Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 24, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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If amocis Trains
The Southwest Liinited, Kansas
City to Chicago. The Overland
Limited to Chicago via Omaha,
and the Pioneer Limited St. Paul
to Chicago, run via the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Each route offers numerous at
tractions. The principal thirig
to insure a quick, comfortable
trip east is to see that your tickets
read via" the Chicago, Milwaukee
h. s ROWE,
General Manager.
134 Third Street, Portland
Arc Yoci flfioinq
to &t. Louis?
If so call for your tickets via. the
Rock Island Frisco Systems
the line having Terminal at entrance Fair '
Grounds. Round trip rate $67.50. Good
for ninety days from date of sale. Choice
routes going and returning, via.
St. Paul, Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo or 1 Paso
Stop over permitted in both directions.
. . Dates of Sale. ,j
June 7th, 16th, i7th 18th; July 1st, 2nd, 3rd; August 8th th, 10th;
Sept. 5th, 6th, 7th; Oct. 3rd 4th and 5th.
On above dates rate of $72. So will be made to Chicago and return.
For further information and sleeping car reservations call
upon or address,
a. h. Mcdonald,
140 Third St., Portland, Or. General Agent.
l6i2.S a Ma
and UruoN Pacific
Through Pullman standard and tourists
sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago,
Spokane, tourist sleeping cars (personally
cooductde), weekly to Chicago and Kan
sas city. Reclining chair cars (seats free)
to the East daily.
Portland to Chicago
No change of cars
9:1s a m vial
8:15 p. m.
via Hunting
St. Paul
Fast Mall
7:45 P
via Spokane
from Portland, Ore.
Salt Lake. Denver, Ft.
Worth, Omaha. Kansas
City, St. Louis, Chicago
and the East, i
6:2$ p. m.
Salt Lake, Denver, Ft.
Worth, Omaha, Kansas
City, Salt Lake, Chicago
and the East,
Walla Walla, Lewlston,
Spokane, Wallace, Pull
man, Minneapolis, St,
Paul, Duluth. Milwaukee,
Chicago and East.
Corrected to June 23, 1904.
9:00 a.
8:00 a. in.
For San Francisco Every five days at
8:00 p. m. For Astoria, way points and
North Beach Daily (except Sunday) at
at 8 P. m.: Saturday at 10:00 p. m. Daily
service (watet permitting(n Willamette
and Yamhill Rivers.
For full information ask or Write your
nearest ticket agent.
General Passenger Agent.
The Oreeon Railroad and Navagation Co,
Portland. Ore.
A$toria & Columbia
River Railroad Co
8:3o a, m,
4'3o p. m.
7: p. m,
ta, ami.
For Maygers, Rainier,
Clatskannie, Westport,
Clifton, Astoria, War
renton, Flavel, Ham
mond, Fort Stevens
Gearhart, Park. Seaside,
and Sekiiiore.
Astoria Express
11:30 a. d.
J;4e p m
For further Information address,
J. C. Mayo, Ajtcrla, Or-eon
Will make Four, Round Trips daily
bet. Oregon City and Portland
Fewer hop contracts are being made
this year than usual Dealers account
for this on the ground that growers,
having received good prices for some
time past, have all the money they need
lor picking.
The vines are in good condition, as
they do not suffer from the dry weather
their roots penetrating the soil to a great
depth. Few lice have appeared so far.
The ruling price lor contracts is 15 or 16
cents. .
, Eggs are considered steady at 20 cents
and no more cheap eggs are expected
this year unless a slump should take
place in August. In that month the
hens nave the run of the harvest fields
and pick up more grain than usual,
while the hot weather tends to lessen
the demand for eggs. Batter is consid
ered weak, as heavy receipts continue
while the market of Fuget Sound is
largely supplied by the Eastern states.
Soma dealers find difficulty in disposing
of their butter even at the present low
Veal is firmer, as receipts have fallen
off; but it would not require many car
casses, in the opinion of commission
men, to cause a weak feeling in the
market again. Potitry have become
cheap enonuh for ordinary people to use
although Spring chickens stul find ready
sale at good figures. Old hens are plen
tiful at 11 to U'A cents.
Sugar advanced 5 cents for 100 nounds
in New York today, and this gives a
firmer tone to that commodity here,
though no change has yet resulted.
Halmon ate now coming in more plen
tifully and are now quoted at S cents
pound. The season lor Ualilornia sal
mon is closed.
The fi'st car of canteloupas of the
season is expected to reach Portland
from Colifornia Monday next.
Wheat, Walla Walla 73c
Wheat, Valley 81c
Wheat, Ulnestem 80c
Barley, per ton $23 50
Oats, white 25 00
Oats, gray A 50
Hard wheat flour straight".. . ,3.653 75
Hard wheat flour, paten's 4.304.40
Valley flour 3 90
flour, graham 3 00
Rye flour 3 604 00
Butter, fancy creamery 1517J4c
Butter, dairv 13J4c
Butter, cooking Ill2c
CheeBe, Young America 1313c
Cheese, Oregon lull cream. , . ,12613c
Egge, Oregon ranch 20c
Honey, dark 10 l-2llc
Honey, amber ...,1213c
n oney , fancy white 15c
Onions, Calif red sk 1 25 1 50
Potatoes 80c to 1 00
Potatoes, new..,.; 2c
Ho ! for St. ouis and the World's Fairl
Nature's Art Gallery of the Rockies in addition to the at
attractions at St. Louis. This can only be done by goingjor
returning via the "SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD."
Unrivaled scenic attractions
nequalled dining car service
nsurpassed in efforts to please
Write for illustrated booklet of Colorado's famous sights and resorts.
W. C. McBRIDE, General Agent
124 Third Street Portland, Oregon
Brunswick House and Restaurant
Newly Furnished Rooms,
Meals at All Hours Open Day and Night
Prices Reasonable.
....Only FirstClass Restaurant in the City... .
Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City, Ore.
Leaves Portland
8.30 A. M.
3.00 P. M,
Leaves Ore. City
7.00 A.M.
1.30 P. M.
The Most Picturesque River Ride in Oregon
Special Attention given to the Handling
01 rreig.it.
Landings on week days at Oswego and
Magoan s only. All Landings made sun
The World's Fair Route.
Those anticipating an Eastern trip, or
visit to the Louisiana Purchase Exposi
tion at St. Louis, cannot afford to overlook
the advantages ottered by the MISSOURI
PACIFIC RAILWAY, which, on account of
Its various routes and gateways, has been
appropriately named "The World's Fair
Passengers from the Northwest take the
MISSOURI PACIFIC trains from Denver
or Pueblo, with the choice of either going
direct tnrougn Kansas uuy.or via wicn
it, tort Scott and Pleasant Hill.
Two trains daily from Denver and Pu
eblo to bt. Louis without change, carrying
an classes 01 modern equipment, including
electric iignted observation parlor can din
ing cars. Ten dally trains between Kan
sas City and at. Louis.
Write or call on W. C. McBrlde,
General Agent, 1Z4 Third street, Portland
for detailed inforsnation and Illustrated
Best Goods
Superior Service
Lowest Prices
Hearse to Funerals in town $S.oo.
All Caskets, Coffins, Robes, and Lin
ings at same low rate. All work guaranteed first-class.
ft E. fiolman, Undertaker and Embalms.
Office one Door North of Courthouse, or at cigar store opposite Bank of Oregon City
rV ilia.
Special Excursion to Ms
World Fair
The Denver & Rio Grande. In connection
with the Missouri Pacific, will run a series
of Personally Conducted Excursions to the
Worlds rair during June. 1 hese excur
sions will run through to St. Louis with
out change of cars, making short stops at
principal points enroute. The first of
these Excursions will leave Portland June
7th, and the second June i7th. The rate
from Portland will be 167.50 to St. Louis
and return. Excursionists going via the
Denver & R!o Grande have the privilege
of returning via a different route. This Is
the most pleasant way, ts well as the
most delightful route, to cross the conti
nent. The stops arranged give an oppor
tunity of visiting'the varius points of Inter
est in and about Salt Lake City, Denver
and Kansas City. If you wish to accom
pany one of thee excursions write at once
to W. 0. McBride, 124 Third street, Port
land, for sleeping car reservations.
Furnished Every Week by
Clackamas AbstiactCo.
Cooking apples 75c I 00
Fancy apples. 1 66 to 2 50
Lemons, i 3 25 to 3 60
Orange), navels .....2 753 50
Strawberries, per crate 1 20
Veal 47c
Pork.... 67c
Bee! 47c
Mutton 45c
Larm.s .4(35 l-2c
llama, to size 12 l-2c
Hume, picnic He
Bacon, regular 10c
Bacon, breakfast ll15c
Mixed, per pound 1011 l-2c
Spring, per pound 1820c
Hens l-2c
Geese 78c
Ducks, dozen 6 00fa7 00
Turkeys, live lo17c
Turkeys, dressed 18 19c
Timothy .' 13 0017 00
Clover 8 0010 00
Cheat 10 00 11 00
Shorts 22 00
Bran 20 00
Barley, rolled 24 0025 00
Middlings 24 0 25 00
Chop feed 16 00
uora and wooi,.
Hops, 1903 crop 2324c
wool, valley... , iswitfo
Wool, Eastern Oregon... 11418c
Mohair 30c
How About Summer Vacationt
Newport or Yaquina Bay is the ideal
seaside resort of the North Pacific Coast,
Round trip tickets at greatly reduced
rates on sale from all Southern Pacific
points in Oregon, on and after Jane 1st.
Ask Agents for further information and
a handsomely illustrated souvenir book
let, or write to Edwin Stone, Manager
U. AK. n. K., Albany, ure., or W. JS.
Coman, O. P. A. 8. P, Co., Portland.
A C Cole to F Baxter, lot 4. hlk 30
Bolton, $1.
S Ivilson to Ad kins Adkins, ne of Be
of sec 16, 42 e, $73.
F Schwartz to f Schwartz, lot 5 blk 3
Mt Pleaoant, $10.
Staub A Kosenfield Smith Co to McM
Col, lots 9, 10 A 11 blk 7 FallaVw. $373.
E O Maddock ret, to rl Oehlsblauer.
10 acres in Welch CI 22 e. $350.
O B Dinack trustee, to W A Shaver.
219 acres in cl 39, 62 e, $6000.
t E Ward to J K Maronay n, of nw
sec 25, 2 5e, $900.
N F Ger Camp Meet A sect n to L Gan-
er, lots 8 & , blir. 8, Oak Hrove, SU.
e L a 1 (Jo to L Gaiser tract 50 S yr
ol se of tract 37, O G, $875.
J D Kenner to C Siebken, part of lot
1 A 2 blk 169, Oregon City, $60.
a E Lawier to A Kauftman lot JNo 1,
sec 34, 41 e, $900.
L Hartke to J F & R E Lawier eW of
lot 5 blk 36, Oregon City, $1300.
Houeyman Trust Oo to h Snanbeck,
t of bw of sec 36 41 e, $600.
Gordon A tiurlingaad to r t Kyan,
iw of sw of sec 15, 42 e, $904.
J P Shannon to W Shannon. 80 acres
in Cl 46, t 4 s r 4 e, $1.
M d Williams to C B Williams. 47.6
acres in tec 10, 1 3 s r 2 e, $1. '
S K mereon to O B Williams. 47.60
acres in sec 10, 1 3 s r 3 e, $1.
O a Williams to K K Williams. 47.60
acres in see 10, t 3 s. r 2 e, $1.
G E Williams to A J Fleming, 35 acres
in sec 10, t3s, 2 e, $475.
J F Albright to C ChriBtensen, 44 acres
in sec 13, t 3 s, r 1 e, sum
O W r low to b 8 Morris, blk 3,
Estacada, & 23 acres in Cl 38, t 3 s r 4 e,
J R Glover et al to O O'Neel, 37.7 acrs
in Gloyer Cl, 1 2 8, r 4 e, $1.
T H Smith to A Dougan, w of 6 of
se of sea 16, 1 4 s r 2 e, $200.
M HnitiBon to C Morris, 1 acre in sec
28, 1 7 a r 2 e, $200.
A L Bauer to W W Shepherd, 52 acres
in sec 32, t 3 8 r 1 e, $2000.
W W Shepherd to A Lindholm, sec
32, 1 3 s r 1 e, $200.
P M Boyles to B M Boyles, wj of sw,
sw of nw, sec 1, & of se & t4 of neoi
sec 2, t 6 a r e, $50.
H F Grebe to Sargert, 18 acres in
sec 10, t 3 s r 1 w, $2000.
F Yach to A Gobat, 6 acres in Cl 44,
t2sr2e, $1400..
The Clackamas Abstract A Trust Co.
are owners of the only complete Ab
stract Plant in Clackamas County.
Prompt and reliable work on short no
tice, in all work guaranteed. Abstracts
made, money loaned, mortgages fore
closed, trusts executed, estates settled,
and titles perfected.
J. F. Clark, Att'y at Law,
President and Manager.
Offloe over Bank of Oregon City.
Laxakola Guaranteed to Cure Constipa
tion. H'intley Bros, aecommends it because
the know it cares. ,
"There are to manv laxatives on the
market" say Huntley Bros., "that it Is
hard to tell which to recommend, how
ever, it is a good deal of satisfaction to
know there is at least one we ean rec
ommend with every confidence."
Experienoe shows that Laxakola Is
sure to benefit every one in need of a
mild, tonic laxative, and we ask our cus
tomers to try it on onr guarantee.
Experience has taught us ,t doesn t
psy to deceive the people and recom
mend anything that might prove in the
leapt unHatiHfactory, but we. know Laxa
kola is all right and sure to do good."
It is the only liquid laxative In this
store that we are willing to sell with a
guarantee, and it tastes so nice that
children like it and ask lor it."
If the baby is colicky, or fretty,
or teething there is nothing win
do 90 much good as LaxakoU. Try it,
and if if it proves in the least disap
pointing we will return your money.
Holds It's Eleventh Annud
Assembly at Gladstone Park
July 12 to 24, inclusive.
Opening Day, Tueiday July 1Z.
10:30 Music, Chemawa Indian Band.
Address of Welcome, President
Willie ,Ohatman Hawley, of
Willamette University, Salem.
Response, President Wallace
Howe Lee, of Albany College.
Organization of Classes and An
nouncement by Instructors.
1 :30 Band Concert.
2:00-Lecture, "Two Snakes in Eden,"
(The Practical Psychology of Fear
and Worry.) Dr. Stanley
Krebs, of Greensburg , Pa.
3:30 Baseball.
7 :30 Band Concert.
8:00 Lecture, "Marvels and Mysteries
of Mind," Dr. Stanley L. Krebs
of Greensburg, Pa.
Second Day, Wednesday July 13.
8:12 Classes.
1:30 Band Concert.
2:00 Lecture, "Dreams and Premoni
tions," Dr. Stanley L. Krebs,
of Greensburg, Pa.
7:30 Band Concert.
8:00 Grand Concert under the manage
ment ana control of Mrs.
Walter Reed, of Portland.
Third Day, Thursday, July 14.
8:12 Classes.
1 :30 Band Ooncert.
2:00-Lecture, "Black Napoleon," Re.
George W. White, D. D., Pas
tor Central M. E. Church, San
Francisco, Cal.
3 .30 Baseball.
7 :30 Band Concert.
8:00 Introductory Address, President
Willis (Jhatman Hawley.
Lecture, "America's Mighty
Mission," Captain Richmond
Pearson Hobaon, of Washing
ton, D. O.
Fourth Day, Friday, July 15.
Now is the time to clean house e'ean
your system first, drive out the microbes
of winter with Hollieter's Rocky Moun
tain Tea. It will keep you well all sum
mer. 5 cents. Tea or tablets.
8:12 Classes.
1 :30 Band Ooncert.
2 :00 Lecture, "America Mistress ol the
Seas;," Captain Richmond
Pearson Hobaon, of Washing
ton, D. O.
3 :30 Baseball.
7 :30 Band Concert.
8:00 Reading, Mrs. Harriet Colbui
Sanderson, of Seattle, Wash.
Lecture, "The Mission of Mirth,"
Dr. Thomas McClary, ol Min
neapolis, Minn.
(Continued on Page 8)
Reduced Rates to St. Louis
The Southern Pacific Co. will sell round
trip tickets at greatly reduced rates to the
r.. 1 ... C U C
M. uuuishiiu vuiuigu uii aiAuuni ui mc oi.
Louis Exposition, on the following dates:
June 16, 17, 18; July I, 2, y, August 8, 9,
10; September 5, o, 7; Uctober3, 4, 5.
Goine trip must be completed within ten
davs from ate of sale, and passengers will
be permitted to start on any day that will
enable them to reach destination within the
time limit. Return limit ninety days, but
not later than Dec. 31, 10O4.
For full information as to rates and routes
call on Agent So. Pac. Co.
Wilson A Cooke have in stock a fine
line of Lubricating Oile, Compound and
Axle urease.
cannot be enjoyed In a basin of limited
capacity, nor where the water supply and
temperature is uncertain by reason of de
fective plumbing or heating apparatus.
To have both put In thorough working
order will not prove expensive if the work
is done by us.
We have moved from our old stand Into
the old postoffke building. Don't forget
the place when you want plumbing done.
Satisfaction guaranteed. F, C. GADKE
Oregon City, Oregon.
Women as Well as Men Are Erie
miserable by Kidney and
Bladder Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys tipon the mind,
discourages and lessens ambition; beauty,
vigor ana cneenui
nesa soon disappear
when the kidneys are
out of order or dis
eased. Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that it is not uncom
mon for a child to be
born afflicted with
weak kidneys. If the
child urinates toe-often, if the urine scalds
tke flesh, or if , when the child reaches an
age when it should be able to control the
passage, it is yet afflicted with Jbed-wet-ting,
depend upon it, the cause of the diffi
culty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diwased condition of
the kidneys and bladder and Dot to
habit as most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made miser
able with kidney end bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold
by druggists, in fifty- .ffiT-r
cent and one-dollar fffl1! f Wu'fri
size bottles. You may ti'!H'lf!"3j3
have a sample Ixil 1 1 2VJnmfJl jj. H
by mail free, also a Bonw of Swunp-aooi
pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root,
including many of the thousands of testi
monial letters received from sufferer
cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. V., be sure and mention
this paper. Don't make any mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swanip-Koot, and the ad
dress, Binghamton, N. V., on every
The drouuhthy conditions prevailing
throughout the ttate were partially re
lieved by scattering showers during the
latter part of the week; but, as a rule,
the amount of precipitation was not suf
ficient to do much good, and more rain is
badly needed for all crops.
The extremely dry spell has had a
damaging eUe.'t on spring grain, and la
some sectior s it will be light in yield.
Fall wheat and barley have headed
nicely and a good yield of both of these
cereals is promised.
Haying is progressing rapidly under
the favorable weather conditions; the
crops will be light, especially west of the
Cascades. The first cutting of alfalfa
has nearly all been secured in good oojq
dition ; the yield was above the avertwe
and the quality generally grind. PSy
turage continues in una condition, bat
is beginning to dry np some. Btoejk to
fat and the supply of milk In tLe davy
districts continues abundsnt.
Gardens and root crops are making
slow growth owing to the dryness of the
soil. Early potatoes are doing well add
will soon be ready for marketing. Cora
has not made much advancement owing
to a lack of warm weather.
The strawberry season is drawing to a
close, uaspberriei and Kentisn
ries are ripening nicely and prou
fairly good yields. Apples are dot
well, but pears, prunes, and peach
continne uneven.
I koow a jolly old inaidea lady
A lady ot high degree,
Who never goes to bed without
A drink of Rocky Mountain Tea. -Remibkj
A CONTiNnar. OTP a tv it:
Many men and women are coastastly
subjected to what they commonly te
"a continual strain" becanse of sous
financial or family trouble. It wear
and distresses theiu both mentally and
physically, affecting their nerves badly
and bringing on liver and kidney ali
ments, with the attendant evils of con
stipation, loss ol appetite. sleerleignM
1 low vitality and despondency. Teer
cannot, as a rule, get rid of this "eontip
ual strain," but they can remedy ue
health-destroying ellects by taking fre
quent doses of Green's August Flower.
It tones up 1 he liver, stimulates the kid
neys, insures healthy bodily functions,
givss vim and spirit to one's whole beinit
and eventually dispels the physical or
mental distress caused by that "con
tinual strain." Trial bottle of August
Flower, 25 cents; remilar size, 75 cent.
At Char man A Co's.