OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1906 SCHUMANN SOCIETY ENTERTAINS. Musical Orjf nizatlon Shows Marked Improvement. :' v , lu WilUmette lmll Saturday even ing the members 'of ' the Schumann Singing Society entertained a few of their friends wit'i a program, the numbers of whioh were made np en- tiielyby members., Tha society was organized just, a 'year ago, and the chorus shows ' gratifying improve- ment since the first concert in May of last year; -' V -- .: The piano uumbers,, a (Schumann noctourue played by Miss. Cheney, Hungarian Dance -No. 6 by Miss LeWthwaite. and Binding's "Spring time," by Miss Juliette Cross, were interesing and were 'encored. Miss Maysie Foster sa g Brahms' "Sapphio Ode." and responded to an focora with Thomas' "A Japanese Love Song. Miss Foster has a con tralto voice of sympathetic qnality. Mrs. Brolie sang "A Memory," by Park, and Bizet'B "Habanera," from Carmen. Miss Martha Frances Draper was a pleasing accompanist. .A reception fo'lowed the program and dainty refreshments wereeryed, followed by dancing. The society was organized Jar. 13, 1905. by Mrs Imogen Harding Brodie for the serious study of the composers and their musio and part singing ' M ich interest has always baen taken in the work .by the members. s wjs ehown by the marked improvement in the chorus. The chorus numbers given were Schnimnn'S'. "When at Dawn in a Dress of Gree " Sohu bert's "Serenade," and Laoome's 'Estudientina. " the last number given in gypsy costume, with a jingle of tambourines. Kaser Wishart. The marriage of Mr. Loren Kaser, of Portland, to Miss May Wishart, of this city, was solemnized Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wishart, Rev. E. S. Bollinger, officiating. The house was decorated for thhe occasion In Oregon greens, andtthe ceremony took place in the parlors, the bridal pair standing under a wedding bell, trimmed with white satin ribbons. The bride's wedding gown was a trav eling suit, and her maid of honor was Miss Millie Grant, of Scappose. Wel rose Kaser, of Portland, a brother of the groom, was best man. Immediate relatives and a few friends tere pres ent at the ceremony, which tyas fol lowed by supper. The bride's boquet fell into the arms of Miss June Char man, who' played the wedding march, and Miss Vara Caufleld. Mr. and Mrs. Kaser were the recipients of many beautiful gifts from their many friends. They took the Southern Pacific over land train for California and will spend their honeymoon in San Fran cisco and Los Angeles. , Mosler-Scheurer. Pearl A. Mosier, of ABtoria, and formerly a resident of Oregon City, whs united in marriage Sunday to Miss Joyce Schuerer, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Scheurer, in Butteville, in the pres ence of about 30 relatives and friends Rev. Warren was the officiating clergy man . The bride was handsomely gowned in white silk mull over white silk and oarried a bouquet of white carnations. The tridasmaid was Miss Anna Meyer, of Portlanu. Hud Charles Scheurer was best nan. Mr. and Mrs. Mosier took the evening train for Portland and will be at home to their friends in Astoria after February 1. They were the recipients of many beautiful presents. TEACHER'S INSTITUTE. V . . . ". ' County Pedagogues " Will Meet at Mil J 1 waukie January 27, i;.'' - .. -.. Superintendent J. O. Zioser has ar ranged the following program for a meeting of Clackamas county teach er ,'whiqh will be held at Milwaukie, Saturday,' January 27, at 10 o'clock. The school officers and friends of ed ucation are invited to Attend and take part in the disoossion of the program. The' good people of Milwaukie will serve' -lunch-for the vistors. "Ways and Means of Securing the Interest and Oo-operaton of Parents," Eidth Sarr, Barlow; "United States History-The Civil War, '. Ada 0, McLaughlin,' Harmony ; intermission ; "Language in the Primary Division,," Edna Armstrong, Clackamas; "Hpw May We Raise the Professional Stand ard of Teachers," (a) "The Teacher's Part," J. W. Tbornberry,' Dover ; (b) "The Superintendent's Part," M. HL. Heaoock, Damasons; (c) "The Di rector's Part," J. E. Oalavan,; Maple Lane ; report of the library committee. Estacada S. S. Officers. The TJninn Sunday school of Esta cada held its semi-annual election of officers Sunday, and the following were chosen: Mrs. H. A. Williams, superintendent; Iva Dale, assistant superintendent; V'da Dale, secretary; Edna Womer, treasurer ; Mr,s. E. F. Surface, organist; teachers Bible class, Mrs N. Welter; young people's clas4, Mrs. T. J. Reagan ; boys' cla s, Stella Womer; girls' class, Iva Dale; primary class, Mrs. T. J. Page. The Young People's Society was formed with 6 members, and the following officers were el cted: Srella Womer, president; Roth Dale, vice-president; Zoa Irwin, secretary; Jessie 'Stubb treasurer; Edna Womer organist. Rands-Flsber. Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Clara Vena Fisher, daughter of E. W. Fisher, of Corvallis, to Mr. Ernest Paul Hands, of this city. The ceremony will take plaje at 8:80 o'clock Wednesdav evening, January 24, in Corvallis. The bride is a niece of Mrs. M. M. Charuian and Mrs. Thomas Charman and a granddaugh ter of Mrs. M. Diller, of this city. Mr. Rands is a well-known surveyor and is a member of the city council from the second ward. They will be at home in Oregon City after Febru ary 15. . . Barbur-Howlett. ' The marriage of O. L. Barbur to Miss Lydia Howlett was solemnized Wednesday evening at the home of the groom on Fifth street. Rev. E. S. Bollinger performed the ceremony, which was witnessed by the immediate friends and relatives of the bride and groom. After the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Barbur left lor Portland and after a brief honeymoon they will re torn to this city to res'de. Surprise to Mrs, Freeman. ' Mrs. George Freemnn was tendered a surprise party at her home in Ca- leruah in honoi of her birthday Satur day aftern on. The afternoon was very pleasantly spent by the guests who were: Mr. and Mrs. Kellogg, Mr. and Mrs. Tate, Mr. and Mrs. Marley, Mr. and Mrs. Telford, Mr. and Mrs. George Reddaway, Mrs. Flann, Miss Graves; Lillian. Harry, Willie and Lawn Freeman. Surprise Party. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Simmons were tendered a surprise party at their home Wednesday evening, the occasion being their 84th wedding anniverarv. The evening was pleas antly spent with music and games, and at a late boor refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons were presented with many tokens of esteem. From Mr. Stevens. , g MAPLE LANE, Jan. 17. (Editor of .The Courier. ) In your paper of two weeks' ago"wasan article called the .'.'Mid-Holiday Doings of Maple Lane," mid in regard to that I wish to state that the invitation dance given at Mr. 0. O. Allen's was no doubt, a very social and enjoyable affair; But I also wish to state that one tiling is to be regretted and is certainly not to the credit of any one p irC or set of men that call themselves gentlemen to have sent to a . paper to have published wh it was sent in to The. Oonrier two weeks ago concern ing. these Dice a id well-behaved boys of respectable farmers of Maple Lane. Alyiough they were not invited" by the party hurt so much by their pres ence, they were there by urgentj re quest of highly-respected lady friends, who were invited .Tlie boys God bless them ! dressed in their best at tire,, blended in harmony to their sup posed friends the farmers. The boys were sober; and dil they not act as gentleman should ? Was not their boldness which you claim was equaled by their freshness more a supposition than a reality. We hope the boys will 'hove better judgment hereafter than to intrude upon some of the Maple Lane people who were hurt so by their presence at thisdanoe and who so readily accepted their money, whioh was given very cheer fully by the boys. A. R. STEVENS. Sued for $100 -Received (5. Pearl Bigham. who sued his uncle, G. W. Bigham, proprietor of the Paoiflo Soda Works, for 1100.87, al leged to be due foi wages, was award ed a verdict of $5 by a jury in justice Stipp's court. The jury was com posed of T. B. Hankins, C. O. Bab- cook, O. F. Jones, W. W. Freeman, H. Hlankenthip and E. T. Grider. Personal and Local Notes License to wed was issued to Haze) Creek and J. A.Cooper. Dr. M. O. Strickland has gone to Los Angeles forjja two weeks' trip. Take your job work to the Oonrier if you want the best for your money. Pav your subscription now and get an opportunity to secure a Cream Sep arator for nothing. See page 5. F. W. McLeran of Wiltioit Springs was in the city, this week. Miss Harriet Cochran desires to an- nonnce her withdrawal from the Ore- gonian contest. Get busy and win the $85 Cream Separator. Look on page 5 aQd learn how. S. L. Socrest and family, of North Dakota, have arrived in Oregon Oity, where they will reside. Women love a "clear, healthy com plexion. Pure blood makes it. Bur dock Blood Bitters makes pure blood. Now is the time to subscribe for the Oregon City Courier. Best clubbing offers we have ever had may be obtain ed now. Attorney O. Sohuebel left Tuesday night for Marshfleld, Uoos connty, on a business trip, and will be absent about ten days. Get busy and win the 185 Cream Separator. Look on page 5 and learn how. Attorney Franklin T. in Eastern Oregon on a this week. Griffith was business trip Gerge W. Dixon is preparing to move to Canby, where he will es tablish a newspaper. Rev. R. C. 'Blackwell left Tuesday for Woodburn to attend a meeting of the East Portland District Ministerial Association. The Gutta Percha girl in the Prince of Liars" makes a hit with the audience from start to finish. Popular prices. See Humming Top in the "Prince of Liars" in a sad predicament at Shivel.v's operahouse, Saturday,' Jan uary 20. Popular prices. G. A. Heinz returned Mondav nieht from McMinnville. and leaves 'he latter part of the week for Kla math Falls, where he may locate. "The Prince of Liars, or What Hap pened to Humming Top," atShivelv's operahouse, Saturday January 20. Not a dull moment throughout the play. Pleasing - specialities between acts. Popular prices. Suit of D. M. Klemson vs. Mrs. I. Hughes to recover 121.10 due on a grocery bill was settled and dismissed. The plaintiff secured an attachment on the wages due the defendant's minor daughetr, who is employed in the woolen mills. TTrsGhurch ot Christ, Scientist, Garde Building Services, Sundiy at U a. m., and Wednesday at 8 p. m. ; subject for Sunday, "Love;" Sun day school at 10 a m. The reading room is open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons from 2 to 4. Women as Wall as Men Are Mads Miserable by Kidney and ; Bladder Trouble. - Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discouragesandlessensambition; beauty, vigor ana cheertul ness soon disappear when the kidneys aVe out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to be born -afflicted with weak kidneys. If the childuriiistestoooften, if the urine scalds . the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it. should be ahle to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, dependupon .it, thcause of the dim- culty is kidney trouble, and the first . step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due'tofa diseased condition of , the kidneys and bladder and uoi to a habit as most people suppose. : Women as well as men are made miser? able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. "It is sold py druggists, in nuy--cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may.: have a sample bottle by mail free, also a Home of Smmp-Root. pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N Y , be sure and mention this paper, t Don't make any mistake', but remember the, name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y., 'on every bottle ' Only ten davs more, but still that, is omnia time far tHriftv hnca,.,u, i i " llWUtlVHlY IVS (Tj lane advantage of our modern drug store methods, tvf , ' He re are some samnle orders showm? the en REV. UNDSBOROUGH INSTALLED.. Presbyterians Formally Pastor. Receive New Canadian Money Taken: at Pa Huntley Brothers Co ANNUAL January Any Pictore In the Hoase at Half Price Clearance Sale Rev. J. Robert Landsborough was installed as pastor of the First Pres byterian chnrch Tuesday evening. Rev D. A. Thompson, of Sellwood, delivered the charge to the pastor, Rev. Thayer, of Portland, made the oharge to the people, .and Rev. B. M. Sharp, of Portland, preached the ser mon. Special mnsio was given by the choir and Miss Maysie Foster ren dered a vocal solo. Mr., Landsborough came here' about one'' year ago to act as supply for the church, and a few we)ks ago received the unanimous call from the members of the church to its pastorate. He has made many friends during his year of Residence in Oregon City. ,i Moak-Mann. - The marriage of Miss Hattie Mann to Mr. Carlos VV. Moak, both of Ore gon City was solemnized at 8 o'olook Wednesday evening, January 10, at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. J. T. Emert, !i3 EaBt Seventh street, Portland. Rev. O. W. Hays, of Port land, officiated, in which was em ployed the ring service. The cere mony was witnessed by relatives and invited guests. -The bride was beoomingly attired in a gown of cream albatross and car ried a bonquet of carnations. Miss Laura Williams, of Maple Lane, was maid-of-honor, and wore a dress of pink organdie and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. - Mr. William Mann, a brother of the bride, was best man. , Tli9 Emert home was lav ishly decorated in Ofegon grape, mis tletoe and holly. Pink aud green were the colors employed in the parlors, while the dining room was in white and green. . immediately after the ceremony a sumptuous wedding luncheon was served The couple were the recip ients of many handsome and costly presents. After a short visit in Port land, Mr. and Mrs. Moak will leave for their home in North Yamhill. RAILROAD LANDS FOR LEASE. Lands of the Oregon and California Railroad Company, in Oregon, will he leased for the year 1906 subject to cancellation of lease in the 'event of the sale of the land during the term of the lease. Owners of farms and ranches ad joining railroad lands should file their applications not later than Feb. 1, 1906, after which date applications from others will also be considered. Address CHARLES W. EBERLE1N, Acting Land Agent, 1035 Merchants Exchange, San Fran cisco, Cal. " Mock Trial at Barclay. Z Students of the Barclay high school are arranging for a mock trial Friday, January 26, in the assembly hall. Miss Ruth Lotourette will bo tho judge, and a jury will be chosen from the student body. An indictment has been returned against Irene Moore for breaoh of promise, with Carl Schram, as plaintiff, and he will be represented in court by Russell Woods and Allie Grout as counsel. Earle Latourette and Raymond Canheld as attorneys ror tne aerense. , Mrs. Margaret Hastings. Mrs. Murgaret Hastings died Sun day in Salem of senile exhaustion and the bo'iy was brought here Monday and taken to Hotman's undertaking parlors, where .it was prepared for burial. Deceased was 75 years of age and was born in Ireland. She was the mother of Mrs. F. S Baker and Mrs. Barry, of this city. The funeral took place Wednesday morning from st. joiin s uatnonc cnuron. Frank TCewton has the only strictly modern Undertaking1 establishment in the city. Next door to Courier office. Phone 1243. House phone 1598. SHANK AND BISSELL. leading Undertakers and Embalmers, opposite Huntley's Drug Store, Main St., Ore gon City. Phone 10&1. , - R. L. HOLMAN, Leading Un 'dertaker and Embalmer. Office in Caufield BIdg., Oregon City, Ore, Si m M M m ESS n Here are some sample orders showing the savins you can make bvmakine your purchases now. Of course you will not want any one order complete, but take one or two from each list and note the saving. Order No. 1 ' now reg. Creme Dentifrice 18 .20 Tooth Brush .. , 25 .35 Ivory Soap. .... .........07 .10 Pure Cream Tartar , 84 w .50 1 lb Bird seed .;i,...Y ........06 .10 Talcum Powder .7- .'. 07 .15 'Powdered Borax.!,.,..,. 07 .15 Save. .99 $1 55 .56 'Order No. 2 , now reg. ,1 Bar Castile Soap 3 lbs.........v..$ .84' f .60 .1 Box World's Fair Tooth Picks 15 .25 ; 1 Alcohol Gas Stove. . ....... .... ;. . . .49 .75 ' 1 Rub Dry Bath Towel 75 1. 00 1 Ladies Purse.'....... 1.15 2.00 1 LadieB Purse. I....'. .87 .75 1 Alarm Clock. 69 1.00 1 Box, Perfumed Soap 19 .25 14.13 $6.60 4.13 Save $2.87 Order No. 3 now reg. Shaving Brush. 25 $ .35 Swing Strop. ..... '. 83 .50 Large Mirror ! 85 1.25 3 Blade Guaranteed Knife. .. '. 95 1.50 Shaving Mug. .15 ,25 House Thermometer 40 ,60 Truss , 98 1.50 $3.91. Save $2.04 now Order No. 4 Box of Fine Stationery $ .80 Guaranteed Umbrella 90 Gold Fountain Pen .75 Educational Games .19 Gold Cuff Buttons 1.00 Gold Filled Watch Chain 2.50 Gold Filled Finger Ring. 1.00 reg. $ .50 1.25 1.00 .25 3.00 5.00 2.00 $6.14 Save $11.00 6.14 $1.85 , - fcany people-no doubt wonder how we can make such low prices as we do on . many of these articles. We have too much stock thats the whole secret of ;, these remarkably low prices, in many cases way below cost. But our stock is ; enormous and we must convert several hundred dollars worth of it into money before invoicing Feby. 1st. We know of no better way than by making such attractive prices this month that customers are bound to see and realize the immense saving to be made by making their purchases now. ran modern Dentistry Do not doIay having those Crowns or Bridges done until you loose the teeth. ' We are doing Crown and Bridge work without hurting you. We should like you to see our new methods of constructing Crowns and Bridges. If you have a few old teeth tr'at are only fit to extract, don't go on suffering with toothache when we can rmove them and nt cause any pain, without the use of chloro form, ether, gas or cocaine. Per fectly safe and harmless. Why don't you have your teeth filled with the new (material, Por celain inlays. It lasts and looks better than gold. (.We can fill the teeth with gold without the rubber dam if you don't like the dam. We try to please you and guarantee to do so. We havf a graduate assistant who is an expert in gold and porce lain work. 1 L L Pickens Dentist Weinhard Building, 'Opposite . Courthouse. rurnnu re AT CANBY Store Having of W. H. purchased tie Fumitute Stock Baft Cfee Prince of Eiars OK What Happened to Hummingtop Shively's Opera House One night Saturday, July 20, A Roaring farce-comedy, in three acts, produced by a competent com pany for langhing purposes only. Beautiful stage settings. Refined and pleasing specialties between acts. ADMISSION General IIoufo Prices 50c. Seats on Sale at Huntley Bros. Co. Friday morning, Jan, 19. I am now Ofcoarcd to finish customer with all kinds of HOUSEjFURNISHINGj GOODS Yoa will findmyjpifices!ai!e tight ROSCOE MACK CANBY - - OREGON Anniversary of Eagles. Oregon Oity Aerie, Fraternal Or der of Etgles, is ai ranging for the celebration of its first anniversary in Knapp's hall, Monday evening, Feb ruary 5. The members of Waoheno Triue, Improved Order of Red Men, will be the gnests of the E' gles, re turning the compliment of a year ago, when the Redmon gave a reception to the Eagles, after the organization of the feathered lodge. A progrim of songs, speeches, etc, will be arranged, aud a lunch will be served. The comittse on ar-' rangements is: A. M. Sinnott, Pat Finucane. T. Murphy, R. W. Baker, Fran 1 Newton. Teachers' Local Institute. Connty School Superintendent J. O. Zinsor is arranging foi a local teach ers' institute, which will be hold in Milwaukie Satnrdar, January 27. The progiam has not yet been prepared. Schools of the county are running smoothly, and little of unusual luter est is reported. The Aurora school recently gave a basket social, and netted more than $10, whioh will be expendedor the benefit of the school. Everybody Drinks Weinhard's Beer Mr. Nelson's Announcement. HARDING PRECINCT, Jan. 18. (Editor of the Courier) I hereby an nounce myself an Independent candi date for State Senator, In this county. I am sixty-six years old; was born near Springfield, ' Sangamon county, Illinois, and emigrated to this country In 1851. By occupation a farmer. Have worked at the printing business, min ed, taught school, chopped wood, and grubbed. Never held or ran for of fice, except school director or clerk. Politically, I hail from the Demo cratic camp, and entertain Socialistic views. Am a Woman Suffragist and a temperance man never having been so drunk but what I could walk a crack in the floor. I shall be pleased to meet my opponents and discuss the living issues of the day at any time and place. If the people of this coun ty see proper to give me a seat In the Legislature. I propose to go there with my hands unbound, and serve them to the best of ,my ability. Fellow citizens, I hope to meet you all later on, when we can reason to gether. Respectfully, N. F. NELSON. Spoiled Her Beauty. Harriet Howard, of 209 W. 84th St., New York, at one time had her beauty spoiled with skin tronble. She writes: "I had Salt Rhoum or Eo '.ema for years, but nothing would nre it, until I used Bucklon's Arnica Salve." A quick and sure healer for cu's burns and sores. 25c at Howell & Jouos' drug store.