f. r 8 . OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, ' JANUARY 22, 1904 OREGON CITY COURIER Published Every Friday by URE60N CITY COURIER PUBUSHINGCO' J. H. Wmtoveb, Editor ana Bunlnesa Manager K. Lki W bhtover, Local Editor. When you come in to pay your taxes this year bring your tax receipt of laet year along and see just bow much bigger your tax bill is this year than it was laet "Don't take our word lor it. The proof of 0 e pudding is in chewing the rag." tutored in OMgon City Purtofflce a 2nd-clM8 matter 1 60 76 8DB8CB1FTION BATES. Paid In advance, per year Bix months " Clubbing liates Oreeon City Courier and Weekly Oregonian .$2.25 i..nr,rnv Conriar and Weekly Coi Journal Oregon City Courier and Weekly Examiner.. 2.W Orcnnn Citv Courier arid the Cosmopolitan 2.25 Oregon City Courier and the Commoner 2.00 ciremm Citv Courier and Twice..a-Veek Journal 2 25 r, ntv rmirtpr and Weekly Journal .... 2.00 Oregon City Cornier and Daily Journal 4.50 Dr. Caracristic, the noted Oolomoian authority, offers proof that the alleged Panama revolution was organized in pn office on Broadway, Sen Yorn, by half a dozen Americans, "with the know ledge and concurrence of President Roosevelt and Secretary Hay, who, (un- fficially) agreed to recagnize an in dependent government in Panama if thev would organize it without interfer ing with isthmiau transit." lay-The date opposite your address on the paper denoted the time to which youhave paid. If this notice is marked your subsc. iption i due. OREGON 01TY. JANUARY 22, 1904 Albion, lows, has a city council which requires its citi'iens to lake out a license if they wish to dance The price is $15 per capita. Ex-Senator James K. Jones is will ing to accept a place on the Panama Canal Commission. He has studied the subject for years. Tim Japanese niinibter at Washing ton talks continuously and says the crisis is at hand. If IluBsia is as red hot as Japan, there will be war in a few minutes. "Let us hope," said Justice Harlan the other day to the law students of Columbia University, "that this great in sirument (the Federal Constitution), which has served eo well, will weather the storms which the ambitions of cer tain men are creating in an efifortt to make this country a World Power." The expression of . euch a hope is evi dently prompted by the fear that the Constitution may not weather those storms. Indeed, it is badly weather beaten already, and, so far as the ad ministration of our new insular posses sions is concerned, has been cast atide. In the Southland the "Man with the Hoe" has his innings. The $10,000,000 bales of cotton which ten yearB ago brought $300,000,000 sold last year for fGOO.OOO.OOO. In England co-operation is no longer in the experimental Btasje as it is in Ore gon. Last year the Rothdale Co-operative Societies did a btirfiness of which their profits were $50,000,000. Bknatoh Bailisv says that to nomi nate a Southern man for the presidency would be very doubtfal wisdom. He thinks that Texas will furnish a candi date in time but not in his day. Gknkhaj. John B. Gorden, the last living Lieutenant-General of the Con federacy, died at Miami, Fla , on the 9th. 1. e lay in state at Atlanta, and whb buried at his home with military honors. For many years he was Gov ernor and U. S. Senator, a man of great bilityand fearlessness. 4 TrmiiY-fiiur men in different parts of the country have come forward and of fered to stand in the breach as candid ates for vice president o:i the . Republi can ticket. Itnees an iustautaneouB and up-to-date man. There's the dis tingnibhed diplomatic, the sudden Panama Yamilla, or Bony Gorilla, or whatever his name is, what's the matter with him? He's all-right! The Washington clerks are in a heap of trouble. The Cabin t has decided that they must hereafter work seven h urs a day, instead of the regular six and a half. The clerks are indignant and point to the way in which their dis tinguished chiefs waste the time of the government.being present at their desks several hours a day less than the law re quires, and going picuicing around the cjuutry and stumping for their party in violation to the civil service law of which the president has been such a strenu ous advocate Clerks threaten to get even by "soldiering." - Ex-Sechetary and Ex-Government Charles Foster, a member of President Harrison's cabinet, died at General Kiefer's house in Springfield, Ohio, on the 9ih, after eating a hearty supper. Ex-Governor Flower of New York died from the same cause. Thelat General Gordon died from acute indigestion. Over eating has been the immediate cause of the death of one of our presi dents, and of several of our cabinet ministers. Men have been knon to drop dead after eating heartily at Delo monico's in New York, After a cer tain age is reached, one must be very careful what he puts into bis stomach. Dr. Sam Johnson used to make Boswell sit up late with him after one of his gustatorial feats for fear be should die if he layed down. Captain A. L. Mills is another sud deuness. He is promoted by the Presi dent to be brigadier-general, and jumps over the heads of 276 cuptai s, 354 majorB, 122 lieutenant.eolo:iels, and 105 colonels. Though a youth who graduat ed iiom West Point in 1870, he will, like General Wood, outrank many men who have Bpent fiieii whole lives in the army. General Rafael Reyes, the Colombian envoy to our capital, has gone home. Secretary Hay has ans-vered hi second Utter, Btatiug again that Panama is an independent republic and that the inci dent on the isthmus is closed and will not be re-opened, He ignoieB as "im pertinent" General Reyes's request that the correspondence be sent to the Senate Perhaps this crime of impertinence is inn cause of the hiding of bo many im portant documents from the public by the Secretary of State. Assicssou Nelson is in the middle of a bad fix. When he weut around with his assessment books last year he told one and all, farmorB.lawyerB and politicians, that if they would double the assessed value of the property of the county he would give each tax payer Lis positive assurance that the rate would be cut in two iu the middle. Well, they doubled "n the levy and had a million dollars to scire I but they dli not cut the rate la tWO, UeuCe there .IB vrouuie iu iue iuu and' Assessor Nelson will find kinds ol fun M le makes hit Annual rounds ibis year to reassess the property. It looks like the ssaeBaor got the hot end of the proposition. Many persons who believe that there are holes in the roads of Webfoot are in error. The New York Times reports a case where several witnesses testified that there was a hole in a certain road. Then the principal witness, ft farmer, upon whom the prosecution mainly de. pended to establish their case, swore there was no hole in the road. They Bought to dtaw the witness into some explanation of the remarkable testi mony. What they eventually got was this : "There isn't any hole in the road. Here's my hat. If I jam my hand into the top of without it pushing it through, it does not make a hole, It makes a de;,t. That's what is in that road just a dent." And in the roads around here there are no holes just dents. SiiEitii'F John R. Shaver has the big geBt job of his life a head of him during the next four months. He will have to make about 5,000 explanations to as many augry and indigant tax payers when they come in from the town or country to pay their taxes. Each and every tax payer will want to know how it is that his taxes are so much higher this year than they were last when they were promised in plain terms that if they would one and all double their as sessment the court would see to it, th.it the levy would be cut in two in the middle. The levy was not cut in two and there is the pinch. Eai h farmer, Demo crat, Rcpulican, Populist and Solialist will have to pay the heaviest amount of taxe every paid in this county. And the great trouble ia that the explanation may not be satisfactory when made. HOW WE SHOULD BUILD ROADS The state of Massachusetts expends every year half a million dollars to con struct macadamized roads. It builds 100 miles per year. The cost averages $5,200 per mile. Theiexpense comes against every inhabitant alike, includ ing those in the cities although.no roads are made by the state in the incorpora ted cities. In this way the city of BoS' ton pays about half of the total expen; e of all improved roads; and all the prin cipal highways throughout the common wealth are already macadamized. First the road bed is thrown up, rounded in the center and ditched at the sides. The first layor of stuiie is in pieces less than22 inches and 6 Inches deep J the next layor is lees than cue inch in di ameter and two inches d.ep; the third is top screenings Every course ' is j sprinkle! and rolled. The turnpikes are 21 feet wide. The state issues bonds that tun forty years and sell at a prem ium. The road question is too great for county menirjuiation. Congressman Walter P. Brownlow of Tennessee said that his good roads bill iB the m"st popular measure introduced in congress since the civil war. He says that tiie legislature of his own state has indorsed it and that the legislature of M'nnesota, Missouri, Alabama and New Mexico have taken similar action and that he believes the bill will be indorsed by every state in the Union, if that is necessary in order to impress upon con gress the importance of the measure. The following is a copy of the resolution as adopted by the legislature of Minneso ta. "Whereas, The burden of improving and maintaining o; - highways accord ing to the general pievai.iuf system in this countiy rests enti'oly upon the agricultural lands and people living in the rural district, and "Whereas, The state aid plan for con structing highways, as practiced in the i states of New Jersey, New York, Con-! necticut and Massachusetts, has proven , satisfactory in its operation and has of fered a partial solution of the road question in that it distributes this bur den of cost so that one.half is paid out of a general fund supplied by the state; and "Whereas, It is desirable to extend this principle of cooperation anl distri bution of the burden of coat to a still geeater extent, so that the govornmeut of the United States shall bear a share of the cost of construction to be paid out of the general revenues of the United States', and " Whereas , One-half of 9aid revenues, aggregating during the the last two years $1,000,000,000 per annum, is derived from the agricultural states and rural districts, while only 10 per cent of the total amount is appropriated by congress for the use of paid agricultural states and districts, while 90 per cent is appropri ated foi public buildings and other uses pertaining to great cities ; and "Whereas, Thellon. Walter P.Brown low, member of songress from TenneB-ee has introduced a bill in the Unite 1 States house of representatives provid. ing for system of national, state and lo cal cooperation in the permanent im provement of the public highways, ac cording to the provisions of which the sum of $20,000,000 is appropriated, and the United States Government is to pay one-half of the cost of improving any public highway when requested sq to do by and in cooperation with any stale or ciyil subdivision thereof ; therefore be it "Resolved by the general assembly of the state of Minnesota, That we hereby heartily iud. rue said Brownlow bill and recommend its passage by congress, and that we rtqr.eet representatives from the state of Minnesota in congress and instruct the United States senators from this state to vote for and support said bilK" ' GLADSTONE Get a home where you have all the fresh air and freedom of the country, anJ at the same time every advantage of city life. Th; elegant cars of the Oregon Water Power and Railway Com pany make the run tj Glad stone from Oregon City in s x minutes. After your day's work you travel home in luxury and comfort. TITLE GUARANTEED Every purchaser of property In Gladstone will re ceive a Warranty Deed, and an absolute title in fee simple, free of all Incumbrances. Call In at the office of the com pany and see the map of Glad stone, and an agent will cheer fully conduct you to the prop erty without expense to yourself, and give all needed Information in making a selection for your future home. Remember you are under no obligation to buy, only come and we will show you the handsomest tract of of land in Oregan. PARK ' The great offer of the Gladstone Real Estate Association made to the people of Oregon, of one hundred lots to be se lected by the purchaser in the handsome townslte of Gladstone, at an even $100 per lot, $10 down and $10 per month with out interest, has attracted widespread attention. Already lots are being sold to careful, conscientious buyers, who not only know a bargain when they see It, but are taking advantage of the low price to get an elegant property where the location is ideal and the enhancemeut in values is sure to follow. Already Portlcnd buyers are rapidly approaching Gladstone on the north. ' In two years time the electric cars will not be out of sight of handsome dwellings In the entire run of i2miles from Oregon City to Portland. There is no longer any doubt that the moter company will have a dpuble track railway between the two cities by the time of the great Lewis and Clark exposition. Ask any fair man, consult your own good, common sense and there can be but one conclusion, and that Is, that property between Oregon Ci.y and Portland is as safe as stock in the First National Bank of Portlaud. It is far be ter than money at interest. Again, if you ask any fair and unpreju diced man, who does not own property of his ow.i so situated as to be a rival for public favor, as to the handsomest suburb of Oregon City and with greatest promise for the future.-'and he will unhesitatingly say : GLADSTONE. Already there is a population of five hundred people at Gladstone and not a vacant house. Schools, churches, telephone system and all other modem and up-to-date conveniences rapidly following. Remember the Great Proposition is- 100 lots of your own selection, in the splendid townsite of Gladstone, on the banks of the Clackamas river, a mountain stream famed for its beauty and purity, at $ J 00 per lot, $10 down and $10 per month without taxes or interest. Any purchaser can have his money back with $25 profit on each lot when he has paid for his property, if he is then dissatisfied, provided he give 30 days previous notice to that effect bright, capable agents wanted in every commu nity to whom liberal inducements willbe made to sell Gladstone Property. Write for full information. Main and Seventh Strests, OREGON CITY. H. E. CROSS. Why Not? Why not buy a home in Clackamas county before the boom ? It is cIobb to good markets the year around. No bliz zards or cyclones and no long winters. J. L. Mumpowbr, Oregon City, Or. Scrofula, salt rheiim, erysirelas and otlicr dis titssiiiR eruptive disoasos yield quickly au(i per manently to the elensing, purifying power of Burdock 'Blood Bitters. Pleasant and Most Effective. T. J. Chambers.Ed. Vindicator, Liber ty, Texas, writes Dec. 25, 1902: "With pleasure and unsolicited by you, I bear testimony to the curative power of Ballard's Horehound Syrup. I have used it in my family and can cheerfully affirm it is the most effective and pleas antest remedy for coughs and colds I have ever used." 25c, 50c and $1, at Charman & Co. The little oiks love Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Pleasant to take; perfectly harmlcs positlvecure lor coughs, ooldn, bronchitis, asthma. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Lavative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggist refund the money if It fails tc cure. E W. Grove's signature la on each box. . 250. Bod ilv pr In loses Its terror if you.ve a botil of Dr. Thomas' Eciectric Oil In the house. In stant relief in cases of burns, outs, tpralns, accid eats of any lort. Our J anuary Offerin When bilious try a dose of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and realize for once how quickly a first class up-to-date medicine will correct the disorder. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. Hall'a Catarrh Cure. of Ohio, City o(Toleto, LueuCortnty. lI Sinner c i th rm ' '. VH.8",t,' V" d0, or" .""!.. .h. oil vol Toledo, county and ,.ajMift'atrra uibot-- ol Hair. Catarrh "K J. 011ENKV. R.nni o before m "1 wilwrtbed In my (.re i hi. t clar of Itafiulw, A. D. ls-o. iouo, till. t 'lay oi - j, lJtA80N Nolary I'ubllo, 1UII'. Catarrh Cure Is taken Imen.all.v and .ol. .,,". . ., lie blo.nl and mucous surface, ol ihe .vu. u bend for lilmonials, irae. 5teiu. p. J. CHESES & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by lrinli.. "rM'- ,. . Most people realize that the actual expenses of living are higher now than for many years patt, but in moat in stances this increase . has come about bo gradually that few people realiie just what it amounts to. A table, prepared by so competent an authority as Dun & Go., has recently been published by the Treasury Department at Washington which affords some interesting reading, This table gives the cost per capita year by year since 1SC0 of the necessaries of life. The items of house rent- doctors' bills, furniture, and many other desira ble, if not absolutely necessary things are left out. Commencing in July, 18D7, the end of the panic period, the table shows a cost per capita of $02.45 (or one year for clothing and staple loode. From this time untvl March, 1903, the figures show a steady increase in the cost of living, ami on the latter date they reached the sum ef $101.07 per capita for one year, or an increase of 39.5 iu lee? than s!x yeats. WILLAMETTE GROCERY 15c. Pound Fine Coffee 25c Pound Equity Blend. 35c. - Pound M. & M., Fine Flavor. We have a line of Tinware at Cost We have the Walla Walla Flour. We have a fine line of Sugar Syr ups. We have afulllineof Canned Goo Is We have Pickled Pigs Feet and Tongue. MILES & McGLHSHAN, Proprietors. Cor. 6th and Main Sts, Phone Main, 1141. OREGON CITY. The holidays are over and the January thaw has effected our prices which are undoubtedly the lowest As business did not meet with " our expectations, we are left overstocked with an excellent stock of Stylish Clothing, Shoes, fiats, trunks and traveling Bags which we aim to dispose of at PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST A little of your leisure time will be well spent here in con vincing you of the money-saving values we are offering When you sec it in our ad Ws So J. M. PRICE, Clothier and Furnisher 6th and Main Sts. OREGON CITY, ORE. v'i