OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1905. 7 LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Executor kot the ostute of John S. Dngan, deceased, ling filed his final account of his doings thurein, with the Clerk of Oliickmuas County, Oregon and the County Judge lias set Saturday, the Hth day of September, 1905, at the hour o' in o'clock A. M. at the County Ccuit Room nfi the time and place for hearing objections to Buid final account and the final settlement ot said estate. 0. W. UOBBINS, Executor. Eby & Ehy, Attornevs for Executor. Dated Aug. 11, 1905. BIDS FOR PAINTING, PAINT AND OIL. Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned at his ollloo in Oregon City, Oregon, op to 1 o'clock, P. M. , Saturday, September 9, 1905. for fur nishing material and labor for paint ing the Eastham school building, two couts in two colors, material to be No. 1 Lead, Pioneer or Carter brand, and oil to lie No. 1 pure linseed oil. Labor to lie performed in a first-class and workmanlike mnunor. Bids will also be received for fur nisMiig the labor for painting rno said building two coats, the school district to furnish the material. Bids are also requested for furnish ing suflicient No 1. Lead, Pioneer or Carter brand, and No. 1 pure lin seed oil for painting said building two coats. By order of the Beard . of Directors of School District f8. E. E. BROD1E, District Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITOKS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator of the estate of Frank ;W. Faust, deceased, by the County tourt of Clackamas County, Oregon. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present tho same to me for payment at my residence in Cauemali, Oregon, with proper voucliers within six months from the date of this notice. Dated, August 28. 1905. S. W. FAUST, Administrator-ot the Estate of Frank V. Fans', Doceasod. Gordon E. Hayes, Atioruey for Es-' tate. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will apply 10 the County Court of Clackamas County, for a li cense to sell spirituous, malt and vinuous liquors for the period of one year from the 4th day of October, 1905, at 10 o'clock a. in. , and that I will present the following petition to said Court on said day for said li cense. Dated, Setpeiuber 6, 1905. UEO. SAFFORD, Petitioner. PETITION. To the Honorable County Court of Clackamas County: We, the undersiguod residents and legal voters of Oswego Precinct, in Clackamas County, State of Oregon, hereby respectfully petition your honorable body to grant to George Safford a license for a period of one year from the 4th day of October, 1905, to sell spirituous, malt and vinnous liquors, in less quantities than one gallon, iu tho Town of Os wego, Oswego Procinot, Clackamas County, State of Oregon. H. Botlike W. L. Suidow Jos. Piatt E. Kiser F. Puynbrock Theo. Steinheilber Job. Zimey H. O. Lsessner Steve Blanken Chas. Delashnutt J. M. Likes G. Kiser John Kiser A. Mcheatth G. E. Cline J. F. Grabenhorst P. Keyzer A. Neilson E. Couraues M. E. Dunn J. J. Johnson J. H. Wanker G. O. Worthington W. M. Miller W. A. Monohon A. Tapfery Chas. A. Groshevs Charles Pauling J. H. Manning L. E. Morrell H. Gaiis P. Puylaert Gottfre Lehman J. George Nagl Alex Rankin T. J. Whittier Harry Farner A. Waldorf S. Piatt Ed Davis L. Hallinam A. Sogoin M. A. Grabenhorst E. N. Piatt J. R. Wanker J. J. Boylan W. C. Bruns, M. D. J. W. Stone A. J. Monk C. N. Haines D. W. Kelsey Jas. Feeney F. M. Busty Henry Keonig jp: i W i Will positively euro any cas of ECEdney oe Biaddei disease mot beyond t ho EeacSi of medicine. PJ medicine can do. mope. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE strengthens the urinary organs, builds up the kidneys and invig orates the whole system. IT 18 GUARANTEED TOO GIZES COo and C1.CO V J. A. Ficke Martin Blanken R. Ball A. L. Hariington J. Davis Ed Campbell Edward Pollard A. J. Davidson A. Ball A. H. Bullock T. J. Hashberger W. H. Yates E. Worthington A. J. Fourtiier Henry llettetiil Jos; Bi clime" A. E. Campbell W. L. Davis W. W. Todd JNOHCE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Administratrix of the estate of' Herman Bruns, de eased, has filed hor final account of her doings there in, with the Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon and the County Judge has set Monday, the ICth day of Oc tober,, 1905, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. at the County Court Room as Hie timu iiiid plaoo lor hi-iuiiig objec tions to said final account and the final settlement of said estate. CAROLINE BRUNS, Administratrix. Dated, Soptember 5, 1905. ' WOOLEN MILLS VIOLATE LAW. Children Under Fourteen Years Found Working There. State Labor Commissioner Hoff and Mrs. Bernard Trumbull, member of the State Child Labor Commission, wero here Wednesday and went to the Oregon City Manufacturing Company to make an examination of the condi tions there surrounding the employ ment of child labor. They found three flagrant violations of the law, where boys under 14 years of age were work, ing, and the boys were immediately fcent home. H Mrs. Trumbull is much interested in the situation here, and seated that the next case found in the woolen mills would be turned'over to the Dis trict Attorney tor prosecution, as the state officers are determined to stamp out the evil, which has long been prevalent here. Manager Jacobs stated that he was under the impression that children under 14 years of age could work in the mills during vaca tion time, but ignorance of the law will be no excuse for a repeated vio laion. Are You Engaged ? Engaged people should remember, that, after marriage, many quarrels can be avoided by keeping their di gestions in good condition, with Eloc trio Bitters. S. A. Brown, of Ben nettsville, S. C, says: For years my wife suffered intensely from dyspepsia, complicated with a torpid liver, until she lost her strength and vigor and be came a mere wreck of her former self. Then she tried Eleotric Bitters, which helped her at once, and finally made hor entirely well. She is now strong and healthy." Howell & Jones', druggists, sell and guarantee them at 50c a bottle. THE COUNTY'S DEAD. Infant Son of John McLarty. Funoral ot the 8-months-old son of John McLarty, of Bolton, was held at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, and the body was interred in Mountain View cemetery. The child died early Tuesday morning. James Edward Hlnes. James Edward Hines died Monday afternoon at his home in West Oregon City, of cancer of the stomach, aged 43 years. He was born December 22, 1862, in California, and in 1891 was married in Benton county, Oregon. Deceased came here about eight years ago and worked in the paper mills until his illness. A wife and two small children survive him. The fun eral took place at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon from the family residence. Frank Newton has the only 'first class undertaking parlor and hearBe in Oregon City. -R. L. HOLMAN, Leading Un dertaker and Embalmer. Office in Caufield BIdg., Oregon City, Ore Win. Worthington Jerry O. Brieu Albert Brandt K. H. Frazer Joseph Woell A. Woodhouse T. J. Brown D. Ericksou Wilfred Flatt, Philip Pollard John Erickson (J. S. Bullock ; F: A. Yates W. Ilalliiuan D. J. Foote John Qurtheu K. Woodard R. Delashnutt Peter Hawkins Herman Keouig I SOLD !M HEOnMEHDEQ BY 2 HUNTLEY BROS. COMPANY NORTHWEST PEOPLE MEET Interests of Pacific Coast Brought Together. CO-OPERATION PREVAILS Most Important Step in His tory of Development Work Has Been Begun. The Lewis and Clark Exposition has done more than snow the re sources of the great Northwest to the entire world; it has cemented the in terests of the whole Pacific States re gion and has brought the people to gether a soue great family. There has never been a time in the history of the Coast when the peonle have had such unusual opportunities of meeting one another as at the great exposition at Portaud this year. Morchants from different cities have come to know one another, and the meeting has been of mutual advan tage. All classes of people have been brought together and t .e man from the south coast has met the man from the north coast A movement is now on foot to crys tallize this sentiment of good will and cooperation among the people of the Pacific States into effective working organization for the bonoflt of the en tire region. More thin a year ago it was proposed by Rufus P. Jennings, executive officer of tiie California Promotion Committee, an organiza tion representing more than lSO.Ohain bers of Commerce and dovelopu.ment associations of like character in Cali fornia, that the commercial organiza tions of the entire Pucitio States re gion Bhould "got together." The Oregon Development League, consist ing of 44 Chambers of .Commerce and improvement organizations in Oregon took up the movement. Then Wash ington, Idaho, Utah, Nevada and the territory of Arizona followed suit. As a result the most important stop in the history of development work on the Pacific Coast has been begun and an era of organization and effective co-operation between tho Pacific States will prevail. With a central associa tion, consisting of the state commer cial organizations, which are, iu turn, composed of the local organiza tions, when any of the Pacific States desire a needful publio iniprovomout, all the other states through the cen tral organization will co-operate and lend their moral support for the work to be done. This will greatly fortify the representatives of the Pacific States in congress at Washington, who will bo glad to avail themselves of a united publio sentiment upon the Coast. Iu like mannor a campaign will be conducted for large couveu tioiiB for Pacific States cities as well as an organized campaign for public ity. The movement gained grent strength through tho excursions of the vnrious states to tlie Exposition, Many of the excursions were given under the auspices of commercial bodies and in this wjay the men actively engaged in this work have come to know one auothor. The largest excursion of this kind wrb that given under the auspices of the California Promotion Committee shortly after tho opening of the Fair. Representatives of the Uhauibers of Commerce of thewhole state of California took part in the event, and the result has been a steady stream of visitors from the Golden State to the hanks of the Wil lamette. HAMILTON WRIGHT. Attacked By a nob And beaten, in a labor riot, until oov ered with sores, a Chicago street car conductor applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and was soon sound and well. "I use it in my family," writes G. J. Welch, of Tekonsha, Mich., "and find it perfect." Simply great for cuts and burns. Only 25c at Howell & Jones' drugstore. Send your Job Work to the Courier. y Passed Stone and Gravel With Excruciating Pains A. H.Thurnes, Mgr. Wills Creek Coal Co., Buffalo, O., writes: "I have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble Jor years, pass Ing gravel or stones with excruciating pains. Other medicines only gave relief. After taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE the result was surprising. A few doses started the brick dust, like fine stones, etc., and now I have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new man. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE has done me $1,000 worth of good " Ho Other Remedy Can Compare With It Thos. Carter, of Ashboro, N. C, had Kidney Tuble snd ne bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a perfect cure, and fee says there is no remedy that will compare with it. NEW TO-DAY WANTED CLEAN RAGS AT THE Courier office. i MORTGAGE LOANS NEUOTI-; ATED at lowest rates. Latourette's office. Commercial Bank Building, j Oregon City. , WANTED-CLEAN RAGS AT THE j Courier office. DURING THE ABSENCE OF DR. j Pickens, all accounts may be paid, to Hedges & Griffith. DURING MY ABSENCE IN TIIE I East my dental office will be in charge of Dr. E. Hirstal, of Port laud, Or. I can recommend him to my patients and the publio in gen eral as a skillful and thorough up-to-date dentist. Dr. Hirstel is a graduate of the Paoiho Northwest Dental College Dr. L. L. Pickens. FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED rooms, suitable for men. Pleasant location. Rent reasonable. Apply at this office for particulars. FOR SALE 8-ROOM HOUSE WLTH 5 lots, large number of fruit trees, fine barn, on Third and Monroe streets. Price, $1000. H. Schrader. I HAVE DETERMINED TO SELL the remainder of the property of the Joseph Hodges' Estate to close tho estate. 1 have the cheapest proper ties in the connty. 7o acres near town only 11500. Call for particu lars. Joseph E. Hedges, Executor. WANTED A GOOD HOUSE keeper. W. D. Curran, Ely, Oregon. FOR SALE FRESH COW WITH twin calves. Inquire of We Kruger, Beaver Crook, Ryder Set tlement. FOR SALE REGISTERED DUR ham bull. Three-year-old registered roan Durham bull. Weight, 1500 pounds. Price, $75. A. F. Chap man, Hubbard, Or., R. jb D. No. 2. A BARGAIN-BAY TEAM, WEIGHT 2400 pounds, 8 years' old, good pul lers, a new harness; a splendid easy-running wagon with combina tion beds, and one good ranopy-top two-seated hack. Address "M," care of Courier. FOR SALE FRESH JERSEY COW, registered in the American jersey Olub, with heifer calf entitled to register in same club. For particu lars inquire at the office of the Port land Flouring Mills Co. MISS EVA BENSON. TEACHER of piano. Saturday class in. uregon City. For full particulars address care of Mrs. O. G. Miller. Phone 1731, WANTED AN 'ENERGETIC SOLIC- itor and colloctor. Salary and com mission. Steady work with one of the largest corporations in the country. Apply Room 5, Willam ette Building, 5 to (S p. m. WANTED GIRL TO WORK FOR' board and attend school. Within one block ot Barclay school build ing. Apply at Courier office at once. PROF. CARL DENTON, ORGANIST' and choirmaster or Trinity unurcn, Portland, has arranged to open a studio iu the parlors of the Electric Hotel, beginning Saturday, Septem ber 1(1. Pupils received for instruct ion iu vioiln and piano. Arrange ments cau be made on Saturdays from 10 to 4 o'clock with Mr, Den ton at the hotel or may communicate with Rev. P. K. Hammond, of St. Paul's Church. Pointer for Farmers. M. S. Shrock, a farmer living near Hubbard, reports thata farmer at Elliott Prairio, this " county, this season harvested 76 bushels and four pounds of 'clover seed from a li)-ncre field, that will bring to the producer $550. The land on which the crop was grown was a 'worn-out grain field live years ago, but under the new system initiated by the owner, the soil has yielded as good, if not better crops, than ever before, and he has produced the largest crop of clover this year of any farmer living in that section of Clackamas county. Take your job work to the Courier if you want the best for your money. 11 URIC ACID In the blood causes Rheu matism.Sciatica.Lumbago, Neuralgia and Gout. You can remove the cause by wearing one of our ' REX RHEUMATIC RINGS Manufactured by the Rex Rheumatic Price $2.00 sold b Burmeister & Andresen, Oregon City ,0re. C. N. Greenman The Pioneer Expressman Established I865. Prmnpt dellverv to all rats of th- city. Ore.:on t!itv. Ore. STUTTERING ND STAMMERING CURED For 1'articulnrH, Aihlress THE PACIFIC SCHOOL FOR STAMMERERS 1261 E. Yamhill Street, Portland, Oregon The Pilot CotTen House 102 First frtieet, Cor Morrison Best Place on Tlist St. to get Good Coffee and Euncb. Cash IVIat V1arT Richard Petzoid Prop. Highest Cash Price Paid for Live Stock. Phone K33. Main Street Oregon City Willamette Grocery Stkvkss Building Sixth and Main S-rkkts Telephone 1141 5c 2j2 dozen Clothes Pins 25c 6 Deviled Ham 25c 3 Cans Rex Lye 15c Pint Bottle Catsup 15c PouniTGood Coffee 35c 2 Pounds M. & M. Blend 35c Pound M. & J. Coffee Wiles & ni:6hsbati SEVING MACHINE. ROLLER BEARINO, HIGH G8ADB. fSSSv by buying tWa KUtfJSl reliable, honest, ff-j-i high grade sew- STRONGEST GUARANTEE. National Sewing Machine Co., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. FACTORY AT BEI.V1DERB. ILL. FRANK BUSCH, Agent ORpOOS CITY Brother William The Quaker Prophet Palmist Clairvoyant, Medium Brother William, "j,Ue Clitirvoyant Medium, is known in all tho sound cities ot tho count. Hoiiftnetrittes the myHtcries of tho soul, dolvoH into the putit, present and futnro. Thfro is none liko nnto Mai. Tie tells you just what yon witnt to know. Ilutidro 's of jl'ortlurd citizens have had readings 1 from hir::, stud pronounce himtlio inns I tor mind in rekrlit(,'ono's life. When j in Portland, ;0 tliis wmwh rful life J reader. His charges are low. Ofih e, 813,'i Washington Ktreet, ! A. M. to!) ;P- M... daily and Sundays. O. W. Eastham LAWYER Legal work or all Kinds carefully attendca to Charges moderate. Office over Bank of Uregon City. Oiegun City, reuun. C. D. D. C. Latourette ATTY'S AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Office in Commercial Bank Uuilding, Oregon City, Oregon. C. SCHUEBKL. W. S. rjREN KEN A SCHUEBKL ATTORNEYS AT L W Vill practice In all courts, make collec tions and settlements . f estates, furnish abstracts of title, lend you money and lend your money on first mortgage. Office in Enterprise building, Oregon City, Oregon. Eby &. Eby ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW General Practice, Deeds, Mortgages and Abstracts carefully made. Money t loan on good security. Charges reason able. George C. Brownell ATT'Y AT LAW OREGON CITY, OREGON Office Hours: 4 to j. Phone, Main. !!085 Res. Phone, East 149 DR. C. R. McAYEAL DENTIST 413 Dekum Building jrd and Washington Sts. Portland, Oregon Q. B, DIMICK W. A. DIMICK DIMICK DIMICK Attorneys at Law Notary Puhlie Estates Settled. Mort gages Foreclosed. Abstracts FuMi iehid. Money Loaned on Rear nd Chattel Security. 2, 3 and 4 Garde Bid., Oregon City, Ore-. I'hone Clay 322 Dr. S. W. Stryker Dentist I. O. O. F. Temple, Ul4 First Street, Corner Alder Near O.W. P. Office PORTLAND, OR. W. C. BELT, M. D. 65 3 Umatilla Ave. Tel. East 3o SELLWOOD A.B. HEMSTOCK pscousi Undertaker and Embalmer LADY ASSISTANT 544 6 Umatilla Avenue Sell wood Station Portland, Ore. Office I'hone Red S96 Res. Phone East ig7 MRS. B. F. KYNE Hair and Scalp Specialist Electric Massntre, ScnlD Treatment and Shampoolne. Uray Hair, Dandruff, Falling Hair ana Diseased scalp Ircatment. If In III health will' treat vou at vour home 7-8 Lewis Building PORTLAND Park and Morrison Sts OREGON Office Phone Main 2226 Res, Phone Main 55 Dr. Frank J. liarr Dr. Anna M. Barr Osteopaths 812 Dekuna Kldu. Portland, Ohi, WHY GO TO THE COAST To bathe when you can have one of these fine ba tubs put rl ptit In your resilience for less than half ttf cost of a trip to the Coast. We have moved Into our new building, between Ninth and Tenth, anj are now prepared to Jo all kinds of plumolng anj attend to all your wants better than ever before. Call and see u n our new quarters, U10 Main Street. F. C. GADKE Everybody Drinks Weinhard's Beer J. Tiscber Phone Red 864 King of Hat Renovators Will Dye for Yon Or Clean and Block Your Hats. Headquarters For Panama and Felt Hat Cleaning Clothes Clt-aniiij and Pi ess- i ing in Connection. 40 N. 6th St., Portland, Ore.