Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 29, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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Published Every Friday by
J. H. Wistoveb, Editor and BiMlnese Manager
B. Lk Wtovkb. Local Editor.
tutored In Oregon City Portofflce as 2nd-clas matter
i en Wood allowed gambling at the
Jai Alai game in Havana in deference to
tbe alleged "habits of the people" ; and
now the Preeident of Cuba has vetoed
the lottery bill on the gronnd that a lot
tery is a con uoter of public morals. That
president ought to be promoted.
Paid in advance, per year
Six months
1 90
, Clubbing llat-ea
Oregon City Courier and Weekly Oregonian .$2.25
Oregon City Courier and Weekiy Courier
Journal : 2-
Oregon City Courier and Weekly Examiner.. 2.50
Oregon City Courier and the Cosmopolitan... 2.25
Oregon City Conrier and the Commoner 2.00
Oregon City Courier and Twice..a-Veek
Journal 2
Oregon City Courier and Weekly Journal .... 2.00
Oregon City Cornier and Dally Journal 1.50
fjy-The date opponlte your address on the
paper denotes the time to which you have paia.
II this noticeis marked your subsoiption U due.
At the meeting of the National Grange
which will be held in Portland in Nov
ember, the most important subject to
come up will be tbe National movement
for good roads. This matter will be
managed th same as was the orginal
movement for rural delivery, many of
the same leaders will enlist in its favor.
This bill will give J250.00J to this State
for road building.
Call for Democratic (M Meeting
All Democrats of Oregon
City and Clackamas county
are requested to convene at
Willamette Hall, in Oregon
City, on next Tuesday evening
February. 2d. 1904, for the
purpose of organizing a Deny
cratic Club. All Democrats
and all persons who desire to
identify themselves with the
Democratic party, and are will
ing to work to forward its in
terests, are requested to attend
the meeting and become mem
bers of this club. Meeting will
convene at eight o'clock.
Ssc'y County Central Com.
Hanna knows how to shuttle the cards
and cut the trumps. It ia not a bad
deal by a good deal.
Mb. Bryan will publish a daily edi
tion of hiB Commoner in St. Louis du'
ing the convention. "All will be treated
MciirHY, the Tammany chieftain, says
this U a Democratic year and Cleveland
would be elected if nominated. So, he
thinks, would several others.
Word comes from far-off Texas that it
will hold nominating conventions with
the purpose of entering their very dark
horses in the presidential campaign. Tbe
more the merrier.
Sknatok Gorman, of course, holds
aloof from the Senatorial contest in
Maryland between Smith and Kay nor,
both Democrats . Ether is good enough
for anybody.
It is a far cry from Alaska to Hawaii,
but both of these territories wiil send
delegates to Chicago. Filipino and
Porto Rican will now stand up and try
to read the constitution:
Mr. Bryan sayB that Mr. Blank is his
candidate for preeident, "some dark
horse." Many think this equiuts to
warda Carter Harrison. Maybe Mr.
Bryan's dark horse is a May'r,
The eight enterprising gentlemen who
gave birth to the Panama republic, have
held a constitutional convention. Sev
eral negroes, quadroons, Indians, octo"
roons, mestizoes, and Chinaman took a
Wm. JuNNimis Bryan is slated for
Nebraska to succeed C. II. Dietrich, Re
publican, whose term expires March
4, 1', and whone escutcheon has be
come more or less stained by tku bribery
incident. Several ex-candidates for the
presidency have been in the Senate.
WiiKTiinR Senator Heed Smooth, Re
publican of Utah shall retain his seat is
being argued before a Senate committee
at Washington. The pro ecution charges
that Smoot "knew of and connived at
"the polygamy of six apostles. He says
he thought he had Bible authority for
knowing and conniving.
Was the destruction of the Venesuela
fleet by Germany and England a vindi
cation of the Monroe Doctrine? Or wai
it the same sort of vindication we are
exhibiting in seizin Panama? Mr, Gor
man asks, would President Roosevelt
have permitted Spain or Turkey or any
weak nation to seise Venezuela's fleet."
Hall' Catarrh Cure.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo, I.tioaa Comity.
Krank J Cluney makes oath that he Is the sen
ior Dariner of the nrm of K. J. Ohikky A t'o do
,i.lnsln the City of Toledo, county and
HiaM olornatd. and that said firm will pay the
sum of ONI mwRKii ixniAHs for mob and svery
iiw of Catarrh that oanuoi u cureo uj uio i
ol Hall . Carrh Cur. J. CHKNEY.
anrii to Mors me and siilwrtlwd lu my pre-
.CCCim." "''Arw.-OLkASON '
Notary Public,
lt.U'a Catarrh Cure U taken lulomally and ants
.iirantlv ou tli blomtlanrt mucous surface of th
svitMn. Send for Mtimoi.lal., fe.
' F. J. CHKSKI A CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Prugijisi. 7!o.
Uall'a Vauj W ,h bc"-
In General Wood's skirmish with the
Moros more than 300 of them were
killed without the loss of an American
soldier. This awful result is explained
by the revelation that among the dead
picked up after the so-called "bat
tle" there were many women and child
ren who fought our troops and faced our
machine guns armed only wi'h knives
and sticks.
It might be a good plan for tbe Presi.
dent to appoint a commission to find out
whether the rage to ratify the Panama
treaty is in the interest of the transcon
tinental railroads who do not wiBh to
have any canal whatever constructed at
the isthmus. Tbe theory is consider
ably more than plausible. Thus ; these
railroads are vociferous for the Panama
route, declare all others impracticable,
and want the treaty satined at once,
immediately, right way, toute da suite.
But they would give the forty millions
that the canal company demands not to
have any canal whatever built between
the two oceans. How do these facts
jibe? Suggestive, isn't it? Espedally
as the American engineer Haupt affirms
that it would take forty years to dig
through the mountains for the Panama
President Sciiurman, of Cornell Uni
versity, who was McKinley's Commis
sinner to the Philippines, declared last
week in a speech that action of the ad
ministration concerning Panama was
tbe destruction of the Monroe Doctrine
and the beginning of a policy of violent
expansion which would ultimately result
in an effort to annex all of the South
American Republics to the United
States. Whitelaw Reid will consider
that optimistic I
On next Tuesday night the Democrats
of Oregon City have been called to meet
at the Williamette hall for the purpose
of organizing a Democratic club. It is
to be hoped that a goad attendance will
be out and that the cl ib may start off
under the most favorable circumstances.
It is a good work. Let every honeBt
man who believes at heart in the doc
trines of the Democratic party attend
this meeting and lend the Democrats of
Oregon City a helping hand.
Congress has had two months of
dawdling but now promises a busy
week. Committees have reported and
there is enough work for both houses
on the calendar. Executive ousinees has
the right of way. But there will be
plenty of talk, if not discussion, on the
Panama outrage, the postoffice scandals,
and other more or lean fragrant topics
The Hepburn bill giving the Interstate
Commerce Commission custody of pure
food transit, is urgent for consideration.
We are now promised a business month.
A great agricultural discovery has
been reported in Western Kansas and
Eastern Colorado. It is that by the
aid of the summer fallout it Is possible
to save BDongh moisture in the soil
from one year to enable a good crop to
be raised where this can not be done by
depending upon the rainfall of a Bingle
season. The fact has been a familiar
one for many years to farmers of East
ern Oregon and Eastern
Washington, who by this plan
are enabled to raise every alternate year
heavy crops of wheat in districts in
which the total rainfall for a year is
only from 12 to 18 inches. In fact, good
crops have been obtained when the fall
of rain was only about lOincheB.
"Since time whereof the memory of
man runneth not to the contrary" the
verdict ol coroner's juries have been the
laughinn Btock and the butt:f jocke and
ridicule among sensible men the world
over. Tne bitrgoBt monument to human
folly which a coroner's jury has erected
to its general ineompetaticy and failure
to roach correct results is to be found in
the verdict of coronors jury in Chicago
which investigated the Iroquois tueatre
disaster. Among other things they
held the Mayor of the city to answer the
Grand jury for the consequences of the
iire. The Mayor was ptomptly discharg
ed when taken before a Circuit Judge on
a writ of habeas corpus. The idea seems
to have been that the Mayor was crim
iually responsible for the carelessness of
his subordinates iu office. It would be
juet as good reasoning to arreat the
President of the United States and hold
him criminally liable for the slealing of
his subordinate appointees.
In his probable conflict with
the Muscovite faces a different problem
from that of the knanates ia Central
Asia, which have been overrun, one by
one, and quite different from that of
China and Manchuria. During the
Boxer war when the walls of a Chinese
fort had to be breached with dynamite,
and those who placed it would surely
die, the Japanese geperal aBked for
"volunteers who would go and die."
The number effering was so great that
he had to select the heioes who were
willing to die for their country's pres
tige. Taking the dynamite they went
jocund, to death, and their comrades
who cried "Sayonnara." farewell, en
vied them the glory of their service. In
fighting such people it will not do to put
too much trust in numbers, especially
when the numbers are ignorant, stupid,
brutal and without patriotism, Russia
has impressed the military world more
by the display of her armies in the an
nual parades than by handling them in
battle. Her prestige as a military pow
er has been achieved at reviews rather
than on the field. In the Boxer war
her soldiers were distinguished by bes
tiality of the lowest order, rather than
by conduct in battle. The world, look
ing on at the prospective struggle, hails
gallant little Japan, and commends her
to the favor of all the gods of battle
After An extended investigation of
European food products, principally in
London, Paris and Berlin, under the am
picei of the National Pure Food Asso
ciation, Professor Robert M. Allen de
clares that '60 per cent of the French
wines and 80 per cent of their cham
pagnes are adulterations or imitations.'
'The American people,' he declares,
'have been drinking labels.' To hun
dreds of importers and dealers in this
country this is not a revelation com
ments the Chicago Record-Herald. To
the consumers of 'French wines and
champagnes,' however, it is an interest
ing and somewhat startliug disclosure.
As tbe statement of Professor Allen is
based upon the analyses of 10,000 well
selected samples of wines and cham
pagnes, in much of which was found
coloring matter, saccharine and acids
deleterious to health, it will be accept
ed as a timely and unanswerable argu
ment agaiust further delay in the enact
ment of a national pure food law.
Oddfellows Institute a Thriving Camp
at Garfield.
A number of Oddfellows went to Gar
field Saturday night to assist in the in
stituting of a lodge at that place. Tbe
new lodge will sttrt with 32 charter
members, there being 10 members who
were members of lodges, and il candi
dates were initiated Saturday night. The
formation of the lodge took place in 'he
i range hall at Gar held, and the session
continued all night. The initiatory, as
well as the first three degrees, were given
to the 22 candidates, and took until 4
o'clock. At that hour a banquet was
served, and Oregon City people started
on the return at 7 o'clock.
The following went form this citv :
Emery Noble, W. A. Hedges, T. t.
Ryan, Tim Finnegan, Sol Walker,Hairy
Trembath D. Waldron, F. A. Sleight,
John Cooke, John Fairclough, J. R.
Shaver, Alexander Beaulieu and George
Brown. These were j lined at Milwaukie
by Richard Scott, John Risley and John
Wetzler. The party went to Cazadero
on the electric line and walked from
that place to Garfield, a distance of about
four miles. Some troubled was experi
enced in finding the trail to Garfield, as
itwasdaikand the country was un
familiar to the visitors. John Oooke
claimed that he knew every mudhole in
the trail, and this statement was proved
to the entire satisfaction of the crowd,
lor it is thought not a single one was
missed, Thoee fiom this city state they
naa a most enjoyable time, J hey re
turned Monday.
I()t DtotVU
Jamestown is a thriving village and
ban numerous industries. One of the
most important is Cooper's shingle mill
which is doing a line business Dodge's
shingle mill is also doing well, runninsj
all of the time. Ihey are cutting fir
and cedar shingles by the wholsale
the cedar pole camp ib also working a
good many men, getting out some line
telephone and telegraph poles and pil
ing. Mutineers saw milt is running up
to its limit and ia doing as good work as
any mill in the comity. Tl-ey are cut
ting ties, posts and bridge timbers for
Southern Pacific Railway Co. One o
our best industries is Seaver's logging
camp which employs quite a number of
men and is being operated up to its full
capacity. They are getting out a great
many tine logs. Kussell brothers saw
mill has recently been completed. They
are cutting logs by the strinn. They cut
bridge timbers, ties and all kinds of
rough lumber for building purposes.
Jamestown is situated four miles east
of Molalla corners and a little south of
Meadow brook on what is known as
Meadowbrook Creek. Any one wishing
to see as good a country as the Lord has
ever made and a fine business place
snouia pav us a visit.
Alice Russell has been very ill during
tne past ten uays Dot is now some bet
It U rumored that the Standingnr's
saw mill has been sold to a gentleman by
the name tseason from the Mink settle'
ment this week.
Snow is falling very rapidly here this
week and there is quite a good fall on the
Russell Brothers are building another
residence near their saw null and this
is helping to keep up the boom in James
When bilious try a dose of Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and
realize for once how quickly a first class
up-to-date medicine will correct tbe
disorder. For sale by Geo. A. Harding.
Get a home where you have all
the fresh air and freedom of the
country, and at the same time
every advantage of city life.
The elegant cars of the Oregon
Water Power and Railway Com
pany make the run tj Glad
stone from Oregon City in s,x
minutes. After your day's
work you travel home in luxury
and comfort.
Every purchaser of property in Gladstone will re
ceive a Warranty Deed, and an absolute title in fee
simple, free of all Incumbrances.
Call In at the office of the com
pany and see the map of Glad
stone, and an agent will cheer
fully conduct you to the prop
erty without expense to yourself,
and give all needed information
In making a selection fur your
future home. Remember you
are under no obligation to buy,
only come and we will show
you the handsomest tract of
of land in Oregan.
The great offer of the Gladstone Real Estate Association made to the people of Oregon, of one hundred lots to be se
lected by the purchaser in the handsome townsite of Gladstone, at an even $100 per lot, $10 down and $10 per month with
out interest, has attracted widespread attention. Already lots are being sold to careful, conscientious buyers, who not only
know a bargain when they see It, but are taking advantage of the low price to get an elegant property where the location
is ideal and the enhancemeut in values is sure to follow. Already Portlcnd buyers are rapidly approaching Gladstone on the
north. In two years time the electric cars will not be out of sight of handsome dwellings in the entire run of umiles from
Oregon City to Portland. There is no longer any doubt that the moter company will have a double track railway between
the two cities by the time of the great Lewis and Clark exposition. Ask any fair man, consult your own good, common
sense and there can be but one conclusion, and that Is, that property between Oregon Ci;y and Portland is as safe as stock
in the First National Bank of Portlaud. It is far belter than money at Interest. Again, if you ask any fair and unpreju
diced man, who does not own property of his own so situated as to be a rival for public favor, as to the handsomest
suburb of Oregon City and with greatest promise for the future, and he will unhesitatingly say : GLADSTONE.
Already there is a population of five hundred people at Gladstone and not a vacant house. Schools, churches, telephone
system and all other modern and up-to-date conveniences rapidly following.
Remember the Great Proposition is-
100 lots of your own selection, in the splendid
townsite of Gladstone, on the banks of the
Clackamas river, a mountain stream famed for
its beauty and purity, at $100 per lot, $10 down
and $10 per month without taxes or interest.
Any purchaser can have his money back with $25 profit on each lot when he has paid for
his property, if he is then dissatisfied, provided he give 30 days previous notice to that effect
bright, capable agents wanted in every commu
nity to whom liberal inducements willbe made
to sell Gladstone Property. Write for full information.
Main and Seventh Streets,
Mohair and Wool Pool.
At a meeting held at the above place
by delegates from several Granges in
this county for the purpose of forming a
Mohair Pool it was decided to leave that
matter to the Molalla Grange as being
practically the only one interested. And
the matter of pooling wool be refered
back to the grange asking them to ap
point delegates to meet at Oregoa City
March 7th, 1904, (the day of the county
Grange Convention.) 1
Each delegate to be instructed to
ascertain the number of sheep his grange
is willing to pool, so that an estimate of
amount of wool to be pooled, can be
made. At that time it is intended to
take steps to carry forward said pool and
elect committed to handle the same.
A, J. Lewis.
Ladies of the O. A. R. to Reorganize
Feb. 3.
There will be a meeting of the Ladies
of the G. A. R. in Willamette hall on
Wednesday evening, February 3, for the
purpose of reorganizing. All who are
eligible and interested in the order are
requested to be present.
Nellie M. Cooper, President
Qur January Offering
The holidays are over and the January thaw has effected
our prices which are undoubtedly the olwest As business did
not meet with our expectations, we are left overstocked with
an excellent stock of Stylish
Clothing, Shoes, fiats,
trunks and traveling Bags
which we aim to dispose of at
A little of your leisure time will be well spent here in con
vincing you of the money-saving values we . are offering,
When you see it in our ad it's So
Clothier and Furnisher
6th and Main Sts. OREGON CITY, ORE.