Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 17, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Great Sale This Week
Ladies' Defender" Undermuslins
"forest Mill" Knit Vests and Punts
Wash Dress Materials and Waistings
Blanket, Quilts, Curtain Table Linens
"Forest Mills" Knit Underwear
Forest Mills" Knit Underwear, for
ladies and children. If you are partic
ular about your underwear, come to us
for "Foret Mills" that's all.
LADIES' VESTS, Summer weight
range from $1.50 down to 5c
PANTS, trimmed in deep lace, full
flare, range from 5oc down to...iSc
CHILDREN'S VESTS, sleeveless, -nicely
trimmed, extra specials at
iocand 5c
The garWnts are readily worth double
the prices.
WashGootls Specials
Sooo yards SCOTCH LAWNS,
standard value 10c, cut to ....
5000 yards DRESS SATINES,
this season's styles, worth 25ci2Kc
Sooo yards LENO and revere
stripe ZEPHYRS, worth 25c
and jSc.cutto 17c
5000 yards Organdies and Batistes
new, natty patterns, reduced
from 15c yard to 10c
The 12Jc grades cut to 7c
Great cut in prices of India Linens,
Lawns and Fancy White Waistings.
Come This Week for the Best Bargains on Earth on
Sound Merchandise.
McAllen & McDonnell
Corner Third and Morrison Streets, Portland, Oregon
' For baseball suits see Adams Bros.
Oregon City's Big Cash Store,
Born, to the wife of G. H. Rogers, of
Willamette, on Sunday, June 12, 1901,
a boy.
The Elyville baseball nine went to
Molalla Sunday and defeated that nine
by a score of 11 ti 6.
Wanted Stock to pasture. Call at
Courier office or on S. A. Sieben, Clack
amas, Ore. 6 10 4t
The Parkplace Alumui Association
will bold their annual reception at the
residence of Mrs. Eetella Salisbury Sat
urday night.
Lumber Leave orders for lumber of all
kinds at W. L. Block's, the house fur
nisher, or address W. F. Harris, Ely.Or.
The sale of Joseph Harless' farm of
200 acres at Molalla was consummated
last week t' Peter Fanrie of Lebanon.
This i" on of the richest farms In that
section and tbe price paid was $6800.
Tuesday was Flag Day, but was indif
ferently observed in this city. That
date was the anniversary of the adoption
of the American flag by Congress, and is
usually celebrated by the display of flags
all over the country.
For sick headache take Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and a
quick cure is certain. For sale by Geo.
A. Harding.
The Fraternal Brotherhood of Port
land will give a trolley party and dance
at Canemah Park, Thursday night, June
23. The local lodge is arranging the af
fair, and several special cars will bring
the participants up from Portland.
Wanted Young men or women as
local representatives ior McClures Mag
aiiue. Liberal commissions, case prises.
Write J. N. Trainer, 141 E. 25th. Street.
New York, N. Y.
There will be a campmeeting at Teasel
Creek under the auBpices of the M. E.
cburcn, South, commencing Thursday,
June 16 and holding over two Suadays.
J. W. Craiq, P.O..
Henry Spiess, P. E.
Word was received . here Wednesday
that the encampment next year of the
G. A. R. and the W. R. C, which was
held this week at Hood River, will be
held in this city. It has been about ten
years since the veterans of the state met
in encampment here.
Now is the time to take a spring tonic
to purify tue blood, cleanse the liver
and kidneys of all impurities. Hollis
ter's Rocky Mountain Tea will do the
business. 35 cents. Tea or tablets.
Died, at Stafford, June 13, ,1904,
"Billy" A. Batdorph, aged 2 years and
11 months. The funeral waB held from
the home at Stafford Tuesday morning
nd burial in the Stafford cemetery.
The cause of death was spinal meningit
A benefit dance will be given by the
New Era Granga next Saturday night.
The SpintualistB have kindly granted
the use of their new kitchen and dining
room for the occasion. The New Era
Grange is striving hard to get out -of
debt and will soon accomplish that ob
ject. S. R. Kiso was arrested Mondav night
and on Tuesday sentenced to two days
in the city jail for being drunk and dis
orderly. Kiso is the individual who a
short time ago served a term in the Port
land jail tor being drunk. He hails
from Seattle where he says be has a
Sol Clark, the halfbreed, was hailed
before Justice Stipp Wednesday, charged
witb assault and battery. It was found
that he had gotten drunk and beaten
bis wile. He was fined $20, in default
of which be is serving ten days in the
countv jail.
Mr. O. E. A. Freytag baa a four legged
chicken on bis farm near Gladstone,
which was lately batched from a setting
of eggs. The chick is still quite small,
but seems to be getting along very well
The extra pair ol legs are not ueed for
locomotion, but the fowl drags them be
hind its original pair.
Dr. Grace E Hain, the lady Osteopath
who has r icently located in ' the Garde
bldg., is prepared to treat all acute and
chronic diseases and nervous disorders.
Women's and children's diseases spec
ialty.. Office hours form 9 :30 a. m. to 5.
p. m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and
Fridays. Consultation free.
Suits for divorce were filed in the Cir
cuit Court Tuesday by Laura Dumas and
Mary riatneld, the former alleging
drunkenness and cruel treatment, on the
part o. husband, Edward Dumas.
and the latter complainant charging her
bUBband, Elijah Hatfield, witb wilful
desertion and abandonment.
Adams Bros. Oregon City's Big Cash
Store Headquarters for Fireworks and
Papers for the adoption of Leola Yan
die were filed in the Probate Court on
Wednesday by Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Henningsen. The Yandle child is two
years of age and is the daughter of J. W.
Yandle whose wife was killed last Nov
ember in Columbia county by the falling
of a tree across the house in which they
were living.
Roy McAlpin, who is employed 'in the
Fair Store on Main street, left Tuesdav
for Salem, where he was married . Wed
nesday evening to Mrs. Sarah Burnhart
of that place. The couple are expected
to return here Saturday and will take up
1 i
No Dark Room
Better Pictures
Load your Kodak in Daylight
Develop your Films in Daylight
That's the KODAK WAY of
their residence in one of the cottages be
longing to Mr. J. Lynch on the comer of
Fourteenth and Center streets.
Circuit Judge McBride convened a
short term of court here Tuesday. Cel
este Moore was granted a divorce from
George Moore on the grounds of deser
tion. She was awarded the custody of
the children and civen $35 per month
alimony,, Orders were made in several
other cases and the action of W. J.
Burns vs. John W. Cochran was dis
missed. Acker's Blood Elixir positively Cures
Chronic Blood Poisoningand all Scrofulous
affections. At all times a matchjess sys
tem tonic and purifier. Money refunded if
you are not satisfied. 50c.and f 100.
Huntley Bros. Co.
Charles Spencer, who sustained a se
vere iDjury to his leg about two months
ago while working in a saw mill, was
operated upon last Friday morning at
St. Vincent's HoBpital, Portland. The
bone was found to be in a bad condition,
a growth some three inches long and
three-fourths of an inch in diameter be
ing removed . Dr. Sommei , of this city,
performed the operation.
A dispatch from Washington to the
effect that there is a likelihood the local
land office will be moved to Portland,
has aroused some uneasiness among the
dwellers of this city. It is impossible
this week to confirm the rumor, as the
local officials have not yet received word
of the proposed change. The office has
been here since an early day and the
people ot the city would ba loth to see it
' A number of veterans and their wives
went to Hood River from this place to
attend the annual encampments of the
G. A. R. and W. R. C. They will re
tarn the last of this week. Among those
attending from Oregon City are: Mr.
and Mrs. David McArthur, Mr. and Mrs
J. F. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs W. W. Free
man, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Williams, Mr,
and Mrs. D. A. Williams, A Mautz, J.
Doreraus, J. A. Tufts, W. C. Williams,
and Amos Leek.
Frank Trullinger, the grandson of C .
H. Dauchy, of Gladstone, met with a
serious accident Tuesday while blasting
a well. He was tamping powder pre
paratory to setting off a blast, when it
exploded prematurely, severely lacerat
ing an arm and his head. Two fingers
were torn off his right hand and it is
thought trie sight of his right eye is des
troyed. Dr. Norris of this city, attended
him and he was sent to a Portland hos
pital for. treatment.
The Willamette Pulp & Paper Com
pany will at once commence a new pulp
mill on the island adjoining their pres
ent mill aites on the West side and ex
pect to complete the new mill by fall.
It is expected to transfer the machinery
now in use in Station A on thi East side
(if the river to fcthe new mill and the
present station on this side of the river
will be discontinued. Work on the im
provement will commence immediately
and the construction will be rushed.
work will be provided by many men
who will be required to construct the
mill daring the present summer.
The citizens of Milwaukie held a pi&
nic Sunday at that place in celebration
of the success of the city authorities in
getting rid of the powder houses main
tained near the city bv the California
and Vigorit Powder Compauies for the
past few years. Ever since the incor
poration of the city of Milwaukie, the
question of the removal of the powder
houses has been the object aimed at bv
the mayor and council. In 1898 an at
tempt was made by some unknown per
sons to blow up the houses, bnd ever,
since that time there has been more or
less uneasiness among the residents of
ihe place, lest some accident happen
which would destroy the lives of many
living in that locality . Word was re
ceived last week that the powder bad
been removed and the picnic Sunday
was in celebration of that event. Mayor
William Scbindler, Councilman Kerr
and others made speeches, and music
was furnished. Ice cream and lunch
was served.
Canned Coats
Coats of Paints We Mean
A Few Bargains in the Paint Line
Davi8 Varnish Stain, quart 50c
" " i pint 20c
Acme Wood Stain, quart . 40c
Neal's Bath Tub Enamel, quart 75c
" " " pint.' 50c
" . " " . J pint 25c
" Carriage Paints, quart 60c
" " " pint 40c
" " " I pint 30c
Also a fine ling New Era tinting colors suit
able for household use, pints 25c
J pints 15c
We are Agents for
Pure Prepared Paint
And guarantee every can. Come in and let ua
give you prices oh Lead, Oil and Dry Colors.
Besolutloa Adopted by Oregon
State Grange.
Resolved, That the elements of agri
culture should be taught in our rural
schools so that the children of farming
districts may be impressed with a de
sire to remain on the farm instead of
going to the city. That the Grange is
in favor of having joint high schools es-
stablished in rural districts, that our
boys and girls may have equal oppor
tunities witb those of the city.
Kesolved, That we favor an appropria
tion of the sum of $1500 annually by our
state legislature, for the purpose of ex
tending tbe useful work of the experi
ment station institute work throughout
the state; and be it further
' Resolved, that our legislative com
mittee be instructed to use their influ
ence to obtain same.
Cures Old Sores.
Westmoreland, Kans., May 5. 1902.
Ball Snow Liniment Co: Your Snow
iniment cured an old sore on the aide
of my chin that was supposed to be a
cancer. Tbe sore was stubborn and .
would not yield to treatment, until I
tried Snow Liniment, which did the
work in short order. Mv siBter. Mrs.
Sophia J. Carson, Allensville, Miilin
Co., Pa., has a sore and mistrusts that
t is a cancer. Please send her a 50c
bottle. Sold by Chartnan & Co.
Take a Kodak and a Developing Machine with you on your vacation.
Brownie Cameras -
Doveloping Machines
$1.00 and $2.00
5.00 to 75.00
2.00 to 7.50
It Is Up To The Doctor.
A lady wrote us from Winchester, Va.,
that she bad been under a Doctor's care
for four years lor dyspepsia, the pain
appeared to center under the left shoul
der blade, was so severe at times that
she could neither eat nor sleep. She
bad lost faith in her borne Doctor, and
asked ns to send her sample . of Dr.
(iunn't Improved Liver Pills, which had
been recommended to ber. We seat
her two pills, and in a few days she sent
for a box. Now she writes that the pain
under her shoulder has left ber entirely,
sue enjoys ber meals, and never sleeps
less than eight hours every night, and
this has all come about in two weeks,
and cost ber 50 cents, for two boxes of
pills. Says the doctor charged her $50,
and that she told him he had better
take the $50 and invest it all in Dr.
Gunn's Improved Liver Pills and build
up bii practice. Sold by Druggist for
25c per box. Anyone having dyspepsia,
bilious spells or sick-headache can get 1
speedy cure by the use of these pills
For ifle by Cbarman A Co.
Colts Lose Game.
The Oregon City reader is asked to
thoroughly investigate the following:
This can readily be done, for the gentle'
man whose statement is published be-
low will only be too pleased to answer
any communication mailed to bim ff
the writer really suffers from the an1
noying consehuence which always at
tend inactive or weak kidneys.
A. L. Maney, gripman on the Portland
Heights cable line, residing at 554 Elm
street, Portland, says : "Doan's Kidney
rills disposed of an acute attack of
backache in a very short time. Last fall
was operating on one of the electric
lineB and it was then that I first felt tbe
symptoms of kidney complaint. At first
I thought it was caused by the constant
jarring of the car, and perhaos it was
but 1 know that one box of Doan's Kid
ney Pills effectually cared me of my
backache in a most radical manner. My
advice to all who suffer from backache
or kidnev trouble is to procure Doan'i
Kidney Pills and give them a fair trial..
Plenty more proof like this from Ore'
gon City people. Call at C. G. Hunt
ley's drug store and ass what his cut
tomers report.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50 eti
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole
agents for tbe (J nited States .
Remember tbe name Doan'i and take
no othei.
On MONDAY, JUNE 20th, in the afternoon and evening, we will have a
Demonstrator from the Eastman Kodak Co. with us, to show all new and up-to-date
articles in the Photo lines, sueh as
Developing Machines Kodoid Plates
Non Curling Films Adjustable Printing Frames
Velvet Velox, etc, etc
Velvet Velox is the Developing Paper ou've been looking for. It gives beau
tiful detail. Bring your negative and get a sample print. ' -
Burmeister & Andresen
The Oregon City Jewelers.
The Oregon City baseball team played
the Hobbard team on the diamond at
that place last Sunday. The game open
ed well for tbe Colts, three runs being
made in tbe first inning and two in the
second. Freaks of fortune, possibly
over-confidence, led to a wild play which
let in two Hubbard men, from which
time the Colts lost ground until the
close of the game, when the score was 9
to 6 in favor ot the uaobard team .
Many errors were made by both teams,
Tbe best features of the game were the
batting of Jameson, of tbe Colts and tbe
base running by Platte of tbe Hubbard
team. Tbe former batted tbe ball over
the south fence, while the latter ran
bases at critical stages of the game. At
tendance 300. , .
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets Better Than a Doctor's
says that Chamberlain's Stomach ana
Liver Tablets have done him more good
than anything be could get from tbe
doctor. - If any physician in this coun
try was able to compound a medicine
that would produce such gratifying re
sults in cases ot stomach troubles, bil
iousness or constipation, bis wbole time
Re-Echoes the Sentiments
Thousands of our Republic.
Nottce of Annual School Election
Notice Is berebv given to the legal
voters of School District No. 62, Clacka
mas county, state of Oregon, that the
annual school election for said district
will be held at the City Hall, in Oregon
City. Oregon, to begin at the hour of
2 o'clock p. m. and continue until the
hour ot o o'clock p. m. on the third
Monday being the 20th day of June,
1904, which election is for the purpose
of electing one Director to serve for the
term of five years. Dated this 3rd day
of June 1904.
W. . Cabix, Chairman.
Attest:. C. O. T. Williams, Clerk.
Oregon Patents.
Laxakola Guaranteed to Cure Constipa
Huntley Bros, aecommends it because
the know it 'cures.
"There are to manv laxatives on the
market" say Huntley Bros., "that it is
bard to tell which to recommend, how
ever, it is a good deal of satisfaction to
know there is at least ore we ean rec
ommend witb every confidence."
Experience Bhows that Laxaksla is
sure to benefit every one in need of a
mild, tonic laxative, and we ask our cus
tomers to try it on our guarantee.
Experience bas taught ns it doesn't
pay to deceive the people and recom.
mend anything that might prove in the
least unsatisfactory, but we know Laxa
kola is all right and sure to do good."
"It is tbe only liquid laxative in this
store that we are willing to sell with a
guarantee, and it tastes so nice that
children like it and ask for it."
If the baby is colicky, or fretty,
or teething there is nothing will
do so much good as Laxakola. Try it,
and if if it proves in tbe least disap
pointing we will return your money.
Granted this week. Reported by C
A. Snow & Co.. Patent Attorneys
Washington, D. O. Flam Gilbert, Port
land, Attachment for phonographs.
Walter E. Jackson and A. G. Adkins,
Portland, Excavator. Frank Pfulger
and E. Christensen, Portland, Bung
bole borer. For copy of any of above
patents send ten cents in postage stamps
with date of this paper to O. A. Snow &
Co., Washington, D. O,
Grand Monde Indian Reserva
tion to be Sold.
A large portion of the Grande Bonds
Indian Reservation will be sold in tracts
to tbe highest bidder on August 8, 1904.
There is several thousand acres of fine
tim er on this Reservation, beside much
agricultural land. A late map showing
each tract as bids will be accepted with
acreage and topographical features of
the land, streams, roads, etc., will be
sent to any address upon receipt ol $1.
Thkodobb Rowland, 606 Mc&ay
Building, Portland, Oregon.
In Building formerly occupied by G. W. Grace
! Oel Ircbulb
A , A
Shoes at Greatly Reduced f
j. - ... A
J Lowest prices . and good goods will a
A be our rule
Goods Delivered Promptly to any part of city
would be used in preparing this one
medicine. For sale by Geo. A. Harding