2 OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1904 NEWS OF . THE COUNTY CLABKES. There it cornea again soTe rain, yet not too much ; crops growing fine and nearly everybody planting potatoes. We are eorrv to state that Mr. Kreuder it on the sick list 1 J. F. Fisher, captain of Shnbel base ball team, played with the Highland team Sunday. lie was sorry to say it was a victory for the Highlanders, tne score being 6 to 7. G, Cummings has moved his family into bis nev residence near the sawmill. The Doerst sawmill is running full blast at present and will soon have lum ber for the market. Elbert Larkins and John Fisher at tended the dance at Beaver Creek and report a good time. F. Fisher is erecting some buildings for Mr. Baul Improvements of this kind help to make our community at tractive to visitors and homeseekers. Makes a Clean Sweep. There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the salves you ever heard of, Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the best. It sweeps away and cares Burns Sores, Biuises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. Its only 25 cents and guaranteed to give satisfaction by Charman & Co. Druggists. KOCMJT. A. J. Johnson had the misfortune to have a cow get her leg broken. Mr. Bonney has a telephone connec tion from Redland to bis sawmill. Jacob Babler made Logan relatives a short visit while on his way to Alaska to fill his position as superintendent for the Alaska Packing Comcay. Miron Babler has also gone to Alaska tor the season. Mr. Wold, the egg merchant, gets all the hen fruit he can handle now on each trip. An agent was here last week offering to sell tickets which would entitle the holder to $8 worth of photographs for $2. An easy way to make $G, surely, and the agent only charged 60 cents for wear and tear of his shoes. The Safe and Sure Kidney Remedy. The surest and safest remedy for all kidney and bladder diseases is Foley's Kidney Cure. It will cure slight dis orders in a few dtys and will cure Bright's disease and Diabetes if taken in time and even in the most advanced stages it never fails to give comfort and relief. If you notice any irregularities commence taking it at once. Sold by Huntley Bros. & Co. Meadow Brook. Politics is warming np the native sons and daughters in grand (Jrder. J. C. Hall informs us that he will sell his farm and go out of business. There is a bargain for someone wanting a good farm. We learn that Uncle Davie lays the nomination of Hanna knocked all the Republicanism out of him. Mr. Hostetter aad C. Bonaker are op in the mountains this week erecting a house on the former's homestead 0. T. Kay is assisting Mr. Dodge in moving the shingle mill across the river. They expect to have the mill in operat ion in the near future. The Bong of the fake agent and the road surveyor is again heard in the land. Some say truth is stranger than fic tion. The eleven faithful held anothei meeting at X roads in the interest of spirits and Republicanism. As the spirits in the doctor's jug descend the spirits of the eleven faithful rise ami the campaign waxeth warm. Uncle Isaac. I know a jolly old maiden lady A lady of high degree, Who never goes to bed without A drink ol Rocky Mountain Tea. Sensible woman. Alacksburg . We visited Hubbard one day last week and called at the home of Mr. Speight to use his line imported horses, ami we muHt say that both his Cisriimu coach and his black rercheron are two of the finest horses ever brought to the racitic coast. Indications show that Herman Uarmes is going to break up the old maids' union. Eight cents a pound is what a young woman paid for twelve pounds of flesh. She was thin and weak and paid one dollar for a bottle of Scott's Emulsion, and by tak ing regular doses had gained twelve pounds in weight before the bottle was finished. Eight cents a pound is cheap for such valuable ma terial. Some pay more, some less, some get nothing for their money. You get your money's worth when you buy Scott's Emulsion. We will send you a little free. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409 TeasJ Street, New York. , 50c.. and J 1. 00 all druggists. $ ceils J A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs; John Da mm on the eveniug of the 23d in honor of Mrs. Damm's 39th birthday. The young folks made merry until a late hour when all went home happy. Alex Oassaday, of Union Hall, is vis iting friends at this place. Will Heinz, was called to the home of his sister, Mrs, A. H. Reynolds at Lents, Ore., last week on account of the illness of one of the letter's children. The sawmill firm of New Era will commence their drive of hardwood logs down the Molallajthis week. Suffered for Eight Months. I can heartily recommend Acker's Tablets for Dyapepnia and Stomach Troubles. I have been suffering for eight months and tried many remedies without any relief, until I got Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets, which I used only a short time acd am now perfectly well. Thanking you for the soeedv recoverv. ' I am gratefully yours, Francis I Gannor, ley Bros. & Oo. 8end to W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo N. Y., for a free trial package. (Noth ing like them.) UBE&AXb Farmers are crowding their seeding as fast as possible. A few will finish this week. Fall wheat and winter oats are making rapid growth. Clover will be a heavy crop from all reports. Stock is picking up fast as the grass is good. J. L. Udell is slashing brush for Thos. Wiles on a part of the C. T. Howard claim. Dee Wright and wife have moved into the J . E. Coatea bouse. Potato planting and making garden is the order of the day. The heavy frost last Friday night did some damage to fruit. Otis Morris was on our streets Mon day with a fine "rig" and he was not alone either. Miss Nellie Bogue, of Portland, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hannagan for a few days. Wm. Morey is buBy grubbing and blasting out Btumps on his farm. Billie Austen was a pleasant caller Sunday. Miss Lillian Gans, of Clarkes, was visiting Mrs. Silas Wright Saturday and Sunday. Grandma ' Wright, of Portland, is visiting relatives and friends here this week. Mrs. Dee Wright, nee Miss Cora Ross, is teaching two months more of school. Look out for the new buzz eaw next week. A new belt has been put on and they are all kumtux. DoeBn't it beat all at the sound advice a newly married couple get? But it is mostly hot air with now and then an axe in it for improvement. May success attend the new editors of the Courier. ., Sylvian - Chronlo Bronchitis Cured. "For ten years 1 had chronic bron chitis so bad that at times I could not speak above a whisper," writes Mr. Joseph Ooffman, of Montmorenci, Ind. "I tried all remedies available, but with no success. Fortunately mv employer suggested that I try Foley'B Hpnej and Tar. Its effect was almost miraculous, and I am now cured of the disease. On my recommendation many people have used Foley's Honey and Tar, and alwavs with satisfaction." Sold by Huntley Bros. & Co. XEtV SU. Get . Randall Jr., returned last Wed nesday from W illamette University at Salem. Geo. Brown purchased the Lottie Casto lots in New Era last week. Among those wl o visited New Era last Sunday were Meiers Dave, Jr. and Jonah I'ennnian, Herman and Oscar Burgoynu, Mr. Homgurtner, and Mrs. Anna Wright of Portland, Mr. HolmeB, E. Bradtl and Miss Knight, of Oanby, and Elmer McArthur of Oregon City. Dr. Canto Bpent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Burgoyne. Mrs. Slyter and Ilo.el visited friends in Portland Saturday and Sun lay. Mr. Veteto and Huury Scheer traded wagons last week. Mr. Mulloy resigned as foreman of the Dovernbecker mill last Wednesday. Mr. Dustin is r.ow in charge and will have the mill running again in a lew days. Mr. Oan snider, tf Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. Bradtl last Thursday. Makers G. E. Penrod and ChaB. Barker, of Kcmoma, Ind , are vniting Messrs Jackton and Slyter for the pres. ent and they are ell pleased with what they have seen of Oregon, and think that they will locate in this country. 0. Graham, of Butteville, made a two minute visit id New Era Sunday. Mrs. F. Chiun Ib on the sick list this week. R. J. Brown is getting from 100 to 120 doxen eggs per week at present and has had as high as 20 doien in one day, Who says bens do not pay? Elmer Lucas thinks Bradtl's lane is the finest place on earth to ride a bike. Ordinary household accidents have no terrors when there's a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Electric oil in the medicine chest. Heals burns, cuts, bruises, sprains. Instant relief. Xenly. Jack Wolfer, of Oregon City, was calling on Needy friends last week. Farmers are all rushed with work, es pecially those who have hop yards. Mr. Sutherland and his boys are working for Ed and Sam Miller. Mrs. Noreland and daughter Lela went to Woodburn last Sunday on a visit with friends. Car Utah Land Otis Townsend and Mr. Zimmerman have traded horses with each other and both are well satisfied with their trade. Miss Alice Ritter, teachei of the Mun dorf school, came home on a visit last Saturday. John Stridden butchered last week for the market. Leonard Wills and family, of Aurora, visited Mr. Zimmerman last Sunday. Uncle Henry Wolfe made a business trip to Canby last Saturday. Remember the dance 'Saturday even ing, the 30th inst. Grange meets next Saturday in Thompson's Hall. Ben Wolfer and wife went to Barlow las'. Sunday to see their daughter Lizzie who is working there. An entertainment was riven in Thompson's Hall by a colore ! couple last Monday evening. It was gpod. Sciatic Rheumatism Cured, have been subject to fciatic rheu "I matism for yearB," says E. H Waldron, of Wilton Junction, Iowa. "My joints were stiff and gave me much discomfort. My joints would crack when I straight ened up. I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm and have been thoroughly cured, have not had a pain or ache from the old trouble for many months. It is certainly a most wonderful liniment." For sale by Geo. A. Harding. y Park Place. The revival meetings at the church continued all through last week, and on Friday night a church was organized with over thirty charter members. Sunday night the Lord's Supper was celebrated and quite a number were baptized. Mrs. Brown, of Polk county, came in last ween and is visiting at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Jessie Hamilton, a"d enjoying the company of her son Roscoe who has been attending school here this winter. Myrtle Holmes has been absent from school two weeks on account of being severely poisoned with poison oak. She is now improving nicely. Last Saturday Miss Wilson with her Sunday School class of boys, and Mrs. Hamilton with her class ot girls, went to Portland and spent the day at the park and the museum. There were 26 in the party and at nignt when- they came straying home, tired but happy, they all reported having had a splendid time. The game of baseball last Friday be tween Barkley High School and Park place school, waa an easy walk-over for our boys, the score being 35 to 7 in favor of Parkplace. , Miss Georgie Walker was married Sunday at her mother's hone in this place, to Mr. Wm. J. Hugglns, of Eagle Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Huggins left Monday afternoon for Milwaukie to visit friends, and later expect to go to Sell wood where Mr. Huggins has . employ ment. Mr. H. A. Start, of Portland, former pastor of Parkplace and Clackamas, at tended church service here Saturday night. Mrs. Ada Hall is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Huerth. Mrs. Sladen, of East Gladstone, is having her house repainted. ' Quality considered, our prices are the lowest. Miss Goldsmith. Nothing Equal to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for Bowel Complaints in Children. ''We have used Ohambei Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in our family for years," says Mrs. J . B. Cooke of Nederland's, Texas. "We have given it to all of our children. We have used other medicines for the same purpose, but never found anything to equal (Juamberiain's. it you will directed it wilt always cure." by Geo. A. Harding. use it as For sale Gladstone. There seems to be more ot less agita tion among the residents of East Glad stone concerning the attempt of the Gladstone Real Itstate Association to collect a per-capita cow tax. When the residents of Gladstone purchased proper ty there, one of the glittering induce ments held out to them was the promise of free p.iBturage. As a resident of Gladstone remarked today the Asso ciation seeiiiS to take a keen delight in springing some new thing on the peopU, As far as heard from the people will not pay this tix and very much regret the publicity given the matter by the Asso ciation in the Evening Telegram, as they are badly enough handicapped now with out any of this Kind of advertising. A Gladbtonian. Serious Stomach Trouble Cured. "I was troubled with a distress in my stomach, sour stomach and vomiting spells, and can truthfully say that Chamberlain's Stomacn and Liver Tab let" cured me." Mrs. T. V. Williams, Lainsburg. Mich. These table's are guaranteed to cure every case of stomach trouble of this character. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. Canbj. J. A. Adair dlsd last Thursday eve ning of heart disease. Deceased was a native of Illinois and moved to Oregon in 189.). Mr. Adair was a man highly respected by all who knew him. He was a member of Harden Masonic Lodge No. 44 of Mount Sterling, Illinois. The deceased leaves a a widow and two sons, J. W. and E. H. Adair, of Canby. The funeral was conducted by the Ma sonic Lodge, and tte interment was at Silyerton. The I. O. O. F. celebrated the 85th anniversary of the Order by having a smoker. A Urge crowd was present and a very enjoyable evening waa spent. Mr. and Mrs J. S. Dick and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eccles attended Grange at New Era last Saturday. Rev. Stratford U attending the M. E. Conference at Los Angeles. Rev. Brownrigg closed his series of meetings last Friday with a debate with Plaster, Holmes, Parkplace REASONS Why our Vinol is the Greatest Health Restorer and Strength, Creator Known to Medicine. Because Vinol contains in concen trated form ALL of the medicinal cur ative elements found in cod liver oil, Jut without a drop of oil to nauseate and upset the stomach; therefore, wherever old-fashioned cod liver oil or emulsions will do good, Vinol will do far more good. Because we have never sold anything fn our store equal to Vinol to restore health and create strength for old peo ple, weak, sickly women and children, nursing mothers, and after a severe sickness. Vinol cures hacking coughs, chrome colds, bronchitis, and all throat and lung troubles. . A prominent physician writes: "Vinol is the most palatable and valuable preparation of cod liver oil ever compounded. I now use it entirely in all cases where I formerly depended upon old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions." Try Vinol on our guarantee to return your money if you are not satisfied. HUNTLEY BROS., Druggist. Oregon dtp, Ort. an Adventist minister in which Mr. Brownrigg won with flying colors. He is an excellent minister and his meet ings were,, well attended. In the eve ning a st'ereopticon entertainment wan given which was well received. Shirley Buck, the genial editor ofthn Oregon City Courier, was in town Sat urday shaking hands with his many friends and gathering in subscriptions. Canby wishes you succesi in your new venture, Mr. Buck, and we feel assured that your paper will gain in DODularitv and public esteem. J. J. Miller died Saturday at the resi dence of nis daughter, Mrs. S. . Terry. Mr. Miller was a native of Virginia, but he has lived in Oregon several years. His death wae caused by a cancer. The remains were interred in Zion cemetery Suuday, Henry Knight is buildina a new building on the lot adjoining the hotel. The building will be 32x34, and when completed will make that part of the block look much better. Half the building twill be used bv our enterprising butcher, Jacob Schmitt. Mr. Schmitt is using the building of Mr. Zollner on First and B Sts. for a meat market while the new building is being erected, Mr. and Mis. Slavin and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Terry attended the funeral of the late J. J. Terry Sunday. The new livery barn is rapidly near ing completion. When completed it it will be occupied by Messrs. Otis Mor. ris and B. H. White, who will pnt in a new set of the best rigs and teams. Card of Thanks We wish to offer our sincere thanks to all who showed us so much sympathy and aid in our late be reavement and who attended the funeral of our dear father. 8. Terry and family. The rapidly .decreasing ranks of the G. A. R. were still further decreased by the recent deaths of Mr. Adair and Mr. Miller. Both these men shouldered arms at President Lincoln's cali;for vol unteers and served their, country well. Let us rember both these departed ones when we strew our flowers on the graves of our honored dead. The steam shovel returned from South ern Oregon Tuesday, and will at once go to work with a full crew in the Canby pit. Extra teams will be put on and Oanbv will get the benefit of a good sized pay roll. Jack Howard, Andy Knight, F. A. Weed, Sam Phegley and Charlie Tackleson,. of this place will work on the shovel. - Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shockley were Portland visitors Tuesday. Oarl Lucke has accepted a position as clerk in the stoieof Carlton & Rosen krans. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Wait visited the metropolis Monday. II. K. Stosdil, of Portland, was shak ing bands with Canby friends Sun day. ' Card of Thanks We desire to return our heartfelt thanks to the friends and neighbors of Canby, who so kindly as sisted us during the sudden illness and death of our beloved husband and father. Mrs. Mary A. Adair, John W. Adair, Edwin H. Adair. A Dczen Times a Night. "I have had kidney and bladder trouble for years, and it became so bad that I was obliged to get up at least a dozen times a night,'? says Mr. Owen Dunn of Benton Ferry, W. Va. "I never received any permanent benefit from any medicine until I took Foley's Kidney Cure. After using two bottles, I was cured." As a preventive and cure for Bright's disease and Diabetes, Fo ley's Kidney Cure is unequaled. It quickly cures all kidney and bladder troubles. For sale by Huntley Bros. & Co. Mountain View. W. H. Savage, of Portland, was shak ing hands with friends in this comma nity last Sunday. Born, to the wife of Harry Kinder, on April 25th, a daughter. Dr. Stuart in attendance. Frank Albright and children spent last Sunday at Midway, near Portland, with his mother and brother. Mr. 8malley and family are moving into Mr. Locke's new house. J The Sunday school lesson Bible read) ing is at Mrs. Currin's home this week. Miss Hattie Betbke, of Portland was, the guest of the Misses Francis last Sat urday. Myrtle Lodge No. 24, D. of H., will hereafter meet on Tuesday evening in stead of Friday evening. The next reg ular meeting will be held .Tuesday eve ning, May 3. Mr. Dammon, his son-in-law and daughter, who live in the Brooks house, have secured employment in the factory. The son had the misfortune to have the end of his little finger cut off Tuesday. Sauna. Oregon City Bicycle and Sun Store Only Exclusive Sporting Goods House in Clackamas Co. Rambler, Cleveland, Crescent, " : : , 31 full line of Tish'mq tackle, q joam nan uooas ana Dicycie sundries x - . g Guns, Revolvers, Ammunition, Cutlery. . We have the best equipped Repair)' Shopjin the 5? county and can do your work at right prices. Repairing n all lines. 5l LAMB & lain Street Te Want Your Trade , At Harris Grocery And are going to make special inducements to close buyers. Cash and Small Profits is Cur Motto. :-:We Are In a Position:-: 14 & & Q A a t0 save you from 10 t0 20 J B Per cent on undertakers sup- TAJ Phes',of whi( e carry a ; s v )JH.JLrl , , 'W' "V ' WWffl&Em middl? men t0 P. own fSZic our own herse, and will treat you fair. One price to all. R. L. HOLMA.N, Undertaker and Embalmer. . Office one door south of courthouse, or at cigar store op posite Bank of Oregon City. A New Home Industry The Cascade Laundry "'""'SisssMsissssM Does not wear out or destroy your linen Our Wagon will call for your soiled linen each week and deliver your laundried goods to your home. Pferfect satisfaction assured. F T inHMCriM n . g C. W. Ktllf the Planet High Grade Whiskeys . SUCH CELEBRATED BRANDS AS OLD CROW HERMITAGE PLANET, Spr. '88 Imported Scotch and Irish CORNER SEVENTH AND MAIN STS. BICYCLES Columbia & Imperial Wheels r SAWYER Oregon City O '-J w Q) complete stock. We are under small evnpnup TT, jwiU,uvn, rropneior. g . Huctnlth and Wlne$ a Specialty RED TOP RYE OLD SARATOGA CREAM RYE Whishys and French Brandies GARDE BLD'G a