2 OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, MARCH 17. 1905. I & NEWS OF THE COUNTY us I NEW ERA. Measles are r: ported in Hie Brown school district. Lanra Newbury was an Oregon City visitor last Friday. George ana James Blanchard of Portland were oat to visit their mother, wlio lias been quite sick, last week. Elmer MoArthur, of Vancouver, Wash., spent several days last week on the farm. Charlotte Dnndas of Portland, vis ited her parents here Friday last. Mrs. Luther Morton, of Portland, visited Mrs. Mary Morton several days last week. Mrs. Gansnider, of Portland, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bradtl, of this place part of last week. Miss Hattie Foster and Mr. Trvon, of Portland, were the guests of Miss Newbury Sunday. A'thnr Wink went to Canny Satur day and purchased a Planet Jr, hand cultivator. No weeds will be per mitted in his garden. Chas. Bradtl and MissPetrain drove to Oswego Sunday. George Kidor, Newt Criteser and Elmer Veteto have gone to Portland to work on the Lewis and Clark Fair buildings. Mr. and Mr. Henry Hongham, of Portland, visited the former's mother of this place, Sunday. I wish to contradict the statement in Monday's Journal stating that Agnes Keif attempted suicide, as it is absolutely false without provocation. B. Friedrich has contracted his cream to a Portland man for 00 cents per gallon this season. A Sale Cough Medicine for Children. In bnving a cough medicine for children never be afraid to bny Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it and relief is sure to follow. It is especially valuable for colds, croup and whooping cough. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. BEAVER CREEK. Grandma sick list. Boh lander is on the Fred Holzman, of Canby, made a flying trip to Beaver Creek last Wed nesday. Jim Shannon is quite busy patting in 10 acres of hops. Miss Efflo Grace, who is teaching at the Henrioi school house, spent Saturday and Suunday witli her par ents at Meadowbrook. Clackamas Tom Jones is confined to his bed with lagrippe. Phillip Steiner returned from Eastern Oregon Monday, as he did not like that part of the country. He is going to work for his brother, Henry, at Oregon City. Elmer Landergan sold his team of horses to Mr. Shelly, of Maple Lane last week. . '.' ' 1 A very pleasaut surprise party was given to Mr. and Mrs. John Wolf last Wednesday evening, and a very en joyable time was - hndr- A bountiful lunoh was served at midnight, after which all departed for their homes, Marie Daniels, who is working in' Portland, ia visitng with her parents, for a couple of weeks. ire broke out in the Shannon Bros. ' saw mill last Saturday morning, but there wasn't any great damage. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Staub, of Mead owbrook, called on friends here last Sunday. The wedding bulls were ringing in this vloiuity last week. Tom Davis, of Hazoldale, being the happy man. "A dose in time saves lives." Dr. Wood's Norway ;Piue Syrup; nature's remedy for ooughs, colds, pulmonary diseases of every sort. MAOKSBURG. . Our gonial blacksmith, Mike Walsh, is making somo improvements on his Bhop. School closed last Friday for the winter and after a week's vacation thp.Bpring term will begin. Miss Watonpaugli is sponding her vacation viniting friends and relatives in Oregon City. Leonard Wohnor, of Oak Grovo, is working for J. W. Smith. Mr. Koch is working steadily on his now house. The hop yard owners and farmers in general are working early and late this pleasant weather. Mrs. Surah Beattio, of Cnuby, was visiting her sister, Mrs. Klinglor, a few days, last week. Philip Schier, who is working in a logging cniup in the Waldo Hills, vis ited friends hero lust wook. Miss Ella Klinger attended the BDUANE C. AGENT John Deere Line Baggies, Plows and Harrow As for quality the above line can not be beat, and any one buy ing them will not take any chances, as the quality is guaranteed, and sold at right prices. Also sell the celebrated KEYSTONE WIRE FENCING at prices never before offered in Oregon City. Complete line of DRY COODS and SHOES at right prices. Full line of RICHARDSON'S SILKS and LINENS, which I consider the best in the market. OREGON CITY, dance at Canby last Saturday night and reports a very pleasant time. "Butcher" Keil, of New Era, passed through our burg one day last week. Will Bowers, who had his leg broken a few months ago, we are glad to note, is able to walk without the crutch once more. Frank Kraxberger, our mail car rier, came out from Aurora and at tended the entertainment last Friday night. Otis Morris, of Canby, with his best girl, were seen on our streets one day last week. Mr. Giuther and family visited with Uncle Henry Wolfe last Sun day, One word in reply to a hint from your correspondent at the other end of our town regarding the danc ing school. He is badly mistaken. It may be true that some of the young men are acting the hoodlum on the way home from the ball iroom. This, they, of course, should, not do, but let us put the blame where it belongs. In the majority of cases where a young man or woman acts wrong it is due to wrong training or a lack of training at home. They reflect in publio what is acquired mostly in pri vate life. These same boys or girls act the same or worse when going to and from any other public gathering. On the oontrary, in spite of the slurs of fhe ignorant and misinformed, the dancing school in this community, under tiie able guidance of Mr. Hal prnner, has done more good and is ac complishing more favorable results, sad to say, than those who so bitterly assail it. There exists a difference opinion in regard to the influence of dancing, and the editor giving per mission, we are anxiously willing to argue in its defense with anyone. The school gave an entertainment and basket social in the K. O. T. M. hall last Friday night for the purpose of trving to raise funds to purchase a flag for the new schoolhouse to be built. Tlie enteitaiumeut was inter esting and the pupils, one and all, de serve much credit, and indirectly the teachers, for the splendid program rendered. There was a large and ap preciative audience and the order was of the very best. The music fur nished by Herman Harms, Calvin Wolfer and J. W. Smith was exceed ingly good. W. W. H. Samson, who as every one knows, is always willing to give his valuablo aid, came all the way from Oregon City to give us his best help, but witli shame be it said, for some "unknown reason, the young ladies of Maoksburg and vicinity, ex cepting the school girls (only ten in number), failed to bring baskets. From a distance it would appear that this was a prearranged affair. To those who refused, for any reason, to give their assistance in such a worthy cause should bear in mind that they have gained no admiration for their negligence, and this is the first in stance we -.know of in this or' any other county that young women as well as some young men Ivave refused to help build up and beautify the school room that was once their hupe for the future. The receipts for the ten baskets was $7. Two of these bas kets were purchased by married men, leaving eight purchased by young men, one of which purchased two. We are led to ask: "Is there any publio pride and intelligence in our young people?" LOGAN. Bonuey & Miller's sawmill and Bonney,. Bros.' shinglemill were burned down on March 9. The fire oooured at night. We hear there was no insurance. This is a heavy loss to the proprietors, as they had recently made extensive improvements. The boilers were only slightly damaged. J. Zurbnchen has planted over ten acres of potatoes. This is a large patch of spuds for Logan, and Mr. Zurbuohen will watch developments in the potato market with intorest. Mr. and Mrs. White have tvins at thoir house, a boy and a girl. No race suicido thore, Mr. Roosevelt. Ralph Tracy and wife have a little boarder at their home. Whether a boy or a girl we have not burned. We might call Ralph up on the phone but he i9 probably too uiuch excited to reply. Ivah Olmstuad is slowly regaining her health, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Blount, iu Gladstone. Mr. Svvalos' family is running ' an incubator now. Leonard Newkirk has moved to Port laud and is at work at the car shops. Allen Hutchins has been sick for some time. BEAVER LAKE. Oregon mists have oome to see us again. ELY IMPLEMENT HOUSE FOR OREGON O. G. ' Vorheis, a well known young man of this section, left Saturday last for Eastern Oregon, where he ex pects to work the ooniing summer. Mrs. B. Wade is quite ill 1 at the present writing. Dr. A. A. Leonard, of Silveiton, is attending her. S. J. Nicholson .who hnu hann omrfe. iug near Springdale, Wash., during j me pass two years, nas returned home. Ralph Slaughter, who expects to leave for Eastern Oregon in a few days, where he will work during the coming summer interviewed ye scribe one day last week and left the inference that when lie got back there would be something doing, as he intended to escort Miss M. over life's eventful pathway, So boys, look up your shot guns and tin cans and be prepared to give the lad a warm reception for wedding bells may ring any time. George Slaughter' made a business trip to the county seat a few days ago. Miss Elva Wyland lofc one day last week for Portland, where she will work during the spring and summer. We miss her smiling face. REDLAND. Bouney Bros, are cleaning .up after the fire.F Bonney & Miller will re build on the old site, while Bonney Bros. will move their shinglemill fac tory up the creek. Most of the ma chinery will have to be replaced by Established 1834 MONARCH OF THE ROAD Every year there is placed on. the market new named unknown wagons, sometimes with gaudily painted gears to arrest attention, or perhaps paintea to resemble some wagon with a reputation of years standing and of known quality 'and merit. But have you ever stopped to think of it they are here today and gone tomorrow, sp to'.speak. They have a short inning while they can be soM on promises and representations as to hovv good they are. . The old reliable Mitchell Wagon has been with you for 70 years. It has always been-the' BUY THE MITCHELL Time Tried and Proven Reliable. We aim to have our other goods like Mitchell Wagons the Best we can Get. Fairclough Bros. Agents Oeegon CiLy James Fullam's boy is somewhat bettor at this writing. Our teaoher. Miss LaCroy, has been engaged to teach the Stricklau school for six months, beginning as soon as the Rodlaud school closes. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Gaskell were out visiting rolatives. They intend to leave for Eastern Oregon, by team, on the 15th inst. W. H. Bonuey is putting tip poles and wire from Central to Viola, and will have the same completed this week. He has the promise of seven phones on this line. Louis Funk sold a calf to J. Bar reth nd throwed in a calf. SANDY. Proctor $; Beers big sawmill was burned to the ground, also about 10, 000 foot of lumber was destroyed by the flames. Proctor & Beers will start up mill No. 1, so as to keep sawing for the big demand for lumber. A wood sawyer, Mr. Shautie, had his two horses consumed by fire, and also his barn. It caught from a fern fire. Many tern and brush fires have been raging in this locality during the dry spell ; something unusual for March. Joel Jarl, who sold his store some time ago to his brother, has moved on a farm and is busy making the stumps fly while the weather is fav orable. Klecer Brothers are taking advau- ! tag of evory thing that makes them the most progressive farmers on Sandy. They are using a traction engine to pull stumps and pull logs, and they claim it works perfeotly. Mr. Krpha hna fcaban a nnnoof fn clear three acres on the Strobridge farm for $300 per acre. Tnhn Rrirnna hna nirrlit man n foam w.B..w ...v, ii , is uuaiu and powder busy at work clearing 20 acres. Manv othnra nrn Hnarino land and slow but sure the mighty forests are disappearing and pretty farms ap- ' pearing. Mr. LenarU has a bunch of Japs clearing land. j Our debating society is on the bum slim attendance. It will be closed March 25. The question for that night is, "Resolved. That organized labor' is a oenent to tnis country, Henry Cook is very sick, having re ceived a sudden attack of heart trouble. Fradle vfrnchie has gone to Strause to work. Sowing of spring grain is mostly complete here. CLARKES. Ben Marshall spent a pleasant Sun day buggy riding on the plank road. John Stale has spent the past week visiting his folks at Clarkes. Frank Saear. Bpent the past week with his folks at Fall View. Ben Marshall has been shaking hands with his old tiins friends, as he will soon start for Japan, where he is going to help his cousin, Gen erl Kamamura, take part in the war. 70 Years WAGONS best possible' to build, and will always remain so. If you want the best First Frank Kees was in town on a bus iness trip Monday. John Fisher and E. Larkins will soon start .for Eastern Oregon, where they will stay a few weeks and visit friends. IMULINO. Sunshine and showers that's what makes the gardens and grain grow. Mr. Davis, Mr. Knotts and Mr. R. Wright, the delegates of Molalla Grange, No. 40, attended the Grange convention held at Oregon City Maroh 13. August Erickson and son, Elmer, went to their place at Maple Lane to plant potatoes last Tuesday. , 'Chas. Bowman and Archie Dougan, the trappers of Mulino, are doing suc cessful business here. Fred Erickson and family, Henry Seltzer, Mrs. McDonald and Arthur and Earnest Mallott were the guests of Mr. Davis Sunday. The new telephone is rather hard on some of the people here especially those that like to sleep late of a morn ing. : Ed Bowman, who is working at Mr. Armstrong's, of Macksburg, spent Sunday at his home here. E. J. Maple is doing fine work, teaching the singing class here, 15 being present last week. Mr, Fisher had the misfortune to have one of the bones in his arm broken last week.Sefl " "j. jrMallot and.wife, Mrs. Daniels and daughter, Kate, and Frank Lee, spent Sunday with August Erickson. ' Joe Daniels has gone to Wallaoe Island to attend to business there. Lee Perry, of Gladstone, was visit ing Bayne Howard last week. For information of the road to Buckner Creek Falls, inquire of El mer Erickson, Frank Lee and Miss Kennedy. I think that the loaf of bread that was lost by"R. O." P. M., on the main road at Cams was found by a poor tramp that came stalling through Mere, so all parties in search of it had better give it up as a bad job. Miss Mabel Kennedy was the guest of Mr. Lee Sunday. . BirdLamb, who is working for Mr. Del. Trullinger, of Union Mills, was seen in the streets of Mulino Sunday. Church or class meeting here every Sunday at II a. in., again at 7 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. and prayer meeting at 7 p. m. every Thursday. Everybody come. .WILHOIT. Russelville people are working every advantage during this nice weather. Mr. Johnson has fenced a nice pas ture, adding much to his benefit. Mr. Soott Carter has completed his goat fence. Charley Pelky has recently made 5500 rails to be used on his place. H. Daugherty is making prairie land of his timber with his now grubber. The Best WAGON and Taylor Sts., PORTLAND, ORE. Curlton & Rosencrans, of Canbv. passed through our country yesterday to mime a visit to Mr. Rosencrans' timber olaini. Heury Russell, foreman of the Fairclough Mining Co,, was visiting folks at home last week. Our roads are getting much better since the nice weather. Some are wishing for rain and we think we will get it. John Trullinger has been slashing brash on his place. He thinks he has 25 acres slashed. T. B. Trullin ger has been fencing land on his place. Cattle are doing well and grass will be started nicely. Soon beef bill be sold off the range. Men are prepar ing to take their stock to the moan tains for summer pasture. We have been visited with the gripp, but it has about disappeared. O. S. Boyles has returned from the mountains and reports very little enow in sight. Casius Austin has just finished'' a new post and rail fence, which adds much to the value of his place and also to the looks, and so the good work goes on. The Best Cough Syrup. S. L. Apple, ex-probate judge, Otta wa Co., Kansas, writes: "This is to say that I have used Ballard's Hore hound Syrup ,for years, and that I do not hesitate to recommend it as the best cough syrup I have ever used." 25c, 50c and f 1.00. " For sale by Char man &Co. New York Dental Parlors Fourth ind Morrison Streets, Portland, Ore. Having just completed remodeling, refurnishing and re-equipping our office with all the latest Im proved, modern appliances, both electrical and mechanical, we are better prepared than ever to complete all kinds of operations with great skill and dispatch. Our specialists of world renown will treat all who come with the courtesy and ore that the New York Dentists are so well known by We do not try to compete with cheap denial wrk, but do all kinds of first class work at about half that charged by others. All operations are guaranteed painless, You can have your teeth out In the morning and go home with your NSW TEETH 'that fit" the same day. All work guaranteed, with a protected guarantee for 10 years. TEETH EXTRACTED AND FILLED ABSO LUTELY WITHOUT PAIN, by our late scientific methods applied to the gums. No sleep-producing agents or cocaine. These are the only dental parlors In Portland having PATENTED APPLIANCES and Ingredients to extract, fill and apply gold crowns and porcelain crowns undetectable from natural teeth. All work done by GRADUATED DENT IS I S of from a to 2o fears' experience, and each department In charge of a specialist. Give us a call, and you will find us to do exactly as we advertise We will tell you In ad vance exactly what your work will cost by a FREE EXAMINATION. SET TEETH $5 00 GOLD CROWNS -.oo GOLD FILLINGS $loo SILVER FILLINGS 60c n -irraf New York Dental Parlors Hours 8:10 A. M. to 6 P. M.; Sundays and holidays, 8;3oto2P. M. MAIN OFFICE: Fourth and Morrison Sts., Portland, Or. OURRINSVILLE. The good weather still continues, and the farmers are glad to see it do so. Some of the farmers are through plowing and seeding. Russell Loouey, of Madras, is visit ing friends and relatives here now. Miss Sarah Ki telling, who was vis iting friends and relatives in Clacka mas and Sellwood a few days last week, returned ''ome Sunday. Miss Efflii Shanklaud returned home Thursday after a two weeks' stay in Portland. Several of the Ourrinsville people attended the funeral of Ed Duncan at Mt. Ziou cemetery Friday. W. H. Shankland, who is very sick and was taken to Portland for treat ment, is slowly improving. Mrs. Clara Ballard is on the sick list this week. Miss Cary Fields, of Milwaukie, maa vicif.inar her hmrlipi Knrnfl Fields, a few days last week. Burns' ratner ana nrotner came out irom West Virginia a short time ago, an1 are visiting Burns at the present. Homer Miller and T. W. Shank land, of Portland, were seen on our streets last Tuesday. Granville Linn went up to Linn's mill after a load of lumber Saturday. Ha ia nxneRtinir Im hrother. .Tnhn Linn, out from Clayton, 111., in a few davs. j , . ' -. ' tives Here now. Jle was here once be fore about 24 years ago. Mrs. Pearl Looney and Miss Nora Hale went to Portland and Oregon City last Thursday to do some shop ping. They returned home Friday evening. WILSONV1LLE. Pannnra ara fabinrv adironfnnn r9 tl, fine weather and are seeding their . spring grain. Chas. Tooze is having his new cot tage painted. Ljrissei Bros, are making prepara tions to build a new house. There is some talk of the Boone ferry becoming a free drift. Potatoes Are RtarHniv f.n mnva of cents per 100 lbs. Our local merchants, Messrs Peters & Aden, have innr: ranaivari a nadnn , - w v., v. u va. .uau of land plaster, and a car load of BiuugioB. a car ioaa 01 salt which was on the steamer Oregon while on fire will be here this week. Taughman & Son will move their flouring mill to the banks of the river this summer to make it more conven ient for shipping flour by boat. The ModernCo-operative Building Association will commence to put up a building 30x50 feet and 20 feet high for the M. B. A. Lodge. The build ing will cost nearly $900 when com pleted and will be a great improve ment to our town. ELDORADO. Mr. and Mrs. C. Noblitt, of Needy, visited the latter's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Goucher, the fore part of the week. Mrs. J. E. Jones and Mrs. N. Maule spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr and Mrs. King of Oregon City. . Mrs. H. A. Frazier of Salem ar rived last week to spend a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. A L Jones. Mrs. O. Smith entertained R. Bul lard and family at dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Stricken spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. F. Kinney, of Mulino. Teddy Hammond, of Molalla, is making flower gardens for Dr. Gouoher. F. Kinney and family will move to Carus the fore part of the week. The inspector ;of the rural mail route passed through this vicinity Monday. We expect to have a rural route established soon, via Canby. l,1"?11 and J Paine are working hop roeoS"er'8 hp-field' diggin P of1""8 aQd. f Wisher. Till7 r, , ' " HUD gUBUtS 01 JttlSS Lillian Gans Sunday. Mrs. Emma Baker,;0f OregoToityT visited her sister, Mrs..R. Schoenbora one day last week. & oVZ..T uj5o, ,ju, u, met .last Saturday with a fair attendance. m nan fonrth deSrees. Mr. and v,. cuce were visiting mem- W. TT .Tnnao i ;mam n. . "iaua n ousiness trip t a Oregon City last Friday. '