8 OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, JULY t, 1904 HOME CHICLE COLUMN. A Column Dedicated to Tired Mothers as They Join tlie Home Circle at Eventide. . MAKING A MAN. Harry the baby as last a you can, Hurry him, worry him, make him a man Off with hia baby clothes, get him in pants Feed him on brain food and make him advance . Hustle him as soon ai he's able to walk, Tnto the grammar school ; cram him with talk. Fill hia poor head full of figures and facts, Keep on jumping them in till it cracks. Once boys grew up at a rational rate, Now we develop a man while be waits, KuBh him through college compel him to grab Of every known subject a dip and a dab Qet him in business and after the cash, All by tne time he can grow a mous tache. Let him forget he was ever a boy, Make gold his god and its jingle his joy, Keep him a bustling and clear out ol breath Until he wins-nervous prostration and death. Every school boy knows that a kite would not fly unions it bad a string ty ing it down. It is juBt so in life. The man who is tied down by half a dozen blooming responsibilities and their mother, will make a higher and Btronger flight than the bachelor, who having nothing to keep him Bteady, is always floundering in the mud. If you want to aaconu m the world, he your elf to somebody. If our readers give but the faintest echo to tlieir enthusiastic appreciation with which we know they read the Hone Circle Column our deeire will be reaciieu and tue utmost expectations we have entertained will have been real weu. it your neighbors and mends are not subscribers for this paper speak to them regarding this special feature which they can find in no other paper in ine county. we were greatly charmed this spring by the sight near a email rivulet of four stately trees growing from one root. W loved to sit in the shadow iim of one and then of the other and to watch them swaying in the wind and kisB each other through the interlacing branches. So it Bbould be with our numerous churcheB and with relinioua aspirations each separate in some sense from the other, and yet blossoming alike and bearing iruit alike, shooting up into the light to' gether and alike gloruving the land. 11 ere is a lamny ot three, tour, or perhaps seven children. They are sur rounded by a thousand Implements of mischief. The circumstances are such as tend to lead them into mischief They, all of them, are tilled with Bullish H6H8 and pride and vanity and other feelings of the loer nature which are ready to explode at the slightest touch. At the merest provocation they would naturally get angry and scratch, and scold and quarrel, aud yet all day long mere is narmony in tuat little band Who chords it? Who keeps ttiote Child. reo in a happy and peaceful state of mind from morning until eight? They do not know it hut it is the forethought of the mother. It is the touching of this one's disposition and that one's disposi tion, first on this side and then on that. It is the wise administration of love a the household which keeps everything moving harmoniously. The children do not know how to take care of themselves and there are many little temptations to wrangle with each other; but there sits the mother, who without any superior ity, governs them in their play. There is an atmoBpliere thrown off from the mother's heart which keeps the whole household in order, and all progresses regularly and happily. The true lady iB known wherever you meet her. Six womeu get into a street car or omnibus, nd though we never before saw them it ia easy to pick out the true lady. She does not giggle con stantly at everything that transpires. She wears no (lowered brocade to be trodden under foot, nor rose-tinted gloves, but the lace frill round her face is scrupulously fresh, and the bows un der her chin have evidently been han dled only by dainty lingers. 8 lie makes no parade of a watch if she wears one; still we notice such a trim little shoe, not paper soled, but of an anti-enn-Buniption thickness; tlie bonnet or hat upon her head is sin, ply trimmed; she is quite as evil to the poorest ae to the richest pui sou ho sits beside her. II she attracts attention it is by the un conscious grace of her person and man ner and not by the ostentation oi her dress. We are quite sorry when she pulls the strap and disappears. If we were a bachelor we should go tunie to our solitary den witli a resolution to he come a better and a married man. The strongest man feels the Influence of wo man's gentlest thoughts as the in it: lit iest oak quivers in the sol test breeze. Never did language better apply to an adjective than when calling the wile the "better half ." We admire the ladles because of their beauty, respect them because of their virtues, adore them be cause of their intelligence, and love them because we can't help it. COMMENCEMENT DAYS. June, with its bright graduating claites and decorations of roses and ferns which seem to "look pleasantly into the secret tenses ol the goodness of the Heavenly Maker," is just as delightful to the eye and quickeuing to the heart and mini, as it was yean ago when we older people atepped out of school life into life's sohool. In every community there are home made ready for the return of a son or daughter from school. How will ingly all hands of the home circle are employed making attractive the home; and how anxious the father and mother become as the time of arrival approaches, Mot only is the return causing much ex citement in the home, but young people of the neighborhood are also jubilant over their friends' return, and many of them will be at the depot togivea warm welcome. The important question is how will our young graduate greet her young friends who have never been away to school? Oultou tells us that "he who st udies books alone will know how things ought to be, while he who studies uiau will know how things are;" but we who study both men and books know' that she should greet them in an unaffected 1. SELLING . At prices "that -icnn ktnor from one season into, 6 MEN'S CLOTHING Men's $15 Suits, cheviots, homespun or worsted at low price of .........$ 1 2 .85 All $ 1 2 Suits now selling at 9.85 All $ 1 0 Suits now selling at 8.25 MEN'S STRAW HATS Reduced $2.00 grade at,.... ....$ I.35s 1.50 1.00 .75 .50 All Boy's 50c straw Hats A Sale without help celebrate Suspension Bridge manner; artectionatelv, lovingly, as true friends. Too often on such occasions the friends are greeted with "I know it all and vou know nothing," which cre ates wounds too deep for healing, Think you it is no sacrifice for the fattier and mother to toil on dav after day and deny themselves many things they should have for their comfort in order to meet the college expenses? Does it not seem cruel that they shopld often be rewarded by hearing fault-finding, criticism and even unjust ridicule of the old home, the old friends and associates? Th9 once happy home iB made miserable, and the other members of the family so severely corrected that they deeply regret there iB one in the house who knows so much. Sometimes an old neighbor, one of those good old souls that we always think of and send for when an" of the family are sick, comeB in for a viBit with oui4 young Udy graduate whom she has watched aa she grew from babyhood to beautiful youdg womanhood. Our young graduate realizes the difference between herself and the kind hearted neighbor that nursed her threugh the trying times when measles and wuoopin" cough were in the family, and if she enters into con versation talks so lnarnodlir that: the visit is a disappointment which should nave been a golden visit, we 'nave no such graduates in this community, but in all others you will find them. MAKES WORK EASIER. Oregon City People ArePleased to Learn How It la Done. It's pretty hard to attend to duties With a constantly aching back ; With annoying urinary disorders. Doan's Kidney Pills make work easier They cure backache; They cure every kidney ill. Mrs. 0, Richards, wife of C. Richards, Portland, painter, and living at 671 Mar ket street, says; "Mr. Richards values Doan's Kidney Pills very highly. He has had attacks of kidney trouble for years. He is a painter by trade and there is no doubt but the turpentiue has had more or less ell'ect on his kidneys, as I believe moBt painters are more or less Htliicttid with kidney troubles. Last fall he had an acute attack and when Doan's Kidney Pills were brought to our notice and I got him a box, they so reg ulated his kidneys that relief cume in a remarkably short time. I have often heard him express his appreciation of this valuable remedy " Plenty more proof like this from Ore gon City people. Call at 0. O. Hunt ley's drug store aud ask what his cus tomers report. For sale by al' dealers. Price TiO cti. Foster-Mftburn Co., K11IT.1I0, N . Y., sole agents for the United Stales. Kanieinbjr the name Doan's and take no other. 1 Casadero- and Egtaeada. Casadero, the townsite or city-site, two miles above Estaeada, is great in possibilities. An outsider cannot tell what the 0. W. P. & Ky Co. intends to do. The trace between the two points lies in the narrow bottom on the uorth bank of the Clackamas. At the end of the track a crusher is grinding rock for Portland. On the south bant in Casa dero, both banks being connected ' by a bridge. Fire and a steam engine provided with drum and cable are clearing laud, for the site of the reservoir, it ia laid, which is to furnish the power (or the huge electric p ant to be established here. ' The reservoir presupposes ' a ditch for tapping the river above. Casa dero lies in a narrow canyon, the hills oa either tide being laveral hundred fuethigh. Kstacada ii a problem too. It is said that tweotv lots bought on the install ment plan have reverted to the company the buyers having become discouraged. The village has a straggling appearance. The ctmpaov intends to muse its huge hotel building profitable by excursions from Portland. Whatever the In lure ol the new villages may be, the farmers along the line of the new railroad are contldeut that it will be of great a (van tage to them. It has proved to be such already. As the thousands of cords of wood piled up neat the track testify. Wood at the track brings $2.50 per cord. The clearing of land means the estab lishing of new Louies and increase 111 population. At Kataeada the Odd Fellows are building a $1200 lodge building. Sweet cteam for family use at Hed ner's. A STUPENDOUS . : are unmatchablev A tA aAvanrpA u fiavp another 1.00 .70 .45 .38 at. , .33 a parallel. Our purpose in making such prices is to dispose of seasonable goods. Special for the children to 4th of July, a liberal amount of fire crackers will be given with each purchase of Shoes and Clothing. Corner St. Louis Fair News. cowboy's long eide. A novel World's Fair feature will be a long distance relay race of western cow boys from Albuqueique, New Mexico, to the World's Fair grounds, St. Louis, a distnce of more than 1200 miles. The cowboys who will participate in this long race will have many relays at short dis tances along the route instead of riding the Bame horses all the time, thus insur ing better time and less cruelty to their horses. The race will occur early in July. LARGEST TALKING MACHINE. St. Louis. The largest talking ma chine in the world ia on exhibition in the Palace of Liberal Arts at the World's Fair. It is an exact duplicate of the Graphophone which was sold to the Shah of Persia and is constructed to op erate with several cylinders at the same time, so that different parts ot the same song or other inusica' selection may be produced simultaneously with much greater volume and harmony than with the ordinary graphophone. okkcOn's fisii pisplay, fireiran'a fish and uame resources al very well displayed at the Louisana Pur-1 chase Exposition in the Forestry Build-1 ine alone with the Btate forestry exhibit. The combined display occupies a whole section in the southeast corner of the building, and makes a fine showing for Oregon. Of course the most important part of the tieh display is the Royal Chinook salmon from the Columbia. Five of these big fish in great glass jars show visitors what Oregon streams produce in this line, each jar containing a single salmon. Two other large jars have two steelheads each on exhibition. Every variety of Oregon game bird, both upland and waterfowl, are on hand to catch the sportsmen's eyes. The birds are of course stuffed, with the ex ception of a pair of Chinese ring neck pheasants, which live in a cage at the end of the exhibit. These birds attract great attention, though they have now lost many of their feathers. They were very beautiful for a while, and were among the most interesting features in the whoie building. Credit for the exhibit is due to Mr. Geoige T. Myers, Jr., of Portland, who has been aprjointed Superintendent of the Fish and Game by the State Com mission. He has worked hard with the limited means at his disposal, and has accumulated an exhibit that does Oiegou great credit, As said before, the gme and fish ex hibit ia in the same npace as the main forestry exhibit. This department is under the supervision of Edmund P. Sheldon, end comprises principally an exhibit of Oregon woods and lumber. Oregon's big timber is far too large to place in the building, and it is therefore placed with other big timber exhibits in the outside space. Oregou baa two of the largest sticks in this section, one be ing tquare timber four feet on side and 42 leet long, and the other a rough log 30 feet long and ten feet in diameter. This log is one of seven cut from an Ore gon fir at Blind Slough, Clatsop eounty, which ftood 200 feet to the first limb. The whole tree scaled 40,000 feet, B. M. In the inside display there are over 90 varieties of Oregon woods, all nicely ex' hibited, ready to catch the eyes of the fair visitors and show them what Oregon can do in the lumber line. Patent Medicines. A man that compounds or invents something that is just a little better than the next best thing, ia certainly en titled to tbe beet share of the profits to be derived from the sale of tlie article. 80 he patents or copyrights to protect his interests. Patented goods are good goods, poor goods are never patented. We have SO years of trial behind us to give us the assurance that we have the best 11 ediclns compounded for the cure of dyppepsia, sick-headache, biliious uess, indigestion and all stomach dis orders. W e protect the public as well as ourselves, bv keeping the formula a Stcret, aa long as we make it we know it s made right and it cures these dis eases. Druggists tell us that it is the one medicine tht the tide ii ever on the increase. To get the best remedy tor dvspepsia or indigestion ak the drug gists for Dr Ounn's Improved Liver Pills, 25c per box, only one for a dose. For sale by Charman & Co. : : Saving to you from 20 mad? stiarn nrir? rtirttnns as w nnr All Boy's 25c straw Hats at 19 Wash Goods Specials 36-inch Percale 1 2 I -2c grade at yd . . .09 30-inch Organdies, all shades, reduced to per yard .10 Wash Silks, crystal cords, 50c quality at price of per yard I'. 38 All our 12 I -2c Lawns and Lace Striped Organdies, remarkably low price of yard .09 Notions San Silk, 2 balls for 05 0 - OCLONti Willamette VMey Caautauqua Association. The Willamette Valley Chautauqua Association will meet at Gladstone Park, near Oregon City. July 12cti to 21th, 1904, inclusive. The Southern Pacific Co will make reduced rat'8 on the Cer tificate plan for this occasion. Call on any Southern Pacific agent for advertis ng matter. 107 One Lady's Recommendation Sold Fifty Boxes of Chamberlain's Stomach and Livei Tablets. - I have, I believe, sold fifty boxes of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets on the recommendation of one lady here, who first bought a box of them about a year ago. She never tires of telling tier neighbors and friends abont the good quail ies of these TabletB . P. M. Shore. Drueeitt. Rochester. Ind. I The pleasant purgative effect of these Tablets makes them a favorite with ladies everywhere. For Bale by Geo. A. Harding. Have You Received tlie Seaside Souvenir for 1904? The A. & 0. R. R. will mail to your address free, copies of their Summer Booklet containing 30 pages of half tone engravings of Columbia river and Clat sop Beach scenery. Address J. C Mayo, G. F. & P. A., Astoria, Ore., or 0. 4, Stewart, Agent, 248 Alder St., Portland, Ore. Baseball Players And Foot Racers! Louis J. Kruger, ex-champion long distance foot racer of Germanv and Holland, writes Oct. 27, 1901 : " During my training of eight weeks, foot races at Salt Lake City, in April last, I used Ballard's Snow Liniment to my greatest satisfaction. Therefore, 1 highly rec ommend Snow Lini nent to all who are troubled with sprains, bruises, or rheu matism." 25e, 50c, $1. Sold by Char man A Co. Vou Will Be Happy if Well. Paine's Celery Compound Bestows that Health and Vigor that Makes Liv ing a Pleasure. If you are sick and out-of-sorts, it is In your power to make yourself healthy, strong, and nappy. There is not the slightest reason why you should go through life feeling sickly, miserable, languid, and melancholic. To be well and strong, means happiness and true joy. If you are sleepless, rheumatic, neuralgic, dyspeptic, or have the shadows of disease hSfeenng over you; it you are not as bright, energetic, and strong as you were some weeks . 1 ago, the use of Paine's Celery Compound will tone up and fortify your whole system, cleanse the blood, correct digestion, sharpen the appetite, and conduce to restful sleep. Thous ands once in a half-dead condition owe their present good health to the use of Paine's Celery Compound. Mr. Wm. S. Gibson, of rieasureville, Ky., who, through sickness and suffering, was brought near the dark grave, writes as follows, regarding his marvelous cure: " I have been broken down in health and strength, nervous system shattered, kidneys out of order, had nervous and trembling spells off and on for the last ten years. I have taken three bottles of your Paine's Celery Compound and all of the above-mentioned troubles have left me, and I can now do a good day's work. I go about my business all day long and it don't worry me, and I now feel better than I have in ten years. I have a good appetite, and can eat and get around on foot as active as when I was a boy. My age is 65 years." DIAMOND DYES Color Jackets, Coals, Cpes, Ribbons, N'ecktks, W- Stocking U! not Ud or crock vht j . wttfc JDUmond Dt. DiNrtfati took an " -vert ljtoIm tn. DIAMOND DYfcS. Buril 't- SALE $ to 40 per cent off regular price. ; Waist Sets, former price 1 5c, now. . . .09 Waist Sets, former price 25c, now 15 5 Finishing Braid during this sale, 3 for.. .10 j Ball and socket Fasteners, black or ts white card, 2 dozeifor 07 3 Kimona Handkerchiefs, regular 12 l-2c j on sale at...... 08 ir Shirt Waists p Clean-up sale in Shirt Waists ) Regular 50c waists now..." 38 v Regular 75c waists now 58 Regular $1.00 waists now .78, h- Regular $1.25 waists now ... .'. . . .88 v 7th and Main Streets, 9 Just Groceries Cigars, Huts, Depot 6 Jit Lowest Cash Prices, Give Us a trial north Side of 7tb St, Hear Depot, Oregon City r We Want Your Trade At Harris Grocery And are going to make special inducements ' to close buyers. Cash and Small Profits is Cur Motto. Bl&OWflf C. W. Kelly tbe High Grade W and Wines Whiskeys J a Specialty SUCH CELEBRATED BRANDS AS PLANET Snr '88 LD SARATOGA PLANET, Spr. 88 CREAM RYE Imported Scotch and Irish Whiskeys and French Brandies CORNER SEVENTH AND MAIN ST. J.W.COLE All goods bougut in bond Purity and quality guarai Some famous Old brands Cor. Railrad Ave. and Main St. SELLING - X9 atm, carrvinP POods w Opened rocerv Store tobacco, Candies and Truits & WEIiC 7th A. 0. U. W. Building. Oregon City, Orepn L. Hucenhb Planet GARDE BLD'G. " Whiskies, Cigars and teed a -V-' EAT ........ James E. Pepper Kentucky Bourbon Old Sam H zrris Kentucky Bourbon OldRoxbury Rye W 1 '.. 1