Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 22, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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The most famous Cod Liver Oil prep
aration known to medicine.
Contains ALL the medicinal elements
qf cod liver oil, actually taken from
fresh cod's livers, but not a drop of oil.
Delicious to the taste and recognized
throughout the world as the greatest
for old people, weak, sickly women
and children, nursing mothers and af
ter a severe sickness.
Cures Hacking Coughs, Chronio
Colds, Bronchitis and all Throat and
Lung Troubles. Unequaled to create
an appetite and to make those who are
too thin, fat, rosy and healthy.
Try it on our guarantee to return
your money If you are not satisfied.
IILNTLEY BROS., Druggists,
Oregon City, Ore.
Zht Pomona
Jit Oswego
Quarterly Meeting of tbe Clackamas
County 6range"Varlous Teso
lutlons JHdopted.
The Pomona Grange met with Oswe
iro Grange cn Wednesday of last week,
A number of patrons came from a dis
tance, who were hospitably entertained
and lodged by the good people of Onwe-t-o.
The attendance was good. Only a
:ondenned statement of the proceedings
can be given.
The following resolution waB adopted:
That the master of the Pomona Grange
mi point a member of each subordinate
r range for tbe purpose of circulating the
petition to the legislature for a direct
primary law.
On account of the time when the
petition with Us signatures must be on
lile with the secretary of state, which
h February 6th, the circulation of the
petition will be expedited as much as pos
sible. Mrs. Niblin, of Evening Star Grange,
installed the following Pomona officers
mr the year. (She performed this duty
i n ideal manner, off-hand, and in po-
tic language, in fact, as the grange
itual flows from her tongue it is poetry.
hat the lady is not by any means un
uandsome renders the task she performs
10 well all the more Interesting. The
grange thanked her with a rising
Miss Helen 8prague asB'iBted i i the
installation as conductress.
Oswego Grange has a piano and not
I the least interesting phase of the in
t tallation was the instrumental music
HCcompanying it.
The following are the new Pomona of
ficers: Master, Wm. GrieBenthwaite;
overseer, J. W. Thomas; lecturer, Geo.
Workman ; steward, William Beard ; as
sistant steward, A. H. Glover; chaplain,
0. A. Eaton ; treasurer, T. L.Turner;
secretary, 0. E. Spence; gatekeeper, Ed
Bates; iereg, Delia Guttridge; Porno ia,
Maggie Johnson; Flora, E. T. B. Thom
as ; L. A. S ., Rose Robbins .
Robert f h'ibel introduced two resolu
tions, one in regard to assessing bank
ers and the other in regard to giving the
state supreme court more power, which
were voted down.
Sister Maggie Johnson's resolution
that tbe grangers make an exhibit of
their agricultural products in Port
land during the presence of tbe National
Grange, was adopted by unanimous
vote .
Twenty dollars was voted from funds
in tbe treasurer's .bndg or purchase of
new paraphernalia.
By a rlbing vote the toll )w!nu resolu
tion was adopted introduced by Bro.
Chitwood ;
VV hereas.Our highly esteemed Brother
: and Uo-worker, J. 8. Casto, is deprived,
by sickness, of meeting with the broth-
ers and sisters of , Clackamas Pomona
1 (-iranuo in Hension at Oswecro. in the
county where our brother has done so
much for the promotion of grange prin
ciples, therefore, be it
Resolved, That we express our appre
ciation of the work of our good brother
during the years gone by and devoutly
hope that we may again be honored by
his presence and grasp his band of fel
lowship and again bear his voice in be
half of the cause which we know he
loves so dearly.
A. M. Shibley introduced a resolutions
in regard to a parcel past and postal note
whieh were adopted.
On tbe 20th of this month, s?id Bro.
Sawteli of Molalla 810, delegates from
the several subordinate granges will
hold a meeting at Maple Lane grange
hall for the purpose of forming a mo
hair pool, and possibly discussing a wool
Mrs. Howard read a letter from J. 0.
Wing, state business agent of the grange
of Wnsbington county .
Resolution passed that the secretary
correspond with the object of securing
bids for binder twine.
Garfield Grange, No 317, through
Brother Ha v kins.invited the Pomona to
viBit it in April, which was unanimous
ly accepted. The Garfield grange hall
18 a few miles from the brand-new rail
road town of Estacada.
The following are the committees of
one, from each grange as named, for cir
culating the primary yoti rtg petition :
C. C. Borland, Oswego; L, H. Kir
chem, larding; L. H. Cochran, Molalla,
310; Robert Khubel, Molalla 40; Hnry
Breithaupt, Damascus; A. R. awkins,
Garfield; Robert Ginther, Sunflower;
E. N. Bates, Eagle Creek; A R. bib
ley, Springwater; A. J. Lewis, Maple
Lane; George Lazelle, Wirner; T. R.
A. Sellwood, Milwaukie; Walter Hall;
Electric; Master Davis, Clackamas; T.
L. Turner, Tualatin; E. C. Spence,
Central; . R.Miller, Highland.
The following resolution presented by
Bro. 0. E. Spence was adopted:
Whereas, The Clackamas Pomona
Grange has earnestly supported the
Initiative and Referendum for a number
of years, therefore, be it
Reso.yed, That this Pomona Grange
A Woman's Wealth.
is highly gratified with the recent dec!'
sion cf the Oregon Supreme Court in
holding that the Direct Legislation
amendment was legally enacted, and j
trusts that the emergency clause may '
soon be confined to such cases as it was
intended for.
By resolution $4 was denoted to . each
of the three granges, Harding, Warner
and Highland.
Stata Secretary Mary Howard an
nounced that next month delegate
must be eltcted for the county convention
at Oregon City on March 8tb, which will
elect delegates to the Bute Grange.
State Secretary. Mary Howard an
nounced that the National Grange sec
retary C. M. Freeman, had remove, from
Washington, D. C.,to Tippecanoe Oily,
c ass of 19 took the fifth degree.
After their initiation tbe following pro
gramme was rendered:
Instrumental music, Delice ullen;
reci'atiori, Lynes Shipley ; duet.encored,
Hughes Bros ; recitation "How Thf
Minister Fed the Calf," Mies Johnsou ;
recitation, Mr. Bates , r; recitation and
song, Mr. Campbell jrecitation, "Hrcond
Thought," Agnes Shipley; recitmion,
Miss Erma Sbibley ; reading, Mrs. Mury
Howard ; instrumental music, violin and
piona, Henry Shannon and Homer
Krone; recitation, Miss Gutfige,
Oswego Grange wis given a rising
vote of thanks for its kind hospitality.
t 9 :30 in the evening the chairs and
benches were cleared away aid the
ytung folks began to dance.
A Very Close Call.
"I stuck to my engine, although every
joint ached and every nerye was racked
with pain," writes 0 W. Bellamy, a lo
comotive fireman, of Burlington., Iowa.
"I was weak and pale, without any ap
petite and all run down. As I was about
to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Bit
ters, and after taking it, I felt as well as
I ever did in my life." Weak, sickly,
run down peoplejalways gain new life,
strength and vigor from their uie. Try
them. Satisfaction guaranteed by Char
man & Co. Price 50 cents.
Shiveley's Hall Unsafe.
Paine's Celery
It is maintained by many distinguished
writers that the greatness of a nation depends
much upon the physical condition of its
women. The general conditions which con
tribute to health and long life, are those which
do not imply a rapid and unequal exhaustion
of those powers by which life is maintained.
While we assert that the women of our land
stand peerless for beauty and the virtues that
make them lovable, We cannot hide the fact
that there are thousands in our midst who,
owing to overwork, worry, household cares,
and an unequal exhaustion of life power, have
become weak, nervous, sleepless, and debili
tated. We bring to the attention of all weary,
despondent, hopeless, and sickly women
earth's great rescuer and health builder,
Paine's Celery Compound. Thousands of
healthy women around us owe their present
vigor, activity, and robustness to Paine's
Celery Compound. Mrs. Stephen Smith, St.
Paul, Minn., tells how she was snatched from
the grave; she says:
" I had a bad attack of la grippe this spring
and was at death's door, and no one ever
expected me to recover. I was so weak that
as soon as they brought me out of one faint
I was in another. I could not take any
nourishment, and doctors' medicines did me
no good. A friend advised my husband to
get me a bottle of Paine's Celery Compound,
which he did, but had no faith in it. The
second day after taking the Compound, I
began to get real hungry and took an interest
in things. I had everything that money and
loving care could supply, and with that and
Paine's Celery Compound, I am now doing
my own work, while three months ago I was
almost in the grave. I know that I owe my
health and strength to Paine's Celery Com
pound, and shall always recommend it."
At the performance of the drami
"Are You a Mason?" at Shiveley'
opera house on last Saturday evening
it was quite a novelty to see a ra amber
of the fire department with a Babcock
extinguisher on hand and occupying
place of vantage in case of fire. During
the day the chief of police had inspect
ed the opera houee and pronounced ii
unsafe in case of fire unless extraodinan
precautions were taken to prevent thi
same, In order that every precautior
might be observed arrangements were
made with the fire department to hae
present and ready for action at every
performance a member of the fire de
partment with a Babcock extinguisher.
This will be continued during this sea
son, at the 'close of which the opera
houee will be remodeled, tbe etage
placed at tbe north end, instead of the
south of the ball, and two or more exits
"Itchlngs hemorrhnMs wer the pinkie of my
ite. Way almost j'lld. Doan'sOintnilri, eurt'd
me qulckl nd ptCmanently, after doeton liml
lal.cd.' C. F. Cornwell, Valley Street Baugtrih
N, V,
t ii omi
Carpets, Rugs,
Wall Paper,
Bring your Cash and
see how far it will go
Diamond Dyes
They arc easy to use, and
are made (o home use and
home econfwry. Diamond
Dyes nevet disappoint and
will mtve the old clothes
look new. 50 different colors.
Dlmctlon biok and 4B dyed mplM free.
DIAMOND DYES, Burlington, Vt.
Tbe Citij Meat Marktt
at Canby, Oregon,
Pays the highest price for all
kinds of cattle.-The best of
fresh meats are handled at
most reasonable prices. 1 have
been in buisness In Canby a
number of years, and have
tried to treat everybody right.
I solicit your patronage for the
future and intend to deserve it.
S. J. Schmitt, Canby, Oregon
Then your liver isn't acting
well. You suffer from bilious
ness, constipation. Ayer's
Pills act directly cn the liver.
For 60 years they have been
' . i- . FM11
the Standard family rm
is mall doses cure.
All druggists.
"v7ht ,nn iu..nsl:v. lic or iM-.irii buautdul
l . " ,.'r Tk'li Ma.'l; ? TIhmi use
B'dCKlNGH AM'S DYE wh&ers
0' P.IWV 0" R M.I I CO VHi-, N M.
For Infants and Children.
fts Kind You Havs Always Bought
Bears tbe
(iltfnacare f
The only First-Class Second-hand
dealer in
cannot be enjoyed in a basin ot limited
capacity nor where the water supply and
temperature ie uncertain by reason oi
'e'e x eplumbing or heating apparatus.
Tu have both put .a thorough working
order will not prove expensive if the
wo:fc Is done by
It is worth your time to come and examine the stock.
You will find a full line of new and Second-Hand Furniture
Stoves. Crockerv. Hardware. Etc.
i Highest Cash Price Paid for Second Hand Goods.
! 1 VJr VlrV IV) i door north Commercial Bank
The B:st Laundry is the Cheapest
The, Troy Steam Laundry is the Best
Does not wear out or destroy your linen.
Our Wagon will call for your soiled linen each week and
deliver your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfac
tion assured.
E. L. JOHNSON, The Barber, Agent.
Oregon City Planing Mills
All kinds of Building Material, SasEr,
Doors and Moulding.
F. S. BAKER Proprietor,
Oregn City, Oregon
Brunswick House and Restaurant
Newly Furnished Rooms,
Meals at All Hours Open Day and Night
Prices Reasonable.
.Only FirstC lass Restaurant in the City
Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City, Ore.
Elk Horn Livery Feed i Sale Stable
FineRigstoeLet at Reasonable Prices
D. .R DIMICK, Manager, ToX,
1000 Men and 5000 Women
To come to Wilson's & Cook's Hardware Store to get
Bargains in Graniteware, Tinware, Stoneware, Cop
perware, all of the best make. Also Woodchopers
Tools. Washing Machines, Wringers, Wash Boards,
Tubs and Clothes Lines. Also the largest and best
stock of Cutlery, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Razors and
Shears, all of which is bought direct from the manu
facturers. If you are building a house or barn come
and see our 6tock of builders hardware and :: ::
Just look at and price our 'Carving SetRoasters
before you buy.
The same price to all men, women or children,
No. 5, Comercial Block