Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 19, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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d the Circuit Coort of the State
i Oregou for Clackamas Conn y.
0. E. P. Lee, PlaintifT, '
; - , ...vs.,: . .... , ' , '
Rebecca Long. Leonard Hneliep, Kob
lert Murdook John W. Mnrdri'ck, and
:'. Mnrrie Mnrdock, Defendants. ,
To Leonard Hutehegand Robert Mm
dock, two of the above-flamed de-
i: fendans: ' u i
OF OREGON : Yon ftnd each of' you
are hereby .notified to appear ttnd
answer the complaint ..filed against
jon and eaoh of yon 'n the above-entitled
Comt and cause within Bix
weeks from the date of the first publi
catiou of this summons npon yoo. . to
wit, the 19th day of January, 190fl, and
if you fail so to "appear and answer
said complaint, the plaintiff will ap
ply to the Court for the relief prayed
for in his complaint, to-wit:
For a decree against yon and each
of you and gainst each ai d every one
of the above-named dciend nts, lor.
' ever quieting plaintiff's title to the
following described tea' preperty and
every part thereofto-wit : That pvrt
of the Robert Allen D. L. C. No. 42
in Socb. 4 and 9 in T. 6 S. R. 1 E.
th) Willamette Meridian, bou (led
and dencriued as beginning at the
southeast corner of said claim, run
ning thence north on. the east boundary
thereof 53.41 chains to the southeast
corner of a tract of land deeded to
Enoch Skirvin ; tueuce north 86 de
grees, SO minutes weBt, about 13
ohains t the County Road lending
from Marqnam to Silverton; thence
in a southwesterly direction along
said road south 40 degrees, 51 minutes
west, 8.53 chains to the south corner
of a traot of laud deeded to J. E. Jack ;
thence north 49 deerjes, 9 minutes
west, 6.10 ohains to the northwest
eornei' ot said tract; th nee north 40
degrees, 51 aiuutes east, 8.28 chains
to the land deeded to P. J.' Riding;
thence north 49 deereos 9 minutes
west, along said Ridings land 112.40
chains to the north boundary of said
olaim ; thence west on the north
boundary of said olaim 8.43 chains to
the land deeded to John W. Murd ink ;
thence nouth on said Mnrdock's east
line 65.3 chains to the north line of' aJ
tract of land conveyed to ,1. F. Myret ;
thence northeasterly aloDR said Myres'
north line 9.25 chains to the north
east corner thereof; thence north on
the olaim line 2.25 chains to the re
entraut corner of said claim , thence
east on the sou' h boundary line of
said claim 25.15 ohains to the place of
beginning,, excepting therefrom a strip
of uniform width off the westerly side
of said described tract, said strip to
extend southerly from thA centei" ot
the aforesaid county road to the south
boundary ot said D. L. C. and wide
enough to comprise 86 acres, containing
156.65 acres more or less, situated in
Clackamas Couuf, State of Oregon.
And that by said decree all adverse
claims of the defendants and each of
them be determined; and that fly said
decree it be declared and adjudged
that the defendants and each of them
have no estate, right, title or interest
in said lands and premises or any part
thereof; and that plaintiff's. ti(le is
good and valid ; . ; '
That the defendants and each of
them, and all person or persons claim
ing to derive any estate, ;ighi, title
or interest in or to said lands and
premises, under, by or through said
defendants or any ot them, be forever
en j lined and debarred fr ni asserting
any claim whatever in or to sai . 'ands
and premises or any part thereof, ad
verse to plainiiff and for 'Buch other
and further relief as to the Court may
seem meet and agreeable to equity.
You are hereby notified that this
summons is served upon vou and each
of you by publication thereof in the
Oregon City Courier, a ..newspaper
published weekly at Oregon City iu
Clackamas Comity, Oregon, pursuant
to an order of Hot'. Thomas A. Mo
Bride, Judge of this Court, made on
the 12th day of January, 1906, and you
are further notified that the date of
first publication of thin summons is
the 19th day of January, 1906, and the
date of the last publication thereof
will be the 2nd dav of March. 1906.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Firvi' fettlennt.
Notice is hereby "'"en tnai the un
dersigned executo-' of tne fast will
and testament of ndre VMese, de
ceased, have filed chu final jeport in.
said estate; that the m.uora'Je County
Judge of the Count, Cjurt ?f Clacka
mas County, has ai-pointei Monday,
the Fifth day of B alruuT, D.. 1906,
at the hour of 10 click' 'a. m., at th
.Court House in Vpoo Cliy. as the
time and place a ealu. final re;,
lihrt shall be CQ""Hei;eu &4d the or;
der of discharge of buiJ executor
shall be made. - ;
Dated this 18 . day of December;
' ' ' n". "TESE,
Executors of th '.istiWiii, and Testa
4 meht of And -?t Wlese ftecea X.
h; highland:
Highland is in n tumultous, condi
tioft . at present It is snowing and
blowing and very stormy but aooord
ing to reports the telephone meetings
which are being held occasionally tor
the purpose of creating new divisions
are more stormy than the weather.
Division No. 9 held its annual meet
ing at A. Harringtion's with all its
members present, excepting one and
that one appeared by proxy. Master
Leister Fellows iiad the honor of rep
resenting the- absent one. The divi-
oi 19 members.
- in
XT.;.; : 1 1 41..., AI.. OIUII UUUBIBIB "X AO
' i 0 ; I, j , tha ttti j nf iol 'Frank Rees is the hut one admitted.
". "'."l.The newly elected officers are: A.
reotor ;
of the estate of Emma Morrison, de
ceased. All persons having claims
against the said "state are requested
to present the same, properly verified,
to my attorney at Woodburn, Or.,
within six mouths from the date of
this notice.
Dated this 6th day of January, 1906.
,v Administrator.
E. P. Moroom, Woodburn, Or. , At
torney for Administrator.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the' un
dersigned has duly filed in the County
Court of the State of Oregon for the
County of Clackamas his final re
port in the matter of the estate of
George Welsh, deceased.
The Court thereupon fixed the fifth
day 'of February, A. D. 1906, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m., as a day and
time set for the hearing of objections
to such final report, and for the set
tlement of said estate.
Executor of thes Estate , of George
Welsh, Deceased.
H. E. CROSS, Attorney for the Estate.
Notioe is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
County Court of Clackamas County.
State of Or gon. as. Administrator of
the Estate' of Mitry E. Worthington,
All persons having claims against
paid estate are no ti tied to resent, the i
same, with vouchers, to me at the!
office of O. D. & D. O: Litourette.
my attorneys, within six months
from this date.
Dated January 12, 1906. V ' !
Administrator Aforesaid.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has beeu appointed by the
County Court of Clackamas County,
State Of Oregon, as Administrator of
the Estate of Honora Davoren, de
ceased ' "
All persons having claims against
id estate are hereby notified to pre
sent the same, with wonders, to roe at
tha office of my attorneys, O. D. & D.
!. Latouret e, in Oregon City, Ore
on, within six months frooi this
Dated January 12; 1906.
Administrator Afores. id.
G. R. Miller, secretary and
treasurer; Fred Heft, vice-president.
Busines is increasing, that is the rea
son fo so many officers. We would
have done more business at the annual
meeting, but, alas I for the chairman's
headache. " .
The most rec9nt, however, in High
land is the announcement of. Napoleon
Nelson himself last night as a possible
candidate on the Democratic ticket
for state senator from Clacknaas county
to oppose Geo. C. ou the Republican
ticket for the same place'. Mr. Nelson
informed your correspondent that Geo.
C. will surely get the Republican
nomination, and that he, Nelson, is
ready to meet him on the stump.
Geo. O., Geo. U., beware the day,
' When Nelson will meet thee iu battle
. array.
Your correspondent finds that a good
many people do not undersataud the
meaning of the direct primary 'nomi
nating election law and refuse to giv.e
their party affiliation, Some of them
register as Independents. We don't
know whether they are afraid or
ashamed By. the way, Mr. Editor,
we are informed, or rumor hud it, that
had John H. Mitch 'fl l,ived the Re
publicans would have held their next
convention iu the penitentiary. Are
we ro-rect.
' Mrs Nora, Miller's quiltiug party
whs deoided sucbrs from a social
standpoint. Everyone present went
home wishing the n ext one would
come soon.
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Miller slipped
over to Springwater last Saturday to
install the officers of Spriuwgater
Grange. Mrs. Miller acted in the ca
paoity of installing officer. At Spring
water everything is lovely and , the
goose hangs high.
And now, siu"e B. Sullivan is re
appointed road supervisor again, we
would suggest that he. keep his eyes
open wheu passing though the connty
and notice considerable corduroy ly
ing around beside the publivhighweys,
instead ot on the highways. ' The said
corduroy liar cost the taxpayers money
and labor. We would like to see it.
placed on the road where we' can get
some good out of it. ''
New Idea
All Styles
Ten Cents
mnf C Morrison SfsS
Mohawk Building, Portland Oregon
New Jdea,
Five Cents
"W7e HAVE endeavored to make this sale one of unusual interest to our customers.
" We urge you to visit our store because we know positively thai we are prepared
to offer you greater money savings than at any previous sale. Not only are the sav
. ings greater on each special, but the spec:als are more numerous than ever before.
Holiday assortments are magnificent every article possessing the reliable quality that,
has made our store so popular." Don't miss this opportunity. Every expenditure you
make here will prove a splendid investment.. ! You'll marvel at the wonderfully low
prices when you see these and hundreds of ther bargains we offer.
Good Honest Values In Gopd Honest Goods
Our 14th Annual Clearauce Sale has truck this 8' ction with gr 'at force. , Men may share in the most
incomparable values of the season. The selling all this w et has coutinned with ereat activity. Shrewd buy
ers were quick to see what purse-saving protection rhis section offers. Yoo will not wisely skip over the fol
lowing details: l
about tiorinai
:VThe smallpox lias about
and affairs here
Fred Schafer has his sawmill in
uuing order and is turning out
ties and lumber,
W. A. Shaver, who bought the
andinger sawmill, will take posses-
the first of May.
G, B. Dimick and others, from Ore
on City were here last Saturday
evening, attending tne Udd reiiows
nstiillariou. Judging from a few re-
larks that we heard Grant make
bout one of the horses falling in a
md hole while coming out here, we
may possibly have some improvements
the roads when he gets to be county
udge. There is certainly room for
mprovementB in the roads between
lalla and Oregou Uity.
The Molalla band is preparing to
give an entertainment for their been
The drama selected is "The Dan
Signal." composed of eleven char
acters, with a farce, "The Immigrau-
from Kansas. " Th date or the prot
duction will probably be some time-
February. '
The telephone line from Molalla 10
Dickey's Prairie and Sweden has been
completed, but all have not received
their phones yet, but it won't he long
until "Central" will hear wake cum
tux nika over tlia'. 1'neV
School is progressing finely and . the
attendance is good.
How to Prevent Bullous Attacks.
One who is subject to billions at
tacks will notice that for a dav. or.
1 more before the attack he is not hun
gry at meal times and feels dull after
eBting. A dose of Chainbelrain'B Stom-
'ach and Liver Tablets when these
first symptrnis appear will ward off
the attack. For stile by Huntley Bros.
Co.', Oregou City and Molalla.
Walter Grueil cut his foot quite Re.
vWly last week? It, took nine Btitches
to sow up the wound.
I J. R. Bier is building an addition
to his old barn, with tha iutentiou of
patting in a dairy eventually.
Jacob Strohaker has sold 25 acres ot
land off his place to Grandpa Storm
at $30 per aore.
W. H. Bonney is spending the bet
ter pare of these days in town rigging
up wires.
Walter Hicthman is going to have
a phone in his house. The Mutual,
of -Beaver Creek, is going to . cross
- RedlaLd has organized a literary
and debating society and held their
first regular meeting last Saturday.
The question debated, "Resolved,
That coal is of more henefit to man
kind than electricity," was ably dis
cuBaed on both Bides and decided in
favor of the arffiraative This society
has some red-hot debaters. Their
meetings are every two weeks.
Mr . O. H. Seun set her lien last
week with 250 eggs. It won't be long
before there will be lots of peepers at
the Corners
Mrs. J. T. Fullam is qnite sick
with la grippe and tonsilitis.
MEN'S $1.00 DRESS SHIRTS, 39c.
Men's fine, stiff.hoi.om Press ShirtF, made from fine
quality peicale; all sizes, 14 to 17; regular $1.00
grade. Special at 39c
MEN'S 50c Neckwear, 25p.
Men's All-Sih , S.inoh Fonr-in-Hand Ties; large
variety of patterns ; beautiful color combinations;
regular 50c grade. Special price 25c
MEN'S 85c UMBRELLAS, 68c. :
Men's fine. Twilled Cloth Umhrellns, with Btool rod
and frame; regular price, 85c. Special at 68c.
Men's Outing Flannel Night Robf s; all sizes; regular
price, 65c. Special at ...45c
The Churchill Hat $2.50
MEN'S $1 .25 and $2.50 UNDERWEAR, 89c.
Men's A II-Wool Underwear, shirts and drawers; also
a lot of odd chirts; values up to f 3i 60. Special
price 89c
MEN'S $1.00 UNDERWEAR, 68c.
Men's Camel-Hair Wool Undorwear ; all sizes; reg
ular 1 1. (IP grade. Special at 68c
Men's Bliiel? Cashmere Socks, with gray heel and toe;
regular urice, 30c. Special price 12c
Men's Heavy Black Cotton Hose; all sizes; regular
15o grade. Special price Z4C
All the Very Latest Shapes and Shades
Roberts Bros , Sole Agents
If this offering of Winter-Weight Union Suits for
women and children does not draw throngs of eager
buyers, it will behecnoe the underwear wai ts of the
people of this community are filled for all time to
come. The savings are sn substantial that it will
pay you to anticipate next Winter's needs.
Women's All-Wool Cashmere Union
Suits, $2. J 9.
BEST $3.50 QUALITY, $2.19.
You might pay more, but you would be unable to
secure anything' that would give the comfort nnd
general satisfaction to be derived from one of these
Garments are strictly all-wool, are steam shrunk,
and come in white or silver gray cashmere, button
across bust or open down front; the best !?.50
quality. On Bale at... $2.19
Women's Wool Rifefced Union Saits $ t
and $2.00 QUALITIES, AT $ 1 .00 SUIT.
Your choice of the tollowiu j lots : 12 d zen regu
lar 1.60 qnalit v., 10 dozen regular $1.75 qu-lity, 20
dozen regular 2.00 quality ; all styles, in white or
gray; all dzes. in wool plaited or flue wool ribbed
the most liberal Union Suit. offer of the entire season,
i. , .
Children's Union Saits 50c
40 dozen Boys' i'Tellastic" Fleered Combination
Suits; 50 dozenJirls' Fine Gray Merino Combina
tion Suits; all sizes of best 8ou and $1.00 qualities.
8p?cial at. suit , ..: 50c .
the standard cough and cold cure for over
75 years now comes also in a
' ' tP-v " Convenient to carry witn you. Don't
Cf I
be without it. Ask your druggist. J S i
' 1906 ALMANAC FREE. Write to Dr. D. Jayne & Son, Phiiadeipnia. I
It is rumored that we are to h ive a
rural free mail delivery, through our
burg in the near future. Roger Cary,
of Estacada was around taking orders
for mail boxes last week. 1
Miss Nettie Miller and Jim ' Limi
came out from Portland Sunday to
visit Granville Linn and family.
Russel Looney, of Madras, is visit
ing relatives here.
""Mrs. Fisher, of Sellwood, was viBit
ing Mr. and Mrs. Frank. Jones a few
day s last we'ek. ' i
Matt Lonsborry, of Madras, wa
visiting relatives here Sunday. Mr.
Lonsberry came to Portl'iiid to help
build a house for his cousin. W.
The girls have organized a basket
ball team and they enjoy playing, al
though they receive many bruises.
, Mr . and Mis. Ballard Looney, of
Eagle Creek, passed through our town
going to Garfield Sniday.
Tim Bnwen was on the sink list last
week, but is some batter now,
A Jamaican Lady Speaks Highly tof
. - Chamberlain's tough Remedy.
'Mrs. Miehail TTnrt, wife of the su
peiinteiident ot O.rtJServioe at Kings'
t6i. Janm a, West Indies Maud. Miys
that Hie' Iih for some yours used Chum
birlniiV Cough Heme ly for cousthB,
croon ai'd wi coiling couj li 111 d hn
fmiii I it v -rv ienei!fii;.il. S ie n s im
t l e t fimfi'lenre 111 it Bint wot 'ft ut)t
be without it in her hone. S Id by
Hnntl v B.-o. "G.v Ory;' 'Ikv and
Molalla. 'Ij: .
Milwaukie Grange,
Mll'.vaul 1e Grange, Pf.trona of Hus
bandry, will hold Its annual Installa
tion of officers next Saturday, and Dr.
,T. S. Casto, state deputy, will conduct
t"'9 i-i?tallntlon. This grange Is con
side -ing the purchasing of ground for
a hall, and has received two offers,
r la of a quarter" block, near the
cViol ground, and one of a half-block
"t Is p"obable that a site will be select
o.l Saturday. Milwaukie Grange has a.
" Oubership of 125, and many mom-,
tie's feel that they should have a
hall of their own.
So frequently settle on the lungs and result in Pneumonia or Consumption. Do not take chances on a cold wearing
J away or take something that only half cures it, leaving the seeds of serious throat and lung trouble.
T 1 7 y 7
Stops the Cough and heals the lungs and prevents
Piieiiiiioiiia aeid Consumption
Consumption Threatened
C. Unger. 211 Maple St., Champaign, 111., writes:
"I was troubled with a backing cough for a year and
I thought I had consumption. I tried a great many
remedies and I was under the care of physicians for
several months. I used one bottle of FOLEY'S
HONEY AND TAR. It cured me, and I bave uot
been troubled since."
Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs
A. M. Ake, Wood, Ind., writes: "Several years
since my lungs were so badly affected that I had
many hemorrhages. I took treatment with several
physicians without any benefit. I then started to take
FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR, and my lunges are
now as sound as a bullet. I recommend it in ad
vauced stages of lung trouble."
TkrM Slzts 25c, 60c, $1.00. Tht 50-cnl tlzt contain two and ons-half time at much a th small
tlzs and tha $ 1 .00 boUls almost sU Um at auicb. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias been,
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per
sonal superv ision since its infancy.
Allow no one" to deceive you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Jiist-ns-good" are hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a, harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverisbncssi It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Ifowcls, giving healthy and natural sleep.
.The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend,
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Me Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
thc etHTAiin eoHMtiir, tt Munuv tkct, mar von omr.
HOWELL & IONES, Reliable Druggists