Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, February 09, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Socialists Say Every Man
ShouM Be a Worker.
W. Myers Writes of the
PrincifUs lhat are
Foundation of His
OREGON CITY, Feb. 7. (Editor
of The Courier). If it was not for
the people who did not or will uot
read anything about Socialism, except
it came from i he opposition, I would
not Hike any . otico of Mr. Hcs '
corn tiuiiiicatioii. All we&Bsk in tor
the public, after reading both vii w.
to get the Socialist platform and we
wlni has misrepresented the taits.
Socialism stands for this:
(1) The government ownership of
all publio utilities.
(a l The abolition of usury, rout
and profit.
(3) The producer to have the lull
proiluct of hi8''ahor.
iMeiy able-bodied man between the
ages of 18 and 55 to te a worker,
theiety doing away with the usrltss
PHrnsite above and the tramp below;
In nihir words, vou must produce
fioiiK thing useful, not for profit, hut
for i he benefit of the human nice
faun Iv.
Your reference to the Prodigal Son
ie n r applicable to Socialism, hut is
In Evening with Competition and In
Agetable Preparationfor As
similating BieFoodandRegula-,
ting theStoinachs andBowcis of
Promotes Digeslion.Clieerful
ness and RestConlains neilher
Ophim.Morphme nor Mineral.
HwyJtin Sral"
, KotktlU SJM
tfVrmmt -
Hi Cuitmak.Soia
A perfect Remedy forConslipa
Tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions ,1 cverish
ness and Loss of Sleep.
Facsimile Signature or
'J1 HE cost
rL! t J quality and
the time it
economizes or wastes ribbons and supplies t and,
how well it wears. The lowest-price machine
may be mighty expensive in the end, while a
higher-price one may pay dividends. A little
investigation will show that
Smith Premier
The World's Best Typewriter
is the most economical writing machine ever
made. It not only does the best and speediest
work, but it wears far longer, and in the end
costs less money, than any other make of writ
ing machine.
Write f -day for our little book which
eiplaini why. High-Grade Typewriter
Suppliel. Machine! Rented. Stenog
rapher! Furnished.
The) Smith Premier
Typewriter Company
124? StorklSt.
dividualism just what yon claim
yourself to be. If he had been a .So
cialist he would have been in favor of
Co-operation; he would have desired
to have held the property collectively
with his father and brother. Next, as
to Martin Riid Mary, your argument
is not tenable. Socialism will have
neither master nor slave, hence Martha
was an Individualist. She desired to
be individually helped out at the ex
pense of her si iter
Again, Mr. Keese, as to Co-operation
enslaving the producer, ves, we
will agree ith you this far, that we
have individual oo-operatiou now.
No one of seusible miud can deny.
But 5 on must admit, this kind ot co
oueration benefits the co-operator
only. This is not what the Socialist
sees, henre we demand governmert
ownership. As to busting or control
ling the trust, yon might as well try
to fan back a blizzard or a cyclone.
You may just as well f ce the music
The people ,,wll not.take a step back
ward. Retreat means disaster. The
trust will either own us or we must
own the trust.
There is a time for all things.
When tne time is passed that particu
lar issue is dead. Here let me quote
a few: "Tariff reform, free silver,
reform of the people under the com
petitive system, etc." Why, simply
this: The money power is enthroned
and as long as yon hold to the com
petitive system you can never de
throne them.
Now, as to the incentive, there are
certain incentives that the Socialist
wishes to destroy; jnst such incentive
that the churches rray to have de
stroyed, hut never practice what they
preach or pray for.
There are certain kinds of homes
we would destroy the same kind the
church wishes to destroy, but don't
go about it logically. The govern
ment statistician tells us that the aver
age to each producer is $2500 and the
average wage is $487.00, for the pro
ducer can buy bank only 17 per cent
of his product. Where does the other
88 per cent go to? Now, the Social
ity believes in dividing up just this
tar. Keverse the tables. The pro
ducer o get 83 per cent and exchange
For Infants and Children.
The Kind Yoo Have
Always Dehi
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
'.' '"! yum
of a typewriter is not
amount of work it does;
saves or loses; how it
get 17 per cent. A question I would
like to ask yoo, which would be the
greater incentive to the producer: 17
per cent, or 83 per cent?
The people are divided into the tol
lowing classes; Revolutionary an
archist, evolutionary anarchist, indi
v dual anarchist, communist and the
Socialist. You pay your moneys and
takes your choice.
W. W. MYERS. -
Furnished Every Week by the Clackamas
Abstract Company.
C II Dye to B Burbauk 5 acres in
sea 2-2 e ; $400.
E F Forbes to F Thornton, lot 1,
blk 10, Oregon City; 81.
Hihemia Sav Bnk to M A Bnzan,
lots 7 & 8, blk 23, MUwankkie Park,
J L Eri to M O Donahue, w of
8wW, seo 2, 2-4 e; $200.
Will. Falls Co to J L Rook, b of
lot A, tract 64, Will Falls tracts, $75.
W W Webster to W P Chiloote traot
P and part of J Clack. Riverside;
J W Rook to A Strucken, 6 of
uwM sec 8, 3-4e; $2000.
H T Sladen to O E Conway, lots 4
and 5, Appersons Subd Gladstone; $80
J H Broetje to A Uertsen, 5 acres in
Crow cl, 2-1 e; $1500.
Hibernia Sav Bnk to O J Garrons,
lots 1 and 3, blk 5, Milwaukie Park ;
Hibernia Sav Bank to O Lassard.
lots 1 and 2, blk 12, Milwaukie Park;
E W Downing to L M Downing, 1.57
acres in Risley ; $1.
O W P T S Co to M O Adkins, lots
1, 2, 3 and 4, blk 33, Estacada; $1000.
J A Seaman to Beck & Seaman, blk
120, Gladstone; $1.
M L Root to I G Burgess, lot 2, blk
J, ClacfcuuiaB Heights; $150.
R P Caufield to V .Caufleld, et al,
sjj lots 1 and 2, blk 63, Oregon City ;
M F Rees to F Rees, ue of sa
ana se or nej or seo 8, 4-30 ; to.
F Rees to M Telford, part sec 8,
4-8 e ; $500.
O W P T S Ce to M G Oikley, lot 4,
blk 17, Estacada; $75.
M O Oakley to N Welter, lot 4, blk
17, Estacada; $1)0.
A F Schultz to F L Heyleymenn,
lot 22, blk 32, 1st add to Estacada ;
E Dickman to H K Dickman, w of
the nw seo 18, ej ot nJj sea 14,
8-1 w ; $1000.
A Jaeger to H K Dickman, w of
nwJi seo 13, e of nw seo 14, 3-1 w ;
Hibernia Sav Bank to O S Lassard,
lots 14, 15, 16, blk 7, Milwaukie Park ;
F M Forman to F Webster, 10 acres
in seo 14, 2-3 e; $200.
H L Stratton to D Olds, lots 2 and
3, blk 2, Falls Vi w ; $30.
S E Head to L M Bly, 50 acres in
seo 29, 8-2 e; $2600.
O H Dye to A Smith, 8 acres in seo
2, 2-2 e ; $600.
J H Johnson to A Herz, ot e)jj of
nwK seo 5, 2-4 e; $625.
J H Johnson to J Borde, of 0
of uw4' sec 5, 2 4 e $8600
J Zobrist to B W Read, lot 6, blk
11,'ZobriBt Add; $70.
T H Ruddy to F PHalliman, 2 acres
in tract 25, Oak Grove ; $550.
E Wells to T F Ryan, lots 6, 6 and
7, blk II, Gladstone; $750.
A R Church to Applegate & Gratton,
part Whitcomb Cl; $8000.
Will Falls Co to B P Keanney, tract
2, 1st add to Will Falls tiacts; $10.
J Sarsfield to O Hunt, s of n,
n of bw)( &wj of nw4, and nw cf
se4 of seo 16, 2-5 e; $2400.
A H Bly to O D Bly, 50 acres in seo
29, 8-2 e; $1.
O M Bailey to M V Thomas, 12 acres
in seo 7, 2-5 e ; $875.
S L & I Co to S .Bigham, 26 acres
in cl 38, 8-3 e; $1.
W E Cromer to J Cromer, lot 8 and
4, blk 41, Oak Grove; $412.
Atlanta, Ga., Physician Addresses the
People of Oregon City on a Matter
ot Health.
"To Whom It May Concern : Of late
there has been, a good deal of discus
sion in regard to advertised medicines,
their value and power to cure.
I want to say to the people of Ore
gon City that f believe the most valu
able ood liver oil preparation, the best
body-buildor, health restorer, a d
strengtu creator, known to medicine
today is Vinol.
While Vinol does not contain the
system-ologgiug oil of old-fashioned
cod liver oil and emnlsions, it actu
ally does contain all the curative,
medicinal priuoiples ot the cod's
liver in a highly concentrated form,
and it is delicious to take.
I advise Vinol in my practice, and
And it has no equal for healing coughs,
colds , bronichial troubles and sore
I have used Vinol in many casrs of
indigestion, mal-assimilation, and for
patients who were anaomio and run
dewu, with splendid results. I have
found Vinol to be a boon to the aged,
as it aids the feeblod system to sus
tain life; it induces appotite, and
restful sleep, it is a real body-builder,
and thus prolongs life.
I believe Viuol to be well worthy of
any honest physician's endorsement
The Huntley Bros. Co., our local
druggists, sell Vinol to the people of
Oregon City on a positive guarantee ;
if it fails to give satisfaction the en
tire purchase money will be refunded.
AppraprUte Water Rights.
Charles L. Woodcock, G. W. Shir
ley and O. VV. Miller have filed in the
county reoorler's office notice of app
ropriation ot 270,000 cubic feet of
water per minute from the Clack
amas River. Each of them appropri
ates 60,000 miners' inches, and the
apt ropriatious are designated as Co
lumbia Canal, Clackamas Canal and
Pacific Canal.
Everybody's liable to itohing piles.
Rich and poor, old and young terri
ble the torture they suffer. Only one
sore cure. Doan's Oiutment. Abso
lutely safe; can't fail.
Dyspeptic Cynics
When we say to you that modern science has produced an absolute
cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestion and kindred ills, we can use no words
that have not been used already in telling of other remedies.
Consequently, if you have tried other remedies and found them un
successful, you may be inclined to regard our statements with cynicism.
But when we say to you ' ' We know that llexall Dyspepsia Tablets
will cure the most stubborn case," and we back up our knowledge with,
a positive guarantee, you cannot doubt us.
That is exactly what we say'
Read What Mrs. Jarvis Says
' Eexall Tablets are simply wonderful. I don't believe that any one could suffer
more from a bad stomach than I have during the past few years, but Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets have cured me. My general health is now excellent and I can not express the
satisfaction I feel from the relief I have experienced. I want everybody to know what
this Wonderful remedy has done for me. I can recommend them to everyone who is
afflicted with indigestion.
A full-size
only 25 cents.
iiiiiiii ' h mn.iM .i...ii.WM.iwliuiiii. 1 1
f fa,hMi,a,liiwmjii.Hiifti'-'1J'f,-J-"-iiJj-- -"s;r'"w,im nfcTuw'f 1 '-in mi--'-mniMn -r-"ii
so, and w will cheerfully refund your money.
If you can suggest any way to make our guarantee stronger or
troader,we will gladly adopt your suggestion,
Only &t our store or by maiL
Common Colds Are the Cause of Many
Serious Diseases.
Physicians who have gained a na
tional reputation as analysis of the
cause uf arious diseases, claim that
if catching cold could be avoided
a long list of dangerous ailments
would never be heard of. Every one
knows that pneumonia and consump
tion origiuate from a cold, and chrnnio
catarrh, bronchitis, and all throat and
lung trouble are aggravated and rend
ered more serious by each fresh attack.
Do not risk yoor lifo or take chances
when you have a cold. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy will cure it before
these diseases develop. This remedy
contains no opium, morphine or other
harmful drug and has thirty years of
reputation back of. it, gained ny its
cures under everv coudition. For sale
b Huntley Bros. Uo. , Oregon City aud I
( Today's Prices)
Wheat No 1, 7u72c per bu.
Flour Valley, 14.25 per bbl. Hard
wheat, $4.90. Portland $1.10 per sack,
Howard's Best, $1.15 per sack.
Oats In sacks, $1.20 per cental.
Hay Timothy, baied, $10.00 per ton,
Clover, $8; oat, $9$10; mixed hay
$8$10; cheat, $8.50.
Millstnffs Bran, $19.50 per ton;
shorts $2(1.50 per ton; chop $18 per
ton; barley, rolled. $26 per ton.
Potatoes 60c per hundred.
Eggs Oregon, 27.WC per doz.
Butter Ranch 4550c; separator,
5055c; creamery, COc per roll.
Good Apples Choice, 75e$l.
Honey ll12c per lb.
Prunes (dried) Petite, 3c per lb;
Italian,, large, 5c lb; medium, 3e;
Silver, 60 lb.
Dried Apples Sun dried, quartered,
4Vc lb; sliced,' 6c; fancy bleached,
7c lb.
Dressed Chickens 12c per lb.
live, hens 10c; young roosters 89c.
Livestock and Dressed Meats Beef,
live $3.50&3.25 per hundred; hogs
live, Gc; hogs dressed, 7c; sheep, $2.50
to $3.50 per head; dressed, 7c; veal,
dressed 7 & 7c; lambs, live, $2&$3
per head.
Hops 1905 Oregon, choice, 10c&
103o; prime, 8c&9o; poor grade, '.7
&80; Washington, 10c; 1904 crop, 80
for choice.
Wool 1905 clip Valley, coarse to
medium, 2425c; fine, 2627c;
eastern Oregon, 1922c.
Mohair Nominal, 3031c.
Sheepskins Short wool 2540c ea;
medium wool, 5075c each; long
wool, 75o and $1 each; shearing, 15&
20o each.
Tallow Prime, per lb, 34c; No.
2 and grease, 22c.
Chittem Bark 3c per lb.
Hides Dry, No. 1, 16 lbs and up,
16&17c per lb; dry kip, No. 1,
5 to 15 lbs, 14c; dry calf, No. 1, under
5 lbs, 13o; salted hides, steers, sound,
60 lbs and over, 10llc; cows, 8
9c; stags and bulls, sound, 67c;
kip, 15 to 30 lb 8, 9c; calf, sound, un
der 15 lbs, 11c; green, unsalted, lo
less; culls, le per lb less; horsehldes,
salted, each, $1.25$1.75; dry, each,
$1.00$1.50; colt hides, 25c50c; goat
skins, common, each, 1015c; Angora
each 25cS1.00.
Cabbage 1550c doz.
Stock Carrots 4050c per sack.
Rutabeggas, Parsnips, Carrots and
beets 60c per sack.
Mrs. Rose Jarvis, Leominster, Mass."
package of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will cost you
Try them. If you are not more than satisfied, say
We Want Your Trade
At Harris Grocery
And are going to make special
inducements to close ouyers.
Cash and Small Profits is Cur Motto.
BARGAINS In House Furnishings
We Save Customers 50 per cent on House Furnishings. A large variety of
New and Second Hand Goods. Complete stock of tools and Hardware. Call
and Get Our Prices. You will not be compelled to buy. We take pleasure in
showing our stock.
Ask the Agent for Tickets via
To Spokane, St Paul, Minne
apolis, Duluth, Chicago, St.
Louis and all points East and
2 Overland trains Daily Q
Tlycr and Tast Wail L
Splendid Service Up-To-Date Equip
mentCourteous Employes.
Davlight trip through the Cascade
and Rocky mountains.
For Ti; kets, Rates, Folders and full
information, call on or add .ess
City Ticket Agt., 122 Third St.,
Portland, Oregon.
8. G. YERKES, A. G. P. A.
2d Ave. and Columbia St., Seattle, Wn.
We give expedited service on freight,
Route your shipments via. Great
Full information from
General Agent, Portland, Ore.
Weekly Oregonian
Oregon City Courier
AND Union Pacific
Through Pullman standard and tourist
sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago
Spokane, tourist sleeping cars (personally
) conductde), weekly to Chicago and Kan
sas city. Reclining chair cars (seats free)
to the East daily.
No chance of cars
FOR from Portland, Ore. FROM
PMtUnd Salt Lake. Denver, Ft
Wmvta S' Chlce ' P'
Hun.lnglon "" lhe Easl-
ExDrui Salt Lke- Denv- R-
..if f' Worth, Omaha. Kansas
Spokane Walla Walla, Lewlston,
Flyer Spokane, Wallace, Pull-
6:15 1. m. man, Minneapolis, St, 8:00 a. m
via Paul, Duluth, Milwaukee,
Spokane Chicago and East.
For San Francisco Every five days at
8:00 p. m. For Astoria, way points and
North Beach Dally (except Sunday) at
at 8 P. m.; Saturday at 10:00 p. m. Daily
service (water permitting) on Willamette
and Yamhill Rivers.
For full Information ask or Write your
nearest ticket agent.
General Passenger Ateat.
The Oregon Railroad and NavagaUot C
Portland On