OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1905. r o inc. wo ur inc vjuin i y LOGAN. Threshing is over and with hay and grain t-afely tinder shelter, everybody is waiting tor ruin. Sown of the grain turned out well liut most of it was not very good. F. Kaw had some wheat that rnado 40 bushels per aero. Some of our citizens have gone hop picking, bat perhaps not bo many as usual. J. 0. Spraguo's family will move to Corvallis on Soptember 12, to be on time for the fall term of school. Mr, Sprague will remain on the farm. Fred Raw was married last week, the brido being Miss Kuth Humistou, if Sellwood. They have gone to housekeeping on the Huniiston farm. We extend our congratulations and good wishes. Lognnjfurnishes its full share of dis approval of the new tire law. There was an attendance of So mom uers and one visitor at tho meeting of Harding Grange, last Saturday. The judges decided that the young folks won the contest, so the older ones will give them a Grange social ut the hall on tho evening of Friday, .September 8. Mr-. H. A. Anderson, i he lexturor, was fortunate in the se lection of subjects for discussion, us was shown by the interest taken.1 "Are Farmers Good Business Men?" "Should Parents Restrict Their Con versation in Presence of Children?" and "Is Camping Out a Desirable ilooreation for Farmers?" were the (locutions bundled. One candidate was instructed in the first and second do grnes and tour in tho third and fourth. Two applications wore re ceived. SpralnSi ft. A. Read. Cisco. Tex., writes, March 11, 1'JOl : "My wrist was sprained so badly by a fall tliat it was nnnlnss : and after usins several remedies that failod to give relief, I used Ballard h Snow Liniment, and was cured. 1 earnestly recommend it to anyono suffering from sprains. Sold by Charman & Co., City Drug Store. BAHLOW. A recoptipn was givon last Wednes day from a to 5 n. m. for Mrs. 0. U. Barlow and son, William, at the homo of Miss Barlow. Those present wore the old-time friends of Mrs. JBa'low, and enjoyed tho renewal of old ties and tho acquaintance of the baby hoy very much. The guests were Mrs. Barlow, of Oakland, Cal.. : Mesdames Jesse. Quint. Irwin, Evans. Ausve, Andrews, Andrus, King, Ogle, Arm strong, Peterson, Tull and bhoppard, and Grandma Ausve, of Barlow, and Airs. T. M. Miller, of Oregon City. A full attomuiuoe of the 20th Cen tury Grange is especially requested for the fourth Saturday in September. banquet and social dunce are to be the features ot the lecturer's program Hon nicking is in full force in the yards of W. S. Tull, O. J. Tull, Joe King, Henry Koeher, J. J. Sandsness and K. Is'. Sletager. Barlow is got ling to be a hop editor. Dorothy Clarke, danghtor of R. L Clarke, of Arizona, will leavo soon for Ihe Plows will soon be Cioing In thousands of stubble fields. Tne grain will be harvested, the cultivated oops laid by, and between the click of the harvester and the hum of the thresher, millions of acres of Btubble will be turned up to the friendly ele ments. The rapidly-moving seasons make it necessary for the farmer to plan ahead, and though in the midst of the rush of haying or harvest, the provi dent man is even now untiring out hia requirements for the remaining months of the year. This leads us to say that in the line of Fakm Implements and Vhiiioi,ks we are prepared to take care of your every requirement promptly and etliciently. You may or may not do any Fa'l plowing, but if you do, a John Deere Plow Will, of course, figure in your calculations. But plows are not all we have to offer. We are stocked with everything you will need for the balance of the seanon. You know how urgent the case will be when the time comeB, and we would like to impress you with the desirability of taking advantage of the after-harvest lull to prepare yourself with up-to-date appliances for the stirring business of the Autumn. Come in and get your eyes and ears filled with the good things we have to show you and the better things we have to eav about them, Do it Now. BUANE Cm ELY Take your tired, overworked, aching eyes to D. Chambers and find rest for them. Prices reasonable. Cu r this out and bring ir with you and it will be WORTH 25C ON A $2.00 PURCHASE. LUCIFER-Son of the Aloraing-ygtt- Devoted mainly to the Emancipation of Womenhood and Motherhood trom Sex Slavery. Send 25c in stamps to 500 Fulton Street, Chicago, tor a three months trial, and get a catalogue of books and pamphlets in the line of Sex Reform Samples Free. No Electricity Used in Our Treatments Vibratory Vibratory And all Face, Scalp and l'.idy ailments Sl'CCESSKl' 11 1: v ti U 1 n V 1 lit; A Tl(). Yunr Imiuls reallv 111:1 bv Yi!ri Machine. The only establishment of tho kind in the lVoifie North wV t. The liiiect and most approved iiistMinii,n,s and practice. Keiifoi.nliii price. Yilno ('retime, lotions, Powders, Etc. Call at our office and tventlre lO''!tr we will be pUvrc-d to demonstrate to you flee of chuim'. tin Vibratorium Mt. -Angel, where she will pursue her studies the coming year. The Sangcrfest excursion was a grand success. Over seventy-five Bar- lowites boarded the special car, which was beautifully decorated, and en joyed the day at the Fair, and the grand chrous of 800 voices in the evening. Evoryono wore Barlow badgos and many carried products to tho county booth. Messrs. Wurfel, Tull and Irwin displayed much taste in so artistically adapting corn, hops and grain to the adornment of our special car. Neglected Colds. Every part'of the mucous membrane, the nose, throat, ears, head and lungs, etc., are subjected to disease ana blight from neglected colds. Bal lard's Horehound syrup is a pleasant an effective remedy. W. Akendrick, valley Mills, Tex., writes: "I ha' e used Ballard's Hore hound Syrup for coughs and throat troubles: it is a pleasant and most otl'ective remedy. " Sold by Charman &.Co., City Drug Store. CLARKES. Threshing is aboutSflnished here and hop picking begins in jFishur Bros. ' lopyaril Wednesday. We are having some foggy mornings lore now and look for rain soon. Rev. Thomas Wiles, of Mulino, preeached hero Sunday and Rev. Rob ert Johns, of this place, preached at Mulino. All you can soe here is hoppiekors going up the country, one person counting 17 wagons going in one day. The Grange here was not vory well attended Saturday as most of the Grangors were busy. We fool sorry to say that' Joe Fish er's hand is worse again and he had to go to the doctor. Quite a number from here intend going to the huckleberry patch soon. Emost Hansen was soeu here Sun day. Throe of Mrs. Columbus Klein smith's brothers and one of hor sisters-in-law came out from the East to visit for awhile, mooting the first time in 14 years. Robert Ringo is reported to be got tieg worse and is talking of going to Eastern Oregon with Alfred Martin next week. Beautiful Women. Plump cheeks, flushed with'the soft glow of health and a pure complex ion make all women beautiful, take a small dose of Herbino after each meal; it will prevent couspipation and help digest what you have eaten. Mrs. Win. M. Stroud, Midothian, Tex., writes, May 81, 1001: "We have usod Herbino in our fam ily for eight years, and found it the best niodicine we ever used for consti pation, billiouB fever and ma'aria. MULINO. Grandma Sanders loft Tuesday with her danghtor, Mrs. Mulligan, for Cal ifornia, wliore she will visit her rela tives. OREGON CITY OREGON B. Chambers OPTOMETRIST 129 Seven I h Portland Oregon .Massajrc Vibratory Scalp Treatment, Body Treatment, Vitro Manicureihg;, .l.Y TREATED KY ced ami nmniccrvd Suite rr, Lewis Bn Hdlf.q Miss Vesta Churchill is very sick at present. Thrashing is all dona in Mulino. A great many of the Mnlinoites have gone to the hop yards. Misses Edith, 'Blanche and Henrietta Wiles visited at J. Trullinger's Sun day. J Joe Daniels cainei Jiorne from the fisheries Tuesday. Mrs. Minnie Mallatt and daughter, Tillie, of Dutur, are visiting friends and relatives here. , Jasper Trullingor left Tuesday for Ocean Park, where he expects to get some fish. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Aids Nature. Medicines that aid nature are al ways most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the .cough, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secre tions, and aids nature in restoring the systoui to a healthy condition. Sold by Goo. A. Harding. CENTRAL POINT. " George Randall, Sr., startod to pick hops Tuesday. Several .eases of typhoid fever are reportod aronnd here. Mr. Melody's oldest daughter is reported very low. Mrs. Wm. Randall left Wednesday for the hop yards. Mrs. Alger found a party in her peach orchard the other evoning, on her return from New Era, stealing a ytr I A (vfiT, 1 j rilgji-l y & s.,fzryfcvr x . r A A A vr wwv J v ' 04i1lt T-Tatfriocc Hac CHCkMliT You can get leather out of old shoes, but not om-s. The lr 1 iarlltaa llda XgUCUliy best harness leather isn't too good for us. No suougy or greasy pieoes in our harness. Ve couldn't give you better leather if we raised tho cattle and tanned the hides. Hoostef Drills Are Even Seeders First, last and all the time, Force Feed n.akes ' them sow evenly up hill, down hill, and on side hills Enlargement in the Seed Cup prevents crack ing tho seed. Hoosier Drills Are mado heavier and stronger than others; can not warp and crack. Spec ial Wheel for our trade this year, stronger and heavier from hub to rim. FAIRCLOUGH BROS., Oregon City, McKinnon & Smith Cash Grocery The New Store, 128 Grand Ave., , II . Al 1, n 3 doors rrom morrison, leiepiuuc East 283, leaders in high grades ot Coffees, Teas, Extracts and Spices, have opened for business and solicit your patronage. Sugar, sack IS lbs. best Sugar - - j n lb. pail best Laid. o0c; 10 pounds 1 w One pound Rov.il Baking Powder ' One pound Schilling's Hating Powder w Havo's Pink and Navy Beans, per pound .v One Sack good hard wheat Hour 1 w Solid packed lomatoes, re. doen Corn, per Joten - FV 2-0 bottle Vanilla Extract - 2-0 bottle Lemon Extract l-ancv t'reamerv Butter, a roll hosh Ranch t'ggs I angle-toot Flv l'apr, I) sheets for liood lava t'oltee, HV per pound; 3 pounds lor- '- viood English Breakfast Tea - ;! t )ne pound Gunpowder Tea -'J II is Bros. Catsup. 2 ftrtttles - Due package Corn Staicb, - ly sl0U'h Oats V- liesl Jaa and M.'ca Co:ue. pound. ,1 Pound fan Hiked Pe.ins .! lV'jnd Can Baked lvsn "J I'ostum - t .g Biune Ceu-.il -l II.nr.. per round ,- liite and Wnnu- oin Moal, 1 pound sack... ; Sao ..i:d i.ipt.''.i. U'peui'.Js - 1 l B.ti s Soap I 1',' ir.J Be.t Co.o.mu! D i Oo..v,'.ti C't.ce O! t an .U'm: (. ream . 2 "vt Id 'or ,ier piomr:K .".lied. Goods carefully j.uked and slrii'tcd aiuwticrei box of peaches. On seeing Mrs. Alger the Dartv hid the box and peaches and left. MrB. Alger wishes to express her thanks for picking the peaches, and says that if he will be so kind as to coma back he can have his empty box. Mrs. August Soheer visited Miss Tony Gelbricht the fore part of the week. Mrs. Petzold, of Oregon City, and daughter, are the guests of Miss Gel- I bricht. I Miss Anna Miller loft Sunday for 1 Aurora to pick hops. Tom Blanchard. Jr., bad the mis fortune to lose his barn and all its contents by fire. T'-is was caused by Stachley and Rider's engine. Mrs. E. A, Soheer and Mrs. A. O. Miller had a narrow escape from got ting hurt by haying a runaway. Henry Hughes did some excellent work through our neighborhood, be ing very clean and ouick in threshing. Got Off Cheap. He may well think he has got off cheap, who, Jafter having contracted constipation or indigestion, is, still able to perfectly restore h's health. Nothing will do this but Dr. King's New Life Pills' A quick, pleasant and certain cure for headacho, consti pation, eto. 2oo at Howell & Jones' drugstore ; guaranteed. MILWAUKIE. Milwankie Grange held a quarterly meeting last Friday evening. Rou tine business was transacted, after which a watermelon feast was pro vided by the ''grange boys." Some Agents Ore. of our people have om tothohop flokls forjm outing. Forest fires around Otik Grove cnnseil some alarm to the. residents of that . jtlnw Tliursday and Friday. Herman Wetzler lmd 200 corns of wood hurtled, causing him qnite a loss and nutting him out of the wood hnisuuss for the present. Milwaukie school will opeu Sep tember 18. Miss Duffy, who has been visiting Mrs. M. D. Koid and family for the past two months, left for her home in Iowa last Sunday. Fifth annual Fair of Milwaukie Grange will he held October 20 aud 21, All farmers and grangers hre in vited to place exhibits. K. Scott, O. E. Freytag and Babtist Campbell are wmmittee on farm exhibits. Mrs. Maggie Johnson will be superinten dent of the Bahy Show October 20. It will not be her fault if tho Grange Bahy ishow does not beat Dau McAllen and and the Lewis and Clark Baby. Show. vH GARFIELD. Thrashing is over aud everybody is looking for rain. Mrs. G T. Welch of Walla Walla, Wash., visited Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Anders it few days last week.rlShe left for Fortlainl Monday. The Porter district. No. S3, opened school August "JS, with Miss Fauuse Kippt y n instructor. Kdwni Mullin was the guest of Mr. anil Mrs.'li. If. AuJers Suudav. ml - IfiiiWfeste I : mH Pi P' $H 5n v? iVsVi 1 w ' ' v i m Mrs. JohnJPage is up from Estacada visiting hor mothur, Mrs. Porter, who has beon quite sick for the past two weeks, but is improving. Henry Palmatoer is doing some work on the Odd Fellows hall. Edwin Mullin rand Mis3 Mable An ders returned from Portland last week, whore they have been visiting tho Fair. Miss Jessie Lemon has returned from visiting the Fair. The many friends of Mrs. J. Horner are glad to see hor up and around again. Mrs. Moore returned to her home in Southern Oregon, after a tew months' visit with her daughter, Miss Lu- cretia Lemon. Mrs. T. locum was seen in Esta cada last week. Ed Lemon, of California, has been visiting friends and relatives bore. NEW ERA. Thomas Blanchard, Jr., had the misfortune to have his barn and 15 tons of hay and all his straw burn last Friday. The fire started fiom a spark from a thrashing engine.' His gran ary was saved ouly by a full tank of water being on hanci. . Geo. E. Kline and family, of Spo kane, are spending their summer va cation on his prune farm north of the city. Dr. Ferguson shipped a box of choice spuds to the Lewis and Clark Fair this week. Why not othors fol low his exaraplo with any kind of choice articles for exhibition. WHICH FOR YOU ? A painted drill top or good full leather; a seat stuffed with excel sior, no springs, and covered with painted drill; or long hair, sound leather and coil springs in the cush ion, a seat that's double bolted with the bolts running through tho seat panel braces clear down through the sills. A cheap buggy or a' Mitchell Buggy? The differenco in cost is little compared with the great difference in the service given. 'i Which for You ? tit first and Taylor Streets Portland, Oregon George Penmuan, of the Ogle mines, is visiting his parents this week and made a full liami during threshing. Ben Wilson and Will Criteser re turned from the harvest fields uoar More, Wasco county, last week. A. A. rarrott &' Co., of Portland, are putting down test holes on either end ot ,tho railroad trestle in the city, preparatory to erecting abutments for a new steel bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McArtluir left for their home iu Condon Sunday morning. Sidney Gralium, of Butteville, passed through the city eiiroute for Portland last Friday. John Touipson nutl Elmer Veteto have opened up a slaughter yard north ot the city. J. U. Campbell, of Oregon City, was present at our telephone meeting last Friday afternoon, and proposed a tel ephone exchange system in Oregon City, whereby all rural lines could centralize and have free exchange with eacn other tor a very small sum, thereby making it possible to talk over all rural linos throughout the county through lkone phone, thereby dispelling the thought of having your walls decorated with perhaps a dozen ditfereut phones, making quite a sav ing to therutrons. as telephones are not given away for the asking t'.iis year. Mr. Campbell apparently ca: ried, aw.iy the syuipaiiiy of about all present. Notudiou was taken on the proposition, nr vil! there be cnMl n joint txontiiro of the sverrl divi sions is held and discned satisfac torily to the majority. ;'' New York Dental Parlors Fourth md Morrison Streets, Portland, Ore. Having just completed remodeling', refurnishing and re-equipping our office with all the latest im proved, modern appliances, both electrical and mechanical, we are better prepared than ever to complete all kind of operations with great skill and dispatch. Our specialists of world renown will treat all who come with the courtesy and care that the New York Dentists are so well known by We do not try to compete with cheap denial w irk, but do all kinds of first class work at about half that charged by others. All operations are guaranteed painless, You 'can have your teeth out in the morning and go home with your NHW TEETH "that fit" the same day. All work guaranteed, with a protected guarantee for 10 vears. TEETH EXTRACTED AND FILLED ABSO LUTELY WITHOUT PAIN, by our late scientific methods applied to the gums. No sleep-producing; ngents or cocaine. These are the onlv dental parlors In Portland having PATENTED APPLIANCES and ingredients to extract, fill and apply gold crowns and porcelain crowns undetectable from nHtural teeth. All work done by GRADUATED DENTISTS of from ia to 2o years' experience, and each department in charge of a spei lalist. Give us a call, and you will find ua to do exactly as we advertise- We will tell you In ad vance exactlv what your work will cost by a FREE EXAMINATION. SET TEETH $;. GOLD CROWNS .-5.oo GOLD FILLINGS $l.oo SILVER FILLINGS 6oc fiO PLATES f5fo New York Dental Parlors Hours 8:30 A. M to 0 P. M.; Sundays and holidays, 8;3o to 2 P. M. MAIN OFFICE: Fourth and Morrison Sts., Portland, Or. When In Portland, st p at I The Hotel Detroit Corner 27th and Thurmail Streets, one block from main entrance to Fair Grounds. Our free 'bus meets all trains. "M" car for Union Depot passes door of hotel. New, modern building, 100 elegantly furnished rooms, porcelain baths, electric lights, call bells. Observatory gardens only one in Portland on (' roof of hotel and overlooking Fair Ground, city ' and mountains. Free to guesfe. First-class Restau rant In connection. Meals, 35 cents. Ladles' par lor, smoking room, barber shop, etc. Rates, $1.00 per day. Rooms with bath, $2.00 per day. Special rates by week or for parties. Write for circular to J. C. GRIFFIN, Proprietor. SAFDY. Everybody except hop pickers likes to see a little rain. Forest fires are raging some. Kelso schoolhouse and Canning's barn, with all of his grain, was con sumed by flames Thursday. Every effort was mado to save the school- house, which was built two years ago. The handsome structure was burned, also several others had narrow escapes trom hre, while the east wind was blowing. Baker & Maroney are the new pro prietors of the Situdy ahd Boring stage. These are rustling young men, very pleasant and accomodating and will run passenger aud treignt stages from Boring to Sandy to all parts around and to Mt. Hood. Sandy's horse race did not como off, 4L as a little rain interfered with the track in "Lover's Lane, ' and was j postponed to some future Sunday, i wlieu weather conditions will ba fav orable. Quite a number of our people went to tho hop yards to bring money and health homo. Sawmills are ' running fall blast. Most of them are in need of labcr, also teams to haul tiea. Jouarud Bros, have the contract to supply the upper Sandy bridgo with lumber, which they are busy deliver ing. Fred Hartwig, of Mauitowoo, Wis., aud f.Ed F. Bruns ;just returned from Mt. Hood, after making a successful trip to the summit of Crater Rook, also top of old Hood, ascended to the summit by the way of Western Pass without any guide, which IGuide xo- cum considers a most daring aud dan gerous climb this time of the season. V. Johnson will soon visit his old home in Sweden to be gone possibly two years. Sandv looks the past week, as it possibly did the year before the foot of civilization trod its fertile soil, as a soore or more Indians were encamped on Meinig avenue the past week, mak ing preparation.for the hop yards, ana several amateur snap shooters tried to 4 take pictures, which the Indians most ' vigorously resented in a vehement manner. Thrashing is most completed and crops make all progressive farmers smile. W. H. Roberts is hauling lumber for a handsome residence he will build. Mrs. Henry Von Helms and daugh ter were iu town Sunday. Miss IIoluiS went to Portland. Miss Mary Mitchell, of Oregon City, made a hying trip to visit her folks. Misses Mary Wespe, Clara Mitchell, Fred Wespy, and Arlie Mitchell are enjoying a trip to Mt. Hood. Misses Mamie and Blanche Hart wig, after making a three months' visit with the Bruns family, their re lations, returned Jo Manitowoc, Wis., September 1st. Liberal Man Sent to Asylum, J. A. Hannagen, a merchant at Liberal, and postmaster at that place, was brought in yesterday and was tl committed to the insane asylum by Judge Ryan. He will be taken to Salem tonight. The unfortunate man is suffering from sitophobia, and de tests the sight of food. He will not eat, but proper treatment at the asy uin may result in his recovery. THE SURE WAY to nrpvent, Tuipnmnnia mid cnnsnnip- Itiouisto cure your cold when it I first appeals. Acker's EugLsh Remedy wiU stop the cough in a night, and drive, the cold out of your , system. Always a quick and sure cure foi" asthma, bronchitis, and all ! thr-:tt Hiid lnng troubles. If it does ' not satisfy you we will refnud your Jmonoy. Hnntley Bros. Co.