Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 19, 1906, Image 10

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Says He Is Unable to Secure
Road Improvements. -
Why Not Do Some Mission
ary Work at Heme Before
Going: Too Far to
Foreign Fields?
MALPE LANE, Jan. 17. (Editor
of The Courier. ) I notice iu last
week's Courier this item which ap
peals in the statement ot foude needed
by the court: " For advertising the
county's resources, $500." The
thought came to me, why not do some
lioruo missionary work before going
too far to foreign fields?
Qnite recently residents, voters, tax
payers, home-makers and property
Improvers have tried to ha?e the
count help rebnild a bridge across
Newell Creek, so that wo could use
our county road, which brings us
within about two miles.of the county
courthouse. We have been pretty goon
and obedient out here, iiave stayed
at home and sawed wood and tried to
look pleasant.when we travelled three
or lour miles out or our way to get
to the courthouse to pay our taxes,
and tlieu be told each year that they
wre a little higher. Neither have
we kicked or howled very much when
the county officers have had to have
more ulerks and more money for the
Lewis and Clark exhibits, etc. Yet
when we ask for a little help on our
road we are Bmilingly told, "This sec
tion was never intended for humans
to travel over only wild animals."
Well, may be so. We have not seen
thi sheriff or assessor out here lately,
but HUW do they manage, to raise
our taxes every year and turn it up
another notch if we paint our house,
build a fenoe or set out a fw trees. .
Hat there is a limit even to what
the reilgionsly inclined can stand,
and something is likely to snap after
In my own case I have been here
over twelve yoars, have built a house,
Improved my place and tried to make
an attractive home ; have been called
out on other roans several times to,
work my road tax, while the county
dim a supervisor with team work ouj
our roaa a pari or one any witnin me
twelve years, yet my taxes are more
than three times as niuoh as they were
in 1804, when our road was open, let
ting tis into town within half the
distance we have to travel now.
Although I have managed to live
without asking aid since being in tiie
county, I want to give a note of warn
ing : If my place guts into the
county's hands lor taxes cr otherwise,
I fuel confident that the profits from
that source will not burden the
county treasurer's sate to any alarm
ing extent. However, I will make
this offer to the county, or to any of
the n ni OHtace shnrpors who are look
ing l'or a snap. I will give my place
to anyone who will pay me a reasona
ble fair amount for my time aud im
provements. ,
I believe the county should euoour
ago in all ways permanent homo-makers
to a. much greater extent than
speculators. Thus, it seemed to me,
perhaps advertising uounty resources
on a rosy pioture-sheot is a little more
foreign than improving roads or even
spurting nil experimental plot of fruit,
berries, grasses, etc., that intruding
Bottlers could seo with their own eyes
what the county would produce, aud
also that present Bottlers might learu
Of butter varieties aud better methods.
help, as the originator of ' the pres
ent mode of worsing the county reads,
although at that time opposed by
nearly the whole county, you alt know
my position on the question cf good
roads. I consider them ot more im
prrtanoe to the rural population than
any one thiup.
As to the second pint. I believe
and I think you will agree with me,
that the farmer pays mor. taxes ac
cording ta hi.: income than the . 'arge
corporations ana as long as our tax
laws are in the present shape, this is
an evil difficult to remedy. But I
promise that ser far as I am able under
the present coudi ions, this shall be
As to the administration of county
affairs in an economical way, my
record as county commissioner for'six
years is weil known to you and I am
not ashamed to ask you for your ' sup
port on ttiat record.
I know I will have a hard fight ' to
win the noraina'ion and hope my
friends throughout the county will
rally to my support and do all they
can to help roe. '
Respectfull Yours.
Dated at Milwaukie, Oregon, January
9, 1906.
Every 6 cents paid on subscription
eutitlos' you to a vote on our big
Cream Separator offer. See age 5.
Grist of
Orders Handed
Judge McBride.
Down By
Huntley Bros, Co. Guarantee Hyoraei to
Cure Catarrh or It Costs Nothing.
tadi tor of the Courier:
In view of the prevalence of catarr
hal troubles at this season of thoyear,
we want, to toll your readers that we
have never sold anything that gave
more Hittisfaotiou than Hyomei, when
DHoil in catarrhal troubles. You get
inimmliittu relief from the treatment,
anil consiHtint use will prove to every
gull'irer, as it has to many of our
customers, 1 1 to virtue of this prepara
tion Personally we are interested in Hy
omei, tor it is made nud sold on
honor, and wo do not waut. your
mom y unless your aro benefited and
Thero is no stomach dosing in con
nection with Hyomoi It is n
thoroughly local treatment tor a local
disease, and its soothing, healing
medication goes tlivoet to the spot
where it is needed The complete
Hyomei ouUit consists of a pocket in
haler, medicine dropper, and a
bottle of Hyomoi, and the price is
ouly $1. while additional bottles can
bo obtained for AO cents.
We positively gmvrautoe a cure when
Hyomei is used iu accordance with
directions or we will refund your
money. This certainly shows our
faith and belief iu the virtues of Hy
omei. Yonrs very trnlv,
Scott Announce Candidacy. '
To the Citizens of Clackamas County,
Oregon :
I herewith Announce myself us a
candidate tor the nomination of
Count v JiuIko on the Republican
ticket, to be v tod for at the next ori
unii v i lection.
It nominated and elected, I s'mll
s'aiid especially for three th'ugs:
First For good road .
Second For as near equal taxation
s li is possible to g"t, acoordi ig to
iu come.
Third For the economical adminis
tration of all aoi uty ttUiurs.
Snie I, with Judge MeMrum's
E. H. Burghardt has instituted suit
against; Hall Brothers to recover a
balance due on a bill for merchan
dise. He alleges that he sold to the
defendants goods to the value of
1403.49, and only $13.65 has been paid.
An attachment has been issue 1
against the defendants.
The following orders have been
handed down in the circuit court:
Marcel la Young vs. Earle M.
Young; default and reference.
Birdell Smith vs. George F Smith,
divorce; demurrer overruled and order
of default entered.
Eliza' Skirvin vs. Harvey L. Skirvin,
et al; the defendants with the excep
tion of Harvey L Skirvin and Mary
Murdock are adjudged in default.
H. i". Latourette was appointed
guardian ad litem ror U. ti. Skirvin
and Audrey Skirvin, defendant mi
nors, and was directed to file an ans
wer in their behalf.
C. M. Idleman vg W. O. Waddell ;
case dismissed and injunction dis
The jurv has rendered a verdict for
the 'cfoudint in the suit of the T. S.
Townsend Creamery Co. vs. A. J.
Kitzmiller. The defendaut purchased
a cream separator from the plaintiff,
who claimed that it was not satisfac
tory and declined to accept it.
tiiiarios enker, who has commenced
suit Bgainst Leanie Baker for a di
vorce, has secured an ordor f on Or-
cuit Judgo McBride for the posesBinn
of his two minor cl ildren, whom his
wife placed in the care and custody
of M. B. Williams, of Portland.
Iu the mi t of Mary Boruhcfen vs.
Will'nm Borcsh, tt al.. an order of
default has been entered, aud J. R.
S'oddnrd has been appointed guardian
ad litem ot Hilda, Albertine and
Louis Seohtem, minor defendants.
Mcfallic Circuit from Molalla to City via
Beaver Creek.
Cut an $35 Cream
nothing. See page 5.
Separator for
The Grip.
"Before We can sympathize with
others we must have, suffered our
selves. " No one can realize the
suffering attendant upon an attack-of
the grip, unless he has had the actual
experience. There is probably no dis
ease that causes so much physical and
mental agony, or whioh so sucoessfuly
dofles medical aid. All danger from
the grip, however, may be avoided by
the prompt use of . Chamberiain's
Cough Remedy. Among the tens of
thousands who have uesd this remedy,
not one case' hs 'ever been reported
that has resulted in pneumonia or that
has not recovered. For sale by Hunt
ley Bros. Co. , Oregon City and Molalla.
Are Reluctant to Tell
Political Faith. '
Registration is coming in at a fair
rate in the office of County Clerk F.
W. Oieonman, aud J. W. MoAnulty
has been employed to transfer to Mr.
Greenman's hooks the names of tl'ose
registeiing with uotaries and justices
in outlying products as fat as the
names aro reeoeived by mail.
The present registration act is new
io the people of this conuty, and many
voters are reluctant to toll the clerk
their political belief. When inf rmed,
howewr, that unless their politioal
faith is registeied, they will not be
permitted to. voto at, the primaries,
they invariably uive in.
Socialists, frolnbitiouists ana inde
pendent voters will not be allowed to
nominate by primary, but must gain
noiuinaticiiB by petition. Unfamilia--
ity with the workings or tiie new
primary law will probably .wuse some
soreness hoiora emotion, ine regis
tration books close April 10, and will
uot re-open until after the primaries
aro held. It is not generally known
that voters cannot be sworn in at the
primaries, but tpust register in order
to vote.
Pnv vour subscription now and get
an opportunity to secure a Cream Sep
arator for nothing. See page 6.
Dangers of a Cold and How to Avoid Them
More fatalities have their origin in
or result from a oold thau from any
other cause. This fact alone should
inalio people more careful as there is
no danger whatever from a cold-1 wheu
it is properly treated in the begin
ning. For mauy years Chatuberaiu's
Cough Remedy has been reooguized
as the most prompt aud effectual med
icine iu use for this disease. It acts
on nature's plan, loosens the cough,
relieves the lungs, opens, the secre
tions and aids nature in restoring the
system to a healthy condition. Sold by
Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City aud
Molalla. . Zm ;-t-jJ
n MOLALLA, Or., San. 7. This line
has been talked of ever since the or
ganization of the Mutual Telephone
Association here two years ago. At
three different meetings of the Asso
ciation last year it wa dedded to
build this metallic ciicoit to Oregon
City, mutually, prov ded Beaver
Creek Association did its si are, also
mutually. Beaver Creek, Cams, Ma
lino and Liberal got right in when
Molalla gave the signal and demon
strated the fact that things ot seem
ingly gigantic proportions can be ac
complished mutually, by pulling to
gether. Whenever a person sets his
hand and subscribes his name to triie
membership roll of an association of
people for the purpose of performing
a partnership undertaking, every such
member is in honor bound to abide
by t lie decibion of a two-thirds "ma
jority rule," and has not yet learned
the first prin ipl s of co-operation if he
insists to rule on the line of his indi
vi ual ideas, 'and should in justice to
himself, widen out on his views, "or
quietly withdraw from the undertak
ing he is trying to burdeu. "Bear ye
one another's burdens," may be very
applicable, but not all members have
the . earing quality to Bhoulder their
own load and carry part or all of an
other's duties. A member that chooses
to sit and sit still, aud not move, with
the association's wheols of progress,
delights ery much in "sitting in his
own light" while he tall s on the
principle" or being driven to move
on a little from the position that he
occupied when he signed the associa
tion's constitution aud by-laws, which
provide for the government of such
association through a board of direc
tors. Whenever three-fourths of the
membership of any aesociatiou are
ready to stand by the sevtral acts of
its board of dir ctors through a period
of two years, it s about the best
proof that could be found (without
wasting some sleep and quite a good
deal of hustling about) that the will
of the a Molalla Mut.al Te'ephone
Association has been carrnd out
about as well as weak mortals here
below could hope to tver do .
There ill be a special meeting of
the associat on the first Monday in
Februa v at 11 o'clock, at which time
the affairs of the assi ciation will be
turned over to fifteen directors a
r 'presentative for each aivisi in line.
Evangelical Association.
Jan. 21 Canby, 11a. m. ; Molalla,
8 p. m. ; Cams, 7 :80 p. m.
Jan. 25 Maple Lane, 7 :80 p. m.
Jan. 28 Oregon City. 10:45 a. m. ;
Highland, 3 p. ni. ; Shubel, 7:80 p. m.
Get busy
and win the $85 Cream
Look on page 5 and learn
We're enthusiastic about this sale we never had an idea that there were so many really
good-things that could be sol j' for a nickel or a dime.
You'll be surprised, too, when you come in to see what those little pieces of money will buy.
Look at the list below and then take a peep at our windows you'll see things that you never had
an idea could be bought for so little money. There are Night Lamps, Knives, Hammers, Dinner
Plates, Cups and Saucers, Cake Plates, Berry Bowls and many other things just as good. The
list below gives you a faint idea of what your money is worth, but remember that of some items we
have only small quantities so don't wait too long or what you especially want may be gone.
Heavy Fire Shovel, here's a
bargain if there ever was one
The Enameled Sauce Pan that
we'er selling now for.
Cannot be duplicated for less than twice the
money. Only one to a customer.
Rolling Pin the best one we
ever saW for....
A nickle isn't much of a coin, but it will buy
a fine big Salt Box. You have never seen,
its equal for less than 20c. While seventy
five of them last we will sell them iT
A Picture a fine large one at that size
i2 x 16 inches FREE if you buy a
full weight box of tacks at "JC
If you like nice Glassware here's another
bargain for you that beats the record. tEZ
6 inch Berry Bowl... U'JC
9 inch Cake Palate, cut glass A
pattern, extra heavy VJC
Wall Paper, 500 Rolls double
Do not wait until it is all sold.
Each 4.'..;
For Ranges and
Heating Stoves
A ' Large
Supply of the
Carbon 'Hill Coal
Will be Kept on Hand at all Times.
Free delivery to all parts of the city.
In lots of one-half ton or
more, per ton .... $6.00
Also in smaller lots at, per
100 pounds; .... .45
Phones 171-231
School Books Cheap!
New and Second Hand. Buy her am save
money. One block from Oregon City car line.
Also, Books Bought, Sold and Exchoafed.
HYLAND 229 231 Yamhill fit
Richard Petzold. Prop.
Cash Ptice Paid
Live Stock.
Phone KJ3.
Main Street
Oregon City
s s a ss n sssssssjs s?
To bathe when you can have one of these fine bath
tubs put right In your residence for less than half the
cost of a trip to the Coast. We have moved Into ou
new building, between Ninth and Tenth, and are now
prepared to Jo alt kinds of rumng and attend to all
your wants better than ever before. Call and see us
0 our new quarters, 910 Main Stre't. F. C GADtCE
Lymp's 3rt Studio
For fine Photos and large y
Portraits ,
We also have a line of
Picture Trame TtlouUinqs
Special aitention givento artistic
ave Your Money
I5y buying GROCERIES at the
In the blood causes Rheu
matism.Sdatia.Lumbago, Neuralgia and Gout You
can remove the cause bj
wearing one of our
Manufactured by th Rex Rbeunutdu
Ring Co.. Hartfosd. Connecticut.
Prick $2.00 xu b?
Burmeister & Andreseo, Oregon City, Ore.';
Dried and Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Coffee, Tea
Baking Powder, Rice, Mush, Flour, Granite Ware, China
Ware and Everything belonging to a First-class Store
Will be sold at Wholesale Prices
For 30 Days Only Come Now
I. Hood
C 3l G
Having purchased the MT. HOOD
CAFE, we will in future conduct
a first-class gentleman's resort.
We will keep in stock the best
HOT LUNCHES will be served as
usual. We will be glad to meet
all old patrons and new ones as
well. Comfortable rooms for tran
sients in connection. TZ
Until the drain on your system produces permanent disability. The human
breathing machinery is a wonderful system of tubes and cells. To have food
health it must ba kept in good order. A COLD is considered of no impor
tance, yet if it was known by it's proper name of "throat inflammation,"
or "congestion of the lungs," its dangerous character would be appre
ciated. When a cold makes its appearance use at once Ballard's Bora
hound Syrup which will speedily overcome it.
WHOOPIN& COUCH and CROUP Require Prompt Action. SNOW
LINIMENT applied to the throat and chest gives wonderful relief, while
Ballard' Horehound Syrup will rapidly stop the violent paroxysms of
Mrs. Msrjd Adams, Gol(1tiwlt, Tex., writes: ''I hve used Sallsrd'a
Horehound Syrup ud And It the BEST medicine for croup, coughs and
eoldi My children use It and It is pleasant to take and Quickly cures."
I Th Children's Fa,vrlta!em4y Every
Ballard Snow Liniment Co.,
Clmtmn & Co., City Drug Store
Sizes. 25c. 50c. SLOO II
attle Gaarsntett l
St. Louis, no. y