10 OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1905. REFUSED TO GET LICENSE EsUcada Saloonkeepers Vio late City Charter. CONVICTED AND ARE FINED Retail Liquor Dealers Try In Vain to Operate on a Permit From the County. Attorney J. . Hedfros, attornoy for tlio city of Estnewla, returned Friday from the Eastern Clackamas city, after carrying tn a snccossfnl'terui'iintioii the cash of the city RgafiiHt Mr. and Mrs. Uorrigmi and Mr. (JunniiiKham, charged with carrying on and main taining a saloon within tlio municipal limits without lirst obtaining a license from tlio city. There are two saloons in Estacada, in addition to the Estacada Hotel bar, and one of these saloons refused to take out a license on the ground that the county had granted thorn a license April VI last. But the charter of Es tncada provWleB that tho state law shall not apply iu licensiug of saloons and the Bale and trafflo in liquor. This provision of tlio charter became effective January 81 of this year, and the city's attorneys contended that the license granted by Clackamas county was void. Persisting in their refusal to obtain a city license, Mr. and Mrs. Corrigau and Mr. Cunningham, upon the ad vice of Mr. Hedges, were arrested Monday of last week for a violation of an ordinance) that was passed for tho punishment of time- carrying on a saloon business without first obtain ing a city lioensn. " Attorney F"ylninii, ot Estacada, ap peared for the defense, and the trial occupied all of Friday. All threo of the defendants were emivicttd and sen tenced to pay a lino of S'K) each. Cun ningham paid his fine, and Mr. and Mrs. io rigan w ill appeal. In the meantime the saloon will apply for a municipal liesuse. Improve Flsb Ladder. . Master Fish Warden H. G. Van Dusen was in the city Thursday to make an inspection of the hsh ladder I at Willamette Falls. Mr. Van Dusen i expoots to have some blnstiiig".doiie, to improve the ladder, and connect iso i lated pools. Practically no water has ' passed over t . e ladder for several j weeks, owing to the low stngo of the I river, and this is a good time to have I the improvements made. Last season I many hundred salmon died in pools, because of a sadden' fall in the river, and it is proposed to remedy theBe I conditions. Very little work will have I to be done to make the ladder a com j plete, iimtoad of only a partial suc I cess. Croup instantly relieved. Dr. 'Thomas' Eclectrio Oil. Perfectly safe. Never fails. At any druR &tore. custer mm eiiE mm shoes FOR BOYS ;FOR GIRLS The Brown Shoe Co. ST. LOUIS (t0 AK- Jkt OTrlEft 'fa, fm IP Soys mm xtto V V ADAMS BROTHERS OREGON CITY'S BIG CASH STORE Dry Goods, Clothing and General Furnishings Phone 1121 Hes. IS33 Office In favorite Cigar Stort Opposite Masonic Building Williams Bros, transfer (, Safes, Pianos and Turniture Woving a Specialty freight and Parcils DeJIvtred to all Parts.of tbt City Prices treasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed A New Home Industry 8 The Cascade Laundry Docs not wear out or destroy your linen Our Waeon will all for your soiled linen each week and deliver JJ your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfaction assured. E. L. JOHNSON, Proprietor. 8 No Electricity 1'nt'il in Our 1 rent me ut s Vibratory Massajrc Vibratory Scalp Treatment, Vibratory Body Treatment, Vibio Maiiicurclng', And all Face, Sculp mid 1 1 y lolnii nts SUCCK-SF U l.l.Y TKE.YTEP 1Y Si'lKNTlFlC YlliKATll'N. Your hands really ma'snd mid manicured t y Vihrii Miichini'. The .! cmaUl i t-1 uit'iit id the kind in the lu"uY North west. The heei-t ami mor t approvi'd inetiiiinentH and p ran ice. Jvc asuimble pi ice. Yihro Ori'iuni', I.oiiu.ii, Towitrs, F.ic. Call ut our o'hVu and troathi" lO'inii we will he U'ii.-ei t.i iti moiu tmte to you free of charm'. Suite Lewis Building POlxCLJMD, OTfcT. Zb Vibntoriuni EXPOSITION HOSE RACES EXCITE INTEREST. n . r:i.. t m n t. nnirtj Yx 1 TT fYT "rcsul1 viiy itam may uu iu rui uauu HAS RECORD : 1 Frank MoU'iinis. olii-f of the Ore- o(jn City Fire Department, has re- Attencbnce at Big; Fair More npivtl a'1,:ltw frnm .tlie of urn ftonti regatta luvitina um vjie- V Than Million. ALL OTHERS ARE BEATEN Clackamas County's Display of Products Causes ' 'eople to Sit Up and Take Notice. pon (Jity nose team ;ro Astoria tne hist week in August to participate in tin: riiees that luive been iirnme The firemen will ennrer ovvr tlie invi tation and there is a strong .probabil ity that arrangements will he made to go, as liberal prizes Imo been hung up. i Mr MeUinnis also has a. letter from Charles Alinky, of Portland, reqnesr , ing the local tiro deptii'tinent to swirl 'delegates to Portland September 15 to j attend a meeting of the volunteer 1 firemen of the Pacicfi Coast '.Veterans iand the Volunteer Firomeri's Associa 1 tion. These organizations will hold 'annual conventions, and Jare arrang ing ror a tournament oi nose rases and other sports. PORTLAND, Or., Aug. l'.-The million mark has been ' reaehod and passed in the record of attendance at the Lewis and Chirk Exposition. When tho 27,420 admissions of Augutt a were added to the aggregate since the fair opened on June 1, it was found that in sixty-three days 1,013, 001 of gate admissions had boon re corded by the turnstiles. The admis sions department was jubilant, and BEST TIME TO TREAT CATARRH. Use Hyomei Mow and Get Permanently Cured Sold Under Guarantee. Summer i.- the best sea:on of tho wholo year for the treatment and cure of catarrhal troubles, and Huntley Bros. Co. urge every reader of the rtnnrior rn n TTtTmnpi nnw ftlld lip all the rest of the exposition officials pertuauentl cured and the people of Portland and the j unlike ordinary treatments for cat PaciHo Northwest in general joined in rrl) Hyomei is breathed! through a the jubilation, lugures tell the truth, 1 neat pockeC inhaler that ' comes with and these figures show that the Lewis every outtit There is no dangerous ami Chirk Centennial is a success. 'emmm-h rlnsino with thit snimit.itin n We Want Your Trade At Harris Grocery And are going to make special inducements to close ouyers. Cash and Small Profits is Cur Motto. The Trans-Mississippi Exposition at Oimiha, in 18U8, which was about the size of the Portland enterprise may tie us d as a basis of comparison in at tendance. The official record shows that during the first two months of the Omaha fair the admissions were (i'l, 035. Portland's figures, official mid verified, show a total of 978,017 for the first two mouths. Thus wo find that the Lewis and Clark Exposition at tendance for the lirst two. mouths has exceeded that of the Omaha euterpnse by S(irt,'JS2, or considerably more than 5b per cent. Moreover, let it be taken into consideration that within a rad ius of 000 miles of Omaha there were 14,000,000 people, approximately, while withiu a like radius of Portland there are not more than 1,800,000 people. Tlie Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo, in l'.IOl, with a population of 40,000,000 within the 500-mile radius, had an attendance of 1,203,230 during the first two months. This is only about 25 per cent iu excess of the Poitlaud figures. Portland and Omaha have approximately the same number of inhabitants, while Buffalo is sev eral times as large as the Lewis and Clark City. F. B. Davison, chief of the depart ment of admissions at Portland, who has had experience in the same depart ment at several expositions, expresses the belief that the Lewii and Clark Fair will run Omaha a close race, and in all probability will win out in the total attendance, though at Omaha the exposition was open live full months, while the proseu: enterprise is to be open but four and a halt mouths. Omaha's total attendance was 2,G13,508. Nothing succeeds like succoss, and tho Portland Fair has shown by actual and indisputable figures that it is a success. As it is a Western enterprise the entire West is to be congratulated, and if the Last still ' nothing good can come eth" let that section take notice of the most successful of all American expositions. Through the united efforts of enthu siastic citizens, Clackamas county dis play at the Exposition has assumed a position among the foremost of the county exhibits at the Exposition. Clackamas shows eleven different va rieties of wheat, ranging from 61 to 07 pounds to the bushel. This is the heaviest wheat at the whole Exposi tion. Tho tallest oats shown are from Clackamas county, and an exhibit of vetches displays a stalk that is one foot and nine inches higher than any other exhibit iu the buildiug. The Willame te Pulp & Paper Co. has tho largest roll of newspaper ever placed on exhibition, 140 inches wide, 3.0(1 miles long, containing 217,000 square feet. This roll of paper if placed on tho county road, would make a thoroughfare nearly 12 foet wide and would reacli from Civuby to this side of New Era. Will Kitujua VUUlll J o UU1UI1L- uio ut)l- i stomach dosing with this scientific treatment.' Its halsamio air pouetrates tho most remote parts of the nose and throat. It searches out and kills catarrhal germs in the minutest air cells; it soothes and heals all irrita tion of the mucous membrane Its power to cure' catarrhal diseases is simply marvelous. Hyomei is not alone the ouly natural treatment for tho cure of catarr1'. but it is the only guaranteed one. It kills the disease germs and restores the mucous mem brane of tho throat and nose to a per fectly healthy condition. The complete Hyomei outfit, consist ing of an inhaler, a medicine dro riper and one bottle of Hyomei, costs but $1.00, extra bottles 50 cents. Hyome possisses such unusual power? to cure catarrh thar Huntley Bros. Co. sell it under an abssolut' guarantee to re fund the money if it doeB not give sut sfactiou. They take all tiie risk. Replevin Action at Sandy. Suit of Ut. B. Rich vs. J. B. Chap ' mail to replevin some cattle and household utensils was tried Monday in the justicecourt at Sandy. George C Brownell appeared for Rich, and the defendant was repre ented by At , torney Riley, of Portland. The case i was tried before a jury, who rendered I a vorilipl". fnr tlio nlniiir.ifF Eczema, scald head, hives, itchiness of the skin of any sort, instantly re lieved, permanently cured. Doau's Ointment. At any drug store. Mechanic's Lein Filed. Fred Yelkis has filed a mechanics' lien against Russell Bros.' sawmill men on the Molalla. Yelkis alluges that ho bus due him about $318 for wages. He has been working for Rus- ..ll C.. nn Knillnil i no imagines that , 2?" V ' ' : out of Nazar-1 Tlie lien was filed on 0,000 ties that are lying ai lire ooututuu jrnciuu uo- pot at Canby. Sick headachaabsolutely and permaj uontly cured by using Moki Tea. A ploasaut herb drink. Cures Conitipa tiou and Iudiesgtion. Makes you oat, sleep, wark and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or monoy back. 25c and 00c. Huntley Bros Co. Corvallis & Eastern Railroad TIME CARD NO. 29. No. 2 for Yaqulna Leaves Albany 12:45 P. Leaves Corvallis 1:45 P. Arrives Yaquina 5:45 P. No. 1 Returning Leaves Yaquina .7:15 A. Loaves Corvallis 11:30 A. Arrives Albany 12:15 P. No. 3 for Albany-Detroit Lv Albany for Detroit. . .7:30 A. Arrives Detroit 12:30 P. ter than those of any other Oregon ; No 4 from Detroit- Leaves Detroit 1 :30 P. Oiiuutv, with tho exception ot Uma tilla. The fruit and vegetable exhib its are good, and the exhibit of native birds displays 7!) varieties. M. M M. M. M. M. M. M. M. M. TAKE IT IN TIME. Just as Seores of Oregon City People Have Done. Waiting doesn't pay. If you neglect the aching back, Urinary troubles, diabetes, surelv follow. Dean's Kidney Pills relievo back ache, Cure every kidney ill. I W. 11. Kelly, eiminc'i- einuloved on ! the Union Paeili" K. K. , living it, S!U Second street, Portland, Or. , says: I "For several years I was bothered! more or less with kidnev trouble, p:ir- . ticuhirly if I contracted a cold when ; it was sure to seat itself in the region ot the kidneys. I nested a lot of time ; trying medicines which did not help I me, but finally learned of Doan's Kid- i ney Pills and got a hex. The first 1 few doses helped me so much that i continued taking them until 1 had used six boxes. They relieved no en- ' tirely a' d since 1 slopped faking them there has not been the slightest sign of recurrence. I have advised oth- 1 era to use Doan's Kidnev Pills and 1 Arrives Albany....' 6:30 P. No. 5 for Albany Leaves Corvallis. ....... .6 :30 A. M. Arrives Albany 7:10 A. M No. 8 for Corvallis Lv. Altianv for Corvallis 2 :40 P. Arrives Corvallis 3 '20 P. No. T for Albany Loaves Corvallis fi:0P P. Arrives Albany 6:40 P. No. 6 for Corvallis Leaves Albany 9 :1" P. Arrives Corvallis 9:55 P. M. M. i M. M. M. M. Train No. 1 arrives in Albany iu time to connect with the S. P. soutli i hound trnin. i Train No. 2 connects with the S. P. trains at Corvallis and Albany, giving , direct service to Newport and adja cent beaches. i Train No. 3 leaves Albany for De troit at 7:30 a. m. , arrives there in .ample time to reach the Breitenbush ! hot springs the same day. Train No. 4 between Albany ana Detroit connects with the Eugene lo cal at Albany, also with local from Corvallis. Train No. 5 leaves Corvallis at 6:30 a. m., arrives at Albany 7:10 a. in. in time to catch Eugene local to Port land and train to Detroit. Train No. 8 leaves Albany for Cor- r...li: ot - !0 n.'uir tliA sirrivnl sliiill continue to recommend them. o p ,1.h,i,j nr,ij 'Traill No. 7 leaves Corvallis at 6:00 "i- V i u U - a i.i w ',j bj lot Free ts t teaves cf thv forest. Otir parapteet descriptive of Cackamas Cownty is nov rea-iy cM we want you to enclose them i:n your letters to friends in the East. St4o J3i ad set c'l you can use. Do this mndh toward aSverJising the best county in the best state :.i ihz world. : : : : C. N. PLOWMAN & CO. 0mSy 6 m 1 , i mm I la A 4 i I 'JpHE cost of a typewriter is not fr.P 1111.1 j jr tiiv i iw. VUltdlUVl bi.w Ljuainy aim aiiiuuiit ui vyuia. il uwo) the time it saves or loses; how it economizes or wastes ribbons and supplies : and, how well it wears. The lowest-price machine may be mighty expensive in the end, while a higher-price one may pay dividends. A little investigation will show that The The World's Best Typewriter is the most economical writing machine ever made. It not only does the best and speediest work, but it wears far longer, and in the end costs less money, than any other make cf writ ing machine. Write tday for our little book which explains why. High-Grade Typewriter "Suppliei. Machines Rented. Stenog raphers Furnished. The Smith Premier Typewriter Company 247 Stark St. PORTLAND, - ORE. $ feEi jnfi Tfprfftt the ttlost Delightful Way to Cross tbe Continent Through Salt Lake City, Glenwood Spr-ngs, LeaJville, Pueblo, Colurado Springs and Denver Jl Daylight Hide through Mature' JJrt Gallery Passing Ce-tle Gat-, Canon of The Grand, Tennessee Pass, Marshall Pass and the Roya' Gorge 3 traInsaTlybetot ogden 3 EQUIPMENT AND SERVICE SECOND TO NONE Seek Ho Turther, Tor Bitter Can't Be Tound For Detailed Information, Address W. C. McBRIDE, Cereral Agent 124 Third Street, Portland, Oregon EZEHJSEEl t JUM SN at the Oregon Cilij Bicycle a (3 0ud Store Remington, Stevens, Baker and Winchester Shot Guns and Rillt-s. Hand LoaJi-j Slulis i'i stock and loaded to order. ' Rod, Reels, Liius, Gut Hooks and Flies. Spaulding's Base Ball Uoods. We do not want t.i carry over any Bicycles, and arcjmaking a big cut on Ramblers and Crescents. We have a few hammocks left which we are selling at cost. 8 Plonty more proof like this from Ort'non City ii'opU. Cull at Dr. C. G. Huntloy's iirupstori and osk what his customers report. For g.ilo by all donlers. Price, 50 cents. Foster-Mil-hurn Co. , tSutt':lo, N. Y.., solo agents for tho United States. Keiiiemher tho name Doau's aud take no other. i a Kpiiiring of all Kinds a J;iecia!tv. Send your Job Work to the Courier. .p. in ,, arrives in Aloaur at tv40 p. in., in time to connect with the local tor Eugene and way points. Train No. t leaves Albany for Cor vallis at 9:lo p. m., alter the arrival 1 of the S. P. local from Portland. , For further information apply to I 3. C. MAYO, Geu. Pass. Agt,, :T. COCKRELL, Agent, Albany. H. H. CRONISE, Agent, Corvallis. J. C. SAWYER JACOB LOSLI TIN AND SHEET IRON WORK Hot Pipes and Water Tanks Made to Order 212 Jefferson Street Phone Clay 84S Portland, Oregon