Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, February 17, 1905, Page 8, Image 8

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New Quarters Are Opened by
State Master Leedv, Secretary
Mary S. Howard and Other
Leaders Were
The low temperature oii Saturday
mado the hot dinner served up by the
ladies not the least interesting part
of the dedicatory program at Aber
uothy Grange. It was an appropriate
prelude to the serious businoss of the
aiteruoou, tne exeroises Doiore uiunur
consisting of vocal and instrumental
music, au essay by Miss Bernier, and
ex tempore speeches a Grange "love
The dedication of tiie hall was per
formed in accordance with a printed
ritual. To, Worthy Master Carter foil
the opening words of the ceremony.
Capt. J. T. Appersou, treasurer of Ab
ernethy Grange, presented him with
the keys of the hall and Master Carter,
in turn, gave them to Worthy Master
Loody, staudiug at his side. The ofll
cors of Abernethy Grange circle
around tlie altar, a prayer is read by
the chaplain, also passages of Scrip
ture to smiie of which the officers' re
spond, mill Flora, Ceres and Pomona
place einlilematio offerings on the
altar. The state, master returns the
key to tlio master of Abernethy
Grange with the words:
"I trust tho State Grange will nover
again have occasion to take possession
of those koys "
Thus ended the solemn ceremony.
Then caiuo oratory and music. First
in order was an address by Mrs. Mary
Howard, the state secretary. Her
sallies of wit elicited frequent ap
plaune. State Master Leedy, who fol
lowed, omphnsi.ed tho influence ex
erted by the Grango ill the legisla
ture, the $2500 appropriated for far
mers' institutes being one evidence of
this. Judge Galloway being called
on, admitted that he had once been a
member of the Grange, and was will
ing to become such again if Abernethy
wan tod him and his better half. He
brought out the fact that there is no
organization other than the Grango in
which wonioii stand on an equal foot
ing in all respocts with men, placing
it at the forefront of progress.
Captain Appersou, "the father of
Abrenethy Grange," seemingly real
ized the great importance of the
Grango movement to the tillers of the
soil. In forcible langaago he exhorted
all his neighbors to join the order to
promote the welfare of the vor.ng men
and wonio'j.
"The Grange will do good," said he,
'as long as the good people of this
community cooperate with it, then its
influence will extend throughout the
state. With the object of oooperatiug
with ns iu the great work of promot
ing tho interests of the cultivators of
the soil, we admit to membership a
half-lawyer, a half-doctor or a poor
merchant. " To the ladies of Park
place ho gave tho credit for estub
iishing Abernethy Grango.
Remarks were also made by liro,
Chitwood of Damascus, Bro. Eby, a
prominent Granger of Linn oounty, a
"lather in Israel," mother Harring
ton of Central Grunge, and others.
The Bpoeehcs were interspersed witli
songs and recitations.
Twenty applications for membership
woro to come before the evening ses
skill of the Grange. '
Fund for Fireman's Tournament Stead
ily Growing.
The committee in charge of the gen
eral arrangements for a firemen's
tournament in this city July 3, 4, and
5 Monday received a cheek for $100
as the P. G. B. Go's contribution to
ward the expenses of the tournament.
This contribution is nearly the last
to come from the big companies that
transact business in Oregon City. The
oity council has tacitly agreed to
make an additional appropriation at
a future meeting, and it is more than
probable tl .at the Portland Flouring
Mills Company will give liberally.
W. H. Howell, a member of the
committoe, said that an attempt
would be made to raise $1500 for the
three days' tournament.
Taking into conideratiou that $1500
will be given in prizes for racos alone,
this amount is not believed to be ex
cessive. Other sports will be held,
on land and river, two bands will be
engaged, aud the firemen plan to make
the coming , celebration better in
every respect than any previous one.
Tho following amounts have been
assured :
Oregon City Council - $250
Oregon 'Vator Power & Ry. Co. - 100
Portland General Electric Co. 100
Willamette Pulp & Paper Co. - 25
Crown Paper Co. - - - 25
Oregon Citv Manufacturing Co. 25
Columbia Hook and Ladder Co. - 25
Fountain Hose Co., No. 1 - - 25
Cataract Hose Co. No. 2 25
Hill Hose Co. No. 3 - - 25
Ely Hose Co. No. 4 - - - 25
Huntley Bros. Co. Tell People of Oregon
City Quickest Means to
Cure It.
Dyspepsia bane of human exist
ence. tJuruocK tsiooa Bitters cures ir,
permanently. Regulates and tones
tle stomach.
MILWAUKEE, Or., Feb. 10. -Mr.
Henry Karr, who died of pneumonia
at his home here on the morning of
February 7, was born in Indiana, Dec.
10, 18:i.
Early in his boyhood he movodwuli
his parents 'to Washington county,
Illinois, whore ho .resided until ho
was about 18 years of age. Then ac
companied by his brother James G.
Uiirr, by way of Now York, aud the
Isthmus of Panama, he came to Cali
fornia arriving there in Deoember,
1855. In lao8 he came to Oregon,
where ho decided to make his home,
aud ou July 4, 1800, he united in mar
riage with Mary Phillips, who, with
her parents had crossed the plains
from Illinois in 1H46.
Early in life Mr. Karr united with
the Baptist church and continuod a
consistent member until the end.
He was well known for his upright
ness of character, his honorable deal
ings with men, aud for his dovoted-
ness as a husband and lather.
He took much interest in affairs of
the day aud was a coutant reader of
the newspapers until a few days be
fore his death.
He leaves to mourn his loss a wife
and six children, who are : William
H., Ettta ii., Frank J., Raleigh J. ,
Edith O. Karr of Milwaukee, aud
Mrs. Goo. Johnson of Damasous, and
a brother, James A. Karr, of Ho
quiam, Wash.
After the lanerai services at ins
lato residence, the remains were laid
to rest in Multnomah cemetery,
where the beautiful floral pioces, as
a last tribute, showed the love aud
respect of many friends.
Sick Headache.
This distressing ailment results
from a disordered condition of the
stomach. All that is needed to effect
a cure is a dose or two of Ohamber-
lum'a Stnnmmi nnri Tjlvor Tablets.
Ill faot, the attack may be warded
off greatly or lessened in severity, ry
tnkinc ft dose nf those Tablets as soon
as the first symptom of an attack ap
pears, aoia uy uoo. a. naming.
For years cod liver oil has been
known to possess remarkable curative
aud healing properties lor throat, tirou
chial and lung troubles, but, as a fam
ons physician has said, on account of
tho grease it contains, it has been diltl-
cult for people to take euough of it
into their systems to comtiat a thor
oughly settled disease.
"Now, however," said Mr. Hunt
ley, "we have Vinol, which contains
in a highly concentrated form all
of the medicinal curative elements
actually taken from tresli cod s livers,
but without a drop of oil or grease to
unset the stomach and retard its work,
and there is no limit to tho amount
auv person can take into their system
to over come disease. Here are two
letters that have just come to our at
tention :
"Mrs. Louisa Stover, of Elkhart,
lucl., writes: 'For a long time I
suffered with bronchial trouble and
feared consumption. I could not
seem to get any relief from cough
medicines, old forms of cod liver oil
or emulsions. 1 coughed badly, and
my chest was sore and irritated.
Vinol has healed the soreness ami
stopped the cough and has strength
ened and invigorated mj whole
system. '
"Mrs. John Hoskins, Pangor,
Penn., writes that Vinol cured her
' sen of bronchitis, from which he had
suffered for years after everything else
had failed. .
"Wo ask every person in Oregon
City suffering from chronio colds,,
coughs, bronchitis or who needs an in
vigorator , and strength creating
medicine to try Vinol ou our gimran
tee to rota'n 'n uim'c.t :t fails.
Huntley Uros. Co.
If You are Not Particular
don't travel over tho Illinois Central,
as any old road will do you and we
don't want your patronage; but if
you are particular aud want, the best
and mean to have it, ask the ticket
agent ito pronto yon via the Illinois
Central, the road that runs through
solid vestibule trains between St.
Paul, Omaha, Chicago, St. Louis,
Memphis aud New Orleans.
No additional charge is made for a
seat in our reclining chair cars which
are fitted with lavatories aud smoking
rooms, and have a porter in attend
ance. Rates via tho Illinois Central
are the lowest and we will be glad to
quote them in connection with any
transcontinental line.
Commercial agent. 143 Third Street,
Portland, Oregon.
T. F. & P. A. , 142 Third Street,
Portland, Oregou.
Frt. & Passenger Agent, Colman Bldg,
Seattle, Wash.
Weekly Cregonian &
Oregon City Courier
Taxes! Taxes! Taxes!
ing in line. Time, .trouble, carfare and
annoyance saved. Small fee, 25 cents,
covers tvery thing. Complete tax roll
on hand. Isn't Your Time Wortu
MoiiB Than "5 CkntsT
606-608 Chamber of Commerce Building
m. v- . nrrtV,'V-
The Hub s lonster Alteration
The night's throngs surge toward The Huh. Portland has awakened to the realisation that in its midst there is
going on THE GREATEST of clothing sales. The great alteration sale is now in its third week with its
daily increasing crowds. All eyes are tamed on The Hob Portland's greatest value-giving store. To make
this the most modern of clothing stores, and to enlarge it in order to accommodate the great Lewis and Clark
Fair Crowds it has been necessary to rid the store of $i 00,000 worth of men's clothing, shoes, hats, furnishings
etc. This is an unparalled opportunity to save from 50 to 75 per cent of your clothing bills. Portland surely
has never known the like of this great sale. Come now come today come soon. There is still a vast array
of GOODS, but they are going fast.
l. 1 1 1 i i I ' El I IF! r-x T 1
n j
au ss
o 3
t hi
Alteration Prices on
Our flue stock of Hats comprises all the leading
brands of the best, known in ikes that sell from
$1 50 to $5 00. The styles art-of the very best.
The Sucritii!) Prices we quote arc not a Flint at
tbeir real milne. Ten extra hat salesmen will be
on hand lor ' hia grt-at pale.
50c for all of our odd and sample lines of $1 50
an. I $2 00 hats
95c for .your clmiie ol 800 sample bats, worth
2 60 and $3 00. wIm.I.'RkK
$1 4!) for choice of all oik $3 00. 4 ,00 and 5 00 Soft
or Si iff Hats, in Dnnlap, Knox and Yuaman
shapes. These an niiisily sample Hats, and are
the very cre.im A ..nr Hat. Stock.
$2 45 ler your eluvce of any $5 00 or 6.00 Hat in,
our house. This item -lone should brir.g every
bat buyer in Clnckimas county to us for his
new hat.
rhis snle of our Hut Stock is an opportunity
that h s nver been eqn led on the Pacific Coast
in t'-i" CP"tnrv.
We have mure shirts than all the stores com
bined show, and our Alteration prices will be as
follows : ,
25c for you choice of 500 sample shirts, some
slighily soiled ; values up to $2 00. Nuffsed.
85u for your choice of 100 d z-n Mt. Hood Shirts,
regular 75c value.
Alteration prices on
$2.50 and 2.00 Drees Khirta will be 95c
fl.oO and 1.00 Dress Sliiita will be 65c
. The Alteration Price on all
$2.00 and 1.50 Negligee Shirts will be 8ric
$1 25 and 1.00 Negligee Shirts will lie 6"o
90i: and 75c Nfl'gee Shi t will be 45c
50c and 65c Neliee Shirts will be 35c
Th r-Alteration Price on at!
$2.50 and 2 00 Working Shut will be 95c
$1.50 and 1.75 Working Shit ti will be 75j
$1 25andl.e0WorkingShirtgwil.be 65c
90c and 75c Working Shirts will be 45c
65c and 60c Working Shirts will be 35c
We just received a half carload of Suit Cases
and Telescopes. Alteration Price on all
$3.00 Suit Cases will be $1.45
4 00 SuitCaees will be 1 7ft
5.00 Suit Caes will be 2.45
6.00 Suit Cases will be 2.95
7 50 Suit Oases will be 3.45
10.00 Suit Cases will be' 4.75
Alteration Prices on all Boys' Youths' and
Children's Suits will be exactly halt price.
By tbe carload at lees than half the cost of man
ufacture. Alteration Prices on nil
60c Umbrellas will be 25c
75c Umbrella" will be 35c
J1.00 Umbrellas will be 45c
1.50 Umbrellas will be 75c
$2.00 Umbrellas wi;l be 95c
2.50 Umbrellas will be $1 35
8.00 Umbrellas
5.00 Umbrellas
ill he
will be
Men's Win er Underwear in an endless assort
ment of weights, weaves and colors. They have
got moving orders they must gn.
The Alteration Price on all
$1 25 Wintr Underwear will be 55c
1.50 Winter Underwear will be 75c
1.75 Winter Underwear will be 85c
2.00 Winter Underwear will be .. l)5c
2.50 Winter Underwear will be $115
8 00 Winter U. dcrwear will be 1.25
45c. witli or wiihout bib, every pair copper-riveted,
double-sewed, with fiat, filled seams, ad
eery pair worth 75c. and $1.00. Made with 5
to 7 pockets, and nua anteed to wear. Take as
many ns yon wnnt. None to dealers.
7e for 60 dose. Regular 25c values.
and Comforters will go at exactly HALF PRICE
during our Great Alteration Sale.
$2.50 Neckwear 25 Cents
The Alteration Price en eve'y Tie in The Hab
in puffs, teeke. four-in-hands. A-cots and bows,
in 60c, 75e, f 1 00, 1 50, 2.00 and 2 50 values
is 25c
A Special Saturday Offerinsj
25c on Dollar
In our open windows we will plaee on
sale Saturday. $5,000 worth of Suits, Ovr
coat' , Hats, Overalls, etc., slightly damaced
by the busy carpe tere and painters.
Alteration Prices on
Supreme Slmigl ter of our iniiuense etock of
"nits, thnusai ds of 'era to choose from, and every
one up-1"- late. .
7C F-r All-Wool or Worsted suits, in
H' " sack or frock stvles, ight or da.-k
colors, that we former'y sold at $10.00 to $12.00
$f O H CZ For vour unlimited choice of
1 over 900 suits, in single and
double-breasted sack, three huiton frock, black
and unfinished worsted, Prince Alberts, etc.;
some full silk and atin lined throughout. The
largest display of i-tyles fin ever saw. Nut a suit
in t he l it hut what tiie former price was $20 to $30.
Cl H T For Tailor Made Suits, hand tail
4v ored throughout, in puie wool
fabrics of 'he best make, in black, blue, brown,
tan, drb, slate, steel grays ; also checks, stripes,
plaids anil mixtures; tbe former price was $12 00
$15 00 .
CQ H CZ ' Tons of suits, hundreds of styles,
hpi jn every size and shape, foi all
builds of men, from 30 to 50 bust measure; im
ported materials, journeymen -tailored; tbe
verv c .nicest of good suits th, t formerly sold for
$16.50. $18 00 and $20 00.
Alteration Prices on
Two thousand Overcoats, of every style known
to the tailoring universd, made for tbe finest city
trade, now being slaughtered at prices that will
clean them out quick.
t A 7 wbile they 'last all the $8.50 to
P" $10.00 Oveicoats, in gray, black
and blue, will go in this great $4.75 lot.
$f 9 H Z For your unlimited choice of
V A J 5oo of the very newest styles in
Priestleys, Oravenettes and New Oat Black Coats,
handsomely tailored, trimmed with the best silk
and satin linings, others Italian cloth, some
worsted and serge linings Positively the fineBt
lotofcfats shown in Portland this season. All
are in at this wonderful low price, your choice
C!l Overcoats by the carload light
tjJJ J colors, medium colors and dark
colors, in box styles Raglans, S. belt backs, in all
lengths, Cravenettes, etc.; in fact, all Coats
which we formerly sold from 12.00 to $16.0) are
in this great $6 75 lot.
CQ H EZ For silk, satin or double warp
kpJJ J 8erge lined, imported materials,
in Craveneites, Ruglan-1, Boulevard Box Coats,
62-inch Belt Buck Coats aud Russian Great Coats.
Not one in the lot but what the former price was
$18 to $22 60. All these fine coats in this magni
ficent assortment at $8 75.
Alteration Prices on
All the stores of Portland combined could not
pnesibly show as many styles (if Pants as Tne
Hub, and we have put the knife to them and "lit
prices to the very quick. Pants at leBS than the
coBt of sewing.
H Ap, For vour choice of 800 pairs of Pants,
in worsted and caeeinieres, stripes,
check and plaide; every pair worth from $1 .25
to $2 00 '
QQa For your choice of 500 pairs of very fine
' w sample Pants, worth up to $2.50.
$1 AZ For your choice of 300 pairs of
. XnJ Tailor Made Pants, in blacks,
blue9 and gravs; fine Ueeds, cheviots and serges,
made up in the same stvleB as our Famous Hub
$3 00 pants are made. If you need pants, better
see them.
CO For your choice of 600 pai.s ol
kP,,"' the very finest English worsteds,
Bedford Cords, Reading Hairlings, Waskunk
Mill;), double twisted worsteds, etc. The greatest
Pants value ever offered anywhere.
A CZ Gives you pick aud choice of
pJTJ 1200 pai s of fine English tweed
Bannockburn cheviots, silk and wool worsteds,
in pin dot effects and neat stripes; every pair is
an actual $8 00, $9.00 and $10.00 value. Every
pair hand-tailored throughout and guaranteed to
fit and give entire satisfaction.
19c for your choice 100 Uncie Sam and Presii'e it
Suspenders; an acki owledged 50e value every
where on earth.
23o for vcur choice nf 100 dozn Pioneer 60c Sus
penders in can tahV1ler and lea'hv-r endp, ai d
endless ass rtment of webs and colorings; also
tbe famous Hercules and Fire and Police hrnd
are in this ereat lot a1 23c '
45c takps your pick and choice of all our 75f, P- 00
and 1.50 grades ol silk and silk and lisle w'b- in
every CDi.d-iv ble stlf of Suepender known.
2i0 di zen tegu1 r 25 giades of Suspenders, truly
a great bargain, for .. He
Buy right and save half.
25c for 50c G. nves. all kinds
45c for 75c and $1 00 Asbestos, Sealskin and Rein
deer Gloves, and all other kinds
65c for Saranac, Horse, Dog, or Buckskin $1.50
95c for our regular $2 00 kinds, in blacK, cordovan '
asbestos, etc. The greatest values ever onereo
$5'.0O (sweaters $1.90.
They have got to go. Alteration prices on all
$6 00 Sweaters will be $2 45
$5.00 Sweaters will be $1.90
$3.00 Sweaters will be $1.45
$2.50 Sweaters will be $1.25
10c Linen Handkerchiefs 2c
12j4c Linen Handkerchiefs 4c
15c Linen Handkerckiefs 8'3'c
25c Linen Handkerchiefs 12J4c
35c Linen Handkerchiefs 19c
50c Linen Handkerchiefs 24o
25c Take your choice of all our 50c, 75c and $1.00
Silk Handkerchiefs .
Cardigan Jackets
All $2 50 and $3 00 Cardigan Jackets for....$l 50
All $5.00 Cardigan Jackets for $2.50
Yonr unlimited choice of any Cardigan Jacket in
our house worth up to $7 50 for $3 00
Alteration Prices on
We are the acknowledged leaders for good shoes
at popular prices lor Por land, and we will posi
tively sacrifice our entire $15,000 stock of shoes
at the smallest price ever known.
95c For all the odd or small lots of $2.50, $3.00
and $4 00 Shoes Some we have only one or
two pair of a kind, but the values aie there.
$1.48 For all our regular $2 25, $2.50 and $2.75
Shoes. Not a pair but what is fully worth that,
and the beet on earth at those prices.
$1.95 For al' of our finest $3.50 Shoes; every
pair Goodyear welt and warrmted full Btock calf
' and corona colt
$2 95 Patent leather, patent enamel, patent vicl,
box calf, velour. kangaroo, calf and genuine
colt skin, in 50 styles of toes and lasts. Our
entire Btock of $5.00 and $6.00 shoes are in
this lot.
$3.45 For your unlimi'ed choice of all the extra
fine $6 60, $7 00 and $7 50 Shoes in the Correct
shapes; the most select stocks of leathers
known to shoemakers are in this lot; everv pair
hand-sewed. The finest shoes in the land at $3 45
Our great Shoe stock contains all and eveVy
kind of Boot and Shoe to be found in the largest
and bes-t shoe stock of any Chicago or New York
honse. There are too many styles and kinds to
mention them all in thiB ad. but you'll find just
what you want at HALF PRI E OR LESS.
15c Cotton Hose 61 3'c
20c Cotton Hose ! 9c
25c Cotton Hose ! ! . ! 1 4u
35c Cotton Hose i90
50c Cotton Hose 23c
This includes tbe famous Wayne Knit and Hub
Specials, in fancy enbroidered and;black, with
white feet, and double heel and toe. " The great
est and grandest a8ortmer:t of bosiet v shown
anywhere, at the most tempting cricea eyer
known. ,
20c Hf avy Wool Hose 8c
25c Extra Heavy Merino '.'..' ..'lie
25c Heavy Natural and Navahoe Woven Hose' 18c
50c Wool Hose 21c
I To all People of Clackamas Cotmty who Bring This Ad Ten Per Cent Rebate
will be Uiven on out stupendously J-ow Advertised rrxces