OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, AUG. 12 1904 f ! street with. It weighs eleven LOG ID NEWS ITEMS 1 A son was born Tuesday morning to the wife of W. B. Zumwalt. The bonfire social that was given at St. Paul's rectory on Tuesday night was in every way a success. There as a good crowd in attendance, and a most enjoyable evening wa3 spent. County School Superintendent J. 0. Zinser commenced with the regular quarterly examinations oil Wednesday for applicants for stato and county certificates. There were about forty applicants. On Friday night of this week the Presbyetrian Sunday School will give a lawn social at the home of 0. Schuebel on Jeffreson Btreet between Seventh and Eighth streets. N A demurrer to the complaint of Agues Silver, who is suing George Silver for a divorce, was filed in the clerk's office last Tuesday by the at torneys for the defence. On Tuesday the sale of the farm of J. W. Powell to V. F. Blackwood was recorded. The farm is situated two .miles south of the city and comprises 78 acres which sold for 100 Adolphus Kotzman has commenced suit for divorce from his wife, Lenora .Kotzman. They were marr ed in ' 'Clackamas county in 1899 and he al leges that his wife left him in 1908. The 6-year-old son of. P. J. Bower-1 man leu while playing Wednesday night, and broke one of the bones in his leg. Dr. Stuart was called and set the limb, which is healing rapid- ly. ' At a meeting of the school board it was decided to open school on Sep tember 26. At this meeting the con tract for connecting the two schools "with the eity sewers was awarded to Lewis & Kotching. of Chicago, for $1050. Monday night there was a most en joyable lawn social held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Nelson on Seventh and J. Q. Adams streets, Ice cream and cake were served to a good crowd. The 'social was given V for the benefit of the Woman's Kelief Corps. . Mr. and Mrs. O.H. Byland, form erly of this city.but now of Malheur oounty, were in the city Saturday visiting their daughter, Mrs. C S. Seamann. Mr. Byland was a delegate from Malheur county to the State Development League held in Portland . last week. He thinks great things will be accomplished y the League. After being married but two months to his bride, John Schwiekert, who ' conducted a grocery store for a short time 'on Seventh street near the rail road, suddenly left his spouse and failed to provide her money with which to exist. It is rumored that there was trouble betwen the two and Schwiekert took this means of putting an end to it. The Triennial Conclave Knights Templar will be held at Sau'Francisco September 5th to 9th and the Sov ereign Grand Lodge' I. O. 0. F. will beheld at the same point September 19th to 25th. For these occasions the - Southern Pacific Company will place in effect the extremely low rate of one and one-third fare for the round trip, not to exceed $25, the rate from . Portland. Those jvho are planning a trip to California should tako note of these rates. The dredger that has been in op eration in the river opposite Green 4 Point for the past week, is getting out gravel for the concrete work on the new mill that is being built by the W. P. & P. Co, Tho dredger is oper ated by the Star Sand Company, and it is cheaper for the company to take' the gravel from the river bed than to haul it in scows over the rapids. The dredge is working in the channel which at low water is shallow at this point . Two drunks were brought before Mayor Bimick on Tuesday and one was sentenced to one day in jail while the other offender was given ten days. Murphey was the name of the individual who was sentenced for day, while Jackson is the name of the man who is in for ten-'days. . The latter broke the stove and bed in the city jail when he wasput in the prison and he will be given an oppor s tunity to make some repairs. tons and can roll two blocks in a day. , Notwithstanding it looks ungainly, it can be njauaged as nicely as the most modern au tomobile. The work on the street will be flnisehd in another week as there re mains but a block to put crushed rock on. After this portion of the street is finished there remains the extenison of one block south that will have to be improved and for which the city has not let the contract yet. ! PERSONALS an YOUNG MEN ARE CROWDED OUT. two Practically All Tachers la the Public Schools Are Young Women. 'Of the forty-one applicants for teacher's coartificates at the examina tion held this week by Supt. Zinser, only three are males. In Portland of 127 applicants only nine are males. The young men of this county are becoming thoroughly aroused to the fact that there is but little show for them in the battle of life, and have under ednideration the organization of a "Men's Club." It is next to im possible for men to compete BuccesS' fully with the fairer and bettre half of the human race for such occupa tions as teaching, typewriting, sten ograpliy, etc. The customs of the country ' seem to debar them, to a great extent, from participating in such work. It will be one of the objects of the Club to agitate the subject of "men's rights" and attempt the securing to them the oportunity of entering voca tions now practically closed to males. Our sympathies should go out toward the down trodden sex, and they should he encouraged in their efforts toward securing the rights that are withheld. Building to Be Erected On Main Street. It is on the cards that Main street will soon have a new building. It will be erected by Loy Jagcar, where the warehouse, of Wilson & Cooke is now located. The building will be used for store purposes and will probably Announcement. I taKp this means to announce to my patients and the general public that I will be absent on my vacation from August '6th to the i 7th. I also wish to announce that on August 17th I will open up New Dental Offices in the Willamette Big, ever Hard ing's Drug Store, where I will be pleased to welcome j all those wishlnp dental work done. The rule of giving gdod honest, guaranteed work at moderate prices will be adhered to in the future as in the past. Having installed additional equipment and office furniture the new office will be modern in every respect. Dr. L. 31. monW$, Dentist. Small Fire On Taylor Street. Tuesday night about 6:80 o'clock a fire alarm was turned in at engine house No. 3 The fire was, locted at Eleventh and Taylor streets in the house owned by Isaac Prindle and occupied by a man by the name of Howard. There was considerable damage done before the fire depart ment arrived. There was no insurnce and about $100 damage was done. Traction Roller Used On Seventh Street The traction roller that is rolling Center street attracts considerable at tention to on-lookers as it is an inno vation to the people of Oregon City who have been accustomed to s ee a roller propelled by horses. The roller is owned by the county and the con tractors have secured it to roll the t have a hall on the second floor for lodge purposes. The building owned by Wilson & Cooke will have to be torn down or moved. The later plan will probably be the one used and the owners are looking around for a suit able place to move the building to. Callff McCormack. George Califf and Miss" Etna Mo- Cormack were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Califf, Sr., Wednesday evening, Mayor Dimick officiating. Both are well known in Oregon City, Mr. Califf being the carrier on Rural Free Delivery Route No. 1. They will make their home in Oregon City. Letter List. the list of letters re- Following is maining in the Oregon City postofflce unclaimed August 11, 1904 : : Miss Jessie Blair (2), Mabel G. Smith, Miss Clara Davis, Mrs. Emma Wilkinson, Mrs. Maggie Harper, Mrs. Lillie Wheeler, Mrs. E. E. Kelly, J. H. Clark, Geo. E. Miller, Arthur Dickenson, M. O'Conner, Master Willie Grnbbs, Guy . Richard, Wm. Holmes, M. Susman, B. F. Hicks, Jacob Smith, Pearl Kinkade, W. G. Scheer. . , T. P. Randall, P. M. Last Warning to Water Consumers. Water rent must be paid in advance at the office of the collector during the first ten days of each month. All delinquents will Jjave the service shut off thereafter. By order of the Board of Water Commissioners, ft. Leonard Charman,, Collector. Ordered July 6, 1904. Judge Willinra Galloway was Oregon. City visitor last Saturday. Adam Knight, of. Canby, was Oregon City visitor on Monday. R. L. Holuian and family returned from a vacation spent at Nev. port. Mrs. Ed Fortune left Wednesday for an extensive visit in California Ross Farr has returned from a weeks' outing on the Tualatin river. Chris Hartman and John Moore spent a few days at Seaside last week. Miss Laura Templeton left Tuesday for a visit among relatives in the Eest. Ed Titus and I. D. Taylor returned last week from an outing to the coast. George Clark and family, of Logan, were Oregon City visitors last week. George Swafford is spending -his vacation with his parents in Oregon City Livy Stipp went to Currinsville the first part of the week for a short visit. Miss Hazel- Pilsbury, of Portland, was an Oregon City visitor last Sun day. Mrs. Harry M. Shaw, of Eugene, apent Sunday in the city with her bun- band. Miss Clark and Miss Nettie Bradley returned Wednesday from a trip to the St, Louis Fair. J. W. Burks, Jr. left Monday for Tennessee, where he will spend three weeks visitiDg his old home. Miss Alvina Horn left for Seaside last Friday , where she will spend her vacation with friends. Gordon and Merril Moores left for Salem last week where thoy have obtained work in a sawmill. 2 Mrs. Barney Dionne has returned to her homo at Seattle, after visiting her sister, Mrs. 0. A. Miller, on the West Side.- . I Dr. W. E. Carll was the winner of the raffle of a ticket to St. Louis and $100 for expenses while seeing the Fair. Carleton B. Harding left on Tuesday night's overland for Berkley, Cal., where he will attend the University of Califonia. D. R. Dimick, the livery man, was kicked by a horse the first part of the week and as a result has a badly bruised eye. Francis Felhr and H. L . Bents who are interested in hops at Butteville, were in Oregon City on business last Saturday. George G. Guild and wife, of San Francisco arrived in Oregon City Tuesday and will spend a short vaca- ti on liere. Mrs. A. J. Sawtell., of Mollala, re turned today from an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. Lewis, of Ka lamath Falls. J. L. Walrdon and family left last week for the Toll Gate on the Mount Hood road , where they will spend the vacation. Miss Zilpha Galloway was an Ore gon City visitor ' last week. She has ust returned from a visit to different points in Idaho. A. F. Sleight and family, Mr, and Mrs. Wheeler Church and Mrs. James Church loft the first part of the week for Mount Hood. County Judge T. F. Ryan loft on Wednesday for Salem, where he at tended the meeting of the Good Roads Association. ' John. Ida M. Roppel George , Roppel will leave soon for Peoria, 1., where they will visit their grand parents several months. G. W. Church has returned from Mount Hood, where he accompanied his family and the family of F. A. Sleight on their vacation. J. F. Hantelman loft last Friday for Alberta, Canada, where he will look over the ground preparatory to investing in some business. Prof. W. Gilbert Beattie and wife have returned from Eugone, where Mr. Beattie served as an instructor at the University of Oregon summer school. A. W. Baird, who has been studying medicine for three years in New York City was visiting with his mother and sister in Oregon City the first part of the week. Will Logus is spending a two weeks' vacation at Wilhoit, and while he is away his work at the Western Union Telegraph office will be done by Elmer Bacon. Ed Schwab, formerly a clerk in the office of the Crown Paper Company, was visiting friends in this city last week. He is employed in a railroad office ' in San Francisco, and he is home fox a visit to his parents in Portland. hi hi to. m ra M hi ill 82 ft hi hi CO CP m ra Drown that. Thirsty Spot at Our Fountain, HUNTLEY BROS. CO. DRUGGISTS, AND BOOKSELLERS Sept. Delineator 15c Fashion Sheet Free., - MAKE USE OF OUR. SERVICE. We provide a variety of little conveniences to which you are entirely welcome at all times. Our directory is at your disposal; you are welcome to use our telephone; we have postage stamps and postal cards and will mail your letters if left at the store. You are at liberty to wait here for the . " car, to leave packages with us, to meet your friends here. You will find our clerks courteous and you will receive the same consideration whether you come to buy or not. HUNTLEY'S ALMOND CREAM You will like our Almond Cream. We have never yet found anybody who could find a fault in it. It keeps the skin soft and smooth, and Is the best remedy for sun burn or tan. Delightful for use after shaving. It is just what everybody needs to protect the skin from the effects of sun, wind and hard water. Large Bottle 25c. The Brownie Camera $1.00 The "press the button" kind so simple that any boy or girl can take good pictures with one. We are Headquarters for all Photo SuPplies. RARE PRESCRIPTION WORK When we fill your prescription you get service of the most scientific character. Our stock of drugs Is , a rare one even for these days of progressive pharmarv; our depart ment is modem to very mln. ute in new appliances; all com pounding Is done by our force of five registered pharmacists. We pay no commission to any doctor our prices tell you that, for the commission Is always added to the price. HOT SOUP FOR LABORERS. The W. P. & P. Co. Serves, Free, a Plate of Soup to Laborers On New Mill Soup is being served free to the men who are working on the new mill that is being built by the Willamette Pulp & Paper Comany. This innova tion was brought about by the com plaints of the men that the boarding houses of Oregon City did not furnish them with suitable lunch. Some of the moiijquit work for this reason and after investigating the matter the of ficials of the company saw that? the condition had not been exagerated by the men and it was only too true that some of the lunches were "fierce;" so they decided to give the men a good dish of soup free. Isaac Pursifull, who was tho efficient cook for Com pany I, in the Philippines, was placed in charge of the soup kitchen with the result that the men are getting a plate of soup that is worth walking a mile for. The men heartily appre ciate what the company is doing for them and show it by good work. FOR FIRST CI4SS JOB WORK GO TO the Courier We have put in a large amount of new type and machinery , and are now prepared to do all kinds of work. CLACKAMAS COUNTY MINES. In Spite Of Knockers, Work Goes Stead ily On and With Good Results. For Sale Lot 4, blk 34, Central Ad dition to Oregon City. Nice level lot. Inquire at Conner office or of I. P. Put nam. 2t A Bold Bad Mao. M. J. Jones was brought before Major Dimick on Monday sod charged with being drank and disorderly. Ee wai fined (10 which be paid. He if reported to have started in to caive things with his knife but wu stopped by the police before any damage waa done. Some knowing ones of our count? have been ridiculing the idea of the existence of any valuable ore in the mines on the Molalla and Ogle Creek, although the same persons nave never visited the mines, yet development .work goes steadily on, and the owners are invest ing considerable money. If the mines were worthless, it is hardly probable that some of our best business men would be anxious to throw away money on them. The opinion be'd of the mineral rich ness of that part of our county by hoie interested, ia confirmed by J. 8. Windell, a mining ea pert for the National Mining and Development Company, who re cently visited the properties. After in specting the claims, Mr. Windell states that the veins all line in a well miner alized belt. The Silver King group assays' f 75 in silver. The copper groups have given the following results : Copper 18.5 per cent; gold Si 01; silver $8 74. . . j Subscribe for The Courier if you want the news of the County. Note our combination offers if you wish other papers: v - Oregon City Courier per year $ 1.60 Oregon City Courier and Weekly Oregonian per year $2.00 Oregon City Courier and Weekly Journal per year $ 2.00 Oregon City Gourier and Twlce-a-Week Journal per year f 2.25 Oregon City Courier and Commoner per year.. $ 2.0O THE STRIKE IS STILL- ON. Butchers Strike in Sympathy With the Packing House Men. On Wednesday the butchers' strike was ordered against the wish . of a considerable minority. " It is feared that serious trouDlo may result, as fully 1000 of the 8500 butchers in Chi crfgo refused to obey orders. In New Yk a genaral strike of the workers in plants affiliated with the beef trust was carried into effect on Wednesday. Beatie & Beatie, dentists, Weinbaid building, room 16, 17 and 18. FOR SALE THREE REGISTERED Cottswold Bucks, rears old. $15.00 each. Address Ralph Dimick, Hubbard, Ore. tf Anti-Trust (ffioods We are agents for Anthony and Scovfn Co. Pboto Line of Films, Printing, Developing Paper We guarantee every Ansco Film ... . To get good results use Cyko Developing Papei. .' For a printing out paper you can't beat the Royal. We have just received a full line of these goods direet frpm the factory . Every Photographer, knows the value of fresh Plates, Films and Paper. We have everything you need in the Photo Line, . and our dark room is at your disposal. We are offering every Camera we have in stock at a:tual cost price. JNo(w is the time to get a Camera. CitARMAN & CO. CITY DRUG STORE Try White Clover Ice Cream Pure Fruit Juices at our Fountain I