Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, May 06, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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School began last Monday! a teacher
from California Deing in charge.
The Springwater church has a new
minister, Rev. Allen.
The Springwater Sunday school will
have a picnic on Saturday, May 21. All
are: cordially invited, especially the
children of the other Sunday schools.
Cecilia Caruthers, who has been visit
ing with relatives here, ha returned to
Eastern Oregon.
Grain looks well for its age, and there
is a good urospect fcr fruit.
Growing Aches and Pains.
Mrs. Josie Sumner, Bremond, Texas,
writes, April 15, 1902: "I have used
Ballard's Snow Liniment in my family
for three years. I would not be without
it in the house. I have UBed it on my
little girl for growing pains and aches In
her knees. It cured her right away. I
have also used it for frost bitten feet
with good success. 'It is the best lini
ment I ever used.' " 25c, 50c, $1.00.
Sold by Charman & Co.
Pearl Garrett, teacher of the White
school, came home on a visit last Friday
evening. .
Nick Wolfer, of. Portland, is working
for J. D. Ritter.
Supervisor Montadon, with the as
sistance of Mr. Hostetler and his engine
has been grading the roads around here
during the past week.
There will be an entertainment and
basket social given In the I. O. O. F.
Hall next Saturday night by the Dry
land school.
The dance given here last Saturday
evening was a successful affair. Good
order, good music, and a large crowd.
Lee Fish and Orley Smuker, who are
working in Bagby'B logging camp on
Cole Creek, came down Saturday mor
ning to see his people and also to attand
the dance.
There was a good attendance at the
Grange last Saturday. Two new mem
berg were initialed in the first and sec
ond degree. There will be a special
meeting Saturday, May 14. Saturday,
May 28, will be Children's Day, and we
invite all the children as well as parent 8
of tne community, to come and enjoy
the day.
The I. O. O. F. celebrated th 85th
anniversary of the order in their new
hall last Tuesdaj evening in grand style.
County Judge Ryan and Grant Dimick,
of Oregon City, were with us.
Lizzie Herman, who has been working
in Barlow, is home for a few days on ac
count of sickness.
Mrs. Sam Wolfer, who has been visit
ing with her ion in Aurora for the past
six weeks, has returned home.
Mr. Thompson, who was seriously ill
with lagrippe the past month, we are
glad to say is able to be around again.
- We are sorry to learn that Nora Fish
is laid up with rheumatism.
Dick Garrett, our veterinarian, is kept
quite busy this spring attending sick
horses. Last Saturday night he was
called to attend to one of Mr. Thomp
son's horses which at the 'aBt report was
out of danger.
Crops of every kind look exceed'ngly
well here.
J. D. Ritter and family went to Hub
bard last Sunday and spent the day with
their friends, Jake Stautl'er and family.
Will overcome indigestion and dyspep
sia ; regulate the bowels and cure liver
and kidney complaints. It is the best
blood enrichor and invigorator in the
world. It is purely vegetable, perfectly
harmless, and should you he a sufferer
from disease, you will use it if you aie
R. N. Andrews, Editor and Mgr.,
Cocoa and Rcckledge News, Cocoa, Fla ,
writjs: "I have UHed your Herbine in
my family, and f. nd it a most excellent
medicine. Its effects upon myself have
been a marked benefit. I recommend
it unhesitatingly. 50c. Sold by Char
man & Co.
The troupe that held the boards in
our opera bonne last wuuk linished their
engagement und have moved on. The
excitement at ending the show has sub
titled and Molalla has about resumed its
usual quiet condition. The show was
of Cod Liver Oil is the means
of life, and enjoyment of life to
thousands; men women and
When appetite fails, it re
stores it. When food is a
burden, it lifts the burden.
When youlosc flcsh.it brings
the plumpness of health.
When work is hard and
duty is heavy, it makes life
It is the thin edge of the
wedge; the thick end is food.
But what is the use of food,
when you hate it, and can't di
gest it?
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil is thefood that makes
you forget your stomach.
If you riave not tried It, send for
free sample. Its agreeable taste will
surprise vou.
SCOTT A BOWNE, Chemists.
409 Pearl Street, New York.
60c. and $I.OOiall druuuists.
something of the Dr. Stiner order though
not quite so rank; neither did they take
as much money from this place as the
little doctor did.
C. I Gipson went to Portland last
Monday to work during the summer at
carpenter work. Lester Gipson' is also
going in a few days to work with him.
Our new arrivals, Mr . Barker and
wife, from Nebraska, have moved into
the house on the Uardesty farm and he
is working for Mr. Shaver.
Most of the early fruit has been killed
in this section by the recent hard frost.
Some kinds of prunes, peach plums,
early cherries and peaches will be al
most an entire failure.
D. O. Boyles has returned from Ore
gon City, but is now visiting friends and
relatives in tne KusBelville neighbor
hood. .
0. 8. Boyles kas started a pack train
to the Ogle Creek mines. He reports
some snow in tbe trail near the mines
and it will be some time before the Red
Reck trail can be traveled as it passes
over a high country and there is plenty
of snow to block it.
Ed Hughes and Johnnie Dungan ex
pect to leave the desert for Molalla abont
the 20th of this month, provided the
road is open across the monntains.
Our road boss W. H. Eogle, is doing
some good work on the roads which
badly need it as there was but little
work done last season.
W . A. Shaver has purchased an im
ported black percheon stallion. He is a
fine horse and will be kept at Mr.
Shaver's residence east of town on the
Robbius farm.
J. K. Dickey was here this week. He
expects to go to eastern .Washington in
a few days. X. Y. Z.
A Positive Necessity.
Having to lay upon my bed for 14
days from a severely bruised leg, I only
found relief when I used a bottle of Bal
lard's Snow Liniment. I can cheerfully
recommend it as the best medicine for
bruises ever seat to the afflicted. It
has now become a positive necessity
upon myself. D. R. Byrnes, Merchant,
Doversville, Texas, 25c, 50c, SI. Sold
by Charman & uo.
Mrs. John EckerBon and daughter
Alma we e Portland visitors last Satur
day and Sunday.
John Daly, of Macksburg, was in town
Saturday .
The Canby Baseball Association is
doing some good work on their grounds
in Canby. The field was leveled off and
is going to be one of tbe best in the
cojntry as Boon as it is hardened. Tbe
grounds are to be Inclosed by a board
fence and a good grand-stand will be
erected, and Canby should be well able
to support a good ball team and the
boys will undoubtedly have a good one
as the material is here and all they need
is practice. The team iB open 'or games
and any challenges or invitations to play
will receive prompt attention.
Canby Lodge No. 156, I. 0. 0. F.
celebrated the 85th anniversary of the
order on Friday, their regular meeting
night, by putting a candidate through
theiniatiatory.'one through the third
degree and a smoker. During the even
ing ice cream was served and a good
time given for everybody. Messrs Otis
Morris, Fred Wuodaide, and Roy Graves
and Mr. Graves, of Aurora Lodge were
Mr. Newton, of Wilboit. father of J .
W. Newtou of Canby, was a visitor here
tins week.
Mr. Frank Astman and wife left lor
a trip through California last Saturday.
The Christian church Sunday School
has a red and blue button contest. The
side that shows tbe best attendance dur
ing a certain period wins the honors and
the losing side provides a supper.
Some of our young ladies and gentle
men were out hanging May baskets last
Saturday night. All their friends were
Ed Bradtl and Veva Knight were New
Era visito-B la t Sunday.
Mr. Louie Rogers, of Portland, spent
Sunday in Canby.
Remember the dance at Canby May
List. A good time assured.
Warren Kendall and his brother Wil
liam Kendall, have purchased a butcher
shop iu Hubbard.
Clias. Ranch is working for Jacob
Bchinilt in the meat market.
Mr. John Bounds and Miss Rosalie
Fauton were married in Oregon City
Saturday, Justice of the Peace Stipp of
ficiating. The bride is the daughter ol
our esteemed townsman, R. 1' an ton.
Tne groom is well and favorably known
iu Canby. We wish the young couple
much joy.
II. K. Tackelson made a business trip
to Southern Oregon Saturday.
Mrs. Carlton and Bon are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Rosekians this week.
The Whist Club met at the residence
of Mrs. F. Rosekrans. A pleasant after
noon was spent. Mrs. John EckerBon
won first prize and Mrs. C. N. Wait the
booby prize.
G. B. Hampton made a business trip
to Lebanon Monday,
Grant White, of Portland, is visiting
his mother, Mrs. R. White, this week.
Hattie Spulak and Katie Newbury, of
New Era, attended Rebekau Lodge at
Canby Tuesday night
The City Council met in regular ses
sion last Monday eveuing. Meeting
called to order by Mayor H. 0. Gilmore.
Councilraen present were: E. I. Sias,
C. N. Wait, R. Fanton, Chas Roth, A.
J. Knight and Wesley Riggs. The fol
lowing business was transacted : The
alley in block 10 was ordered opened.
Sidewalk on First street ordered repair
ed. A committee appointed to confer
with the County Court regarding the re
pairing of the roads leading into Canby
The electric arc lights ordered turned off
until further ordered by City Council .
Orders drawn on the treasurer for bills
of Chief of Police, Street Commissioner,
Recorder and Electric Light Co.
A citisens' meeting was called at the
Car Utah Land
city hall May 9th at 8 p. m. to discuBs
ways and means for celebrating Juiy 4.
All citizens are requested to be present
as this work is not to be in the hands of
just a few, but everyone who enjoys
celebrating the anniversary of the inde
pendence of our nation and display our
patriotism, should Bhow it at least by
their presence at a meeting where- ar
rangements are to be made. Let us
sbow our BiBter towns that we can work
together irrespective of creed, belief, or
prejudice when it concerns an idea for
all American citizens.
Mr. and Mis. A. M. Vinyard were
Oregon City visitors Tuesday.
Elmer Zeek went to Portland Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Hougham, who resides
east of Canbv, has about 400 small
chickens and all are doing nicely in spite
of the wet weather this spring. MrB
Houghan is having lumber hauled for a
new residence.
Mrs. Howard Eccles was a Portland
visitor Wednesday.
Phil Tucker went to Portland Satur
day evening to visit his wife who was
recently operated upon for apoendicitis.
The operation was a complete success
and Mrs. Tucker has recovered suffi
ciently to return home .
Mr. Kraft, who lives north of Canby,
is erecting a fine new barn.
C. N. Wait is busily engaged in put.
ting wire in his new hopyard.
An Open Letter
From the Chapin, 8. 0 News : Early
in the spring my wife and I were taken
with diarrhoea and so severe were tht
pains that we called a physician who
prescribed for us, bat his medicine
failed to give any relief. A friend whi
had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand
gave each of us a dose and we at once
felt the effects. I procured a bottle and
before using the entire contents we were
entirely cured. It is a wondenul rem
edy and should be found in every house
hold. H. 0. Bailey, editor. This reme
dy is for sale by Geo. A. Harding.
Mountain View.
Improvements still go on. ,
P. D. Curran tore down his old wood
shed and Messrs. Locke and Dickey are
building an addition to the house, it ex
tending over the place of the shed.
Mrs. Spencer, who lived on Molalla
Avenue in the Haywood house, has gone
to Portland, and Mr. Brown and family
have moved into the house vacated by
Mr. Harrington has painted his house
occupied by Mr. Frist.
Mr. Ott and wife are on the sick list,
Millard Giliett spent Friday and Sat
urday with friendsg ' Eldorado and
Duane Ely took an outing last Sunday
and drove out to Milk Creek with his
father, and they spent the day fishing
for trout.
On Thursday evening of next week,
May 12th, there will be a lecture at the
Woodmen hall. All who are interested
in the United Artisans are cordially in
vied to attend.
Mr. Nickels returned home from Blue
River Monday evening. . ;
Grandma Frost has been quite ill the
last two weens. sauna.
Whooping Cough.
"In the spring of 1901 my children had
whooping cough," says Mrs. D. W
Capps, of Capps, Ala. "I used Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy with the most
satisfactory results. I think this is tbe
best remedy I have ever seen for whoop
ing cough." This remedy keeps tbe
cough loose, lessens tbe severity and
frequency of the coughing spells and
counteracts any tendency toward pneu'
monia. For sale by George A. Hard'
At a meeting of the Board of Rchci
Directors of district No. 75, on Friday
mgnt, it was voted to give Miss INeilie
Armstrong another month's school. It
does seem too bad that the Board took
particular pains to get a schcol inarm
from a distance, so as to give some of
our young men a chance. We have at
1. ant a half dozen but they are awfully
shy but opportunity comes to them that
Mr. and Mrs. Coon, of Oswego, were
out visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hughes re
Mr. Dier failed to close the deal with
Mr. Sprague for his place.
VV. H.Bonney is moving his boiler to
day assisted by Mr. and Mr. George
Mr. Stone's horse eaulked itself quite
severely but will recover.
Messrs. Hubert and Brown and their
families went up to sje the slide at the
Morton place last Sunday.
Mrs. Eugene Kennedy, of Clackamas
Heights, is visiting E. and A. Barett.
Mrs. J. Fullam is visiting in Portland,
Farmers generally are getting along
nicely, some having finished seeding and
planting. What is needed now is more
Wrtrm weather.
The frost of a week ago did little or no
Storm Bros, lost a valuable horse a
few days ago, the last one of their $400
team. Rupture of a blcod vessel was
the cause.
The general neatness and attractive
ness of our locality is being improved by
the addition of paint to some of tbe
Rev. Allen preached bis initial sermon
at Bethel Preioyterian church Sunday
at 11 o'clock.
Miss Percell, of Parkplace, started
school at Evergreen district Monday
morning. L. F.
Quick Arrest.
J. A. Gulledge, of Verbena, Ala., was
twice in the hospital from a severe case
of piles causing 24 tumors. After doc
tors and all remedies tailed, .tsuckiein't
Arnica Salve quickly arrested further
inflammation and cured him. It con-
queis acnes and kins pain. .DC at
Uhaiwau & Co., druggists.
Plaster, Holmes, Parkplace
An Open Letter to the Puslic
To Whom It May Concern:
Of late there has been a good deal
at discussion i regard to advertised
medicines and their value. We want
to say to every man, woman and child
in this vicinity that the most valuable
preparation of cod liver oil, the best
tonic reconstrnctor, health restorer and
strength-creator we have ever sold in
our store is Vinol.
Vinol is not a patent medicine; it
contains no injurious drugs, and it act
ually does contain all of the medicinal
curative elements of cod liver oil, taken
from fresh cods' livers, but without a
drop of oil, and is delicious to the
Vinol is recognized throughout th
world as the greatest strength-creator
for old people, weak, sickly women,
children, nursing mothers, and after
a severe sickness.
Vinol cures hacking coughs, chronlo
colds, bronchitis and all throat and
lung troubles. Unequalled to create
an appetite, and make those who are
too thin, fat, rosy and healthy.
Vinol is sold on a positive guarantee.
Call and get a Vinol booklet.
HUNTLEY BROS., Druggists.
Oregon City, On.
row ZBA.
Miss Bradford closed a successful term
o' school Friday with appropriate exer
cises Miss Bradford contemplates re
turning to her old home in the East in
the near future.
A freight train killed a valuable cow
belonging to Mr. Reif last Thursday.
Bob McArtbur returned from Arling
ton on Tuesday of last week with three
Elmer McArthu' purchased a piece
of land from R. J. Brown recently for
10 per acre.
Mrs. Gertie Rice, of Sodaville, Or.,
spent several days with her cousin, Mrs.
J. C. Newbury, the past week.
Christene Bowman left Monday for a
two months' stay on her claim near
Scheer'e Bridge, in Sherman county.
Mrs. J . Burgoyne is suffering from an
an attack of rheumatism.
New Era ha i its usual number of vis
itors Sunday. Among them were Isaac
Crader and wile, Fred Burgoyne and
ffife, Messrs. Wittenberg, Wasserman
and Ivan Truesdale, of Portland, Father
Hildebrand, of Oregon City, and C. Ko
cher, of Canby.
Mrs. Wink spent Sunday with Mrs.
Ehler, of Portland.
Mrs. Hougham has loined the cream
separator club (and will be shipping
cream Dy tne.time tms goes to press.
Frank McArtbur has a new Aspinwall
potato planter.
It is reported that a fellow fell off
from the returning excursion train Sun
day here and wat considerably shaken
up by the fall.
Ouve Friedrich came home Sunday
from Portland, and she will keep house
for her brotheis this summer on the
farm near Liberal.
bupervisor Staehely . is clearing the
timber and stumps out of the right of
way, norm oi JNew JSra, . and be will
grade up and make a good road as far as
tne iveuand mil.
The W. C. T. U. met at Mrs. J. C.
Newbury's Wednesday.
Newt Criteaer is digging a well on his
(Continued on page 6 and 8) .
Quality considered, our prices are the
lowest. Miss Goldsmith.
A Startling Test.
To save a life, Dr. T. G. Merritt, of
No. Mehoopany, Pa.,, made a startling
test resulting in a wonderful cure. He
writes, "a patient was attacked with
violent hemorrhages, caused by ulcera
tion of the stomach. I had often found
Electric Bitters excellent for acute stom
ach and liver troubles so I prescribed
them. The patient gained from the first.
and has not had an attack n 14 monthB."
Electric Bitters are positively guaran
teed for dyspepsia, indigestion, constipa
pation and kidney troubles. Try tbem.
Only 50c at Charman & Co.'s.
The Cause of Many
Sudden Deaths.
There is a disease prevailing in this
country most dangerous because so decep
tive, juauysuaaen
deaths are caused
by it heart dis
ease, pneumonia,
heart failure or
apoplexy are often
the result of kid
ney disease. If
kidney trouble is
allowed toadvanco
the kiikiey-poison
ed blood will at
tack the vital organs, causing catarrh ol
the bladder, or the kidneys themselves
break down and waste away cell by cell.
Bladder troubles almost always result
from a derangement of the kidneys and
a cure is obtained quickest by a proper
treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel
ing badly you can make no mistake by
taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the
great kidney, liver and bladder remedy.
It corrects inability to hold urine and
scalding pain in passing it, and over
comes that unpleasant necessity of being
compelled to go often through the day,
and to get up many times during the
night. The mild and the extraordinary
effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized.
It stands the highest for its wonderful
cures of the most distressing cases.
Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is
sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and
one-dollar size bottles. You may have a
sample bottle of this wonderful new dis
covery and a book that tells all about it,
both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil
mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When
writing mention reading this generous
offer in this paper. Don't make any
mistake, but remember the name, S wanip
Koot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the
address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every
10 1 II Slini v-
tS r
1 Oregon Cty Bicycle
K3 ..
and wn Store
Only Exclusive Sporting Goods House in Clackamas Co.
- -
v Dnmhlnr Plmmlonrl n. n.i i n ....
a i.amuici, uiciGidiiu. uesceni,
Jl full line of risking tackle, '
Base Ball Goods and Bicycle Sundries
Guns, Revolvers, Ammunition, Cutlery, g
' '
We have the best eauintvd Ponai
Q, county and can do your work at right prices. Repairing
in all lines. ,
l T . T,
g L,arge Line
rV r a ' j
W nam street
We Want Your Trade
At Harris Grocery
And are going to make special
inducements to close buyers.
Cash and Small Profits is Cur Motto.
:-:We Are In
r. I tc&NS2Tr- .
you fair. One price to all.
R. L. HGLMAN, Undertaker and Embalmer.
Office one door south of courthouse, or at cigar store op
posite Bank of Oregon City. p
A New Home Industry
The Cascade Laundry
Does not wear out or destroy, your linen
Our Wagon will call for your soiled linen each week and
deliver your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfaction
C. W. Kelly
HigllGrade If and Wines .
, Whiskey J a Specialty
Imported Scotch and Irish
All goods bount in bond
Purity and quality guaranteed
Some famous Old brands
James E Pepper Kentucky Bourbon
Old Sam Harris Kentucky Bourbon
SH OldRoxburv Rye
Cor. Railrad Ave. and Main Sts.
loiumDia & fmoena wnee s s-
r t t I
ot Hammocks.
Oresron Citv m
a Position:-:-
to save you from io to 20
per cent on undertakers sup
plies, of which we carry a
complete stock. We are
under small exoense. Ha
f no middle men to pay, own
-our own herse.and will treat
E. L. JOHNSON, Proprietor.
C. Jfuconlcb
Whhleys and French Brandies
and Cigars