OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, APRILS'. ,904 Paterns Ten Cent ouseueepers Attention! We have secured several lots of Comforters, Blankets and White Spreads, hlso another lot of remnants of Lace Curtains much below the regular values. Remnants of Curtains l'A and if long at 19c, 23c and 25c. Worth 35c, 40c and 50c. ' Silk woven Comforters, standard values for $3.50. While they last $1.75. ' ( 250 pairs Cotton Blankets, soft and warm; white, i.olored and fancy, rang ing from 65c to $1.25. Hotels, Restaurants, Lodging Houses and Housekeepers, let us figure with you on Blankets, Quilts, Curtains, Por tiers, Sheets, Pillow Cases and Linens--We are noted for housekeepers' supplies. -COME AND SEE All Street Cars Lead to Our Store The Store Noted for the Best Corner Third and Morrison Local News In Brief. New veiling and Tailor made just arrived. Mibs Goldsmith. bate Beatie & Beatie, dentists, vWeinhard building, room 16, 17 and ,18. Mr. Trumball of Portland, will ad drees tne Womane' Club at the resi dence of Mrs. Geo. 0. Brownell on the 14th of April. The Willamette Glee Club gave an entertainment at the opera house .last Monfiay eveniug. The entertainment was attended by quite a good crowd and was a very successful and pleasing affair. Onion sets 5c, hulk lard 11c, Bed Front. , . - Ladies trimmed hats $1.75 up. Bed Front. Phil Price has begun the manufac ture of cigars in the rear of OldBtein's Cigar store. , Thia makes two cigar man ufacturing 'companies in Oregon City. Price expects to manufacture high grade goods. He is a cigar maker himself and will enlarge bis factory as business justifies. August Kruger, a lineal descendent of Oora Paul Kruger, President of the Bper Bepublic, died at his home near town last Monday eveniug of pneumonia. He was in the prime of life, being about forty years of age. He in survived by a wife and several children. Ed. Johnson began operations with his new laundry Monday and is now running full blast. A steam laundry is a much needed innovation and we pre dict for it unqualified success. John eon's laundry represents an investment of some $3,500, and will emplo7 about a dozen people, mostly girls, to begin with. He will do first class work and do will all possible to merit the local trude. The new ice plant at the corner of 13th and Main streets began operations this week. The new plant will manu facture ice for home consumption and Portland and other neighboring towns. The ice will be manufactured from the waters from an artesian well which has been drilled for that purpose. Thus do the business enterprises of Oregon City increase from day to day. verily, the "World do Move." The almost continous rainfall of the past two months has had the effect of ' patting ClacKamas county farmers much behind 'with their spring work. No grain of any consequence has been sown and the chances are that the wheat crop will be cut considerably short. There was very little fall grain sown . and unless the weather is more favor able than it has been, there will not be much Bpring wheat sown. Altogeth er the outlook for a big crop is not good. Much illegal fishing is going on in the Clackamas river uear this city. The water bailiffs are using every percau tion to capture the proachers, but so far without effect. Several nets which had been spread to catch fish, have been cap turtd by the fishermen out none of the fishermen have yet been caught. The Clackamas is One of the best salmon streams in Oregon and fishermen find it a regular paradise. ( , The year 1903 was a prosperous one for the Clear Creek Creamery Com pany, a co-operative butter-making in stitution located on the Clackamas river a few miles from this city. In the 12 monthB this plant manufactured 41,261 . pounds of butter. This product netted tne patron an average for the year of 29 cents per pound for his butter at the creamery, or 262 cents when his cream was called for. The cost of making the butter was 2J cents per pound, and the receipts fiom the sale of the crearrory's output for the year amounted to $13,430. A host of friends nurprised Mr. Zinzer last evening in honor of his being nomi nated County Superintendent again. The evening was epent in music and Flinch. Refreshments were served. All enjoyed the occasion. Paterns Ten Cents Double warp Table Linens, made from Oregon flax. Nothing like it ever turned from a loom. See it; yard, $1, White Bedspreads,Marseilles patterns, full size; regular price $1.00. They are yours for 69c. Russian Crash Toweling, ' well worth 10c yard. Take it while it lasts, 50 Goods at the Lowest Prices Streets, Pertland, Oregon Mrs. Joseph Knowland, Sr., arrived on Saturday from Paso Bobles, Cal. Harry Beard, father of Dr. Beard, of this city, is building two houses at Sell wood, alongside the Car track. On Wednesday of next week Clacka mas Pomona Grange will meet with the Patrons of Husbandry of Garfield. C. W. Lannine, au architect, arrived from Paebl, Colorado last week. His father is also tired of rainless Colorado and will arrive here during the week. John Bargfeld of Logan, was in town Monday the first time for three months. Mr. Burgfeld cut his foot very severely two months since and is forced to uee crutches. Ladies rubbers, 25c. Bed Front. TJ. S. Fisher, a union miner, arrived from Cripple, Creek Colo., this week. He says the Miners' Employing Associa tion is making it very bot for members of the union and the supply of non-union men being plentiful. Laramie Mayer, years ago a prominent merchant of Molalla, is traveling for a Seattle butter and egg house. He weighs nearly 200 pounds. His brother-in-law, Oscar Miller, has a position in the office of the city treasurer of Port land. Preparations are on foot for the or ganization of a lodge of the Independent Order of the Oddfellows at ' Mi' waukie, this county, the new lodge will prob. ably be organized next week. There will be about 30 charter members of the new lodge. At the present time there is only one secret order in Milwaukie, and that is the W. O. W. The town ot Oak Grove will shortly have one of the nicest school houees in the county. The contract for the erec tion of the 6choolhoue was let last Sat urday niuht to J. H. Sneider & Sons, of Milwaukie. The new house is to cost $1,791. Danial Caukins, clerk of the Oak Grove district, was here Monday. He says the town is growing at a rapid rate. Bice 5c, Bluestone 6 c. Bed Front. Senator Mitchell will be asked to try and get an appropriation providing for the lower floor of the Oddfellows' build ing, now used by the potoffice. When the nuilding was repaired and renova ted the postal department took a lease for ten years on all of the lower floor excepting a space of about 9x20 feet. In putting in the fiixtures it was found that the space provided was not large enough to provide accomodations for and leave any room. The railing that has been erected arround the space not leased leaves no room for patrons. Basmus BasmuBsen, of Denmark, has begun proceedings to contest the will of the late Lars Anderson, who died last August at Highland, this county, leav ing an estate of the value of $2000. A will bearing date of August 4 was ad mitted to probate, by which the de cedent bequeathed all of his property to his two nephews, Fred and Peter Madi son, of this county. Fred Madison was appointed administrator of the estate. The decedent in the will that was pro bated mRde provision that it Bhould take precedence over any other like in strument he had executed. Ordinary household accidents have no terrors when there's' a bottle of Dr. Thoiraa' Electric oil in the medicine chest. Heals burns, cuts, bruises, sprains. Instant relief . Sciatic Rheumatism Cured. "I have beeu subject to fciatic rheu matism for years," says E. H Waldron, of Wilton Junction, Iowa. "My joints were etiff and gave me much discomfort. My joints would crock when I straight ened up. I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm and have been thoroughly cured. Have not had a pain or ache from the old trouble for many' months. It is certainly a moat wonderful liniment." For sale by Geo. A. Harding. Wanted Small house or 4 to 6 rooms. Give location and rent. No Children. Address Eenter, care of Courier office. row ZBA. Friday and Saturday of last week were busy days with the farmerf) in this lo cality, as they were about the only days that- the ground Las been in fit condi tion to work in the last two months. N Mr. Butgoyne has nbout one acre of early potatoes planted. , ' Mrs. Newbury visited her cousin Mrs. Commons, of Oregon Citv, one day last week. Wood Jesse, a S. P. engineer, was in town last Friday shaking hands with old friends and schoolmates after an absense of 14 years-. , Mr. Jesse brought with him a complete fishing outfit anticipa ting carrying home a good supply of speckled trout, but alas 1 be got (April fooled) one little fish. Wood sayB that the old creek and mill pond Iooks nat ural but ttie fish are not there as they were when he was a boy. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hoffman attended the tuneral of the former's cousin, Mrs. Keil, of Milwaukie, Monday. The prohibition entertainment and local option speaking in the grange hall last Thursday night was well attended and standing room was at a premium. Mrs. Newbury is having her pear orchard on the hill grubbed out. Chas. Bradtl viBited his sister Mrs. Gansnider of Portland, Saturday and Sunday. Chas. Slvter, of Portland, visited his parents here over Sunday. Mr. Wyma'n moved to Newburg last Moudey. Ivan Truesdale, of Portland, and the two Waite girls of Canby, visited Miss Anthony Sunday. Mr. E. Sneider, of Aurora, is teaching the spring term of school on the west side at Mountain Eoad school hcuse district No. 98. Ed Wittenberg and Herman Burgoyne of Portland, visited the latter's parents here over Sunday. Blaine and Johnnie White, of Oanby, camped for dinner on one of our side streets Friday enroute to anemah with household goods. ' Arthur Knight was calling in New Era Sunday evening. The Eepublican primary held, at Brown's school house Saturday worked like a charm and was not of long dur ation, as some one was kind enough to have the ballots already prepared with the names on of the ones they wished to be delegates to the convention. Of course that saved considerable valuable time, but it will be remembered by a few of those present. Strawberries are in bloom. Chas. Foster was up Monday from Portland, for the purpose of buying more timber lor his sawmill which, he will erect in a Bhort time on hia place one mile east of New Era. Miss Laura Heartly had a narrow escape from losing one of her eyes Mon day morniug. While splitting some kindling to start a fire a stick Btruck her acrosatheeye knocking her down end completely out of business for a few minutes. Fortunately the sight of the eye was not injured, but it is in mourn ing now. Uncle Sammy Brown is living with bis Bon, Geo. H. Wanted Yoong men or women as local representatives ior McClures Mag azine. Lihe'al commissions, caBe prizes. Write J. K. Trainer, 141 E. 25lh.sStreet, Now York, N. Y. , 'r . , Christian Science. First Church of Christ Scientists, Garde building, corner seventh and Main streets, Sunday at 11 a. m. Bubject ''Doctrine of Atonement." Children's Sunday School at' 10 o'clock a. m. Testimonial meeting Wednesday even ing at 7. 45 o.clock. Beading room is open Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur days from 2 to 4 p. m. MARCH WEATHER. Eight and a Half Inches of Water During the Month. The following report of the weather during the month of March was com. piled by G. Mueok, of near Aurora, who is the representative of Uncle Sam in this part of the valley ; Mean temperature 42.3 Maximum temperature 61.00 Minumam temperature 25.00 Total precipitation 8. 37 in Total snow fall M in Clear days '. 1 Partly cloudy days 19 Cloudy days 11 Date of frosts, 2nd, 4th, and 30th. Dates of hail, 11th, 20th, 24th, 25th, and 30th. Prevailing direction of the winds, from the south. Best Cough Medicine for Children. When you buy a cough medicine for small children you want one in which you can place implicit confidence. You want one that not only relieves but cures. You want one that is unques tionably harmless. You want one that is pleasant to take. Chamberlain's Cough Eemedy meets all of these con ditions. There is nothing so good for the cousin and colds incident to child hood. It is also a certain preventive and cure for croup, and there is no danger whatever from whooping cough when it is given. It has been used in many epidemics of that disease with perfect success. For sale by Geo . A. Harding. " Private Mmty to Loan Six and seven per cent. . Amounts on land $100 to $3000. Also eome'on chat tel and personal security. For sale : The Bnssel Homeetead six mil 8E of Molalla at $6 an acre; the Pui.ip Marquam Homestead eight miles E of Marquam at $5 an asre. Plenty of fine water a d mod soil on rrth tracts. Also bio k 119 Oregon City, eight full lots 66x105 feet. Siuhtly builaing place all for $1000. J OIIS W. LODER, i Att'y. at Law. Stevens' building, Oreaon City, Ore. Advertised Letters. The followine letters remain uncalled for in the postoffice at Oregon City, for the week ending April 7, 1904: women's list. Delaney.Mrs MaggieSeeley. Mrs Bern Henngton, Mrs J Waters, iviiss ivy Eight. Mrs F raekage: Mrs-Manna crown. ' EES S LIST. Alen; A A Moore, B K Bingham, E Vv Murray, unnora Furney, Geo Pope, T C . FoBter, Frank Simmons, J E Gregory, H J Shute, Thomas Hallet, AD Stratton, VV-2 Hatch, Eev J Whiting, Lee Kelly, Guy T. P. RANDALL, P. M. Child's trimmed hats $1.50 Front. up. Bed Robbed the Grave. A startline incident' is narrated by John Oliver, of Philadelphia, as follows: "I was in an awful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes eunken, tongue coated, nain continually in back and sides, no appetite, crowing weaker day bv dav. Three physicians had given me up. . Then I was advised to use Electric Bitters ; to my great joy, the first oottie made a decided improvement. 1 con tinued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they rob bed the grave of another victim." No one should laii to try tnem. uniy ou ci-ntw, nuaianteed at Uharman & Lo s. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dr. George Hoeye DENTIST All work warranted and satisfaction guar anteed. Crown and Bridge work a spec ialty. Caulield Building. Phone 1093. Oregon Uty, Oregon. M. C. Strickland, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Does an up-to-date general practice. Spec ial attention given to surgery and dis eases of women. Office in Garde Build ing. Seventh and Main streets, Oregon City, Oregon. C. D. D. C. Latourette ATTY'S AT LAW Commercial', Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Office in Commercial Bank Building, Oregon City, Oregon. Robert A. Miller ATT'Y AT LAW Beal Estate bought and sold, money loan . ed, titles examined and abstracts made. Cash paid fur couuty warrants. Probate . and commissioners' court business and insurance. Room 3, Weinhard Build ing, Oregon City, Oregon. . Grant B. Dimick Att'y and Counselor at Law Will practice in all courts in the state, circuit and district courts of the United States: Insolvent debtors taken through bankruptcy. Office in Garde Building, Oregon City, Oregon. George L. Storey ATT'Y AT LAW Will practice in all thecouits of the State. Abstracts.of title a specialty. Can fur nish abstracts of tite to any tract of land in Clackamas County at lowest rates. Advice free unarges reasonaDie Howard M. Brownell ATT'Y AT LAW Abstracts furnished. Office with George ' C. Brownell. Oregon City, Oregon. Commercial Bark of Oregon City. Capital $100,000 Transacts a general banking busirfess. Makes loans and collections, discounts bills, buys anc sells domestic and for eign exchange and receives deposits subject to check. Open from 9am to 4 p. m. D. C. Latourette, Pres; F. J. Meyei, cashier. C. N. Greenmam The Pioneer Expressman Established I865. Prompt delivery to all parts of the city. Oregon City, Oregon, QSTEOPATHY DR. C. D. LOVE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Graduate of American Behool of OHteopatlijr, v Kirkavllle, Mo. Succeasfully treats both acute and chronlo du ctules. Call for literature. Consultation and Examination Free Office Hours: J iV. M.' ,Or by appointment at any time. Boomt over Dr. Morris' Dental Parlors, ne door to Conrisr Ofllca. OKEGOX CITY, OBKOOM. 0. Schuibil W. 8. O'EKN JJEEN A SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW DtutTdbtt Sbtwlot Will practice in all courts, make collec tions and settlements of estates, furnish abstracts of title, lend you money and lend your money on first mortgage. Office in Enterprise building, Oregon City, Oregon. Rich Find of Iron Ore. r Residents in West Orenon City have discovered a rich deposit of iron ore in the vicinity of Willamette Falls. The ore assays 54 per cent metallic iron, and the d- posit is believed to be q iite ex tensive, siiic iho eume quality ore has buen fmnni in a nurnl't-r uf the ravines and side-hiiiB Burroundina Willamette Falls. The land on which the discovery has been n ade belongs to the Oregon Iron & Steel Company, and members of the corpo ation are now investigating the extent and value of the find, which is the richest iron ore that has been found wett of Michigan. Died in Portland. Mrs. Elma Wright, of Milwaukie, thjs couuty, died in St. Viuceat's Hos pital, of Portland, Sunday. . The re mains were buried at Milwaukie. A Thoughtful Man. M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind. knew what to do in the hour of need. His wife had such an unusual case of stomach and liver trouble, physicaus could not help her. He thought of and tried Dr. King's New Life Pills and she got relief at once and was finally cured Only 2o cents at Charman & Co's Drug oiore. C. W. Kelly High Grade Whiskeys UCH CELEBRATED BRANDS AS OLD CROW RED TOP RYE HERMITAGE OLD SARATOGA PLANET, Spr, '88 CREAM RYE Imported Scotch and Irish CORNER SEVENTH AND MAIN STS. m Printing i Kinds -ai Courier Office tvJ We do first class work at the lowest prices possible. Letter Heads, Envelopes, Bill Heads, Statements. 9 n i i m to. Poster Work a Specialty If you have printing to do send it to the Courier Office. Work promptly and neatly done. Satis faction guaranteed. Courier Co. Oregon City, Oregon. Individuals Money to Loan. Money at 6 and 7 per cent. $,50Uoufaim well improved; $1,000 on farm or timber land ; $800 on larm or city property; $50.0 on good security; $500 on short time in small amounts on ehattle and personal security. Also 150 acre , lots of water, 10 acres clear, balance rich soil and eatily clear ed ; at $6 an acre. 160 acres; rich soil, lots of water and some timber, $5 an acre. 12 larg; lots in Oregon City $1000. John W. Loder, Attorney at law. Booms 8 and 9, Steven's Bld'g. Corner 6th Main, Oregon City Or Attention. Carpenters and Contractors I will receive sealed bids for the erection of one cottage on Eighth street, Oregon Oit. Bids will be received until the 9th day of April 1904. I reserve the right to reject any and all bids, plana and specifications. Can be seen at Baker's planing mill, Oregon City, Ore gon. Address all bids and communica- cation to Gkoroe Randall, 2t R. F. D. No. 1 , Oregon City. If you are troubled with impure blood indicated by sores, pimples, headache, etc., we would recommead .(Vcker's Blood Elixir, which we sell under a positive guarantee. It will always cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons and all blood diseases. 50 cts. and $1. Sold by Huntley Bros. & Co. ' ' 1 C. liuccnlcb and Wines a Specialtij Whiskeys and French Brandies GARDE BLD'G. i of all ! M m tfc S3 in M txi