"4 OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, SEPT. 2, 1904 f QFJLGON CITY COURIER. Published Every Friday by OREGON CITY COURIER PUBLISHING CO. - H. L. McCANN, Editor. Intend in dragon City Pontoffloe as 2nd-claag matter THE ADVERTISINQ HABIT. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. Paid In advance, por year 160 Bixmonttn 78 Clubbing Rates Oregon City lourior and Weekly Oregonlan .$2.00 Oregon City Courier and Weekiy Courier- Journal 2.00 Oregon City Courier and Weekly Examiner.. 2.50 Oregon City Courier and the Commoner 2.00 Oregon City Courier and Twicer. Week Journal 2,25 Oregon City Courier and Weekly Journal .... 2.00 "The date opposite your address on the paper donolesthe time to which youharepaid If this notice Is marked yonrtubacilption ! due For President, ALTON B. PARKER. For Vice-President HENRY C. DAVIS. PARKER OR ROOSEVELT. All popular government is a party government. To have any effeotive voice in the manner in which public affairs shall be conducted, you must necessarily yield some of your con victions temporarily, and unite your efforts with whatever organization of men upholds tho greater number or more important of these principles that you believe should be put into praotice. In other words you must compromise and the carrying on of a popular government either in school district, county, state or United States is bat a. sories of coropromlBos, Conditions in the United States be come, every year, more complex. Among the multiplicity of questions of policy that arise, it is sometimes difficult to trace the principlos that underlie the determination of those questions. Indoed, it not unfrequeut ly happens that the Republicans adopt policies that are based on DoniO' cratic principles, whilo as often the Demcorats demand legislation that is distinctively Republican. For this reason it is often assorted that there is no radical difference between tho two parties. But it must be borne in mind that the majority of questions raised during political campaigns are mere battle-cries for that particular contost. Many others are of minor or only temporary importance, and really do not involve any important principle of government, although by the alluring phrases of the noisy dem agogue they are given the appearance of trausooudent importance. Tlioro is a radical difforouco betwoen the two partios-rth same difference that existed between Hamilton and Joffurson. As Hamilton stood for a strongly centralized government, witli the aotual power lodgod in the hands of a few l'wlors, so Republicanism stands for imperialism, baukei by a few all-powerful corporations. As Jefferson Btood for popular govern ment, so Domooriicy Btands for the rights of the people to govern thoni solves. In tho present campaign, the can didates of both partios are gold stan . dard men. Both are closely identified with tho interest s of capital and capi talistic combinations. Habits are not altogether commend able but as they are neoessarily a part oi our aauy lire, lor buisness men there is no such desirable habit as the advertising habit. As has been said course dictated by worldly wisdom, uninfloinced by motives of right or wrong. Is he right? A thousand times, no I It was only apparently that good flowed from evil. Constantine's example made hundreds of thousands on another occasion. " The nroof of t j,.i r-i,.;,.n,. . ii j this hes in the practice of it. " And the reiigi0n of Jesus has made millions ix, may oe said or tne business world, of noble men. The lwt of Henry VIII u mere is any royai roaa to success, nanKP(i ft hrflft(,i, with R.-' ti, , this TnnA ia Twlulafanf nnnfinnul . ... " " i.ii.vva., estness or tne rerormers caused a tactrui advertising. Out of nmnr k.ni,,B ,..,. n !,,, " I WiWIllUg AiWUl TJY11 All HO ill' uBOiuBB uusirums,, producing no rem- dividual iffl. rsininc r.nlir.iinr,a edial effects whatever proprietors have hae ofteil heftn int,rnmntal in made great fortunes. How? By jst brineimr abont certain reform.. W it Cvu.mBl,iiiKiy advertising mem. is the earnBgt iRadfir of thn km Speciiiieu Farm aaa Haneh Pick out the successfal merchants in tne metropolis or tnis state and you will havo selected the men who are the biggest advertisers. More than that, they have been in the years past the greatest advertisers. jWHien there was no business they addeda little to masseB who has sown the seed of the spirit of liberty. Buisness considerations tend 8tiougly to rid us of the evil of strong drink, but the temperance worker is weaving sobriety in the character of the people. The demagogue, the hvpocrite, the For Sale at Low Figures and on Easy Terms Write for Full List their losses by advertising But they law.protected Iohbe may appear to " 1,18 peopie. mat tney the world ft8 the one who sncnfififi., w 1 - L . J , . 1 I ' were luoaieci at a certain stana to ao , nniv roi fi, business and they told it in so many nille pr0gress toward the ideal, is due wo u many times tnat nnany to men of ligh ideals and earnest en """" aly u" wanteu an article tne deav0r. Suoh men are np.fidnd in all next tiling that came in his mind was aes. In thB worfls of j. Holl.,rl 1 i. i i- i. i. i t i i i i uw inaue at, which ne nan Deen torn so God uivo u men! A time like this oiten, it could be ionnd. dwmnnrla r 1 J. a i j i I vtfun, uuen you nna tne Dusiness stronz minds, creat hearts, true faith man wno tninKS it aoesn 't pay to advertise.. Ho is pretty sure to be the unsuccessful business man though Why do Ringhng Brothers spend so many thousands of dollars to adver tise the only circus coming to the Northwest this soason. Why is it nec essary for peolpo to be told and retold what a great show it is? They are told about it until going to see it becomes a part of the plan of their summer pleas ures. A very successful man said "give one hour to the study of the manage ment of your business and two to ad vertising it. " Business men ot our town complain so much about the business going to the metropolis of the state. Don't you know they ad' vertise it away from us? How can the women resist the big full-page bargain ads of the department stores? We be lieve that some business men here do not advertise enough. and ready hands Men whom the lust of office does not kill; Men whom the spoils of office cannot buy; Men who possess opinions and a will ; Men who have honor and will not lie; Men who can stand before a demagogue And scorn his treacherous flatteries without winking. Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the fog In public duty and in private think ingl End of Bitter Fight. Two physicians had a long and stub- bora fight with an abscess on my right lung" writes'J. F. Hughes, of DuPont' Ga. "and gave me up. Everybody thought my time had come, As a last That bolief reeori trie Dr. K'ng's New Discovery may have a solflsh inspiration. We helievn also that some of the hisr ad vertisers do not Rtndv their advertis- kwdays. Incr ennntrh. That, oninion nan not mV 'lea'tn nfin ftn: nt oaU intWoaf- Sa alvorf ioc Colds and Thrnat for Consumption, The benefit I received was striking and I was on my feet in a Now I've eutirely regained ' It conquers all Coughs, and Lung troub'.ea. largely and when yoa do that your buiness will stand more advertising. Advertise tactfully. Give your best thought to your advertising for pub licity and nothing else will bring trade. Advertise constantly and catchy. Put what you have to say in so many different ways that it will one time or another catch the fanoy of every one who sees it. Tho Courier is, oi courso, an interested party urging this course of action, but that does not provout what is said being true. You cannot find a succesf ul business man who will tell you we are not right. Guaranteed by Howell and Jones Drug Store. Price 50c, and $1.00. Trial bot tles free. FINE ST. LOUIS SERVICE. New Sleeping Car Arrangement Made by 0. R. & N.Low Rates. 40 Acres in Julia Ann Lewis Claim, 2 miles from Oregon ' City, all good, level land, at $50 per acre. 1 28 Acres, level, living water, on Molalla, 60 acres in cultivation, rich soil, on main road, $40 per acre. pS' 344 Acres on O. W. P. & Ry, line, 160 acres in A 1 cultivation, small house, large barn, orchard, living springs, two million feet tim ber, $30 per acre. 100 Acres, level, 60 in cultivation, good build ings, miles from terminus of O. W. P. & Ry. line, at Springwater, 40 per acre, 82 1-2 Acres in famous Logan country, 60 acres in A 1 cultivation, new frame dwelling cost $1500, large barn, living water, 50 per acre. . 160-Acre Stock Ranch in Sec. 17, T. 4 S., R. 5 E., two acres cultivated, small house and barn, two million feet fir and cedar, land mostly good, range immense, $$ per acre. 225 Acres at Logan, 100 acres in cultivation, 50 more nearly ready to break, house, barn, fruit, good neighborhood, 30 per acre. 80 Acres 4 miles from Oregon City, 2000 cords wood, over-half good land, improved farms on three sides; wood will pay for the place; $20 per acre. Will trade. 349 Acres, 220 in A 1 cultivation, orchard, buildings, 7 acres hops, 6 miles from Hub bard, $35 per acre. 90 Acres on Win plank road, 45 acres in good cultivation, large frame barn, no house; land rich; $3000. 41 Acres, 5 miles from Oregon City, 2 miles from New Era, 25 acres in cultivation and in crop, living water, good orchard, buildings only fair; crop and all, 1500. m Two or three thousand acres of good M land near line of O. W. P. & Railway, in Sri lots of from 80 acres up, and from 10 per m acre up to $15, on easy terms. 30 Acres, 2 miles from Oregon City, 16 in cultivation, orchard, all varieties of fruit, splendid little place,, on main road; 2800; terms. CROSS & SHAW Main St., Oregon City, Or. 233 Washington St., Portland, Or PROFESSIONAL CARDS. REALITY VERSUS APPEARANCE. Wherein, then, lies tho difference that should causo us to choose 0110 rather than the other? First and fore most. Domocraoy teaches that tho peo ple uro capable of governing thom solvos that even on their mistakes they may build a bettor system of gov ernment. Republicanism teaches that all political wisdom originates among tho aristocracy of capital. Second; Domoearcy advocates "equal rights for all, special privileges to none. " Re publicanism advocates tho giving of special privileges to certain classes by moans of a protective tariff. Third; Democracy is opposed to militarism; Republicanism favors tho building of navies and the equipping of armies, to be supported by taxes wrung from an already ovor-lmrdoiiod people. The real principle concerned in all tho questions is tho centralization of power. Shall wo havo a president who obeys the voice of the people, or shall wo have a dictator? By tho doath of President McKinloy, Mr. Roosevelt succeeded to the office of chief executive. By every sort of wrongful manipulation of the ma chinorv of government that he came into control of by his accidental and unfortunate ascendanoy to power, he complellod his nomination for the presidency, and is now striving by the same moans to compass his elec tion. . If you esteem your liporty highly, vote against absolutism. The matter is deserving of your best thought. The idlo wind of today may be the earthquake of tomorrow. On yon is tho burden of government and you must bear that burden for the com mon good, for tho niomout you lay it down a Caesar or a Kapoloou takes it up to servo his own ambitions purpose. There is much in tho history of past ages and in the conditions of the preS' out, to discourago tho reformer who earnestly desiros to rid the eartli of somo of its grossor ovils, at least, and leavo Lit the better for his having livod. Every thoughtful person must realize that the world , with each sue oeeding century is growing better, in losing some of tho grossnoss and the injustice tllat still are too common. Yet tlieso improvements have seldom como abont us tho direct result of re form movements, conducted for the express purpose of working such re formation. The wonderful spread of Christ ianity dates not from tho time of Jesus but from the time of Constatine, 1 whose paganism was undisturbed by his so-called conversion, and whose subjects became Christians from policy, not principle. Protestantism was established in England, apparently more as a result of the laciviousness of Henry VIII, than as the result of tho preaching of earnest reformers. The reform acts which marked the legislation of Eng land during the fourth and fifth de oades of the last century, seem not to hare been the work of tho leaders of the reform movement which found ex pression in the march of thousands of workiugmon against parliament Tho original '"Coxy army" as in tho schemes of wily politicians to re tain their power by granting some privileges to tho "dear people. " Emancipation of slaves in America was not apparently the culmination of the work of the abolitionists, so much as it was a war measure in a oonflict brought about to a great ex tent by tariff legislation. Drunken ness is decreasing and even moderate drinking is being frowned upon, not so much, it apears, through the efforts of temperance workers, as through the factjthat employers find it to their own benefit to employ men who do not drink. All these things toud to the idea that tho merely sentimental, tho 'deal, the abstract good, has but little place iu tho real world. , There is much to cause the young man to think that his only chance of success lies iu a St. Louis fair visitors will be inter ested in knowing that the O. R, & N. has inaugurated a daily through stand ard sleeping car service to that citv, passengers arriving there in the morning. September 5, 6, 7, October 8, 4, 5, the 0. K. & N. will Bell 90-day return-trip tickets to St. Louis for $67.50; to Chi- cano, $72.50. Stop-overs allowed going and returning. Particulars of A; L. Craig, general passenger agent, Third and Washington. Beautiful Columbia River Folder. .' The passenger department of the Ore gon Railroad & Navigation Company hag just isBiied a beautiful and costly panoramic folder entitled "The Colum bia River, through the Cascade Moun tains, to the Pacific Ocean." From Ar lington to Portland, nd from Portland to the Pacific Ocean, every curve of the river and every point of interest are shown, while Mt. Hood, Mt. Adams and Mt. St. Helens, perpetually covered with scow, stand out in all their beauty. On the bark ot the map ia an interesting story in detail of the trip from Hunting ton to Portland, and from Portland to the ocean, not overlooking the beaches and the San Francisco trip by ocean. A copy of this folder may be secured by seiming lour cants m stamps (to pay poftagi') to A. L. x Uraig, Oeneral 1'ass enter Agent of the Oreiron ' Railroad & Navigation Company, Portland, Oregon Ry Bending the aildres of soma friend in the Knot, and four cents iu postage, inner win De promptly mailed Dr. George Hoeye DENTIST All work warranted and satisfaction guar anteed. Crown and Bridge work a spec ialty. Cautield Building. Phone 1093. Oregon City, Oregon. C. D. (Sb D. C. Latourette ATTY'S AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Office in Commercial Bank Building, Oregon City, Oregon. ijiiniilin.illlii,Killllliiiilllliiii.illlii.,iilllii..Aiilll ,il!lii,dllilljr.lli,,lilti.llM-illl dW-iiih A-jit AnAuAu.. 4 WW w t vmt SHANK & We carry a complete line of Coffins, Caskets and Robes. Thn only licensed em balmers io tbe county. Calls receive prompt atten tion day or night. BISSELL Grant B. Dimick Att'y and Counselor at Lat Will practice In all courts in the state circuit and district courts of the United States. Insolvent debtors taken through bankruptcy. Office in Garde Building, Uregon City, uregon. Eby &. Eby ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW General Practice, Deeds, Mortgages and Abstracts carefully made. Money to loan on goo j security. Charges reason able. the I r Another Name For It. The votcriiiiiry niiide 11 critical ex amination of the ailing steer. Here and there, wherever tho deniar catiou of a bone was visible, he at tempted to pinch the skin. Hut It wvuld not work. "What Is the matter with it?" asked tbe owner of the steer. "He baa what would tie called 'oon servatteur' in a man. But as he is only a dumb brute we say he U hidebound." lialtimore Aruericun. Eir Teartiuiou)'. -To settle a bet," laid the visitor, "how long can a man go without food 7" "Ask the man over ther" said the suake editor. "Is he the editor who answers ques tions V "No; he's a poet" Kuladelphla Press. Hrr Idea of It. Mrs. Nooricb That picture's one ot the old masters'. Norah (the new maid) Well, it can't be of any value, ma'am, or sure he'd 'av' taken Jt wid him whiu he moved. Harper's Magazine. George C. Brownell ATT'Y AT LAW OREGON CITY, OREGON ). SCHUEBML W. 8. U'ilKN (JK1SN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Unv1r."fr uutw Will practice in all courts, make collec tions and settlements of estates, furnish absttacts of title, lend you money and lend your money on first mortgage. Office In Enterprise building, Oregon -ny, uregon. Undertakers and Funeral Directors Office Phona 1021 . ,. . u . it .. ,r., main street, uddosiis nuniiev s - " a .1 Vi ' ... a Pbont iizi Jts. 1833 Office In favorite Cigar Store Opposite masonic Building Williams Bros, transfer Co. Safes, Pianos and Turniture Moving a Specialty freight and Parcels Delivered to all Parts of the City Prices Treasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Oregon City Planing Mills Robt. A. Miller ATT'Y AT LAW 00 Commercial Building, Corner 2nd and Washington Streets. Portland, Oregon. O. W. Eastham LAWYER Legal work of all kinds careful I v attended - -.I , a AE-- 10. uuiges muixraie. unite over Bank of Oregon City. Oregon City, Oregon. Osteopathic Physicians Dr. E. T. PARKER, Successor to Dr. L,ove Dr. GRACE E. HAIN, of Portland Acute and Chronic Diseases, Nervous Dis orders, Women's and Children s Diseases a specialty. Office hours of Dr. Parker, 9 to 12 a. m: 1 to 5 p. m. Consultation free. Cftice hours of Dr. Hain, 9.30 a. m. to 5 p. m., Mon. Wed. and hn. Portland office, Rooms 310-20 Mohawk Bldg. Rooms 13 and 1, Garde Building. Oregon Uty, Oregon All kinds of Building Material, Sash, Doors and Moulding. F. S. BAKER Proprietor, Oregon City, Oregon A New Home Industry The Cascade Laundry Does not wearoutjor destroy your linen Our Wagon will call for your soiled l.'nen each week and deliver your Iaundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfaction Assured E L. JOHNSON, Proprietor. Subscribe How for tbe Courier