Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 29, 1904, Image 1

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21st YEAR
NO 38
dot Shot for
Wark Jyanna
digb School
Graduating Class
Fourteen Young Ladies and
Lassies Receive Diplomas
and Congratulations
Boy Strikes
Saloonist Interferes and Scrap
Becomes General The
City Gets $10.00
Death of G. W. Grace
The Republican Party a Party
of Fraud and Corruption
Mark Hanna a Briber.
Well, the people of Ohio have disgraced
themselves again, not only disgraced
themselves but also the whole people
of the United States as well.
The re-election of Mark Hanna, a
known briber, to the office of United
States Senator, is of itself a crime that
could not have been tolerated for a single
day, even iu Ohio, duriig the times of
lower tariffs. Yet this man Hanna has
been honored and not condemned for
thus trampling on the rights of the peo
ple. Who is to blame for this crime of
bribery? The Republican party of Ohio
directly, and the Republican party of
the whole country indirectly. Note the
fact, in face of this highly dishonorable
dealing, of his boom for the presidential
nomination. Is juBtice dead? Is liberty
dj injf, leaving the doois open that lead
to an autocratic government?
I am well convinced that three-fourths
of the whole peopld of this country con
demn the policies of tin Republican
party of today, and yet somehow that
party seems to win its way to the front,
first through money, second through in
timidatiou of labor, and third, by ap
pealing to the passions of men for na
tionrl honor. Notwithstanding, these
three-fourths are dvided and quarreling
among themselves as to which fourth
stands the more for the constitution and
for liberty, knowing full well that such
divisions are politically criminal, while
unity alone can lead to honorable suc
cess. It is largely due to these divisions that
Bryan vr8 defeated fof the presidency
in'96, and probably again iu 1900 . Had
Bryan been elected president in '96, po
litical and social reform would have
found more listening ears and perhaps
more ready hands for their advance,
ment. Now the people have a harder
task to perform in these diiections, so
many wrongs having to be undone, and
a false education to be removed. These
divisions have of late years allowed sev
eral Republican governors to be counted
in the office when a majority of the pop
ular vote was against them, thus mak
ing more difficult the task of political re
form . Who are to blame for such re
sults? Those who preferred division and
defeat to unity and victory.
The PopuliBt party, the Socialist party
or the Democratic party are either of
them preferable to the Republican party.
The Republican party ' ia the common
enemy of us all. And I am ready for
either one of the three if by that means
we may secure a change of administra
tion. Until Republican rule as it now
is is broken there is little hope for po
litical or social reform in this country.
Yf m. Phillips.
All work warranted and satisfaction guarantee
Crown and Bridge work a specialty
Cailleld Building
' Does an Up-To-Date General Praotioe
Special attention given to surgery and diaeues
of women.
Office in Garde Building, 7th and Main St.
Oommercial, Beal Estate and Probate om 1
Office in Commercial Bank Building
Real Estate bought and told, money loaned
ltles examined mid abstracts made, oaeb patd for
oounty warrants. Probate and commissioners'
Court business and insurance.
Attorney and Counselor at Law
Will practice In all Courts In ihe State, Cticnl
and District Coarts of the United Htatea.
'Insolvent debtor taken through bankrupt !
Offloe in Garde Buildfcg, Oregon City, Or.
Notary Publio, Loan your Money
Write your Insurance, Furnish your Abstracts,
O. D. EBY,
LHd Office Business Collections Made
rcoom iu nmnara uulldlng,
Oregon City, Ore.
Oregon CitqMach-nebo)
Having First-ckss Machinrey
jeeps in Stock a Line Shafting and
Hand. Also Engine and
On last Friday evening Shively's opera
house was crowded with the best people
of Oregon City, the friends and relatives
of the midwinter graduating class of the
High school of this city. There were
fourteen graduates, Beven boys and as
many girls. The stage was beautifully
decorated with ferns, wild grape, and
flowers. Each one of the graduates ac
quitted himself or herself in a moat
creditable manner. The music was
most excellent. Dr. W. Ii. Carll, presi
dent of the school board, in a neat speech
presented the diplomas tjeaeh of the
graduatee. The graduating class were
as follows : Carl Ganong, Lillian Hay
ward, Imogene Myers, Mamie Long, El
la Evans, Nettie Bradley, Margaret Wil
kinson, Satie Sullivan, Carl Simmons,
Carl Harrisberger, William Telford, Wil
liam Strange, Alvin Schubel and Mi
low Mack.
Miss Addie Clark, principal of the
Oregon City High School, presided at
the function. Oregon City has always
been proud of her children and her
schools and she never had better right
to De proun of them than on last Friday
evening. The following programme
was rendered in lull:
Instrumental solo. .Miss Edna Daulton
Invocation Rev. P. K. Hammond
Vocal solo Mies Foster
Reading '. Miss Cross
Solo Mrs. Ellen Kinsmann
Class history Mamie Long
instrumental auet
Nettie Bradley and Margaret Wilkinson
Class propbecy Carl Hairisberger
nolo Mrs. E. K, Mann
(a) Roses.
(b) Love Me If I Love.
(c) A Song of Sleep.
Instrumental solo Satie Sullivan
Essay Lillian Hayward
Instrumental quartet
Eisa Telfore, Malcolm Telford, Wil
liam Telford, Wallace Telford.
Class poem Carl Simmons
Class song CIbbs
Imperfect Digestion
Means less nutrition ajd inconsequence
less vitality. When the liver fails to
secrete bile, the blood becomes loaded
with bilious properties, the digestion be
comes impaired and the bowels constipat
ed. Heroine will rectify this ; it gives
tone to the stomach, liver and kidneys,
strengthens the appetite, clears and im
proves, the complexion, infuses new life
vigor to the whole svstem. 50 cents a
bottle at Charm an & Co.
Bodily pain loses Its terror if you.ve a bolt!
of Dr. Thomas' Eoleotrlc Oil In the house, In
stant relief in cases of bums, cuts, praius, ccid
eats of any ort.
CAriTAL $100,000
Transacts a general banking business
Makes loans and collections, discounts bills
boys and sells domestic and foreign exchange
and receives denosits subject to check.
Open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.
rrsiaent (Jaahie
(Established 1865)
Prompt delivery to all parts ef the dry
Graduate of American School of Osteopathy,
iurasvuie, no.
Successfully treats both acute and chronic dls
eases. Call for literature.
Consultation and Examination Free.
Office Hours: J?;
,Or by appointment at any time.
Rooms over Dr. Morris' Dental Parlors, next door
; to Courier Office.
ticutfdjtt SlbDotat . k
Will praotioe 'In all courts, make collections
and settlements of estates, furnuh abstracts, ol
'e. lend you money and lend your money on
urtaago. voice m enterprise Duuaing.
"Itchings hemorrhoids were the plague of my
lte. Way almost wild. Doan'a Ointment cured
mequiuKi auu permanently, alter uoctori bad
failed." C. F. Oornwell, Valley Street. Saugertis
When yon take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tnnln h.
cause 'he formula is plainly printed en every
ut.io buu.iuj buttkib is Biuipij jroa ana tannine
Doing First-class Work
Pulleys, New and Second
Saw Mill Machinery
He has Laid His Burden Down and Sleeps His La
bors are Ended, His Troubles are Over, Life's
Fitful Dream Has Closed A Loving
Husband, A Tender Father, a Ster
ling Citizen and Friend Rests
in God's Acre.
On Tuesday evening at 11 :40 o'clock death touched the lips of
G. W. Grace and he closed h ia eyed in that sweet dreamless sleep
from which there is ro awnknnicg i until that great day when the
dead shall rise and walk. Who is it in Clm-kamas comity that did
not know George W. Urace. Oae of the kindliest men who ever
lived. Ab honest as the days are long. A ime iriend, a kind neigh
bor, a loving husband and tender father. In every walk of life he
jived up to the highet standard cf true manhood. "An honest man
is the noblest work of God" was never better exeaiplified than in
his life and character
He was a "sucker" by birth, having first seen the light of day in
the State of Illinois. He was born in that state on the 2Gth day of
February, 1854, and had he lived until the 20th day of next month
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The Late C.
he would have rounded out a full half century of life. Coles county
was his native heath . When only three years old his parents moved
from Coles county to Missouri, where the young lad grew to man
hood's estate. He was one of a family of five children and grew up
much as country boys ot his time reach their manhood's estate. He
went to the common schools, secured a fairly goci education and
studied surveying which be adopted as a profession . In 1880 he re
moved from the state of Missouri to Oregon and located in Clacka
mas county and has resided here continuously from that time until
the date of his death. ,
He had been twice married. His first wife was Julia May, of
this county, to whom he was united in wedlock io Angnat, 1883. To
this union thrbe children were born, two of whom are yet living.
His first wife paid Nature's last debt in August, 1889. In 1891 he
contracted a marriage with Mrs. Florence Wilson, nee FairUnueb.
Two children came to bless this union, both of whom are yet living.
Mr. Grace has been prom'neot in the business affairs of
Clackamas County from the day he berame a citizen of the county.
First.as a surveyor and later as office holder and merchant. For
six years he conducted a general merchandise store at Olarks, this
county, and for a number of years was one of the prominent mer
chants of Oregrn City.
In 1896 he was elected Sheriff of Clackamas county by a very
large majority on the Populist and Democratic tickets. He served
almost two years, resigning one month before his time expired to go
to Klondike where the gold fever had become virulent. After spend
ing less than six months in Alaska lie returned to Oregon City and
aaain embarke 1 in the general merchandise business in which he
continued until the day of his death. He was a member in good
standing of I. O. O. F. No. 3, of Oregon City in all of its branches,
was also a Mason and a Woodmen of the World in which later or
ganizations carried $3000 life insurance.
The funeral services were conducted from the Presbyterian church
at 1 o'clock on Thursday afternoon by Rev. Frank Mixsell and ltev
J. H. Beaven of the Baptist church and the body was laid to rest
until that day when the dead shall rise. One of the largest con
courses of people seen at a funeral in Oregon City attended the
funeral and paid their last tribute to the departed dead. The funer
al service at the cemetery were under the auspices of the Masons.
It is id;e now to speak of the many excellent traits of char
acter of the departed citizen. He was known and loved by all, No
man has a hard word to say of George Grace. In every position of
life he lived up to the full standaid of an excellent citizen. He is
dead and sleeps beneath the green grass of Mountain View cemet
ery. His eyes are turned to the stars and the eternal blue which
forms a rainbow of premise above his grave. He is gone from us
into that unknown ami unknowable beyond where we are led to be
lieve there is a brighter and a better day. Those who emilate his
life and live by hiB exam pie will do well .
Mrs. Busch and Small Children Snow
bound in Mountains Visited by
Mrs. Frank Buech and small sons had
an experience the last of last week which
they will remember for some time. They
visited their homestead near Dodge post
office, in the foot hills of this county ,and
near the Cascade Mountains. Tbey found
the snow bo deep there that they were
unable to return. As soon as the warm
rain came the snow quickly washed off,
and tbey returned to their borne here on
Friday. Large numbers of wildcats
were driven down from the rrouutaina
by the sno w and surrounded the cabin
at night, causing the iumalea consider
able uneasiness.
The footprints of numerous cats would
be visible in the mornings in the snow
about the cabin. The animals even be
cam so bold that tbey tried to posh
open the door by jumping against it
with their front feet. During the winter
these animals are made desperate by
hanger, and they become very bold.
From the size of the foot prints they
were very large specimens of (he genins
Tk Ivatire Bromo Quinine Tblt. All
dnigirlfit refund tb money it it faili to cart,
W. Urote'l nignalurt la oil itch buz. 2oo.
- ;
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'' '
V. Crace
Kid (iallager of Oregon City Puts
WanenMcDanlels, of Albany,
out In Five Rounds.
A very large crowd was out last Mon
day night at the Armory to see the fistic
performances between the "pugs" who
have been advertised. The preliminary
go was between Frank Freeman of this
city and "Billy" Burns of Portland. It
a for only two rounds and was refere
ed by"Hed" Williams. At the end oi
the two rounds he decided the bout a
draw. The second preliminary was
between Jacob Thnrher and Frank De
Marce. They were at it lively for four
rounds, with the same refree and the
result a draw. The main event of the
evening was the 20-rounds go between
'Kid" Gallager of this city and Warren
McDaniels of Aibany. Louis Rail was
selected as referee. Gallager clearly out
classed bis man and after some good
figthing had him practically out at the
end of the fifth round. The large crowd
present were well pleased with the even
ing's sport, There was no interference
from the police is the fight was strictly
within the letter of the law.
the moat healing salve In the world.
Socialism vs.
Competitive System
Revival of the -Nelson and
Myers Controversy Both
Wan the Rascals Out.
In the first place, Mr. Nelson claimed
he wanted the rascals turned out and
invited me to help. I asked him to
help prove to me that what made Re
publicans corrupt would not also make
Democrats corrupt.
Have you attempted to do so, Mr.
Nelson? I gave you my opinion as to
what made men corrupt and did you
deny the statement? I cited you places
where the Democrats were corrupt, did
you deny ? You Bay even in your last ar
ticle and all the way through, "Human
ity is a selfish set." This is my claim,
but, sir, i have given you my reasons
why man is corrupt. You give no rea.
son but say we are born corrupt, which
I deny contending for the environments
of childhood and state what they are ; do
you deny? Do you deny?
Stubbornly you hold to tne ground
that we inherit selfishness and corrup
tion, but you haven't attempted to prove
it. Should your statements be taken
for the truth, you have lost your point
to turn the rascals out, by your argu
pient. You would put another set in.
You said in your first article you object
to Socialism because it destroys individ
uality. I answered that, fhowing you
the class of people that objected, and
asking you to define yourself, where you
would draw the dead line. Did you do
In fact.vou have not answered a single
question put to you and have utterly,
failed to prove the Republican rascals
and the Democrats saint"! You say men
will not surrender what rightfully be
longs to them. Who is demanding that,
pray? I am sure I cannot get that infor
mation out of the Socialist platform.
You must have had an attack of pluto
cratic nightmare. Knowing you to be a
man of education, I Can't accuse you ol
being ignorant; also know you to be
honest and truthftl ; I can't accuse you
of trickery so you must have dreamt it.
You have told time and again that tne
Socialist demands that the laoorer aud
producer ehould have the full product of
their toil. We ask only our own. We
don't want any of your property without
full compensation. We demand the
ownership of all public utilities ; by the
law of eminent domain. I was in attend
ance at the circuit court as a juryman,
when Judge McBride made ton decision.-
Private property cannot be taken for
private use, but private property can
be taken for public ubb.
This decision is under the law of
eminent domain. Now what about houses
and farms for rent and etc. My answer
to this is, labor created eveny thing in
the way of property. Under Co-operation
labor would build its own houses and
clear its wn land and rent for profit
would be "nit." Interest oa money
would be "nit." You speak of a bloody
revolution, Mr. Nelson. How long do
you suppose the laborer and producer
are going to surrender what justly be
longs to them the free product of their
toil without a revolution? What was
the cause of the civil war? Profit in
human slaves, profit has been the cause
of all wars. Remove the incentive to
profit and wars will be "nit."
Now I will close this article, already
too long but with the consent of the
editor will show up individuality and
the incentive under the competitive sys
tem in my next. In my previous article
Mr. Editor, you mis-quoted me as sav
ing "uses of money ,houses,etcj" should
have read "usury in money, houses, etc.
Somewhere between the lids of the good
book usury is denounced.
Are You Going to Build?
Then call on Busch and get his prices
nn Annra and winrlowfl. He hllVS for
cash and will sell to yon at the right
kind ol prices.
At the Congregational Manse on the
25th of January. Ernest Hitchman and
Verna E. Barber were united in the
bonds of matrimony by 8. Bollinger.
Mr. and Mrs Hitchman will make their
home at Monitor.
A CHECKING ACCOUNT is indeed a business necesity; and he
who tries to get along without one is at great disadvantage.
It is not required that a person should have a large bulk of
business in order to open an account.
Professional men, farmers, and even many women, are run
ning checking-accounts. If you have never done business In this
way, and are not familiar with the plan, come to us and we will
get you started.
SHANK & BISSELL, Undertakers
Phones 411 anl 304.
The first 'Vrnp" or fight which has
been pulled off on the Btreets or in the
saloons of Oregon City since the Fourth
day of last July came off near the Gam
brinus saloon on Monday evening just
as tne Bhadows of night were gathering
over the old town." Fred Miller is a
millwright by trade, He is 66 years old
and works for the Portland Flouring
Mill and is an industrious and steady
citizen. After his day's work is done
he will some times take a drink and once
in a while possibly more than it is neces
sary to take. He has a sou, Theodore
Miller, who is 23 years old and who
woika for the Portland General Electric
Company, and he is a huBky, big fellow.
The younger Miller objects strenuously
to the old gentleman taking his "tea''.
On Monday afternoon the old gentleman
was standing at the bar in the Gambrin
U9 saloon, . drinking and talking to
friends. Just at that time his son came
in and seeing his father's condition and
what he was doing walked over to him,
grabbed him by the shoulder and threw
him acros the room, the elder Miller
falling heavily upon the floor. Mr. S.
H. Griesson, brother of the proprietor,
who was at that time behind the bar
remonstrated with the younger Miller
and told him he must not treat his father
in such a rough and uneeemly manner.
loiing Miller replied with an oath and
in an ugly manner, and then the fun be
gan, Mr. Greisson climbed over the bar
as quick as a cat bn a fenCe of a dark
night and begin to mix things up with
young Miller. They fought over the
saloon and out of the door into the street.
Greissen getting the best of the scrim
mage. Bystanders separated them, and
then Chief of Police Burns and Recorder
Bruce Curry got buRy and the resul was
a $5 fine a piece for Theodore Miller and
Fred Greisson,
Feeling the injustice of the statement
made in the daily press relative to the
recent affair in the streetB of Oregon City
I wish to state that I waa making an ef
fort to get my father home and away
from a place, where owing to his un
fortunate condition ue was not able to
care for or protect himself. It is an un
pleasant task to be obliged to make re
ference to such a matter in the daily
papers and if it was not for the mis
representation of the pulbished reports
I would not do so. ,
J found my father in a saloon in an
unfortunate condition of ' intoxication,
and spending his money in the free way
he is to apt to uo when in that condition.
I had succeeded in getting him out of
the saloon and bad sont for he'p to en
able me to control him and get him home
when the bar-tender followed us and as
saulted me by biting my band and en
deavoring to prevent me from what I
deemed a very unpleasant but necessary
duty. Everybody in this community
knows father's misfortune, and the
trouble his true friends have often bad
in pi eventing him when in that con
dition from being allowed to squander
his money for the benefit of the hangers
on of the saloon.
I am willing to leave the verdict of
the people of this community to decide
if I was right in the matter and wiBli to
protest most earnestly against any state
ments that I was mistreating or roughly
handling one whom I am in duty bound
to respect and protect, even under sucn
unfortunate conditions.
TiiKO, G. Min.Eit.
Why Not?
Why not buy a home in Clackamas
county before the boom ? It is close to
good markets the year around. No buz
zards or cyclone and no long winters.
J. L, Mumpowkb,
Oregon City, Or.
Dead Man.
A very peculiar service will be held at
the Salvation Army hall next Tuesday
night, Feb. 2. A man will preach from
his own co I I'm. All welcome, Come,
come, come.
W. R. CiunTitEE,
We carry the only complete line
of Caskets, Coffins, Robes and
Linings in Clackamas County.
We have the only First-Class
Hearse in the Connty, which we
will fnrnish for less than can be
nad elsewhere.
Embalming a Specialty.
Om prices always reasonable.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Main St., Opp. Huntley'. 9
1 r T