Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, July 08, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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:f:r,o:m: bailboad irow
Famous Trains
The Southwest Limited, Kansas
City to Chicago. The Overland
Limited to Chicago via Omaha,
. and the Pioneer Limited St. Paul
to Chicago, run.via the ; ' .
, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Each route oSetS numerous at
tractions. The principal thing
to insure a quick, comfortable
trip east is to see that your tickets
read via the Chicago, Milwaukee
MM. 5. ROWS,
General Manager.
134 Third Street, Portland
Sho inline
AND Union Pacific
Through Pullman standard and tourists
sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago,
Spokane, tourist sleeping cars (personally
conductde. weeklv to Chicago and Kan-
sasiJLy. Reclining chair cars (seats free)
to the fcast,daiiy. k
Portland to .Chicago
No change of "cars , ,
9:15 m via
8:15 p. m.
via Hunting
$pokane -Flyer
6:15 p, m.
from Portland, Ore.
Salt Lake, Denver, Ft.
Worth, Omaha, K .nsas
City, St. Louis, Chicago
and the East,
5:25 p. m,
Salt Lake, Denver, Ft.
Worth, Omaha, Kansas
City, Salt Lake, Chicago
and the East, '
Walla Walla. Lewiston.
Spokane, Wallace, Pull
man, Minneapolis, St,
Paul.Duluth, Milwaukee,
Chicago and East.
7:15 a. m.
8:00 a. m.
Are Yoa ffioinq t
to St, Louis?
If so call for your tickets via. the
Rock Island Frisco Systems
the line having Terminal" at entrance Fair
Grounds. Round trip rate $67.50. Good
for ninety days from date of sale. Choice
routes going and returning, Via.
St. Paul, Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo or El Paso
Stop over permitted in both directions.
Dates of Sale.
June 7th, 16th, i7th 18th; July 1st, 2nd, 3rd; August 8th 9th, 10th;
Sept. 5th, 6th, 7th; Oct. 3rd 4th and 5th.
On above dates rate of $72.50 will be made to Chicago and return.
For further information and sleeping car reservations call
upon or address, . ...
7 ah. Mcdonald,
140 Third St., Portland, Or. General Agent.
For San Francisco Every five days at
8:00 p. m. For Astoria, way points and
North Beach Daily (except Sunday) at
at 8 P. m.: Saturdav at 10:00 p. m. Daily
service (water permitting(n Willamette
and Yamhill Rivers.
For full information ask or Write your
nearest ticket agent.
General Passenger Agent.
The Oregon Railroad and Navagation Co
Portland, Ore.
Corrected to July 7, VJOi.
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad Co
8:80 a, 01
4-80 p. m.
: ti. m,
La, sat.
For Maygers, Rainier,
Clatskannie, Westport,
Clifton, Astoria, War
renton, Flavel, Ham
mond, Fort Stevens
G?arhart, Park. Seaside,
and Seani'tt.
Astoria Express
11:30 a. D.
hiv p m.
For turther Information address,
j. C. Mayo, Astcrla, Oregon
Wheat, Walla Walla 73c
Wheat, Valley 81c
Wheat, BlueBtem 80c
Barley, per ton $23 60
Oats, white 25 00
Oats, gray M 50
Hard wheat flour straights 3.653 75
Hard wheat tiour, paten's 4.304.40
Valley fltwr . 3 90
Flour, graham 3 60
Rye flour 3 604 00
Butter, fancy creamery 1517?ic
.Butter, dairy 134c
Butter, cooking Il(ai2c
Cheese, Young America lZl'i4c
Cheese, Oregon lull cream. . . ,12i3c
Eeee. Oregon ranch 20c
Honey, dark .'. .10 l-2 He
Honey,' amber.. v.. ,...1213c
.4 oney, fancy white , . 15c
' " , . VEGETABLES. .
Onions, Calif red .'.l.skil 251 50
Potatoes ." 80c to 1 . 00
Potatoes, - new 2c
Cooking apples . ,75cl 00
tancy apples 1 56 to 2 50
Lemons . 3 25 to 3 50
OrangeB,' navels 2 75 3 50
Strawberries, per crate 1 20
Veal 4(7c
Poik ; 67c
Beef 4(a7c
Mutton 45c
Lames 45 l-2c
Hams, to size 12 l-2c
Hams, picnic 9c
Bacon, regular 10c
Bacon, breakfast ll15c
Mixed, per pound 1011 l-2c
Spring, per pound 1820c
Hens 1111 l-2c
Geese 78c
Ducks, dozen ...6 007 00
Turkeys, live lb17c
Turkeys, dressed 1819c
Timothy 13 0017 00
Clover .8 00a10 00
Cheat 10 0011 00
Shorts 22 00
Bran 20 00
Barley, rolled 24 00025 00
Middlings 24 0 25 00
Chop feed 16 00
uors AND WOOL.
Hops, 1903 crop.. ...2324c
Wool, Valle 18 '9c
Wool, Eastern Oregon ll&16c
.Mohair 30c
How About Summer Vacation?
Thl Deadly Fnrufna Roemblri Sev
eral Edible Mushrooms.
Perhaps the most deadly of the pot
sonous fungi of our woods and fields
is the fairly well known death cub
(Amanita phalloides), particularly dan
gerous from its resemblance to several
of the edible mushrooms, though gath
ering fungi for the table should be
undertaken by none savo those thor
oughly acquainted with the different
species, as It is altogether too easy foi
the ignorant enthusiast to make an er
ror which may prove fatal to his
The death cup referred to lias a
round cap," white, yellowish or green
ish in color, and the stem has a swollen
base, surrounded by an envelope, or
veil, of a white filmy substance, which
parts as the stalk, extends upward.
This jStalk is pithy when young, but
hollow at maturity, and the gills of the
cap, which in the' meadow niushroon:s
are pink or ' brown, are white in tua
deadly variety, as are also the .spores,
which can be plainly , seen if the cap
is jlaid,. gills downward, on a. piece. of
colored paper -fori a few hours. The
swollen, or bulbous, base is a distin
guishing characteristic, and no fungus
of that appearance should be gathered
for cooking. One of the liabilities is
that these caps may be broken off
without due observance . of its base,
which Is often covered with earth or
dead grasses, hence not distinguished
from some of the lepiotas, which, how
ever, are never "surrounded with the'
filmy veil of the. death cup.
The poisonous property of this fungus
is largely the same as that found in the
venom of a rattlesnake and also in
cholera and diphtheria, and so far sci
ence is unable to produce any satisfac
tory antidote, atropine, the stomach
pump and oil purgatives being about
the only resources. Washington Post.
for in the
the week ending
Advertised Letters.
The following letters remain uncalled
postoffice at Oregon City for
July 1, iyu4:
women's list.
Bowman Mrs E C, Burton Mrs R C,
Dickey Mrs Dolly W, Hefa Maude,
Kimmey Mrs J B, Kirbyson Mrs Geo,
Mendenhall Daisy, Triplett Mrs J E
Young Miss Lulu.
men's list.
Barbour J Hampton, Rath born Joe,
Livingston Sylvester, Reese Frank
Lovelace J F, Silver D R,
MeFarlane E E, Smith C H,
Materlie John, Smith L F.
Miller Chas W, Stimson J V.
T. P. Randall. P. M.
Private Mnty to Loan.
Six and seven per cent. Amounts on
land $100 to $3000. Also 60tne on chat
tel and personal security.
or sale : The Kussel Homestead six
milpg SE of Molalla at $6 an acre; the
PhilipMarquam Homestead eight miles
E of Marquam at $5 an acre. Plenty of
fine water and good soil on both tracts.
Also bio. k 119 Oregon City, eight full
lots 66x105 feet. tightly building place
all for $1000. . ,
John W. Loder,
Att'y. at Law.
Stevens' building.'Oregon City, Ore.
$100 for the Best Letter About
r This Section.
Will make Four Round Trips daily
bet. Oregon City and Portland -
Leaves Portland
8.30 A. ti.
1 1.30
3.00 P. H.
Leaves Ore, City
7.00 A. M.
1.30 P. M.
Newport or Yaqnina Bay is the ideal
seaside resort of the North Pacific Coast.
Round trip ticketB at greatly reduced
rates on dale from all Southern Pacific
points in Oregon, on and after June 1st.
Ask Agents for further information and
a handsomely illustrated souvenir book
let, or write to Edvin Stone, Manager
C. &E.R. R , Albany, Ore., or W. E.
Coman, G. P. A. S. P, Co., Portland.
Oregon Patents.
Granted this week, reported by C. A.
Snow & Co., patent attorneys, Washing
ton, D. C. JNicholas Blanchet, re utile
ton, cant-book, tor copy of above pat
ent send ten cents in postage stamps
with date of this paper to O. A. bnow &
Co., Washington, D. C.
Ho! for St Louis and the World's Fairl
trr Nature's Art Gallery of the Rockies in addition to the at
Srr attractions at St. Louis. This can only be done by going or
returning via the "SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD."
The Most Picturesque River Rideln Oregon
Special Attention given to the Handling
ot freight.
Landings on weekdays at Oswego and
lYiagoan S oniy. ah Lanuings maue ouir
nrivaled scenic attractions
nequalled dining car service
nsurpassed in efforts to please
Write for illustrated booklet of Colorado's famous sights and resorts.
W. C. McBRlDE, General Agent
Third Street roraanu,, Oregon
Brunswick House and Restaurant
Newly Furnished Rooms, .
Meals at All Hours Open Day and Night
Prices Reasonable., . . . '..' - ?.' ; '
....Only FirstQass. Restaurant in the Gity'.;;
Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City, Ore.
The World's Fair Route.
Those anticipating an Eastern trip, or a
visit to the Louisiana Purchase bxposi
tion at St. Louis, cannot afford to overlook
the advantages ottered by the MlSbOUKi
PACIFIC RAILWAY, which, on account of
ts various routes and gateways, has been
appropriately named "The World's Fair
Passeneers from the Northwest' take the
MISSOURI PACIFIC trains from Denver
or Pueblo, with the choice of either going
direct tnroueh Kansas City, or - via Wlch
ita. Fort Scott and Pleasant Hill. . . '.
two trains dally from Denver and Pu
eblolo St. Louis withqut change,1 carrying
all classes of modern equipment, including
electric lighted observation parlor cate din
Ingcars. Ten daily trains , between Kan
sas uiiy ana sr.. luuis
Write or can on w. .c' Mcoriae,
General Agent, 124'Third street, Portland,
for detailed ..information and illustrated
literature. .''"
Excursion Mates to Yaquhia Bay
On June 1st the Southern Pacific Co
will resume sale ot excursion tickets to
Newport and Yaquina Bay. Both Season
and Saturday-to-Monday tickets will be
sold. 1 his popular resort is growing In
favor each year, hotel rates are reasonable
and the opportunities for fishing, hunting
and sea bathing are unexcelled by any
other resort on the Pacilic Coast.
W. b. COMAN,
5 27 6-1 General Passenger Agent.
The Qnalut Story of Peach Blomom,
the Fniutly Drudge.
In Korea the people tell a Cinderella
story that is much more ancient than
that familiar to western people. The
key of the latter story is the slipper,
but not so theirs. Peach Blossom, the
Korean Cinderella's name, was the
family drudge. One day as the moth
er was -starting oft with the favorite
daughter to a picnic she said to Peach
Blossom, "You must not leave until
yott ha'e hulled a bagful of rice and
filled the broken crock with water."
While sitting there bemoaning her hard
lot she beard a twittering and a flut
tering of wings. Looking up, she saw
a flock of sparrows pecking the hulls J
on tne rice, ueiore recovering irom
her surprise a little imp jumped out
of the fireplace and so skillfully re
paired the crock that but a few min
utes of work was required to fill it
with water. Then she went to. the pic
nic and had a royal time.
On another occasion the mother said,
"You must stay until you have pulled
up all the weeds in the field." This
time a cow came out of the forest and
ate up the woods in ten mouthfuls.
Peach Blossom followed the cow into
the woods and was led to where there
was ail abundance of ripe, luscious
fruit. Gathering a largo quantity, she
went to the fete and was the most wel
come guest Her Jealous sister asked
about it and, cn being told, determined
she would cet some of this fruit for
When the next gala day came the
Bister stayed at home and let Peach
Blossom go. The cow came out of tho
woods as before, and the sister follow
ed it through tangled brier and thorn
bushes, with the result that her face
was much scratched and. her skin deep
beauty all gone. Exchange.
Prizes of $500 are offered to the person
who writes the best answer to the question, ,
What are the advantages and d!ssiv.;'
tages of this Section? .The money is offered
by Urange Judo rarmerot Chicago to draw
out plain and truthful "statements from
actual experience of practical farmers as
to the merits of this and other sections of
the country. That paper proposes to pub
lish the best of the replies. If a sufficient
number answer from this ection, it is pos
sible that Orange Judd Farmer's commis
sion of land experts may make a special
tour to investigate thU county. AH this
work will certainly have a tendency to
widely avertise the advantages of this lo
cality, increasing the demand for land and
enhancing the value of country property.
Now is the time to take a spring tonic
to purify the blond, cleanse the 1'ver
and kidneys of all impurities, llollis-
ter s Kocky Mountain Tea will do the
business. 35 cents. Tea or tablets.
One. Lady's Recommendation Sold Fifty
Boxes of Chamberlain's Stomach
and Llvei Tablets. .
I have, I believesold fifty boxes of
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets on the recommendation of one lady
here, who first bought a box of them
about a year ago. She never tires of
telling her neighbors and friends abont
the good quali'iesof these Tablets. P.
M. IsnoitB, Druggist, Kocnester, ina.
The pleasant purgative effect of these
Tablets makes them a favorite with
ladies everywhere. For sale by Geo. A.
Notics is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed by the
County Court of Clackamas County, Ore
gon, Administratrix of the Estate of F. M.
Hall, deceased . All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby required to
present them, with the proper vouchers,
within ix months after the first publica
tion of this notice, to me at the office of the
county clerk of Clackamas County, at Ore
gon City, Uregon.
Dated this 2th day of June. 1904.
Administratrix of the Estate of F. M. Hall.
H.OVERTON, Woodburn, Oregon, at
torney for administrator.
Hsw'i TrIsT
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot
be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY x Co., Props., Tolede, O.
We, the undersigned, bave known r.
J. Cheney for the last 15 yean, and be
lieve him perfectly bonorable in all basi
nets transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
Wist & Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Waldisg, Kinhas AMiRviN, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directlv opon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Price,
75c per bottle. , Sold by all Druggists.
Testimonials free.
Halt's Family Pills are the be.
Many men and women are( constantly
subjected to what they commonly ter,m
"a continual strain'; because, ot same
financial or family trouble. ' . It wears
and distresses them both' mentally and
physically, affecting their nerves badly
and bringing on liver and kidney .ail
ments. 'with tbe attendant evila of con
stipation, loss of appetiter sleeplessness,
low vitality and despondency. Tsey
cannot, as a rule, get rid of this "rontui.
ual strain," but they can remedy its
health-destroying effects by taking fre
quent doBes of Green's August Flower.
It tones op the liver, stimulates the kid-
npvo inanrnR hfftltllV botlilv functions.
givss vim and spirit to one's whole being
and eventually dispels the physical or
mental distress caused by that "con.
tinual strain." Trial bottle of August
Flower, '& cents; regular size, 75 cents.
At Cbarman & Co's
I know a jolly old maiden lady
A lady ol high degree,
Who never goes to bed without
A drink of Kocky Mountain Tea.
Sensible woman.
Now is the time to clean house e'ean
your system first, drive out the microbe,
of winter with Hollister's Rocky Mon
tain Tea. It will keep you well all u
mer. 5 cents. Tea or tablets.
Anker's Blood Elixir positively Curs
Chronic Blood Poisoning and all Scrofulas
affections. At all times a matchless sys
tem tonic and purifier. Money rerundeJ If
you are not satisfied, suc.ana fi uu.
Huntley Bros. Co.
Druggists Say Laxakola Works
Wonders for the Skin.
Huntley Bros, not only recommend Lax
akola as. the ideal liquid laxative for
women and children, bat some of their
lady customers say it is also a remarka
ble skin beautifier. The reason is easy
to find.
Laxakola moves the bowels regnlarlr
and without discomfort, and at the same
time stimulates the liver and acts upon
the bile pigments, thus removing the
cause of sallow, muddy skins that do so
much to impair the beauty of one's com
plexion. If you prise a fresh, clear velvety skin
and regular habits, or if baby needs a
mild, safe, gentle laxative when colicky
or constipated, just try a 25 cent bottle
of Laxakola with guarantee it will do
all claimed for it or yoa get back your
money, '
Advertised Letters
Remaining unclaimed for the month
of June at Parknlace. Ore.
Mr. Walter A. Reed Mrs. Clara Baier
Wm. A. Holmes, P.M.
A Laty Man.
On a hot summer's day a gentleman
who was waiting .for his train at 'one
of our country stations asked a porter
yho, was lying on 'one" of the seats
where tho station mnster lived, and the
porter, not moving,. lazily pointed to
the house wlthf his foot.
' ' The gentleman, very much struck at
the man's' laziness, said, "If you cun
showme a lazier action than that, my
good'man, I'll, give you two and six
pence." The porter, not moving 11 n I'lch, re
plied, 'Tut it In my pocket, giiv'nor."
London News.
MoBt of the Presbyterian Endeavoreil
enjoyed the Foui.tb at tne old hatchery
on the Claokamas. 'The party consisted
of several.merry loads, one of which con-
tained seventeen persons and had a four
horse team driven , by Mr Eades, of
Mount Pleasant,' to whom much' of the
pleasure of the day was due Several
other parties spent the day at the same
place, mBking a 'ively scene.
. t . ...
Sweet cream for family use at Red
ner's. '
"Reduced Rates to St. Louis
The Southern Pacific Co. will sell round
trip tickets at greatly reduced rates to the
St. Louis ana cntcago on account or me at .
Louis Exposition, on the following dates:
June 16, 17, 18; July 1,2, 3; August 8,9,
10; September 5, 6,7; Uctoberj, 4, 5.
Going trip must be completed within ten
days from tate of i Jt, and passengers will
be permitted to start on any day that will
enable them to reach destination within the
time limit. Return limit ninety days, but
not later than Dec. 31, 10O4.
For full information as to rates and routes
call on Agent So. Pac, Co.
Oras and Carnival
A Mardi Gras and Carnival will be held
at Portland June 28th to July 7th Inclu
sive. special attractions have been pro
vided to make this the most successful car
nival ever given in Portland. Special rates
have been granted by the Southern Pacific
Co. for this occassion. Sale dates June
27th, July 2nd, 3rd, 4th and7th. Call on
any Southern Pacific Agent for parties
mr 'zzzr3?. ;
Definite Information.
"Llow much are these Scotch flan
nels, please?" asked a woman in one of
the large department stores 0110 day
last week.
"This lady will show them to you,"
airily replied the clerk, indicating with
an indifferent nod a girl about three
feet distant
"But," persisted the woman, "I don't
wast to buy now. I simply want to
know bow much they are."
"Oh. different prtcea and or" was
the nonchalant answet. New York
A Jada of naaa Vatar.
"Doctor, teil me honestly wtetbaf
my hearth is improving or not"
"My dear sir, yoare' getting on fa
mooely famously."
"Yoa are not speaking toe troth, doc
tor, but I can tell without your assist
ance whether I am getting better or
"How can you Judge?"
"By the behavior of my heirs."
Paris Gaulo'ls.
Ilejcc-terf With Srorn.
A certnln social organization cnllml
the Young Woman's club found itself
In dllllcultlcs ul'tt'i- the lapso or some
twenty years. The "young" women
were no longer rlghlly named. Mr.
William II. Cm ne, the actor, was onco
consulted by some charming girls In
regard to the name of their prospective
club.. Their object, they wrote, was the
building of character. They wished
that to bo suggested in the title and
also the fact that they were unmar
ried. Mr. Craiie replied that he had a
name for the club, "the Building and
Lone association."
Cheerfully Recommended for Rheuma
tism. O. O. Higbee. Danville, Ills., writes,
Dec. 2, 1901 : "About two years ago I
was laid up for four months with rheu
matism. I tried Ballard's Snow Lini
ment; one bottle cured me. I can cheer
fully recommend it to all suffering from
like aflliction." 25c, 60c, SI. For srle
by Cbarman & Co.
The Matinee Girl.
The matinee girl existed as early as
the eighteenth century. In Japan girls
In those days ujed to throw their fans
and purses at the feet of the 'leading
man" as be minced along "the floyer
walk" to the stage. Tlctures of tjjeae
"heroes" were an early product of Jap
anese wood engraving, and these por
traits were secret treasures of niany
Do you know that a littte cough Is a dan
gerous thing? Are you aware that It often
fastensltself on the lungs, and far too 6t-
ten runs into Consumption and ends In
death? Can you afford to trifle with an
seriousa matter? Ackers English Remadv
for Coughs, Colds and Consumption Is be
yond question the greatest of all modwn
remedies. It will stop a cough in onejjjjflht
and It wi.l chwka cold in a day. ratfLri
nrevent Croup, relieve Asthma aiu-c
Consumption. Our faith In It is so stJ
that we guarantee every bottle to give :
Isfaction or money back. Huntley I3ros.