OREQO N C cou 23rd YEAR. OREGON CITY, OREGON. FRDAY. DECEMBER 22, 1905. No 32 Y DO PRACTICAL XMAS SHOPPING BUY PRACTICAL XMAS PRESENTS At the GREATEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE NORTHWEST STORE OPEN EVENINGS mfrlMJn jjjffitfw CARE" MEN IN jMMffSJ ALL P DEPART- ' ' EXTRA SALES- PROMPT LY FILLED Our great commodious establishment offers every advantage for Holiday Shopping. Select from the following: ' House Coats $3.50 to $J2.50 Umbrellas $1.50 to $12.50 Bath Robes 4.00 to J 2.50 Lounijin Robes 8.50 to 20.00 Fs - ,ests 2.50 to 5.00 Neckwear 50c to 2.50 Gloves J. 00 to 2.25 Shirts J. 00 to 2.50 Reefers J. 50 to 3.00 Suspenders 75c to 4.00 Night Shirts ; ... t .00 to 5.00 Pajamas 1.50 to 6.00 Handkerchiefs 25c to t, 50 Half Hose 25c to 2.50 Southwest Cot nef Fourth and Morrison Portland, Oregon S Holiday Presents the "Ever Ready" Flashlights just the thing with whichjto sur prise your relations or ti ierras. We have a dozen different styles to select from. Write tor our circulars or call and see us the next time you are in the city. Western Electric Works Phone Mam 1(96 No. 61 Sixth Street, PORTI.AND.ORE URIC ACID In the blood causes Rheu matism, Sciatica.Lumbago, Neuralgia and Gout You can remove the cause by wearing one of our REX RHEUMATIC RINGS ' Manufactured by die Rex Rheumatto 3te Price $2.00 solo b Burmeister & Andresen, Oregon City, Ore. L S. BONNEY'S SHINGLE MILL On Clear Creek, near Logan, is now in operation and can tupply the trade 'with first-class shingles atreasouable rates. Office Phone Red 896 3es. Phone East 197? MRS. B. F. KYNE Hair and Scalp Specialist Electric Massacre. Scalo Treatment and ShamDOolnr. Gray Hair. Dandruff. Falling Hair and Diseased acalp Treatment. MANICURING AND CHIROPODY If In III health willj treat you at your home t-8 Lewis BuilJine PORTLAND Park and Morrison Sts. OREGON A YOUNG MAN AND HIS FRIENDS i !;5HSfK ' , - krr "rzr A young man may have many friends, but he will find none so steadfast; so ready to liXN respond to his wants; so cap- it1 .. - able or pusning mm ahead as with the name of a good strong s" bank on its cover. The Bank of Oregon City Bargains in. Holiday . Goods Save to to 50 percent By Buying at the CITY DRUG STORE Charman & Company T. L CHSRAUN, Executor. , SYSTEM IS COMPLICATED Primary Law Is a Bugbear to the Politicians. DATES OF VARIOUS STEPS Nominating Petitions for County Officers Must Be Filed Before April 5. The adoption of the direct-primary law has given Oregon such a compli cated system of elections that not even the accomplished politician can carry in his mind all the details of the mary election, April 25. Registration books closed for gen eral election, May 15, 5 p. m. Initiative Petitions Number of signers required to ini tiate laws or amendments, 7489. Last day for filing initiative peti tions, February 3. Last day for filing pamphlets advo cating measures, December 30, 1905. Last day for filing pamphlets oppos ing measures, February 5. Direct Primary Election County Clerks give notice of prim ary election not later than March 21. Last day for filing petitions for plac ing names on ballot for state, Congres sional and district offices, March 30. Last day for filing petitions for coun ty offices, April 4. Date of primary election, April 20. Canvassing votes of primary election for state offices, May 5. General Election Last day for filing certificates of nomination for state offices by as sembly of electors, April 19. Last day for. filing nominating pe titions for state offices, May 4. Last day for filing certificates of nomination for county offices by as sembly of electors, May 4. Last day for filing nominating peti tions for county offices, May 19. WILL COUNTY TAX BE LESS? Reduction of Probably Three Mills Anticipated.' CITY LEVY IS INCREASED Taxes for Roads and Bridges Will Not Be Lower But State Tax Will Be Cut Down. Should the county court make a reduction of 3 mills in the tax levy at the January term of Court, as is an ticipated, the total county tax will ba but 17 mills, as against 20 mills Three Candidates For City Recorder V u pgr iw .aiwiut ' iw 1 ."up a-"?1 y "w'h1.- .'it." ' . " f - fj ; ' VV V 1 Oscar D. 'Eby. Vf. A. Dimick. si On the first Wednesday night in January the new council proceeds to elect a man to fill the office of City Recorder for the year 190G. There are no less than five avowed candi dates for the place, and all of them seem confident of election. Walter Dimick, the present official, is after a second term, and is looked upon as the favorite, and it is generally conceded that he has more votes on his string than any one of his opponents. Morti mer D. Latourette, John W. Cochran, and Oscar Eby are candidates for the position, as is Attorney John W. Loder and rumor has it there are men who have an ear to the ground, expecting a deadlock, when the old reliable dark hdrse will rush undur the wire and secure the blue'rlbmon. 1 The place pays $25 a taontb, but there are perquisites that are not to be despised by the hungry office seek er. The duties of the City Recorder are anything but light, and he earm his salary twice over. But thesi.. things do not dissuade the men who are hot after the five votes necessary to bring down the persimmon. The majority of the members of the coun cil are shy about making promises and th6y are dally beset with the impor- 1. John W. Loder. tunltles of the candidates and their friends, until they have become ar dent advocates of an alteration in the city charter providing for the election of the City Recorder by the people, or his appointment by the Mayor. Bruce C. Curry, who served with credit In the office for several years, Is not a candidate, although It was generally expected that he would be. He states emphatically that he does not want the position. Mr. Curry's record in the office was flattering to himself, and had he gone after the place, matters would have been mixed up to a greater degree than they are at the present time. proceedings leading up to the general election of state, district and county officers. One of the most difficult things to ascertain and remember is the dates upon which the various steps in the nomination and election of of ficers must be taken. 'In fact, the or dinary citizen cannot figure out the dates if he has the statute before him, for the language varies and different methods of computing time must be adopted. It will be seen that the campaign of 1906 really begins during the last week In December of this year, when initiative petitions must be filed if the promoters desire to file pamphlets In support of the proposed measures. The pamphlets must be brought to the office of Secretary of State Dun bar by December 30. If the promoters of measures do not desire to file pamphlets, they will have until Feb ruary 3 to file petitions. It should also be explained that peti tions for nominations for district of fices, such as Circuit Judge, District Attorney, Joint Senator, and Joint Rep resentative, must be filed In the of fice of the Secretary of State, and not in the offices of County Clerks, and the dates governing nominations fflr state offices are applicable. The fol lowing list contains all the dates of interest to the voter and the candi date for office: Registration Registration books opened by Coun ty Clerks, Tuesday, January 2. Registration books closed for pri mary election, April 10, S p. m. Registration books opened after prl- General election, June 4. In order to participate in the prim ary election that will ba held narlv in April, voters must register, at the omce 01 tne county clerk or with a no tary public prior to that time. Other wise they will not be permitted to vote at the , primaries since any previous registration does not hold good. This is an important matter and voters should get out of the habit of putting off to the last minute the matter of registering and thereby run the risk of having to forfeit his right to vote. Registration books will be opened early in January and voters should lose no time in qualifying as electors. WORK ON CAZADERO DAM. Rapid Progress Is Being Made By Day and Night Labor. Work on the dam at the headworks above Cazadero has progressed quite rapidly the past few weeks. The gap that was mado aroud the east end of the dam Is being filled in with fir limbs and brush and on this dirt is dumped which is scraped down from the hill side. Most of the water is again running through the dam. The cement walls and iron frame work for the head gates are being put in place and heavy steel piping will be used to run the water from the pond down Into the flume about twenty-five rodes below the dam. A double shift of men Is employed and at night the whole place is lighted by electricity for the night workmen. for the present year. The state tax this year was 4 mills, and it Is very probable that this can be reduced. Roads and bridges received 5 mills, Oontinned on page 0 HelplHelp! I'm Falling Thus cried the hair. And a kind neighbor came to the res cue with a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. The hair was saved! In gratitude, it grew long and heavy, and with all the deep, rich color of early life. Sold in all parts of the world for sixty years. " About one year njro I loit nearly all of tuy hnlr following hii attack of mtarie. I wmi aclvlftfMl by a Irleii'l 10 ne Ayer'a Unit Vltfor. I did 10, mtri mr a re -mlt I iiffw hare a beautiful head of hair "- Mm. W. J. UuoWH, Ueuoia onee Kails, Wll. A Made by J. 0. Ayr Co., Lowell, Maae. Alto manuiaoiurerB 01 7 SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. CHtRKY PECTORAL ifers