OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1906 GRANGE CELEBRATES 12TH ANNIVERSARY Milwaukie Has Membership of 135 and Will Build v New Hall Scon. Jlilwaokie Grange, Patrona of Hris bandry, Saturday celebrated Its '12rh anniversary with a badqnet Vf noon and' installation of officers in the afternoon. At the morning session, Mrs.' M. L. Bobertri, retiring master presiding, reports of retiring offioerg were received, 'showing a membersnip of 185, a large" gain of membership during the year, all debts paid and abont $75, in the treasury. i no nan committee reported that Riohard Soott offered a aoarter blonk for $4U0 in a central place, the Grange io pay wnen in a position to do so. Mr. Soott also subscribed f25 toward the new hall. T. K . A. Sellwood offered to donate two lots and $25 cash toward a hall. The matter was left in the hands of the hall commit tee. ; It is expected the proposition of Mr." Scott will be accepted as the ground he offerR is near the eleotrio railway. It is proposed to move the old schoolhouse to this ground and nse it until a new modern hall can be built. Subscription books were opened and vigorous work will be undertaken to erect a hall as soon as possible: In the afternoon Dr. J. S. Oato, a veteran organizer, installed the follow ing offloers for the ensuing year : Mrs. Julia I Gusto, master j James H. Reed, overseer ; Mrs. Mary L. Getcti ell, leoturer; William Sksrwdad stew ard! Fred Getohell, assistant stew ard; T. R. A. Sellwood. onanism: Otto Neff, treasurer; Miss Delia Mul lan, secretary ; Floyd Soott, gate keeper; Mrs. Winnie, Flora; Clara Penniok, Oeres; Miss Emma Ruegg, Pomona; Richard Scott, member ex ecutive committee. Mrs. M, L. Rob erts, master for past year, in a few "well-chosen remarks ttianked the members for their loyal support for the past year, and Mrs. Casto, the in coming master, asked for their jsud port the coming year. Dr. J. S. Oasto, installing officer, who has organized two-thirds of the Granges in the st te, gave a pleasing talk, telling his experiences in tint work. He congratulated Milwaukie Grange on reaching.its 12th .birthday and warmly commended the move ment ior a new hall. About la differ ent Granges had representatives pres ent to take , art In the anniversary celebration. All expressed ,,the hope that ' Milwaukie Grange would hold its next annual meeting in a new hall. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by the Clackamas ( Abstract, Company,. ( , ( M Pieroe, s. seo 17, 2-5 e ; NATURE TELLS YOU. As Many An Oregon City Reader Knows Too Well. When the kidneys are sick, Nature tells you all about it. The urine is Nature's calendar. Infrequent or too frequent action ; Any urinary trouble tells of kid ney ills. Doan's Kidney Pills cure all kid ney ilia. 1 Mrs. Wm. Rainwater, residing at 903 EaBt First St., Albany, Or., says: "My kidneys troubled me off and on for eight years. Every tune I con tracted a cold it settled in my kidneys causing my back to ache often bo badly that I could hardly get about to attend to my household duties. Acompanying this was a very annoy ing difficulty with the kidney secre tions. I was treated by physicians, and took a number of highly recom mended remedies but the relief I ob tained was onlj temporary and I was about discouraged Finally I read an advertisement about Doan's Kidney Pills, and got a box and began their ose. ' I expeoted some ' relief, of course, bnt to my'Burprisa"'th?y went quickly to the root of the disease and cured me. Doan's Kidney Pills are the best kidney medicine I ever used and I have recommended them to a number of my neighbors. " JlPlenty; more proof like this' from Oregon Oity people. Call at Dr. 0. G. Huntley's drugstore and ask what his customers report For sale by all dealera Price 50' cents. FoBter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N.;Tf., sole agents for the United States. -' . Remember the name Doan's and take no other. ' t P. Dedman, oi Clackamas. Announces His Candidacy For County Recorder. CLACKAMAS, Or., Jan. 23, 1906. To the Voters and Citizens of Clack - amaB County : I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of County Re corder of Clacramas Ooi nty, Oregon, subject to the wish of the Republican voters of the County, as expressed in the coming primaries. , My home for over 25 years has been in Clackamas PrecinuV where I have followed the business of farming and fruit-raising. I am and have been a taxpayer in the County for many years. I am well acquainted with' the dutieB of County Recorder, having been deputy under Mr. Tom ,P. tKan dall, a former incumbent. If t shall receive the nomination for such office at the forthcoming primary election and that nomination shall be ratified at the polls in June, I promise and will give my entire true and labor to the work of the office. , I spectfully solicit the support of Republican voters of the Countv. E. P. DEDMAN. re- the Sandy Men Pay Fines. Abe Bell and ;Joe Udy, of Sandy, who were arrested by Constable Trembath last !week, charged with stealing an overcoat during a dance at Sandy, appeared before Justice Stipp and pleaded guilty. They were fined $25 each and $10 of the amonnt was remitted. Bell and Udy paid $30 into the coffers of the county treasury and were permitted to go. CGet an $85 cream separator for noth ing. See page 6. of of of F. W. Lehman to O of nej and a of nw ' A S Townsend to J Dickinson, n sec 28, 5-4 e -, $100. -' F M Townsend to J Dickinson, n seo 23, 6-4 e ; $100. . J Dickinson to Gosslin & Hanvbelt, n& seo 22 and n seo 28, 6-4 e ; $100. J O Tracey to J A Marshall, 8 acres in sod 14,8 -4 e; $1000. 'C8 Arnold to N Coleman, 5. 85 acres in' Crow Claim, '2-1 e ; $1. i Bank of Oregon City to B F Kel logg, lots 5 and 6, Central Add ;f 1000. xi corny to j u janieiB, so acres in seo 17, 4-3 e;$a20t). O S Arnold to E Coleman, 7 acres in Claim 41, g-1 e ; f I. J Pink ley to W Pinkley, of swji seo 27, 3-4 e ; $1. ' E L Harmon to J T Strite, 5 acren in sec 9, 2-2 e ; $250. H O Wishart to ffm Love, lots 7 to 15, blk 89, Oak Grove ; $050. U Smith to S H uovell, 248 acres in Laswell Claim and lots 5 and 6 in sec 38, 2-8 e; $1000. WO iSuberry to J N Dnstin, lpts 1 and 2, blk 2, and lots 1, 2 and 8, bit 7, and traot adjoining, in Beal's Add to New Era. ; $800. ' ' G Perrin et al to E W Randolph, 44 acres in Fisher Claim 2-2 e ; $100. ( W E McElroy to C E Johnson, 2-15 interest in part of Mintliorrn ; $1. Hiberuia Savings Bank to B Kuch enreuther, lot 1, blk ti, ' Mil. Park ; $150. E N Stroup to J J Lippmer 20 aores in Boon oi 3,1 w; $600. Will. Falls Co to B P Koiiney, Tract R, and part of N and S, First Add to Will. Falls Acre Tracts ; $349. O M Putnam to Crown Columbia P & P Co, lota 2,8 and 4 and tract in iBland in sec. 10, and 5 acres in BrocE Claim, 8-1 e: 1900. N J Thomas to O H Thomas, 79 ai res in seo 17, 6-2 e ; $510. J Corrigan to A F Shultz, lot 23, blk 32 Estacada ; $300. G B Dimick to J Davitt, 25 acres in sec 12, 2-8 e; $2100. W Stevens to O A Stevens, B6 ne of seo 33, 1-2 e ; $1. G A Stevens to W Stevens, n sei of m of seo 83, 1-2 e ; $1. G A Stevens to O E Stevens, n of noli of nej, seo 33, 1-2 e; $1. J Smith to E J MoCoy, 187 aores in seo 28, N . of Sandy Road j $20. ' W S Clement to O B Clement, 180 acres in sec 28, 6-2 e ; $1000. B M Moore to J Kent, lots 9 and 10, blk 10, Parkplace; $75. H L Stratton to E Hill, lotB 12, 14 and 15, Blk B, Falls View ; $75. A L Farr to H M Montour, lot 4, blk 57, Oregon Oity; $465. F J Finger to M E Price, tract 15, Wichita; $300. R Gibson to J O Ainswortli, 11 aores in Claim 41, 1-2 e; $2000. . Gladstone Real Estate Association to W Schwabaner lot 4, blk 6, and lots 9 and 10, blk 82, Gladstone ; $300. S L & I Co to M Devine, Tract 29, Oak Grove; $800. M Devine to M Flaharty, traot 26, Oak Grovej $00. J H Gibson to O LtjFever, tracts 10 and 11, Logan Tracts; $1125. S L & I Co to O F Smith, lots 2 to 14, blk 86, Oak Grove ; $575. P H Peters to F E Mills, 65 aores in seo 24, 4-1 e; $08,800. Hiberuia Savings Bank to P D Ryan, lot 7, blk 6, Milwaukie Park ; $50. Hibernia Savings Bank to S E Bean, lots 17 anl 18, blk 14, Mil.P ark; $60. S Ekstrom to E Erickson, 18 acres in G Brock Claim, 8-1 e; $500. S E Johnson to J O Smith, 2 small tracts in seo 2, 2-2 e ; $35. F M Temer to Berg & Johnson, 10 aores in Clackamas County ; $1200. U Prier to A Preier, s, of ne of seJi, seo 27, 1-8 ; $425. J. Heyers to D J Finn, 40 acres in seol, 1-2 e;$l. F Roth to J O Roth, 11.5 acres near Oanby ; $1250. S E Shivery to J O Roth, lots 10, 11 and .12, blk 2, Lee's Add; $80. Hibernia Sav Bank to B Heinz, lo't 8, blk B, Milwaukie.Park ; $150. ' O Gortler to A K Kibter, n and n)4 of 6 of nwi. seo 81, 4-2 e ; $2600. A K Kister to J Glade, r of nw seo 81, 4 2 e; $1600. D M Smith to J Eberhardt, 20 acres in d)4 seJi ot ne seo 81, 1-8 e; $1000 A W Cooke to W E Markwood, n of bwJ and s of nwj, teo 84, and 6 acres adjoining in 2-4 e; $1. J K Keller to J W Howard, n of nwj seo 21, 4-4 e; $550. L A Cloninger to F J Wolfe, 248 acres in seo 88, 8-1 e: $600 '. : ' ' G Lund to W S King, lots 9, 10, 11 and 12, bit 4, Shaw's First Add; $ . R DeShazer to O ,E Haley, 6 acres in sec 86, 1-8 e; $300. . R DeShazer to A V Haley, 9 acres in seo 86, 1-8 e; $450. R DeShazer to N C Newman, 10 acres in see 36, 1-8 e; $350. - T M Burgin to B F.Hoo er, swj seo 25, 1-3 e ; $049. ' T Linderkin to H J Linderkin, 13 acres in seo 80, 8-1 e ; $1500. D M Klemsou to J V Secrest, lots 5 and 6, blk 81, Oregon Oity; $3000. Hibernia.Savings Bank to T B Mil ler, lots 1 and 2 blk K, Milwaukie Park ; $350. J W Tollman to S E Head, 60 acres in seo 29, 8-2e ; $1. O A Cogswell to J T Wyvel, 2 acres in Whitoomb Claim, 1-1 e; $1. H L Stratton to J Ereskerson, lots 5 and 6, blk 6, Falls View ; $40. A B Buckles to F C Burke, lot 1, bli 20, Oregon Oity ; $4.'0. E F Cooley to Nash & Loder, lots 1 and 2, blk 8, and 11 and 12, blk 6. Windsor; $40. G C Wilkins to L T Batten, lots 7 and 8, blk 4, Canby ; $300. G A Heinz to J I Banks, 17 acres in Hood Claim, 3-2 e; $594. O A Palmer to J W Roots, 20 acres in sec 1, 2-3 e; $1. O W Schmidt to E O Schimdt, lots 17 and 18, blk 13, Gladstone; $1. Will. Falls Co to G DeBok, lot A, tract 16, and B in 6, Will. Falls; $210. The Clackamas Abstract & Trust Co. are owners of the only complete abstract plant in Clackamas County Prompt and reliable work on short notice, and all work guaranteed. Abstracts made, money loaned, mortgages foreclosed,, trusts executed, estates settled and titles perfected. J. F. CLARK, President and Manager. Over Bank of Oregon City. PS3 silmi SifMir .-, t , ,. -., . .... ,,,.,,., ! .1. i.i 'H'O if"! HUSTLE! YOU HAVE A CHANCE TO WIN The Oregon Qty CotiMCf will f give to the. person receiving the nigtest ntfmbe of Votes up to Saturday, April 7, ,J 906, at 5; P. M., a Daisy No, 3 Reid Separator, Capacity 350 pqtmds per tow, Worth $85. HOW TO GET ypTES One vote will be given for- each 5 cents paid on Sofescriptiori until 5 P. M., Saturday April 7, J906 . This is Election year and of course you want to keep in touch with conditions. The Courier has made complete and special arrangments to print all the news about the candidates of all parties, who and what they are, their good points and their failings. Our news reports will be fair and impartial and you cannot get all the news of the County except through the columns of THE COURIER. See this Separator in out win dow. We would be pleased to have you come in and examine it. A little work among your friends may enable you to become the fortunate possessor. iiimum ' ' JiHijiiiiir'""J' Clubbing List Courier and National Fruit Grower $1.75 Courier and Oregon Daily Journal 5.00 Courier and Daily and Sunday Journal 6.35 Courier and Twice-a-Week Journal 3.00 Courier and Weekly Oregonian 2.25 Courier and Thrioe-a-Week N. Y. World. . 1.75 Courier and The Western Lady 1.75 Courier and S. F. Weekly Examiner 2.25 Courier and Bryan's Commoner ..... 1.75 Courier and Rural Spirit 2 00 Courier and Soientiflo American 8.50 Courier and Paoiflo Monthly ..1.75 Courier and 8. F. Weekly Call 1.75 Courier and 8. F. Sunday Call 8.00 Courier and 8. F. Daily and Sunday Call. 7.50 Courier and Town and Country Journal. . 1.75 Courier and Cosmopolitan .... 2.00 Courier and Twice-a-Week St. Louis Re- public , . 1.75 Courier and Northwest Poultry Journal. . 1.75 Courier and Tom Watson's Magazine. ..... 2.00 Courier and Madame .' 2.00 GET BUSY! It is not every day the opportunity comes to get an $85 Cream Separator for nothing. If your friends do not need this Separator, ask them to subscribe and give you their votes. Sample copies sent Free. Use this Coupon Oregon, City Courier Oregon City, Oregon Enclosed find $ Send the Oregon CiTy Courier and .for years to. Name Please Cast votes Address ior... Name Address The Butter-Nut Bread CbtS1 This Label on every Loaf. If Not its an Imitation Butter Nat Is the Bread of QUALITY YOU BE THE JUDGE Delivered fresh daily to all parts of the city, Insist on Gettiog the Bread With the Blue Label 7th and Madison Sts, Oregon City, Oregon u. v. Juatourbtte, President. F. J a Meyihh, Cashier Commercial Bank of. Oregon CP OREGON CITY, OREGON Jlutboriztd Capital, $100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Hor ton & Jack Make a specialty of high class groceries. Diamond W and Pre ferred Stock. First class specialties. No stale, shelf worn goods In our store. Everything fresh and upto the minute. We are Giving Away High Class China. . Come in and investigate our plan. HORTON & JACK t Telephone Main 1864 GENERAL GROCERIES Oregon City, Oregon j o; A New Home Industry The Cascade Laundry Does pot wear out or destroy your linen , Our Wagon will all for your soiled linen each week and deliver your laundried goods, to your home. Perfect satisfaction assured. E L. JOHNSON, Proprietor. . v ; . Pbont 1121 Hts. IS33 Otllct In Tavcritt ClgarS Opptiltt Ttlatenlc BulldiBg Williams Bros, transfer Safes, Pianos and Turniture moving a Specialty TrtlQbt nd Parcels Dtllvtrtd H all Partt jt tb City Prletaqtaonablt ant Satisfaction Guaranty 0