Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, February 02, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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While Mr. May, a wood-hopper,
woiVInd around his camp one day last
Wtfk, Ins C8bm caught hreanri burned
to Mie ground, and the contents would
have been destroyed but for iho timely
ass stance of Charley White and Carl
Sc!;( nclf, who were cutting wood
1 '(trims Hillen has taken the con
tact to4cut 20 cords of wood on the
Dave ifancher took a Sunday dinner
Wil li his old friend, Mr. Corbett, near
Cmiby :
i is Kaid that Mr. Helton lias snb
Jei:neii tie Shipp place of Mr. Cain.
The latter expects to mov to Klamath
or Lake county and, by the way, tint
82'). COO county high school in Klamath
is an attraction for any investor and
Ohickamas could lose nothing by fol
lowing suit. .
Two boys, Lonie Zniderduiu and
Young Fink are in trouble over the
allrigod theft of a knife and some other
trinkets from a house in the absence
of the owner, Mr. Cellan. They
think they can prove an alibi, as they
woii' in Oregon City at the tune and
th knife found n 'heir possession is
a new one that they got a a hardware
stt.ro in Oregou City in exchaiigo fur
a gem.
Leonard Zuiderduin will move soon
to KiiBtern Oregon. He is a brother
of the accused and has a good name in
the community having been steady at
hin work and always sober.
I'rayer meeting was held at Roueus'
on night last week.
Charley Holmes lias a sick horse.
Mr. O. A, Reese and family started
for Coos Oountv Mnndnv. where Mr.
Be 'se has leased a farm, and nis
daughter, Vida, has the promise ot n
school as assistant ii.stuctor. Missi
Beese was 14 in November and if she
gpis the school she will be the young
est teacher without doubt in the state
As Mr. Reese and family were about
to 'lepart for Coos oounfy, ti:e story
of I he Valencia disaster, at sea came
up for disoussion and J, Sterling Mc-
Cord grew reminiscent and told ff
previous disasters back In the early
'ISO's. In one notable crsb, "Brother
Jonathan, " in '65, General Wright, a
civil war soldier of great proniinenoe,
lost hiB life; also the family of a
Connecticut man who was in Oregon
City setting tp the machinery of the
worlenmill. He nearly went crazy
in consequence, At that time there
were many notables in Orngon City
from the East, on a speech-making
tour, among them Vice-President
Schuyler Coltax and Gen. James Wil
son, of Iowa. Colfax was in the
heighth of his glory then and as pop
ular an Rtosuvolt is today, but he
wont down in the Credit Mohilier in
vesl igatiou and was never afterward
discussfid. Senator Wilson acknowl
edged the corn and . said ho didn't
know it was loaded and the publio
forgave him, as it did Garfield and
r'stored him to favor. Another noted
man from New Hampshire who was
with the party at Oregon City denied
the charge and went down with Col
fax. Snmo of our present day Oregon
politic atis might stand a better show
01 election if they'd Own np honest
Injnn that they did it with their little
While travelling ' in eastern New
York a score of years or more ago Mr.
0. A. KuoH'.t was for some weiks the
traveling companion of a collection
hunter, who had among his curios an
incieut hymn book. On the fly leaf
of this book Betsey Moss, the heroine
ot the lines below had at the age of
1 0 inscribed her autograph. The
story of hur life was vouched for by
many old residents of the Hudson
valley and M-. Reese, having the de
fails in his mind for tweuty-t wo years,
has been inspired to do the old lady
p ietio justice in the Courier as fol
lows :
Throughout the day at Bennington
Brave Moss the foe defied,
Until the setting of the sun,
With his wife by his side..
Bravely she trudged beside her
Throngheut the live long day
in use for over 30
ytnj ,fr anl has been made under Lis pcr-
A , , Allow no one to deceive you In this.
AH Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment.
Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Tie Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
r I ribj cost ot a typewriter is not
mere 7 rh nnrp. I nnstdM1 thu
j ...r
1 1 !. J
ijuuiuy auu aiuuunt 01 wont it aoes;
the time it saves or loses: how it
economizes or wastes ribbons and supplies! and,
how well it wears. The lowest-price machine
may be mighty expensive in the end, while a
higher-price one may pay dividends. A little
investigation will tAosv that
Smith Premier
The World's Best Typewriter
is the most economical writing machine ever
made. It not only does the best and speediest
work) but it wears far longer, and in
costs less money, than any other make
ing machine.
Write f i-iiy for our little book which
explain! why. High-Gnide Typewriter
Suppliei. Machine! Rented. Stenog
raphers Furnished.
The Smith
247 Stark St.
the end ll
cf writ- H
Assisting him ith cheering word,
To keep the foe at bay.
At last he fell opon'the fields
As the son sank from view,
But Betsey not an inch would yield,
But proved her courage true.
As poor Moss foil, she grasped his gun
And provel that she could fight .
Until Hie viotory was won,
And day had turned to night.
Then her strength failed, she sank to
And there among the dead,
A littlo stranger had its birth,
The falling leaves its bed.
Strong was the heart of Betsy Moss,
Strong her maternal love,
And though, she keenly felt her loss,
She knew that she must move.
To save her baby and herself
She crent fn rhn ahnrn .
Of Hudson's river with harself
The miles were twenty-four.
Kind friends she found when Bhe got
Who welcomed hi r and child,
auq gave tnem needed rood and oare,
Ana lorcuue on them smiled.
Brave Betsy lived a hundred years
And died in New York state.
At pea-e with God and without fears,
in eighteen hrty-eight.
And I who carre upon the earth,
That Belf-same year, arise,
To chronicle Old Betsy's worth
And laud her to the skies.
With Molly I-itoher she should live
In history, though few.
nave known her well enough to give
urecut to whom it a due.
She had no witnosses to spread
The news of what she'd done,
And lived and died unheralded
And to the world unkonwn.
To tell the tale as told to me
By the old lady's friends,
And plice her name in history
Is where my mission ends.
Restored to Health By Vlnol and Strongly
Endorses It.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which haa beeu
years, has borne the signature of
Prominent men lrom all parts of the
country are indorsing Vinol, and
strong testimonial letters from four
ministers of the gospel and several
physicians have been received within
a weok. Such unsolicited testimnny
as this is the best proof of merit any
medicine can have.
The Rev. George W. Roland of
Keene N. H., writes: "I have used
yonr ood liver ril preparation, Vinol,
as a tonic, and I do not believe there
is anv other medicine that can equal
it. It built me up and strengthened
me when run down and overworked.
Vinol has done for me more than was
claimed for it. "
"We honestly believe there is no
other remedy or cod liver oil prepara
tion known to medicine that has the
healing, strengthening power which
Viuol has, and if it fails to create
strength and health for run-down,
aetii mated people, old people, weak,
sickly women and children, nursing
mothers and after a severe siokness,
or if i t fails to cure a hacking cough,
chronio cold, throat or bronchial
trouble, or to make those A'ho are thin
nit, rosy and healthy, we wiu return
every cent paid us for it.
Is there a sick, ailing or aged person
in uregon Uiry who can attord to lg
nore this goneious Toffer?" Huntley
.Brothers uo., Druggists.
'. 1 111 1 "II I J.LIJM11 II UUIWI IL II I !
i j . 1 - -
A Fair Offer
We Knob That Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets
Will Cure You.
Thus We CZre Safe in Offering to 'Return
Your Honey if Dissatisfied.
You take no risks.
We take no risks. '
We know that Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will cure you.
Our free sample packages alone brought health to hun
dreds of sufferers.
Dyspepsia is caused by the absence of the dlfeative element
in the gastric juices.
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets supply this element, and stimulate
the digestive apparatus to natural, healthy action.
Nine out of ten people have dyspepsia. Many do not know
that it is dyspepsia that causes their constant suffering and weak
ness. ,
Are you dizzy ? If you stoop and then suddenly straighten
up, docs everything turn dark before your eyes ? Does a hot,
bitter fluid rise in your throat after eating ? Are you short of
breath? Do you feel a weight in the pit of your stomach ? Is
your back weak ? Is your tongue coated ?
These are symptoms of dyspepsia.
Dyspepsia never .cures itself ; never wears itself out. .
. Rexa-11 Dyspepsia Tablets cure it quickly and permanently.
Remember if you want your money back, it's yours.
One Woman's Experience
" Before I commenced taking your Rexall Tablets, I was troubled with terrible
I pains in my stomach, and I would use boiling hot water for relief. It would some
times give relief, but it was not permanent. There were certain things I could not
eat. Aft taking three boxes of Rexall I began to pick up, and now I feel all
right. I haven't been so well for years as 1 am now, I would advise all who are
troubled with dyspepsia to try Rexall Tablets. Mhs. W. F. Waidxk, 4
Itfcrton street, Worcester, Mass.
Price 25 centi. Sold only at our store or by mo3.
Broken Rail Discovered in
Prevent Wreck.
Time to
Discovering a broken rail, probably
resulting from the passing of a 'heavy
freight train, a tramp gave timely
warning Monday that saved the north
bound Eugene local from being
wrocKed hetween Uauby and Barlow.
it is more than likely that the train
would have been derailed, but the
tramp ran down the traok and flagged
the approaching train within a few
root 01 r.ne damaged rail, which was
situated m a ourve of the traok about
midway between Canbv and Barlow
The broken steel was the outer rail of
the track, and because of the curve it
would have been impossible for the
ingiueer to have stopped his train in
time to avoid a wreck.
Old Cases Settled.
The suits arising out of the troubles
between Charles A. Reese and John
M. Olds have been settled and diS'
missed. Olds paid the judgment that
was secured in one of the oivil oases
and the costs, and all accruing costs
u connection with all of these cases
that were decided against him. Reese
was the plaintiff in two civil suits
against Olds, and brought two crim
inal actions, only one of which went
to trial.
Damaged By Fire.
xne resioouce 01 Albert Aleilen, on
Molalla avenue, caught fire between
12 and 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
and was saved only bv the prompt and
efficient work of Hill Hose Company
No. 4. Mr. Meilon had an inonbator
in a bedroom on the upper floor of
the house and the lamp in the inv
cinne exploded. The damage was
about $400.
Building at Gladstone.
Four new residences are in t.he
oourse of construction at Gladstone,
and the plaoe is having a regular
buiUling boom. Richard Freytag will
shortly commence the operation of a
cigar factory there, and a building
40sl00 feet is going up. Walker &
Ruddy are building a store tor a gen
eral merchandise business.
Everybody's liable to itching piles.
Rich and poor, old and young terri
ble the torture they suffer. Only oue
sure cure. Doan's Ointment. Abso
lutely safe; can't fail.
Every 5 cents paid on subscription
entitles you to a vote on our big
Cream Separator offer. See page 6.
Common Colds Are the Cause of Many
Serious Diseases.
Physicians who have gained a na
tional reputation as analysis of the
cause of arions diseases, claim that
if catching cold could be avoided
a long list of dangerous ailments
would never be heard of. Every one
knows that pneumonia and consump
tion originate from a cold, and chronic
catarrh, bronchitis, and all throat and
lung trouble are aggravated and rend
ered mora serious by each fresh attack.
Do not risk your life or take chances
when you have a oold. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy will cure it before
these disoases develop. This remedy
oontains no opium, morphine or other
harmful drag and has thirty years of
reputation back of it, gained ny its
cures under every condition. For sale
br Huntley Bros. Co., Oregou City and
Molalla. .
We Want Your Trade
At Harris Grocery
And are going to make special
inducements to close ouyers
Cash and Small Profits is Our Motto.
(Today's Prices)
Wheat No 1, 70 72c per bu.
Flour Valley, ?4.25 per bbl. Hard
wheat. $4.90. Portland $1.10 per sack,
Howard's Best, $1.15 per sack.
Oats In sacks, $1.20 per cental.
Hay Timothy, baled, $10.00 per ton,
Clover, $8; oat, $9$10; mixed., hay
$8$10; cheat, $8.50.
Millstuffs Bran, $19.50 ner ton:
shorts $2(1.50 per ton ; chop $13 per
ton; barley, roiled, $2fi per ton.
Potatoes 60c per hundred.
Eggs Oregon, 27.0 per doz.
Butter Ranch 4550c; separator,
6055c; creamery, 6O0 per roll.
Good Apples Choice, 75c$l.
Honey ll12c per lb.
Prunes (dried) Petite, 3c per lb:
Italian,, large, 5c lb: medium. 3e:
Silver. 6c lb.
Dried Apples Sun dried, Quartered.
4c lb; sliced, 6c; fancy bleached,
7c lb.
Dressed Chickens 12e Der lb.
live, hens 10c; young roosters 8 9c.
Livestock and Dressed Meats Beef.
live $3.50&3.85 per hundred: hni?s
live, 6c; hogs dressed, 7c; sheep, $2.50
to $3.50 per head; dressed, 7c; veal,
dressed 7 & 7c ; lambs, live, $2&$3
per head.
Hops rJ05 Oregon, choice. 10c&
1010 ; prime, 8c&9o ; poor grade, 7
ifsc; Washington, 10c: 1904 croD. 80
for choice. '
Wool 1905 clip Valley, coarse to
medium, 2425c; fine. 26(5)27c:
eastern Oregon, 1922c.
Mohair Nominal, 30(g!31c.
Sheepskins Short wool 25 40c ea:
medium wool, 6075c each: lone
wool, 75o and $1 each ; shearing, 15&
sue eacn.
1 allow Prime, per lb, 34c; No.
and grease, 22c.
Chittem Bark 3c per lb.
Hides Dry, No. 1, 16 lbs and ud.
1617c per lb; dry kip, No. 1.
to 15 lbs, 14c; dry calf, No. 1, under
lbs, 13c; salted hides, sroprs. nnmiri
60 lbs and over, 10llc; cows, 8H
9c; stags and bulls, sound. fiifi)7v
kip, 15 to 30 lbs, 9c; calf, sound, un
der 15 lbs, lie; green, unsalted, le
less; culls, lc per lb less; horsehldes,
salted, each, $1.25$1.75; dry, each,
$1.00$1.50: colt hides. 2aei7TKnf .mar
skins, common, each, 1015c; Angora
each 25c$1.00.
Cabbage 4550o doz.
Stock Carrots 1050c per sack.
Rutabeggas. Parsnins.
beets SOc per sack.
BARGAINS In House Furnishings
We Save Customers 50 per cent on House Furnishings. A large variety of
New and Second Hand Goods. Complete stock of tools and Hardware. Gall
and Get Our Prices. You will not be oompolled to buy. We take pleasure in
showing our stock.
Ask the Agent for Tickets via.
To Spokane, St Paul, Minne
apolis, Duluth, Chicago, St.
Louis and all points East and
South. .
2 Overland trains Daily O
river and Tast mailt
Splendid Service -Up-To-Date Eqnip.
ment Courteous Employes.
Davlinht trip through the Oaecadt
and Rocky mountains.
For Ti. kets, Rotes, Folders and full
information, call on or add, ess
Oitf Ticket Agt.. 122 Third St.,
Portland, Oregon.
8. O. YERKES, A.G. P. A.
2d Ave. and Columbia St., Seattle, Wn.
d union Pacific
Through Pullman standard and tourist
sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago
Spokane, tourist sleeping cars (personally
eonductde), weekly to Chicago and Kan
sas city. Reclining chair cars (seats free)
to the East daily.
We give expedited service on freight,
Route your shipments via. Great
Full information from
Geoeral Agent, Portland, Ore.
Weekly Oregonian
Oregon City Courier
No change of cars
FOR from Portland, Ore. FROM
PoVtiMd Salt Lake. Denver, Ft.
Sreclal Worth- 0raah- "
9T5Camvl, City .St Loul,. Chicago 8:25
Huntington nd th E".
8-15 o m Worth, Omaha, Kansas
KK "
Spokane Walla Walla. Lewlston, '
Flyer Spokane, Wallace. Pull-
6:15 . m. man, Minneapolis, St. 8:00 a. a
via Paul, Duluth. Milwaukee. I
Spokane Chicago and East.
For San Francisco Every five days at
8:00 p. m. For Astoria, way points and
North Beach Daily (except Sunday) at
at 8 P. m.; Saturday at 10:00 p. m. Daily
xrY? (water permitting) on Willamett.
and Yamhill Rivers.
ask or Write your
For full Information
nearest ticket agent.
General Passenger Agent
The Oregon P.hrna4 mnA N.... ....
$2.25 in
Portland, Ore .xhvo