10 OPTIGQN CTTV COTrRR FRIDAY. FEBRUAR 16 1906. Independent (Hayseed)' Candidate for STATE SENATOR CLACKAMAS COUNTY COURT. Business Transacted at Regular Feb ruary Term. Be It remembered. That at a regu lar term of the County Court of Clack amas County held In the Court House In Oregon City, for the purpose of transacting county business In Febru ary the same being the time fixed by law for holding a regular term of aid court, present Hon. Thos. F. By an, county judge, presiding; T. B. fcnjcn and Wm. Brobst, Commlsslon rs, when the following proceedings krere' had, to-wlt: Claims aainst the county examined and ordered paid. Pauper Account C. E. Swann E. Hitchman Mrs. H. Woods Mrs. Ryckman K. G. Ogden C. E. Burns B. F. Forrester W. Lewellen M. Kruger L. Matherson Mrs. Valentine John Avln Eorton & Jack W. L. Molloy Isaac Prindle W. T. Gardner Mrs. M. Pickens A. G. Guynup Brunswick Restaurant F. W. Sprague Mrs. Chas. Ford Mrs. Bradtl Mrs. C. J. Parker A. Iinel Mrs. Heinz J. A. Jones Horton & Jack R. j. Holman C. N. Greenman Adorns Bros. Chris Bluhm The'. F. Ryan Mrs. E. Harrington Circuit Court. Brunswick House Wm. Shindle' A. Mosier Spencer Thomas Sam Roake ' J. V. Green I. D Taylor 3. w! Aldredge J. Wolfer C. W. Fredrlch Fred Miller J. C. Schmidt Patrick Harris J. A. Tufts W. f hannon, H. I'.arrs Nelson Cooper , E. Toedtemeler Justice of the Peace. J. It. Vernon W. If. Engle F. H.'Dungan F. IT. Dungan J. F. Adams F. C. Scott T. G. Jonsrud Bert Jonsrud O. V. Sharp E. L. Sharp Cun : Thompson L. Ptlpn H. V. Trembath L. Stlpp II. W. Trembath T. fi. Jonsrud L. C. Carlson CU! t Jonsrud T. O. Jonsrud Bert Jonsrud L. r.tipp - II. V. Trembath Court House. -A. T.rihlstin , Flovrf Jones i Fr.vl Welder Frank Busch Sheriff' '." Fashion Stables J. li. Shaver II. W. Trembath Recorder' C. Tincliegger Treasurer's Edr:ttn Chase Assessor's F. .1. Nelson J as l' Nelson Commissioner's nrol).-;l B. Killen Coroner's R. 1,. Holman , r J. '. Morris J. (:. Brndloy W. Ililliim D. Frost Dm. e 0. Ely J. 1 Jack P. i Wul.lrcm Tli'- Mnrh.y, I In Ul Wuldron M. Strickland J. . I.oilor R. I.. Holman insane AY. ; . Tel. Co. Road Surveys Q. Armstrong F. I il A. K. Ford II. A clilrum J. V Moldnim Jo) n Lewelleu X). V. Klnnnrd W. K. Ilonnoy P. J. lionnov U. S nix J. 1 . Phillips C. v: Gorlmtt Extending Tax Rolls. 0. . Hollack Rot i Pierce Mar uri't Mulvey 1). ' Hoy lea KuV ttii Chase Kll.t Slfavt'i- Tax Dop't. J. , Mc Anulty, Election C. X Grooninan, Election, llui: ley Bros., Stat'y Knl .prlso, Prlut'ng Courier, Prlnt'g, Bin. ' i)!'t Whitney Co. Toi. ihono Co. 3.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 8.00 8.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 10. "00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 I 3.00 13.50 l.Oli 2.85 5.00 ' S.'IO 11.00 3.25 5.00 4.00 2.40 4.00 4.00 8.30 4.00 7.60 6.20 4.20 4.80 6.50 4.00 4.00 4.60 5.40 3.80 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.90 2.60 2.90 1.85 2.70 2.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 4.50 4.70 6.70 3.00 2.00 2.00 3.30 3.30 4.70 2.10 1.30 1.00 8.00 3.75 2.50 7.20 23.40 50.00 15.00 91.00 32.00 35 . 1 0 15.00 7.40 7. 40 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 2.20 2.20 10.20 5. 10 14.85 7 ' , " . . t', , . mm ,11, Fred Wossy John Straus District No. 7. G. T. Beebe W. S. Fegles Chas Leaf Jas. Fegles District No. 11. O. L. Clyde . A. Glass J. E. Witzlg E. Glass O. L. Clyde J. E. Smith S. D. Forsythe W. Forsythe District No. 12. Bonney & Miller G. Fischer Wilson & Cooke J. S. Gill C. Benson C. Johnson O. Enneberg C. Gill District NO, 15. Williams Bros. Pope & Co. J. H. Moody J. A. Confer S. M. Thompson H. Hill .1. Ward F. W. Hacker W. H. Matheny, R. Rowland C. S. Fuge L. Fuge H. Rowland Bob Blanchard Robert Wllkson District No. 16. H. H. Eastman Aug. Staehely W. Mead W. G. Randall District No, 18. E. Jones E. W. Honshub. District No. 19. D. L. Trullinger T. Fish J. J. Mallatt District No. 20. G. Martin C. Kinsy W. C. Bottemlller O. Martin B. Sullivan District No. 24. C. Hoadrlc E. Eberner L. 3paglo Swabauer C. Hendrlck Gone Garrett R. I. Garrett District No. 28. W. Batty Batty B. Mitts J. K. Mount District No. 27. District No. 8a Thos. Fox O. I. & S. Co. District No. 11. .50 6.00 6.00 0.00 15.00 34.00 20.00 22.00 4.00 4 . 00 4.00 4.00 4.00 19.00 29 . 00 26.00 26.00 49.00 10.00 3S.O0 .64 3. CO 24$. 10 174.10 11.00 7.65 100.00 Z. F.lllcwn A. llelker F. Schabor . Adolf Dolker H. Schatz J. Sagor F. Rekel M. Ranch P. Schroeder H. Elligsen F. Zimmerman A. Volpp J. Bushhaum Wm. Schatz Wm. Bullock Sagor & Rekel District No. 84. Williams Bros. O. C. Machine Shop Max Webster F. T. Boty O. G. Graves Chas. Moohuke Z. Elligsen Wilson & Cooke P. Burdine Edmonds Barnes Kaiser Turner R. , Portor, Damages, lcrvlsor'a reports examined and ed District No. 1. all R. illlt District No. 4. II. 1 . (Jibson District No. 6. Molii'g Bros. 1 J. i. . . MUS Joseph Albed 32.50 6.50 7.00 5.00 3.75 W. Kaiser Chas. Baker Wilson & Cooke C. N. Greenman O. C. Lumber Co. .1. C. Zlnser .1. C. Zlnser Wlllams Bros Chnrman Bros. E. Story F. Busch J. C. Bayer O. C. Finning Mill Co. W. P. & P. Co. Oregon City Foundry Pope & Co. B. Tonkin Tom Smith Walter Ford W. Piekelman Charles Shields. W. Martin M. Pavls W. Reams James Bullock H. H. Payne O. R. Barnes M. W. Snyder N. F. NELSON Of Harding Precinct, Clackamas County 3.75 25.00 . 12.75 4.60 5.25 29.25 7.50 5.25 14.10 2.62 ' 3.25 10.00 5.25 5.25 320.00 3.60 3.25 21.25 : 6.00 - 12.01 9.75 4.50 2.05 . 1-75 . 69. 0'1 2 .00 ..' 28.30 38.93 . 35.43 88.50 33.25 31.06 38.50 .38.50 6.25 14.87 12.25 ' 5.25 1.50 '.: 8.00 . 7.25 .25 "lOi.OO 1 4.17 ' 3.00 8.00 1.50 .75 1.50 1.50 20.00 1.50 3.00 2.25 6.00 4.50 3.00 7.50 1.50 .75 7.75 5.40 3.75 40.00 39.35 4.80 25.80 18.80 23.18 15.30 16.18 26.50 10.15 7.00 1.75 8.75 15.30 15.75 .85 30.00 3.00 3.70 55.00 74.25 .50 28.55 3.20 2.05 3.62 48.37 2.62 2.62 6.25 2.62 35.00 .05 1.00 129.02 3.75 14.85 4.E0 1.25 24.70 10.75 6.50 1.25 68.69 8.10 23.70 15.00 60.60 42.00 38.00 35.00 61.00 11.00 24.00 16.00 1 7.00 1.75 1.75 are caused by Indigestion. 1 If you eat a little too much, or if you are subject to attacks of Indigestion, you hav no doubt had shortness of breath, rapid heart beats, heartburn or palpitation of the heart. Indigestion causes-the stomach to expand swell, and puff up against the heart. This crowds the heart and inter feres with its action, and in the course of time the heart becomes diseased. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat, takes the strain off of the heart, and contributes nourishment; strength and health to every organ of th? body. Cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the Stomach and Diges tive Tract, Nervous Dyspepsia and Catarrh of the Stomach. J - After eatlnz, my food would distress ma by making my heart palpitate and I would become very weak. Finally I got a bottle of Kodol and it gave me Imme diate relief. After using a few bottles I am cured. MRS. LORINQ NICHOLS, Penn Yan, N. Y. I had stomach trouble and was In a bad state as I had heart trouble with it. I took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for about tour months and it cured me. D. KAUBLB. Nevada. O. Digests What You Eat SoUtr bottU holdi 2 tlvu fci much th trial, of 60 cant Prepared at tb Lab oratory of K.O.DtWlt. Co., Chicago, P B.A. Sold by G A: Harding J. W. Mackay 77.00 W.F ord , 4.00 Bert Shipley 14.00 W. Martin ,21.00 C. Shields 17.50 MacGetchie 8.00 Frank Zook 1 15.00 F. Shannon 6.00 p. Glass ' . - 2.00' J. W. MacKay 17.50 District No. 3. S. Kent 5.10 D. C. Yoder 8.25 District No. 29. F. Busch - 3.25 Clarke's Saw Mill Co. 56.25 General Roads. T. B. Killen, Comm'r 4.90 T. F. Ryan, Co. Judge 6.50 Vigorlt Powder Co. 282.12 Wm. Brobst.Comm'r 14.80 BROUGHT TO LIGHT. Oregon City People Receiving; the Full Benefit. There have be9ii many casoslike the followiiiK m Oregou. City. These plain, straightforward statements will do uiucli towards relieving the suffer ing of thousands. Such testimony will be read with interest by many people. II, A. Deck, mining engineer, of 88B Jefferson street, Portland, Or., says: "Judging from my own experience Doau'8 Kidney Fills is a very reliable remedy and fullils every claim made tor it Some time this winter I had a good deal ot trouble with a lame and aching back. After being in a stoop ing position for any length of time it was d flicnlt for me lo straighten. When I was having a particularly severe attack I saw Dean's Kidney Pills advertised and procured a box. I had taken them scarcely a week when I felt relieved and before I had finished the box was cured." Plenty more proof like this from Oregon Uity people. Call at O. G. Hnntley's drug store and ask him what his oastomer's report. For sale by Mil doalers. Price, 50 cents. Foster Milbnrn Co., Buffalo, N. i., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Methnsala was all right, yon bet, For a good old soul was he, They pay he would be living yet Had he taken Rocky Mountain Tea. Huntley Bos. Co. CASHMRATMARKtT Richard Petzo't!. Prop. Highest Cash Ptice Paid for Live Stock. 1 Phone IC33. Main Street Oregon City WHY GO TO THE COAST To bathe when you can have one of these fine bath tubs put right Id your residence for less than halt the cost of a trip to the Coast. We have moved Into our new building, between Ninth and Tenth, and are now prepared to do all kinds of plumDlng and attend to all your wants better than ever bcrore. Call an J see at n our new quarter!, 910 Main Stt F.CGADKE THE HOUSEFURNISHER ; 1 We're enthusiastic about this sale we never had an idea that there were so many really . good things that could be sold for a nickel or a dime. You'll be surprised, too, when you come in to,-.see what those little pieces of money will buy. Look at the list below and then take a peep at our winjows you'll see things that you never had an idea could be bouphi'or so little money. There are Night Lamps, Knives, Hammers, Dinner Plates, Cups and Saucers!. Cake Plates, Berry Bowls and many other things just as good. ' The list below gives you a fflint idea of vvh.it your money is worth, but remember that of some items we have only small quantities so don't wait too lorg or what you especia ly want may be gone. Heavy Fire Shovel, here's a bargain if there ever was one JOc The Enameled Sauce Pan that we'er selling now for , Cannot be duplicated for less than twice the money. Only one to a customer. Rolling Pin the best one we ever saw for 05c A nickle isn't much of a coin, but it will buy a fine big Salt Box. fl You have never seen its equal for less than-20c. While seventy five of them last we will sell them ftZ each at........i. wC A Picture a fine large one at that size i2 x 16 inches HREE if you buy, a f full weight box of tacks at If you like nice Glassware here's another bargain for you that beats the record. fllZ 6y2 incl Berry Bowl wC gj4 inch Cake Plate, cut glass pattern, extra heavy 05c Wall Paper, 500 Rolls double ones Do not wait until it is all sold. fIZ Each UOC GO TO Lymp's Jlrl Studio For fine Photos and large Portraits We also have a line of Picture Trame Mouldings MATT BOARD, PASPAR TOUT BINDING. Special attention given.to artistic Framing. . Save Your Money liy buying GROCERIES at the ELECTRIC GROCERY STORE FOR CASH ONLY Dried and Canned Fruits and Vegetables , Ccffee, Tea Baking Powder, Rice, Mush, Flour, Granite Ware, China Ware and Everything belonging to a First-class Store Will be sold at Wholesale Prices For 30 Days Only Come Now KLEMSEI D M URIC ACID lo the blood causes Rheu-matism,Scktica,Lumbago, Neuralgia and Gout Yet 1 can remove the cause dj wearing one of our REX RHEUMATIC RINGS Manufactured by the R Rheumatta ing Co.. Hartford. Connecticut. Price $2.00 solo b Burmeister & Andresen, Oregon City, Ore. I. Hood C 3T6 Having purchased the MT. HOOD CAFE, we will in future conduct a first-class gentleman's resort. Ve will keep in stock the best WINES, LIQUORS and CIGAKS. HOT LUNCHES will be served as usual. We will be glad to meet all old "patrons and new ones as well. Comfortable rooms for tran sients in connection. JUSTIN & MEINDL, Props PERMANENTLY CURES CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS ASTHMA, SORE THROAT, HOARSENESS WHOOPING. COUGH AND CROUP DO NOT DELAY Untfl the drain on your systemproduces permanent disability. The human 1 Dreaming macninery la a wunuurim system or moes ana ceils, i o nave good I health it must be kept in good order. A COLD is considered of no impor tance, yet if it was known by it's proper name of "throat inflammation," or "congestion of the lungs," its dangerous character would be appre- , elated. When a cold makes its appearance use at once Ballard's Hore I bound Syrup which will speedily overcome it. WHOOPING COUCH and CROUP Require Prompt Action. SNOW LINIMENT applied to the throat and chest gives wonderful relief, while Ballard's Horehound Syrup will rapidly stop the violent paroxysms of coughing. IT IS THE ONLY COUCH REMEDY THAT WILL POSITIVELY CURE WHOOPING COUCH AND CROUP. BEST FOR CHILDREN Mrs. Msud Adams, Goldthwslte, Tex, writes: I have used Ballard's HoreUounil PvruD and find it the BEST medloina fn oolO. Mj children om It nd ib is pleasant; to toko and qulokLr oures." 1 SAFE AND SURE Three Sizes, 25i Th Children's Farerlto Ismtdr Etstt lottl Gamtm I Ballard Snow Liniment Co.. St. Lou 50c. SLOOll SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY Cbarman & Co., City Drug Store H