Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 03, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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Great Sale Thi Week
Ladies' Defender" Undermuslins
"forest Mills" Knit Vest and Pant
Wash Dress Materials and Walstings
Blankets, Quilt, Curtain Table Linens
"Forest Mills" Knit Underwear
Forest Mills" Knit Underwear, for
ladies.and children. If you are partic
ular about your underwear, come to us
for "Forest Mills" that's all.
LADIES' VESTS, Summerweight
range from $1.50 down to 5c
PANTS, trimmed in deep lace, full
flare, range from 5oc down to...iSc
CHILDREN'S VESTS, sleeveless,
nicely trimmed, extra specials at
ioc and.. 5c
The garments are readily worth double
the prices. "
Come This Week for the Best Bargains on Earth on
Sound Merchandise.
, McAllcn
Corner Third and Morrison
Will Lecture.
The Chautauqua Association an
nonnces'that Joseph Scbafer will deliver
lectures oil the fol'owiug su jjects at the
annual assembly:
1. Three Centuries of Spanish Domi
nation. 2. Beginnings of American Ac
tivity in the Northwest. 3. Retreat of
the Spanish Power. 4. The Oregon
Question Opened. 5. Pioneers of "the
Pioneers." 6. Overland Colonization.
7. The Oregon Question Settlid 8. Early
Days in California. 9. Conquest by
American Immigrants and Soldiers.
10. The Age of Gold.
Henry Davidson Sheldon will deliver
lectures at the Chautauqua Assembly on
"Problems in Contemporary Education."
"The following are his subjects :
1. The N neteenth Century in Educa
tion. The Expansion of the Elemen
tary Curriculum. 3. The Revolution in
'School Discipline. 4. The School as a
Social Factor. 5. The Growth of the
.School Machine (State and City Sys
tems). 6. The Reconstruction of Sec
ondary Education (High Schools, Ac
ademies). 7. Recent Movements in
Higher Education (The new American
University). 8. Progress in
. al and Tecnnical Education.
9. Some I
Problems of the Teaching' Profession . j
10. The Science of Education a Record
of Achievement.
Startling Evidence.
Fresh teatimody in greot quantity is
-constantly coming in, declaring Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds to be unequaled. A
recent expression from T. J. McFarland
Bentorville, Va., serves as example. He
writes: "I had Bronchitis for three
years and doctored all the time without
being benefitted. ' Then I began taking
Dr. King's Mew Discovery, and a few
bottles wholly cured me," Equally ef
fective in curing all Lung and Throat
troubles, Consumption, Pneumonia, and
'Grip. Guaranteed by Charman & Co.,
Druggists. Trial bottles tree, regular
eizes SOc, and $1.
Anent the Quilt Raffle.
Through a misunderstanding, it has
been advertised that "that quilt" which
it to be raffiied at three o'clock on Sat
urday, June 4th, at the Maple Lane
Orange Hall, would be sold at auction to
the highest bidder providing no one held
the lucky number, "ome one must nec
essarily hold the lucky number, as the
(tub from every ticket sold will be
placed in a box and well shaken, and a
child will draw a stub therefrom. The
person holding the corresponding num
ber will be the winner of the quilt.
A Granger,
Warner Orange.
1 . . .
1 At the meeting of Warner Grange on
Saturdav, the celebration of Children's
Day was set for the next regular meet'
The ball 'debt has been reduced to
415. including principal and interest.
Theexercises of the lecturer's hour
were opened by an address on Memorial
Day by Worthy Master France. As an
appropriate sequence to this, Brother
McArthur read the names of those mem
In Building formerly occupied by G. W. Grace
General MereMse
Shoes at Greatly Reduced
Lowest prices and good goods will
ht our rule.
Goods Delivered Promptly to any part of city
Wasi Goods Specials
5ooo yards SCOTCH LAWNS,
standard value 10c, cut to 4c
5000 yards DRESS SATINES,
this season's styles, worth 25ci2c
5ooo yards LENO and revere
stripe ZEPHYRS, worth 25c
' and 35c, cut to. 17c
5000 yards Organdies and Batistes
new, natty patterns, reduced
from 15c yard to ioc
The 12'Ac grades cut to 7c
Great cut in prices of India Linens,
Lawns and Fancy White Waistings.
Streets, Portland, Oregon
here of Warner Gransre, who had joined
the Great Grange above.
The most amusing part of the lec-
nrer's program was a jig by Brother
Phelps, Brother Burgoyne whistling the
Brother France has made three-legged
horses on which 10 rest the dinner ta
blesother granges should make a note
of these horses and a cupboard for the
crockery. The next innovation will be
a new organ and a new cooking stove.
Very Annoying to Some People.
People that are known to be weak and
sickly, by their neighbors, are asked the
question every day whether they are
feeling better. Do you feel stronger?
Are you gaining flesh? Their friends
know if they are gaining flesh, it is one
of the sure signs of returning health.
If they can only get a remedy that will
make solid, healthy flesh, recovery is
assured. People with nervous troubles,
loss of flesh and strength, no ambition,
languid and always tired, have thin
watery blood. The food they e&t does
not nourish them, it does not make
blood. If after eAch meal thev would
ue UT' "inn's Blood and JNerve ionic,
lneir I00U wollla tnrnea into ricn, red
Jld making solid flesn and strength.
The tablets are Bold in boxes by all
Druggists for 75 rents, or 3 boxes for $2.
People who use this Tonic gain in solid
flesh from 1 to 3 pounds per week, they
feel better and kDow they are on the
road to health. For sale by Charman
Commencement Exercises.
On Friday, Jane 3rd, the people of
Oregon City will have the opportunity
to witness the commencement exercises
of the class of '04, Barclay High School.
Tb?y will be given at Shively's Opera
House at b p. m . lhe class consists of
30 members, which ie the largest in the
history of the school, following is the
program :
Piano Solo Miss Draper
Invocation Rev. E. 8. Bollinger
Vocal Solo Miss Harding
Essay Edna Claire Simmons
Duet.... June Charman, Winnie Hanny
Annals Peryl Wood
80I0 Miss Harding
Reading Art Foster
Essay Ernest Shank
Solo M iss Harding
Class Prophecy Lee Caufield
Duet. Clara Koerner, Ona Renner
Our Olass Berth a Long
Presentation of Diplomas Dr. W.E. Carll
I lass Song Class
To Seaside via the A. it C. R. It-
Take this delightful ride from Port
land to Seaside an.d return, eojoy all
afternoon at the beach and recuperate
on ozone, all for $1.50. Parlor car oper
ated in connection with every train and
sale ot tickots confined to the seating
capacity 01 coacnes. j rain leaves Union
depot at 8 a. m., arrives at Seaside 12 ;15
p. m., returning leaves Seaside 6 p. m.,
arrives at Portland 0 :40 p. m. Tickets
on sale each day during the week at 248
Alder street and Sunday morning at
Union depot. For additional inform
tion can at zio Aider street, or phone
main wo.
v 1
The very beet styles in bats . Miss
Delia Goldsmith. '
0'ir styles and qualities are thorough,
ly correct and our prices the lowest.
Miss Goldsmith.
Lumber Leave orders for lumber of all
kinds at W. L. Block's, the house fur
nisher, or address W. F. Harris, Ely.Or.
The firm of Him Kee, which suffered
loss from fire last week, has removed
ita stock to the old freight depot across
the street.
Geo. Randall, who has recently com
pleted two new houses on the hill will
soon complete another on Ninth and
Taylor streets.
J. B. Lamb, of Oiegon City, but more
lately from Lexington, Wash., has re
moved to Meadowbrook where he will
log for Russel Bros, new sawmill.
J. A. Sweeny, whose wife disappeared
so mysteriously a few days ago, has
taken his children to some of his rela
tives near Woodburn, who will take care
of them for a time.
Wanted Young men or women as
local representatives for McClures Mag
aiine. Liberal commissions, case priies.
Write J. N. Trainer, 141 E. 25th. Street,
New York, N. Y.
Those whose sense of smell is delight
ed by a honey laden atmosphere wilt do
well to visit the row of old neglected
locust trees on the road leading from
Oregon City to Parkplace
Ira Bonney, of Needy, was in town
Saturday and purchased a planer for bis
new mill on Bear Creek. He is now
practically ready to begin the manuf
acture of fir and pine lumber.
Now is the time to take a spring tonic
to purify the blood, cleanse the liver
and kidneys of all impurities. Hollia
ter'p Rocky Mountain Tea will do the
business. 35 cents. Tea or tablets.
For Sale A Percheron mare, 3 years
old, weight from 1200 to 1300 pounds.
Address H. Longcoy, Milwaukie Ore.,
K. F. D. No 1, or inquire at residence
one mile west of Clackamas station. 2t
Fleshy people generally dread the ap
proach of the hot season, but those who
have chances on the Examiner's "weight
in silver" prize will not be sure that they
regret being heavy until after the draw
ing comes off. -
The Spiritualist Camp meeting at
New Era will begin probably on July 4.
Mr. France, the contractor, is building a
new kitchen on the camp meeting
grounds and be will also ceil the taber
nacle. The intention is to continue the
meeting this year over four Sundays.
The timbers and floor of the western
end of the suspension bridge have been
renewed. There are said to be defective
timbers in the entire length of the sub
structure of the bridge. It is given out
that the county court will replace them
with sound timbers during the summer.
Following were some of the people in
town Saturday: E. Howard, Carua;
Henry bteiner, Beaver (jreek ; IS. Uraw
ford, Currinsville ; A. R. Cumuings,
Uanby : V. Bogan, JNeedy : K. Garrett.
Needy ; James Tracy, Logan ; Ed Horn-
sbuh, beaver Ureek; Henry Uornshub,
lieaver ureek.
Those who are fond ot separating the
gamy trout from his native element, are
not well pleased with the results obtain
ed thus far. While a number of good
catches have been made, the majority of
excursions nave been disappointing,
Some whose opinion is worth listening
to say that later in the season the sport
win be better.
Within the past few years hundreds
of books have been added to the libran
ies 01 tbis county. Many scboois now
nave a lair collection of good reading
matter wnicn tends to broaden tbe stu
dents as they advance with their studies
proper. Mucb of this monev has been
raised by giving entertainments. One
of the recent ones was at Cams where
$15.40 was raised and a number of good
books were added to the already ex st
ing library.
A picnic marked the close of the Oak
Grove bchool last Friday. A fine pro
gram was rendered by the children, and
a number of talks were made by visitors
present. Airs, nayhurst has been hired
to teach again tbis fall, when the new
sshoolhouse will have been completed.
In making up the general, averages for
the year's work It was noticed that Or.
val Olds had made an average of 98 3-5,
and that a number of other had done re
markable well.
On their return from a hunting trip to
Golly Creek last week, (our Canby
young men camped over night at
stream a little this side of the Shandy
place. One of them, Clyde Dix, jumped
up in a terrible fright at about midnight
snouted and nred on bis nil", tie said
that he bad beard the roar of a panther
cat. As they were in imminent danger
of being attacked at any moment, the
quartette hugged their gung pretty
closely for the remainder of the night.
In the morning they found the tracks in
the sand of a large cougar.
Recently an automobile accident ont
of the ordinary was reported. A well
known citizen was driving on the Oswe
go road accomponied by bis wife and
children when the machine got out of
order. Getting out and assisting the
family to alight, the gentleman began
repairs, when suddenly the machine
started and before it could be stopped
plunged into the river. As it was not
built for navigating the bine waters of
the Willamette, a steamboat was en
gaged to remove it from its anchorage.
That the spring is rapidly merging
into summer, and that even antumn is
not far distant when the golden wheat
will be safely stowed In the farmer's
granery, was called to mind Friday
when Samuel Elmer of Clarkea, passed
through Oregon City with a fine new
threshing outfit. The eugine is of the J.
J. Case manufacture and has 15-horse-power.
The separator is made by the
same company, has a 28-inch cylinder,
is a self feeder, and has a windstacker,
besides a weighing attachment. This is
certainly one of the finest outfits in the
Theodore Huerth, F. Preuschoff , and
the letter's 18 year-old son Hans, re
turned from a prospecting tour on the
upper Clackamas a few days ago, Al
Oregon City's Big Cash Store
v the Store that Does the Business
trophies of the trip, Mr. Heurth shows
some nice-looking specimens of mineral
bearing rock, but 6n which the assayer
does not place a vejy high estimate ; Mr
Preuschoff shows a fine pair of antlers,
but unluckily the deer had been de
tached from them before he found (hem ;
the boy, Hans, is the proud possessor of
a bear ekin, which he obtained with the
bear in it, while in the mountains . It
may not always work well to "send a
boy ta mill," but it looks as though
Messrs. Huertb and PrenschoB bad as
well stay at home and "send the boy to
the mountains."
The cherries and peaches are blighted
on the Jim Evans place, west side of the
Willamette, about 11 miles south.
Mr. Wright' the boot and shoe mer
chant, is building a bouse on his proper
ty about a third of a mile north of Wil
lamette Falls, near car line.
Freytag & Kramer have closed their
cigar store on Main street and moved to
ror'land, where they will engage exclu
Bively in the manufacture of cigars.'
If vou are troubled with Impure blood.
indicated by sores, pimples, headache, etc.,
ws would recommend Acker's Blood
Elixir, which we sell under a positive
guarantee, it will always cure Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons and all blood diseases.
50 cts. add Si. 00. Huntley Bros. Co.
Messrs. Mann and Forsythe, living
about two miles northeast of Oregon
City, recently cut down a tree no, they
tried to cut down a tree. It must be ad
mitted that they are not the first men
who ever tried to cut down a tree, but
perhaps they are not the first who ever
failed to accomplish their object for the
sax-e reason It was a large tree, some
six or seven feet in diameter. The two
men sawed, and sweat, and swo , the
last may not be true, so it is just as well
not to say it. The saw dragged its
weary length back and forth through
the six feet of solid fir, the day wore on
and the saw-teeth wore off, but the tree
gave no sign of falling. It did noc even
stagger. At length the tree was cut
through to within a few inches, but it
obeyed St. Paul's injunction, "be stead.
last." Wedges were inserted, but tbe
tree never budged ; and there it stands
yet, or at least it still stood, and also
stood still at last reports. Some people
think the strange phenomenon a result
of witchcraft; others suppose that chance
has placed the center of gravitation ex
actly over the center of the basal sup
port, so that any motion whatever in
any direction whichever has a tendency
to elevate tbe center of mass, or words
to that effect. But tbe most reasonable
suggestion is this : Keeping in mind
the size of the tree, the probable dull
ness of tne saw, and the wonderfully
fertile soil and invigorating climate of
Oregon, it seems quite possible that the
stump and that portion of the trunk
which were first cut apart, grew togetner
again before tbe opposite side of the
tree was reached. Stranger things than
that are said to have happened In Ore
gon. Advertised Letters.
The following letters remain uncalled
for in tbe postoffice at Oregon City for
the week ending June 2, 1904:
Ames, Francis M
Delap, Mrs Loe
Fisber, Mis Ola
Graham, Mrs. Geo,
Jones, Caroline E
Long, Mrs R H
Nichols, Mrs G E
Pfister, MissAnnie
Banta, Oliver
Banning, Jessie
Davis, Z C
Degrandpre, Joe
Dotson, J C
Haskins, A B
Hamilton, John F
Miller, J W
Marshall. Jno
Pheister, Ira
Elerk.J A
Simmons, JE
Furney, Geo
T. P. Randall, P. M.
Triumphs of Modern Surgery.
Wondeiful things are done for the hu
man body by surgery. Organs are taken
ontsand scraped and polished and put
back, or they may be removed entirely;
bones ara spliced; pipes take the
place of diseased sections of veins; anti
septic dressings are applied to wounds,
bruises, burns and like injuries before
Inflammation sets in, which causes
them to heal without maturation and
in one-third the time required by the old
treatment. Chamberlain's Pain Balm
acts on this same principle. It is aa an
tiseptic and when applied to such injur,
ies, causes them to heal very quickly.
It also allays the pain and soreness.
Keep a bottle of Pain Balm in your home
and it will save you time and money,
not to mention the inconvenience and
suffering which such injuries entail. For
sale by Geo. A. Harding.
Oregon Patents.
Granted this week. Reported by C.
A. Snow & Co., Patent Attorneys,
Washington, D. C. J. W. Burr, Port
land, Mangle. W. II. Gordon, Port
land, Miter-box. C. H. Pickett, Eugene
Pot-cover. For copy of any of above
patents send ten cents in postage stamps
with date on this paper to C. A. Snow A
Co., Washington, D. C.
Jldams Bros.
Golden Juk Bazaar
Notice of Annual School Election
Notice is berebv given to the legal
voters of School District No. 62, Clacka
mas county, state of Oregon, that the
annual school election for said district
will be held at the City Hall, in Oregon
City. Oregon, to begin at the hour of
2 o'clock p. m. and continue until the
hour of o o'clock p. m. on tbe third
Monday being the 20th day of June,
1904, which election is for the purpose
of electing one Director to serve for the
term 01 five years. Dated this 3rd day
of June 1904.
W. E. Carll, Chairman.
Attest : CO. T. Williams, Clerk.
A Great Opportunity.
Never before has such an opportunity
been offered to the country readers as is
offered right now in the clubbing rate of
$4.40 fir the Portland Daily Journal and
the Oregon City Courier The advantage
of a big daily for general news and a lo
cal paper for county news is too great to
be passed by. Tbis oner is limited to
20 days. Send your remittances to the
Courier. Sample copies on application.
Made Young Again
"One of Dr. King's New Life Pills
each night for two weeks hue put me in
mv 'teens' again,' writes D. II. Turner,
of Dempseytown.lPa. They're the best
in the world for liver, stomach and
bowels. Purely vegetable. Never
gripe, Only 25 cents at Charman & Co.'s
Rock Week Lodge, I. 0. 0. F.. Needy,
elected the following officers: Noble
grand, Gilbert Noej vice-grand, Mr.
Heinze; secretary, Mr . Stewej treas
urer, Carl Konshak.
Canby Lodge No. 156, 1. 0. 0. F. in
itiated a candidate through tbe third
degree last Friday night and have work
in the second degree Friday night. Vis
itors are always welcome. This lodge is
organizing a baseball team to play other
lodge teams in tbe neighborhood.
Canby Lodge No. 166, 1. 0. 0. F.,
elected the following officers: Noble
grand, H. A. Dedman; vice-grand, Chts.
Bates ; secretary, E. I. Bias ; treasurer,
A. Kocher. The third degree was con
(erred on G. B. Hampton. Canby lodge
meets on Friday evening of each week,
and visitors are always welcome. There
will be work in the second degree next
Friday evening.
For sick headache take Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and a
quick cure is certain. For sale by Geo.
A. Harding.
Cutlery at Cut Prices
Look In our windows this week for bargains in'
Knives, Scissors, Shears and Shaving Outfits. We
are closing out all our $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00
Razors for 69 cents One week only.
Paint Brushes
These come to us direct from the makers. We
can save you from 15 to 25 per cent, on brushes,
and best of all every one we sell is guaranteed.
A fine line of celluloid combs,
values, 25 cents.
Rabbits' Tails
Much softer and better than the ordinary puffs for
applying powder New and correct 50 cents.
Tokyo Camphor
A 25 cent box will protect,
whole family from moths.
Fishing Tackle
We have it For Salmon, Trout or Chubs,
our 50 cent and $ 1 .00 rods.
Excursion Rates to Yaquina Bay
On June 1st the Southern Pacific Co.
will resume sale of excursion tickets to
Newport and Yaquina Bay. Both Season
and Saturday-to-Monday tickets will be
sold. This popular resort is growing in
favor each year, hotel rates are reasonable
and the opportunities for fishing, hunting
and sea bathing are unexcelled by any
other resort on the Pacific Coast. . ,
5 27 6-1 General Passenger Agent.
Brazil's Extensive Exhibit.
Included In a display of 000 specimens
of wood at the World's Fair by the
Brazilian government is a coat-of-arms
containing I24 different varieties selected
from the extensive forrests of that country.
In Brazil's mineral display there is nearly
every kind of precious mental. The ex
hibit is counted as one or tne best in the
Department of Mines and Metallurgy.
When the Exposition Is closed the ex
hibits are to be presented to some Ameri
can University, but Commissioner de
Carvalho Is not decided as yet upon the
institution to be favored.
Special Excursion to the
World's Fair
The Denver & Rio Grande, In connection
with the Missouri Pacific, will run a series
of Personally Conducted Excursions to the
Worlds Fair during June. These excur
sions will run through to St. Louis with
out change of cars, making short stops at
principal points enroute. The first of
these Excursions will leave Portland June
7th, and the second June i7th. The rate
from Portland will be $67.50 to St. Louis
and return. Excursionists going via the
Denver & R!o Grande have the privilege
of returning via a different route. This Is
the most pleasant way, as well as the
most delightful route, to cross the conti
nent. The stops arranged give an oppor
tunity of visiting!the varlus points of Inter
est In and about Salt Lake City, Denver
and Kansas City. If you wish to accom
pany one of these excursions write at once
to W. C. McBrlde, 124 Third street, Port
land, for sleeping car reservations.
Reduced Rates to St. Louis
The Southern Pacific Co. will sell rouid
trip tickets at greatly reduced rates to the
St. Louis and Chicago on account of the St .
Louis Exposition, on the following dates:
June 16; 17, 18; July 1, 2, v, August 8, 9,
10; September 5, 6, 7; October?, 4, - ;i
Going trip must be completed within ten
days from cate of sale, and passengers will
be permitted to start on any day that will
enable them to reach destination within the
time limit. Return limit ninety days, but
not later than Dec. 31, 10O4.
For full Information as to rates and routes
call on Agent So. Pac. Co.
Regular 35 cent
the clothing of a