Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 22, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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'-' " ''"- ""'' i -r-TT Irri7
2825 Keeley St.,
Chicago, III., Oct,, 2, 1902.
I suffered with falling and con
gestion of the womb, with severe
pains through the groins. I suf
fered terribly at the time of men
struation, had blinding headaches
and rushing of blood to the brain.
What to try I knew not, for it
seemed that I had tried all and
failed, but I had never tried Wine
of Cardui, that blessed remedy for
sick women. I found it pleasant
to take and soon knew that I had
the right medicine. New blood
seemed to course through my veins
and after using eleven bottles I
was a well woman.
Mrs. Bush is now in perfect
health because she took Wine of
Cardui for menstrual disorders,
bearing down pains and blinding
headaches when all other remedies
failed to bring her relief. Any
sufferer may secure health by tak
ing Wine of Cardui in her home.
The first bottle convinces the pa
tient she is on the road to health.
"For advice in cases requiring
special directions, address, giving
symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory
Department," The Chattanooga
Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.
News of the County, as Gathered bi tbe Courier's Able Corfrs of Correspondents,
James More will tiy to let the readers
of the Courier hear irom this part of the
The peopla of this country are Boon
to have a telephone to Molalla, that
menus business.
Mr. 0. S. Boyles has just returned
from Roseburn wheie he was a witness
in the timber claim business.
Mis Alice Ritter was visit'ng her bro
ther's school.
Nothwithetanding our healthful
country, people are having very hard
Farmers are holding themselves in
readiness for spring work.
L. B.Trullinger has not returned from
Iowa, his brother, John, came back and
has gone to Eastern Oregon to work for
a few months.
Home Team Won.
Miss Myrtle Smith has gone to Ore
gon City to work.
Dick Garrett will give one of his popu
lar (lances in Thompson's hall, January
The I. 0. 0. F. hall is about complet
ed and is one of the finest of its kind in
the state, The lower room has been ar
ranged for a store building. Here is a
fine opportunity for some wide awake
person to establish a successful mercan
tile business.
Uncle Henry Wolfer has been rebuild
i' g his fence along the public highway
during the past week.
Mrs. Gigtherand Mrs. J. D. Ritter
spent a pleasant afternoon visiting Mrs.
D. Zimmerman one day last week.
Harry Garrett made a businness trip
to Woodburn during the past week.
J. D. Ritter and family visited friends
at Marks Prairie last Sunday.
Your Marks Prairie correspondent
confesses of having had a hand in the
Xmas meht opposition ' allair also, it
would have shown greater credit to him
self had he remained silent. As to me
getting my foot into it, I don't under
stand him, but my usual way is to e in
anything with both feet, as iegard to
being more careiuiin tne tuture, i win
say that it will be the better part of
wifdom tor him to loiiow nis own aavice
for we shall in the future, as in the pat,
continue to report the facts as they ap
pear. He tries to drive home a pointer
by Baying that it does'nt look well to buy
a spectator's tcket and then dance as
much as anyone, ohaine on you to use
such a "little" statement in your de
fence I I admit that I purchased a
spectator's ticket for 15 cents and my
ntentnns were to only spectate, out
there were others who did not pay
a cent to spectate and danced more than
I, you say 1 danced as much as anyone?
In the first place the masks were not
taken off until about eleven or half paBt
eleven o'clock there being the enormous
number of nine couple. ihen seeing
everybody else dancing, those who had
paid and those who did not pay, I
thought it was free for all and so from
about .11 :30 until about 1 o'clock, I
danced, when I was'nt busy with other
affairs. However, if you desire the
other 35 cents for which I did'nt dance,
I shall be glad to give it to you in order
to restore peace to your troubled soul .
It seems to men you desired to make a
defence of some kind you should have
tried to say something to prove to the
people that you did not give the dance
for the purpose cn interfering with the
other. Why did'nt you? In conclusion
I wiBh to say that I always pay my way
and I would'nt be guilty of defrauding
anyone out of a cent, and I again ask y u
to come and ;et the oo cents u you
honestly think I tried to beat you orgive
me your address and I will send them to
Derthlck Club Entertained.
The game of Indoor baseball at the lo
cal Y. M. 0. A. gymnasium last Satur
day nteht resulted in a victory for the
local team by the decisive score of 30 to
8. The visiting team was made np of
talent from Company E, Portland, U.a.
3. Next Saturday night Secretary
Leavens announces there will be another
in rlnor baseball came, as well as a baske'
ball contest between the local team and
the intermediates from the Portland As
When bilious try a dose of Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and
realize for once how cmickly a first class
up-to-date medicine will correct the
disorder. For sale by Geo. A. Harding.
Vntlivi l hurebr iriven that the underslzned ad
ministrator of lluj Kstate of SHrah J Kaneher,
DtoBMed has this day filed hw tinal account
with the Onuntv Court of Clackamas ouuuty and
Km,, of Oiwun and tlirit the said Court has et
Monday the 1st day of February 1903, at Ihe hour
of ten 0 clocK a. m. 01 nam uhj as uie nmo jvi
hearing the said Rep rt and objeotious thereto if
uy there be at which time all person interested
are hereby notilied to be present before said
Administrator of the Estate of
Surah J. Faucher, Deceased.
Date December 81, VM3.
u. LhAuVv. ninun lb nt tba nnrinrKitrned
has been dnly appoinied as administrator of the
Ktitnte of Patrick Duffy, deceased and any aud all
persons havlns claim against the said estate
must present them to the uuderaigued adiniuistia
. .iii,nii.iibnrnnwnn f'ltv. Orpjron. duiv
Terilied within six months of the date of this
Dated this 30th day of December, 1903,
w a n A TTBTirT.n
Administrator of the estate of Patrick Duffy,
(J. I). Dimick, Attorney for adinr.
M. RoWaa has moved to the Walter
Holcomb place.
On January 4, the following officers
were elected for ensuing year by the
Logan Cheese Mfg. Co.: President, Fred
Gerber: vice-president, A. J. Johnston;
other directors, Fred Moser, J . C.
Sprague, F. P. Wilson; secretary and
treasurer, O. D. Bobbins. The average
price paid for milk during the year was
$1.10 per cwt, 5 cents, more than last
Geo. Clark is hauling lumber to make
some improvements on his farm.
Mrs, L. E. Robbins found a cluster ol
strawberries, placed the stems in water
and they are ripening. Strawberries
growing in Janl, Wouldn't that jar our
Eastern brethren.
B 0. Hawley, L. H. Kirchem and 0.
D. Bobbins al tended tbe Jackson ban-..
quet and absorbed enough Democratic
enthusiasm to last a long time.
There will be a masquerade ball at the
Grange hall on the 22 of February.
A. H. Olmstead has been employed as
cbeesemaker for the year .
Marsh Frakes has the contract to sup
ply 60 cord licks of wood for the factory.
The political battle between Socialism
and Democracy, as expounded by Myers
and Nelson is entertaining. Go it, boys.
A. J. Johnston and wife a big new'son
at their house. Better late than never,
Found a Cure for Indigestion.
I use Cuamberlain'B Stomach and
Liver Tablets for indigestion and find
that they suit my case better than any
dyspepsia remedy I have ever tried and
I have used many different remedies, I
am nearly fiftyrone years of ae and
have suffered a great deal from indiges
tion, lean eat almost anything I want
to now Geo. W . Emory, Rock Mills,
Ala. For sale by Geo. A. Harding.
Monday was the first snow in this
section, but it melted as fast as it fell,
The farmers have to feed now, as this
is ha'd weather on stock.
Plowing has stopped as the ground is
full of water again.
John Darnall went to his mountain
ranch Monday after the rest of his
A great many are feeding a few cattle
for market.
The demand for beef Is improving and
prices are good. Very few hogs are be
ing fed for the market.
There is a great deal of sickness in
this section.
J. Adkins has had a hard time with
ne of his daughters, Jessie, and Silas
Adkih's little girl Pearl. Both had the
lung fever. We are glad to say they are
now on the sa e side.
The revival meetings of the Free
Methodists at Muiino Grange hall, is
still running with several new members.
Thev have full houses, ram or snow.
Let the good work go on.
A. great truth is beginning to
upon the socalled enlighteded
that truth is self devalopment.
many it is t'o much like trying to fool
God, and get into heaven during the
Frank Bruner, who had his ankle
crush ed between two logs, is improving
Otis Morris and Jas Smith, of Macks
burg, were in this section Friday, view
ing the route for the mutual telephone.
Now is the time to hit while the iron
is hot, brother farmers.
Fall wheat and cheat have made a
fine growth during the last month .
Ben Faust, who purchased the Wiles'
place, has settled down to business.
Welcome brother farmer. May your
new field of la'wrs be successful.
John Groshong has returned from
California, where he has been visiting
his nephew for the past two months.
He reports it to be a land of milk and
Frank Holt made a trip to the me
tropolitls one day last week.
A. O. Hollinsworth has joined the
Kniehts of Labor, owing to the adop
tion of a two-months' old boy. That's
right, Brother, no suicide here. (
The stork lias again paid Redland a j
visit. This time at the home of H. A.
Allen on the evening of Jan. 16, by leav j
ing a boy. Mother and child doing !
well. !
Mr. Allen Bays there is money in rais- j
ing Bpuas, dui Borne irouDie in getting
hands to dig them, as his crop is
not yet all dug but hopes in the near fu
ture to have a crew of his own.
We are sorry to hear of the sickness of
D. H. Mosher at Salem of measles.
Notice No male teacher need apply
for Redland school. School inarms are
wanted. Those having no heart ties
preferred, owing to the large number of
young men here.
Charles and George Hicinbothem, Jr.,
are just recovering from the measles
also Louis Evans.
A roan, one-year old heifer strayed
about September 1st from my place;
branded "T" on right hip. Liberal re
ward paid for recovery ol the heifer by
J. M. Turner,
Willamette. Or.
The Derthick Musical and Literary
Club happily entertained its members
and invited guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. C. Canfield laat Friday night;
About 75 members and f lends were in
attendance, and notwithstanding the
stormy evening, a most pleasant time
was enjoyed. The hostesses tor the
evening were MesdamesC. H. Caufield,
P. K. Hammond, V. (i. Miller, Clark
Ganong and R. L. Holman.
Progressive much was played until a
late hour. The first prizes were won
by Harry Draper and Mrs. Jack Moffett,
and the consolation prizes went to Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Hedges. Af er the
games were concluded several musicial
selections were rendered, including a
solo by Mrs. Eckstrom, nee Morey, and
instrumental numbers by several others.
Light refreshments were served, alter
which dancing was indulged in, this
feature taking the form of a leap year
party, the ladies choosing their partners.
Upon the final ireakiun up of the party
expressions were general at the success
of the evening's entertainment.
Sola Circle Installed Officers.
Sola Circle, Women of Woodcraft, in
stalled officers last Friday Dight in the
Woodmen Hall. There wa a good at
tendance, and a most successful installa
tion was preformed. Past Guardian
Mrs. Mav Dolan installed the new Of
ficers. The installation was followed
by a programme and suppur. The ne-v
fficers installed are as follows: Dora
Winkle, past guardian; Sadie Gault, I
guardian neighbor ; Mary Thomas, ad. i
visor; Maggie Hamilton, magician;
Ethl Waldron, attendant; Liunia Wal
ker, captain of the guard ; R. W . Brown
inner sentinel; I. D.Taylor outer sen
tinel ; Carrie Parker, clerk ; F. S. Script
ure, treasurer; Mrs. Osborne, musician;
Eva Frost, manager.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has
been duly appointed by the County Court of
Clackamas County, Oregon, administrator of rhe
estate of Robert Bonald, deoeased, late of said
eounty and state. All persons hating claims
against the estate of said deoendent are hereby
noli tied to file the same, duly Terilied according
to law, with my attorney. C. H. Dye, Esq., at his
office, Corner of Sixth and Main Bts., Oregon
City, Oregon, within six mouths from the date
of this notice
Datdd Oregon CltT.Or., Deo. 24, A. D..1903.
Administrator of the lfetate of
Kobert Uonald, Deceased.
Climatic Cures.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
the county of Clackamis.
Bertha Nicolson, plaintiff vs Daoiel Nicolson,
To Daniel Nicolson, defendant,
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are here
by required to appear, and answer the com
plaint tilled against you,ln theaboveentitled court
and suit, on er before the Ii7ih day of February,
1904,' and if you fail so to appear and answe'
the complaint, the plaintiff, will apply to the
Court for relief demand in the complaint, lo-wit:
A decree of the said conrt dissolving the
bondsuf matrimony now existing between the
pUlnull and defendant and for such other and
further relief, as W tbe tourt shall seem equit
able and meet.
This Summons, is published by order of the
Hon. Thomas A. McBride Judge, of the said Court
dated January 12, 1904, which order directs the
r.,,i,iirniinn of this summons not lers than oace a
wk for six successive weeks. The dale of the
first publication of this summons la January loi
Attorneys for PlalnUfl
The influence ot climatic conditions in
the cure of consumption is very much
ove drawn. The poor patient, and the
rich patient, too, can do much better at
home by proper attention to food diges
tion, and a regular use of German Svrup.
Free expectoration in the morning is
made certain by German Syrup, bo is a
good niaht's rest and the absence of that
weakening coughing and debilitating
night sweat. Restless night and the ex
haustion due to coughing, the greatest
dartgur and dread of the consumptive,
can be prevented or stopped by taking
German Syrup liberally and regularly.
Should you be able to go to a warmer
clime, yon will tind that of the thousands
of consumptive tnere, tne lew wno are
benefited and regain strength are those
who use German Syrup. Trial bottles,
23c; regular size 75e At Cnarmaa &
Cured Lumbago.
A. B. Canman, Chicago, writes March
4 1903: "Having been troubled with
Lumbago at different times and tried one
physician after another; then different
ointments and linaments, gave it np al
together. So I tried once more, and
got a bottle of Ballard's Snow Linament,
which give me almost inBtant relief. I
can cheerfully reccommend it, and will
add my name to your list of former
sufferers." 25c, 50c and 1- Charman
Zbe Lucky Star
The Star Wind Mill. Every
"point" of It the best
Steel construction,
Giving strength,
Ball Bearing, Easy Running,
Galvanized after making, pre
venting rust. "Star of all Stars"
the Stir Windmill.
Come and get one, take it out
and try it, ifit is not al
right bring it back. YOU
KNOW we could not say
this to you if they were not
I 4imBW The
Don't wait for rain to plow
Plow when its dry.
You can with the
Sanders Disc Plow
No ground too hard, j
Mo ground too dry I
0 r the Sanders Disc Plowj
The disc plow Is far ahead of the moul-j
board plow. Atrial will convince you;
The best possible wacon that
can be built. The materials are
win spread ny and n kinds of manure thick or iwell seasoned having been bought
5 years ah tad of requirements.
This alone means investment of a
furture in wagon stock.
Expert labor used In the construction,
Their splendid reputation all over the
Send tor circular answering all the questl ons C0Untry the Northwest In particular
you can possibly ask. aemonsiraies tne ract tnat
i Improved Manure Spreader
thin, broad-cast or In rows; Increases the yield
per acre sufficient to pay for the machine In a
short time.
Best results cannot be had without manure
spreader and the original Kemp made by Kemp
and Burpee Is the best of them all.
Mr . John H. Cullom, editor of the
Garland, Texas, News, liaB written a let
tet of congratulations to the manufac
turers of Chamherlain's Cough Remedy
as follows : "Sixteen years ago when our
first child was a baby he was euoject fo
crouty spells and we would be very un
easy about him. We began using Cham-
beilain's Cough Remedy in 1886, and
finding it such a reliable remedy for
colds and croup, we have never been
witbeut it in the house since that time.
We have live children and have given it
to all of them with good results. One
good feature of this remedy ii that it is
not disagreeable to take and our babies
really like it. Another is that it is not
dangerous, and there is no risk from
giving an overdose. I congratulate you
upon the success of your remedy." For
sale by Geo. A. Harding.
Wonderful Nerve.
IsdiipUys l by many a man enduring
pains of accidental Cuts, Wounds.Bruisei
Burns, Bcalds, Sore leet or stiff joints.
But there's no need for it. Bucklen's
Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure
tbe trouble. It's the best Salve on earth
for Piles, too. 25c, at Charman & Co,
A Wide Awake School at Canby.
Last Friday the public school at Canby
held an interesting literary exercise at
the school house which was liberally
patroniz: d by the pupils and parents of
that thriving little village.
The program consisted of a dozen
pleasing recitations and several enjoy
able songs and the manner in which the
pupils particpated was highly pleasing
to all present.
This school is conducted by Professor
A. T. Winches, Mrs, Winches and Mi"8
Vesta Knight all of whom are ellicient
workers and held in high esteem by all
the pupils and friends of the school.
Aftertbe literary exercises of last Friday
afternoon had been rendered by the
pupils. Howard M. iirownall of this
city delivered a brief address to the
Women as Well as RIen Are U
Miserable by Kidney and
Bladder Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind,
discourages and lessens ambition; beauty,
vigor ana cneenui
ness soon disappear
when the kidneys are
out of order or dis
eased. Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that it is not uncom
mon for a child to be
born afflicted with
weak kidneys. If the
child urinates toooften, if the urine scalds
the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an
age when it should be able to control the
passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting,
depend upon it, the cause of the diffi
culty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment of
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased conditioc of
the kidneys and bladder and not to a
habit as most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made miser
able with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamo-Root is soon realized. It is sold
by druggists, in fifty-
ceni anu vnc-uuimrmyx
" w ..v..,. ' j L
have a sample bottle
by mail free, also a Home of Swamp-Rooe.
pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root,
including many of the thousands of testi
monial letters received from sufferers
cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention
this paper. Don't make any mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every
Zbt Club's
Zb tb'mg
Everybody is in the Deal, Mer
chants, Teachers, Profes
sional Men, Mechanics
Everybody Everywhere Eager to Take
Advantage of the Big Saving Af
forded by the Co-Operative Way
of Piano Buying.
Domestic Trouble.
It Is exceptional to find a family where
there are no domestic ruptures occasion
ally, but thene can be lessened by hav -ing
Dr. King'B New Lile 1'ills around.
Much trouble they save by their great
work in Stomach and Liver troubles.
They not only relieve you but cure. 25c,
at Charman & Co's drug store.
Piano purchasers ordinarily consider
themselves lucky to get a slight discouut
off the price of a piano. Scores of buyers
are wining to accepi ai a discount instru
ments that have been slightly damaged,
and many take pianos that have been used
for a greater or less time In order to have
a good, substantial Instrument at a price
they can afford.
, But by joining one of our clubs purchas
ers enjoy the same advantages as a whole,
sale buyer You can walk Into our store,
which Is the most extensive modern pi.
ano concern In the whole Pacific West,
where the largest line of the finest and
most reliable pianos made are carried, and
at your leisure make your selection from
a choice collection of 500 pianos, every
one absolutely perfect and guaranteed to be
so. You don't have to waft your turn now
In these clubs. Your piano Is delivered to
you as soon as your decision made, your
name Is placed In the club in which the
piano belongs, and you are given the
wholesale price on it, the club occupying
the same relation to us that a wholesale
dealer does, who purchases as many pianos.
Low prices and absolutely fair dealing
are the distinguishing features of Eilers '
Piano House. We possess many facilities
for saving money which no other concern
in the country does, and we sell pianos all
times ror many aouars less man tne same
grade can be secuied for at any store. East
or West . But the present opportunities
are by far the best that purchasers have
ever had.
We are prepared In these clubs to furn
ish you with anything you want, and at
a price you will gladly pay when you ex
amine tne Instrument.
CLUB "A" pianos are those that sell
ordinarily lor 1225. $250, $275 and Hjoo.
Club members are getting them for $118,
$137, $164 and $178. Payments down,
t$ and 1 1. 25 a week.
CLUB "B," a little higher class and
more elaborately finished pianos for $186.
$124, $226, etc. Payments down, $6, and
l.6o a week,
CLUB "C,"The pianos Included In this
club are among the very highest grades
but payment down Is only $12 and the re
mainder 2 a week.
CLUB "D," exceedingly choice and
most costly pianos ol national reputation
that will last and be a satisfaction for gen
erations. Initial payments, f2o, and the
$2.50 weekly finishes the buying.
CLUB "t," the very highest grade
pianos, Including grands and baby grands.
Initial payments, $25 down, balance to be
arranged to suit customers, so that it Is
paid within two years.
ORGAN CLUB "OA." Organs In
this club are all standard makes, elegantly
iiinoiii.U PJ vinjr V3'v"
plete payments in weekly Installments of
60 cents, or $2.40 a montn.
(JKUAIN CLUU "UB," Hanusomer
and more elaborately finished organs for
payment down ol $5.00 and the remainder
for the small sum of f l.oo a week, or $4 .00
a month.
Better look Into this now, clubs are all
filling rapidly.
351 Washington St., Cor. Park
Wbo would keep their ohlltlren In good health
should wU.h (or tue first symptoms of worms,
nd remoTe, them with White Cream Verml
fuge. Ills the cblidrens' heat tonle. U tcetl dis
position at work so that their iood does them
good, and they urow up healthy and strong. 26o
at Qjarman 4 Co,
Beautiful Clear Weather.
Herblne exerts a direct lDfluenc on the bowels,
lireand kidneys, purifying and strengthening
these organs, aud maln!lung them iu a notmal
(OudlUon of haUi: ruui ramoTlug a eommon
cause of jeUow, molby, greasy skin, and more or
em of pimples, blotches aud blackheads, 6uo at
Charmao A Co.
1 Oregon City's Leading Wine House
1 All the leading brands of Cal- I
I fornia Wines kept in stock.
Come and see ne.
r a. Boarw
Write us for further partioulars' etc.
Out of town Inquiries promptly attend
ed to.
We promptly ohialn tl. H. and Foreign
f Bend model, sketch or iihoto ol Invention for
r free reKirt on TOtenmnimy, rorireeoooa
;HowuBocureTDinE '11 nil If ! ""w
FatemAitnd I nHUt'MnliiVo to
Oooosite U. S. Patent 0
)pposito U. S. Patent