OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1905. There is a quality in Royal Baking Powder which makes the food more digestible and wholesome. This peculiarity of Royal has been noted by physicians, and they accord ingly endorse and recom mend it. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.. NEW YORK, nfS C"M A 1 KAIMllTIAIkl I have returned from Noody after a brief visit with relatives. 0. I1'. Sparks left Sunday lor Spuuld ing, Idaho, where lie will reside. Mux Bollack lias roturuvd from a trip through Idnlio and Oregon. - Mis Colia Goldsmith lias returned from a month's stay in Sau Francisco. Miss Vera Oauliold and Pirey Oau flelrl are visiting relatives at Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Huntley have gone to Uuscndia for a two weeks' outing. P. II. King, a prominent farmer of Logan, was in the city on business Monday. Mrs. C. A. Stuart returned Monday from a five weeks' visit with relatives at Mehnma. Miss Bortha Eddy, of -Eugone, is a guest of the family of K. G. Pierce at .falls Vii-w. O. J. Buchanan left Monday for the Upper Molalla country for a ten days' Ashing trip. H. K. Ketchntn, who has boon vis iting his father, A. Ketehum, left Friday for his home in Kansas. Miss Satie M. Sullivan has gone to Mount Angel Academy, whore she will take, up a collegiate course. Mrs. Lin wood Jones and Mrs. John Adams have returned home from an extended sojourn at Yaquiua Bay. Mrs M. J. Morelaud, Mrs. Minnie Burns, Mrs Oscar W. Soatou, Mrs. A. E. Acheson and Miss Lela Morelaud D. 0. Latourette and family, who have been on joying an outing at' Gari baldi, returned home last Wednesday. R. M. Dimiok, ot Wallace, Idaho, and Mrs. Ii. J. Dimick, of Uolt'ax, Wash., are the guests of relatives at Oanby. I Hugh Jones, formerly conuoctod with Huntley Bros. Co., and now a resident of Arizona, is home on a visit to relatives. Mrs. 'John Gleason and daughter, Miss Helen Gleason, returned home Friday from a two weeks' sojourn at Long Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Julius W. Morelaud, of Woodburn, are visiting Mr. More land's mother, Mrs. M. J. Moreland, at The Garde. I Miss G. Fisher and Mr. Koostra, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. Petzold, have returned to their home in LaGrande. f' Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Wait came down from Oanby Friday and Mr. Wait is making arrangements to have his crop of hops picked. ' Ben Hayhurst has resigned his posi tion with the grooery house of Frank T. Barlow and txpects to go to Port land to take a clerical position. f Captain and Mrs. J. P. Shaw, of Gladstone, have rented the house of T. W. Sullivan on Tenth street, be tween Main and Water streets.. Miss Laura Nordyke and Miss Gor illa Shonkwiler, of KedlandB, Cal., who have been visiting Miss Myrtle Shonkwiler, have retuned home. Mrs. Wayne Howard and Mrs. Mat ilda Miller left Monday for a visit of several weeks in Southern Owgon and will make a trip to Crater Lake. Mrs. Georgians Beals and daugh ter, Ethel, of Tacoma, Wash., are in.,the city, visiting Mrs. Beals' sister, Mrs. J. E. Jack, for about ten days. FE. B. Rainsby, of Klamath Falls, has been here visiting his brother, S. M. Ramsby. A. D. Dickey, of J arnica, Iowa, is also a' guest at the Ramsby home. rMiss Ethelwyn Albright left Mon day for Salem, where she will visit friends for a week, and was a brides maid at the Pritt-Cochran nuptials Wednesday evening. Mrs. J. P. Riggins, of Pengrove, N. J., and Mrs. Charles Clark, of Mount Ehriram, N. J., are in the city visiting their brother, W. B. Stafford at las farm T F. A. Miles, of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Miles, of Missouri, left this week for a trip to Gales Creek, Washington county, to spend a few days with relatives. When In Portland, call.onlme WM. BOHLANDFR EMPIRE RESTAURANT Open Day anil Night Phone Red g6j 192 THIRD STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON Three door wufi of Baker Thurre Oyjters In Any Style "e Roo For Ladle, Cliailt'w Prentice, of Denver, Colo., is uniting his mint. Mrs. Sainunl Rouke, this week. Mr. frentioe is a delegate to t lie National Convention of Letter Carriers, now being held in Portland. County Assessor James F. Nelson hat. gone to Denver to attend the Na tio1 al Gneaiiiiuiient of the Grand Army of the Ki'iHiluie. Mr. Nelson is com mander of M adu Post No. 2, Depart ment of Oregon. County Treasurer linos Cahill lias gone to Denver to attend the national encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic. During his absence Miss Eduetta Chase will have charge of the treasurer's otliee. Mrs. David Wagner, a sister of Wheeler Church, has arrived here from Jamesville, vis. , to visit her brother, whom she had not soen for 30 years. Mrs. Wagner will probably locate in the West. Mr. ana Mrs. H. M. Boyer, of Pine Grove, Penn., and S. H Boyer, of Ara bia, lud., arrived here Saturday, and are the guests of 15. R. Boyer, at 916 Eleventh street. H. M. Boyer visited Oregon 40 years ago, and has not been he-e since that time until now. Mr. and Mrs. A. Matheson and fam ily, Miss Eleanor Williams, Mrs. David C. Williams, Mrs. J. R. Will iams and-sister, Mrs. Davis, of Wis consin, and Arthur Williams have re turned from a sojourn of several weeks at Shoalwater Bay and Nahcotta, Wash. John ;Knapp, who has been a pre scription clerk in the drug store of Howell & Jones, during the summer, left Monday for Long Beach for a two weeks' vacation. He will resume his studies at the State Agricultural Collogeat Corvallis, when that insti tution resumes. George . Ogle, accompanied by Dr. Oglesby and a companion from Cottage Grovo, havo returned from an iutonded trip into the mines on the headwaters of the Clackamas river. Dr. Oglesby was troubled with an old wound and was compelled to abandon his trip, and went to Portland to receive surgi cal aid. J. A. Stoll, of Clackama-, was in the city Saturday and appeared before the board of equalization, with a re quest to have his assessment cut down. He stated that his improved land was valued at 49.25 per acre, while other improvd land in the immediate lo cality was assessed at 40. His valua tion was lowered to $40, but his peti tion for a decrease in the valuation of his unimproved land was denied. Mr. Stoll claimed that his unimproved land was assessed at $5 more per acre than that of his neighbors. LOCAL. NOTES Second hand piano for sale. W. L. Block. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hat ton, a son. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rolter, adaughter. New patterns in (cuting flannels at Adams Bros. Beatie & Beatie, dentists, Weinhard quilding, rooms 1G, 17 and 18. A special sale of soap and toilet articles at Adams Bros, on Tuesday. You can Faint the Town Red! if you get your paints at Charman & Co.'s. Adams Bros, are receiving daily new styles in the long coat, tailor made suits for ladies. Rudolph Seller has purchased the cigar store of Wallace & Packard on Main street, near Sixth. Adams Bros, announce a special sa'e of ladies' and ctiildren's hosiory for Monday at 12c per pair. When in Portland, visit the Mott Candy Co., at O. W. P. waiting rorm, for your ice cream and candies. If you are thinking of buying a new coat this winter, call at Adams Bros, and inspect the new arrivals. D. M. Klemson has commenced suit in the justice court against G. A. Wilson, to recover $81, alleged to be due on a grocery bill. ALTI-TONE is the tonic to build you up after a spell of la grippe. Guaranteed. Samples free. Char- man & Co., Dependable Druggists. Otto Erickson is constructing a new dwelling house on the corner of Eighth and Monroe streets, and will have it completed in about a month. Rheumatism, gout, backache, acid poison, are results of kidney trouble. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea goes directly to the seat ot ;the disease and cures when all else fails. 35 cents. Huutley Bros. Co Mrs. Imogen Harding Brodio, grad uate teacher of the Arena Vocal Studio, of New York City, announces that she will resume vocal instruction Monday, September 11, at her home on Twelfth and Washington streets. Phone 1760. " Steve Hutchinson, of Shubel, has rented his ranch to J. G. Cummins, and has ' taken a thrco years' lease on 520 acres of dairy land on Sauvie's Island, where ho will have the iro duet of 80 cows. It will pay yon, ladies, when in Portland, to call on Sam. L. Beary. He has the finest of candies, canny boxos and work baskets, All the fin est line of souvenirs and postals. Aaeut for Hnylers' and Allegretti chocolates and bonbons. G. A. Heinz has disposed ot his half interest in the feed stahlo on. South Main street to William Raiuey, of Al bany, and will give over possession October 1. Mr. Heinz has had as a partner, J. D. Rainey, who will retain his half interest in tho business. Good advice to women : f If you want a beautiful complexion, clenr skin, bright eyes, red lips, good health, take Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. There's nothing like it. 85 cents. Tea or Tablets. Uuiitley Bros. Co. Excavating by the Southern Pacific Company for an undergrade crossing at Fourth street is about completed, and work is now in progress on the Third street subway, which will con nect the South End road. City Engineer Rands is putting in an extension on the outlet of the sewer iu district No. 3 at Eleventh cfrufth rPlio nina wjia lilnnerl ton IlifHl n.... ...... - --n- and the outlet is exposed oil account ot the low stage or water. , Every man owes it to himself and his family to master a trada or profes sion. Read the display advertisement of the six Morse schools of Toleg saphy, in this issue and lcaruliow eas ily a young man or lady may learn telegraphy and be assured a position. Uniform Rank, Woodmen of the World, has rented the Armory tor a poriod of one year. Tho company will use the hall tor drill purposes, as Woodmen hall has proven too small for their use. Captain M. D. Phillips has full charge of the hall, and will look after its rental for dances and other amusements and entertainments. Are you lacking in tsrength and vigor? Aro you weak? Are you iu pain? Do you feel all run down? The blessing of health and strength come to all who use Hollister's Kocky Mountain Tea. 85 cents. Huntley Bros. Co. :,4 , Labor Day "passed off quietly in Or egon City. The banks and publio buildings were closed all day, but the business houses were kopt open as usual for the transaction of businoss. All of the mills were in operation, as it hns not beon the custom to observe Labor Day here. If you are troubled with impure blood, indicated by sores, pimples, headache, etc., we would recommend Acker's Blood Elixir, which we sell under a positive guarantee. It will always cure scrofulous or syphilitio poisons and all blood diseases. CO cts and $1. Huntley Bros. Co. "Leo," Richard Potzold's big New Foundland dog was killed Monday night by a Southern Pacific train at the depot yards. He attempted to cross the track, and the wheels of a freight car passed over his huge body, throwing the car off the track. "Leo" was the largest dog in the city, and was a magniflcont appearing animal. Diptheria, sore throat, croup. In stant relief, permanent cure. Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil. At any drug store. Estate of Thomas Lemon, who died seven years ago, was admitted to pro bate in the county court Saturday, and Mrs. J. Moore, of Eugene, who is Mr. Lemon's widow, aud who has sinoe his death remarried, was appointed executrix. The estimated value of the estate is $2000. B. Robison, of the Fair Store, has returned from an extended- trip to New York. While in the East, Mr. Rob ison bought an immense stock of dry goods, which are already arriv ing, making the finest selection of dry goods to be found anywhere. The Fair Store invites all to oome and inspect their stock. MORTGAGE LOANS NEGOTI ATED at lowest rates. Latourette'i office, Commercial Bank Building, Oregon City. , Schumann Singing Soctety. The Schumann Singing Society will begin its second year's work Wednes day, September 18, at 7:30 p. m., at the residence of George A. Harding. Owing to the absence of several mem bers from the city there is an opening for a few new members Those wish ing to join may communicate or call on Mrs. Imogen Harding Brodie at her residence, Twelfth ;.ud Washington streets. Cause of Insomnia. Indigestion nearly always disturbs the sleep more or less and is often tho cause of insomnia. Many cases have been permanently cured by Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by Geo A. Harding. Second hand piano for sale. Block. W. L. Fire at Gladstone. Getting beyond control, the fire that was started Thursday for the burning of slashing on Hansen's property at Gladstone, Friday afternoon burned over the premises of C. H. Danchy, but did not reach the buildings. Twice the flames leaped across the Southern Paicfio Railroad track into Gladstone Park, and for a time seri ously threatened the maiu auditorium and otherbuildings belonging to the Willamette Valley Chautauqua Asso ciation. The residents of Gladstone valiantly fought the flames, and it is considered remarkable that greater damage did not result. Phone Main 2201 Dr. Earl C. McFarland Dentist Rooms 200-201 Columbia Bldg. 305 Washington Mreet, Portland, Oregon Bet. Park and W . Park SOME it PECIMEN BARGAIN i OF REAL PROPERTY FOR SALE IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY & Oregon City Bargains 2 improved lots in block 155, with 7 room dwell ing, costing $800; well and city water, city sewage, plenty of fruit. A snap at $i,25o. Terms. 22 acres in heart of Oregon City, level and rich soil, with abundance of fruit, 10-room dwel ling, city water and well, barn and other goofd and convenient outbuildings. Title per ect. Only $2,800. Terms. Large two-story modern dwelling, cost $3,500; 8 rooms, bath, city water, nice barn, cost $5oo.oo, whole block of land, with fruit, splendid view, healthy and No. 1 location in every respect. This property ought to be worth $8,000.00, and can be had for a short time at $5,500.00. Terms. Lots in Block 124, adjoining Barclay School block, at $300.00 each, lerms. elegant lots in Block 100, just north of the T. L. Charman block, on 7th street, gooo.oo per lot. Terms. Lots in blocks, 50, 51, 67 the w. Farm Property For Sale C. Johnson property ,5350.00 and up. Splendidly located, and for sale on very easy terms. 4 lots, with plastered frame dwelling, in Ca- nemah; 5 rooms and basement, near end of ij car line. $1,250.00. Make your own terms. A new modern dwelling on Main Street, 7 rooms, p brick basement, sewerage, city water, hot p and cold water, patent closet, street im-'s provements made, with one full lot, $2500. coining Dexter on xne sueei. jji A U..1f CI,, Ml,.ll,. cnUniJ xfi wuc nan ai-ic tu i-iy uu muiaua rt vcn uc, oj.'ituuiu well of water, frame dwelling, 5 rooms, very ffh cheap at $650, in installments now rent- 2 lots with cottage in West Side addition to Oregon City, now renting steadily at 5 per month, on installment plan at $650. Lots in Block 151, Oregon City, at $200.00 each. Terms. 100 acres, at Highland ; 23 acres in cultivation, Go acres very level, spring at house; house, barn. $16 pe' . acre. 90 acreB, on New Viola plank road ; good soil, lays well, 4") acres in cultivation, large barn, no house. Prce very low at $3,000.00. 80 t-crep ; rich land ; 2 miles from Cnzadero, 3 or 4 mil lion feet timber. 5 acres cultivaled, small house and barn. At jut t $1,200. One little mountain ranch still awaits a lucky buyer; 80 acres, 15 in cultivation, small building, oyer 50 acres eood land, on main road, 1 mile to school. Only $5.00 per acre. 30 acres at Colton, on Milk creek j house, barn, 1 acre in cultivation. $400.00. 252 acres, 1 mile from Molalla, 30 acres in cultivation, big barn, no house 200 acres very valuable timber, worth the price of the place. Great cattle ranch, Very cheap at $3,200. Terms. 80 acres, 6 miles from Oregon City, at Stafford j 40 acreB in cultivation; truit, valuable buildings. First-class farm, $4,000.00. 100 seres of level, rich land, on O. W. P. Ry. line, be tween Barton and Engle Ureek, 0,000 to 10,000 cords wood. A fine bargain at $20.00 per acre. 200 acres at Springwater. 100 Bcres in e 'od cultivation, 11-room new house, large new barn, liuit dryer, 52 acres in fruit, one of the best farms 111 the county, on main road, 2 miles from O. W. P. Hue. Hr.60 per acre, easy terms. 40 acres.at Rpringater, rich soil, all fenced, 20 acres cultivated and in crop, buildings new and cost $1,500X0, all in iplendid condition, 12 acres grain, 7 acres potatoes, 2 miles from railway. Price, $2,200; $1,000 down. , 100 acres at Molalla. Level, good soil, 25 acres in culti vation, 35 additional has been slashed, 5-room frame house in good condition, frame barn, 26x50, granary, cellar, smoke house, 2 acres fruit. Very rsj cheap at $25.00 per acre. . M SO acres at Beaver Creek, one-half mile from Thomas' jf store, 40 acres in cultivation, 5-room frame' house, Wfc good barn, stone milk house, living water, 25 acres 1 valuable timber. Price, tjau.uu per acre. . if vnn rWt see whit von want in the above lists, write and state definitely what you are ft looking for in the way of a real estate investment, and the chances are we have it on hand. We are selling lands all the time and desire to extend our list of low-priced properties. Main Street, Oregon City 233 Washington Street, Portland irrj a 1TQ A Ful1 Line of East- IWJUXXM man Kodaks and Cam eras and Photo Supplies always in stock. Kodaks From $5.00 Up Poco, Premo and Centtify Cameras from $ 1 0.00 Up Brownie Gamer as $1.00 to $9.00 We also have a few second-hand Plate Cameras in stock which we offer at a great bargain. Instructions free with every instrument sold. UMBRELLAS Just received direct from factory our Fall Stock of Umbrellas. Come in and look them over be fore the assortment is broken. Every umbrella guaranteed to give satisfaction. We have them from $1.00 to $10.00 Burmeister & Andresen The Oregon City Jewelers Suspension Bridge Comer