Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, April 08, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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r 6
question of nutrition. If the rt.TSKtrli
and other organs of digestion and nutri
tion are kept in a health l'ul condition
there will be a well-nourished body, and
lit'le liability to disorders of the liver,
bowels or such other disorders as may
result from in
nutrition and
lack of exer
cise. I)r. Pierce's
Golden Med
ical Discovery
cures diseases
of the stomach
and other or
gans of diges
tion and nutri
tion, and also
diseases of oth
er organswhich
are caused by
the diseased
condition of the
stomach. By
enabling the
perfect nutri
tion of the
body it increases the vital power and
promotes a vigorous old age.
I was a sufferer from chronic diarrhea for five
years," writes Mrs. Mary A. Aaron, of Rolla,
Phelps Co., Mo. "I tried different remedies,
Which would iHve ine relief for a short time
only. My trouble would return as bad as ever.
I consulted you in July, iqoo, and by your advice
commrucccTusing Dr. Pierce's n tnedies. I took
two bottles of the 'Golden Meidcal Discovery,'
three viols of the ' Pellets,' and some of the
Extract of Smart-Weed as you advised. I
kftve not had any return of my trouble since
Ming your medicines. Am now seventy-one
years old and I never had anything to relieve
me so quick. 1 think Dr. Pierce's medicines the
greatest on earth. Should I ever have any re
turn of my trouble shell use your medicine.
My thanks to you for vonr advice ntid thanks
to Almighty God for restoring me to health
through your hands.''
Accept no substitute for "Golden Med
ical Discovery." There is nothing "just
as pood" for diseases of the stomach,
blood and lungs.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, the best
laxative for old people. They cure con
ttipation and biliousness.
JJa'-': il
ry , f Ml
Eggs PlentifulPoultry Keeps
High Block Hogs Scarce
With Potatoes Up Hops
' Scarce.
Oats, gray
Hard wheat flour straights
Hard wheat flour, patents.
Valley flour
Flour, graham
Portland, April C, 1904.
Egus contiiiuo week, owing to- large
receipts, a ( decline in local demand and
an absence of inquiry from the north.
Dealers predict a further drop of 17
Vtjry few chickens are in the market
and the continued scarcity causes dealers
to believe that tbe Bupply is short in the
Northwest. Prices can go no higher, as
tbe demand is even limited at present
quotations, and consumers switch off to
veal or some other substitute within
reach of their pursjs.
The pcarcity of "block bogs" continue
a feature in Portland markets, and the
present prices are considered a good in
ducement to producers to ship in were
there any hogs to ship. The stock in
this cIbes of fresh mcntB is considered
well-nigh exhausted for the eeton.
Potatoes Bre firm, and an advance of
5 cents per 100 pounds of fancy stock
has taken piste. .Large numbers of
Oregon potntue arc now being absorbed
by the California market, and buyers
here do not heMtnle to purchase fnncv
urates that oiler. One email lot of
chuire Burhank brought $1.25 yester
day for sliiptm nt to San Francisco.
The hop market wtitiiiues dull, and
few saleB are r I'Oi led. Some, contracts
are being made on iht basis ol 15 cents
a pound for Of -in-r delivery. Thu hop
softK.n ot 1904 '. - n ii lli in tr than us
ual hk a resultot oiutracie i wet weather,
and farmers find it diflk'itlt to work in
the fieldH.
The supply of live lock sheep and hogs
continue light, and prices tirni. At this
time of the year fat Btrck is Fciuce, and
the scarcity will bevlikely to continue
for two months.
(lltAIN AN' I) I'l.OIJlt.
Wheat, VVidla Walla 7(io
Wheat, Valley 8lc
Wheat, llluestem 82;
Barlty. per ton $231X1
Oats, white 2100
3.603 70
Eyeflour 3 604.00
Butter, fancy creamery 2rj27c
Butter, dairy 20(?22lAc
Butter, cooking 1012c
Cheese, Young America 1414'c
Cheese, Oregon full cream.. l'iWAc
Kggo, Oregon lanch 17c
Honey, da k 10'AUc
Honey, amber 1213c
Honey, fancy while 15c
Artichokes, dozen 85cl 25
Beets, sack L00
Cabbage 2c
Carrots, sack 75c1.0n
Cauliflower, dozen......... 90c1.00
Celery 50e6")C
Chile peppers, pound 20c
Garlic, net pound 8c
Green peppers, ponnd 6c
Horseradish, per pound.,.. 8rs
Lettuce, hothouse, box 1.75(32.00
Onions, Oregon yellow 2.002.35
Potatoes 85c 1 00
Potatoes sweet 2.753.00
Pumpkins....- lc(81c
Kadishes, per dozen olTAc.
Tomatoes, per box 1.5U1.75
Turnips, sack 75cl.U0
Cooking apples 6ll00o
Fancy apples 1.002 00
Marianas, per pound 5c
Cocoanuts, dozen 90c
Chestnuts, Oregon, pound. 12c
Dates, golden 6(Kc
Dates, Fard, per 13 lb. box L50
"ig, white, per pound
Figs, black, per pound 6c
Figs, California layers 10 Iba 90c
Figs California 10-lb cartons 1.001.10
Figs,50K-lh. brickB., 2.25
FUs, black- LOO
Grapefruit, box 2.50(33 00
Lemons 2.50(03.00
Oranges, navels.. 1.5I)2.00
Pineapples... 3.754.50
Mixed, per pound. I212c
Spring, per pound 14$15o
Hens 1314c
Geefe 78c
Ducks, dozen 6.007 50
Tmkeys, live 14(;15o
Turkeys, dressed Iti((i)l7c
Ducks, wild.. 2.004.00
limothy.. 13.60(315.00
Clover 8 00(310 00
Cheat 10.001LOO
Shorts 20 00
Kran 19.00
Barlev, rolled 22.00(323(10
Mldd'linirs 24 0025.00
Oats, while 23W24.00
Oats, gray ...... 21.0023.00
Chop feed'. 16.00
Serious Stomach Trouble Cured.
"I was troubled with a distress in my
stomach, sour stomach and vomiting
spells, and can truthfully say that
Chamberlain's Stomacn and Liver Tab
let' wired me." Mrs. T. V. Williams,
Lainsburg Mich. These table's are
utiaranteed to cure sverycase of stomach
trouble of this character. For sale by
Geo. A. Harding.
"Who owns the eaith?" i? a question
which is asked and anBweed, at least
apparently to his own satisfaction, by
Mr. S. S. Pratt, editor of the World's
Work, tbe Wall Street paper. Mr.
Pratt is an authority on financial . mat
ters, and his statement of facts are as
interesting as his conclusions. We
herewith publish his a atement in which
he attempts to answer the question,
"Who twns the earth?" Says Mr.
Pratt among other things :
"One.twelfth of the estimated wealth
of the United States is represented at
the meeting of the Board of Directors
ot tbe United States Steel corporation
when they are all present. They are:
J. D. "Rock feller. Marshall Field, E. H.
Gary, W. H. Moore, Henry C. Frink,
W. E. Cory, F. H. Peabody, Charles
Steele, P. A. B. Widener, James H.
Reid, William Edenborn, E.. O. Con
verse, J. P. Morgan, H. H. Rogers,
George W. Perkins, Norman B. Ream,
Charles M. Schwab, C. A. Griscom,
Daniel G. Reid, J. D. Roc.kfeller, Jr.,
Alfred Clifford, R bsrt Bicin, N. Thay
er, James Gayley.
"They represent as influential direc
tors more than 200 other companies.
These companies operate nearly one
half of the railroad mileage of the
United States. They are the great mi
ners and carriers of coal. Among these
companies are such industrial trusts as
the Standard Oil, the Amalgamated
Copper, the International Harvester,
the Pullman, the General Electric, the
International Mercantile Marine, the
United States Realty and Construction
and the American Linseed. The leal
ing telegraph system, the traction lines
of New York, of Philadelphia, of Pitts
burg, of Buffalo, of Chicago, and ot Mil
waukee, and otie of the principal express
companies ar represented in the Board.
The group includes also directors of five
insurance companies, two of which have
assets of $700,000,000. In tbe Steel
Board are men who speak for Ave banks
and ten trust companies in New 'York
City, including the First National, the
National City aud the Bank of Com
merce, the three greatest banks in the
country and 'he head of Important
chains of financial institutions ; for two
banks and three trust companies in
Philadelphia; for two banks and two
trust companies in Chicago; for one
bank and two trust companies in Boston
and for one bank and one trustconapany
in Pittsburg, besides banking institu
tions in smaller cities. Telephone, el
ectric, real estate, cable and publishing
com pa ies. are represented there, and
our greatest merchant sits at the board
taole." Lexington Herald.
Five auHSeven Cents. "1
Astoria, Oi.. April 4. The Ooluirba
River Fisharmen's Protective Union at
a meeting this evening fixed the open
ing prices for salmon of the Columbia
River for the coining season at 6 cents
per pound for fish weifebinu less than 25
pounds and 7 cents per pound for those
weighing 25 pounds or over. This is
the same price as last season for tbe
small fish, but in advance of one cent
for the large oneB. The meating alsi
I appointed a committe of nine to investi
gate and report at the next meeting on
the question of affiliating with the fish
erman's Protective Union of the Pacific
Coast and Alaska.
Waives Examination.
Chicago, April 4. Mrs. Emmi X.
Watson, under indictment at Portland,
Ore , in connection with alleged lauo
swiidle8, waived examination whn
arraigned before United States Commis
sioner Humphrey today. Later United
States Deputy Marshal Melleton boarded
a train for the Pacific Coant with Mr.
WatBon in custody .
It's the little colds that grow into big
co'ds; the liig. colds that end in con
sumption and death. (Watch lli" li'lle
colds. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syruj .
Stung to Death By Bee
Ontario, Or., April 4 The two year
old son of F. W. Metcalf, superinten
dent of the K. S. & D. fruit farm nl
Arcadia, met a sad fate, last even'rg.
The little fellow was playina in the yar-'
and i a some, way gained admittance o
an enclosure tilled with nuraeroii
stands of bees. The bees immedtai ely
attacked him and before help arrived he
was stung so tatally that he died shortly
The Sure Wav.
to prevent Pneumonia and Consump
tion is to cure your cold when it first ap
pears. Acker's' English Remedy will
Btop the. cough in a nigbt, and drive the
cold out of your system. Alwavs a
quick and sure cure for Asthma, Bron
chitis, and all throat and lung troubles.
If it does not satisfy you we will refund
vour muney . For sale by Huntley Bros.
A Co.
Marriage License.
Marriage licenses were issued Monday
to three parties, as follows: Pearl
Looney and G. P. Looney, Bertha Rich
and L. P. Shaw, Lena Scoggins and
J.ilius Spag'e. The groom in the last
named license was under age, and par
ental consent had to be obtained.
A Big Sensation,
There was a big Bensation in Leesville
lnd., when W H. Brown, of that place,
who whb expected to die, had his life
saved by Dr. King's New Discovery for
Connmpiion. He writes: "I endured
insufferable agonies from Asthma, tint
your New Discovery gave me immediate
relief and soon thereafter effected a
' comph'te cure." Similar cures of Con
sumption, rneumorna. lironclittis, ana
Grip are numerous. It is the peerless
remedy for all throat, and lung troubles.
Price 5(1 cents and if I. Guaianteed by
t barman & Co., Druggists. Trial bot
tles free,
Makes a Clean Sweep.
There's nothing like doing a thing
thoroughly. Of all the bbIvch you ever
heard of, Buckleu's Arnica Salve is the
best. It sweeps away and cures Burns,
Sorts, ltiiiises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers, Skin
Eruptions and PileH. Its only 25 cents
and guaranteed to give satisfaction by
Charman & Co. Druggists.
Eczema, scald head, hives, itchiness
of the skin of any sort, instantk reliev
ed, permanently cured. Doan's oint
ment. At any drug store. ,
Now is the time to take a spring tonic
to purify the Mood, cleanse the liver and
kidneys of all impurities. Hollister's
Uocky Mountain Tea will do the busi
ness. 35 cents. Tea or tahleta.
I know a joliy old maiden lady
A lady of high degree,
Who never goes to bed without
A drink ol Rocky Mountain Tea.
Sensible woman.
The matter of feed is of
tremendous importance to the
farmer. Wrong feeding is
loss. Right feeding is profit.
The up-to-date farmer knows
what to feed his cows to get
the most milk, his pigs to get
the most pork, his hens to
get the most eggs. Science.
But how about the children ?
Are they fed according to
science, a bone food if bones
are soft and undeveloped, a
flesh and muscle food if they
are thin and weak and a blood
food if there is anemia ?
Scott's Emulsion is a mixed
food; the Cod Liver Oil in it
makes flesh, blood and muscle,
the Lime and Soda make bone
and brain. It is the standard
scientific food for delicate
Ballard's Hurehouiid Syrup.
Immediately relieves hoarse, croupy
cough, oi pressed, rattling, rasping and
difficult breathing. Henry C. Stearns,
Druggist, Slmllsburg, Wis , writes, May
20, 11)01 : "I have been soiling Ballard's
Horehound Syrup for two years, and
have never had a preparation that ha
eiven better satisfaction. I notice that
when I sell a bottle they come back for
mine. I can honestly recomuieud it."
25c, 50c, f 1. Sold by" Charman & Co.
toft i : frn
Send for free
Be sure that this picture in
the form o a label is on the
wrapper of every bottle of
Emulsion you buy.
409 Pearl St., N.Y
50c and $1 1 all druggist.
So frequently settle on the lungs and result in Pneumonia or Consumption. Do not take chances on a cold wearing
away or take something that only half cures it, leaving the seeds of serious throat and lung trouble.
rliLlf m
Lb U Ldyuiiy
;A -. , -.. , , , . - -V .- : r
iiti)4liM'A"''ir'' "
Cures Cdughs and Colds quickly and prevents
Poeiisnciaiia and Consumption
C. UnRer, 211 Maple St., Champaign, 111., writes;
' I was troubled with a hacking cough for a year and
I thought I had consumption. I tried a great many
remedies and I was under the cire of physicians for
several months. I used one bottle of FOLEY'S
HONEY AND TAR. It cured me, and I have not
been troubled since."
Henry Livingstone, Babylon, N. Y., writes: "I
bad been a sufferer with Bronchitis (or twenty years
and tried a great many with poor results until I used
FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR which cured me of
my Bronchitis which I supposed was incurable."
THREE SIZES, 25c, 50o and $1.60.
Refuse Substitutes
Hurt'cy Bros. Co., Druggists and Booksellers, Oregon City.
For the next 30 days
we will send the
Oregon City
i Courier :
To any one not now
a subscriber until af
ter the June election
for the small sum of
Think Of It.
If you subscribe now you get the Courier two
full months for 15 cents. Just about half the
regular, subscription price of the paper and not
much more than the price of the white paper
it is printed on.
Special Campaign
Offer, llo. 2
For the next 30 days we will send the Oregon
City Courier to any address in the United
States or Canada, to any one who is not now
a subscriber, until the 8th day of November,
1904 for the small sum of
This will carry you over the Fall election.
This offer is good for only 3o days or until May ist,
1904, and will be withdrawn on that date. It is
good only to new subscribers. Now is the time to
subscribe. Keep abreast of the times; read your
County Paper; it gives you all the county news all
the time. The time from now until the November
election will be an exciting one in the political
world. For this reason you cannot afford to miss
this opportunity.
Send all subscriptions to the
Special rates to postmasters sending in' clubs of 10
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