Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, March 11, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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1 v
You don't
have to
hire a Cab
The La Salle Street Station
Chicago, which is used by
the trains of the Rock Island
System, is located in
the very heart of the
city, less than a
block from the Board
of Trade; less than
two blocks from the Post
Office; within easy walk
ing distance of the principal
hotels, theatres and stores.
You don't have to hire a cab to reach them.
The "union loop" is right in front of the station.
Pay 5 cents, get aboard the elevated, and you are
whisked to any part of town you wish to reach.
Let me give you other
reasons why you should use
the Rock Island System.
There are lots of them.
L. B. CORHAM, Central Agent,
140 Third St., Portland, Ore.
akd Union Pacific
Through Pullman standard and tourists
sleeping cars daily to Omaha, Chicago,
Spokane, tourist sleeping cars (personally
conductde), weekly to Chicago and Kan
sas city. Reclining chair cars (seats free)
to the Kast daily.
Portland to Chicago
No change of cars
FOR from Portland, Ore. FROM
Chicago Salt Lake, Denver, Ft.
Poitland w th 0maha Kansas
-Pecl01 . Citv, St. Louis, Chicago "' p' m'
'J:1S am via an(j the East,
Atlantic Sa Lake, Denver, Ft.
Express w tn Omaha, Kansas
8:10 E' m' Citv, Salt Lake, Chicago g'c0 a' m
via Hunting j lne East
St. Paul Walla Walla, Lewiston,
Fast Mail Spokane, Wallace, Pull-
7:45 p. m. man, Minneapolis, St, 8:00 a-m.
via , Paul, Duluth, Milwaukee,
Spokane Chicago and East.
I "
If anions Train
The Southwest Limited, Kansas
City to Chicago. The Overland
Limited to Chicago via Omaha,
and the Pioneer Limited St. Paul
to Chicago, run via the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
For San Francisco Every five days at
8:0a d. m. For Astoria, way points and
North Beach Daily (except Sunday) at
at 8 P. m.; Saturday at 10:00 p. m. Daily
service (water permittine(n Willamette
and Yamhill Rivers.
For full information ask or Write your
nearest ticket agent. .
General Passenger Agent.
The Oregon Railroad and Navagation Co
Portland Ore.
Business Transacted at Regular Jan
uary Term.
At a regular term of county court of
State of Oregon, for the county of Clack.
amas, held at the court house in
Oregon City in said county, on the 2d
day of March, A.D., 1904, and from day
of day thereafter during the continu
ance of said term.
Present: The Hon. Thos. F. Ryan,
county judge, presiding; Hon. T. B.
Kuan and William Brobst, commis
sioners, among others the following pro
ceedings were had, to-wit:
In the matter of pauper claims al
lowed. John Avins $ 8 00
Ellen Bridges 9 00
CE Burns 5 00
King Bohall , 80 1
Maria Clark 10 00
VV Ueen 6 00
P Freytag 15 00
VV T Gardner 10 20
M Heckart 8 00
Mary Haley 15 00
J A Jones 6 50
MKrnger 7 00
Geo Mooney 8 00
L Matherson 7 00
ChasC Miller 8 Q0
J 8 McComb 30 00
MaryVolcker , 8 00
Hattie Hoods.... 5 00
TFKyan 2 00
SE Valentine 7 00
Indigent SolJiers 1
Mead Poet 13 01
In te matter of rep rts of road super
visors 'xainined and ttllowed.
' District No 1
Meyer & Flinn 42 90
G Hiveily 3 00
John Flick 4 00
A B Kirkley , 6 00
W H Couneell 12 00
Dibtrict No 2
A Mather 140
Geo Brant 1 75
Leray Johnson 1 75
Al Hunter 175
Chas llatv........ 30
route offers
numerous at-
tractions. The principal
to insure a quick, comfortable
trip east is to see that your tickets
read via the Chicago, Milwaukee
H. 8. R0WE,
General Manager.
134 Third Street, Portland
ii. -
T ,- ''.r..
Hoi for St. Louis and the World's Fair!
A Business Proposition
If vou are going East a careful selection
of your route is essential to the enjoyment
of vour trip. If it is a business trip, time
is the mam consideration; It a pleasure tr p
scenery and the convenience and comfort
of a modern railroad.
Why not combine all by using the
ILLINOIS CENTRAL, the up-to-date road
running two trains daiiy from bt. Paul
and Minneapolis, and from Omaha to
Chicago. Free Reclining Chair Cars, the
famous duttet-Library-smoking Cars, all
trains vestibuled. In short thoroughly
modern throughout. All tickets reading
via the Illinois Central will be honored on
these trains and no extra fare charged.
Uur rates are the same as those ot mte-
rlor roads. Why not get your money s
worth f
Write for full particulars.
Gen'l Agt, Portland, Ore,
J. C. Lindsey, T. F. & P. A. Portland, Or.
raul is. 1 hompson,
F. & P. A., Seattle, Wash
Mendenhall 3 50
OC Jones 3 50
I) Jones 16 25
District No 3
Oien Acock.... 2 25
VV Buchmann '. 2 25 I
GeoGreenv.aU , . 4 g0 I
Goseer , 6 00
Gosser 7 50
Richard Witzell lb 00
A H Rilzau 27 50
District No 5
Vetsch .. 2 25
U Berneger 1 50
Wm Preston 1 50
Ellis Kiehey . '150
AH Kichey.... 3 00
U Aemissegeer. . .'. 3 00
VV H Boring 10 00
District No 10
W It Oatfleld 1 86
C Krigbaum 1 31
DistnctJNo 11
E Smith 20 00
F Jones 6 00
WW Smith 6 00
W Forfythe 12 25
HE Smith 6 (0
E Elv ; 5 26
A Cliff 525
W H Smith 13 25
District No 13-
A O Hollingsworth 100
J R Deeir 1 50
JT Fullam 2 50
District No 14 .
LindsleyA Son ....'....223 00
Oh as Moran 2 00
Nature's Art Gallery of
attractions at St. LOUIS.
returning via the
the Rockies in addition to the at
This can only be done by going or
nrivaled scenic attractions
nequalled dining car service
nsurpassed in efforts to please
lvt7fo"r illustrated booklet of Colorado's famous sights and resorts.
Write tor muswareu McBRlDE, General Agent
124 Third Street Portland, Oregon
St. Paul
The short line between there three
great cities.
The route of the famous
Western Limited
every night in year
Before starting on trip no matter where
write for Interesting Information about com-
ortable traveling
H. L. SISTER, Gen'l Agent.
1 32 Third Street. Portland.
General Passenger Agent,
St. Paul, Minn.
Corvallis & Eastern
Portland and The Dalles Route All way
r.nnnertinp' at Lvle. Wash, with
r.ninmhia River and Northern Rv Co.
For Wahkiatus, Daily, Centervill, Golden
Ha and a K. ckitat v alley points.
Steamer leaves Portland daily, except
Snndav. 7 a. m.. connecting with GR&IN
train at Lvle. s:3o p. m., for Goldendale,
Arrives The Dalles. 6:3o p. m.
VSteamer leaves The Dalles daily, except
Sunday, a. m. rcou train leaving uum
endale 6:i2 a. m. connects with this steam
er for Portland, arriving Portland 6 p. m
Excellent meals served on all steamers
Fine accommodations for teams and wag
nns. For detailed information of rates
herth reservations, connections, etc.. write
or call on nearest agent.
General Offices Portland, Or., H.
Campbell, Manager.
No. 2 For Yaquina:
Leaves Albany 12:45 p. m
" Corvallis 2:00 p. m
Arrives Yaquina 6 :20 p. M
Xn. 1 Returning:
Leaves Yaquina 6:45 a.m.
Leaves Corvallis 11:oOa. m.
Arrives Albany 1:10 p. m.
No. 3 for Detroit-
Leaves Albany 7:00 A. M.
Arrives Detroit 12:20 P. M.
No. 4 from Detroit:
Leaves Detroit t... wo p. m,
Arrives Albany 6:55 p. m.
Train No. 1 arrives AlVny in time to
connect with the 8. V. south bound
train, as well as (tmnn two or tnree
hours in Albany before departure of 8
P. North lound train.
Train No . 2 connects with the 8 .P
trains Corvallis and Alba nygivin
direct service torNewport and adjacen
Train 3 for Detroit. Breitenbush and
ither mocnUin reBorts leaves Albany at
7 :00 a. m., reaching Detroit about noon,
giving ample time to reach the bprings
ja,r,e day.
For further information apply to
Edwin Stone,
T. OociREtx, Agent, Albany.
To Spokane, St. Paul, Duluth,
Minneapolis, Chicago and
all points East, v .
H KufTenbender 2 00
G F Gibbs 35 00
CP .Gibbs 27 00
Harry Shelly 14 25
Clark Reed 17 25
O Williams 15 72
Jas bhelly 14 25
OMMay.... nil
Jas Pamsh 9 00
SBaily.. 9 75
D 8 Shelly 6(10
Shannon Bros .152 00
Wm Martin 7 50
H W Parry 7 50
Fred Stiner 0 0(1
J A Tramayne 8 25
John Shannon 15 00
District No 18 ,
LindsleyA Son '. 297 00
District No 19
J J Mallatt... 900
District No 24
A J Siaa H 52
J J Kramer : 4 50
B B Heiu 75
H Kru-i mer 1 50
B A Montaudon ' 7 50
ti Deitz 150
District No 25
Ed M Morris '. 8 75
District No 27
John Barth 2 50
Tom Garrett 3 75
District No 30
Thos Fox 6 00
J W Stjne 45 00
District No 33-
J A Reed 3 00
District No 36-
lvan Broadwell
N Stanton. 1
Revis Graham 11
Faank 8tanton.. oUO
Bud Thompson. 8 26
In the matter of claims examined ana
allowed. M
Jus F Nelson, assessor 1C3 80
Lulu Hankins, tax roll 12 00
Ednetle Chase " 9 00
G A Bollack, tax collection 38 00
. ... 'J7 OK
Kdnette uuase
J W Loder "
L Hankins "
Iva Ha'rington "
T) f! RovIch . "
. . . rt nil
Edoette Uhaee, treasurer ......... uu
iABollaolc " 5 00
J E Rhoades, sheriff 2 50
EORhoades " 7 50
EZOlds. recorder 32 00
A Howard " 10 00
I R L Holman, pauper account 12 20
I Mary Haley " 29 00
T B H&nkins " SOU
EE Bacon " 0 UU
J W Powel, iuBane account 5 00
37 25
5'J 50
36 00
42 25
In tbe matter of bids for County Phv
sician. Ordered that the bid of Nnrrig
& Powel for $23 50 per month be accepted.
In the matter of work on the 8chue
bel road. Ordered that supervisor Mal
lett to ascertain if petitioners in open
ing said road, infringed upon private
riphtB, and report facts in the matter.
In tne matter of trie report of viewers
of the Spiingwater and Estacada road.
Report of viewers read second time, and
ordered that flies re submitted to Dis
trict Attorney for opinion.
In the matter of filling vacancies of
Judges and Clerks of election. Ordered
that resignations of John Richie and
T-n FohleraR judiie and clerk of Horiug
precinct and Ed Richie and P, W. Ha
ley be appointed to fill such vacancy.
In the matter nf the report of viewers
01 isprniKwater and Kstacada road Or
dered that said report he adopted and
road declared acounty road, and super
visor ordered to same lor travel with
labor of petitioners.
lu the matter of repairs of two bridges
in roa l district Ni. 7. Ordered that
supervisor make necessary repairs.
Jn the matter ot the petition of H. J.
Rastall and others for re-survey of road.
Ordered that County Surveyor estab
lish such roads as calied for in the peti
tion. In the matter of petition of the Bank
of Oregon City, asking that certain real
estate be declred exempt from taxation.
Ordered that said petition be denied.
In the matter of petition of Wilhel
mina Bateman for license to seil liquor
m hiH quantities than one gallon, in
Eagle Creek precinct. Ordeied that
aid petition be granted.
Iu the matter of Henry Hettkemper
and others for imnrovement of the lieeit
kemper rod Ordered that said matter
. no taken unJer advisement.
In the matter of the petition of East
ern Investment for refund of taxes.
Ordered that said petition be denied.
In the matter of payment of balance
on Court Houte addition contract. Or
dered that the sum of $263.00 be paid to
In the matter of the aoportionment of
road fund. Ordered that an apportion
ment of filty per cent of road tax cor
lected be made on eacn district.
Roval Resturant " 1 '5
0 WChilstron " 9 00
R T. Holman. coroner 5 00
HA Summer " B00
.1 O Zinser sch. suot.. expense. . . 53 87
Millard Hvatt. school examination 0 00
Marv S Harlow " " 21 000
T J Gary " " 21 00
flnast Atfencv Co. court house. ... 20 35
Courier Pub. Co.. printing 8 40
. . . , - . , . on 1 .n
u tt urocKer uo, stationery u
Oregon City Enterprise, printing 127 10
T 4 Ryan' stampB etc 53 ?5
Huntly Bros, stationery 15 CO
W L Block, court house 1 70
F A Sleight, freight. 125
Telephone Company 5 70
Water uomm'is, water rem
Thomas Bohna, circuit court , 4 70
BF Smith, justice peace... &
The World's Fair Route.
Those anticipating an Eastern trip, or a
visit to the Louisiana Purchase Exposi
tion at St. Louis, cannot afford to overlook
the advantages offered by the MISSOURI
PACIFIC KA1LWAY, which, on account of
its various routes and gateways, has been
appropriately named "The World's Fair
Passengers from the Northwest take the
MISSOURI PACIFIC trains from Denver
or Pueblo, with the choice of either going
direct tnrougn Kansas iity, or via wicrr
ita, r-ort Scott and Pleasant Hill.
?! Two trains daily from Denver and Pu
eblo to St. Louis without change, carrying
an classes or modern equipment, including
electric lighted observation parlor cafe din
ing cars. Ten daily trains between Kan
sas City and St. Louis.
Write or call on W. C. McBride,
General Agent, 124 Third street, Portland,
for detailed information and illustrated
R I Garrett
Livy Stipp
HS Moody
J O Spragua
M E Hayden
M E Kandle
Theo Wiatz
Ralph Marshall
Livy Stipp
.1 Goodfellow
Elmer Dixon
2 50
7 75
5 80
3 00
2 00
2 00
3 00
2 00
2 00
3 00
2 00
2 00
Astoria . & Columbia
River Railroad Co.
New Equipment Throughout.
Day Coaches, "Palace and Tourists Sleep
ers, Dining and Buffet Smoking
. Library Cars.
Daylight trip through the Cascade
and Rock Mountains.
For full particulars. Rates, Folders, etc
call on or address
122 Third St. Portland, Ore
S. G. YERKES, G. W. P. A
612 First Ave. Seattle, Wash
fc:Po a, in
4-.3o p. m.
p. m.
Ex, Sat.
For Mayers, Rainier,
Clatskannie, Westport,
Clitton, Astoria, War
renton, Flavel, Ham
mond, Fort Stevens
Gearhart, Park. Seaside,
and Seashore.
Astoria Express
9;4o p. m,
For further Information address,
J. C. Mayo, Astoria, Oregon.
We promptly olitain ti. H. ftiwl Korean
Huud model, akovuti or ulioto ci invention lor
free report on iu?ntat)ilitv. t or free book 1
:gSMi?5"TRME-MARKS "ft
opposite U. S. Patent Office
M Seller, roads 9 76
K Hutch " 6 55
Viiaorit Powder Co, roads. 2 20
A B Klliott Co " 45 00
FuRhion Stable, sheriff 9 00
T B Killen, commiBsionar 15 70
Win Brob&t " 24 40
Sager & Wins, roads 200 00
In the matter of claims presented and
not allowed.
Hugh Miller 8 00
In the matter of the resignation of C.
R. James, supervisor of road district No.
21 Ordered that said resignation be ac
cepted, and that D. D. James be ap1
pointed as his successor.
In the matter of the resignation of H.
II. Schmidt as supervisor of road dis
trict No. 29 Ordered that said resigna
tion be accepted and that C. D. F. Wil
son be appointed his successor.
In the matter of the vacation of alley
through block 51, In O. I. & 8. Co. ad
dition to Oswego. Ordered that said
alley be vacated as prayed for.
In the petition of T. M. Baker and
others to vacate a county road Or.
dereJ that the viewers meet on the 14th
day of March, 1904.
in tha matter of the petition of T M.
Baker aud otherB for a county road.
ordered that viewers men at place of
beginning March 14th, 1904.
In the matter of the resignation of W,
C. Heater as supervisor of district 32.
Ordered that said resignation be ac
cepted. In the matler of the corduroy for the
J. K. Lewis road. Ordered that 1,000
corduroy size not to exceed 6 inches and
price not to exceed $150 per hundred
feet be allowed for said road.
In the matter of the report of the
viewers of tho Springwater and Estacada
road. Report read lirst time and con
tinued until tomorrow fir second read
ing. In the matter of the petition of W. R.
Dallas and others for repairs of the Roy
er road. Ordered that sad matter be
taken under advisement.
In the matter of obstruction of a
county road by Meyer and Flinn by us
ing same for logs. Ordered that the
road supervisor be instructed to see that
said roads be cleared of obstructions by
said Meyer and Flinn.
In the matter ot the Union school and
Bevier road in Damascus precinct. Or
dered that said matter be taken under
Good spirits don't all come from Ken
tucky. Their main source is the liver
and all the fine spirits ever made in the
Blue Grass State could not remedy a bad
liver or the hundred-and-oneill effects it
produces. You can't have good spirits
and a bad liver at the same time. Your
liver must be in fine condition if you
would feel buoyant, happy and hopeful,
iiright of eve, light of step, vigorous and
successful in your pursuits Vou can
put your liver in tine condition Dy uhiuk
Green's August llower the greatest of
all medicines for the liver and stomach
and a certain cure for dispepsia or indi
geHtion It haB been a favorite house
hold remedy fcr over thirty-five years.
August Flower will make vour liver
hualtliv and netive and thus insure you
a liberal supply of "good spirits." Trial
size, 25 cents j regular bottles 75 cents.
At all druggists.
The members of the Presbyterian!
church will give a baskes social at the
Beaver Creek Hall, March 20; a large
proi-iame will be rendered and a sale of
all the old maids and batchelors. Mr.
William Harris will be present with his
graphophone and Mr. Samson of Oregon
City, will be the auctioneer. Everybody
is invited.
Born, on March 4, to Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Fivmaine, a baby girl.
Miss Thiessa Staben went to Seattle
last Saturday.
Mr. Jack Shannon is at home again
visitirg with his parents.
August Bluhm sold hiB team of horses
last week.
Our school clerk, Mr. Henry Hollman
was out lust week taking the school cen
sus. Mr. Staten who has been gon6 for the
past six years spent a lew days with hit
children last week.
Henry Henrici is quite busy fixing up
hie shingle mill. They will start to
work as soon as the weather permits.
One thing iu Oregon never fails.
Friday night, March 11th, the Artis
an's lodge will give a public speaking to
oncourage membership. Refreshments
will be served.
Une night last week a party was
en at Mr. and Mrs. . Chapnians
many present reported a very pleasant
We are s Try to learn of the illness of
Mrs.. Hattie Webster,
Miss J. Rowen, organizer of the Ar
tisan's lodje, was a visitor at Clackamas
Grange, No. 298, Saturday.
A number of young people of the P
trous of Husbandry, met at Mrs. O. F.
Streets, Thursday night for their usual
singing practice. After the singing, the
Interesting game of "flinch" was indul
ged in.
A "leap year social" will be given at
Mr. and Mrs. liayward'a, Saturdar
This spring yon will need a nerva
food, one that will cleanse and recon
struct your nerve centers and waited
epeigies. Hollister's Kockey Mountain
Teawilldolt. 35 cents. Tea or tab
lets. Ask your druggist.
. ft ' Ik-tSiU . .art,
your S
a pleasant, potent, and permanent Invigorator for WOMEN,
feri CHILDREN and MEN.