OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1904 ORXGON CITY COURIER. Published Every Friday by OREGON CITY COURIER PUBLISHING CO. SHIRLEY BUCK, Local Editor and Manager. H. L. McCANN, Editor. Catered In Oragon City Foatofflce u 2nd-cla matter 8033CE1F110N RATES. Paid In advance , per year : 1 50 Six montha 75 Clubbing Rates Oregon City v-uurterand Weekly Oregcmian .$2.00 Oregon City Courier and Weekiy Courier- Journal - 2.00 Oregon City Courier and Weekly Examiner.. 2.50 Oregon City Oonrier and the Commoner 2.00 Oregon City Couiier and Twlce..a.Weik Journal 2.25 Oregon City Courier and Weekly Journal .... 2.00 'The date opposite your address on the paper donotes I he time to which you hate paid I J this notice 1 markedyour subseiiption is due, ' Democratic Nominees. , Supreme; Judge Thomas O'Day. Congressman 2nd District Robert M. . Veatcb. Dairy and Food Commissionei S. M, Douglass. Presidential Electors John A. Jef. Iry, T. H. Crawford, W. B. Diller, J. H. Smith. y For Joint Representative for Clacka seal and Multnomah J. E. Hedges. For Representatives O . W. Brans, 8. Hutchinson, W. W. Jesse. For Sheriff Cbas Ely. Fir Clerk Millard Oriaall. For Treasurer N. F. Nelson. For Assessor T. R. A. Sellwood. Recorder H. W. Lang. . . For Supt. of Sthools-H. G. Stark weather. For Commissioner J. H. Kitching. For Surveyor A. M. Kirchem. A. M. Kirchem, candidate for county surveyor, is a native Oregonian . He has had a great amount of experience in surveying, and is an expert in that work. TriK Republican family quarrel i Wisconsin fomented by Spooner causes -consternation in administration circles Unless compromised imm diately it wil be likely to give the Democrats the governor and some congressmen. The Austrisns must have got a sug gestion from the way we so kindly dis posed of General Eagan. The mur derers of the late Austrian king and queen have been banished from the pal- ace and given high positions in the army. President Roosevelt, wants General Horace Porter, our ambassador to France, to run for Governor of New York. Governor Odell seems to second the motion and "lias gone to Paris to see him. Horace may not think this is a good year. Since General Funston confessed that he did not swim the Rio Grande River, April 26, 1899, but that two other men swam it while he went across an a raft, Kansas has revised her school books and given up her attempt to classify him as an amphibian. H. W. Lanm, candidate for County Recordor, is a wide-awake and popular young man who will till the oll'ue ac ceptably. He possesses the necessary education, Is of a genial disposition, and will prove polite and obliging to all who have occasion to transact official busi ness with him. Millard Orlsell is thoroughly capable of performing the duties of County Clerk, aud will make an efficient officer. Do not forget the lax and extravagaut methods now employed In that office and vote tor a man who will perform his duties faithfully and administer the ollice economically. Mr. Ciisell is such a man. T. R. A. Sellwood is a hustler. The energy he displays in the campaign is native to him and will characterize his official work. He is well-informed on property values, believes in an equitable distribution of the burdens of tuxntion, is affable and obliging, and will be one of the most popular officers in the court house during the next two years. TiiKREare 50,000 anti-imperialists in Massachusetts who demand that the Democaatio platform shall oiler inda pendence to the Filipinos at some near and specified time. General Miles al leges that Philippines under our protoc t ion lau equip themselves with a stable Republican government "within two hundred days. This ought to satisfy oven Governor Boutwell. Alono with Btrikes,' new kinds of breakfast foods, etc., come a new trouble which fortunately will not worry many of us, and that is the threatened dia mond famine. The mines of Southera Africa are nearing exhaustion and there is no other source of tupply to which the world con turn. The DeBeers Co., which handles 98 per cent of the entire output cannot fill its contract for a dis play at St. Louis. ruHHArs no candidate has proven more popular than Charles Ely, the Democratic tomiaee for Sheriff. Mr. Ely is a hard-working young man, a car penter by trade, and who makes no pre tense of having a "sack long enough to win the election." Bat he has other qualities that are more essential in an office than the possession of a "sack." A vote for Mr. Ely means a saving of money to the taxpayers. A Government expert after .conduct ing an investigation as to the cause of illness among some trout in the hatchery at Cold Springs, L. I., rep arts that they haV't malaria. Here the report ends, but the inquiring mind naturally won ders how they contracted it. Was ii rom a diet made up too largely of New Jersey misquitoes recuperating at Long Island, or was it contracted from visit ing anglers who failed to provide them selves with the universal micn.be killer? The Republicans are openly charging that A. R. Greene, special agent for the government, who has unearthed the gigantic frauds in our land offices, is' in the state as an agent of Secretary Hitch cock, and is endeavoring to defeat Her mann for Congress. We ao not believe the charge ; but if it be true, alt loyal supporters of President Roosevelt will vote against Hermann; (or it is well known that the President suppoited Hitchcock in his fight against Hermann. Tub greatest hypocrite in religious matters is the one who prays the load eat.' The soldier who never "smelt powder" is frequently found to be the greatest braggart. The political orator who talks most loudly of patriotism and "old glory" is often the one who is most closely allied with those who are raiding the public treasury and abusing the confidence of the people in enriching themselves and their political friends from the public revenues. Beware of the wolf in sheep's clothing. Encouraged by the efforts the Gov ernment is making to irrigate the arid regions of the West, the River Improve ment and Drainage Association, of Cal ifornia is preparing to ask for Govern ment aid in reclaiming the vast area of tule land in the Sacramento valley. This land is just as much too wet as other land is too dry, and it will be far more fertile by reason of the reat ac cumulation ol decayed vegetables mat ter iu it. The project of reclaiming it is more than ordinarily worthy, anil if it is practicable should be carried out. A German official demands a i ex plicit definition of the Monroe Doctrine. The Washington Poet glibly reponds, "That's easy! Thou ebalt not steal!" The Post is a vivacious paper, but it in dulges in some snide definitions. The inside meaning of the Monroe Doctrine is of course, "Thou shaltnot steal any thing that I may want to steal." The man had a very accurate idea of the Monroe Doctrine, who, when the minis ter asked if there was any objection to a couple being married rose and said "I object." "On what ground do you ob ject?" Aakea.the minister." "I want Hannah myself," said the candid swain. ' Joseph E. Hedges, Democratic nomi nee for joint representative for Multno mah and Clackamas counties, stands for the upbuilding of political integrity, for honesty in public and private life, for "a mioimum of a careful and conserva tive legislation." Mr. Hedges is well known throughout the county as an hon est and efficient business man. His training, in school and in his profession has peculiarly fitted him (or the position of legislat r. He is not a politician.but he has had opportunities to observe the devious paths trod by the political fakir, and will be able to do much toward pro tecting the people (rom polit'cal graft. A vote for Hedges means a vote for "re forms." IL G. Starkweather, candidate (or County School Superintendent, is prob ably better fitted by education, training and native ability to satisfactorily per form the duties of that office than any other wan in the county. He has been prominently identified with the educa tional work of the state for many years. He is not only well qualified to do the work that will devolve upon him, but his broad training will enable him to see what is needed for the betterment of educational conditions in the county. At the same time his affable and court eous manner will enable him to enlist the hearty co-operation of teachers, school officers aud patrons. Much good will result from his election. Col Bryan says "Trusts are to be the paramount issue." A good idea ; (arm ers have discovered that the steel trust hasadtied $1 to the price of every plow, that the wire trust has put the price so high that he can hrdly afford to fen ce his fields, that the lumber trust has In creased by fifty per cent the cost of the barn he builds, that the twine trust is taking robber toll from his wheat crop, aud that the labor trust has made help a rare aud ruinous delicacy and so on through all the articles he has to buy. But then didn't Mr. Roosevelt in a speech at the New York Wool Exchange in October, 1S90, say "Mr. Bryan and his adherents have appealed to the basest set in the land, the farmers." John D. Hockfei.ler, Jr., in a recent talk to bis bible class said: "Faith gives substance to the religious aspira tions of the soul, assuring us that they rest on truth and fact and are not mere castles in the air. The trouble with us men is that tb?y do not have sufficient faith. We should have more laith in God and mote faith in our fellow-men. The fact that we alt have been deceived at times by people we have placed faith in should not make us lose heart." These are good wards, and if they had been uttered by some country minister struggling along on the promise of $250 per year, they might have found lodg ment in some earnest heart. Coming as they do from a man whose family is under preju lice more or lees justified, thev lor the most part become as sound ing brass or tinkling cymbal. A better qualified man for county commissioner could scarcely be found than is the Democratic nominee, J. H. Kitching. Republicans and Democrats from the various precincts of the county speak in the highest terms of the impres sion he makes by ils fearless honesty, and his sensible views on the conduct of county affairs. Many Republicans ad mit that a county court, divided as to the political complexion of its members, will be more circumspect in the con ductof public business that is a "solid" court, and they will back up what they say, by voting for J. H. Kitching for commissioner. The laws of the state do not allow any one party to have all the members of the election board. No one questions the wisdom of this provision. Should not the voters of the county see to it that the board of county commis sioners, in whose hands, to so great an extent, lies the financial welfare of the county, also consists of men of different parties? It is pleasing to note that such sue cessful efforts are being made in this county to instalmore farmers ' telephone L)ines. The cost of men lines is com paratively small and there is no reason, whatever, why the patrons should not own their own lines and not be subject- ' ed to the high rentals and rates exacted by the Pacific States Telephone Co. The isolation of farmers and especially farm ers' wives in the rural dUtricts during the winter months is something that many of us know nothing about, but there are times when, the friendly voice of a neighbor, even though it be over the phone, will save a woman from a spell of the blues or a fit of melancholy. It is an established fact that many f aimers' wives have given away in health and mind solely on account of the lonely lives many of them are com polled to live. For this reason alone, let the tele phone be extended until every home has it. Place it on the list of necessi ties and then keep it. LET US CONSIDER FACTS. Some of the reason why the Republi can candidates for the various county offices should not be re-elected have been given in these columns from time to time. A recapitulation of these rea sons may not be out of place at this time. The county court has withheld all ap propriations (or road work, but at the same time has increased expenditures on the court house and In the conduct of the various offices ; it has incurred an outlay of $3400 for the sake of providing an unnecessary private room in- which the County Judge may , entertain bis friends ; it has failed to give to the people of the county, ia the publication of the court proceeding, a statement of the ar ticles or services for which county mouey is expended. Such statement is requiredjjy the laws of the state, and need entail no additional cost for print iDg ; yet, in its zeal to keep the people in the dark, such statements have been carefully avoided. The offices of County Clerk and Coun ty Treasurer have, combined, cost the peopl)$1200 more during the past year, than did the same offices under Demo cratic rule. The Couuty Clerk hat neglected and refused to make a certified statement of the amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid, but on the contrary has de liberately crossed out, on the blanks furnished by the state, the printed di rections calling for such Btatemsnt. he Republican campaign has been based on a statement that ttie indebted ness of the county is but $31,000. Yet this report has, as a starting point, the statemeut, which the County Clerk re fuses to certify, that the outstanding warrants amount to $128,000. There port makes no allawance for any delin quent taxes on the 1904 roll, and it doe. include $10,000 of taxes as yet unpaid, but which must be devoted to purposes other than the payment of general war rants. As we said Borne weeks ago, such a statement may comply with the law, but it is grossly misleading, neverthe less. The true cost ol the Clerk's and Sher iffs offices have been grossly underes timated by the incumbonts of those of fices, as they refuss to count the collec tion of taxes as a part of such ex penses. These are but a few of the many good i I I For Sale at 40 Acres in Julia Ann Lewis Claim, 2 miles from Oregon City, all good, level land, at" $50 per acre. - 128 Acres, level, living water, on Molalla, 60 acres in cultivation, rich soil, on main road, $40 per acre. 344 Acres on O. W. P. & Ry. line, 160 acres in 1 cultivation, small house, large barn, orchard, living springs, two million feet tim ber, 1 30 per acre.; 100 Acres, level, 60 in cultivation, good build ings, ii miles from terminus of O. W. P. & Ry. line, at Springwater, $40 per acre. 82 1-2 Acres in famous Logan country, 60 acres in A 1 cultivation, new frame dwelling cost $1500, large barn, living water, $50 per acre. 160-Acre Stock Ranch in Sec. 17, T. 4 S., R. 5 E., two acres cultivated, small house' and barn, two million feet fir and cedar, land mostly good, range immense, $5 per acre. 225 Acres at Logan, 100 acres in cultivation, 50 more nearly ready to break, house, barn, fruit, good neighborhood, $30 per acre. CROS Main St., Oregon City, Or. reasons (or defeating the Republican ticket. But they show the true nature of the campaign being put up by the ring a campaign of misrepresentation and abuse. The Democrats have re sorted to figures that are certified to by the various officers, and that are easily accessible; the Republicans have carved out portions of the year that are not covered exclusively by the reports, and the expenditures of which would re quire days of bard work to verify. Which party has shown a spirit of fairness? SHAVER'S BLUFF Sheriff Shaver is offering a reward to any reputable, representative Democrat who will show from the records of the Sher iff's office that his first year cost within $350 ot what Sheriff Cooke's last year cost. Let it be admitted for the sake of ar gument, that Cooke's last year did cost $350 more than Shaver's first. It will be remembeied that it was during the last year of Cooke's administration that the great "junk eale"occurred, in which was sold the property charged with de. linquent taxes lor 1892-3-4 and 7. In addition to the very large amount of work entailed thereby in keeping tbe records of the office, 'it required the making out of 613 tax deeds. H Mr. Shaver wished to convince the people of his honesty, why did he not tell the whole truth, and not seek to mislead the public by telling a half truth? The Courier seeks to make no state ment in regard to county expenditures that it has not verified from tbe records. As it would' require several days to find tbe lexact figures for the particular months that Mr, Shaver selects, and as that part is not covered exclusively by official reports, we are not in a position to say whether his statement is correct. But we do know, and can prove by the certified statements of the county of ficers, that tbe two offices of .Sheriff and Clerk have cost more, by $1200 for the year ending April SO, 1902. We can also prove from the Journal of Coun ty Court, that the estimated expenses for those two offices for the next year, is greater by $300 than they have been this year. Since writing the above, we find thut Mr. Eby has fully investigated the rec ords for the period men tioned, and states that even with the large amount of extra cost on account of the "junk sale," the cost of the "office under Cooke was materially less than it has been under Shaver. Mr. Eby's let ter will be found in another column, and the statements therein are to be fully relied on. (Editorial Continued on page 6.; pain nmm Low Figures and on Write for Full List S & SHAW minnillmiiilMiiiimflilftiiii 1 1 SHANK & I lnrlfrtakr. Office Phone 1031 v . - - Kei. , ' 1564 IRPfw-J3 W .-li' m mini uiium ' iH-gim Haif--gj- w Remember that fiednefs Tee Cream , is Perfection. 7t is full 25 per cent -butter fat. try it, and be your own judge. 7t is every day tbe same. next to Golden Rule Bazaar T. Phont 1121 fffS. IS33 Williams Bros, transfer Co. Safes, Pianos and Turniture Moving a Specialty freight and Parcels Delivered to all Parts ot the dtp TRAVELERS MONEY ORDERS We are prepared to furnish visitors to the Saint Louis Exposition with Money Orders payable in Saint Louis. These Orders are self identifying and will save the delay and annoyance of furnishing personal identification. The convenience and safety of carrying funds in this manner will recom mend them to experienced travelers. Come in and let us explain them to you. BANK OF OREGON CITY, D L i i 1 i Easy Terms 80 Acres 4 miles from Oregon City, 2000 cords wood, over-half good land, improved farms on three sides; wood will pay for the place; $ 20 per acre. Will trade. 349 Acres, 220 in A 1 cultivation, orchard, buildings, 7 acres hops, 6 miles from Hub bard, $35 per acre. 90 Acres on main plank road, 4; acres in good cultivation, large frame barn, nqhouse; land rich; $3000. 41 Acres, 5 miles from Oregon City, 2 miles from New Era, 25 acres in cultivation and in crop, living water, good orchard, buildings only fair; crop and all, $1500. Two o"r three thousand acres of good land near line of O. W. P. & Railway, in lots of from 80 acres up, and from lo per acre up to $15, on easy terms. 30 Acres, 24 miles from Oregon City,-16 in cultivation, orchard, all varieties of fruit, splendid Utile place, on main road; $2800; terms. 233 Washington St., Portland, Or fl We carry a complete line of Motrins, baskets and Kobes. The only licensed em balmers in tbe county. Calls receive prompt atten- tion day or night. BISSELL AnH Funeral Isirrtnr - - " '" --w V . I Main Street, Opposite Huntley's fj nynjiM " tuymmf m npimntaui-' m ngam aw" wiBy--wu-gmi i. .,i,0m& fydner Wain Street Pbone 1294 , Olflet In favorite Cigar Store Opposite masonic Building Prices treasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Oregon City