Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, April 22, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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    I 2
. We are glad to see that the weather
continues somewhat pleasant, as the
farmers are not all through sowing
spring grain, although a good many
have finished sowing.
Hops are coming up rapidly and are
in good condition. The Fisher Bros,
and Mr. Lee are keeping the workers in
their yards quite busy.
Mr. Kreuder has purchased a valuable
horse from Mr. Corbett.
Mr. Larkins has been on the sick list
daring the past week.
A very pleasant dance was given a few
evenings ago at the residence of Mr.
A number of buyers have recently
been looking for horses in thi neighbor
hood. Horses sem to be scarce and
piices are going up.
Our school is progressing nicely under,
the mauiiKement of Miss Oans. She
intends to give an entertainment in the
near future. i
We understand that I. S. Clark has
sold a part of his farm, but are unable
to learn the particulars.
' A. Mucker.
Serious Stomach Trouble Cured.
"I was troubled with a distress In my
stomach, sour stomach and vomiting
spells, and can truthfully say that
Chamberlain's Stomacn and Liver Tab
lets cured me." Mrs. T. V. Williams,
Lainsburg. Mich. These table's are
guaranteed to cure every case of stomach
trouble of this character. For sale by
Geo. A. Harding.
We take pleasure in congratulating
our friends, Mr. Buck and Mr. McCann,
on their new enterprise Miy their
success tend to the success of the inter
ests of the people of Clackamas couuty.
Will Heinz, who has been sojourning
in the East for the last four months, has
returned to Webfoot again, and all the
girls are wearing a broad smile again.
Will is contemplating going to Salt Lake
Cityito reside,
A Mr. Wier has purchased and moved
onto that partjof the Weismandel place
known as the George Riggs place.
I. M. Morris has been shearing goats
over in Russia during the past week.
Several of the boys from Macksburg
attended the dance at Can by Saturday
night, but none of them lost their hats.
Mrs. B. Luebben gave a farewell parly
Saturday night. She expects to leave
for Germany in the near future, where
he will make an all summer's visit.
There seems to be a fair chance for
the election of the entire Socialist ticket
this year that is,they will be elected to
stay at noma.
After our Honorable County Judge
asked the road supervisors to put in their
orders for tools, he failed to fill the or
ders ; hence, our supervisors are nnable
to do the road work at the proper time.
This leaves our roads in a frightful con
dition. We will remember this official
action, or rather lack of action on your
part, Judge.
Our singing1 school is in full blast and
promises to be a great success.
Cures Ctughs and Coidt.
Mrs. 0. Peterson, 625 Lake St., To
peka, Kansas, says: "Of all cough
remedies Ballard's Horehound Syrup is
my favorite; it has done and will do all
that is claimed for it to speedily cure
all coughs and colds and it is so sweet
and pleasant to the taste." 25c, 50c,
f 1 bottle. Sold by Charman & Co.
That which was long looked for has
come at last good weather.
Farmers are very buBy, and miners are
beginning to make trips to the mines.
Our telephone line is waiting on ac
count of funning.
The coming election is creating some
little stir among us.
A contrast : Early in the '60's there
lived a man in California. Immigrants
took a southern route for this state, cot
lost, teams died, men, womtn and child
ren wore starving . The California iiibd
was a prosperous farmer. He spent his
money in fitting out pack trains loaded
with provisions. He was liberal with
Timbers of oak keep the old
homestead standing through
the years. It pays to use the
right stuff.
"Men of oak" are men in
rugged health, men whose
bodies are made of the sound
est materials.
Childhood is the time to lay
the foundation for a sturdy con
stitution that will last for years.
Scott's Emulsion is the right
Scott's Emulsion stimulates
the growing powers of children,
helps them 1 build a firm
foundation for a sturdy consti
tution. Send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,
409-415 Pearl Street, New York.
60c. and $I.OO; all druwlste.
lei $1 fit
his money and finally died in ' the poor
house. Our Oounty Court is as liberal
as the California man. Tae contrast is
be was liberal with his own money,
while the Court is liberal with other
people's money.
Mr. U.S. Boyles hauled a load of
barbed wire to fence a goat farm.
The Russelville school commenced the
18th of this month.
Mr. G. Wingfield had the bad luck to
lose a cow.
Mr. H. Daugherty has returned from
Washington where he haB been work
ing in a sawmill, and is now at home
employed in grubbing out stumps.
Sciatic Rheumatism Cured.
"I have been subject to fciatic rheu
matism for years," says E. H Waldron,
of Wilton Junction, Iowa. "My joints
were stiff and gave me much discomfort.
My joints would crack when I straight
ened up. I used Chamberlain's Pain
Balm and have been thoroughly cured,
n ave not had a pain or ache from the
old trouble for many months. It is
certainly a most wonderful liniment."
For sale bjr Geo. A. Harding.
Meadow Brook.
The weather is fine and farmers are
busy with their crops.
A. L. Larkins made a business trip to
the Hub Saturday.
Daniel Grimm, who has been ill for
some time, is gradually growing weaker.
The musical voice of Hiram Dodge
can be heard early and late as he rustles
the Russel Bros.' ties down the creek.
Pursuant to a notice given, the eleven
faithful met at the cross roads to discuss
the aftermath and tn express their pleas
ure with the spirit that was in the con
vention. Two of the boys suggested
their preference for another kind of
spirit, which the Doctor found for them
in a jug. The spirit in the jug was 10
satisfactory that the faithful eleven then
and there celebrated in true Republican
Nothing Equal to Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for
, Bowel Complaints in Children.
''We have used Ohambei Iain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in our
family for years," says Mrs. J. B. Cooke
of Nederland's, Texas. "We have given
it to all of our children. We have used
other medicines for the same purpose,
but never found anything to equal
Chamberlain's. If you . will use it as
directed it will always cure." For sale
by Geo. A. Harding.
Reiley Dier has rented the Win.
Sprague place. Mr. Sprague leaves for
a climate better suited to his health.
Misi Maude Stone, D. H. Moiher and
Miss Clark, of Viola, who are students
at Willamette university, spent a week's
vacation at their hones.
Seeding is about completed. The
wheat acreage will bV short owing to the
lateness of tue season. i'
Mr. Kirchem was visiting here over
Sunday before leaving for Alaska.
Wm. Gaskell had a rough and tumble
last Sunday while going through Viola.
A 2-year-old critter running on the com
mon pitched into him and bruised him
consiueraoiy. '
Louis Funk has gone to Portland on a !
business trip.
W. H. Bonnnv has cnmnlntml a tola.
phone line from Iub house to his new
mill flittt. Mr. Uimnor inton.la f,. av.
tend the line to Oregon City this fall.
It Is reported tlint. Mr Hnrrv hoi
purchased the L. Shank place.
One of Mr. Sneider's danchrnra rnt nir
two of her toes while chopping with an
Mr. Andrew Weidner .was ' married
this week to Mrs. A. V. Joos of Tualatin.
Gave Him Immediate Relief.
J. Ogdersof Frostburg, Md., writes:
"I had a very bad attack of kidney com
pliant and tried Foley's Kidney Cure,
which gave me immediate relief, and I
was perfectly cured alter taking two
boUleB." It never (ails to give comfort
and relief in the worst cases. Sold by
Huntley Bros. & Co.
While the news of Barlow is not very
abundant, some of it it very exciting.
There iB very strong talk of declaring
martial law by the guod people ot this
place, and if such an order is declarde
the darkest anil moat exciting times of
the Colorado disturbances will be con
sidered peace and quiet. It is all on
account of forming a strong guard to
keep Uncle Billy Barlow from lleeing to
Oakland, California, to see his first
grand child, which happens to be a boy.
This fills Grandpa Barlow's most san
guine hopes, for he had long mourned
the chance of loosing his family name to
the world . This leaves the way clear
for many Barlows to follow after grandpa
is gone. This baby boy was born in
Oakland, Calif, to Casius W. and Ada
P. Barlow, April 15, 1904, and Grandpa
tsariow named it VVui. Thomas by wire,
on the 16th.
D. O. Freeman had the misfortune to
buy a horse from Ben oiler, paying
$160 for it and three or four days after
turned it out on a one pasture ot clover.
It eat too much, toon severe colic and
died. This is like throwing $130 into
the sea. Stockmen should be careful of
putting stock on young and thrifty
clover fields. We have heard of cattle
and horses being killed in this manner
many times before.
Bessie Sheppard and her sister, Mrs.
Jennie Clark, ol Arizona, returned from
Portland Saturday evening. whre thev
had been attendiug their father's, Mr.
George A. Sheppard, funeral, which had
been delayed several days on account of
Mrs. Clark's arrival from Arizona being
Car Utah Land
delayed enroute because of toe slides ii
the mountains on the 8. P. road. They
both went to Seattle on Tuesday to look
after tbeir late father's business.
Suffered for Eight Months.
I can heartily recommend Acker's
Tablets for Dyspepsia and Stomach
Troubles. I have been suffering for
ewht months and tried many remedies
without any relief, until I got Acker's
Dyspepsia Tablets, which I need only a
short time acd am now perfectly well.
Thanking you for the speedy recovery,
I am gratefully yours, Francis I Gannor,
Vancouver, Wash. For sale by Hunt
ley Bros. & Go.
Send to W. H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo
N. Y., for a free trial package. (Noth
ing like them.)
That which has long heen looked for
good weather has come at last and
as a result farmers are very busy and
miners are beginning to make trips to
the mines. The construction of our
telephone is delayed until the rush of
work is over, but in spite of the work
the coming election is creating some lit
tle stir,
O. S. Boyles has hauled a load of barb
wire to his farm to be used in making a
fence that will be a terror to goats.
The Russellville school opened for the
spring term on the 18th inst.
H. Daugherty has returned from
Washington, where he haB been work,
ing in a sawmill. He will remain at
home this spring and will improve the
farm by taking out come stumps.
There once lived . in California in an
early day a well-to-do man, who assisted
the needy travelers who came by his
home; He was ' bo liberal with his
money that he finally died in the poor
house. Now, our county court is some
what like the man just described, but
there is a contrast in the fact that the
court is liberal with other people's
Chronic Bionchitis Cured.
"For ten years 1 had chronic bron
chitis so bad that at times I could not
Bpeak above a whisper," writes Mr.
Joseph Coffman,' of Montmorenci, Ind.
"I tried all remedies available, but with
no success. Fortunately mv employer
suggested that I try Foley's Honey and
Tar. Its effect was almoat miraculous,
and I am now cured of the disease. On
my recommendation many people have
used Foley's Honey and Tar, and always
with satisfaction." Sold by Huntley
BroB. & Co.
Everybody iB busy putting ia their
R. J. Brown has added a cream sepa
rator to his dairy ranch and is now ship
ping cream to Portland.
Frank McArthur returned on Wed
nesday of last week after an absence of
three years' soldiering for United States
principally in the Philippine IslandB.but
more recently from Fort Ethan Allen.
Vt. He has traveled over 40,000 miles
since leaving home.
Mrs. Rose Cooper, of 8idney, Or., is
visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. titan.
ber, of this place.
Joe Strejc, of Scio, was in the city
Mrs. George Mosier, of Portland, spent
Sunday with her niece, Mrs. Newbury
and family.
Elmer McArthur has gone to Oregon
City to work.
Mr. Randall is enlarging his hop yard
this spring.
Robert and Georee Brown were in
Portland on business Monday.
Mrs. Aimes, of Oregon City, spent
several days last week with her cousin,
Mrs. R. Dundas.
Frank VVilehart was shaking hands
with old friends here Sunday, after an
absence of 18 years over on the count.
The Safe and Sure Kidney Remedy.
The surest and safest remedy for ail
kidney and bladder diseases is Foley's
Kidney Cure. It will cure slinht dis
orders in a few divs and will cure
Bnght's dieeaee and Diabetes if taken
in time and even in the moat advanced
stages it never fails to give comfort and
relief. If you notice any irregularities
commence taking it at once. Sold by
Huntley Bros. & Co.
Our commissioner will not have to
make any more explanations why road
district No. SI was discontinued. I hey
have dow appoiuted a Republican depu
ty supervisor and that is the whole
story in a nut shell.
The two changes which are being pe
titioned for in the Stalford and Oregon
City road is left to the discretion of the
viewers. They will survey both roads,
and if either one is not a practical route
they will survey a route of their own.
The potato market is a littie quiet at
pres-nt, although it has reached xi
cents a pound. Mr. H. D. Adeu, who
has bought nearly all the potatoes in
this neighborhood forL. Scatena & Co.,
has about 4000 buBhuls remaining in
the warehouses, which he will "hip
about May lit, and for which he paid a
cent a pound. Mr. Aden says there
are ohly a few hundred lacks remaining
in the growers' possession, iand those are
being held on account of the farmers be
ing too busy putting ii their spring
crops to sack them, although some are
holding for still better prices but they
are not figuring on a loss of about five
cents pet 100 pounds a week on shrink
age and sprouts.
Fred Engles. who was well known by
the Wilsouville bop growers, died last
Sunday at the Good Samaritan hospi
tal from typhoid pneumonia. His body
was taken to Washougal for burial.
Make a Clean Sweep.
There's nothing like doing a thing
thoroughly. Of all the salves you ever
heard of, Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the
beet. It sweeps away and cures Burns
Sores, Biuises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers, Skin
Eruptions and Piles. Its only 25 cents
and guaranteed to give satisfaction by
Charman & Co. Druggists.
Plaster, Holmes, Park)lace
The most famous Cod Liver Oil prep
aration known to medicine.
Contains ALL the medicinal elements
ot cod liver oil, actually taken from
fresh cod's livers, but not a drop of oil.
Delicious to the taste and recognized
throughout the world as the greatest
for old people, weak, sickly women
and children, nursing mothers and af
ter a severe sickness.
Cures Hacking Coughs, Chronio
Colds, Bronchitis and all Throat and
Lung Troubles. Unequaled to create
an appetite and to make those who are
too thin, fat, rosy and healthy.
f Try It on our guarantee to return
jour money if you are not satisfied.
HUNTLEY BROS., Druggist.
Ortqon dtp, On.
Mountain View.
Oscar May and familv an mn.inn
to their farm up the Clackamas. Their
auurees win oe Dover.
J. W. Currin hasnnil- t.ho n-nolon mill-
----- - 1 - - - .. wiuu in, .AO
for a few weeks and gone to farming.
Married, Sunday, April 17, at 6 p. m.,
Miss Estnlla (1 Nipkala fn Mr Lr,.
- . . w m l"l I IkltLIUl L
O. Hall by Rev. M. n. P. ninni,ar,i
The wedding ceremony was performed'
at mo- uuiuo ui nie oruie s parents. The
bridal pair left Monday for their home at
Buena Vista, Or.
Mr. Ott and fnmilv
the Simmons house, next door to the
iiuukiub nouse.
Walter Griffin in tha n,,,! r.naaan.
of a bicvcle.
"The Spinsters' Convention" will be
given at Maple Lane Grange hall next
Saturday evening. Admission 20 cents.
Ice cream 10 cents,
Mr. Taylor has bought the Swafford
bouse and has moved there. Mr. Moore
and wife, who lived there, have moved
to Gladstone.'
Miss Lennie Seeley, who has been
home the paBt month on a vacation, left
for Portland Sunday.
Mrs. Walt Curran's health is quite
poor this spring.
Miss Maggie Edgecomb, who haa been
out to the wood camp with her mother
and biothers Bince Christmas, is at
home with her sister, Mrs. Kinder.
I know a jolly old maiden lady
A lady of high degree,
Who never goes to bed without
A drink of Rocky Mountain Tea.
Sensible woman.
Lack of time is the excuse for the
brevity our communication this week.
While the rainy weather has delayed
farming operations, it has proved of
benefit to the farmer In other directions.
Grass ond clover are in extra good con
dition for this time of the year.
At a recent congregational meeting of
the Springwater. Presbyterian; church,
resolutions were unanimously passed
thanking and invoking the blessing of
God on our former pastor, Jules Hatch,
Dr. Hill, Dr. Holt, William Wadhams,
William Ladd and all those of Portland
and Oregon City who confibuted for
the new church that is built in place of
the one that was destroyed by the foreBt
The Sure Wav.
to' prevent Pneumonia and Consump
tion is to cure your cold when it first ap
pears. Acker's English Remedy will
stop the cough in a night, and drive the
cold out of your system. Always a
qrtick and Bure cure for Asthma, Bron
chitis, and all throat and lung troubles.
If it does not satisfy you we will refund
your money. For Bale bv Huutley Bros.
A Co.
Farmers in this section are taking ad
vantage of the fine weather and are
plowing and sowing grain. There is an
unusual amount of work to be done here
this spring as farmers got but little plow
ing and seeding done last fall.
Nearly everyone around here has
finished planting early gardens.
Our new drug store is in running
order and seems to be doing a good bua-
' iness.
1 Gilbert R. Jackson left here last Mon
day for the desert in Lake county Ore
gon, to work with Ed Hughes, Tom My
ers, and Johnnie Dungan in rounding up
horses in that section. They expect to
bring in at least fifty range horses some
time early in June, or as soon as they
can cross the mountains on the Lebanon
or Fiah Lake route. The range horses
on the deaert have not ai yet contracted
the mange that ia prevalent among
horses in some sections of Eastern Ore
gon. It is reported that horsemen in north
ern Lake county are going out of the
business on account of the range being
eaten ont by cattle and sheep. Great
herds of cattle and bands of sheep were
herded on the desert last winter.
The Rev. I. M. Boyles, ot Cottage
Grove, is visiting friends and relatives
in thia vicinity.
Henry Rnsael hat gone to the Ogle
Creek mines where he expects to work
this summer.
Ernest Schatzman bought a pony not
long ago. He turned it out with a rope
attached to its halter. In tome way the
pony became tangled in the rope and it
threw itself so as to produce injuries
which caused its death.
D. O. Boyles, who has been employed
in the Sheriff's office for the past two
months, will soon resume his place in
L. VV . Bobbins' store.
(Correspondence continu ed on page 6)
Oregon Clip Bicycle
and dun Store
Only Exclusive Sporting Goods House in Clackamas Co.
Rambler. Cleveland, Crescent,
it full nn t rr;.f,;M,
v. . lint vi i uiiiiy
g) mst mn hoods and Bicycle Sundries
a Guns, Revolvers, Ammunition, Cutlery. S
-- : .
YT7 U.. iU- 1 t
gl & nave me uesi equipped rcepair ' onopin the S
gl county and can do your work at right prices. Repairing
Q) in all lines. S
riain Street
We Want Your Trade
At Harris Grocery v
And are going to make special
inducements to close buyers.
Cash and Small Profits is Cur Motto.
:-:We Are In
you fair. One price to all.
R. L. HOLMA.N, Undertaker and Embalmer.
Office one door south of courthouse, or at cigar store op
posite Bank of Oregon City.
A New Home Industry
The Cascade Laundry
Does not wear out or destroy your linen
Our Wagon will call for your soiled linen each week and
deliver your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfaction
E. L. JOHNSON, Proprietor.
Ice Cmm
Tamilf trade Especially Desiced.
nexth Golden CT
Jule Bazaar r
Columbia & Imperial Wheels
,mniKf tf
' vay
j n . i o . . M
Oregon City
a Position:-: -
to save you from io to 20
per cent on undertakers sup
plies, of which we carry a
complete stock. We are
under small expense. Have
' no middle men to oav. own
; our own herse, and will treat
Truit 7ces
rtAmr Wain Street
lKUUKr J294
i .