Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, July 08, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Carnival Week's Prices
This week is Carnival Week and this store proposes to
knock all competition in prices in every department of
our store. Quality and style go hand in hand, but
low prices are all knocked into a cocked hat. Hot
weather goods at lowest possible prices
Colored Dress Goods.
38-Inch Voile, neW colorings,
5oc grade; special 43c
42-inch Voile, new colorings,
85c grade; special 69c
42-inch Voile, new colorings,
$1.00 grade; special 89c
42-inch Crepe, new colorings,
$1.00 grade; special 89c
45-inch Canvas, new colorings,
$1.25 grade; special 93c
44-inch Crepe de Paris, new color
ings $1.50 grade, special $1
48-Tnch Crepe Voile, new color
ings, $1.75 grade; special $1,19
48-inch Pnnama, new colorings,
$2.00 grade; special.... $1.29
Black Dress Goods.
And go where you will, such qual
ities and values cannot be found as
will be offered here.
44-inch Black Etamine, worth
I 5o; sale $1.00
44-inch Black Canvas Du Nord,
worth $i.5o; sale $1.00
44-inch Creee Voile, worth 81.65;
sale $1.00
44-inch Black Voile Boutonne,
worth $2.oo; sale .$1.50
44-inch Black Crepe Melrose,
worth $1.60; sale $1.00
Suit Patterns Black Epingle,
worth $30.00; saie. $18.50
Suit Patterns Silk Stripe Voiles,
worth $28.00; sale ..$15.00
McAllen McDonnell
Corner Third and Morrison Streets, Portland, Oregon
from Kenyon Military Academy in Ohio,
where he has spent the past two years
in study. He will spend the Summer
with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. K.
Hammond, returning in the Fall to
resume his studies.
for family use at Red
. Sweet cream
quite ill at hit
T. E. Gault has been
"home this week.
W. . Bissel and W. M. Shank Bpent
the Fourth at Canby.
Cecil Humphry! of Heppner, visited
-friends here on Tuesday.
County Clerk Sleigh and family cele
brated at Canby on the Fourth.
Frank Williams of Portland, visited
'William Koerner here this week.
Percy and Robert Caufleld are spend
ing two weeks at Trout Lake, Wash,
Miss Ethel Graves spent a few days
this week in Hood Kiver with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rauch of Glad'
stone vitited friends in Eugene this
Mr, and Mrs. Bynn Grim, of Aurora,
were visiting their son, A. brim, of this
-city. last. Wednesday.
Mrs. F. J. Ebv returned this week
from M rrow county, where she has
been visiting friends.
Col, Robert A. Miller returned Tues-
aay irom ieuauon, wnere ne aeuverea i
the Fourth of July oration
Mrs. Bruce Curry and children ' left
the last of last week for Newport, where
ine win spend tne Hummer.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cole and eon.
Ray, returned last week from an extend
ed trip to points In Washington.
Miss Zilpha Galloway left Tuesday
for Weiser, Idaho, where she will
spend a month visiting relatives.
Miss May Kelly left Monday night
lor St. Louie, where she will visit the
St. Louis Exposition for a month or
six weeks.
Fred Charman, who is connected with
he Southern Pacific offices at San
Francisco, was visiting relatives' and
friends here this week.
Mrs. Delia Cosper and Mrs. Nellie
Miller, who recently raovedHo Portland
from this place, were in the city a few
hours Tuesday evening.
E. E. Charman returned Saturday
aiter an aosence 01 several montns in
New Mexico, He will make a short
stay here. His health is much in
proved. Dr. John Oasto, who met with an ac
cident at Cams some days ago, in which
his right leg was broken, is reported as
resting quite well at his home at 2G9
College street, Portland.
William Hammond returned Friday
A marriage license was gra'.ted this
week to S. Q. Vecklund and Johan Olsen.
Beatie & Beatie, dentists, Weinhard
building, room 16, 17 and 18. ,
The Derthick Club spent the Fourth
with a picnic at the Clackamas hatch
ery and report a pleaBant time.
The Sunday school of St. Pauls Epis
copal church held a successful1 picnic
last Thursday at Gladstone Park.
Dr J. W. Norris has removed his
office from the Garde building to Rooms
1 and 2 in the Charman block. 2t
The Presbyterian Young People's
Society held a picnic on Clear Creek on
July 4. Iney bad a most enjoyable
For platform attractions and "Special
day" at the approaching Chautauqua
assemble, the reader is referred to the
editorial page of this issue.
Address or information of Henry
Sherle, important business. Address
M. J. McGrath, care ol Gadsby, First
and Washington streets, Portland, Ore.
J. J. Cooke this week closed the ia'e
of the C. A. ,Locy farm about 4 miles
west of Oregon City, consisting of 60
acres, to Frank Racey of Minneapolis,
the consideration being $4,500, ..
Sunday night an alarm of fire was
turned in and the Cataract Company
responded, but there was no need for
their services, as tne alarm was caused
by a chimney fire at the Electric Hotel..
Saturday night W acheno Tribe ol the
Order of Red Men elected E, Matthias,
Ohas.; Woodward and William Reams
to represent Wacheno Tribe at the Con
vention to be held at Seaside on July 26.
The directors of the Oregon City
school district have decided to accept
the bid of E. E. Kellogg to furnish the
schools with 125 cords of wood during
the coming winter. The price paid is
$2.40 per cord.
For sick headache take Chamber?
lain s Stomach and Liver Tablets and a
quick cure is certain. For sale by Geo.
A. Harding.
Friday evening in the Willamette hall
the eraduaies of the Barclay Hiub
School organized an alumni association
with the following officers: President,
Kenneth Latourette; vice-president,
Miss Laura Pope; secretary, Miss Marie
Pratt; treasurer, Ralph Miller.
An order has been received from the
department of the interior at Wathing-
ton, allowing the clerks and otticlals ot
the local land office to take a half holiday
Last week of
our 98 cent
Watch Sale.
Rest for tired
aching feet
Foot Powders
Let Us Price
Your Prescription
Bring in your prescription and let, us give you our price for filling it.. This'
will show you what, the price should be for absolutely perfect service, and may
save you money even though you take it elsewhere to have it compounded.
On Time
Punctuality means much to the young man of today.
His good nam? and salary may depend on it. He will
find it very handy to have a good time piece. We have
watches of all grades and at all prices. All good time
pieces and guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Watch Repairing is our business and we give care
F-7S3 ful paintaking attention to it. We try to have our work
g;vc satisfaction, such as will win the confidence of all who leave watch repairing he-e
Libbey Rich Cut Glass
We are now showing large assortments of beautiful new pat
terns, artistic in design and perfect in execution. You will find
our Cut Glass stock much larger than before. In addition to
Libbey's we carry several other makes. We can furnish very
nicely cut pieces from $2.00 to $3.00. Somejbetter finished at $5.00 and $6.00 and
as high as $20.00.
J EvERy piece
Eye Trouble
If neglected increases. It will never cure
itself. If you have any trouble we shall be
pleased to have you come in and have your
eyes tested by a competent Optician. We
do tnis free of cost. If glasses will not do
any good he will frankly tell you so. If they will, we will make them for you
at a moderate price.
Burmeister & Andresen
The Oregon City Jewelers.
1 j?5Svwi.
Yt - - 1 ' -"
The Sherwin-Williams Co.
Cupboards, Shelves,
Bath Tobs,
Farm Tools, Etc.
A special paint for each pur
. pose, not one slap-dash mix
ture for all.
Not low priced, but highest grade at fair, honest prices. You know
our reputation. We say these are the best paints we know of. You'll
say so too after you have used them.
When exhausted from
a day's outing or house
hold duties, sprinkle a
little toilet water in the
basin or bath. It will
quiet your, over-wrought
nerves and
Toilet Water M
Produce a delightful pj i
and cleanliness.
We have the best per
fume and toilet waters
made by the most famous
perfumers. All the pop
ular odors, in bottles
from 25 cents up.
eveiy Saturday during July, August and
September. After that time the office
will be run full hours as heretofore.
The Fouith was quietly spent in Ore
gon City. Thousands of residents went
to Portland to celebrate and mauy more
took in the country celebrations. A
large number of private picnics were
held by Oregon City people on the
Clackamas and other nearby streams.
How about giving that roof a coat of
good "Mr Proof" paint? Call at Wil
son & Cooke's and see a sample.
Announcements have been receired
by friends in this city of tbe recent mar
riage of Laurence Driggs, formerly of
thin place, to Miss Mary Ogden at Yon
kere, N. Y. Mr. Driggs spent many
years here and is well remembered by
many friends who extend congratula
tions. Frank Dunmeier, of Parkplace, suffer
ed severe injuries near that place Friday
by being thrown from a wild horse which
he was riding at the time. He was
thrown on bis head and rendered un
conscious for several hours, but has
about recovered from his hurts and 1
again to be about.
Mr. Michael Brien and Miss Marie
McDonald were married at St, Johns
Catholic church Wednesday of last week,
Rev. Father Hillebrand performing the
ceremony. Miss Mcuonaid is a resi
dent of this place, her parents living on
the West side. Mr. Brien is a passen
ger brakeman on the Northern Pacific
Cottswold Bucks, years old. $15.00
each. Address Ralph Dimick, Hubbard,
Ore. it
On Wednesday of this week the Wil-
hoit stage season opened, and the run
ning of that conveyance for the summer
was bemin by D. R. Dimick, the livery
man. Three trips a week are made to
that popular resort and many from this
city and from outside points annually
take advantage ot the att. actions oiiereu
at this pleasant watering place.
J, H. fones, agd 84, an old time resi
dent of tbe Jones Mill neighborhood,
passed away at his residence Monday,
death beina caused bv paralysis. Mr
Janes bad suffered from that malady
for several years, The funeral was held
at Highland Tuesday afternoon. Mr.
Jones has lived at Jones' mill for many
years and leaves several brothers there.
For Rent Furnished rooms down
town. Inquire at IWuer's Confection
ery, 600 Main street.
Mrs. Jennie Duncan, late of Califor
nia, appeared before the County Clerk
last week nd Becured a permit for her-1
self and W. H. Opdyke to be married.
She announced that the groom had not
yet put in an appearance, but that he
would soon arrive Irom tne bourn ana
they would be married here. Tbe li
cense was granted to her by the authori
ties. Robin Hood Court of Foresters held
their semi-annual installation of officers
last Friday night in the Redmen's ball.
A large number of members of the order
were up from Portland to attend tne in
stallation. A pleasant time was had
Tuesday night large delegation from
tbe local court went to Portland and
visited meeting held by Webfoot
The Oreeona. the new boat of the Ore-
eon City Transportation Company, made
its first trip no the river Saturday and
Is now running steadily from Portland
to tbe upper Willamette. She is a crack
steamer, made especially for shallow
water as she is of very light draught
The Altona. which formerly made the
no river river trip, has been taken off
for a thorough overhauling.
Last Friday evening the Sunday
School classes of Mrs. C. H. Caufleld
ane Miss Edna Caufleld of the Congre
gational Sunday school were entertained
at the Caufield'home on the hill. , The
number attending was large and the
evening a pleasant one. Harley Stevens,
Jr., exhibited a number of Sterioptican
pictures. Miss Edna Caufleld rendered
some excellent instrumental music.
Light refreshments were served.
Suit for divorce was entered in the
circuit court last week by Isabella
Thomas, who seeks separation from Evor
Thomas on the ground of cruel and in
human treatment and for personal indig
nities. The complaint recites that the
two w ire married in New Mexico in 1890
and as a result of the marriage there are
2 small children, the custody of whom
is asked by the plaintiff. She also asks
to be paid $30 per month alimony.
Moki Tea positively Cures Sick Head-
ache, Indigestion and Constipation. A de.
lightful herb drink. Removes all erirp
tions of the skin, producing a perfect com
plexion or money refunded. 25c. and 50c.
Huntley Bros. Co.
A large force of men 'are at work on
the new pulp mill at the island below
the falls give that place a busy appear
ance. Scowloads of sand and cement
for making tbe concrete for the foundiv
tions of the mill are heing daily unload-
ed and a large crew is at work on the
forms which are being built for tbe
foundations. The rock for the concrete
will be taken from the island and crush
ed into the proper size by crushers
located on the island.
A barrel of crude petroleum was
sprinkled on Main street Friday as an
experiment to sue if the treatment will
settle the dust which has proved such a
nusiance during tbe spring to tbe mer
chants of the city and to others who are
ob bred to travel along the street. It 1
tbouizht that tbe experiment will be a
complete success and will be followed
by the treatment being extended to the
whole street. The cost will be small,
it being estimated that $1.25 will pay for
oil suillcient to sprinkle a block of tb
deatmute, with whom thev could only
communicate by writing. It was decided
to place the boy under $200 bonds to
keep the peace and if he should give
no further trouble before circuit court
meets in tbe fall, the case agalnkt him
will be dropped. To give him an ohinet
lesson, he was taken over to the county
jail and placed in a cell for a short time
and it was explained to him what would
occur should he repeat his offense.
Edwin Markham has a very striking
review in Wilehire's Magazine for JuW.
of Mrs. Wharton's Sanctuary, showing
that Maikbam is quite as much the mas
ter of prose as he is of noetrv. Tom
Mann, the well-known English lahor
leader, who is now traveling in Austra
lia, conf thutes a very Interesting article
upon socialism in that country. The
editor has a thoughtful article upon Ni-
aoia lesia s promise to put all the world
in touch with each other through the
transmission of power without wires.
The editor draws the conclusion that it
is the tendency of the organic evolution
of society to have each pait of society in
cuuipieie intellectual toucb with every
othar part of society. As an indication
of the trend of radical thought, it may
be said that the editor, who is a pro
nounced socialist, regards the Colorado
conditions as indicative of the break
down of our existing combination of
democracy in politics and autocracy in
industry. He predicts that sooner or
later the voters of Colorado will give up
voting and resort to force in carrying out
their ends.
Furnished Every Week by tha
Clackamas Abstract Co.
The Lewis and dark Women's Club
met at the residence of the president,
Mrs. George A. Harding, on Tuesday
afternoon. Plans for work during the
coming winter were discussed and a re
view had of the club's activity during
the past year. Tins was the last meet-
nlil lit. flr.l Tnablav In A nan at. a I
short feces being taken during the hot ' sec. ?'.2 4
. iV,. Men M M ni.lrnun nr. . ' J M l-Wr
noniiiDi. ... win.. ...... f "
sented the club with a gavel which was
made from the wood of a cherry tree in
her yard, which is 50 years old. The
zavel was made by Mrs. Charman's son
. .11 ! . 1 - 1 L
and was graietuuy receiveu vj vue ciuu.
Pokorny A Zenker to Pokorny. Bischl
& Budolf, dw H, v of ne sec 4, e of
ne sec 5, b1 e, $5,000.
D Shuholm to N Johnson, Be of se sec
22,2-3e, $400.
PDementher to E Fuetzling, 1 7-18
acres in Campbell cl 11 e, $14. 1
M Kroll to A Szirrnlski, nw of ne lots
1 & 2, sec 12, 4-3 e, $125. . ,
P Hansen to Nadir Ld Co, of se ot
ne, e !4 ot se, nw of se sec 21 34 e, $1.
11 i C M Cramer to A P Schneider,
lot 4, blk 29, Bolton, $150.
K Gardner to 8 E Smith, 240 acres in
Laswell cl & lots 5 & 6, sec 26, 23 e, $1.
J L Nosherg to C R Vosberg, se of nw
sec 30, 6 3e, $100.
L ueritnger to r Rl lioit, n ot ne
e, $700.
wrencetoE Califf. lot 1. blk
141. Oregon City, $700.
J A Richardson to U Beetchen, blk 79,
M'ntborn, $575.
ISell wood Ld & I Co to O A Preising,
tract 15, Oak Grove, (250.
() H foJmnr In I 11 Pnnvaa ftO ttfrnn In
A watr is bainu built near the mouth I seo 1, 6 1 e. $450.
r.1 tht Clackamas on the property ad-i G J irulltngerto 1 L Irullinger, oo.o
joining that of Judge Gordon K. Hayes.
The property belongs to a Portlander
and last winter tbe high water in the
Clackamas washed away two acres and
this year steps are being taken to pre
serve tne property. ruiug irem
driven along the bank for a distance of
500 feet, they being ten feet apart.
Planks are then nailed to them ana trie
space between the weir and the bank
filled with eartu, nrosn ana rocsn. iiie
Portland man owns 12 acres there and
he has a standing offer from a Portland
attorney of $300 per acre if the weir is a
success and preserves the land from
further damage by water.
Boy Carden was tried before Justice
Sti pp last Eriday on the charge of assault
i,nnn Pearl Tamblym. 'the two are
about 13 years of ge and both live near
ifanftn Oitv. Young Carden is a deaf-
mute and the attorneys had considerable
trnnhle in petting bis story of tbe case.
As an Interpreter they employed another
G J Trullinger to T L Trullinger,
acres in sec 28. 42 e. $100.
F Hurst to Aurora Electric Co,
acres in sec 9, 41 e, $100.
8 L & I Co to N i Rupert, lots 1 to 15,
blk 74, Oak Grove, $750.
0 W P T 8 Co to M Russ, lots 2 & 3,
blk 15. Estacada, $150.
M X B Lawton to M Hendricks, 5
acres in White cl, 31 e, $195.
Tilton & Longworth to JJ a JNepman, a
of e fit of sw sec 3, 63 e,$l.
A E Tilton to D E Nowman, same as
last. $150.
Tha Clackamas Abstract & Trust Co.
are owners ol me oniy complete Ab
stract Plant in Clackamas County,
Piompt and reliable work on short no
tice, in all work guaranteed. Abstracts
made, money loaned, mortgages fore
Josed, trusts exscuted, estates settled,
and titles perfected,
J. F. Clakk, Att'y at Law,
President and Manager.
Offlue over Bank of Oregon City,