Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, March 11, 1904, Page 6, Image 6

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T7i r
Xlows out the gas and 'furnishes tht
newspapers with a jest and an obituar
notice. Didn't know it was loaded "
may be an honest plea, but it never
brought a victim back to life. Those
who let a cough ran on, iu ignorance of
the danger, find no escape from the con
sequences when the cough develops into
lung trouble.
The best time to cure a cough is when
it starts. Ordinarily, a few doses of Dr
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery wili
cure a cough at the beginning. But
even when the cough is deep-seated, the
lungs bleed and the body is wasted by
emaciation, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery will in ninety-eight cases out
of . every hundred effect a perfect and
yciumuem cure.
$3 000 FORFEIT will be paid by the
World a Dispensary Medical Association,
Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y., if they can!
r ,. uw tuc original signature of the
individual volunteering the testimonial
below, and also of the writers of every
testimonial among the thousands which
they are constantly publishing, thus
proving their genuineness.
"My husband had been coughing for years
nd people frankly told me that hi woufd Jo
if t011mPt'n, writes Mrs. John Shiremau,
of No. 265 s5th Place, Chicago, 111. tHe had
SErf,' i 6 STgh!n sPells we "ot 'y grew
much alarmed but looked for the bursting of a
Mood-veiiscl or a hemorrhage at most any time.
?&JllfM"d ?. revy was remarkabfe. , In
V 5 tef hr- u,iuS? Dr- Perce's
Golden Medico I Biacovrry he was up and
T'li,HUi in "lore days he went to work.
Two bottles cured him."
The Common Sense Medical Adviser.
Ioo8 pages, in paper covers, is sent fret
on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps, to pay
txpense of mailing only. Address I)r
R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y,
On the eleventh day of this month
tbe Journal will be two yoars old. It is
safe to ay that during the last year ho
American newspaper has made greater
proportional strides in business, cir
culation nr in influence. From a modett
and purely experimental plant it has in
that time grown into a thoroughly
equipped and well established institu
tion. Hix months ago it mote than
doubled the capacity of the floor space
at its disposal. It is already becoming
so cramped for room that further ex
pansion is again a problem which is im
mediately before it.
In its mechanical equipment it has
secured th very best that money could
buy. Nothing has been bought to meet
a temporary exigency ; everything has
been purchased to meet not oulv the
prerint, but what at the time wns be
lief 1 to be the probable needs of the
estBLlishmeut lot a long time to come.
The Ootis press upon which the paper
was first printed was speedily outgrown.
In its stead was ordered a superb Hoe
preis with color attachment. This it
was fondly believed would fill the bill
lor two years to come. But in lose than
paper in any part of the United States
Every other part of the mechanical
equipment is immediately being raised
to the same high standard so as to meet
the inoieased demands which are being
madenponit. Now that the evening
issue of the Journal is regarded as an
established institution, tbe logical and
unavoidable outcome is a Sunday morn
ing issue, While a newspaper may only
be printed six days a week, the news ot
the world goes on just the same for the
full seven. That news is just as essen
tial on the seventh day as on the other
six, just as much in demand by the
readers and just as much enjoyed.
When that fortunate time comes in the
his-ory of a newspaper that it is takea
for its own sane, that people become at
tached to the principles which it pro
fesses and i's methods of presenting the
news, the readers begin to regard it as a I
hardship that tbe news field is not cov
ered for them every day in the week
and that on one day they must turn to
other and less favorite sources for their
enlightment. There comes a time when
this demand becomes so insistent that it
can no longer be denied. N
It is this stage that'the Journal has
reached. The demand for a Sunday
morning issue of the' Journal has be
come bo widespread that it can no longer
be resisted. Following its usual cuetom
to meet every reasonable demand made
upon it by the people it serves, and who
have faithfully stood by it from the
start, it has determined to put forth a
Sunday morning issue on the 20th of the
present month. This will mean that
for six days each week, that is every
week day, the Journal will be punted in
the evening, while iu one day in the
week, that id Sunday, it will be printed
as a morning newspaper.
All arrangements are now practically
completed for a superb staff of writers,
men and women of national fame. It
is proposed to make of tbe issue the
most popular newspaper ever issued in
Oregon. It will have its own leased
ire service to cover the news fully and
adequately and much more picturesquely
than it has ever before been done in
Portland. It will embrace many novel
features, many new and striking meth
ods, but it will stick cbsely to the fear
less policy which in two years has placed
the evening isBue far in the forefront in
its field and which we venture to say
will in much less time give its Sunday
issue unchallenged first place in that
particular field.
Slrain Too Great.
Hundreds of Oregon City People Find it so.
The hus'le and wo'ry of business men,
1 iie naru woru ana stooping of work
men, The woman's household carep,
Are too great a strain on the kidneys,
Backache, headache, sideache,
Kidney and urinary troubles follow.
A citizen tells vou how to cum t.iiem
J. Carson, of Portland, emnlnvoit ot
the Portland T.nmhnr f!n.. fnnt nf T in.
coin St., who resides at 366 First Street,
says: ! was feeling miserable; at
first I did not pay much attention to it
but it coutinued to grow worse and fin
ally became so bal that I thought I
would have to lay off work. To bend or
move quickly caused severe twinges. I
was often atiackpd with H!zt onollo
specks appeared before my eyei and I
had n Ambition or energy. In the
morning 1 arose as tired as when I went
to bed. In fact I had all
of a very Bevere attack of kidney trouble
wuen 1 was sunering trie wo-bt 1 end
about Doan's Kidnev Pills And
a box. I soon noticed an improvement
in rnv condition and the pain and. ach
ing across mv ri'AO.K nnnn HiaannUQriUli
about six weeks ago I was laid up with
a siege 01 inecnn inr two wpka Kv,nr.
totns of kidney comphint made their
appearance again and i resorted to
I'oan s Kidney Fills a second fme.
They just as thoroughly freed me 01 the
trouble as in the farmer case, I cannot
express what a change they have made
in me. I simply feel a different person.
I lenty more proof like this from Ore
gon Citv Deonle.. Call at n u irt
ley's druus ore and ask what his custo"
mers report.
Fcir sale bv all 'salers. Prinn sn nf
foster-.Ylilhurn (in. Ruff in NT v i..
----- .'.....w, ii, x,, QUIQ
agents tor United State.
Remember the
take no other. Sold bv Charman A On.
Loss of Flesli
Oives Health, Vigor and Tons.
Herbine is a boon for sufferers from
neamia. Rv its nan Hi a i,l.t ; ...i.
ly regenerated and tne color becomes
normal. The drooping strength is re
vived. The languor is diminihed. Health
viuor and tone predominate. New life
and happy activity results. Mrs. Belle
H Shirrel, Middlesborough, Ills, writes,
1 nave oeen irouDieu with liver com
plaint and poor blood, and have found
nothing to benefit me like Herbine I
hope never to ha without it. I have
wished that I had known of it in my
husband's lifetime." Sold bv Oh
& Co.
Woiking Overturns.
Eiislit hour laws are ignored by those
tireless, littln workers Dr. King's New
l:i'.H.ll Hi ll; 1 "
inv.,n n,m,ti,0 i;,., .1 : it 1 "18' ''""ions are always at work,
seven months time tins pros has been night and dav, curing indigestion, Bil-
outgrown and another dtek has been : 'otVne8, Constipation, Sick Headache
,, 1 j .. ., ... 1 all Stomach, Liver and Bowel
ordered for it thatw.llinmaEeitsca- tronb.es. Easy, pleasant, safe, sure,
pacity by 8.000 complete ppers m ' ()lllv 25 ''ent8 at Charman & Co's Drug
....... m, . ... . Stjre.
uour. mis press wilt then punt, cut, !
fold, cnnut and deliver a 82-punn paper
from a siiilo impression. It will print
in one impression in fourcolors.Bs black,
Cured Consumption.
Mr. B. W. Evans, Charwater, Kans.,
writes; "My husband lay sick for three
months. The doctors eald he had quick
consumption. W e procured a bottle of
Dniiuru s tiorenouna syrup, and it cured
him. That was six years ago and since
then we have always kept a bottle in the
house. We eannnt rln withnnf if I?
coughs and colds it has no equal." 25c.
ouc and $1.00. Sold by Charman & Co.
Invaluable for Rheumatism.
I have been onffurin,. Inr tka t
years ith a severe attack of rheuma
tism and fnunrl thnf liillu,)', c .' :..
- - ..uv .... 1 v. a uiiun Ulli-
iment was the only thing that gave me
satisfaction and tended to alleviate my
pains. March 24th. inn? Th r r
man. Kinsman. Ills. flRn nnn ji
. . a uui
lar. Sold bv Charman . On
When you can't cat break
fast, take Scott's Emulsion.
When you can't eat bread
and butter, take Scott's
Emulsion. When you have
been living on a miik diet and
want something a little more
nourishing, take Scott's
To get fat you must eat
fat. Scott's Emulsion is a
great fattener. a c-ivnf
strength giver.
I hose who have lost flesh
want to increase all body
tissues, not only fat. Scott's
Emulsion increases them all,
bone, flesh, blood and
For invalids, for con
vakscents, for consumptives,
for weak children, for all
who need flesh. .Wf
,, -J WWW
Emulsion is a rich and com.
fortable food, and a natural
Scott's Emulsion for bone.
flesh, blood and nerve.
We will send you
a free sample.
Bz sure that this picture
In the form of a label Is on
the wrapper of every bottle
of Emulsion you buy.
409 Pearl St, N. Y.
50c and $1 1 all druisti.
Fiirnishel Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
The Best Cough Sjrup.
Well Again.
Tho many friends of John Blount will
be pleased to learn that he has entirely
recovered from his attack of rhuma-
ril I !;..! 11 . .
, I limn. uiiHuioenain a rain tsaim cureii
n'i-i-u aim ymow, oo8iue8 tne va- rim alter the best doctors in 1 he town
riatioiin in colors that may be achieved ,Iom'"' I,ul-) fil('11 to give relief.
.,,.. .. , , j i tie prompt relief from pain which this
through blending any of these. On this liniment afforda U alone worth many
preHH, which, we hope ,0 see installtid ' VmHS 1,8 U08t' For sn e by G. A. llar-
wiuiin uie next two mouths, the Jour
nal will achieve results in color work
never before attempted by any news'
Borinijtinie iq nninlnu an.l rimh.t.
I o v . ' ; """"o
j hawyer have just teceiveil a large invoice
ui ncnir aim opaiiiin? Daseball ttoods,
i .1,., 1. xt ' iui me iirue kuis anil nig ku H, Kvery-
paper in the Tactic Northwest rd thing at bottom prices. We will open
which will challenge comparison with ,p a line of flshmg tackb In a few
, davs. "Watch our smoke " We are
?2r.?Tk P" '' any ne,8 ' liadquartenH for sporting goods
f-"""' "" 1 TTT ... :
fMmm, i. iiV 1 1 -lr 1. -vu,,... ......y..,: ,f n
wi, Kansas, writes: ' This ia to say that
imvr. noeii oauaru s noreliound Syrup
for years, and that I do not hesitate to
recommend it as the b-st eoui;h svrup I
!a,V1eLev5T, "aed-" 25- 50c and '$1.00.
bold by Charman & Co.
Best Remedy for Constipation.
'The finest;reruedy for constipation I
ever used is Chamberl-iin's Stomach and
I.iver Tablets, says Mr. Eli Butler, of
Frankvide, N. Y. "They act gently and
nuuum, buy unpleasant ellect. and leave
the bowels in perf.i t nntursl condition."
uuiu uy u. a., iiaruing.
Alundorff School,
Following is the report of the school
ior tne month ending March 4, 1904:
JNo. days attendance, 612.
, No. days absence, 100,
No. times tardy, 30.
No. days taught, 19.
Average daily attendance, 37.
Those neither absent nor tardy were :
Mabel Boroughs. Lizzie. Paul ami ai,.'
Bany, George Bunke, Forvald Krager
anu jistner Holzman.
Visitors present were: Mieses Lena
and Anna Banv. Messrs fi n m..
Fred Bany and Fred Eenoud. VUirr.,.'
are always welcome
Alios E. Bitter, teacher.
G. W. Friend of Willamette Fall b.a
moved hack to his ranch at Friend in
vVasco county.
H F, nrnP9 to 0 E F Lee, part of CI 42.
6-1 E, $500.
1 Farr to A L Farr, lot 4, Blk 57, Ore
gon City, $10.
I Farr to E T Farr, lot 8, Blk. 8. Ore
gon City, $10.
C A Preisinng to AShubert, lots 4 & 5
Blk Subd, Oak Grove, $275.
F Ri-op to B Boop, land in Rood CI.
51 E, $75.
E G Caufleld assignee to Bank of O C.
6 35 acres in CI 58, 2-2 E and lots 5 & 6
in Blk 35, 3 & 8 in Blk 36, Central Add,
Oregon City, $1.
E G Caufleld to Bank of O 0, tract on
Centt-r St, Oregon City, $1.
J W Partlow to A J Mars, 10 acres in
tbe Howland CI, 3-2 E, $1 2C0.
J Hettmen to F H Hettmen, Ei of
NEsec9,4 3 E, $1,000.
W H Hall to Ward & Gregory, SE
NE, N of SE of sec 33.27 E, $3Q0,
J Humph-ey to ,T T Mclotyre, S,'
NW pf sec 36. 26 K, $.300.
E Sommnifisld to ,.M .vt Rfchter. part
of sec 36, 31 E. $550.
J O Olsen to A M Olsen, 8 acres in sec
35,3-1 E, $1.
E Cimpau to J F Campan. 41 acres in
CI 41 & Ns' SE sec 25 4-1 W, $5000.
Willameite Falls Cj to E Roberts, lot
1, tract D, Willamette Falls, $70.
S F Marks to T I Marks. 100 acres in
cue John Maike CI, $5.
W Tellefson to G A White 2 acres in
CI 38, 3-3 E, $60.
A Weishaar to C McMilleo, lots 14 &
10, Blk 3 Weslynn, $500.
E G Caufleld to F.Kellogn, lots 9 & 10
Blk 34, Central Add, $500.
vV V Armstrong to E P rmstronu. 67
acres in sec 29, 3 I E and lots 7 toll,
Blk 7, and 7 & 12 in Blk 9 and 1 & 2 Blk
23. Canby, $6100.
N J Engle to A Engle S of SE of
sec 29, 53 E, $5.
E Liridholm 10 L G Wrasted, part blk
10 Barlows, $100
O W f T S Co to D M Marshall, lots
13 & 14, Blk 2, Estacada, $150
W Shaad to E Shubert, lots 1.1 & 14
Orchard Hill, $350.
Wm Snow to A M Brayton, bts 2, 3
4, 24, 25 & 26 Blk 1 Edgewood, $600.
E Shubert to J Wilson, tracts 13 & 14,
Orchard Hill, $350.
Carlton & Rosecrans to G W Kesse
bring, lots 1, 2, 3, 10, 11 & 12, Blk 1,
Jee's Aad to Uanby, $900.
E F Gunther to H Gunther SW of SW
of sec 31, 33 E, $500.
E G Caufleld to JTJCamnhnll ah
, 1
acres in Claim 45, 22 E, valuable.
oirongreen to U G StronmeBn in
acr s in sec 26, 43 E, $200.
More Riots
Disturbances of strikers are not near
ly as grave as an individual disorder if
Urn system. Overwork, loss 0f sleep
nervous tension, will be followed by
utter collapse, utiles a reliable remedy
is immediately employed. There's
nothing so eflinient to cure disorders . f
the Liver or Kidneys as Electric BitteiF.
it is a wonderful tonic, and effecthe
nervine and the greatest all arou,.d
medicine for run down systems. It dis
nels Nervousness RUnm.ii. -.1
f enralBia and expels Malaria germs.
Only 50 cents, and satisfactioa gua-aQ-
Swell lace collars fust re
ceived, see window display.
Our buyer is now in New
York and within a iW,
Vv eeks we will have on dis.
play the smartest and most
complete line of novelties in.
ladies wear ever shown in
this city. Prices extremely
The Fair Store
T . 1 . I
It in
Colds Are Dangerous. .
How often do ynu hear it remarked
'It's only a cold," and a few davs later
learn that the man is on hij back with
pneumonia. This is of such common
occurrence;that a cold, however slight,
Should not be dlsreurnrrlt.,! nk.mi...'
. . v.i.. vtinmuci'
lain s (,ongh Remedy counteracts any
tendency toward pneumonia. It always
Cures and is nWamit m iuL-q v..
a 11 1- 1 uuiu uy
u. A. Harding.
'Twould Spoil This Story to Tell
the Headlines.
To use an eicrhloBntli nc,t....
this is an "o'er tnn tale." Having
happened in a Rmull V.,-,.iio
the winter of 1902, it in a storv very
much of the present. Up to a' short
time ago Mrs. John E H
Melfa Station, Va had no person.il
knowledge of the rare curative proper
ties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedv.
Laet January," she says, "mv b-ibv
took a dreidful c Id and at one time I
feared phe would ha
. fin uiuwuin, IIUli
one of my neignbors told me how this
remedy had cured her little boy and I
began g'ving it to mv babv at once and
it spon cured her. 1 heaitily thank the
manufacturers of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy for placing so great a cure with
in my reach. I cannot recommend it
too highly or say too much io its favor.
I hope all who read this will try it and
he convinced as I was " For sale by G.
A, Harding.
Tragedy Averted.
"Just in the nick of time our litnQ
boy was saved," writes Mrs. W. W,t.
kins of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneu-
moma had played sad havoc with him
and a terrible nnno'h sat In km.! a
"uvuki ueeiuce.
Doctors treated him, but he crew wnrao
every day. At lenirth W8 frinrl Ti
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
and our darling was saved. He is now
sound and well." Everybody ought to
know, it is the only suie cure to- Coughs
Colds and all lung diseases. Guaranteed
by Charman .t (In T)n,t.,-Oto d-.-.
50c and $1, Trial bottles free.
The Finest Fruit
l he very finest fruits of the shoe
iiidiiuiaaones nave been selected to
Luinpieie our stocK. 1 he swellest styles
in all the varieties of lasts, tops, toes
and trimmings. Every pair a beauty,!
vrmi auiiu, auuManuai wear to back
eiiYn make them sensib'e bargains
vr tn yc luunu at,
Oregon City Shoe House
- - COMPANY - -
Headquarters for Fresh Meat..'
Highest prices paid.for butcher4
R-P.'Eter & Co., Props
70M$? Brown & Welch
Pbopbietobs op tub
AJI'lnm hi W . - - . -.1 . ! S
When your lungs are sore and inflamed from coughing
and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply
ooeaEV. m t,
stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con
tains no harsh expectorants that strain and irritate the
lungs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that
retards recovery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND
. a aax uU never lamng remedy for all throat
A 1
Em 1
1 imim
7th St
U U tei
A. O. U. W. F!;u;.
and fl
All goods bougut in bond
Puruy and quality guara teed
Some famous Old brands
James E. Pepper Kentucky Bourbon
Old Sam H rris Kentucky Bourbon
UldRoxburv Rye
Th Doctors Said Ho Had Consumption -A Marvelous Curs.
L. M. Ruggles, Reasoner, Iowa, writes: "The doctors said I had con.
sumption and got no better until used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR
lt f Se?i0 rigBt 'T ihe !,arMnd stPPed ,h sPitti"8 of blood and lift
piln In my lungs nd today I am sound and well.
THREE SIZES 25c, 50c, and $1.00
HUNTLEY BROTHERS, Druggists and Booksellers, Oregon City, Oregon.
Cor. Railrad Ave aod Mrn Sis.
tlregon CftijMaib:!ieSho
Having First-class Machinrev
Doing First-classlWork
Keeps in Stock a Line of Shafting, Pulleys, New and c a
Hand. Also Engine and Saw Mffl llZl! SeCCd