markets of the world. That we
Reed ana mast have better roads, free
and open rivers, more lines of ririlway
and better service, deeper and better
harbors, goes without saying.
"It seems unnecessary to dwell long
on National undertakings and govern
mental principles that are approved
generally by right-thinking people.
"The completion of the Panama
canal at the earliest date possible is a
consummation iesired by all of us; at
leant by all who are not under the in
fluence of sptoial interests antagonis
tic to that great enterprise.
"Improved conditions and regula
tions to safeguard the interest of
wage-earners are favored by all except
those who may be beneficiaries of the
absence of such conditions and regula
tions. Naturally, I favor the contin
ued exclusion from this country of
Chinese laborers. Similar laws should
exclude all classes of foreigners who
may he inoupable of assimilation to
our National life and are not compe
tent for intelligent American citizen
ship. 'The advantages to be derived from
the extension and development of the
rural-mail service are manilest. More
routes, better pay for carriers and the
establishment of the parcels post
(which I sincerely favor) will add
greatly to the convenijneeand comfort
of farm life.
"The granting of liberal pennions
to the veterans of our wars is, to my
mind, not a "question" nor a "prob
lem" ; it is an act of justice, a course
of National policy thoroughly ap
proved, i
"The anxious and furtive efforts
that some candidates are making to
fled "issues,' regarding which there
is a unanimity of public sentiment
exhibit a state of mind that is nnfor-
Und ! tunate, yet interesting from a physi-
citi- i cologio il point of view. Timid people
with vivid imaginations cause them
selves much a ignish.
"The relations belween shipper and
onmwon currier are properly a subject
for governmental supervision. The
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
In use for over 30 years, has borne the, slminturA nt
and has been made under bis per
sonal supervision since Its infancy.
Allow no one todeceivA von in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but
; Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
. Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
! substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
; and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
( Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
; Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You to Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Hp HE cost of a typewriter it not
merely the price. Consider the
quality and amount of work it does;
the time it saves or loses: how it
economizes or wastes ribbons and supplies I and,
how well it wears. The lowest-price machine
may be mighty expensive in the end, while
higher-price one may pay dividends. A little
investigation will show that
Smith Premier
The World's Best Typewriter
is the most economical writing machine
made. It not only does the best and speediest
work, but it wears far longer, and in the end
costs ,le$s money, than any other make cf writ
ing machine.
Write O-day for our little book which
eiplaini whr. High-Grade Typewriter
Supplier Machine! Rented. Stenog
rapher Furnished.
Th Smith
247 Stark St.
taunting of additional powers to the
Interstate Commerce Commission go
that, opon complaint of discrimina
tion, it may determine, establish and
enforce equitable railroad rates is
a policy long approved by the Demo
cratic party. The American Nuion is
to be congratulated that it has a Pres
ident who is independent and broad
minded enough to give his poweifal
support to a policy that leading Re
publican politicians have been pleased
to denounce as "Democratic doc
trine." At tne present time it ap
pears that the only opposition to the
principle ot effective rate legislation
is being made by oertain powerful
special interests and their legislative
representatives men who have taken
the oath to support the Constitution
and the laws of the United States
with a mental reservation.
"But it is probable that this impor
tant measure will be passed and the
issue determined long before the rep
resentative to be elected in the First
district next June shall take his seut
in congress, it trerefore seems that
the anxious ttforts of certa'n candi
dates to "fall in line with the admin
istration" or to produce hair-splitting
discriminations from the consideration
of this subject, mignt be directed with
more of profit and of interest toward
other matters.
"Right now I'wish these things to be
plainly understood by the people of
the First district.
"If elected 'to congress, 1 shall work
and vote for every measure to reduce
or abolish any and ail restrictions of
taritt on the tride between this country
and its island possessions. Conversely
I shall never support any measure to
establish a taritt or other restriction
to tree commercial intercourse be
tween the United estates and any ter
ritory tnat is now or may come under
ltd domination.
"If elected, I shal' at every oppor
tunity vote against a ship subsidy bill
or other measure ot similar character.
I bell ve that the result t such leg s
lation would be the upuuilidng of
more powerful monopolistic combina
tions at the expense of the national
treasury and of the people. I believe
that the law restricting to American
bottoms all shipping betveeu the
United States and the island posses
sions should le modified or repealed.
This is a measure that has already oc
casioued serious injury to the people
ot Oregon. audi pernicious laws
crtatjd for the benefit ot special inter
ests are similar in effect to bad roads,
constructed .rivers and shallow har
bors. They increase the cost required
to send our products to market, and
thus retard development and prosper
- X am neitner a protectionist nor a
free trader. I believe that a tariff is
a tax on the consumer, a necessi y but
not a bles. ing. According to my way
of thinking, tariff laws should exist
for the purpose ot producting revenue
to pay the legitimate expenses of the
national government arid lor no other
"Trusts and monopolistic combina
tions huve attained to that power
wuich enables them to fix practically
the wages they pay to labor and the
price at which they buy of the pro
ducer and sell to the consumer. The
tendency of suoh a system is to pay
the wage-earner about enough to keep
him alive, to give the produce just
enough that he will remain in busi
ness and to charge the consumer all
that he can possibly sttnu. True
prosperity, the prosperity, of the great
est number of people, is to be pro
moted by having the fewest possible
restrictions on the privilege of buying
and selling, of trading in free and
open markets, whether those markets
be domestio or foreign. The logio of
the "standpatter's" position is prob
ably the creation of a special interest,
a remarkable imagination and an tin
nsua. conscience.
"If eieoted to congress, I shall vote
at every opportunity to reduoe tariff
rates and schedules that graut protec
tion to special interest rates and
sohedules that by prohibiting imports
decrease national revenue.
"A special interest ouce favored
soon growspowerful enough to exiut
larger favors. The favorite of the law
pooh grows greatcr than the law and
practices a contempt for the Jaw. 1
believe that the need in legislation
now is not so much the enactment of
more laws to perplex courts of justice
and paralyze powers of administra
tion, as it is the repeal of laws that
protect special interests and the vig
orous enforcement of law against
criminals of every degree, high or
low, great or sm.Ul, incorporated or
"I think this is enough for the pres
ent, except I wish to say to the Demo
crats of the First district, that if
nominated for representative in con
gress, my effort for election will be
both vigorous and fair. Every issue
that the campaign presents, whether
it be local or national, I shall meet it
squarely and candidly.' K gardless of
favor or circumstance, I shall speak
plainly, without mental or other eva
sion and with never an effort to deny
my political identity. Any other
course should prove me unworthy of
the position to which I aspire."
p Sound Sleep Depends
On Good Digestion
" Insomnia is a result of dyspepsia.
Do you sleep 'well ?
The suffering stomach sets your nerves, on edjre, banishes sleep and leaves you
prey to dark thoughts and a terrible, oppressive sense of impending calamity.
You become thin and scrawny ; your face is pinched and 'sallow. Your foci dis
tresses you. In the morning a bad taste and bad breath.
We have a remedy we know will correct these conditions.
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will make your stomach well and stroncr.
They will quiet your nerves ; fill your veins with rich, red
blood ; brighten your eyes ; put flesh on your bones ; make
your complexion clear and fresh, and bring you
sound, refreshing sleep.
We guarantee they will relieve you ot the
load that is breaking you down physically and
mentally. i
Because of our positive knowledge of the man
wonderful cures Rex&ll Pyspepsb Tablet have
ejected, and to make you feel our cor.,
fidence In them, we promise to give you
bick your money without question if
you lay they have not cured
"For five years I suffered
acutely with indigestion, my prin
cipal complaints being headaches and
a feeling of fullness and distress after
eating. Combined with this I suffered
severely with a belching of gas and a general
run down condition. I took the Rexall Dvsnensia
Tablets and I cannot say too much for what they ac
complished for me. My headaches and all the accom
panying ins have entirely disappeared. I sleep well and my
general health has improved 100 Der cent. Mas. J. Stohl. 253
Genesee St, Buffalo, N. Y."
Price 25 cents. Sold only at our store or by mail.
Roots Gets Judgment.
J W. Roots lias se"nred a judgment
against the Boring Junction Lumber
Uo puny in the cirouit court for 1350
damages. The suit involved valuable
timber rights and the defendant's are
restrained from further removing tim
ber Irom the greater part of the tract.-.
Common Colds Are the Cause of Many
Serious Diseases.
Physicians who have gained a na
tiotiH 1 reputation as analysis of the
cause ot various diseases, claim that
if catching cold could be avoided
a long list of dangerous ailments
would never be heard oi. Every one
knows that pneumonia and consump
tion originate from a cold, andchmnio
catarrh, bronchitis, and ail throat and
lung trouble are aggravated and rend-'
ereri more serious by each fresh attack.
Do not risk your life or take chances
when yon have a cold. Chamberlaiu'B
Oougli Remedy will cure it before
these diseases develop. This remedy
coutaius no opium, morphine or other
harmful drug and has thirty years of
reputation back of it, gniued y its
cures nnder every condition. For sale
b Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City and ,
We Want Your Trade
At Harris Grocery
And are going to make special
inducements to close ouyers.
Cash and'Small Profits is Cur Motto.
Every 5 cents paid on subscription
entitles yon to a v ite on onr big
Cream Separator otter. See page 5.
7th St
A. O. U W. tuilding
Oregon City, Oregon
Across Newell Creek May
Built, If Road Is Mad.
The county oourt has completed the
ap, ointment ot junges and clerks of
election for the direct primary and
general eleotion in June. The list is
a long one for the 39 preoiucts. Li
cense to retail liquors was granted to
A. Corrigan and the petition of James
Root foi the vacation of oertain
streets in Boring was continued, as
the petitioner had not posted the nec
essary affidavits. Consideration of the
Gorbett road was laid over anil a pe
tition tor a new bridge across Newell
creek was granted, aud $245 appro
priated, providing the people of that
section would place the road leading
np to the bridge in first-class condi
tion. Frank R. Andrews, who is inter
ested in various telephone enterprises
in the county, filed a petition for per
mission to lay a oable across the sus
pension bridge.
Commissioners Eillen and Brobst
will inspect county roads this week,
going to i lslier s Mill ana tiOgan
Thursday and to Colton and Highland
(Today's Prices)
Wheat No 1, 7U72c per bu.
Flour Valley, $1.25 per bbl. Hard
wheat, $4.90. Portland $1.10 per sack,
Howard's Best, $l.lo per sack.
Oats In sacks, $1.20 per cental.
Hay Timothy, baied, $10.00 per ton,
Clover, $8; oat, $9$10; mixed hay
$8$10; cheat, $8.50.
Millstuffs Bran, $19.50 per ton;
shorts $20.50 per ton; chop $18 per
ton ; barley, rolled, $2H per ton.
Potatoes 60c per hundred.
Eggs Orogon, 27-oC per doz.
Butter Ranch 4550c; separator,
50 55c; creamery, GOc per roll.
Good Apples Choice, 75c$l.
Honey ll12MsC per In.
Prunes (dried) Petite, 8o per lb;
Italian,, large, 5c lb; medium, 3c;
Silver, 6o lb.
Dried Apples Sun dried, quartered,
4c lb; sliced, 6c; fancy bleached,
7c lb.
Dressed Chickens 12V6o per lb.
live, hens lOcj young roosters 89c.
Livestock and Dressed Meats Beef,
live $3.50&3.25 per hundred; hogs
live, 6c; hogs dressed, 7c; sheep, $2.50
to $3.50 per head; dressed, 7c; veal,
dressed 7 & 7,o ; lambs, live, $2&$3
per head.
Hops 1905 Oregon, choioe, 10o&
10,!c; prime, 8c&9c; poor grade, 1
&8c; Washington, 10c; 1904 crop, 8o
for choice.
Wool 1905 clip Valley, coarse to
medium, 24H25c; fine, 2627c;
eastern Oregon, 1922c.
Mohair Nominal, 3031c.
Sheepskins Short wool 2540c ea;
medium wool, 50 75c each; long
wool, 75o and $1 each; shearing, 15&
20o each.
Tallow Prime, per lb, 3&4c; No.
2 and grease, 22c.
Chittem bark 3c per lb.
Hides Dry, No. 1, 16 lbs and up,
16tt17Hc per lb; dry kip, No. 1,
5 to 15 lbs, 14c; dry calf. No. 1, under
5 lbs, 13o; salted hides, steers, sonnd,
60 lbs and over, 10llc; cows, 8
9Hc; stags and bulls, sound, 67c;
kip, 15 to 30 lbs, 9c; calf, sound, un
der 15 lbs, lie; green, unsalted, lc
less; culls, lc per lb less; horsehides,
salted, each, $1.25$1.75; dry, each,
fl.00fl.50; colt hides, 25c50c; goat
skins, common, each, 1015c; Angora
each 25efl.O0.
Cabbage 4550e dos.
Stock Carrots 4050c per sack.
Rutabeggas, Parsnips, Carrots and
beets 60c per sack.
Ask the Agent ior Tickets via
To Spokane, St Paul, Minne
arjolis. Duluth. Chicaeo,
Louis and all points East
' South.
2 Overland trains Daily Q
Tlyer and Tast Wail L
Splendid Service Up-To-Date Equip
mentCourteous Employes.
Davligbt trip through the Oaecade
and Rocky mountains.
For Tii kets, Kates, Folders and full
information, call on or add. ess
City Ticket Agt., 122 Third tit.,
Portlarjd, Oregon.
8. G YERKES. A. Q. P. A.
2d Ave. and Columbia St., beattle, Wo.
axi Union Pacific
Through' Pullman standard and tourist
sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago
Spokane, tourist sleeping cars (personally
cenductde), weekly to Chicago and Kan
sas city. Reclining chair cars (seats free)
to the East daily.-
We give expedited service on freight.
Route your shipments via. Great
Full information from
General Agent, Portland, Ore.
Weekly Oregonian
Oregon City Courier
No change of cars
FOR from Portland. Ora. FROM
S-ui Worth, Omaha, K .nsai ,
C mvl. ?,:hS,pLo,uls' Ch,c 15 "'
Huntington and th East.
Ew S" Uke- Denvr- Ft
8 l5 o m Wor,h- Omaha, Kansas
via Cinf 9,y:hS',iU,k'- Chicago !
ton: nd ,he Est-
Spokana Walla Walla. Lcwiston,
Flyer Spokane. Wallace. Pull-
6:15 a. m. man, Minneapolis, St, 8:00 a.
via Paul. Duluth, Milwaukee,
Spokant Chicago and East.
For San Francisco Every five days at
8:00 p. m. For Astoria, way points and
North Beach Daily (except Sunday) at
at 8 P. m.; Saturday at 10:00 p. m. Dally
service (water permitting) on Willamett
and Yamhill Rivers.
For full Information ask or Write youf
nearest ticket agent.
General Passenger Araat.
The Ortpw Railroad and Nevagetioa. C
PortuuM, On,