Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, April 08, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Bragging Painsl
2825 Keeley St.,
Chicago, III., Oct,, 2, 1902.
I suffered with fallinc and con
gestion of the womb, with 8evere
pains tnrouan the groins. 1 gut
tered terribly at the time of men
struation, had blinding headaches
and ruBhing of blood to the brain.
What to try 1 knew not, for it
seemed that I had tried all and
failed, but I had never tried Wine
of Cardui, that blessed remedy for
sick women. I found it pleasant
to take and soon knew that I had
the right medicine. New blood
seemed to course through my veins
and after using eleven bottles I
was a well woman.
Mrs. Bush is now in perfect
health because she took Wine of
Cardui for menstrual disorders, ,
bearing down pains and blinding
headaches when all other remedies
failed to bring her relief. Any
sufferer may secure health by tak
ing Wine of Cardui in her home.
The first bottle convinces the pa
tient she is on the road to health.
' For advice in cases requiring
special directions, address, giving
symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory
Department," The Chattanooga
Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.
"Hail, gentle Spring, Etherial mild
neis come !" 0, Thompson ! ' void of
rhyme as well as .-eason, how coulds't
thou thus untimely Nature hum (bug)
there's no such reason !
or acute iudigestion, Secretary Taft
contemplates making a tour of the
Philippine Islands next year, to see if
the Filipinos are good end obedient.
He says they will be fit for self-government
whenever they think that we
ought to govern them.
Secretary of ihe navy once upon a
time, John D. Long, has just epent 'an
evening at the White House. "How are
you, Jack? By George! It's ood- for
sore eyes to see you !" He is no longer
an "old fogy," no longer "way behind
the times," he's a Massachusetts 'dele
gate who will vote at Chicago. . ,
Having arbitrarily abolished the
"solems treaty" which CoU Bates made
with the Moros, which was not to be
abrogated without the consent of both
parties, Secreiary Taft sends a dis
patch instructing Geneial Wade not to
excite the MoroB.
It is reported that the President says
he is sorry that when he enacted tbe
law giving $6 per month to all veterans,
he didn't make it $a0. ' The Speaker of
the House has no veto, and it would be
so easy for him to make it f 50 that be
has a great mind to do it now.
Sixto Lopez wants to go to his home in
the Philippine Islands but declines to
take the oath of allegiance to the United
States. A bond of $100,000 for his good
behavior and obedience to law has been
ohVed by General Palmer of Cororado,
but the President declines to accept it.
What is compulsory oath of allegiance
good for?
Senator Piatt Conn., says that unless
the Panama canal is built without refer.
ence to political influence, its progress
will be markeo. by scandal . He knows
his friends.
Since Panama reduced her army to a
couple of hundred mnlatoes and sold
the two midget tugs that constituted her
navy, even President Roosevelt lnus.
admit that she is the most dependent
little independency and powerless little
power that there is on the face of the
The President says with uplifted,
band that he will personally investigate
every department of the government, if
he shall be elected. Why don't he do it
now when he has a chance?
Our Washington correspondent asked
Sen. Reed Smoot if he could have been
elected it he h ad not been a Mormon.
Reply: Yes, certainly; was not Senator
Rawlins elected, who was not a Mor
mon? But could a protestant be
elected alderman in the fourth ward of
New York? and could a Catholic be
elected President of tbe United States?
Very well; what's 'he matter with me
then?" .
When a band of the Ogalalo Sioux
paid their respects to the Piesident last
week he emphasizee his hostility by
earnestlv advising them to tell half
their horses and quit their horse-racing,
At this pojut his secretary, Loeb, whis
pered in his ear to hurry up as the races
at Bennings began in half an hour.
His Excellency told the , sagamore that
he regretted being obliged to draw the
interview to a close, but it was time for
Cabinet meeting. The chief apolig'zed,
bowed, shook bandB fervently, and va
moosed the ranch.
Secretary Hitchcock has paid out
$092,000 to lobbyists in connection with
an Indian claim. Senator Plat says
"this is one of the most nortorious in
stances of lobbying that has ever come
to mv notice." A discussion of it oc
cupied severalhours in the Senate last
Rev Dr. Easton of Washington, D.
O., has resigned because his congrega
tion would not lift the church's debt
and pay taxes on it like other property.
He said "Our Lord never ran in debt;
and He paid His taxes like a gentle-
Ten thousand applications for patents
are held up in the United States Patent
Office on account of informal premuta
tion or unskillful prosecution. C. A.
Snow & Co., Patent Lawyers of Wash
ington, make a specialty of such cases,
fees moderate and contingent on suc
Classified Advertisesjsnts.
Lumber. Leave orders for lumber of
all kinds at W. F. Block's, the House
Furnisher, or address W. r. Harris, bly,
Oregon. M 25i3t
Wanted Small house or 4 to 6 rooms.
Give location and rent. No children.
AddreBB Renter, care of Courier office.
Money to Loan At 6 and 7 ptr cent an
Real Estate Security . C. H. Dye.
Land For Sale 1 have for sale forty
acres of the very best land in Clackamas
county, located nine miles south of Ore
gon City and one mile from Canby on
gravel road. No better land to be found
any where. Address. J. H. Ehret, Sher
wood, Oregon, R. F. D. No. i. flo-4t
For Sale Ground 250x205 and 6-room
house well painted and finished; good well
frame barn, 35 bearing fruit trees-apples,
cherries, pears, quinces, grapes and berries,
choice roses 20 varieties; five blocks from
the onlv i2.grade school In the county.
Price $l'25o; terms. E. J. Maple, Park
place, Oregon City.
In the Matter of the Estate of Albert
E. Hodgson, deceased.
Nnr.-ee is herebv (riven that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate of
Albert hi. Hodgson, aeceaseu, win ui
!l(fkmnH Conntv. Oregon, has filed
hid final Heoort in the County Court of
faid county and Btate, and has asked for
Ins discharge as such administrator and
the said County Court baB set Monday,
T.v 9th A. D.. 1904 at ten o'clock a. in
nf naid dav for the hearing of said final
rnnrt, and for the final settlement of
nit ! pitnte.
All nersons are herebv notified to file
nhiectioi.B. in saidcourtif any they
have, to said tinal report, on or before
said date.
Dated April 2nd, 1904.
Geo. T. Howard,
Administrator of the aforsaid estate
His Accidency, President Roosevelt,
is fond of parade and gold lace. He has
matured a plan to inci ease the number
of handsome young officers in brilliant
fiilagree at his reception next winter,
by having them detaijpd to make t
special study of ordnance at the Wash
irgton gun factory.
In two vears Preeident Roosevelt has
expended besides his ealary more in ex
tras than Cid President HayeB, Garfield,
Arthur, Cleveland, Harrison and Mc
Kinley all put together. Strenuosity
cornea high.
That General Bristow be superceded
was fiercely demanded by 151 Congress
men until it was rumored that he had
sometting else up his sleeve.'
The conviction ot U. 8. Senator Bur
ton, Rep., Kansas, is a wholesome sigh
He took money for prelecting a St,
Louis securities company against the
post-office department and is liable to
1 10,000 fine and two years imprison
ment, besides being prohibited from ever
holding office again. Our Republican
friepds seem to have a heap of tiouole
this vear. The convict will now revise
and re-publish Burton's Anatomy of
y If all goes well in November and no
body has an attack of appendicitis, gout
Notice 's herebv given that the un
dersiffned has been duly appointed
Administrator to the estate ot Mary Ann
Lacy, deceased, and any and all persons
. . , net...
naVing CIRIUIS U)tMuak lun emu caunto
muBt present them to the undersigned
at hi r,w Office in Oreeon L'itv. Ore-
iron, within six months of the data of
F" .
this notice.
Dated this 28th day of March 1J04.
G. B. Dimick,
Administrator of said Estate
Notice is herebv eiven that on the 4th
dav of February, 1qo4, Otto Penzenstadler
of Milwaukie. Oregon, was duly adjudi
cated bankrupt; and that the drst meeting
of his creditors will be neiu at Koom 000,
Chamber ot Commerce Building, rott.
land. Oreeon. on the 15th day ot April
inn.i. at 10 o'clock a. m., at which time
the said creditors may attend, prove their
claims, appoint a trustee, examine the
ban krunt and transact sucn other Dusme
as may properly came before sa d meeting,
Dated, roruana, uregon, Apni i, 1904
Referee in Bankrup.cy,
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed, executor of the last will of Jacob
S. Risley, deceased, late of Clackamas
County, Oregon, has filed his final report
in the County court of said county and has
asked for his discharge and the said
County court has set Monday, May 2nd,
A. D. i9o4, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day
for hearing of said report and final settle
ment of said estate. All persons interested
therein are hereby notified to file their ob
jections to said report, if any they have,
on or before said date with said court.
John F. Risley, executor of the estate of
Jacob S. Risley, deceased.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, March
18th, 1904.
Cream "
IOWA and
See them before
You Buy
That's All
Catalogue Mailed Free
Come and get one, take it out
and try it, if it is not al
right bring it back. YOU
KNOW we could not say
this to you if they were not
first and taylor sts.
Bee Line Buggies I
Give Satisfaction !
In these days of elm, poplar and maplej
sookes, It's something to know that a
vehicle has Guaranteed Hickory Wheels,!
as our Bee Line has. You can't see un-i
der the paint. Better trust to a good re-j
I iahlff nne.nrire house like i
Mit:hell, Lewis & Staver Coj youcpo5ibiyk.
Improved Manure Spreader
The best possible wagon that
;can be built. Ihe materials are
win , pr,.a.ny nd .ii kind, ot n,nur. thick., iwe11 seasoned having been bought
thin, broad-cast or In rows; Increases the yield 5 years ahead Of requirements,
per acre sufficient to pay for the machine In 1 . fhlS alone means investment Of
,hortt""- ' jfortune fn wagon stock.
Best results cannot be had without manure , Expert ,abor used , the construct0
spreader and the original Kemp made by Kemp , Their splendid reputation all Over the
.nauurpeeisthebestortnemai . j icountry-the Northwest In particular-
Vnd fnr ltnts naufatrlnf all thai nttmmttnn 1 1 , ,t r . . I
- laemonsiraies tne raa tnat
At Shively'8 Opera Jlouse.
The Portland Italian Band, composed of
85 of the most accomplished musicians,
and who have played in all rf tbe prom
inent citiea of the United States, uuder
the leadership of snch famous leaders as
Liberati, Menolitti, Oreatore, Cappa,
Kiv la, including 12 of the most celebra
ted foloista, and who are now under the
leadership of Signor D'Urbano, a scholar
of the celebrated composer, Mascagmi,
will appear at the Shivley Opera House
luesday evening, April 12, 1904.
The repertoire of the Band is com
posed of over 1,500 selections from the
most famous composers of the musical
world. This organization is the finest
musical organization of its kind on the
Pacific Coast and will be one of the
great attractions at the Lewis & Clark
Centennial Exhibition in 1905. The
musical loving people of this
community should appreciate the fact
that this organization brings honor to
the State of Oregon iu general and it is
hoped that they will be erected by a
large audience.
Signor D'Urbano is a lively conductor
of the Oreatore type, and. is poaessed of
that magnetic quality which enables
him to get wonderful results in tone
At the reception tendered by the
Portland Lodge of Elks to the Grand
Exalter Ruler Fanning on April '2 last,
the band was present and made a splen
did Bhowing, earning numerous encores.
Every individual player of the band is
a thorough musician, and an expert on
his splendid instrument.
Tbe band is a musical organization of
the first rank. It is well balanced;
playing is always ecolarly and spirited,
and renderings of the various standard
and classical selections are all that can
be expected and will compare favorably
with the leading organizations of its
kind in America.
A new postoffice has been established
between Oolton and Meadowbrook.
The new office has been named James
town. There are about forty people who
will get their mail at the new office.
D. A. James has been appointed postmaster.
ill loiil l 1
m w
for tbe People Who Trade with
Faircloush Bros. & Co.
It is their business to give the best service, the best goods and the best prices to
all who come their way. They believe in the old maxim of "Live and Let Live."
They don't want to get rich on a single trade or deal and are selling goods on the
closest margin of profit yet seen in Clackamas County. We are handling the best
Plows, Harrows, Seed Drills, Cultivators, Farming Tools
and Potato Planters ever exhibited in this County
IF YCU TICKLE THE GROUND with Garden tools bought of us you will reap an
easy harvest. We are the lazy man's friend and have solved the problem of making
garden work easy work. . '
Garden tools
A Handy for Burns.
Dr. Bergin, Pana. 111., writes: "I have
UBed Ballard's Snow Liniment; always
recommended it to my friends, as I am
confident there is no better maite. 'It
is a dandy for burns.' Those who live
on farms are especially liable to many
accidental cuts, burns, bruies, which
heal rapidly when Btllard's Suovy Lini
ment is applied. It should always be
ktpt in the house foi cases of emer
gency." 25c, 60c, $1 bottle. Sold by
Cbarman A (Jo.
This Beats Ann.
"Five men, A, B, C, D and E, meet,
each of whom owed the other f3.
They only bad 1 a piece.
"A, who was a 'Napoleon of Finance,'
after some thought, said be could fix it
all right, so he to d each one of the four
to give him bis dollar. Ue put them in
the one he had, and handed the $5 to B,
and took his receipt canceling the debt.
B paid C, and took his receipt, and then
paid D., ond D paid E, who then handed
the $5 to A, taking hie receipt.
"Does it not appoar that each man is
$4 ahead in the game except A, who has
not only paid his 55 debt with $1, but
has the $5 in cash?
''Who if any one, is the loser in this
It's the little things that count
It is the nickles and dollars you save that makes a good bank account. Why
not let us start you right and keep your bank account growing? Trade with us at
home and save enough on every deal to put a little bunch of money in the bank.
"When you build a house build a good one
You can't build the best and get all. that is coming to you unless you buy ycur Builders
Hardware from Fairclough Brothers & Co. There is going to be a vast amount of build
ing in this City and County this year. We have prepared for the trade. We can save
you money and give you the best goods the market affords.
Health is Youth.
Disease and eicknees bring old age.
Herbine, taken every mornirg 'befoie
brf akfaBt, will keep you in robu-it health
and fit you to wnrd off disease. It cures
constipation, bilhouxnesH, dvniepBin,
lever, skin, liver and kidney complaint?.
Mrs D. W. Kmith, Wh.tnty, Texas,
writes Apiil 3, 1902: "I nave ut-ed
Herbine, and find it the best medicine
for constipation and liver troubles. It
doeB all you claim tor it, I can highly
recommend it." 50 cents a bottlo. Sold
by Charnisn & Co.
1 A 1
im.m 1 a 11 1 r 1 l.
If You Want Results See Us
Not in One Issue Can We Tell the Whole Story
We have the celebrated Mitchell Wagons and Buggies, Washing Machines, Churns, Sep
arators, Poultry Netting, etc., etc. The proof of the pudding is in chewing the "rag."
Don't take our word but come in and see for yourself.
Fairclough Brothers & Co.
Corner Tenth and Main Streets. - - - - Oregon Gty, Oregon
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers is sure to know of the wonderful
cures maae ny m.
1 Kilmer's fcwamp
1 Root, the creat kid-
L ney, liver and blad-
. uer remeay.
It is the great tnea
ical triumph of the
nineteenth century ;
discovered afteryears
of scientific research
by Dr. Kilmer, the
eminent kidney and
bladder specialist, and is wonderfully
successful in promptly curing lame back,
uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and
Bright's Disease, which is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec
emmended for everything but if you hava
kidney, liver or bludder trouble it will b
found just the remedy you need. It has
been tested in so many ways, in hospital
work ar.d in private practice, and has
proved so successful in every case that a
special arrangement has been made by
which all readers of this paper, w ho have
not already tried it, may have a sample
bottle sent free by mail, nlso a book tell
ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to
find out if youhave kidney or bladder trou
ble. When writing mention reading this
generous offer in this paper and semi your
oddrpsa to T)r. Kilmer fK -
& Co., Binghamton,
liny-cent mm
dollar size bottles are Boo. of sw.mp-iu.oi.
sold by all good druggists. Don't make
any mistake, but remember the name,
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., o
every bottle.