Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, March 11, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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President Roosevelt calls them "Pana
nans.'.' That settles it. Hasn't a fath
er a right to name his own children.
Aie the women nurses who are start
ing for Japan going jaat for the fun of
it, or on the supposition that there hre
no women in Japan who are competent
to take care of their eons and brothers?
The President says he dosen't want
office holders to be made delegates to
the Republican national convention
"whenever good men can be found who
are out in office." This is an ambarras
sing limitation. Can any good msa be
found who are not in office.
Is it true that we have robbed and
subjugated the Philippines so thorough
ly that we can not retrace our steps?
Has every man who has managed to
steal from another become irrevocably
possessed of the swag?
Gen. Joe Wheeler says that either Ja
pan or Russia will come out ahead.
And he calls on every ,body to remem
ber the prediction.
The crew of the 7-inch gun on the battle-ship
Wisconsin, at target practice
in the Philippines, fired ten shots in ten
minutes, hitting the target (10x10 feet)
nine times at 2,000 yards. It establishes
another world's record.
Why should not the Porto Ricans
tiave the statehood or the independ
Hnce which they demand? They en
joyed under despotic Spain, a represen
lation of 20 members in the Spanish par
liament, of whom one was Frederico
Degetan, the present "resident commis
sioner" ol Porto Rica at Washington.
Are they likely to be satisfied without
at least one vote in congress?
A person writes to us to inquire if
Russia hasn't as good a right to China
as England has to India. Not at all.
ICngland commitad the robbery so long
ago that the crime is justified perhaps
even sanctified.
The elephant and the donkey are now
oked up to plow on the Panama Canal'.
But they will both die before the work
is ready to commence to prepare to be
gin. Remember this prediction.
Dosn't Peery Heath remember some
thing that Senator Hanna told him to
'ell for the benefit of the people of the
United States.
Senator Beveridue has kicked over the
traces and dosn't pull with the adminie
'ration. He h'ai traveled wxtn-.ivnly in
a g &
Jin You Going to Build?
We have a complete stock of doors and. windows
on hand. You can see them. We do not have to
get them made for you. We are cash buyers. Cash
is the slogan of our business. Your cash will do
wonders for you. CJivo us a list of doors and win
dows you want to use and you will be surprised
Mortise Locks 50c
Rim Locks 25c
1 v
If you want Furniture
back dm mi: r
oom chairs.
Ji la
ill m
J Wxa
r f w : mm. ' '
L . "mm '
Russia and declares that the people ate
deeply moral, and that their religion
consists in the practical doing of good.
"A Russian," he tells our correspon
dent, "is never more happy than when
he is helping some one in need. The
preaching which contents New England
ers would fall short of the mark in holy
Russia." It is their profound religious
convictions which makes them intoler
ant ot the Jews.
Mr. Gorman's first speech in the
Senate was made against the printing of
"insane documents" by tie Geological
Survey. The resolution introduced by
him saved the government $300,000 a
Dr. Anador at his inauguration as
president of the panama republic last
Saturday, announced his Cabinet, made
a speech and read a poem. He promised
the junta all the officers there were.
Subordinates in the various depart
ments at Washington keep thirty car
riages at a cost of $25,000 and supply
them with coachmen who are on the
pay-i oil as messengers. Most of these
officials never rode in a carriage habit
ually until they came to Washington
and set up an establishment with the
public money.
The four post-office grafters in Wash
ington have been convicted, fined $10,-
000 each, and sentenced to ttate prison.
This is hiahly satisfactory but it casts
the shadow of dark suspicion that there
are several other bureaus in Washing
ton in exactly the sume state. And it
raises the question in many minds
whether the party under which ' such
frauds are possible hns not held office
to lung.
At the election in Cuaa last Sunday
the Liberals gained several membe B of
Congress, giving them a two-third
majority. They favor abolishing the
Piatt Amendment which makes of Cuba
a mere satrapy and destroys the jossi
bility of indepenilance.
The President is not the only man in
Washington who fears "race suicide."
A little man who lives at the other end
of the avenue iroin the White House is
the father of four pairs of twins and one
set of quadrupled ''four of a kind."
President Roosevelt will probably call
in his walks about town to leview the
kids and encourage the progenitor.
It rains in Panama ten feet a year.
But even this precipitation is not as
great as the President's wa.
"Continued peace and harmony" have
brnken ont.ng'ii'i in the Plullifwinesand a
& & w
Inside p rint per sal, $ 1 .35
give us a call. $3.8" will buy six
BUSCU, The Housefurnisher
a force of three thousand Malays is com
pletely "wiped out" by Gen. Wood's
machine guns "all killed but fifteen."
There are only about a million more in
the Jolo islands, and when they are
wiped everything will be lovely.
Ten pounds will plant an acre of sun
flowers. The seed should We planted in
rows and about the same distance apar
as corn. Cultivation should be thb
same n demamled by a field of corn.
Any soil will produce sunflowers. A
dairyman in Pennsylvania states that he
uses sunflo ers as a part of every ra
tion fed to cows. His mixture consists
of four poucds of ground or ciushed sun
flower seed, six pounds of barley, fifteen
pounds of clover hay and thirty pounds
of silage per day for eai h animal. The
mixture is used in simnlar proportions
for turkeys, geese, ducks and chickens
being prepared for market. Horses
may be fed on a mixture of crushed Bun
flower eeed and cereals with good re
sults. The seed supplies an oil not
found in other grain and is a good fat
tening food.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets
Cure dyspepsia and all disorders arising from
Indigestion. Kmlo.Ked by physicians everywhere.
No cure no pay. 25 and otic. For sale by lluntlf v
lirothers. Trial pa-ki?e free by writing to W.
H. Hooker & Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
the most healing salve in the world.
Classified Advertisements.
Money to Loan At 6 and 7 ptr cent an
Real Estate Security. C. H. Dye.
Notice The annual meeting of the
stockholders of the Clear Creek Creamery
Co., will be held Monday, March 21,
1004, at Creamery Building. All stock
holders are requested to be present. Thos.
E. Andert-on, Se:y. fig 2t
Land For Sale 1 have for sale forty
acres of the very best land in Clackamas
countv, located nine miles south of Ore
gon City and one mile from Canby on
gravel road. No better land to be found
any where. Address. J. H. Khret, Sher
wood, Oregon, R. F. D. No. I. flo-4t
For Sale Ground 250x205 and 6 room
house well painted and finished; good well
frame barn, 35 bearing fruit trees-apples,
cherries, pears, quinces, grapes and berries,
choice roses 20 varieties; five blocks from
the onlv I2.grade school in the county.
Price $1250; terms. E. J. Maple, Park
place, Oregon City.
WANTED Pasture for sheep, either
grain fields, or grass. Highest price
unid. Address W. ' . Irvin,
2 25 1004. Aurora. Ofon.
I 3
Will buyjyoif a splendid
There are extravigant and
economical stoves, just as
there are economical and
extravigant cooks. Some
cooks do more with a little
than other cooks do with ?all
you could give them. Our
stove does more work with a
little wood than most stoves
do with double the wood.
Hence it is not only a cheap
stovo in price, but a cheap
xstove to use. Price, $20.00
nicely ornamented high
fyecutor'5 Notice to Credito s
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duly appointed by the
County Court of Clackamas county,
Oregon, executor of the last will of
Ferdinand Rath, deceased, late of George
precinct, Clackamas county, Oregon.
All persona having cloims aeainst the
estate of the said decedent are hereby
notified to file the same duly verified
according to law, with me at my resi
dence, George, Oregon, or with my at
torney C. H. Dye, esq., at his office,
comer of Sixth and Main streets, Oregon
)ity, Oregon, within six months from
date of this notice.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, Feb.
19, A. D. 1904.
Carl A. 'Rath,
What Are Tney?,
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. A new remedy for stomach
troubles, biliousness and constipation,
and a good one. Price 25 cents. For
sale by Geo. A. Harding.
The Oregon City Courier $1 50 per year.
I no-v have monev to pay County
warrants endorsed prior to July 1st 1901.
Interest will ceased on such warrants on
the date of this notice.
Dated ibis 4th. day of March, 1904.
Enol Cahii.,
Trersurcr of Clackamas Co., 'Oregon.
Paine's Celery
Rheumatism, which does its terrible work
in the muscles, joints, and tissues, is caused by
uric acid which gathers in the blood. To get
rid of this poisonous acid which produces the
irritations, pains, agonies, inflammations, and
swellings peculiar to rheumatism, Paine's
Celery Compound should be used without
delay. No other medicine gives such prompt,
cheering, and happy results. It is the only
medicine that prevents a return of the dreaded
disease. Taine's Celery Compound braces
the nerves, the blood is quickly cleared of all
irritating poisons, tissue and muscle are built
up, and the digestive organs perfectly toned.
Do not tr;t with indifference the slightest
rheumatic symptoms; the early use of I'aine's
Celery Compound will save you w-eeks and
months of suffering. Mr. S. D. Conway,
St. Louis, Mo., was permanently cured by
Paine's Celery Compound after repeated fail
ures with other medicines and physicians; he
" I am 64 years of age, and have lived in
St. Louis 27 years, and all this time with the
exception of three years, I have served in the
Engineers' Department as Inspector. Last
winter I contracted rheumatism and was laid
up. I tried all remedies and doctors, but all
faded until I struck Paine's Celery Compound,
which has made a permanent cure in my case.
I have recommended it to many, ana mey
have used it with the same result."
Jake Old Clones IM Hew
Direction book ntid 45
dyed samples free.
Burlington, Vt.
Stupendous Offer Made By a Weil
Known Philadelphia Firm
thousands of personsjn all sections
of the country bav a been healed
bp this wonderful dis
Every educated person haa heard of
Radium, ita wonderful powers aad heal
ing qualities have occupied page after
yaize iu the Metropolitan publicatians.
i Almost everybody knows that it is the
greatest remedy that God has ever given
10 Buffering humanity. Disease germs
S3 , of every description flee before Lt they
cannot stand the contact. We have
.such frith in our proposition that we
! guarantee absolutely to cure you. - What
J is more we will give you a written con
I tract to that effect. This offer has never
! been duplicated. Fill out the blank be
low and mark the malady from which
you are suffering and receive .by return
mail Information that (.will be worth
hundred! of dollars to you. Ask any
banking firm regarding our responBi
BAD108 CO.
812 Pre lei Building
FhluulelpMa, Fa.
Kindly send m. frc of cost lnformUon
r?prdlng yoor Bmlium treatment and your
wonderful reinavly Radio.." '
Addreas.... -
State. .
An Open Letter Jo the Public
To Whom It May Concern :
Of late there has been a good deal
Bf discussion in regard to advertised
medicines and their value. We want
to say to every man, woman and child
in this vicinity that the most valuable
preparation of cod liver oil, the best
tonic reconstructor, health restprer and
strength-creator we have ever sold in
our store is Vinol.
Vinol is not a patent medicine; it
contains no injurious drugs, and it act
ually does contain all of the medicinal
curative elements of cod liver oil, taken
from fresh cods' livers, but without a
drop of oil, and is, delicious to the
Vinol is recognized throughout the
world as the greatest strength-creator
for old people, weak, sickly women,
children, nursing mothers, and after
a severe sickness.
Vinol cures hacking coughs, chronio
colds, bronchitis and all throat and
lung troubles. Unequalled to create,
an appetite, and make those who are
too thin, fat, rosy and healthy.
Vinol is sold on a positive guarantee.
Call and get a Vinol booklet.
niNTLEV EROS., Druggists.
Oregon City, Ore.
Harry Clark, a half-breed was given
thirty days in the city bastile last Mon
day fordiunk and disoiderly conduct.
If troubled with weak digestion, belch
ing or sour stomach, use Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will
get quick relief, for sale by George A.
The B:st Laundry is the Cheapest
pThe Troy Steam Laundry is the Best
Does not wear out or destroy your linen.
-Our Wagon will call for your soiled linen each week and
deliver your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfac
tion assured.
E. L. JOHNSON, The Barber, Agent.
Oregon City Planing Mills
All kinds of Building Material, Sash,.
' Doors and Moulding.
F. S. BAKER Proprietor,
Brunswick House and Restaurant
Newly Furnished Rooms,
Meals at All Hours Open Day and Night
Prices Reasonable.
...Only FirstClass Restaurant in the City...
Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City, Ore.
Elk Horn Livery Feed ; Sale Stable
FineRigstoLet at Reasonable Prices
n T? nTMTrK'
oiRiEa-casr cityobegon"
Tbe Cihf Meat Market
at Canby, Oregon,
Pays the hiuhest price for all
kinds of c&ttle. The best of
fresh meats are handled at
most rsasonable prices. 1 have
been In buisness In Canby a
number of years, and have
tried to treat everybody right.
I solicit your patronage for the
future and intend to deserve it.
S. J. Schmitt, Canby, Oregon
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
a Specialty
Opposite Oanfleld Block OREGON C'T i
Sick Headache?
Food doesn't digest well?
Appetite poor? Bowels
jstipated? Tongue coated?
S your liver ! Ayer's Pills
j liver pills; they cure dys-
psia, biliousness.
25c. All druggists.
ant your mousturht or hcant a beautiful
brown or rich Mirk Then in
This Statement Will In teres Scores cf
Oregon City Readers.
The facts given below are worth a
perusal by all who ate anxious about their
physical condition or are similarly situated
to this man. It is an occurrence which can
be thoroughly investigated.
J- C. Buckler, of No. 8, East Ninth St.,
Portland, brick mason, contractor and
builder, says: "A constant soreness across
the small of my back which bothered me
when stooping or straightening up and
was accompanied with a weakness of the
kidneys particularly in evidence at night,
indicated that my kidneys were not per
forming their functions properly. I had
it for years despite all my endeavors to
get relief until oue day I read about Doan's
Kidney Pills and got a box. A few doses
convinred nip that the.
j root of the disease and the continuation of
ineir use tor a short time removed the pain
from my back and corrected the kidney se
cretions. 1 have another. box in the house '
and should necsssitv demand it 1 shall
certainly resort to the use of Doan's Kid
ney Pills.
Plenty more proof like this from Oregon
City people. Call at C. G. Huntley's
drug store and ask what his customers re
port. For sale by all dealers. Price 50c.
Foster-Mi I burn Co.
Remember the name Doan's and take no
other. All' the healing, balsamic virtues of the Norway
Pine are concentrated in Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup. Nalure's own remedy for coughs and colds..
It's folly to suffer from that horrible plague of the
night, Itching piles. Doan's Ointment cures quickly
and permanently. At any drug store, 60 cents,
Oregn City, Oregon
Mi - .,v.. Successor to
cannot be enjoyed in a bapta of limited
capacity nor where the water supply and
temperature ia uncertain by reason ot
tfe'e f plumbing or heating apparatus
To have both pui .n thorough working
order will not prove expensive if tbe
work is done bv
v experience
i i i! n r.
I ri! i I rrT; hi ' U
a. a
aniciHa!!i?l? i ,ke,('h nd "MCTIptlon mar
poiekiy aanrtain our opinion free whether an
u.entlon is probably wtenuh ec"munV
Scientific American.
A handaomely lllnntratad weekly I imt rir.
eolation of any .o,entido Wnal tUS?
m r0th-,U newaSealerC
MUNN & Co.36'B-T.New York
ti 3 $ & yjgLi,R P ,P T