Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, April 22, 1904, Image 1

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    21st YEAR.
No. 49.
Dr. George Hoeye
All work warranted, and satisfaction guar
anteed. Crown and Bridge work a spec
ialty. Caufield Building. Phone 1093.
Oregon City, Oregon.
M. C. Strickland, M. D.
Does an up-to-date general practice. Spec
ial attention given to surgery and dis
eases of women. Office in Garde Build
ing. Seventh and Main streets, Oregon
City, Oregon.
C. D. D. C. Latourette
Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our
Specialties. Office in Commercial Bank
Building, Oregon City, Oregon.
Robert A. Miller
Real Estate bought and sold, money loan
ed. titles examined and abstracts made
Cash paid for couuty warrants. Probate
and commissioners' court business and
insurance. Room. 3, Weinhard Build
ing, Oregon City, Oregon.
Grant B. Dimick
Attyand Counselor at Law
Will practice in all courts in the state
circuit and district courts of the United
States. Insolvent debtors taken through
bankruptcy. Office in Garde Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
George L. Storey
Will Dractice in all the couits of the State,
Abstracts of title a specialty. Can fur
nish abstracts of tite to any tract of land
In Clackamas Countv at lowest rates.
Advice free Charges Reasonable
Howard M. Brownell
Abstracts furnished. Office with George
C. Brownell. Oregon t-ity, uregon.
Commercial Bank of Oregon
City. Capital $100,000
Transacts a general banking business.
Makes loans and collections, discounts
bills, buys ana sells domestic ud for
eign exchange and receives deposits
subject to check. Open from 9a.m.
to 4 p. m. D. C. Latourette, Pres;
F. J. Meyet, cashier.
C. N. Creenmam
The Pioneer Expressman
Established I865. Prompt delivery to all
parts of the city. Oreg6n City, Oregon.
Graduate of Amerioan School of Osteopathy,
Kirksville, Mo.
Successfully treats both acute and chronic dis
eases. Call for literature.
Consultation and Examination Free.
Office Hours: 542P. M.'
,Or by appointment at any time.
Booms over Dr. Morris' Dental Parlors, next door
to Courier Office.
Ututfdwi Stbeotal
Will practice in all courts, make collec
tions and settlements of estates, furnish
abstracts of title,, lend you money and
lend your money on first mortgage.
Office In Enterprise building, Oregon
City, Oregon.
Spring Has
WE are now prepared to serve you
in the following line with
Stoves, Hardware & Furniture
at greatly reduced prices. Call
and examine our stock and get our
figures. We will save you from
10 to 20 per cent on all goods. Second-hand
goods bought and sold.
Sugarman & Son
Cor. 5th and Main St., Oregon City
Headquarters for Fresh Meats.
Highest prices paid4for butcher
R.P.Blazier & Co., Props
Most Important
In buying food-products, several things
are to oe thought of i. e., Economy,
Results, Easy Handling, Reliability, but
the most important is Health,
Health means everything. In buying
clothes, shoes, hats, furniture, etc., if the
buyer is deceived and gets an imitation
the only harm is loss of money. In buy
ing food-products, if imitations are sup
plied, there is not only a loss of money,
but perhaps an injury to health which
is beyond price.
Remember these facts when baying baking powder.
The Sline$l)f Clack unas County
Slowly but surely the great mineral
wealth of Clackamas county is being de
veloped. So little is said about the vari
ous enterprises on foot that the public
is hardly aware of the great things which
are in store. Old miners have always
contended that the Cascade mountains
are rich in gold and other metals but
on account of their rugged and broken
sides, the lose prospector with pick and
shovel and hae been able to do but little
toward bringing the hidden wealth to
tbe light of day. The mountains them'
selves aie as rough and forbidding as
they ever were but the other condition
has changed. The concentrated efforts
of many men are successfully accomp
lishing what the divided efforts of many
men for a half century fails:! to accomp
lish. The end of the comioz summer
will no doubt see mining in Clackamas
county looked upon in a far different
light than in which it now appears.
Perhaps one of the newest mines that
demands attention is the gold mine of
Cheney Creek, about 50 miles from Ore
gon City. No recent word has been ob
tainable from it but the presumption
is strong that the plans of last year to
put in considerable machinery with the
advent of spring will be carried out. The
copper mine on Pansy mountain in the
Molalla region is looked upon as being
very rich and shows that other metals
as well as gold may be found in paying
In a region about four miles square
not far from Table . Rock are the Wall
Street mine owned principally br Fafr
clough Brothers, the Florence mine,
Welch & Thome, owners: the Latour
ette & Rosencrans mine; the Myrtle
mine, Morris & Thome, owners; the
Molalla Central mine, and the Kaiser &
Son mine, the laUer having been profit
ably worked for a number of years. It
is foitunate that so many valuable hold
ings are located within so small an area
as efforts to improve transportation fa
cilHies will meet with common support.
One of the urgent needs of the moment,
and one which is likely to be met within
a short time, is the construction of a tele
phone line from this group to Oregon
City. There are a number of other
mines of which little is known just at
prsent and which the owners prefer to
investigate more luuy Deiore putting
them before the public, but as said
above the future for mining in
Clackamas county is very bright.
A domination Tliat Caused
One of the striking features of tbe
convention which nominated Binger
Herman for congress was tbe utter lack
of enthusiasm with which his triumph
was received, Not a cheer broke from
the lips of tbe delegates. There was a
ifpple of band claps and. then a chilling
silence. Never was a political candi
date's! bard won victory more coldly re
ceived and sever has a nominating con
vention bad mora reason to feel ashamed
of its work.
Every delegate in the convention was
familiar with Hermann's tainted public
record and with tbe widespread be
lief that be was a party to the timber
steals during his term as land commis
sioner. Every delegate who aided in
renominating him seemed to bave a se
cret sense of shame as be reflected upon
his own part in placing such a candidate
before the people. The Hermann man-
agere were uiimayed at the frigid recep
tion given to their candidate's victory
and in the hope of arouBing some sem
semblance of enthusiasm they prepared
to bring his picture before tbe delegates,
displaying it from the stage. But this
idea was abandoned because they be
came fearful that the fiasco would be
eveu more complete than it was already.
It was too much to expect tbe delegates
to applaud a nomination which is con
demned by every honorable and self-respecting
citizen, in tbe state. The very
men who gave Hermann' the nomina
tion were fearful that the investigations
into the timber frauds may yet involve
him in disgrace, and one delegate was
beard to say, as be left the convention
hall, "We have nominated Binger Her
mann, but it will be lucky if be ia not in
dicted before he is elected."
Hermann's success was largely the re
sult of political jealousies among a few
men who controlled a majority of the
votes in the convention. It cannot be
pretended that he is the choice of the
voters of the first district, and the chill
ing lack of enthusiasm which prevailed
in the convention is but a faint reflex of
the disapproval with which honest citi
zens must view his nomination. Journal.
Japanese Training.
An interesting book on Japanese
Physical Training, by II. Irving Han
cock, throws an important light upon
the dicipline which the Japanese be.
lieved to be necessary for the, highest
development. The training, however,
seems to be as much moral as it is phy
sical and it may be that these people
have thus found a key-note to a more
evenly balanced growth than has yet
been discovered elsewhere.
Throughout the campaign ol the allies
in China in 1900, the Japanese repeated
ly proved their abilliy to outmarch our
troops by fifty per cent, and this despite
the fait that our American soldiers
ranked second in point of endurance.
What enabled the little 'men from Dai
Nippon to Outstrip so easily the big,
sturdy fellows of the American regi
ments? This question the author answers at
considerable length. We have ourselves
already drawn attention to the educa
tion of tbe Samurai, tbe Japanese mili
tary caste, which is now extinct. Al
though extinct as a caste a modified
form of the Samurai training has now
spread throughout the whole people.
Physical development has been brought
to an exact science, and with it ia a
moral training which insists upon an
equable temper, moderation in victory
and tranquility in defeat.
The great defect of tbe educational
systems of modern civilization ia tbe
absence of moral training, which in all
possible contests of the future will count
more hei vily than physical strength, or
even physical courage. It is moral
training alone which can give unvarying
fortitude and tranquility and which can
intelligently enlist these virtues as agen
cies of success. Character is the domi
nant force of tbe world, and everything
which develops character is a sure index
to all workers of success. Japan is not
the only ancient nation whose text
books of progress have been preserved
for the use of our own generation. New
Century Path.
A lazy liver makes a lazy man.
dock Blood Bitters is the natural,
failing remedy for a lazy liver.
A Strong State, Congressional, Legislative and Judicial
Ticket Is Nominated.
The Democratic Convention
which met in Portland last Tuesday,
by the harmonious action of the
delegates, by the nomination of a
clean, strong ticket, and by the
adoption of a clean cut platform,
accomplished a work for the Dem
ocracy of Oregon that will tell in
thejapproaching campaign.
I "chairman white's address.
. "We have much upon which we
may congratulateourselves. Two
years ago we met with little hope
of success in the election. But we
nominated a man as the standard
bearer of our party in the state
whose Democracy is so pure, his
character so fine and' his intelli
gence so great that the people elect
ed him governor of Oregon. It
was no easy task to elect him, but
every delegate in that "convention
returned to his home with the firm
determination to work for the suc
cess of the ticket. I hope the same
spirit will prevail today. Let us
remember that cardinal principle of
Democracy that the majority must
rule. Let every man say, "My
party has acted and 1 will put my
shoulder to the wheel.' Let there
be no soreness after this convention
is over, but only perfect har
mony." .
Temporary organization was ef
fected by chosing R. M. Veatch, of
Lane, as chairman; R. B. Mon
tague, of Multnomah, as secretary;
and;A. L. Reames, of Jackson, as
assistant secretary. James Lov
ett, of this city, was one of those
appointed to conduct the chairman
to the platform. The necessary
committees were appointed and ad
journment taken until 2:20 p. m.
, When the convention met again
the following officers of permanent
organization were chosen W. R.
Bilyeu, of Linn county, chairman;
C. L. Reames, of Jackson, secre
tary; and R. W. Montague, of Mult
nomah, assistant secretary.
Amidst prolonged cheering and with the
greatest enthusiasm there was adopted a
ringing platform of which we give a syn
opsis. A return to the Jeffersonian principle of
"equal rights to all and special privileges
to none," is Insisted upon.
The Republican party Is denounced for
its attempts to nullify and destroy laws
enacted for the protection of the people
against corporate greed. ' ,
The principle of "Protection", as now
administered, is declared to be a fraud
upon and a robbery of the people by the
trusts and tariff magnates, who supply
their wares to the people of foreign coun
tries at honest prices, while the citizens of
our own free land are made to pay extrav
agant profits.
The insincerity of the Republican party
in its pretense of enforcing the National
anti-trust laws, is shown by its striking
out the penal clause of such laws, and by
the declaration of Attorney-General Knox,
Immediately following the "Merger" de
cision that the "Administration will not
run amuck among the trusts."
The Isthmian canal is endorsed, but, in
view of 1 he recent exposures in the Postal
Department, the Republican party is de
clared unlit to manage such an expensive
The efforts of the Republicans to defeat
the eight-hour law in Congress is given as
proof that that party is not the friend of
the laboring man.
The parcel-post system Is advocated, as
is the extension to the Interstate Com
merce Commission of the power to regulate
freight charges, The establishment of a
federal assay office in this state is demand
ed. In state matters, the convention "earnest
ly endorses the Administration of Gov.
emor Chamberlain and especially com
mends him for his vetoes of extravagant
appropriation bills, by which he has saved
the people many thousands of dollars. His
record proves the wisdom of the people In
choosing him, and we desire to call the at
tention of voters to the necessity of elect
ing a Democratic Legislative Assembly
that will sustain such vetoes and continue
his policy of economy.
A declaration is made In favor of flat
salaries, and the Republicans are scored
for violating their promises made in 1002,
and for Ignoring tht question of salaries In
their last platform.
Declarations are also made favoring the
extension of the "fellow servant" law, the
reasonable regulation of freight rates, and
the enactment of the primary election law.
The convention refused to in
struct its delegates to the National
Convention to support Hearst, pre
ferring the time-honored custom of
sending an uninstmcted delegation.
The Hearst resolution was lost by a
vote of 115 to 151.
At the evening session the fol
lowing ticket was put in the field:
Supreme Judge, Thomas O'Day,
Congressman from Second Dis
trict, J. E. Simmons.
Congressman from First District.
Robert M. Veatch, Lane.
Dairy and Food Commissioner,
S. M. Douglas.
Presidential electors, John A.
Jeffry, Marion, T. H. Crawford,
Union; W. B. Diller, Columbia,
and J. H, Smith, Clatsop,
For Joint Senator from Lane,
Douglas and Josephine, Lark Bil
For Joint Senator from Union
and Wallowa, W. F. Hunter.
For Joint Representative from
Polk and Lincoln, A. B, Clark.
For Joint Senator from Sherman,
Gilliam and Wheeler, W. L. Wil
cox; for Joint Representatives from
same, C. F. Fulton and Eugene
For Joint Senator from Multno
mah, Washington and Columbia,
J. T. Milner; for Joint Representa
tive from Multnomah and Clacka
mas, J. E. Hedges.
For Joint Representative of Yam
hill and Tillamook, G, W. Talmage.
For Joint Representative of Mor
row and Umatilla, F. B, Holbrook.
For Joint Senator from Yamhill,
1 illamook and Lincoln, Dr. E. E
For Joint Representative for
Jackson and Douglas, W. L.
Fcr Joint Representatives for
Grant, Grook, Klamath and Lake,
J. B. Griffith and J. A. Taylor,
For Joint Senator from same coun
ties, W. A. Booth.
For Joint Senator for Union and
Wallowa, Byron Miller.
First. Judicial District For Cir
cuit Judges, J. R. Neil and William
S. Crowell; for District Attorney,
A. E: Reames and W. J. Moore.
Second Judicial District For
Circuit Judge J. W. Hamilton;
for District Attorney, L. M. Travis.
Third x Judicial District For
Circuit Judgds R. P. Boise and
William Galloway; for District At
torney. J. J. Whitney.
Fourth Judicial District For
Circuit Judge?, G. W. Allen for
No. 1, and R. O'Neil for No 3; for
District Attorney, John Manning.
Sixth Judicial District For Dis
trict Attorney, J. H. Raley.
Seventh Judicial District For
Circuit Judge, W. L. Bradshaw;
for District Attorney, Daniel
Eigth Judicial District For Dis
trict Attorney, Samuel White.
Ninth Judicial District-For Cir
cuit Judge, Morton B. Clifford; for
District Attorney, Everett Hicks.
The Lawless President,
Senator Gorman paid his respects to
the Roosevelt dictatorship on Wednes
day iu trenchant phrases. "If a law of
congress does not suit the executive,"
he remarked, "change it. If a great
body of men knock at the door of con
gress for an inciease of bounty, toll the'u
it is not necessary to ask congress. An
executive order will do it. From $500,
000,000 to $15,000,000 per annum is
added to tbe expenditures of the gov
ernment. I do not criticise the amount
but congress is overrun."
Nor do any of the rest of us "criticise
the amount" not because the amount
is insigniflcent in Itself, but because it is.
so completely over-shadowed by the
presidential usurpation of power. What
this country cannot endure is the ap
propriation of thirty millions, or ten
millions, or one million, or one dollar,
or one cent, for any pnrpose in defiance
of the constitution and the laws.
By the fourth of March of next year,
there will be abundant work for a judi
cially minded president to do in restor
ing tbe shifted and battered landmarks
of the constitution. New York World.
ChrMian Science.
First Church of Christ Scientists,
Garde building, corner of Seventh and
Main streets, Sunday at 11 a. m. Sub
ject, "Everlasting Punishment." Child
ren's Sunday School meets at 10 o'clock
a. m . Testimonial meeting Wednesday
evening at 7 :45 o'clock . Reading room
is open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur
days, from 2 to 4 p. rn.
Now is the time to take a spring tonic
to purify the blood, cleanse the liver and
kidneys of all impurities. Hollister's
Rocky Monntain Tea will do the buei-
iness. 3o cents. Tea or tablets.
Our Candidates.
Democratic nominee for Sheriff, is a
resident of tbe third ward of Oregos
City, where be has resided since coming
to Oregon twenty-five years ago. Mr.
Ely is well and favorably known by a
host of friends.
For eight yearB he was employed as a
mechanic by the Willamette Pulp and
Paper Company. During the past two
years be has been with the State Sal
mon hatchery. He has always com
manded goqd positions and good salaries
well earned.
Mr. Ely has, ever since he became a
voter, been allied with the Democracy
of Clackamas county. He will make a
good run as he is a vote-getter, and will
receive many votes outside his own
party. If elected, Mr. Ely proposes to
run the office aB contemplated by law,
and not as a kindergarten. In short
he will be the right man in the right
place. His nomination was unsought,
and that fact adds to the certainty of bis
Democratic nominee for County Re
corder of Clackamas County, is a young
man of intelligence and possesses those
sterling qualities which entitle him to
rank among our best citizens. A native
of Coffeyville, Kansas, he removed to .
Oregon in 1S83 with, his father, who
settled on a farm near the S. P. car
shops at Portland, and who is now, one
of tbe most successful fruit-growers and
practical farmers in EaBt Mount labor.
Mr. Lang fought in the ranks of the
Multnomah County Democracy from
1890 to 1902. He was twice nominated
to minor office of constable, in botk
cases obtaining far more than the regu
lar party vote. In 1902 he located at
Boring, ClackamaB County, where be is
engaged in the real estate business.
Mr. Lang is a successful business
man, and will, when elected, prove a
competent and courteous official.
Democratic nominee . for Treasurer of
Clackamas County, is a n ative of San
gamon county, Illinois. He is an old
settler, having crossed the plains with
his parents in 1851. He resided in Polk
county until six years ago, where he en
joyed the respect and confidence of a
large circle of acquaintences. In 18,-.
he purchased a tract o! land in Harding :
precinct, this county, and has resided
here since that time. Mr. Nelson is
well educated and in all other respects'
is well fitted to fill tbe office of County
In no other county officer are pleas
ing manners, a masterful perBOnaJitj,
the possession of tact, and a knowledge
of human nature, so essential as in the
Superintenbent of Schools. Brought
into business relations with practically
all the people of the county, and especi
ally with the directors and clerks of the
various districts; into professional rela
tion with the teachers and pupils of both
city and country schools. The superin
tendent Bhould be such a maa as ye
have described. In Harvey O. Stark
weather, the Democrats found this
Mr. Starkweather is a native son of
Clackamas County. He was educated
in the public Bcbools of this state! and
haB taught wtth unvarying success for
fifteen years in the schools of this state
and of Washington. In 1896, he was
elected to the position of County Super
intendent of Schools, and held that po
sition for two yearp, fulfilling the duties
of that office faithfully and ttatUfdctwily.
After the expiration of bis term of office,
he was elected City Superintendent of
the Schools at La Grande, Oregon, where
he met with the most decided success.
The people of La Urande were loth to
part with his services, bnt tbe ill-health
and advancing age ol his parents de
manded his return to this county. For
the past two years he has been engaged
in agricultural pursuits.
In 1891 he was married to Misi Alice
Risley, daughter of an old pioneer fam
ily of this state. They have a iamily ot
three children. '
There can be no mistake made la
electing Mr. Starkweather, as he ii
thoroughly well known throughout tht
county, Is acquainted with the condi
tions and needs at onr schools, and ia
heartily in sympathy with all that tends
to true progress in onr educational
Health it Youth.
Disease and sickness bring old age.
Herbine, taken every morning 'before
breakfast, will keep you in robust health
and fit you to ward off disease. It cures
constipation, bllliousness, dyspepsia,
fever, skin, liver and kidney complaints
Mrs. D. W. Smith, Whitney, Texas,
writes April 3, 1902: "I bave used
Herbine, and find It tbe best medicine
(or constipation and liver troubles. It
does all you claim for it. I can highly
recommend it." 60 cents a bottle, bold
by Charman & Co.