OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1905. 9 LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given tlmt tire un dersigned litis bonn appointed Admin istrator of the nst:Ut) of Kath E. Hobbs, docoased, by the County Court of tho Stuto of Oregon for Clacluuniis County. All porsona having cliiims agninst the said etsute are hereby no tified to prfHunt tho name to me for paymmit with proper vouchors at my liomo lioiir Mtirquuin in Clackamas County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 3rd day of Jnlv, MJOo, H. L. SKMVIN, AdTiiinistrator of the Estate of Ruth E. Hobbs, Deceased. Gordon E. Hayes, Attorney lor Estate. DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the I partnership heretofore existing be tween H. J. Wallaco and R. 0. Pack ard m the cigar stand Imuiuess, lo cated three doors south of Sixtli street on the East side of Main street is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts owing to the old firm are payable to R. C, Packard and same K. C. Packard has assumed all the debts owed by tho lirm. Dated August '.), 1005. H. J. WALLACE, K. C. PACKARD. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Estate of George Williams, De ceased: ! ' Notice is hereby given that in pur- Buance of an order of the County Court of tho State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, made on the 27th d;iy of Juno, l'.KVi, in the mutter of tho oufato of George Williams, de ceased, I will Fell, at private sale, to the highest, hiridur, for United Stales gold coin, c.msIi in band, from and af ttthn U'th day of August, 11)00, all of the right, title ;vnd interest of tho said estr.ro ' " " ' ' "':j r-;i pi'opi-riy, ...;u:- , !.v;n ami !. :!; in tho Conniv of OI'i:!,;ni:-: and Sl::l.' f f OroKf.u, ilc-.-..Tiii-.l ax UiU, to-v ii : Hc'ii t'-f the n, '4 inn ... ... ,4 . . the mi oi Sec. 10, Tp. 4 S. ol 11. 1 E. of W. M. Terms of sale, 10 per cout of the amount to he paid upon the acceptance of tho hid by said administrator, and t ie balance to ho paid upon delivery by tho administrator of a good and sufficient deed. All bids to be in writ ing, accompanied by a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount bid, ad dressed to the undersiguod adminis erator, care of Hodges & Griffith, at Oregon City, Oregon. Salo to be sub ject to continuation by the Court. JOHN P. COLE, Administrator of the Estate of George Williams, Deceased. Hedges & Griffith, Attornoys. Furnished Every Week JBy the Clack amas Abstract Co. RAID MADE ON POOL ROOMS Milwaukee Officers Shut Down Gambling. VIOLATORS ARE ARRESTED The Clackamas Abstract & Trust Co. are owners of the only complete Abstract Plant in Clackamas County. Prompt and reliable work on short notice, and all work guaranteed. Ab stracts made, money loaned, mortgages foreclosed, trusts executed, estates settled, and titles perfected. J. F. Clark, AttyatLaw, President and Manager. Over Bank of Oregon City. NOTICE. TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given chat the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court, of Clackamas County, Oregon, &s Executor of the last will and testament of Sarah A. Hammett, deceased All persons having claims against the estate of such deceased are herehy required t3 present the same, duly verified, to me at the office of my attorneys, Eby & Eby, at Ore gon City, Oregon, within six months from duto lioroof, this 28th day of July, 1905. JOHN LEWELLEN, Executor. Eby & Eby, Attorneys. MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION FOR CLACK AMAS COUNTY. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Equalization for the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, on the last Monday in August. 1005, viz: The 28th day of August, A. D. , 1905, will attoud at the office of the County Clerk in the Court House in said county and state and continue tojuieet from day to day tor one week' and publicly examine the assessment rolls of said county for the year 1905 and correct all erro-s in valuation, de scription or qualities of lauds, lots or other property. It is the duty of any and all persons interested to appear at the time and place appointed to examine said rolls and ascertain if their property is properly assessed, and if not, to have the proper correc tions made thereon. Dated this 1st day of August, 1905. JAMES V. NELSON, Assessor for Clackamas County, Ore. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the Probate Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, as Executrix of the will of W. D. Bowers, deceased. All persons having claims against said es tate will present the same to me at the law offices of U. D. and D. O. Latourette, with the proper affidavits, at Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, Au gust 1, 1905. NARCISSA A. BOWERS, Executrix. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, executors of the will of A. Ketchton, deceased, have filed their final account in the said estate in the County Court for Clackamas County, State of Oregon, and that the said court has set Monday, the 4th day of September, '1905, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the County Court room in the County Court House in Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing and set tling the same and objections thereto. JOSEPH E. HEDGES, GEORGE-O. ARMSTRONG, Executors of the Will of A. Ketchton, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of Theodore V. Jewell, deceased, has filed in the County Court for Clacka mas County, State of Oregon, his final account as such administrator of said estate. And that the Couio has fixed Saturday, September 9, 1905, at the honr of 10 o'clock a. m. of sai.d day at the Court Room of said Court in Oregon City, Oregon, as the time and'plaee for hearing of objections to said report and the settlement of said estate. ZFRANK BUSCH, Administrator of the Estate of Theo dore W. Jewell, Deceased. Bruce C. Curry, Attorney for Administrator. T '"NZol, lot 11 Phister in P Wildly, lots 2 mid 8, hU.cU t, Mid pint 8 in block, Oak J Ourrin, Guardian, to O H Bar tholomew, 75 acres in Wade claim, 3-4 e; SMOO. C H Bartholomew to M E Heiple, 154 acres and 75 acres Wade claim, !i-4 e; SJoiSCO. J Curriu to M E Hoiplo, 75 acres in Wade claim, !l-4 e ; ?1. C E West to J L Vosburg, lots 5 to 16 in block 91, Oak Grove; $3800. M Gale to C N Daloy, 14 acres in claim 57, 2-3 e ; $280. J H and L S Holm to E Lindoll, 10 acres in claim 58, 1-1 e; $1. F E Olson to J E Wetzlor, w of block 81, Milwaukie; $425. T N Hagenberger to J E Wetzlor, lots 1 and 2, block 30, Milwaukie; $400. , M Houdrick to E S Yoder, 20 aires in seo 4, 5-1 e ; $(i00. M M Charmau. to A Plnard, E 100 feet of block 85, Clackamas Hoights; 100. J. W Kylor et al to Syndicate In vestment' Co, right of way 100 feet wide across land in seo 14, 2-5 e, and sees 20 and 22, 2-6 ; $100 per acre. A Goldstein to O N Daley, 6 acres in claim 57, 2-3 e; $100. H Gibson to W F Douglas, nwj of nwj of soo 2, 3-4 e; $800. J D Hewitt to M Bullut, 28.15 acres in McNary claim, 2-2 e; 4500. E Austin to D Harris, 100 acres in claim 37, 4-2 e ; $1300. D T Edmunds to A L Beatie, part of block 62, Oregon City ; $1775. THE COUNTY'S DEAD. IJcsse Keck, Special Policeman Is Also Bound Over to the Circuit Court. Peter St. Marie. Fred Bennett, John Brown, Isaac Grattou and Jesse A. Keck were Tuesday morning arraigned before Justice of the Peace Gra-ie at Milwaukie and hound over in the sum of $1100 eaob to appear at the Novem ber term of tho circuit court. Bail was promptly furnished in each case. Keck was a special policeman at Mil waukie, and was arrested for having personal knowledge that the law was being violated and failing to notify the peace officers. Gratton aud his companions wore charged with gambling, and were op erating in the Milwaukie poolroom, which was raided hist Saturday night by Mi.wankie officers, acting under the instructions of fttorney Ben Ir win, of Milwaukie. Two faro games and n roulette trame were found in co operation and the apparatus was seized ior evidence. LOCAL, NOTES Ida Mutt Porter. Mrs. Ida Mott Porter was born Dec, 21, 1862, aud died at Cauby, Or., July 26, 1905, aged 42 years, 7 months, 5 days. She was married at Waverly, Iowa. Aue. 21. 1888 to James Porter, who .survives to doeply, mourn . her loss. Mr. and Mrs. Mott, the parents, aud Mrs. Dalrvmple and Mrs. Nolan, sisters, also remain and reside at Canbv. The causo of Mrs. Poter's death was cancer, which has been running its painful course for some two years, Last February, her husband, in ac cordance with her wishes, sold his farm inIowa, and came to Oregon, that she-might spend her few remain iner davs and die with her parents. During her illness, ir the severest of pain and trying conditions, she has borne up with the utmost of patience and Christian fortitude. The funeral was conducted from the Methodist church by the pastor, Kev. O. A. Housel, July 28 and interment was held at Zion cemetery. Craig Chamberlain, Craig Chamberlain, aged 65 years, was found dead in his bed Thursday night at the home of his niece, Mrs. H. A. Allen in Redland, where he re sided. Deceased was unmarried and besides his niece leaves a sister at Redland. OoronerHolman and Dr. O. H. Meissiner left Friday for Redland to make an examination of the body, and fonnd that the cause of death was heart disease. No inquest was nec essary. The body was interred in Redland cemetery Saturday. John Jones, of this city, has been granled a patent for a combination clothes rack, wardrobe and bath cabi net. Cooper & Eyman are installing a faotory at Estacadu for the manufac ture of bed springs. The new pressed brick plant at Esta cada will kbe in operation in two or three days. This will be a big enter prise. The clay is of the best and the machinery and equipment of the fac tory are up-to-date in every respect. Semi-annual examination for state aud.county papers commenced Wednes day moruiug at the courthouse. There are about 55 candidates already en rolled, and several from Marion and Multnomah counties will take the ex amination, which will close Saturday. Dr. Alfred L. Beatie has purchased hfrom E. T. Edmunds his Washington street property, consisting of lot 7 and a part of lot 8, in block 62. The con sideration, was $1775. Di. Beatie will reside on the property. Contract for the new Baptist parson age has been left to Mr. Brown, who has just finished the constuction of a new house on the Harding property, on the corner of Main street and Rail road avenue. Thecontract price is a trifle less than $1400. Work will be commenced at once and will be com pleted about November 1. Sick headache results from a disor dered condition of the stomach and is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. . Holmes Park was the scene of a gay gathering Tuesday night, when 45 young men and women of Oregon City walked out to indulge in a plesaant evening in the open air. Games were played, a huge bonfire was built and lunch was served. The party returned home about 11 o'clock. Mrs. D. D. Shindler and Mrs. Har ley Stevens, Jr., of San Franoisco, gave a picnic Tnesday at Canernah Park, in honor of Mrs. E. Welker, Mrs. Datchder and Miss Emma Hoss nian, of San Francisco. There were about 80 ladies in the party and a de lioious basket luncheon wasa served in the shady groves of the park. William R. Logus'and Joseph Good fellow, who left Oregon City in an anto Tuesday uiorniug, bound for Yaquiua Bay, wired Wednesday noon that they had reached Albany without a breakdown. Schuyler Sackett. Schuyler Sackett, the 5-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Sackett, of Cobnrg, Lane county, died Friday night at Gladstone Park after an ill ness of two days with stomach com plaint. Mr. and Mrs. Sackett were camping on the Chautauqua grounds. The body was taken to Albany Satur day morning for interment. Sou of E. 0. Alien. ' Nine-months-old son of E. O. Allen, principal of the Allen Business College died Tuesday night at the family res idence in Oak Grove. Doath was due in an infant summor complaint. The funeral took place Thursday morning. R. L. HOLMAN, Leading Un dertaker and Embalmer. Office in Caufield Bldg., Oregon City, Ore Frank Newton has the only "'first class undertaking parlorand hearse in Oregon City. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Executor lot the estate of John S. Dugan, deceased, has filed his final account of his doiugs therein, with the Clerk of Clackamas County, j Oregon and the County Judge has set Saturday, the 9th day of September, 1905, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. at the County Court Room as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account aud the final settlement ot said estate. O. W. ROBBINS, Executor. Eby &Eby, Attorneys for Executor. Dated Aug. 11, 1905. Weekly Oregonian AN'D Oregon City Courier ONE YEAR $2.00 IN ADVANCE Mohawk Bldg. Third and Morrison Sts. ROBERTS BR2S. GIVERS OF THE BEST VALUES Portland's Fastest Growing Store INTERESTING OFFERINGS IN OUR SUIT SECTION Our Suit Room '"s bright with bargains. Our prices are always low, but we can positively state that customers never at any similar time of year had such values presented them as we quote to-day. Walking Skirts, Exceptional Values, $6.50 New arrivals in Women's Walking Skirts, made of Panama cloth, serge and mo hair, in colors black, blue, brown, gray and green. Styles are all in the newest plaited effects, trimmed in" various ways with stitching, straps and Cl ( buttons. Exceptional values at, each Silk Coats Greatly Reduced Will close out our entire line of Women's Silk Wraps, in short length, three-quarter length and fu41 length coats. Every garment this season's style. Fit guaran teed. Excellent quality silk. Warranted to wear. We cannot urge you too strongly to examine these coats. They will surprise you 1joth as to quality and price. Covert Coats, Very Special Handsome garments that bespeak stylish elegance in every line Coats made in the latest styles. Full pleated effects with leg-o'-mutton -sleeves attracti ely trimmed and finished, wi'h cuffs. Coats trimmed with stitched Slfi (f straps Prices range from $4.75 to . . . . . . Hr ' Women's Waists, Newest Styles, $ 1 .50 A great variety to select from. White lawn waists with tucked fronts and trim 'ming of embroidery or lace. New sleeves, trimmed collars. In finish f and style it would be h rd to equal these waists at the small price of r ' GREAT SALE OF WAISTS SSFcSoEf roR 50 Cents 50c your choice of waists worth $1, 1 25, 1.50 15 dozen this season's waists ( at 35c on the dollar. These waists are from our regular stock, but owing to only having a dozen or two left of each style, we will close out the lot at the small price of . , . , ..... J 50c In the lot are waists of lawn, sateen, percale, Oxfords, linens and other fabrics. A. Mi - ssss- i r . .r w i 1 viksiawmatxtifHSiS. The children's friend- Drives out blood impurities. Makes strong nerves and muscles. Gives tone, vitality and snap. s.. ... Get it C-on your drugrU cJ.Al'ry'-.:....-. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fisher, a daughter. Eetate of the late Frederica Rockner has been appraised by Dr. W. K. Carll, E. L. Shaw and J. E. Bradley at $3, 037.40, and the inventory has been filed in the County Court. PLUMS ARE BEAUTIES. W. W. Quinn, of Canernah, Has Variety of Choice Fruits. Fine W. W. Oninn, of Canernah, came down Tuesday bringing with him a basket of plums that are wonders to behold.- They are called "Quinn's Perfection," and are certainly ripe and juicy fruit The first tree which bore these plums grew in Mr. Quinn's yard in Canernah several years ago. He noticed that the leaves of the troe were unusually large, that the bark was smooth, and while he surmised they Wfre a seedling from a peach plum, he thought it very possible that they were a new variety, and called the attention of Peter Paquet, then re ceiver of the United States land office, to them. Mr. Paquet sent some of them to Washington, and the agricul tural department pronounced them of a new variety of the finest quality. Mr. Qninu says they blossom early and that the spring frosts do not in jure them in the least. They bear early, between a peach plum and a Cold Golden Drop plum, 'and their size is large and flavor delicious. They aro grafted in March. Mr. Quinn will exhibit his plums in Clackamas county's plaoe at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. Floe Collection of Grains and Orassei. f W. B. Stafford brought in from his farm at Maplo Lane Tuesday the fin est collection of grains and grasses that has ever been seen in Oregon City, and had them Bent to the Lewis and Clark Exposition, to add luster to the exhibit of Clackamas county's products. Wheat, oats, ,barley and other grains are represented. The grain has a fresh and clean appear ance, and Mr. Stafford is to be con grafculated. He is one of the few Clackamas oounty farmers that have manifested much enthusiasm over the exhibit from this oounty, LiU mm CAUSE ONE-THIRD OF THE TOTAL DEATHS. When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by the circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys. TlarfvT? YBYTHn TWTTTTK I 1 1 .r i i ft 9 I- J W. E M w M A f. 1 B 111 NiM' corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases in every form, tones up the whole system, and the diseases that have resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear, because the cause has been removed. Com mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at the first sign of danger. Do not risk having Bright' s Disease or Diabetes. CURED Or BRIGHT'S DISEASE. Mr. Robert O. Burke, Elnor. Saratoga Co., N. Y write.: I am clad to have an oppor tunity of telling what magnificent reiulta I have had from tiling FOLEY'S KIDNEY HE alter caving tried other advertised medicine, and several phyncian. Before I began had to cet up from is to so tiroes each night to relieve my bladder. 1 was all bloated up with dropsy ana ; CUR it I had to get a; across the room. was urged by y aDd my eyesight was so impaired thst 1 could scarcely see one of my family room. In fact, I was so bsdly used up that 1 had given up hope of living wheal by a friend to try FOLEY'S KIONEY CURB. One 50-cent bottle worked won ders, and before 1 had taken the third bottle the superfluous flesh had gons, as well a. all other symptoms of Kidney trouble. My friends were surprised that I was cured, they all thought I was going to die. Every few days some se comes from miles away to learn the name of the wonderful medicine that cured me of Brigbt's Disease, and not one that ha triad it baa failed to be benefitted. vs Two Sizes. GO Gents and $1.00. Z SOLD O BY H HUNTLEY BROS. COMPANY