Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, July 08, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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    rDcrrM PITV PnilDlTD CRinAY TTTT V R 1904.
A Column Dedicated to Tired
Mothers as They Join the Home
Circle at Eventide.
A merry heart brings sunshine, dia
parses gioom, lightens labor, cheers the
weary, leeBena burdens, brightens life,
inspires hope, increases faith, encour
ages, lif:s up, buoys the spirit and so
happifies life there is continual praise
and thanksgiving in living it.
.You can make the clock strike before
the hour by putting'your hands on it,
bnt it will strike wrong. You can tear
the rosebud open before its 'time, but
tou mav mar the 'beauty . of1 the rose,
So'wemay spoil many a'gift or blessing
, which God is preparing for us by our
'own eager haste. . He is weaving our
lives into patterns of beauty and
strength.. He. baa a perfect plan for
each. Don t onll at the threads of life
Don't hurry the Almighty's plan. We
must live by praver in ignorance of life.
God's love is the motive of all delay to
give us unexpected and surprising
' Man was made to protect, love and
cberisr , not to undervalue, neglect or
abuse woman. Treated, educated and
esteemed, as she merits, she rises in
dignity, becomes tbe refiner, and im
parts a milder, softer tone to man. No
community has ever exhibited the re
finements of civilization and social older
where woman was held in contempt arid
their rights not properly respected and
preserved. Degrade woman and you
, degrade man more, pne is the fluid of
the thermometer of eociety, placed there
by the hand of the great Creator.
Mother never for one moment think
that your doing is unimportant, even if
much of your time is passed in the
kitchen. The nobleBt and the wisest
live by eating, non-poetic and common
bs it may seem . Think, tired house
wife, not how your piano-trained fin
gers are becoming stiff, awkward and
flushed from moulding the "Btaffof life,"
but consider what the members of your
"sweet home" are accomplishing. For
instance, the husband is, perhaps, a
minister of the gospel, winning souls to
Jeeus. Your son is taking high rank in
college and your lovely daughter is to go
as a missionary, and all of them derive
Btremrth of mind, frame and muscle
from "mother's table." Are you not
doing something indispensible? Your
kitchen efforts helps run all the ma
chinery of life. What would become o'
"home' sweet home" If, in discourage
ment, the mothers and home girls cens
ed their doing? Out of the well kept
homes comes (he noblest 0f our land.
It is hot always the husband that
brings home keg of molasses or a
barrel of sugar that makes home sweet.
Home persons seem to feel that, when
the recessitieB of the family are pro
vided for, their duty is completed, for
getting that "Better is a dinner of herba
where love is, than a stalled ox and
hatred therewith." "A word fitly spo
ken is like apples of gold in pictures of
silver." Many are afraid to show them
selves, "kindly aflectionated one toward
another." They shrnk from the possi
bility of bing called "soft," but we are
told by the best authority that "A aoft
answer turneth away wrath." Let love
at home always stand with her arms
over us, to help lift the burdens that
otherwise would weigh us down. Love
lights a lamp that glows on when all
might be shrouded in gloom. Love,
sweet angel, strengthens the wearv and
steadies the hand that carries cordial to
the suffeiers lips.
There are no parents more willing to
toil early and late, and more denying in
comfort and even necessities, that they
may freely expand their Buvinga to
educate their children, than those on
the farm. No one appreciates the fact
more than tnat the world is to ie in
fluenced by the abil'ties and knowledge
of the coming generation, and that the
key note of success is moutul and physi
cal education. There has never been a
time when the daughter of the home
has been so practically considered as a
future factor in the world's progress as
now. 'Hid pretty Maud Muller raking
hay is not the average daughter of our
up-to-date farmer; Hhe has been think
ing in her own thought and knows some
thing more is required than to pose with
a rake and look pretty. Neither does
she try to capture the old judge, but
just marries some loving young man and
spurs him on in every way to honeBt
victory and buccsbs.
A wife luiB written us, "that she has
passed into the shadowB because her as
sociates dress charmingly and she must
he chid plainly, sometimes bordering
ontolmlbv." While it Is hard to be
conscious that you are not drestied ai
another, yet after all the world pays lit
tle attention to what von wear. It jour
dress is only five cent calico, the soul
tuat it enshrines may be made tine by
high thinking and plain living, the face
' brightened by a heart full of good cheer,
. and you will wear the five cent calico
like a queen. As a rule we love the
' ' beautiful, aud we long forjbeauty of per
'' son and attractive apparel; while these
may be denied you, you can live the
'. beautiful, white life. .Too late? No, iu
,' deed I Live in the present; bury the
'" past; each day a uew begiuniug. You
' can be better women ; you can make the
days brighter (or others ; you can to edu-
cat the mind and heart that your good
'qualities will recommend you to your
IriendH, who will love you for what you
are and not for what you wear. Many
mother's wardrobe contains but one
dress, that la worn upon all occasions ;
but usually this represents tome self
denial; possibly the rich clothing that
makes tier wardrobe conspicuous by its
absence, payi daughter's way to voice
culture, or son's to professional life,
aud sometimes tbe women, that you envy
became of their charming appearauce
have ho son or daughter, and thus they
too have reason to live In the shadows.
The strength and glory of nation
- rests for security upon the homes of its
people. The strength and power of the
homes of people is measured by the
character of the women who resiJe in
them. Hence, whatever uplifts end
strengthens woman makes the nation
more Becure. You can correctly meas
ure the civilization by their estimate of
woman and the position in society held
by tier. This statement needs no en
largement. Measured by this unerring
standard, not since the morning stars
sang together in celestial sympathy at
the dawn of creation, has there been a
time or a country wherein woman held a
higher, holier place in the life of the na
tion than at this time in this great coun
try of ours. This can be said to the im
mortal glory of this land. Uur women
are the moral and spiritual life of this
republic. Iheir intellectual activities
are as boundless as their opportunities
are gieat. In the realm of literature, of
art, of philosophy, in every department
of intellectual life they are winning gold
en laurelB. But it is in tbe home where
woman rules and reignB an uncrowned
but royal queen,- superb mistress of hu
man destinies; it is here she is tbe real
saver of life to this great nation.
. .i .
Oregon City People ArePleased to Learn
. How It. Is Done.
It's pretty bard to attend to duties
With a constantly aching back ;
With annoying urinary disorders.
Doan's Kidney Pills make work easier
they cure backache;
They cure every kidney ill.
Mrs. C, Richards, wife of C. Richards,
Portland, painter, and living at 671 Mar
ket street, says; "Mr. RichardB values
Doan's Kidney Pills very highly. He
has had attacks of kidney trouble for
years, tie is a painte oy traue ano
there is no doubt but the turpentine has
had more or less effect on his kidneys,
as I believe most painters are more or
less afflicted with kidney troubles. Last
fall he bad an acute attack and when
Doan's Kidney Pills were brought to our
notice and I got him a box, they so reg
ulated his kidneys that relief came in a
remarkably short time. 1 have otten
heard him express his appreciation of
this valuable remedy "
Plenty more proof like this from Ore
gon Oity people. Call atO. G. Hunt
ley's drug store aud ask what his cus
tomers report.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 eta.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole
agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and take
no other.
Reasons of an Old Republican
for Changing His Politics.
Captain T. J. West, of Brownsboro,
Jackeon county, Vi rites as follows to the
Ashland Record:
Now that th" voting is done and the
election of June, 1904 is a thing of the
pant, I feel free to state through your
columns that I no longer affiliate with
the Republican party. In politics. I
have been a Republican since Abraham
Lincoln was president. I served in the
Union army four years and four months,
have an honorable discharge and a cer
tificate of promotion in the field signed
by Mai. -Gen. A. L. Burnside at Knox
ville, Tenn.
I believe in a Republican form of gov
ernment based on Democratic princi
ples, as adopted by Lincoln, Garfield,
James G. Blaine and Mc Kin ley true
democracy which the old Democratic
party forsook in 1857, was adopted by
the Republican party in 1800, which
guaranteed equal rights to all men, ir
respective of race, color or condition of
life. Tbe old Democratic party left
those principles when it was in power,
and, like ancient Rome, scorned counsel
laughed at opposition and defied na
tions. She had her idol slavery of the
black man was her idol, cotton was king
gold was her god, and with an eastern
devotion she kneeled at the shrine of
her idolatry she boasted that England
was at her back. It was the despised
common laborers of the north that went
down and deutroyed the idols of old
The Republican party today stands
just where tne old Democratic party did
when Buchanan was president. He
could not, he dared not make a move.
They declared in the Dred Scott de
cision that a colored man had no rights
that a white man was bound to respect
Today has the laborer, the farmer, the
mechanic, tbe small dealer, any rights
that the trusts, combines and compan
ies are bound to respect? Lopk where
you will for an answer and it is, "No,
none whatever." Tins system is even
worse than negro slavery in its palmiest
dayH, for it enslaves both black and
white alike, and like the octopus that
devil IIbIi throwiug out its Blimy arms,
grabbing all. giving nothing, hiding its
identity in the fluid of its inky black
ness that it may not be seen. These
are my natioi al reasons for not atlilia
ting with the Republican party, so
called. Patent Medicines.
A man that compounds or invents
something that is just a litlle better tlmn
the next best thing, is certainly en
titled to the beet share of the protiU to
be derived from the sale of the article.
So he patents or copyrights to protect
his interests. Patented goods are good
goods, poor goods are never patented.
We have 20 vears of trial behind us to
give us the assurance that we have the
best n edicine compounded foi the cure
of dyspepsia, sick-headache, bilious
ness, indigestion and all stomach dis
orders. We protect the pubho as well
as ourselves, bv keeping: the formula a
secret) as long as we mk It we K0W
it s made right and it cures these dis
eases. Druggists tell u that it is the
one nifdiuine that the sale is everon the
Increaie. .To get the best remedy for
dyspepsia or indigestion k t" drug-'
gists for Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver
Pills, 2oc per box, only one for a; dose.
For sale by Charman A Co. ,
H'Ulamttte Vtlley Chautauqua
Association. ,
The Willamette Vallev Chautauqua
Association will meet at Gladstone Park,
near Oregon City. July 12th to 24th,
1904, inclusive. The Southern Pacific
Co will make reduced rates on the Cer
tificate plan for this occasion. Call on
auy Southern Pacific agent for advertis
ng matter, 16-7
Driven ta Desperation.
Living at sn out-of-the-wav p'ace. re
mote from civilization, a family is otien
driven to desperation in case of accident,
resulting in Burns, Cuts, Wounds
Ulcers, etc. Lay iu a supply of Buck
len'a Arnica Salve. It's the bes' on
earth. 25c, at Charman A Go's Drug
Thn Prime , Object of Teachers
Should be to Inculcate Respect
for Law and Order.
At the State Teachers' Association, Jef
ferson Myers discussed at some length the
"Effect of Schools on Government'. He
said in part :
"About 1,900 years ago a teacner came
into the midst of the.people then on earth.
,He was a.poor carpenter.'s son, and by. his
simple methods and homely .illustrations
was, ab'e to be-understood by'the most'
ignorant, and-his: wisdom was feared'by'
the most wise. The example of this good
and just teacher, who did so much for the
poor and oppressed in their misery, makes
the profession which you have chosen a
most honored one in ths sight of your
"An ignorant people cannot carry on
self-government. Monarchical and aris
tocratical forms of government are better
maintained by keeping their subjects in ig
norance, but in the democratic form it is
necessary t ) educate the citizens.
In I848, in the organization of the Ore
gon territory, Congress gave its first sup
port by a donation of the 16th and 36th
se-tions of land in every township, to be
sold and the proceeds placed in an irreduci
ble school fund. This has been followed
in all the western states by the granting of
this privilege upon their admission to
statehood. Ihe interest on this tuna is
distributed among the schools of each state
in proportion to the number ot school
children. However, this is only a small
part of the money actually needed to carry
on our school system, the largest part
being raised by direct taxation upon all
property .
"The constitution of the United States
is the fundamental law of our country. It
is the duty of every citizen to maintain
this law. Disobedience is unpatriotic and
tieasonable. The prosperity of this coun
try is labor and the American people ate
a laboring people Ourlaws prote.-.t labor
and industry from foreign competition, and
a good government secures to laoor tne
means of education and society.
The highest object of all government is
the administration of justice The natural
rights are life and liberty, together with
their necessary conditions. Nj govern
ment has as yet fully reached this objeJ,
nor has it been wholly true to the princi
ples upon which it was founded, but on
the other hand evil never yet gained entire
control over any community. The condi
tions of all government are a struggle be
tween right and wrong, and that govern
ment which educates its people to an un
derstanding of its principles is the one
in which right and justice wiil prevail and
the greatest sood be obtained.
"It seems to have been file belief In the
early history of our government that in
affairs of state the judgment of men was
better than that of women. Many women
of our country do not hold this to be sound
doctrine. They have struggled for years
to gain equal recognition with men, but
their efforts thus far have met with little
success. In the states of Colorado, Utah,
Idaho and Wyoming they are equal, but in
the states where large population exists,
the voting Is done solely by the men. I
am of the opinion that this is wrong and I
believe that under our constitution all per
sons are considered free and equal 1 fa
vor this equality also for the further rea
son that In states where women have re
ceived the privileges of equal rights, that
the services for which they receive about
60 percent of what men are paid in other
states, are paid for at the same rate.
"The greatest danger which threatens
this nation today is corruption. The
country is becoming so rich that large
funds are taken tor this purpose. The man
or woman who would sell their vote is
contemptible, also the one who would buy
it, and yet there are many men who will
sell their votes as often as a purchaser will
take them. The dishonest should be dis
franchised for all time to come. Teachers
cannot Impress upon their pupils a more
important lesson than to Jeal honestly
with all affairs of government. The
government of this land can only exist and
protect you and your property through the
support of honest and capable men and
women. I do not believe that any power
can ever destroy our government, unless it
be corrupted by our various officeholders.
"You should Instruct your pupi's on
humane points. It should be the aim of
the teacher to impress upon the pupils the
provisions of law in regard to the destruc
tion of birds and innocent animals, and
to teach them to look after the welfare of
the dumb creatures.
"In conclusion, permit me to extend to
you my hearty congratulations on the
success of your work within our own state.
I am proud of the fact that the women of
the state of Oregon stand first in the
educational statistics of the United States,
and that the male portion of the popula
tion is only a very small percentage belo'.
It is true that your compensation is not
perhaps what it should be, though it is
also true that a large majority of yaur
fellowmen receive much less in proportion
upon which to suppott their families than
even you do now. I shall never complain
nor remonstrate against a better compen
sation for yout services, and I trust that
the'time mav come when vou may receive
a regular salary such as any other public
officer receives."
Night Was Her Terror.
"I would couch nearly all night long,"
writes Mrs. Cn.ts. Applegate. of Alex
andria, lnd., "and could hardly get any
sleep. I had consumption so bad that if I
walked a block 1 would cough frightfully
and spit blood, but, when all other medi
cines failed, three i.00 bottles of Dr.
King's New Discovery wholly cured me
and I gained 58 pounds." ' It s absolutely
guaranteed . to cured Coughs, Colds, La
Grippe, Bro ichitis and all Throat and
Lung Troubles. 'Price sOc and tl 00.
Trial bottles free at Geo'. A. Harding's
drug st re.
Maple Lant Grange.
Maple Lane Grange made good use of
its regular monthly meeting on Satur
day. The Fourth of July picnic beinp
but two days ff, all hands turned in,
during the esrly morning and recess
hours, to clean up the grove, turning
trash, t'xmg-up teats, etc.
In the altenioou session, the Granpe
took up the matter of making an exhibit
in Portland, iu November, for the pur
pose of making a good impression on Ihe
members of the National Giange. Worthy
Mauler Win. Beard appointed cuinmil
tee to look alter this matter.
This Grange is practically out of debt
and an enlargement of its hall is now be-
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers is sure to know of the wonderful
cure9 maae Dy jjr.
I Kilmer's Swatnp
I Root, the great kid
ney, liver ana Diaa
der remedy. .
It is the great med
ical triumph of the
nineteenth century;
discovered after years
of scientific research
by' Dr. Kilmer, the
eminent kidnev and
bladder specialist., ,and is wonderfully
successful in promptly curing laine back,
uric acid, catarrn 01 me uiauuer auu
Bright's Disease, which is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
. tw tr;i,pr's Swamn-Root is not rec
ommended for everything but if you have
kidney, liver or oiauuer iruuuie 11 win uo
imnA inct tVic rpmerlv vou need. It has
been tested in so many ways, in hospital
work and in private practice, ami nas
proved so successful in every case that a
special arrangement has been made by
which all readers of this paper, who have
not already tried it, may have a sample
bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell
ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to
findoutif youhave kidney or bladder trou
ble. When writing mention reading this
generous offer in this paper and send your
address to Dr. Kilmer IVU,
& Co., Binghamton, fj!pl
N. Y. The regular fcgS!!!
fiftv-rptit and one- "yJi
dollar size bottles are Homo of swamp-Eoot.
sold by all good druggists. Don't make
any mistake, but remember the name,
Swamp-Root, JJr. Kilmers &wamp-.uui,
and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on
every bottle.
ing considered as the next Btep in ad
Whereas, the members of Maple Lane
Grange No. 296 deeply feel the loss in
flicted on their worthy brother, N. W.
Richards by the death of his beloved
wife on June 16, 1904, therefore be it
Resolved, That the members of Maple
Lane Grange extend to Brother Richards
their heartfelt sympathy in this his ir
reparable loss, hoping that the benefi
cent Father Who giveth and taketh iway
will assuage his Borrow.
Resolved, that these resolutions be
spread upon the minutes of this Grange,
that an engrossed copy of the same be
presented to the bereaved Brother, and
that a copy be given, to the county pa
pers for publication. A, Mautz,
0.0. Allen,
A. Ketchum,
Brutally Tortured.
A case came to light that for persistent
and unmerciful torture has perhaps never
been equaled. Joe Golobick of Colusa,
Calif., writes. "For i5 years I endured
insufferable pain from Rheumatism and
nothing relieved me though I tried every
thing known. I came across Electric
Bitters and it's the greatest medicine on
earth for that trouble. A few bottles of it
completely ,relieved and cured me." Just
as good for Liver and Kidnev troubles and
general debilitv. Only 50c. Satisfaction
guaranteed by Geo. A. Harding, druggist
Paine's Celery
The Most Remi kable Remedy
in the Vorld.
The True Medicine for the Cure of Dis
eases of the Blood and Nerves.
Paine's Celery Compound cures
cases given up as hopeless; it builds
up, strengthens, restores. When
tired and discouraged, this great
medicine will give new life and
vitality. Paine's Celery Compound
! is the ideal medicine and should be
in every home.
in your
Hundreds of housewives who nev
er dye anything, who think they
can't dye, or Imagine it is a task,
arelosing the goodof castaway fab
rics that could be made new with
It is an extremely easy process to
color with Diamond Dyes, and
the cost is but a trifle. They are
for home use and home economy.
X har t ipectal drrtmro ot tdrtc, and
will uMwwr hf uv qumtiou about djuug.
StDil umpl of (Odd when poialbl.
Direction book and 5 djd aamplta frto.
1 DIAMOND DTBS, Burllnijtoo, Vt j
In Building formerly occupied by G. W. Grace i
ml Merekadise
. . . , . . ,. : :
Shoes at Greatly Reduced
Lowest prices-
be our rule -
Goods Delivered Promptly to any part of city
Depot Grocery Store
Groceries Cigars, tobacco,
Jit Lowest Cash Prices. Give Us a trial
north Side of 7th St., near Depot, Oregon City
We Want Your Trade
At Harris Grocery
And are going to make special
inducements to close buyers.
Cash and Small Profits is CurJMotto.
14jjs.V Ww5 X
ings at same low rate. All work guaranteed first-class.
ft L. fiolman, Undertaker and mbalmer.
Office one Door North of Courthouse, or at cigar store opposite Bank of Oregon City
C. W. KtU 9
1- tbe Planet
High Grade
PLANET, Spr. '8
Imported Scotch and Irish
All goods bounr, in bond
Purity and quality guarai
Some famous Old brands
James E.
Old Sam
HtS OldRoxburv Rye
! Cor. Railrad Ave and Main Sts.
; t
and good goods will
Candies and Truits
Best Goods
Superior Service
Hearse to Funerals in town 5.oo.
All Caskets, Coffins, Robes, and Lin
7th St
. i i
; (A. O. U.iW.EBuildingKS
Oregon'.City,?,"- Oregon
E. Jiueonlcb
and Wines
a Specialty
Whisktys and French Brandies
... ....
Wbiskies, ;
nd Cigars
Pepper Kentucky Bourbon
Harris Kentucky Bourbon