Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 24, 1904, Image 1

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    T 7
22nd YElR.
No. 6.
r .... ... ,
Dr. George Hoeye
All work warranted' and satisfaction guar
anteed. Crown and Bridge work a spec
ialty. Caudeld Building. Phone 1093.
Oregon City, Oregon. !l
C. D. D. C. Latourette
Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our
bpecialties. Ultioe in Commercial Bank
Building, Oregon City, Oregon.
Robert A. Miller
Will practice in all the courts of the State
and before the Land Department of the
Government. Room 3, Wein hard Build
ing, Oregon Oity, Oregon.
Grant B. Dimick
ALty and Counselor at Law
Will practice in all courts in the state,
circuit and district courts of the United
States. Insolvent debtors taken through
bankruptcy. Office in Garde Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
George L. Storey .
Will practice In all the couits of the State.
Abstracts of title a specialty. Can fur
nish abstracts of tite to any tract of land
In Clackamas County at lowest rates.
Advice free Charges Reasonable.
Commercial Bank of Oregon
City. Capital $100,000
Transacts a general banking business.
Makes loans and collections, discounts
bills, buys ana sells domestic and for
eign exchange and receives deposits
subject to check. Open from 9 a . m
to 4 p. m. D. C. Latourette, Presj
F. J. Meyet, cashier.
George C. Brownell
C. N.Creenman - ' .
The Pioneer Expressman
Established I865. Prompt delivery to all
parts of the city. Oregon City, Oregon.
Dr. Grace E. Hain
Osteopathic Physician
Office hours 9:30 to s p. m., Monday,
Wednesday, and Fridays.
Acute and Chronic Diseases, Nervous Dis
orders, Women's and Children's Diseases
a specialty. Graduate of Still Collage
of Osteopathy Des Moines, la. J Con
sultation free, Room i6 Garde Build
ing, Oregon City, Ore.
0. schuibil - w. 8. rj'KKK
fctutf Aet Stbnolct
Will practice in all courts, make collec
tions and settlements of estates, furnish
abstracts of title, lend you money and
lend your money on first mortgage.
Office in Enterprise building, Oregon
Uty, uregon.
Spring Has
WE are now prepared to serve you
in the following line with
Stoves, Hardware & Furniture
at greatly reduced prices. Call
and examine our stock and get our
figures. We will save, you from
10 to 20 per cent on all goods. Sec
ond-hand goods bought and sold.
Goods stored. .,, . -j
Sugarman & Son
Cor. 5th and Main St., Oregon City
Gash Meat Market
Richard Petzoid JPrdp
!;'! "
st Cash Price Paid for
: ; Live Stock.
Phone 1033.
Main Street - - Oregon City
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
a Specialty
OppolU Caufleld Block OSEG05 CIT 1
General News as Gathered
Brief Resume of the More
Week in Oregon
A suit was filed last Tuesday in tie I
U . 6. Circu't Court by L. K. Nichols, of
Marshfield against the Southern Oregon
Company, for the purpose of t";tiug the
title of the latr to 30.CC3 acres of tim
ber and agricultural land ia South
weBtern Oregon.
The land in controversy is a part of
the 60,000 acres granted to the state of
Oregon by act of Congress, 1869. The
grant included every t id numbered e 3
tion on either side of a proposed mili
tary wagon road from Coos Bay to Rose
burg, and was to be held in truBt by the
state and disposed of to actual settlers at
$2.50 per acre, the proceeds to be used
in building the road. The state ac
cepted the grant, and shortly afterward
theUegislature transferred half of the
grant to a company, which agreed to and
did, build the road. This company
went out of business, the land passed
through the hands of several parties and
is now held by the Southern Oregon
Company. The complaint in this suit
alleges that the title to the land in ques
tion was obtained contrary to the
1 pro
na is
visions of the Federal
therefore void.
Btatate, e.
At the annual meeting of the Board ol
Regents held Tuesday afternoon, Presi
dent Reisler and the entire faculty were
re-elected with the exception of Mm.
Forbes and Mies Nash who bad resigned.
Two counterfeits were caught in the
act of manufacturing spurious $5 and $10
gold pieces at Seattle a few days ago.
They had several thousand dollars worth
face value, of the bogus coins, and a
firnt-class plant for their manufacture.
Elisha Kellogg, a pioneer steamboat
engini ar of 1848, died Tuesday rnornin"
at his home on East i ..ty-first and
Yamhill streets, Portland. Heart fail
ure was the causer of death. Mr. Kel
logg was 78 yean old. He is survived
by his wife and two sons, . D. and D.
O. Kellogg. James Kellogg, of Port
land, and Edward Kellogg, of Grants
Pass, are brothers. The funeral took
place Wednesday from tbe family resi
dence, and the iuterment was ia Green
wood Cemetery,
Last Tuesday the Indian War Veter
ans of Uregon and Washing in held
their annual reunion . Tbe list of veter
ans is growing rapidly smaller. Fifty,
eight names have been add:i to the
honor roll during tbe past year.
These m!..ings are very in. ?r:iling
end very pathetic; iu'.aresting on re
count of the' many and varied experi
ences related by the old Indian fighr.
pathetic on account of the advancing age
and thinning ranks of those who risked
their lives in defense of Oregon.
One of the moat important acts of the
mr. ting was the vindication of Grand
Commander T. A, Wrod, against the
charges of fraud in connection with pen
sion matters, on which charge h was
rrcently convicted 111 the Oregon courts.
Perry Waldrip and Richard Patte-son,
of Grouse, Oregon, quarrelled over Bheep
range and Waldrio was snot three t mes
by Patterson. Tne lal'ir disappeared
after the stuoting.
The battle of Vafangow, which oc
curred on the loth, was the hardest
fought battle of the war up to this time.
The Russians fought stubbornly, but
were unable to withstand the onset of
th Japanese. The latter show d super
ior skill in handling both machine guns
and rifles. The Russians admit a loss of
7,CL 3, while the Japanese claim that
their own lc;i wes less than a thousand.
The local-optionists will probably
make an attampt next November to rid
i!ast Portland ol all its saloons. Kev. O.
A. Lewis is quotid by tbe Oregonian as
saying tbat be believes there is a possi
biuty of so combining the precincts as to
obtain a majority in favor ot prohibition
Oregon Nots.
Geo. H. Jones, one of Salem's oldest
pioneers, died J une 18 at his home. Mr.
Jon t came to BaHm in 1862. He was
married five times. His last wife is still
The Portland Woolen Mills Company,
whose mill barned at Bellwood, will
soon bave one of tbe most p;L3t plants
on tbe coast., It will be modern, int
tary and fire proof. This new factory is
to be at St. Johns.
It is now believed that the Canadian
government will appropriate $50X30 to
es'iblish an exhibit at the Lewis
Clark Exposition. British Columbia
nay make an individual appropriation
of 25,0QO. ; .
'A three days celebration' bas been
planned for at Corvallii. Saturday an I
Monday will be devoted to sports, while
on Sunday there will be patriotic union
service, a sacred concert, etc. ' -
The beet crop in the Grande Ronde
Valley ia exceptionally gocd this yar.
A large number of Indians from the
Umatilla Reservation and many Japs
are engaged in thinning and hoeing tbe
Some ol tbe best teachers of the Wes
ton Normal School have resigned be
cause their wsjes were cut. The chair
man of the executive committee says
Frohtfraribus Sources.
Important Happenings of the
and Elsewhere. - n :.
that low wages was the only reason for
their resignations.
.The war upon thV sheepman ' contin
ues. In Crook county 66 more sheep
were killed. Masked men did tbe work
and told the herder more would be kill
ed if tae herd was not kept out of that
I It is quite probable that Salem and
Portland may yet be connected by an
electric line. Tbe line dot extends
from Portland to Canemah and the talk
is to extend it to Salem by way 01 Sil
ver tm.
The Pendleton schcol district issued
$60,C0O, ii pei cent 20-year bond, The
Woodmen of the World bave taken th
entire issue, this being the first invest
ment the W. O. W. have made in Ore
Two men entered a store in Pendleton
and asked for some hat pins. A dispute
arose that ended in a tight in which the
hat pins were used as weapons. Both
men were intoxicated.
At last Salem has decided to have a
high school, One grade is to be added
each year until a full four year's course
is in etiect.
A new gold mine was discovered near
Mcdford bv two boys Willtnar Gilmore
aud Harry Briggs. It is said that four
of them pounded out $3900 worth of gold
in one day with a mortar and pestle.
Some men near Eugene were drilling
a well and had reached a depth of 52
feet when they heard a roaring noise
which seemed to enme irom the eaath.
They became frightened and quit1 work.
The noise continued for several hours,
and one man said it sound. d as loud as
the Willamette would were it falling
over a hundred foot precipice.
Four hundred dollars are now offered
as a reward for the capture of Creftisld,
the Holy Roller apostle. Circulars
giving a description of him are being
sent out.
Mardi Oras Carnival at Porland
The great Mardi Graa Carnival to take
place in Portland, Oregon, June 28th to
July 7th, inclusive, promises to be the
most stirring and magnificent celebra
tion tbat has ever cccured in the North
westperhaps the most brilliant occur
rence of its kind that has yet been plan
ned and carried out on this coast.
There is absolutely no graft, and no
personal profit, in the whole affair, and
this is perhaps one of the most potent
reasons why everybciy, without any
discrimination whatever, ticb and pjit
alike, prominent citizen, and quiet burg
her, city denizen and hamlet dweller,
one and all are intensely interested in
the grand success of this celebration tbat
will do honor to this whole section of
To begin to enumerate the big feat
ures is almost confusing. Of course tbe
fact that five of the Nation's big battle
ships have been ordered to Portland to
etay during the Carnival, is one great
Thf y will be open for visitors and
decked in gala dress. The Spectacular
Parade on the opening dav will be the
grandest affair beyond all imaginative
eyes to describe surpassing anything
you can imagine or express 'n point of
magiiihcence and spectacular display.
Tbe Slate Militia, Uncle Sam's boys
from Vancouver Barracks aider General
Funslon, all the Trades Organizations,
over thirty floats, visiting organizations
from far and near, altogether making
an attempt at brilliancy never hereto
fore dreamed of in Portland.
The railroads have all made moderate
rates from all points to Portland and re
turn with stop over privileges for the
Carnival, and no one should leave them'
se'vesout of the joyous event. They
bave promised celebrations before that
were well worth seeing, but this will go
fir ahead of anything we have ever had
before. The conditions are just right.
The appropriate organizations have got
ten together. Ibis is tbe great Tear to;
tbe northwestern country, any way, and
altczether this Carnival has an un
bounded support in the hearts and souls
of every living soa and daughter of Ore
gon and Washington.
Mirage Hear Silverton.
From the Silvertonian-Appeal.
On Howell prairie, a few miles from
this city, may be seen something of
phenonema, which is callri mirage, an
optical illusion which is arising from tbe
. 1- 1 t . lll
nneuui 1 :iii ruiracuuu wuicn causes
remote objects ti be seen double as
reflected in a mirur or a body of water.
This, we understand, was discovered
many years ago, but few people are
aware of the fact tbat such conditions
really exist in that vicinity and few have
taken the t Ins to investigate. A. Wnit-
lock's attention was attracted by the
phenomenal conditions while be was
riding along the road recently, and since
having' called attention to the matter
quite a little interest bas been aroused.
Last Sunday Professor J. K. Buff and C.
N. Matlock wheeled out to the scene of
the mirage and found it of sufficient im
portance to be really Interesting. ,
Driven tt Desperation.
Living at an out-of-the-way place, re
mote from civilization, a family is often
driven to desperation in cue of accident,
resulting in Burns, Cuts, Wounds
Ulcers, etc. Lay in a snpply of Buck-'
len's Arnica Salve. It's tbe best on
earth. 2ftc, at Charman & Co's Drug
Store .
Sees Danger Ahead.
To the Courier In your issae of June
10th, in commenting on tbe effects of
tbe late election, you say in effect that
"We respect the political honesty of our
opponents." Bni in truth, Mr. Editor,
can we really do so? Had Hermann, as
a private 'citizen unconnected with party
issues, b$en arraigned before the courts
to answer those same charges of land
frauds, is there a Republican jury In this
Mate that would not bave convicted him
of those charges? -1 think not;' yet lor
"political reasons," no doubt, Hermann
must be voted in as our reoresentative
in congress. Great Scott 1 Is Hermann
in reality our representative? Does he
not repiesent capital and class legisla
tion? But Roosevelt's election must be
secured. Ah me I For what purpose?
In 1840, when VanBuren and Tipp.
canoe Harrison were before the people
for the presidency, Democrat and Whig
vied each with the other in exhibitions
of carty zeal. But when the news came
.1 LTT . ...
tuai namson was to oe president, a
good honest Demcirat tawr l his bead,
scratched it a little on one side and said,
"Well, let it be so; I can trust Harrison
to care ior tbe constitution." But can a
Democrat today say as much of the chief
executive of the opposite party ? When
we set up tbe laws of congrtss as being
above the constitution, we are not bup
porting the constitution. When we leg;d
late for classes at the expenss of the
masses, we are not supporting the cftnj
stitation. When commercialism is pro
tected and encouraged so as to culminate
in an aristocracy, we are not supporting
the constitution. When militarism is
encouraged that we may be prepared for
a career of conquest, we are not support
ing the conttitution. When our national
history is perverted in ragard tD the
principle of modern expansion as com
pared with the expansion of Jefferson,
the perverter of tbat history must have
known that he was not in harmony with
the constitution. When we hold an in
telligent but conquered people, as in
Porto Rico, as being neither citizens nor
foreigners, we are violating the constitu
tion. When war iswazedou an innc
cent and liberty loving people that they
may be held as colonial subjects, and
their country governed for our gain, we
are violating the constitution.
In fact, in these days, in the mind? of
tbe dominant .party, tbe constitution
se' ms to be held as of secondary import
ance, whereas it is the supreme law of
tbe land and deserves and should receive
our first consideration at ail times. But
I am compelled to say tbat in mv opin
ion the constitution and the liberties of
the people guaranteed by tbat instru
ment ate not safe In tbe hands ol the
Republican party of today. Kirki.ey.
Letter from L. W. Ingram,
Hooli Rivbr, Or., June 13th. 1904.
Editor Courier: Twelve hundred
acres is about the acreage of straw beiries
in this district, I am told, and just at
this time it presents a picture full of life
and .nergy. Look where you may, tbe
landscape is dotted with tents gleaming
in the sun lght singly, in small groups
and in miniature towns and everywhere
can be seen the pickers gathering the
luscious fruit into a carrier, a shallow
box containing just six barry boxes.
This, when filled, is carried to the pack
ing room, where they pass under the eye
of the proper person to inspect them.
for which duty perlormsd they receive a
check calling for six boxes, if full,
amounting to the collossal sum of 0j.
In the packing room, where all is made
ready for shipment, men and women
empty each box sort out all iuiDeifect
berries, average the size and pack info
crates, and you have the oerries as you
see them on the market. Albeit, you do
not see the same quality in your city by
the beautiful Willamette that is shipped
from here. They are simply beautiful
to look upon and sweet to the palate,
In order to gather and ship the crop
from this acreage, 3,6'JO pickers and 2 C.3
packers, bosses, insisctors and draymen
are required. - Indians, Chinamen, Jap
anese, Dutch, Irish, English, trench,
Italians, as well aa Americans, are here;
and in such a motley group I find much
to interest me. We bave the city man
camped alongside his country cousin,
mingling with each other in tne moat
perfect harmony, all on the same level
while it lasts. When the shades of
night are falling and far into the small
hours we hear tbe Tom Tom's slow and
monotonous beat waited to our ears on
the sweet low zephyrs of even'ng from
the Indian camp, by which we are sum
monedcalling the braves and dusky
maidens to the dance and that tbe
whites may also locate them ; for tbe
son of the forest likes to pas tbe hat
around as well aa his Methidist brother
and return "thanky" to one when his
contribution suits his fancy.
Tbe strawberry crop is reported not
more than half what it should be, giving
as the reevm tbat they bad some aim
culty with the irrigation company and
did not have water early enough to per
feet the crop. 1 he hai f; it wnl be over
by Saturday in this section but I am in
formed that alons and amort the foot'
bills it it just commencing. We are lo
cated I 'A miles from tbe city of Hood
River. This is a lovely spot surrounded
by giant hills, with old Hood on the
south 20 miles away and Adams on the
north, standing as everlasting sentinels
over this quiet peaceful valley and its
surrounding hills and grandly beautiful
river. More anon. u w. l.
Thrown Frsn a Wagon. '
Mr. George K. Babcock was thrown
from his wagon and severely braised.
He applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm
freely and says it is the best liniment
he ever used. Mr. Babcock Is a well
known citizen of North Plain, Conn
There is nothing equal to Pain Balm
for sprains and bruises. It will effect a
cure in ona-tbird the time required by
any other treatment. For sale by Geo.
A. Harding.
Curious Collection from the
' 1 Mails in the Government
World's Fair Exhibit.
St. Louis. The Post Office Depart
ment's exhibit in the United States
Government building at the World's
Fair conta'ns some curious things. Tbe
collection taken from the Dead Letter
office in Washington it the most curious
of all. It contains almost everything
from an alligator to a pocket knife.
There are several young alligators, rattle
snakes, scorpions, dolls, pistols, knives,
oraas kuucics, cares, shoes, hats, and all
kinds of curios, wh'ch were sent through
the mails, but were never called for, or
else were held for postage and finallv
were buried in the Dead Letter office.
Another feature of this exhibit is more
pathetic than amusing. It is a large col
lection of wartime photographs of Uniou
and Confederate officers and private sol
diers that were sent from the field to
loved ones at home, but never reached
their destination. These old photo
graphs could tell many a talo of love,
sorrow and separation, but are onlv
mute relics of bygone days, and their
patnetie tales remain untold.
Another feature of the Post Office De
partment's exhibit bIiows the methods
of carrying the mails. Here are paint
ings of the various kinds of mail carriers
in Uncle Sam's service. The plainsman
of the West on his trusty broucho is gal
loping across tne trackless plains, with
his mail bag across his saddle. The mail
carrier on the frozen wilds of Alaska is
seen on snow shoes, with his pack on his
back and a mail dog sledge, with seven
dogs from Alaska standing as if ready to
Biari acrosB tne snow-clad plains. The
mail carrier of the northern woods of
Maine on his snow shoes and the Pnrto
Rican mail carrier on his little mule are
other features of this lD'erestine exhibit
An old stae coach, which saw service
in tbe Rc:ky Mountains for many years
carrying mail and passengere, is an in
teresting sight, showing the old mothod
of carrying the mail, while an up-to-date
electric mail car Bhows tbe new method.
Uountry mail delivery is chown in
moving pictures, showing the arrival of
tbe rural mail back, tbe delivery of mail
to the rural population and the gather
ing of the mail through the country.
A postal car interior is exhibited with its
mass of mail sacks, showing how the
mail is handled on the railroads.
Tnese leatures form instructive oblect
lessons to the public and give better
ideas of the magnitude of Uncle Sam's
domains and its varied climates aud con1
ditions. .
Proceedings of State Grange:
(Continued from last week.)
Wednesday, May 25. Grange opened
its labors for tbe dav at 9 a. m. and re
ports of officers and deputies continued,
showing the order is in good condition.
Worthy Lecturer recommended that the
State Grange offer prizes for proficiency
in degree work ; grange concurred and
three prizes were offered for the best de
gree team work to be demonstrated at
tha next annual session of the State
Grange, as follows: $130 as first prize;
$25 second and $15 for the third. De
grees to he exemplified, first and third.
At 11.20 tbe Grange accjpted an invi
tation from President Gatch to attend
cha; exercises at the College.
At 2 p. m. election of officers occurred,
with the result before named. Master,
treasurer, chaplain, secretary and stew
ard were reelected ; chaplain and secre
tary are residents of Clackamas county.
Hon. Jacob Vcjrhes and W. M, Hil
' iry were reelected members of the
Legislative committee, 4. T. Buxton
member Ex"3utive committee. Special
committ .'e on rev:sion of by-laws report
ed ; re irt adopted with only o.ie slight
amendment. Reports of committees on
t roads, dormant granges, legislation,
lucatlon assessment and taxation,
womp i's werk, c 1 peration, transport
ation, A.icultural allege and pure lot d
were able re x ts and eapsed lengthy
end n:.vefct!og d'-cu lions. Manyreai-
luuoris lor the gcad of the orl"' viron
'rcduc i and adop'id. Thursday forf.
n'vin was devo -d to routine work.
Exemplification 0' the fi.jt foi" de-
t ?s wps made asp: 3ial order on Thurs
day at three o'clock p. m Worthy Mas
ter B. U. Leedy officiating. The evening
was devoted i i conferring the fifth and
sixth degr-es, 1 r. jeiving tbe fifth and
lid tbe sixth, or degree of honor, alter
which a delicious banquet of ice cream
and cake was r.erved. Degree work and
banquet occurred in the Odd Fellows'
Hall. n
Friday morning an Impressive "Mem
orial service" waa conducted in honor of
Bro. Wm. Willios of Surprise Grange
Mo. 233, Marion county, and 8's'?r Maud
Young ol Uedar Grove No. . ), ot Co
lumbia county. Forest Grove was chosen
as the place for holding next annual ies'
sion. At 8:30 p. m. officers were in
stalled by Past Master Voorhees. A
pleasant incident of the day was the
presence and introduction of Bio. and
Sister Powers, two of the remkining four
charter members of tbe Oregon State
Grange. Al'orafew brief remarks b
the newly elected officers, tbe Grr -ea
closed at 10-30 p. m., May 27, 19
Mat 8. Uvw AUD.
Raises QualU,
J. K. Mount of Marquam It engaged
in raising Oregon quails lor shipment to
Ohio and other Eastern states. At the
present he has tweuty birds laying and
sitting. Quails in captivity ore readily
tameu and do not manifest the restless
ness of China pheasants. They thrive
well on wheat and such other food as is
usually fed to chickens. Mr. Mount
states that care must be taken to avoid
putting quails of different coveys in the
same pen, as they will kill one another.
Washington Letter.
(From Our Regular Correspondent )
Washington, D. C, June 16, 1804.
As tbe large Republican majority in
Oregon has filled tbe champions of the
administration with increasing hope and
confidence, bo it has had a depressing,
effect in other quarters, and it is not to
l) denied that Democrats have been
ihrown by it into a contemplative mood. .
Is it an indication that the whole West
is fur Roosevelt ? Ot course it would
take a good many of the chicken-feed ,
states that bave only three electoral
votes to counterbalance New York. Illi-,
nois or Ind ana, but Demoj.ats feel that
they have no vjtes whatever to spare.
Of course they are somewhat stimulated
and buoyed up by the ragtime tunes
played by tbe Republicans in Ohio, Il
linois, and Wisconsin, especially the
last two states ; white Delaware alone,
which Republican quarrels seem deter
mined to throw to the Democrats, would
offset such a state as Nevada or Idaho.
If Spooner and his fellow bolters keep
up tbe fight they are making upon tbe
regulars in Wisconsin, the electoral vote
of the State is likely enough to be
thrown against Roosevelt, especially as
he has taken a hand in the controversy,
first on one side and then on the other.
The cable brings us news that Perdi
cars and Varley "may be released to
morrow." But May bees, we are told,
do not fly every day. It was likely
from the first that so cunning a bandit
as Raisouli would Insist on some trust
worthy guaranty that Morocco would do
as it agreed ; otherwise its contract
would be worth less than the goat skin
it is written on. Uncle Sara and John
Bull decline o be a paity, naturally
enough. What next? Perd caris is not
exactly a Charlie Hoes, and the brigand
chief must either return him or kill him
as there in no alternative. The prisoner
writes roBeatte letters to his friends, how
he and the gentlemanly bandit at to
gether, sleep to 'ether, and play crib-.
bage together, and have a good time
generally. But :t is thought at the
State Department that these amenities
of the subtle Arab shiek do not facili
tate the solution of the proolem. Very
likely the gracious entertainer may
within a week send into Tangier one of
his gucBt's ears on a stick as a hint and
a reminder. Moreover it ia strongly
suspected tbat tbe prisoner's letters are
censored or euiud or at least that they
are diplomatic.
On Tuesday Levi Z. Leiter was laid to
rest here in tbe receiving vault of Rock
Creek Cemetery. There was a van-load
of flowers, but the elaborate ceremony
which had been planned was greatly
simplified byMrB. Leiter, in accordance
with her husband's well known taste.
Leiter was born near Antietain in Mary,
land barely seventy years ago. He w;;i
happy when he got a poui'iuu i cier'X
in a grocery Btore at $3 a week. Here
he plodded until he was twenty, when
he went to Ohio at double the Balary and
then to Chicago. He was so thrifty that
in ten years more he became partner
of Marshall Field, Potter Palmer, and
Farwell. Here he stayed until he was
a multi-millionaire, and till the boy who
had worked for $3 a week waa aole to
lose fl0,0C3,000 in the wheat pit in 1897
and scap3 with twice as much more.
He was a man ot plain tastes, who
loved his friends but despised the hollow
sham "hich is called "society." Mrs.
Leiter was ambitious for herself and
her sons and daughters in this very di
rection. She marched to the head of
the Chicago aristocracy, that . is the
noveiiux riches. Then the Letters came
ti Washington and stormed the exclu
sive castles here. They bought the
great house which bas made James G.
Blaine poor, and carried on an elaborate
social campaign. On Dupont Oircle
they reared an elaborate palace of white
brick and marble whither "society"
flocked. In England George N. Curzon
a member of a historical family, met and
won th" eldest daughter, Miss Mary
Leiter, who had been the greatest belle
of this caiitat. She gave him a million
dollars and pushed him upward to the
throne of the Viceroy of India. As Vic
ereine Lady Curzon passed to the bead
of Anglo Haxon (society receiving native
pnnrs with legal ceremonies. JMext
to Buckingham Palace her state balls
In Calcutta became the most gorgeous
centers of fashion and wealth b tho
British Empire. She still remains,
however, they say, the same modest and
unpretending American girl that she
wai In Washington.
The President was busy yesterday.
Powell Clayton called to present his res
jatlon as ambassador to Mexico. Sec
retary Mocly called ti make arrange.
meats lor succeeding Knox as Attorns..
General. Gen . John O. Black call d to.
appaal to the President not to 'Jlurb
be Grand Army Veterans in oAitt who
are over seventy. Geo, J. rjouki, Mor .
gan, and Crisatt called rnat jot t
matter ui conjecture. oeneral Tynsr I
appeal asking tbe Pr .Went withdraw
the charges of cor flD.lon ftnd bribery
was taken up don,iderd in the,
1 bT th onlT ,w ""
Stlie city blnet wb
' 'to U a sudden tumult In the army,
r r'etarr T,,t has proclaimed that army
, """" ln ranama snail receive
""7 P'r cent additional to the salaries
they are entitled to under the law. Al
though this is what Democrats denounce
as "executive legislation," tha military
gentlemen affected by it are in revolt.
The claim they ouebt to have twice or
three times their regular salaries,, and
hero theyhave taken their stand, t
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