Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, March 11, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Stock and poultry have few
troubles which are not bowel End
liver irregularities. Black
Draught Stock and Poultry Medi
cine is a bowel and liver remedy
for stock. It puts the organs of
digestion in a perfect condition.
Prominent American breeders and
farmers keep their herds and flocks
healthy by piving them an occa
sional dose of Black-Draught Stock
and Poultry Medicine in their
food. Any stock raiser may buy a
25-cent half-pound air-tight can
of this medicine from his dealer
and keep his stock in vigorous
health for weeks. Dealers gener
ally keep Black-Draught Stock and
Poultry Medicine. If yours does
not, send 25 cents for a sample
can to the manufacturers, The
Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat
tanooga, Tenn.
New of the County, as Gathered bij tbe Courier' Able Corbs of Correspondents.
Roohkllb, Oa., Jan. 30, 1902.
Black-Draught Stock and Poultry
Medicine is the best I evar tried. Our
stock was looking bad when you sent
me the medicine and now they are
getting so fine. They are looking 20
per cent, better.
It Saved His Leg.
P. A. Danforth, of LaGranpe, Ga.,
suffered for six months with a frightful
running sore on his leg; but writes that
Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it
in five days. For ulcerp, Wounds, Piles
it is the best sslve in tbe world. Cure
guaranteed. Only 25 cents. Sold bv
Charman & Co., Drnaaistsi
"It wns almost a miracle. Burdock Blond Bitters
cured me of a terrible breaking nut all ovi;r the body.
1 am very grateful." Miss Julia Filbrldge, West
v-ornweii, onn.
Hood View.
Two funerals occurred here, Monday,
March 7, at the Pleasant bill Cemetery.
The first that of Logan Seely, son of
Bern and Mary Seely, not yet out of biu
teens, who died March 5th at 8 p. m. of
appendicitis. This youngjman leaves a
host of youDg friends U mourn his de
parture. The second funeral was that of Mrs.
Mary Kelly, wife of Guy Kelly of Pott
land, and daughter of Mrs. Her of this
place. Mrs. Kelly was thirty years of
age and leaves beside a mother, five sis
ters and two brothers, a husband and
two small children, numerous relatives
and friends to mourn for her. These
funerals were largely attended, and both
conducted by the Hood View minister.
Mrs. Kelly's illness Was of long Btand- j
ing and she had only recently returned
to the old home, the home of her mother,
where the angel of death called her Sat'
urday evening at 11 p. ra.
Monarch over 1
Instant relief. 1
drug store.
ain Burns, cuts, sprains, stings.
Ir. Thomas' Electric Oil. At any
In the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon for
Clackamas County.
Tlllie HawkinB, Plaintiff, vs. Jesse J. Hawkins,
To Jesse J. Hawkins, Defen dant above named
la the name of the ataie of Oregon you are
tereby required u appear and aniwer the com
plaint filed against you in the abore entitled suft
in the above named court on or before
the 18lh day of March 1904, the name being seren
weeks from the date of the first publication of
this summons, and you wl.l take notice that
If you fall no to appear and answer said com
plaint the plaintlfl wi.l apply to the oourt for the
relief domanded in said complaint, to-wit:
That the bonds of matrimony now exisliig between
you and plaintiff be dissolved
This summons is published by the ordor of Hon
Thomas F. Ryan, County Judge of Claekamaa
County, Oregon, in the Oregon City Courier for
seven consecutive weeks commencing January
29, 190,4 and continuing for each week thern.
After to ud Including March 18, 1904.
Attoruey for Plaintiff.
In the circuit court of the State of Oregon,
Clackamas County.
riaiiltiff, vs. Annie F. J. Miller,
Miller and Fred J. Miller, de
ll. McArthur,
To Aniiie F. J.
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you ana eacn or you are nereny required tu ap.
pear and answer tho complaint fiivd Hpint you
in the above entitled suit on or before thelsth
day of March, 11HM. said day being more lhan six
weeks from the 4th i.ay of February, lftOl, the
date of the first publication of this' su-nuions,
and the time specified in the order for publica
tion thereof, a'ul if you fail s) to appear and an
swer herein, for want thereof, plaintiff will take
judgment against you lor ihe sum of $;lo0 toge'her
with interest thereon from July 9ih, 1902. at the
rate of ei.ht per cent P'T annum until paid, and
for .lie furtriersutn of $76 attorney's fees: for Ins
costs antl disbiir-einetils herein, and for r decree
foreclosing plaintills mortgage desoribed in said
complaint, in the manner provided bv law.
This summons is published by order of Hon.
Thos. A. MeBrtde. Jude of the above entitled
: oourt, made and dated on the 1st day of February.
" ion j
attorney for Plaintiffs,
In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
Clackamas county.
In the matter of the estate of Isaac Frost, de
ceased. Notice 1b hereby given, that the nndersigned ad
ministrator of saiii estate, will in accordance
with an order of said court, made and entered of
record on the first day of February, A D 1904.
rell at private sale on the 14th day of March A.
1). 1901, atthe hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon
of said day, or on any day thereatter, on the
premises, tne following described real property,
Beginning at the southeast corner of a tract of
land deeded to V. L. Mack by Philander Leu,
which deed Is recorded on ige lf.9of Bonk "X"
records of deeds, Clackamas County, Oregon;
Thence north as degrees, west 250 feet; thence
south 64 degrees woet, 126 feet; IheDce south 26
degrees east 2o0 feet thence north ti4 degrees east
1 2o feet to place of beginning. Also beginning at
lie northeast corner of a traU of land deeded to,
V. L. Mck by Albert H. Lee and Anno Lee
which deed Is recorded in book 43, at page 41ft,
reeords of deeds, Clackamas County. Oregon;
thence south l4 dftgreeswest 12Ti feet; thence south
06 degrees east 425 feet; thence north 61 degrees
cast 125 feet; thence north 6i degrees west 425 feet
to the place of beginning, both tracts being a part
of the Philander Lee 1) C.C ii section 33,town
fihip 3 south, range 1 east of the Willamette Mer
idian. Terms of sale cash in hand or approved
Administrator of Bait Estate.
Dated Fej. 1st, 1901.
We Need Money
"We are going to sacrifice our
entire stock to get it Come
and examine our stock and
convince yourself of our many
Next door to old postoffice.
This warm feather has started the
gras and all kinds of winter sown grain.
It seems as though, it never would
qnit raining, but the frogs are happy
plenty of water.
Farming is at a standstill as it is too
wet to plow or sow; but never mind
brother farmers, spring will soon be here
and then pay up for the long wet spell.
Farmers are busy between showers
getting out telephone poles for the new
line. Throw yourshoulder 10 the wheel
and let her go and then say amen.
Miss Effie Morey has concluded to
wait anothet- week before starting to
New York.
Andrew Zinger was visiting the Hus
band family Sunday.
W. O. Vaughn and wife returned from
Oregon City Monda".
Lncle Billy Vaughn and George
Frazer drove a fine lot of beof cattle to
Oregon City Monday.
Newt Farr went in Tuesday with te
Shaver cattle for Albright. Fat cattle
are in good demand and prices are good.
Mr. and Mrs, II. L. Barnes returned
from Portland last Friday after a ten
days, visit to her daughter, Mrs. Shultz.
Tbe craze of shaving off the moustache
has struck Liberal. Even our right
honorable mayor surprised us all last
Sunday by baring its upper lip of its
protection, but perhaps it is for the best.
He attracts a great deal of attention,
even the school children stop to look
and see if it really is oar old frfend.
Mr. Dee Wright and Max Huss made
a business trip to Oregon City Saturday
returning to tbe Dolau ranch their
home, Monday.
William Morey, our tobacco man and
vetinary, waB out from Oregon City
looking after his livestock and the iu
terest of his farm in general.
We are glad to sae the Akins girls out
ouue more alter their long seiga of sick
Mrs. Bowman died at Mulino Mon
day. ,Mr. Bowman and family have tbe
sympathy of this community.
Misses Annie and C. Ring, of Mar
quam, were visiting Mr ana Mrs. Deck
rikein for a few days last week,
Mrs. Helen Klise is very ill at tbe
home of her son-in-law, Wm. Wilson.
Mrs. Kliee ia one of the early pioneers
of Oregon.
Levi S ehman purchased a horse at
the fine horse sale of Runners' in Fort
land. Look out boys it may be a trotter.
Reconstructs your whole body, makes
rice, red blood. DriveB out impurities
that have collected during the winter.
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is a
family tonic. 35 cents. Tea or tablets.
Ask your druggist.
lied I and.
Gentlemen of the conven tion ;. I wish
to second tbe nomination of Bob Beattie
for sheriff. ,
Miss Nellie Armstrong of Portland,
began a three months term of school at
district Fo 75 the 7 inst.
Willie Stone has gone back to the
Willamette University and is able to get
around much better since using his
electric battery.
W. H. Bonney, our bustling mill man
has leased a nice piece of land from Louis
Kerchen for a mill site where he will
soon move. Mr. Bonney will utilize
the Fisher mill pend for storing his logs
He has one of the best mill sites in Ore
gon and thinks he lias timber enough to
last ten years as he has contracted for
tbe greater portion along clear creek.
Rev. Robert Craig of Spokane, Wash.,
uncle of Mrs. S. Funk was visiting a few
days here last week. .
Mrs. Julia Trullings was buried in the
ReJland cemetery the 3rd inst. She
died at ber home on Clear Creek on the
2nd inst. of a complication of diseases.
Her daughter, Gussie, has been bed
fast for the past five weeks.
Jasmes Fullam sold three beeves to
Petjold last week at $3 50 per cwt.
Mr. Hiembothem has two beeves
ready to turn off.
Johney Harrey is able to be around
again without crutches, having cut his
foot sometime ago.
Mr. J, J. Bargfeldhai not yet returned
from Portland.
Ce Lucky Star
The Star Wind Mill. Every
"point" of it the best.
Steel construction,
Giving strength.
Ball Bearing, Easy Running,
Galvanized after making, pre
venting rust. "Star of all Stars"
the Star Windmill.
Come and get one, take it out
and try it, if it is not al
right bring it back. YOU
KNOW we could not say
this to you if they were not
any ,
O R . E G O N
Don't wait for rain to plow j
. Plow when its dry. j
You can with the j
Sanders Disc Plow
No ground too hard, j
No ground too dry j
for the Sanders Disc Plow.;
The disc plow Is far ahead of the moul-i
board plow. Atrial will convince you:
Improved Manur Spreader tnS'
win spread ny .nd ii kind, of m.nur. thick or we11 seasoned having been bought
thin, broad-cast or In rows; Increases tht yield 5 years an?aa 01 requirements.
per acre sufficient to pay tor the machine in jThis alone means investment of a
"r fortune in wagon stock. .
Best result, cannot be had without manur. ; E rt fjb d . th con.trurtlnn
rJT:, ml"T Aen,p by Kemp ! Their splendid reputation all over the
,., , uemonsiraies ine racr. mat
you can possibly ask. . ' MITCHELL WAGONS ARE ALL RIGHT
Ihe Best i;; None ton tlood
Por tbe People Who Trade with
Faircloush Bros. & Co.
all who
It is their business to give the best service, the best goods and the best prices to
) come their way. They believe in the old maxim of "Live and Let Live."
They don't want to get rich on a single trade or deal and are selling goods on the
closest margin of profit yet seen in Clackamas County. We are handling the best
Plows, Harrows, Seed Drills. Cultivators, Farming Tools
and Potato Planters ever exhibited in this County
IF YCU TICKLE THE GROUND with Garden tools bought of us you will reap an
easy harvest. We are the lazy man's friend and have solved the problem of making
garden work easy work.
Garden tools 9lL
e, it has been raininu- nix wppIo
almost continuously.
Mud. rain and nntntnea la .t ti,o
mrmers talk about; mud, rain and war
is w hat the people who are not farmers
talk about.
tye are glad that potatoes are a sood
price now.
Tbij is a bad month on small iambs.
It is too bad that the corpse at Mar- .
quam had no friends any where.
It were saJ to think that Ira can't haul
bis potatoes off on that new road he had
made, btumps must be too high for
Well, Clark, you don't have to go
down stream after bia enriiB nnw rir.
you? You can get it across thn ..rBt
now, can't you?
Say, Frank, how big did you eay ti e
alfalfa roots grow in Argentinia? It
does not make much diffarfinr-n tr, k:.
how big the roots grow, for he is a good
democrat, and democrats don't care how
big roots grow ; although democrats are
the right kind of people,
Your writer
TmoTiiy Bughouse.
Gather the roses of health for your cheeks
Willie the nnrlra ara :.u j- -
uet ou in the morning early and bright
-., ....u8 utJ mountain tea at night.
Ask your druggist. .
Clarkes is thriving the tame as usual.
The enieitainment and basket social
given by the school was successfully
conducted by the teacher, Miss Lillian
Ganns. Had a food program, good
crowd, good order, and all reported a
splendie time. Mr. John Peck auctioned
of! the baskets.
To that place not a bit of spite
Did they carry, who came that night ;
And while the moon and stars were
In came Spookie full of light.
Mr. Will Miller had the m;fn..r.
to be kicked in the face by a horse. The
result was the loss of two teeth ftnfl flair.
eral cuts, two of which will leave scars.
Oh, that paper put up in a crash,
Jia Heherman eat with
Then Spooks cut a first-class dash,
While mer-Kingo-round made a sec
ond class mash.
We are sorry to' say that Miss Julia
Miller is going away. The young folks
enjoyed themselves at a party at her
home Sunday evening.
Mr. Brimhal . of this vicinity, is goini
to teach the Highland School. Now,
they'll be good, den't you think so Bill?
Eagxeta.il. -
Mr. and Mrs. Wingfleld and daughter,
Maud, of Russeliville, visited at tbe
home of Mr. Ritter'a for a few days last
Charley Wolferof Portland, and Jane
Wolfer of Oregon Citv. visited t.hir ft,.
er, Mr. Henry Wolfer Ust week.
Several of our young folks attended
the dance last week at Paradise City.
Frank Oglesby, now of Silverton, is
li,ere calling on old friends for a few days .
The School Improvement Society gave
a eplendid entertainment follow! hv a
basket social last Friday eveninir In
Thompson's hall. It is without rinnht.
one of the best if not the best entertain-
nient givea here. The inenma from tUa
sale of the baskets was not what it should
have been. We had 21 bankets and our
receipts were $21.35. Our BrnmiRrl
auctioneer, Mr. Sampsoi, failed to put
in an appearance and we were out of a
seller. Julius Simple llnallv nrtoA
auctioneer and did very well for a be
A marriare license wan iHnnnrl Mnn.
day to Nellie Bent and Sampson Wal
It's the little things that count
It is the nickles and dollars you save that makes a good bank account. Why
not let us start you right and keep your bank account growing? Trade with us at
home and save enough on every deal to put a little bunch of money in the bank.
"When you build a house build a good one
You can't build the best and get all that is coming to you unless you buy your Builders
Hardware from Fairclough Brothers & Co. There is going to be a vast amount of build
ing in this City and County this year. We Have prepared for the trade. We caji save
you money and give you the best goods the market affords.
If You Want Results See Us
Not in One Issue Can We Tell the Whole Story
We have the celebrated Mitchell Wagons and Buggies, Washing Machines, Churns, Sep
arators, Poultry Netting, etc., etc. The proof of the pudding is in chewing the "rag,"
Don't take our word but come in and see for yourself.
Fairclough Brothers & Co,
Corner Tenth and Main Streets. - - - - Oregon City, Oregon
Thousands Have Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect it.
How To Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common irluss with votir
water and let it stand twenty-four hours ;
tlingindicatesan unhealthy con
dition of the kid
neys; if it stains
your linen it is
evidence of kid
ney trouble ; too
frequent desire
to pass it or pain
in the back is
also convincing proof that the kidneys
and bladder are out of order.
What To Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy,
fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism,
pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladdei
and every part of the urinary passage.
It corrects inability to hold water
and scalding pain in passing it, or bad
effects following use of liquor, wine or
beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne
cessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many
times during the night. The mild and
the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root
is soon reali.ed. It stands the highest
for its wouderful cures of the most dis
tressing cases. If you need a medicine
you should have the best. vSold by drug
gists in fifty-cent nnd one-dollar sizes.
You may have a sample lxttle and a
book that tells all
atiout it. both sent free
by mail. Address Dr. Lisroi(f,';f8
Kilmer & Co., Bing-&ia"
hamtoti.N. Y. When Bonwot swamp-Booi.
writing mention this paper and don 'I
make any mistake, but remember the
name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and
the address, Binghamton, N. Y.