Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, June 03, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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We are having some rain in this part
of the country with good prospects (or
more, which pleatms the farmers. Gar
dena as well aa grain had begun to need
rain .
We noticed a statement in tbo Even
ing Telegram one day last week that
was partly untrue. It stated that the
Republicans ha1 a meeting here, which
was true, and tnat Mr. O. D. Eoy spoke
a half hour or ao againat Bome of our
preaent county officers, which was not
true ; and that one of their speakers
made Mr. Eoy feel, and hin remarks
look, like 30 cents, or words to that ef
fect , which was also untrue. The facta
in the case are: Mr. Eby was invited by
some of the speakers to attend the meet
ing, and he also had verified statements
from the county clerk to prove what he
wanted or intended to say, but they
would not let him speak. Mr. Eby then
challenged any of their speakers to meet
him the following evening at Oawego.
lie offered to divide time with them and
show that he cou.d prove what charges
He migut maxe. We like to see lair
play, no matter what political party it
may be.
There was a ball game here Sunday
between toe (Jams and Molalla teams.
The Molalla boys made several errors
which lost them the gme. The next
day they played a match game with the
Macksburg boys and won it easily.
Oliver Robbins has gone to the moun
tains for the summer to look after cattle
nd bees for W. R. Shaver.
F. 0. Perry and Dee Wright made a
trip to Rooster Rock last week . They
went to get some photos of the snow
country. They report that everything
in the vicinity of Image camp is covered
with snow. No logs, rocks, brush or
dead stabs are visible which shows that
the snow must De very deep. -
There will be a large dwelling house
built on the Robbins farm this summer.
G. V. Adams and Major Hungate will
each build barns in the near future.
It is reported that there is a case sf
scarlet fever In our neighborhood.
R. 0. Moore and wife were called has
tily to The Dalles laat Monday by sick
ness in thi family of their daughter,
Chas.' Boroughs is able to walk by tbe
aid of crutche. His foot is fast healing
and before long he will be at work.
Ernest Shank, of Oregon City, visited
his parents Saturd ay.
Canby is making preparations for a
glorious celebration July 4. Don't for
get that we have grounds that cannot
be equaled anywhere ; the M. E . camp
meeting grounds where in case of rain
all can find shelter ; and in case of a hot
day all can find shade. There will be
music by the Aurora band, a baseball
game, and all sorts of races. All lodges
in the various neighboring towns are in
vited march in the parade. In the eve
ning there will be fire works and a
grand ball. Every one is invited to at
tend. Good water on grounds, siands,
swings, etc.
J. D. Stalnaker had the misfortune to
loae a fine hoise Sunday. It dropped
dead after returning from Gervais.
There were two runaways in Canby
Monday afternoon. One team belonged
to Mr. Laurence of Macksburg, and the
other to Henry Knight.
Ed Stevens of Portland, was in town
Monday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ogle were Oregon
City visitors last Tuesday.
There is an aggregate of 41 acres of
strawberries in the vicinity of Canby.
Tbe school term has been extended
two weeks thus making an eight months
school for Canby this year.
with a number of men improving the
road as best he can. It is difficult to
speculate on who oar next supervisor
will be as there are several who want
the position.
Gardens are looking fine, and .'the
present rain will make them look better.
Several stockmen took their cattle to
tbe mountains a few days ago. We have
thousands of acres of range and trust
that no law will be enacted that will in
any way interfere with our using it.
Mr. and Mrs. Barnes, of Mulino, were
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wingfield a few
days ago.
School will close in two weeks. g
. Mr. Micklesohn, of Russellville.-hag
been engaged in the industry of peeling
cbittim bark. After a large quantity
had been collected, just imagine his sur
prise when be found that he had been
peeling alder trees.
Acute Rheumatism.
. I know a jolly old maiden lady
A lady of high degree,
Who never goes to bed without '
A drink of Rocky Mountain Tea.
Sensible woman.
That Throbbing Headache.
Would auicklv leave vou. if vou used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have prcved their matchless
merit lor eiclc and .Nervous Headaches.
They make pure blood and build up
your health. Only 25 cents, money
back if not cured. Sold bv Charman &
Co., Druggists.
Beaver Creek.
Deep tearing or wrenching pains, oc
casioned by getting wet through ; worse
when at rest, or on first moving the
limbs and in cold or damp weather, is
cured quickly by Ballard's Snow Lini
ment, uscaroieson, uibson uity. Illi
nois, writes, Feb. 17, 1902 : "A year ago
1 was troubled with a pain in my back,
It soon got so bad I could not bend over.
One bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment
cured me." 25c, 50c, SI. Sold by Char
man 4 Co.
Our farmers will welcome this Oregon
Mrs. Wicklnnd, who has been suffer
ing many years with consnmpt ion, died
at her home near Clackamas, Saturday
night, and was buried Monday. 'The
deceased was 43 years of age. She leaves
a busband and three children, Levin
and Selma Wlcklund and Arvid Benson,
to mourn her loas. The sympathy of
tne community la with the bereaved
Given to the Public by our
Local Druggist.
We want the pnblie to know thai
the most valuable and delicious tasting
cod liver oil preparation known to
medicine is Vinol.
Vinol contains ALL of the medicinal
elements of cod liver oil, actually taken
from fresh cods1 livers, but not a drop
of oil.
For this reason it is recognized
throughout the world as the greatest
health restorer and strength creator
known to medicine, and we do not
believe there is a man, woman or child
in this vicinity but what Vinol will
benefit them.
It makes health and strength for old
people, weak, sickly women and chil
dren, nursing mothers, and after a
severe sickness. 1
Cures hacking coughs, chronic colds,
bronchitis and all throat and lung
troubles. Unequalled to create aa
appetite, and to make those who are
too thin, fat, rosy and healthy.
Try Vinol on our guarantee to return
your money if you are not satisfied.
HUNTLEY BROS., Druggists,
Oregon City, Ore.
Fall wheat has begun to head, and
most of it is snort.
Sheep shearing is all finished, and the
farmers are receiving a fair pr ce for
their wool.
ox fellows, who are gathering bar1
berry bark on land that does not belong
to you. had better lopk out or you may
see it it is lunny.
The Carus boys went back from Mo
lalla Sunday with a emile on their faces
They carried off the honors of the base'
ball game at that place.. A large crowd
from (Jarus witnessed tne game.
We are glad to say the is rapidly im
proving. Silas Adkins and J. Akins are cutting
oak logs on the Klingler place. Mr. Ad
kins has a large contract for oak lumber.
S. Wright brought out a load of furni
ture Thursday from Oregon City. He is
remodelling his summer kitchen.
It is reported that W. Simmons has
sold his 100 acre tract of land.
Well. Monday is the dav to cast vonr
vote, good or bad, time will tel 1.
Thrown From a Wagon.
Mr. George K. Babcock was thrown
from his wagon and severely bruised.
He applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm
freely and says it is tbe best liniment
he ever used. Mr. Babcock is a well
known citizen of North Plain, Conn.
There is nothing equal to Pain Balm
for sprains and bruises. It will effect a
cure in one-tbird the time required by
any other treatment, For sale by Geo,
A. Harding.
We are enjoying a pleasant shower
at present, and it was badly needed to
start late sown grain.
Our Bingin'g school has adjourned,
much to the regret ot tbe claaB, especi
ally our friend from Liberal. We must
say to the credit of Prof. Mallatt, that
he has taugb( a very succesaful term and
that he ia an able teacher. We hope
that be will teach another term in tbe
near future.
Say, Sylvia, if isome of yonr boys are
looking for wives, send them to Macks
burg. We have baker's dozens. Last
Sunday tbey drew straws for a buggy
Mr. Smith is improving the appear
Seems as though the good weather
has made a prolonged stay. Hops are
doing nicely and fall grain is doing ex
ceedingly well, but the late sown grain
is somewhat held back. The outlook
is that the clover crop will be short'
Clarkes baseball team played Colton
on the home grounds Sunday, the vic
tory going to Colton.
Mr. Sam Elmer bought a new thresh
ing outfit Inst week. It is one of large
capacity and such as this community
has been in need of.
Mr. H. Klinsmith has been to High
land shearing sheep the past week. .
O. N. Larkins made a trip to the city
last week. , ,,. : u
The Shubel baseball captain announ
ces that there will be a pie social given
at the school house June 21. Ladies
come out and help the boys along.
Tbe young man who frightened two
young ladies, should reform his ways
and that at once.
Mrs, John Wolf and daughter have
been visiting with friends and relatives
in Portland for two weeks.
Jacob Bohlander, who has been work
ing in Eastern Oregon for several vears.
returned home Saturday, and broueht a
tents of hgrses for bis father.
Mrs. Wilson, of Portland, spent a few
days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Daniels, this week.
Miss Maggie Herman, who has been
staying in Portland fir' several years,
returned to her home last Saturday.
Miss Eva Linman, of Portland, and
Miss Schulti, of Oregon City, spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Hollman.
August Bluhm is hauling lumber for
his new bouse.
Miss Annie Steiner, who has been
staying with her sister in Portland for
several months, returned home Satur
day. Valentine Bohlandei is going to erect
anew barn.
George Barrs was taking photographs
of the Menrici shingle mill last week.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets Bettei Than a Doctor's
Mr. J. W. Turner, of Truhart. Va.,
says that Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets have done him more good
than anything be could get from the
doctor. If any physician in this coun
try was able to compound a medicine
that would produce such gratifying re
sults in cases of stomach troubles, bil
iousness or constipation, his whole time
would be used in preparing this one
medicine. For aale by Geo. A. Harding.
Have You A Ciugh?
A dose of Ballard's Horehound Syrup
will relieve it. Have you a' cold? A
dose of Herbine at bedtime and frequent
small doses of Horehound Syrup during
the day will remove it. Try it for
wuooping cough, for asthma, for con
sumption, for bronchitis. Mrs. Joe
McGrath, 327 E 1st street, Hutchinson,
Kan., writes, "1 have used Ballard's
Horehound Syrup in my family for five
years, and find it the best and most pal'
atable medicine I ever used," 25c, 50c,
and SI. Sold by Ubarman k Co.
Meadow Brook.
TheEaatham School baseball team
played Canby Decoration Day. The
acora waa 7 to 1 in favor of Canby. The
Oregon City boys were outclassed in
aixe. Batteries were Roy Knight and
Zeek for Canby and Akin aud Wood for
Oregon City.
J. F. Deyoe, Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Dick,
C. T. Batus aud Mr. Rockwell attended
G. A. R. exercises at Oregon City Mon
day. Ed Bair of Portland, spent Sunday
with relatives ia Portland.
Riverside school closed last Friday
with a picnic in Clausen's grove. A
large crowd was present and after the
rendering of the program an excellent
dinner was served by the ladies of the
Riverside district.
There is a new arrival at the home of
oar genial station agent, Mr. Hovt N ,
Brown. It was a baby girl. Mother
and child art getting along nicely.
The boys are getting the baseball
grounds in shape for July 4.
Jas. Fry rear, John Daly, Phil Tucker,
and Geo. Keeselring, of Mackabarg,were
Canby visitors Saturday.
Mrs. Henry Evans has opened a new
confectionary, bakery and ice sream
stand in Henry Knight's building.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Dick, Mrs. How
ard Keclea, Mrs. R H. White, and M its
Myrtle Hale atteuded Grange at New
Era Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Evans ware
guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Knight.
Strawberries are ripening faat now and
ahipping has commenced.
There was a large crowd at the Re
publican sneaking laat Thureday night.
The part received beat by the audience
was the singing of the Maccabee quar
tette. The candidates for the l.cal of
fices spoke briefly, then G. B. Dimick
delivered an intoreating address. He
was followed by Air. Hayes, who alst
delivered a stirring address.
News is scarce, but it would be
strange to see some of our Republicans
vote.the Democrat ticket.
Ed Carter has been in our burg work'
ing in the interest of a Real Estate
Misses Kate and Inex Snodgrass visit
ed Graudma Ramsby Sunday.
Joshua Gorbet is laid up for repairs
bis ankle being thrown out ot joint.
It is rumored that Mr. Merical
learning the millinery business.
Mesars. Denniion and Coo oer have
been out working for the new bridge
that is to be built across the Molalla
river at tbs mouth of Woodcock Creek
Tbe business of the country is snch that
a bridge must be built, and there is no
better location on the river.
The faithful eight have noticed that
the Democrats have aguin entered their
ranks and taken two mors of their mem
As nothing more has come ont in the
way of news concerning tbe inhabitants
of Cedar Island, it is feared they have
We will inform the readers of the
Courier that Ruasalvilla is not behind
other parts of the county. Onr tele
phone Una ia completed, and if news
paaalng over the wire would make it hot
loan ours wonia sureiy men.
"Rich Bros.' sawmill is new cutting
lumber. A part of their product is be
ing taken by the Bagby Company to be
used in making dams on Coal Ureek in
order that their logs may be floated out
lor the mill at Aurora.
B. F. Boy las, our road boss, is working
Those who are training- fleeh
and strength by regular treat
ment with
Scott's Emulsion
should continue the treatment
In hot weather smaller dose
anda little cool milk with It will
do away with any objection
which Is attached to fatty pro
ducts during the heated
Send for fr sample.
savrr bownk, ch.mLt,
409-41 Pt.rl Slrwt, New York.
30c. ind f 1.00 4II druggiits.
Thousands in use in Oregon, Washington and Idaho
Absolutely the best Mower IN THE WORLD.
Send for Catalogue.
' Some years ago we stopped buying the
manufacturers regular construction and grade
in medium priced Buggies and got up a buggy
of our own, improving the construction and
grade of the materials used. To distinguish
these goods from regular Eastern work, such as
is handled by others, we put our 'own name
and brand on them. We call ttienvdur "Bee
Line," in other words our UQ" 'grade' or medi
um priced line and we defy anybody to put
more service and wear in a buggy of medium
price than we have in these. , . Whert you buy
a Bee-Line you get somethingforyoar money.
Established 1834
Ample Capital to carry stock of material 3 to
5 years ahead. An absolute' guarantee that
it is properly seasoned. ,
The Mitchell is the best made, best ironed,
best finished, best proportioned and lightest
running wagon made.
Get a Mitchell "
and you getthe best,.
Oregon City.
Willamette Grocery
Stevens Building,
Sixth and Wain Sts.
Telephonb, Main 1141.
Do you know what our busi
ness is?
When it comes to Groceries
and such things, we are the peo
ple; and you'll never regret' the
day you got in touch with us.
You ought to see out line of
Teas, Coffees, Spices and the
good brands of Flour we handle.
They are the BEST.
Prices low and delivery 'prompt.
Wiles & McSfasban
Will make Four Round Trips daily;
bet. Oregon City and Portland
Leaves Portland
8.30 A. M.
3.00 P.M.
Leaves Ore. City
7.00 A. ri.
1.30 P.M.
. 4.30
The Most Picturesque River Ride in Oregon ,
Special Attention given to the Handling
of Freight.
Landings on week days at Oswego and
Magoan's only. All Landings made Sun
1 1 I ' - n n r I 1 II iU l. .m II 1
cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited
capacity, nor where the water supply and.
temperature is uncertain by reason of de
fective plumbing or heating apparatus.
To have both put in thorough working:
order will not prove expensive if the work;
is done by us.
We have moved from our old stand into
the old postoffice building. Don't forget
tne place when you want plumbing done. :
satisfaction guaranteed. F. C. GADKE .
Oregon City, Oregon.
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
a Specialty
Opposite Oeufleld Block OREGON CIT, 1
Toesday aright, May 31, an entertain
ment and ica cream social was given by
the Clackamas school. 8even pupils,
who sueceafnlly passed the county ex
amination, graduated : The graduates
were: Nellie fmel, Anna Mooney.Amy
ilartnell, Earoeat 6treet, Orrille John
son, Clarence Johnaon and Gertie Bar
greaves. They feel that their euceees
ia due to a very geat extent, to their
teacher, Mies Irene Smith. Tne pro
oeeds of tbe entertainment and social
will go towards enlarging the library.
Everybody la fthe community, bring
iag their lancbes and their children, are
invited to attend tbe Children's Day ex.
ercisea given by tbe grange.
HissJeaaie Paddock, of Claekamas,
graduated at Eugene laat Tuesday.
The net proceeds of the ice cream and
baaket social, given bv the grange May
31 amounted to abeut 131.
What the farmers want now, instead
of ao much political gossip, is rain and
plenty ol it.
Late sown "grain is very spotted, but
our late rains will greatly benefit it.
Liberal was nearly vacated on Decora
tion Day. Our people visited many dif
ferent places to honor the dead.
Dee Wright and wife returned Monday
from the Do an ranch, where they have
been looking after the stock for three
- James Bannagen is on the sick liat.
B. Fredricka is mllklnr II cows and
ahipping the cream to Portland. He
intends to make a fine ranch out of the
place ha bought.
Mra. Deck Skein fell off the porch
last Thursday and fractured her arm.
I an heartily recommend Acker's
Tablets for Dyspepsia and Stomach Trou
bles. I have been suffering for eight
months and tried many remedies without
any relief, until I got Acner's Dyspepsia
Tablets, which 1 used only a short time
and am now perfectly well, Thanking
you for the speedy recovery, I am great
fully yours, FRANCIS I. GANNOR, Van
couver, Wash. For sale by Huntley Bros.
Send to W. H. HOOKER & CO., Buffalo,
N. Y., for a free trial package.
(Nothing Like Then.)
ance of his place by building new board
and wire fenees.
Some of the people around here will
take in the excursion to Salem aext Sun
It is reported that the Ha el wood
Cream Company will run a cream wagon
through here after tbe first of June.
"rmoa yon.
T he farmers are all delighted with the
little rain tnat has fallen, it being quite
beneficial to their crops.
Some of the farmera were glad to re
eeive 75 cents a sack for their potatoes.
Lydia Aden of Portland, waa visiting
her parents Sunday and Monday.
Mark Baker the noted sheep shearer,
has just about finished his work in this
There was quite a number of people
seen in the Stafford cemetery Sundav
and Monday.
Mrs. E. Sharp bag returned home.
Mr. Ernest Bock man has gone up the
eountryto bny a new horse.
Let us all once more nave a good time
at Larson's Hall, June 11. Elwerfs
orchestra. Tickets 50 cents.
Often The Kidneys lire -Weakened
tj Orer-Woil
Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood.
It used to be considered that only
urinary and bladder tronblea were to be
traced to the kidneys,
but now , modern
science proves that
nearly U diseage
have their beginning
in the disorder or
these moat important
organs. '
The kidneys filter
and purify theblooi
that is their work.
. Therefore, when yvur kidneys are weak
or out of order, yon c&a nnderetand how
quickly yoaw entire body ia affected aaI
how every organ seems to fail to do ita
If yon are elek or " feel badly," begia
taking the great kid j remedy, Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, secaaae aa seen
aa yonr kidneys are W4 they will help
all the other organs ta health. A trial
will convince anyone.
If yon are sick you cj make ao mas '
take by first doctoring yonr kidney.
The mild and the extraordinary effect of
Dr. Kilmer's Swanap-Root, the great
kidney remedy, ia soon realized. It
stands the highest for ita wonderful carts
of the most distressing cases, and is sold
on its merits by all . fxZ
druggists in fifty-cent f"!'h &
and one-dollar sizeij4 jJt
bottles. You may"a-iak
uavca sample DOUie Bon. ot Swuap'
by mail free, also a pamphlet telling yoifc.
how to find out if you have kidney or
bladder trouble, Mention this paper
when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing
hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. .