Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, April 08, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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New of the County,
Some grain has been sown between
showers but the ground was rather wet.
Most of the roads, except the main high
way, are in very bad condition.
Mr. Clark, of Kansas, is visiting his
brother, George Clark.
Mr. Bonney will soon have his sawmill
, installed on L. H. Kirchem'sland and will
be prepared to furnish lumber of all kinds.
N. H. Smith had a horse badly hurt
while working at Storms' mill.
The singing club of grangers will meet
on next Sunday at the residence of O. D.
Mrs. Marry S. Howard, secretary of the
state grange, was a visitor at the last
meeting of Harding Grange. She express
ed herself as well pleased with the new
hall and the progress In membership and
J. C. Sprague presented the subject of
. Adaptability of Crops to the Soil and W.
T. Kirchem handled the subject of Grasses
as a Money Crop. Mrs. M. E.Gill read
an interesting paper on Co-operation. Gen
eral discussion followed each speaker.
Harding Grange retains 118 membership
in good standing at the last quarterly re
port and enough applications are .pending
to make the number 125.
The Masonic lodge added three new
members to their list recently.
The following are delegates to the re
publican county convention: E. L. Arthur,
Marsh Frakes and J. S. Gill. The dem
ocratic primary will be too late to report
for this issue but the full number of good
democrats will be at the convention.
Harding precinct has a candidate for
the nomination for treasurer on the demo"
ocratic ticket in the person of J. F. Nelson
Mr. Nelson Is a competent and deserving
man and we commend him to the consid
eration of Clackamas county democrats.
Mr. Adam Hermann, a prominent
young school teacher of Mt. Angel,
spent easter at home with hia parents.
Miss Louisa Steiner, who has been
visiting in Portland, returned home
Saturday accompanied by her sister,
Mrs. J. Scoggin, and MiBsLydia Saners.
Miss Anna King, of Silvtrton, is visit
ing with her cousin, Ray Staben.
MisB Dora Ilenrici spent a few days
with her brother and family at the
Shingla Mill last week.
Mr. Edward Hughes visited friends in
Portland Saturday and Sunday,
Peter Bohlander had the misfortune
of losing one of his horses Saturday. It
was bit by one of the harrows 'while
harrowing and wag so badly cut that he
had to kill it, . , ,
Miss Erlie Grace went to Washington
Friday to visit with her sister Saturday
and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Ituconich, of Oregon
City, spent Sunday in Beaver Greek.
Mr. Hollman called on Mr. Schmidke
last Sunday.
4'hilip Steiner made a flying trip to
Corus Sunday.
1 Meadow Hrook
There has been no news sent from
our thriving burg since old Blazo rolled
"X. Y. Z."in the mud. We wish to
give an account of the G. 0. P. primary
at the X roads. There was eleven of
the faithful present. We met and we
deliberated and it was resolved that we,
the eleven faithful ones, wanted office
and we wanted to be the delegates, and
we vottd as there was three delegates
to elect, it was agreed to send the three
who received the most votes. The first
ballot stood, eleven votes caHt and eleven
names presented and it ran thus to Ihe
24th bullot. It was theu moved that we
take a recess of five minutes for Cole to
make a few remarks. He said in part:
"Fellow citizens aud countrymen, you
all know me.. You know tliat I am one
of the tried and true; you have knowu
me from childhood; you know that I
have held the office once and I want it
again ; yon know that I want any ollice
that 1 can gut if I qan get it legitimately.
I move we proceed to b 'llott."
It was found upon a close count of the
ensuing hnllot that there were eleven
nanius, but some way the doctor had
received two vote and was therefore
elected. The next ballot resulted in the
election of Charley by two votis. Before
going further my patriotism compelled
me to make a few more remarks. I took
occasion to remind the remaining ten
faithful that they had known me from
childhood; that they knew iu the daya
of my boyhood how I played around
their doorsteps, and pulled their cats'
taila and their dogs' tails until they
howled their loudest howls, and I
still a republican
Uhci.i Isaac.
A Dozen Times a
I have had kidney and bladder
have had kidney
trouble for years, and it became ao bad
that I waa obliged to get up at least a
dozen timea mgni," says iur. uwen
Dunn of Benton Ferry, W. Va. "I
never received any permanent benefit
from any medicine until I took Foley's
Kidney Cure. After using two bottles,
I waa cured." Aa a preventive and cure
for Bright'a disease aud Diabetes, Fo
ley'i Kidney Cure ia unequaled. It
quickly curea all Kidney and bladder
troublea. For aale by Huntley Broa. A
We were visited by a few daya of good
as Gathered bi tbe Courier Correspondents.
weather which was appreciated by all.
Mr. James Ruaeel fell from a load of
hay a few days ago and broke two of his
ribs. He waa on the load bearing down
with all his might when the binding
pole broke and he went down head
foremost striking his side on the end of
the hay rack. He is now laid up for
Mr. Wingfield, while out hunting
cattle a few daya ago, found some good
timber, maple, hemlock, cedar and a
mammoth yellow fir. The fir is the
largest he ever saw, he thinks nine or
ten feet through. It took eleven steps
to step around it. He intends to go
back and measure it. It is smooth and
round. '
The Eusselville telephone is under
construction and it would soon be
complete were it not for farming. The
Eueeelville men mean business. There
is some talk of a line being run to tbe
big bend of the Molalla and also to the
mines. Now is an opportunity to show
enterprise. Miners could send messages
cheaper than giving ten dollars to some
one to go and carf v them We hope to
see that line and a bridge across the
Molalla' in the not far distant future.
Men, money and the will to do," can ac
complish any task.
Again we are enjoying that good old
Oregon mist.
Mr. and Mrs. James Nicholson were
visiting relatives near Silverton a fews
days ago. ,
Frank Holt "vho has been suffering
with a bone felon for some time, we are
glad to report is improving nicely.
Mrs. S. E. Haun of Summit Frarie
was visiting Mrs. E. Vorheis of Rock
Creek, one day last week. . .'
Albert Groshong, a well known eheeo
shearer of this section, has started on
his annual clipping tour.
Well, R. S., that was a hard fall you
got at that social, baskets high at
twenty five cents, I guess yes, but a
wink and a sweet (mile would cause
most any one to forget about bidding.
Slim Jim.
The scharvarie crowd at Mr. and Mrs.
J. Hughes.' celebrated fit to raise the
dead. They were made happy by being
presented with a five. Mr. and Mrs.
Hughes have the best wishes as well as
sympathy of the community ..
Mr. and Mrs. August Hurbert enter
tained tha young people of this place
last Saturday and all bad a good time.
Mrs. L. Newkisk of Portland is visit
ing relatives.
Misj. 0. Gaskeil who left for Wasco
sometime since ia visiting relatives for a
few weeks.
N. H. Smith has taken a contract of
supplying Storm Bros, with logs. Mr.
Smith snagged one of his horses the
first day but - ia getting all 0. K. at
W. H. Bonney is hauling timber for
his mill frame.
A. M. Kerchen left for Portland where
he will be for about ten daya loading
ship before going to Alaska.
James Fullam is looking for a horse
to mate hia mules.
MiBS Minnie Hurbert is working at
Mrs. A. M. Kerchen.
Mrs. Amo and Mis. B. WaBhburn
have moved out on their place.
Say, did you aee the smile on the peo
ples faces while the east wind blew.
Farm work ia more backward this
spring than has ever been known before.
Louis Funk is up from an attack of
appendicitis, Dr. Powell being in at
tendance. Chas. Gaskoll is putting in the crop
for L. Funk.
It was estimated that about 200 peo
ple attended the sale at Mrs. Trullinger
on Clear Creek last week.
Miss Nellie Armstrong our school
mistress, wiit home Saturday and Sun
day on a visit to her parents iu Port,
The stork is still hoveling arouud
Redland, this time leaving a tine baby
girl at Mrs. B. E. Conrtriglu.
Easter morning greetings.
0. A. Hollinsworth has just finished
grubbing five acres of ground.
The time-worn injunction, "Never put
off 'til tomorrow what you can do to
Jj u now Kenerallv presente
(orm . "Do it today t" That is
ted in tbia
the terse
arfvii'A we want to uive yon about that
backing cough or demoralising cold with
which.you have been struggling for sev
eral days, perhaps weeka. Take aome
reliable remedy for it to-day and let
that remedy be Dr. Boschee'a German
Syrup, which has been in use for over
thlrty-fiv yeare . A few dosea of it will
undoubtedly relieve your cough or cold,
and its continued use for a few davs will
cure yon completely. No matter how
deep-seated pour cough, even If dread
consumption haa attacked your lungs,
German Syrup will aurely effect a cure
as it baa done before in thousands of ap
parently hopeless caaea ol lung trouble.
New trial bottlea, 25c 5 regular lize, 75c J
For aale by Charman A Co.
Chittim bark haa dropped to seven
ceuls a pound, selling price.
Friday and Saturday were beautiful
daya and the farmer bad a broad ' ami e
but Monday the air waa blue and words
were harsh.
Grass is growing very fast and winter
grain ia taking on a green hue.
Stock of all kinds are hustling for
grass and the hair is letting loose eo
spring must be here. . .
Levi Stehman baa a red polled argue
heifer and she has a beautiful calf by
ber side so Levi is starting in right to
raise cattle, tbe best are none to good.
8. Wright has a fine lot of young hoge
and he is going to see if tbe O. J. C. and
Polana China are not the bog for this
country. , '"
Well, Jonah, how does ' the weather
strike you ; are the fi o'.'S painting the
air blue with their gentle voicea.
The Liberal L"mbering Co. are going
to place a large boom across the Molalla
river to hold their logs, as they will soon
make a drive of logs for their mill.
A few of the farmers have slieared
their goats and this weather ia bard on
11. L. Barnes is going to form an acre
in onions again aa he done well with
them last year.
Abe Howard ia plowing for Mr.
Wright on the White place.
Dick Skein is building a new picket
fence around his house and orchard.
Gib White has a lot of potatoes to
haul off for John Victz as soon ab the
weather settles.
Willie Austin has returned from Black
Diamond, Wash., and ia working in the
lumber mills.
Wm. Parker ia busy grubbing a piece,
of land for Karl Freidrich.
There seema to be somathing in the
wind, as though it were cupid.
There was a large orowd at the g'ange
last Sunday as they held Easter services
by Rev. T. Wiles. They had a splen
did programe.
Pierce Wright secured the Degree of
Flora and is proud of his work in the
grange. , 1
Max HenBS ia the bronco buster now
on the J. Dolan ranch and is not afraid
to carry sauer kraut on his saddle either.
Miss Cora Ross left Tuesday for Ore
gon City where she will remain for a
short time.
J, 0. Morris has finished grubbing
two acres on hia farm, constantly add
ing Jim. you will soon have no use for
R. A, Wright is buay slashing ten
acres on his place, the brush is gone and
soon will be a thing of the past and
many a farmer will w ish he had left's
few acres on aome corner of his ranch.
The political pot is not boiling very
much out this way and we don't think
it will.
J. L, Udell is cutting a lot of cord
wood on the picnic grounds at Wright's
Central Addition.
The meetings at theTJ. B. Church
will continue all week.
The Easter services were well attend
ed Sunday evening and an interesting
programe was rendered.
Mrs. Thacker returned from a visit to
her mother's home, Monday evening.
The little niece of Mr. Grossanbecker
ia seriously ill at his home with measles
and pneumonia.
Paul Kellogg, who has been out of
school for several weeks with trouble of
the eyes, returned to school Monday.
. Wasco Kellogg, who is working above
Salem, was home over Sunday.
' The Safe and Sure Kidney Remedy.
The sii'est and safest remedy for ail
kidney and bladder diseases is Foley's
Kidney Cure. It will cure slight dis
orders in a few diys and will cure
Bright'a disease and Diabetes if taken
in time and even in the moBt advanced
stairos it never fails to give comfort and
relief. If you notice any irregularities
commence taking it at once. Sold by
Huntley Bros. & Co.
Only Re-echoes the Sentiments of Thous
ands of Our Republic.
The O.-econ City reader ia asked to
thoroughly investigate the following:
This can readily be done, for the gentle
man whose statement is published below
will be only too pleased to answer any
communications mailed to hiia if the
writer really ButFera from the annoying
consequence which alwava attend iu
active or weakened kidneys.
J. Jenkins, of 315 East Sixth St.,
Portland, Oregon, now retired from
active life, Bays: "I think very highly
of Doan'a Kidney Pills. I used them
for an attack of acute backaohe which
had annoyed me for aome little time.
Three daya after I began their use I
knew they had gone to the cause of the
dull, dragging paina across the small of
my back and relief come sooner than I
expected. I believe that the cure ia
permanent for I have not felt any symp
toms of a recurrence. Other membera
of my family have also used Doan'a
Kidney Pilla with equally good result."
Plenty more proof like thia from Ore
gon City people. Call at C. G. Hunt
ley's drug store and ask what hia cus
tomers report.
For aale by all dealers. Price 50 cents.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N.' Y.,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name-Doan'a-and take
Don't Want Photos Used.
The following resolutions were adop'
ted Friday nitzbt at the meetirg of the
Columbia Hook and Ladder Company:
"To the merchants of Oregon Cit:
We, the members of the Columbia Hook
and Ladder Company, of the Oregon
City Fire Department, beg leave to give
notice that we have ngt authorized tbe
use of the name of the company, nor the
photos of membera thereof, for the fur
therance of any advertising tchem
The pub'icUioa of the above w au
thoriswd at the roeatint of April 1 1004
Paine's Celery
The Most Remt ' kable Remedy
in the Vorld.
The True Medicine for ihe Cure of Dis
eases of the Blood and Nerves.
Paine's Celery Compound cores
cases given up as hopeless) it builds
up, strengthens, restores. When
tired and discouraged, this great
medicine will give new life and
vitality. Paine's Celery Compound
is the ideal medicine and should be
in every home.
in your
Hundreds of housewives who neV'
er dye anything, who think they
can't dye, or imagine it is a task,
arelosingthegoodof castawayfab-
rics that could be made new with
It is an extremely easy process to
color with Diamond Dyes, and
the cost is but a trifle. They are
for home use and home economy
We haye a enecial department of advice, and
will answer Iree any questions aoom ajreuig
Send sample ol goods when possible.
Direction book and 45 dyed samples (ret.
L DIAMOND DYBS, Burlington, Vt.
Stupendious Offer Made By a Well
Known Philadelphia Firm .
thousands of persons in all sections
of tbe country bav a been beaUd
bv this wonderful ('
Every educated person haa heard of
Radium, its wonderful powers and heal
ing qualities have occupied page after
page in the Metropolitan publicatians.
Almost everybody kuows that it is the
greatest remedy, that God has ever given
to Buffering humanity. Disease germs
of every description flee before it they
cannot stand the contact. We have
such fpith in our proposition that we
guarantee absolutely to cure you. -What
is more we will give you a written con
tract to that effect. Thia offer has never
been duplicated. Fill out the blank be
low and mark the malady from which
you are suffering and receive by return
mail information that will be worth
hundreds of dollars to you. Ask any
banking firm regarding our responsi
812 Drexel Building
Philadelphia. Pa,
Kludly send me freo of coat iniotmaUon
regarding your Radium treatment and your
wonderful remedy '-Radios."
Add real. .....
The revival meetings being held at the
Methodist church by Rev. Bracken
bury and Eliott, still continue.
Mr. George Bellinger of Portland at
tended grange at Olackamna' Saturday
and joined the grangers in the delicious
feast. -
Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery of Port
land, were visitora in Clackamas Satur
day and Sunday.
Harry Paddock who was here for a
weeks vacation from tbe State Univer
city at Eugene, has returned.
Lillian Hayward and Grace fiobinson
have gone awsy to teach school.
Miss Lilly Fobs, having completed a
successful teim of school in East Clack
amas, has returned to her home in Port
land. The dance given Saturday night by
the Patrons of Husbandry, ya a de
cided success.
Easter programs were given at both
the Congregational and Methodist
shorts, mill prices.
Cures Coughs and Coids.
Mrs. O. Peterson, 625 Lake St., To-
peka, Kansas, says: "Of all cough
remedies ualiard s tiorenuna syrup is
mv favorite; it has done and will do all
that is claimed for it to speedily cure
all coughs and colds and it is so sweet
and pleasant to the taste." 25c, 50c,
$1 bottle. Bold by Charman & Co.
The Best Laundry is the Cheapest
The Troy Steam Laundry is the Best
Does not wear out or destroy your linen.
Our Wagon will call for your soiled linen each week and
deliver your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfac
tion assured.
E. L. JOHNSON, The Barber, Agent.
Oregon City Planing Mills
All kinds of Building Matsrial, Sash,
Doors and
F. S. BAKER Proprietor,
Brunswick House and Restaurant,
Newly Furnished Rooms,
Meals at All Hours , Open Day and Night
Prices Reasonable.
.Only FirstClass Restaurant in the City.
Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City, Ore.
Elk Horn Livery Feed , Sale Stable
FineRigstotLet at ReasonablePrices
D. .R DIMICK, Manager, SfiHy .
Tbe City Neat Market
at Canby, Oregon,
Pays the highest price for all
kinds of cattle. The best of
fresh meats are handled at
most reasonable prices. 1 have
been in bulsness in Canby a
number of years, and have
tried to treat everybody right.
1 solicit your patronage for the
future and Intend to deserve it
S. J. Schmitt, Canby, Oregon!
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
a Specialty
Opposite. Oanfleld Block OREGON CT 1
Sick Headache?
Food doesn't digest well?
Appetite poor? Bowels
jsripflted? Tongue coated?
'& your liver! Ayer's Pills
$ liver pills; they cure dys-
,psia, biliousness.
25c. All druggist.
tnt your mout,lip or beard a beautiful
brown or rif h blarkf Thn use
Big Taxes Colected.
Sheriff John R. Shaver reports the
following tax collecttona from the roll of
1903: Total. $177,338.58; total rebate.
$4,936.98 ; totf.1 amount for the past six
months, $190,865.27. From the firpt to
the 20th of March an average of 122 re
ceipts tier day were written by Mr. Sha
ver and hia denudes.
An Open Letter to the Puuiic
To Whom It May Concern:
Of late there has been a good deal
of discussion in regard to advertised
medicines and their value. We want
to say to every man, woman and child
in this vicinity that the most valuable
preparation of cod liver oil, the best
tonic reconstructor, health restorer and
strength-creator we have ever sold in
our store is Vinol.
Vinol is not a patent medicine; it
contains no injurious drugs, and it act
ually does contain all of the medicinal
curative elements of cod liver oil, taken
from fresh cods' livers, but without a
drop of oil, and is delicious to tho
Vinol is recognized throughout the
world as the greatest strength-creator
for old people, weak, sickly women,
children, nursing mothers, and after
a severe sickness.
Vinol cures hacking coughs, chronio
colds, bronchitis and all throat and
lung troubles. Unequalled to create
an appetite, and make those who are)
too thin, fat, rosy and healthy. j
Vinol is sold on a positive guarantee. J
Call and get a Vinol booklet.
HUNTLEY CROS., Druggists.
Oregon City, Ore.
Oregn City, Oregon
cannot be enjoyed" in a basin of limited
capacity, nor where the water supply and
temperature Is uncertain by reason of de.
fective plumbing or heating apparatus.
1 0 have both put in thorough working
order will not prove expensive if the work
is done by us. 1
We have moved from our old stand into
the Old DOStoffice bllilifintr Dnn't fnrirot
the place when you want plumbing done.
1 -"
aA "raoc Marks .
t4 Designs
'Wrn Copyrights Ac
Anyone sending a sketch and description mar
qolcal, ascertain our opinion free whether an
InTentlon ja probably patentable. Commanle
SL0nn,,fVJlW,lX,n.fl(lent,al- HANDBOOK on Patent,
sent irea. Oldeat aiency fur securing patents.
Patents i taken through Munn & Co. recelrt
tpejioi nottcs, without charge. In the
Scientific Jlmericaiiw
t- V1'"' I-- 1
A panasoniely tlhwtratad weekly. Lamest elr.
onlation of any sclmtttle journal. Terms. 13
KV.:.Ii?' JP0""". W. Bold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co.36181'' New York
?-n-2t Office, S F 3U Wajhlnutoo. 0,5. i
hats, bsvs )i price.
no aubatitute. t