Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, November 10, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Published Every Friday by
6.18 Chamber of Commerce.
Phone Main 2121. ,
Entered fn Oregon City Postoflioeitf! 2nd-claa8 matter
Paid lu advance, per yctr
I St
Clubbing Bates
Oregon City Courier and Weekly Oregonian.$2.00
" " , " " " Kxaminer.. 2.26
" " ' " " The Commoner.. 1 ib
" " " "Twice A Week Journal 1.7
' " " " Daily Journal 6.00
" " " " Tom Watson's Maga
zine 1.75
"The date opposite your address on the
Faper donotes the time to which youhave paid,
(this notice is marked your fcubsei Iption Is due
There is a sliow window in one of
the main street stores time appeals elo
quently to those who take pride in onr
local progress and in oar home insti
tutions. "Patronize Home Industry,"
the placard roads that is placed over a
beautiful line of furniture manufac
tured in Oregon Oity.
It does not mean that a
single dualer expects the entire
local trade in his line. But it calls at
fonfcioii to the fact that we have a
well equipped, up-to-date furniture
factory hero and that the young in
dustry, entitled to every encourage
mont, will have much "easier sail
ing" if Oregon Oity people will take
a friendly interest in Orogon Oity
stores. With some buyers the fact
that articles were manufactured at
home will be the first consideration.
Suoh should be accommodated in
any store handling the line in Or0J?on
Oity. It should be possible for every
furniture store in Oregon City to sell
goods made at Busch's factory.
Business rivalry may make this a
difficult proposition, but it should
be, brought about. The mterprise
encouraged first at home will grad
ually extend its sphere of operation,
and will evontnally become one of
the big institutions of a growing man
ufacturing town. Remember the Will
amette Pulp & Papor Co. was little
in its beginning, so also was
the Crown, Columbia Paper Co,
and the Portland Qoneral and the
Woolen Mills.
Publlio support, good will and eu-
couragomont, are due these enterprises
in thoir infancy. When they bocome
powers in the oommeroial world they
return to the community that fostered
and encouraged them added prestige
and greater prosperity.
Loyalty is not alone sentiment,
. but it is also business souse. 1 'Pat
roni.o home industry" is not an
idlo phrase; it is the watchword of
the looahty that hustles and forges
to the front. Lot us remombor it
let as go iorward.
Comment on our doplorable lack
of representation at Washington is
goneral throughout Oregon. The
stato press hasjinuoh to'say regarding
the situation and as a rulo takes its
one from the well defined position
of the Oregouian.
Many were inclined to condone
the offouse of Senator Mitohell.
Many were unwilling to judge harshly
Congressman Williamson and Her
inann. But the favor they have held
with a charitable publio is fast slip
ping away from them. They were
, faithless to their trust and the pub
lio was willing, in part, to forgive
them. Now that it is possible for
them to partially right the wrong
they have done.'.they refuse to do bo
and the publio that honored and
trusted them is awakening to a reali
zation of the sort of men thoy reallly
are. When their treachery was dis
olosod wo nursed our angor in silence.
Now that their iugratitudo is appa
rent the publio wia'.li leaps forth as
a burning flame. May it consume
them and all of their kind.
A Courier correspondent, writing
from Cauby, suggests a mothod of
preserving our game. He thinks the
deor suffer more from the wild aui
nials that pray upon them than from
tho hunter's gun, and that a substan
tial bounty on the heads of those wild
animals would hasten their exter
mination. To this suggestion, which
is a Jgood one, let us add another.
Repeal "the law prohibiting the run
ning of deer with dogs. The boys in
tho tqpt Jiilla and in the mountain
ranches will collect agaiiMheir pack
ofhounds and the coyotes and cou
gars will have a wearisome time of
it. The voriniu that infest the coun
try nd pray upon the nests and
young of onr garno birds will sooiijio
exterminated and the hunter can en
joy a day of fruitful sport. It is the
skunk,; tho fox nd 'the coyoto, not
the .hunter, that is exterminating the
game turns. .
Let ns hear again tho wailing
howl of the long eared hound, gjlis
day of usefulness is not yet past.
If General Taft could only convert
the dynamic friction in tho canal com
mission into motive power for steam
shovels, how the dirt would fly I
It may not be amiss to say that
Goorge C. Brownell has a reason for
wanting to move the Court House
and jail to Milwaukie. George has
been indioted m the Federal Court on
a criminal charge of subornation of
perjury and if he is convicted it would
be very convenient to have a jail close
at home.
Senator Depew is taking no active
part in the election in New York. It
will require all his reserve energy to
carry him through, the coming session,
of congress, handicapped by the ljfe
insurance scandals with which his
name has been associated.
Poor Russia may cry "Peace!
peace" but there is nopoace. Scarcely
was peace consummated at Portsmouth
ere the turmoil of civil war broke out
in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Warsaw
and many other cities.
It is thought that Senator Lodge's
chrouio insomnia will disappear when
he gets back into'the soporifio atmos
phore.'of the senate chamber and under
the influence of one of Sonator Mor
gan's speeches on the Panama canal.
Ambassador Ried's butler is said to
be the son of an earl. Mr. Ried is too
large and cosmopolitan a man to be
prejudiced against a Vore de Vore and
is doubtless giving him a chance to
live his title down.
Neither Gov. Vardamau, of Missis
sippi nor Senator Carmack, fo Teuues
see, was seen on the platform with the
President, or amid tho admiring
crowds around him. Perhaps they
enjoyed their icolation.
If it is true that a man usually lives
to be grateful to the woman that e
fused to marry him, what, by infer
ence, must be the feeling of a man to
ward the woman who did not refuse?
The secrotary of the treasury, Mr.
Shaw, is perhaps prematuie with his
presdential boomlot. There will be
some very slippery political weathor
before 1908
Prompt Action Must Be Taken to Pre
serve Health.
Kidney troubles are dangerous be
cause they creop on so stealthily that
they got a firm grip on the victim be
fore he is aware of it. They inanifost
themselves in such varied forms that
they are easily mistaken for othor dis-
Make no mistake.
Do not dolay.
Treat the kidneys now.
Tho kidneys are sick and will not
got well unless you use a kidney med
ioine. Doau's Kiduey Pills the cer
tain, safe and prompt romody for the
kidneys only. It cures.
G. S. Cooper, farmer, living three
milos northeast of Salem, Or., on the
Garden road, says: "I very often
lifted heavy weights, but have since
regretted having done so, as the result
was that I strained my back and ever
after had more ,or less trouble from
dull, aching pains across my loins and
other symptoms ol kidney ooiuplaint
lu some way Doau's Kidney Pills
were brought to my notioe and the
first lime I went to town I dropped
into a drugstore and inquired about
them. 1 was told theywere highly reo
ommendod and advised to give them a
trial. I did bo. And while I did not
follow the treatment as regularly as
1 should have done, being a poor hand
to take any kind of niedioine, the ben
efit I derived from their use stamps
tnem as a remedy which acts lully up
to the representations made for it."
Plenty more proof like this from
O'ogon Oity people. Call at Dr. 0.
G. Huntley's drugstore and ask what
his crstoinors report. .
For sale by all dealers. Price, 60
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y.. sole agents for the United
Remmeber the name Doan's and
taso no othor.
Henrik Ibsen, who by many is re
garded as the greatest dramatist now
alive, has become so old that further
work from him is not to be expected.
Already he has made contributions
to the drama which are invaluable.
His gospel is the gospel of truth, and
no thinking person thinks of Ram-
saying the fact that Ibsen holds the
mirror up to some phases of human
nature more pitilessly than any other
writer for the stage. America will
see some of his works played this
year by Mrs. Fisk and Mr. Harry Mes
tayer, who, under the management of
Oliver Morosco, is the most recent
acquisition to the list of stars, and is
now touring the country in "Ghosts,"
the psychological drama which Ibsen
regards as his mastervvork. "Ghosts"
will be presented at Shiveley's Opera
House for one night, Monday, Novem
ber 13.
The Illinois Central
maintains unexcelled service from
the West to the Hast and South. Mak
ing close connections with trains of
all transcontinental linos, passengers
are given their choice of routes to
(Miicago, Louisville, Momphis and
iev unmans, and through these
points to the Par East.
Prospective travelers desiring infor
mation as to tho lowest rates and best
routes are invited to correspondence
with the following representatives.
H. H. TRUMBULL, Commercial Agt
113 Third St.. Portland. Or.
J. C. LIN USE Y, Trav. Passeu'r Agt.,
U'J nurd t.. Portland. Or.
PAUL 15. THOMPSON, Passeu'r Agt.,
coimau liuililing, Seattle Wash.
9 Qnalityprinting at tlietmrier.
Outside Men Get Cream of Nursery Busi
ness Here.
KENT, Or., Nov. 8. (Editor Cour
ier). Some time ago the following
appeared in your paper, which I be
lieve is worth answering and may be
of use to your patrons.
From Liberal: "Everyone that has
purchased apple trees from aeents and
paid as high as $1 for a tree, now
have commenced to bear fruit and
they are nothing but the worst kind of
seedlings. You can find better apples
in the woods among the brush."
Now, these worthy people have
found out the value of their $1 apple
trees, what are they going to do about
it? When they learn the difference
between an authorized nursery sales
man and "the tree agent," they will
be able to buy and rest assured of
knowing the variety of fruit the tree
will bear. Furthermore, they may
appreciate the local salesman' and
home nurseries sometime, who nre
there and willing to sell at just as
reasonable prices as uiy and give some
assurance of the trees bearing fruit as
It is a we'l known fact that an out
side man from the East can come to
the Coast and sell, while a local man
is given a go-by and a promise of,
"Well, I know where you live, and
when I get ready to order I will see
you again. "
I he writer has had some experience
along just this line and has very little
regard for the worthy people who give
their orders to irresponsible agents
and get beat. A. O. NEWELL,
R. F. D. No. 4, Gresham, Or.
Whereabouts of Alfred A. King Un
known by Anxious Parents.
Alfred A. King has mysteriously
disappeared from the home of his
father, W. S. King, who resides in a
suburb of this city. About a week
ago young King, who is 26 years of
age, told some of his acquaintances
that he was going to California, and
told others he was contemplating a
trip through Eastern Oregon. King
was in the Philippines during the
Spanish war, and his health was
shattered by the rigorous campaign.
Since then his mind has been af
fected, and for that reason his rela
tives and friends are anxious to ob
tain news of his present whereabouts.
The7 Original.
Vloir Xr. fin flhifacn. nrisinnr.prl
Honey and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy, and on aooount of the great
and Tar many imitations are offered
for the genuine. These wortmess im
itations have similiar sounding names.
Beware of them. The genuine Foley's
liouey ana xar is m a yenuw puunage
Ask for it and refuse any substitute.
If. ia f.lio Imaf. ramttHv for ennphs fuirl
oolds. Howell & Jones, Druggists.
Frank Montgomery.
Frank Montgomery, sou of Mr. and
Mrs. John Montgomery, died Thurs
day afte-noon at the family residonce,
aged 23 years, 10 mouths and 13 days.
The funeral was held from the First
Baptist church Sunday afternoon, Rev.
Henry B. Robins officiating. De
ceased was born in Waitsburg, Wash.,
Decomber 21, 1881, and hud lived in
this city for many years. Several
months ago he contracted tuberculosis
of the lungs, and the ravages of the
dread disease could not be ohecked.
He leaves a large circle of friends to
mourn his demise. "
Many children inherit constitutions
weak and feeble, others due to child
hood troubles. Hollister's Rocky
Mountain Tea will positively oure
children and make , them strong. 85
cents, Tea or Tablets. Hundley Bros.
The petition of Elder T. L. Jones,
of the Canby Oampmeeting Associa
tion, has been dismissed by the county
court. Mr. Jones tried to secure an
exemption of the association from the
payment of taxes, which were delin
quent, but the county court has no au
thority to grant such a request.
The Indian never .Iked wnrlr but h'
wanted his squaw to set wi-ll a- mmiii
possible so that she could i t u.c w (.
u " (l l c l hi;
. h. at, ilii'ivii.
ytxyify '!. i
that v,- ill;
great rcmcy i.;r
female weak
nesses. 111'. I'iereeuses
the same rout
call-pi lilue Cd-
io,-li in his" Fa
vorite- l'iv .rit-
icm" s.i fn ,y
combined wi.n
other a Rents
that make it
more elVectlve
ninl protect tlio
stomach from
functional disturbance.
Int. IMkhck's Favoiuth rr.r.scniPTioN
is not nor ever was a "patent medicine."
but it is the carefully wrought out and
thoroughly tested rail iiY!riitltHi of a
real phiiKwUm in n mil jimrdr.
Dr. Pierce's iinparallele.l success with
this remedy was such that more wanted
to use it titan any vine doctor could attend
to in a private "practice. This Induced
him to manufacture it on a sufiicieutly
liberal scale to meet the demand.
l!y his own special proerv.es, he ex
tracts, combines and preserves the medi
cinal qualities of the srvcv::! ingredients
without the use of alcohol iiiinir chem
ically pure trlveenue instead), thus ren
dering it absolutely safe for any woman
of any ace and in auv co' litn'm to use
freely! The namrsof the hviwients are:
lady's Slipper root, lil.-cc; Cohoh root.
Unicorn root. Blue Cohosh root and
Golden Seal root.
Miss May Rohrhack, No. 73 Amsterdam
Avenue. New York City. Treasurer of the
Woman's I'roirres; ve Union, writes :
l had heiuhiriie. I'-iekurln', ami was very
nervous : sraireiy al!e u. Kvi nn-iv than
two hours a; a ni'. ! was auvis.-d ro try
1M Pin-re's Kavrr.lv' IMvM-vimiou. and was
di'llnlued Willi ihe ii'Milt. V i'liiu a u I, 1
was shviin:r v.tl.'i e'.!!.. i uMonm.1 iisii:'
the ' t'avonie l'rrcr:ni u-n ' ( r r irhr wee!.-.,
nnd then Mopi'rd. lor I v i-. nrrw-tlti tctll.
1- v.-r since 'lira jour me. I run' lias lu rn my
' Kavorhe I'vcseriDtkm.' too. 1 recommend
it t ) every uiie." !
Constipation altlvHwh a lltttn 111. be
rets bis ones it ne:;livtr i. hr. Pierce'
l Uisant 1 diets cure co;..- ;.,..u.uu.
Many Persons Have Catarrh of Kidneys,
Or Catarrh of Bladder and Don't Know It.
President Newhof and War
Correspondent Richards Were
Promptly Cured By Pe-ru-na.
Mr. C. B. Newhof, 10 Delamare street,
Albany, N. Y., President Monteflore
Club, writes:
"Since my advanced age I find that
I have been frequently troubled with
urinary ailments. The bladder seemed
irritated, and my physician said that It
was catarrh caused by a protracted
cold which would be difficult to over
come on account ot my advanced years.
I took Peruna, hardly daring to believe
that I would be helped, but I found to
my relief that I soon began to mend.
The Irritation gradually subsided and
the urinary difficulties passed away. J
have enjoyed excellent health now fori
the past seven months. I enjoy my
meals, sleep soundly, and am as well
as I was twenty years ago. I give all
praise to Her una. "(,. a. mwhot.
Suffered From Catarrh of Kidneys,
Threatened With Nervous Collapse,
Cured by Pe-ru-na.
Mr. F. B. Richards, 609 E Street, N. W.,
Washington, D.C., War Correspondent,
wtites: "Exactly six years ago I was
ordered to Cuba as staff correspondent of
the New York Sun. I was in charge of a
Sun Dispatch boat through the Spanish
American War. The effect of the trop
ical climate and the nervous strain
showed plainly on my returij to the
states, Lassitude, depression to the
verge of melancholia, and incessant
kidney trouble made me practically an
invalid. This undesirable condition
continued, despite the best of treatment.
Finally a brother newspaper man,who
like myself had served in the war, in
duced me to give a faithful trial to
Peruna. 1 did so. In a short time the
lassitude left me, my kidneys resumed a
healty condition, and a complete cure
was effected. I cannot too strongly
recommend Peruna to those suffering
with kidney trouble. To-day I am able
to work as hard as at any time in my
life, and the examiner for a leading in
surance company pronounced me an
"A risk."
In Poor Health Over Four Years. '
Pe-ru-na Only Remedy of Real Benefit.
Mr. John Nimmo, 215 Lippincott St.,
Toronto, Can., a prominent merchant of
that city and also a member of the
Masonic order, writes :
"I have been in poor health generally
for over four years. When I caught a
bad cold last winter It settled in the
bladder and kidneys, causing serious
trouble. I took two greatly advertised
Subscribe for THE COUQtHER Wow
Main and
Carpets, Stoves
Suffered From Catarrh of Bladder.
kidney remedies without getting the
desired results. Peruna is the only
remedy which was really of any benefit
to me. I have not had a trace of kidney
trouble nor a cold in my system."
Pe-ru-na Contains No Narcotics.
One reason why Peruna has found per
manent use in so many homes is that it
contains no narcotics of any kind. Pe
runa is perfectly harmless. It can be
used any length of time without acquir
ing a drug habit. Peruna does not pro
duce temporary results. It is per
manent in its effect.
It has no bad effect upon the system,
and gradually eliminates catarrh by re
moving the cause of catarrh. There are
a multitude of homes where Peruna has
been used oft and on for twenty years.
Such a thing could not be possible if
Peruna contained any drugs of a nar
cotic nature.
The Homefurnisher
To make room for our
Willamttk Grocery
Stevens Buildino
Sixth and Main K-rkktr
Telephone 1141
Quart Extracted Honey'
2 quarts Cape Cod Cranberries
2 quarts No. i Herring
5 bars Naptha Soap
Gallon N. O. Molasses
Gallon Table Syrup
Pound Shredded Cocoanut
Try our Home-Made Dill Pickles
Wiles & 1Tle6lasban
The Running Expenses
Of an Electric Plant are lessened by the
use of the beet supplies and essentials.
We carry in stock everything required
for Dynamos, Motors, Lamps, Switches,
Wiring and Connections. We can give
you an estimate on any kind of Elec
rical work.
Western Electric Works
Phone Main 1696
N o.61'ixth Street, PORTLAND, OR
C. N. Greenman
The Pioneer Expressman
Established I865. Prompt delivery toal
parts of th city. Oregon City. Ore.
Main and