Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 22, 1904, Image 1

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21st YEAR
NO 37
tbe electoral
Vole Outlook
31 "Sane and Dangerous" Demo
cratk Candidate Can Cany
the Country.
New York "World .
Aa the beginning of the Presidential
campaign dnws near speculation is rife
ae to the probabil ties and poesiblitiea
in the electoral vote of 447. Under the
; Jiew apportionment based on the census
' of 1900 the number of Electors will be
476, requiring 239 to elect. New York,
Illinois and Texas have gained each
three votes, Minnesota, New Jersey and
Penntylvania two each, and fourteen
states gain one-eacl; .
The iace isue as revived by the Presi
dent makee sure for the Democrats the
, 151 electoral votes of the old solid South.
If normal political conditions shall be re
store ' by the elimination of the issues
now dead which gave ttaeee states to the
Republicans, it is reasonably certain
that the Democrats will alsocarrv Dela
ware, Marjland and West Vi, ginia.
This will give the Democratic candidate
169 electoral votes 70 ehort of a major
ity Where can these 70 votes be most
hopefully looked for?
New York, New Jersey and Connecti
cut, which usually vote the same way in
residential elections, have together 58
votes. This would leave 12 more to gain.
Indiana, with 15 votes; Illinois, with 27
or Wisconsin, with 12 (carried by Cleve.
laud iu 1892) would make up the re
quisite number. Or it would be sup
plied with one to spare by Rhode Is
land, Montana, Nevada and Utah. Of
these small states Rhode Island has been
carried two years in' succession by the
Democrat; Nevada has vqted against
the Republicans steadily since 1888;
Montana, after being anti-Republican
for six years, was carried by that party
last November, and Utah, formerly
Democratic, has been carried by the
."Republicans at the last two elections.
The obvious policy for the Democratic
party would therefore clearly seem to be
to select its candidate and frame its
platform with a view to carrying the
states whose yotes have given the vic
tory to the only Democratic candidates
. elected since the war Tilden in 187(5and
. Cleveland in 1884 and 1892. If there is
a Bufflcitnt reaction against the impetu
ous personality and the hazardous
policies of President Roosevelt to give to
a "sane and dangerous" Democratic
condidate the three or four debatable
Eastern States, it is reasonobly certain
that the remaining votes necessary to
elect will be given by one or more of the
greal states of the Middle Wes t.
Dead Man.
A very peculiar service will be held at
'the Salvation Army hall next Tuesday
night Jan. 26th. A man will preach
from his own coffin. All welcome. Come,
come, come.
W. R. Crabtree, v,
All work warranted and satisfaction guarantee
Crown and Bridge work a specialty
CanAeld Building
' Does an Up-To-Date General Practice
Special attention given to surgery and diseases
of women.
Office In Garde Building, 7th and Main St"
Commercial, Seal Estate and Probate oar 2
Office in Commercial Bank Building
Real Estate bonght and sold, money loaned
Hies examined nud abstracts made cash rkl for
county warrants. Probate 'and commissioners'
Court business and insurance.
Attorney and Cqjcnsklob at Law
Will practice in all Courts In the Start, Clreil
and District Comrts of the United Bute.
Insolvent debton taken through bankrupt!
Offlee In Garde Building, Oregon City, Or.
Oregon CitijMaefo:neho)
Having First-class Machinrey
Doing First-class Work
eeps in Stock a Line Shafting and Pulleys, frew and Sec ond
Hand. Also Engine and Saw Mill Machinery
Relics and Wat'
ters of distory
Jlntique mementos of Hare Inter'
est In Possession of the Samson
Henry Samson, father of W. W. H.
Sameon, whose death occurred at his
home in this county ou December 30,
last year, at the ag of 88 years, was a
pioneer of 1853, What pioneering a
half a cen ury ago impliidweof today
cannot imagine. Ha left Iowa on March
3d and iu September, the trip taKing
nearly nine months, he arrived in Ore
iron City. Though he had food enough
when starting, to last h;s party nearly a
year, he used up in addition the $1,000
in money he had and borrowed $350 at
two per cent a month. All was gone.
Much he had given away to starving
emigrants he met on theoute. A gold
dollar was the entire fortune his family
had to begin the battle with in the
wildrness, not to speak of the load of
debt. jmt-
A long lifelike that of Henry Samson
embraces a great deal of history ot gen
eral interest. Asa boy in Pennsylvania,
where he was born, he saw the site of
JohnBtown as a hog farm. A fellow
named Jones occupied a solitary cabin
in tbe bottom, which was a corn Cell,
and he had a hog pen built of long poles.
As a man Henry Samson worked on the
Johnstown '(Jonestown) dam which was
washed away with so much destruction
of life and property.
In the possession of W.W. H Sam-on
are a few old lelics left him by his father
of no little interest to the curious.
They are :
A razor, good as new today, though'
used for two-thirds of a century, which
he bought in Pennsylvania when a young
man for 37J4 cente. paying for it wild
eggs at five cents a dozen.
A short trace-chain made by Henry
Samson's father, Richard Samson, in
Germany, when he was 12 years old. He
waB a gunner in the battle of New Or
leans, where he was wounded. A. pen
sion was never awarded him.
A small enameled pitcher that will
hold hardly a quarter of a pint, brought
from Germany by the wife of Richard
Samson, who received it from her grand
mother. In the trip across the plains
it spout was broken off.
A unique historic relic is the hickory
cane used by Mrs. Susan Porter.Mra. W.
W.H. Samson's mother, now 90 years
of age. Hon. Ben Hayden, who is 80
years old, walked across the plains with
it over half a century ago. "I Bay, I
say," the old joker never forgot his cane
on the route. It was left him by his
Miss Echo Samson received as a keep
sake from her grandf. ther his Masonic
apron and gold pin.
. Henry SamBon, at first a Whig, was
one of tbe founders of the Republican
party in chia county. In a pair of over
alls he came to the first meeting of the
few converts to the new party, and he
was so poor that he couid not pay Mrs.
Caldwell for his night's lodging.
capital $100,000
Transacts a general banking business
Makes loans and oollectlous, discounts bills
snys and sells domestic and foreign exchange
and receires deposits subject to check.
Open from 9 a. m. to i p. m.
President Cashie
(Established 186S)
Prompt delivery to all parte of the elry
Graduate of American Fchool of Osteopathy,
Klrksville, Mo.
Successfully treats both acute and chronie dis
eases. Call lor literature.
Consultation and Examination Free.
Office Hours: jJ2-
,Or by appointment at any time.
Rooms over Dr. Morris' Cental Parlors, next door
to Courier Ofllce.
0, Bchoebix W. g. U'RIN
SDeutfdbet Hb&gfat
Will nraMtaA'ln .11 m.. i ,.
; " ' ln- ulnae (Tuuecuocs
nd settlements of estates, furnish abstracts of
e. lend you money and lend your money on
ortgage. Office In Enterprise building.
tbe Religion
W.W. Wyers, tbe farmer Philoso'
pber, Preaches a Cay Sermon"
Call 12. T. nelson Down,
ToN. E. Nelfon: In your last article
you seem to avoid answers. I will try,
however, to show up your falacy. You
Say I am imagiuary, you try to answer
but by doing bo admit mobt all my ar
gument. ' , -
I do not believe a child is corrupt In
infancy, otherwise it is very essence of
purity. It is the environments thro n
around it that makes the man for good
or evil. What iu there in the Socialist
demand that would breed evil in 'he
miud of the child? What is there iu f
competitive system to breed good In tn
mind of the child? Now I expect an
answer to bother these questions. It is
the conditions that breed eelfishness.
Socialist dou't believe in lettimr child
ren grow up like weeds. Wheat was
produced from grasses. Mos of our
fruit and vegetables wele produced from
wild vegetation that would be very un
palatable to civilized people now. 1
If peome are selfish and dishonest
natiuaily what good would it do
to turn one set of rascals out to put
others in? You change conditions that
breed selfishness and corruption and the
moral disease will disappear. What are
they? Usury, rent, pofitand the prodigi
ous redouices owned by part of, the peo
ple instead from all the people. What
does tbe Hible suy about using money,
houses, etc. ? '
You say, Mr. Nelson, if I read the Bi.
bleaauiuch as I read tbe Appeal to
Reason. Well, we have read the Bible
enough to know Christ taught Socialism
pure and sunple. I have also read law
enough to know that when a witness is
proven to fail in part of his testimony the
balance is discredits. This will also
apply to Christian religion. You be
lieve Christ in some things, do you be
lieve him in all things?
You say I own a good faun and other
property and ought to be satisfied. May
tie you think Iamselflah. Let's see II
shall never be satisfied as long as there
is a child in this nation over-worked and
under-ftd.or one man compelled to keep
another; as long respectable but poor
women have to eell their body to live, or
a poor man has 10 get on his knees to
ask a corporation for a job; as long as
83 per cent of my earnings goes to some
one else, or in fact, divide up what I
earn with tbe tbe man that does no
work : as long as for the sake of profit
people loBe their lives iu theaters, on
railroads, steamboats, in factories, mines
and wars until I can take all men by
the hand and say "Yon are my Broth
ers." 1 , .,
If this constiti'tes selfishness, I am
really so. How are you?
W. W. Myers.
At Milwaukie Orange.
Milwaukie Grange has placed in the
master's chair for the year H. G. Stark
weather, a gentleman of considerable
force of cbaiacter. He takes a lively in
terest in grange matters. All the newly
elected officers are to hold a special
meeting for the purpose of drill. An in
teresting feature of the regular meeting
on Saturday was an address by Mrs.
Sarah A. Evans, secretary of the Saca
jawea Statue Association. She exhibited
to the audience a small picture of the
statue, as it has been designed by Mrs.
Cooper, of Chicago, the artist who has
been commissioned to do the work. It
represents the Bird-Woman standing on
a pedestal of rough stone. Her papooEe
is strapped to her back under her flow
ing blanket, its. head sticking out at the
top. Sacajawea is eagerly looking for
ward while pointing the way with the
right arm stretchtd out on a level a lit
tle above the eyes. The bronze statue
to be t,l?"ad in Portland, promises to be
no leBS beautiful than impressive. Mrs.
Evans stated that the Association had
been promised the donations of the cop
per and tin to manufacture the bronze.
flolalla Mining Company.
Tne stockholders of the Molalla Cen
tral Mining company had a meeting last
night of considerable business impor
tance. After a thorough discussion of
the matter they decided to withdraw all
stock from the market. The vieni
and leads recently uncovered have shown
up bo rfch that the present owners do
not believe they ought to sell any
more stock and decided not to ' do so.
Just bo soon as the weather will permit
they will put in a small stamp mill and
develop the property with it, paying for
the development work out of tbe profits
from the mill. Some of the ore in this
mine is Btartlingly rich.
Died, at George, Jan. 15, Ferdinand
Rath, aged 70 years, 1 month and 15
days, of pneumonia. He was the father
of nine children, eight sons and one
daughter, all of whom survive him.
Ferdinand Rati) left New York, June
20, 1855 for Auetralia and landed at Mel
bourne Oct. 16. 1855. He came to
George, Or., in May 1871, and resided at
tbii place until the time of bia death.
There was a large attendance at the fu
neral. Rev. Anselem officiated .
Domestlo Trouble.
It is exceptional to find a family where
there are no domestic ruptures occasion
ally, but these can be lessened by hav
ing Dr. King's New Life Fills around.
Much trouble they save by their great
work in Stomach and Liver troubles.
They not only relieve you but cure. 25c,
at Charm an & Co a drug store.
trestle in Very
Bad Condition
don. Gorden E. Tjayes Way Buy a
Boat and H each Oregon City
, by Water,
The citizens of Gladstone and others
who daily use the car line of the Oregon
Water Power & Railway company to go
to their woik in this city and back to
their homes, are complaining bitterly
about the condition of the long trestle
from Green Point within the city limits
to the Clackamas river. The trestle is
more than a mile long and is an old af
fair, aud it is claimed by those in a posi
tion to know that it is really dangerous
for travel and the passage of cars over it.
Last summer the company started in to
till in this tre.tle,.aod did quite a good
deal of work in' that, direction, but did
no; more Uiau one -fourth complete the
work. The trestle u now iu worse con
dition than ever, and while the cars are
allowed to run at a minimum speed over
it, it sways to and fro like a ship in a
storm, and gives one who is a passenger
on the cars the impression that it ma)
collapse and precipate the cars into
the ditch, some 30 or 40 feet below, at
any .time. An accident came near hap
pening one evening last week when a
heavily loaded car of passengers were
on their wav home from their day's
work. The car swayed with its load of
human freight until the passengers turn
eil pale with fright. Judg Gorden E.
HayeB, who lives at Gladstone, has made
arrangements to et himself and . family
a boat to make the trips from Gladstone
tj OregonOity and return, is he is fearful
that an accident that will endanger hu
man life may occur at any time. Other
paesengers are equally apprehonsive,
but cannot afford the expense or the
time to make the trip in a boat.
Mrs. Brannon is recovering from a
Bevere attack ot lagrippe.
Airs. Frank Lucas, who has been con
fined to her home on account of illness
the pass few weeks, is able to oe out
There was no preaching at the church
laBt hunday night. There will be preach
next Sunday as usual.
Tbe ladies of the Aid Society met at
the home of Mrs. Ue. Hamilton last
Thursday and a very enjoyable as well
as profitable afternoon was passed.
Mrs. Ina Kellogg, of Oregon City, was
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mri. Bray
ton on Friday laBt.
Miss Wilson vas a Portlani visitor
laBt Saturday . ' ,
iMr. Goo. Gardner, of Oregon City.was
b visitor in our bung last Sunday.
Mrs. dpt. Smith is on the sick list
the past few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Divis and child
of the lower Columbia, are visiting with
his mother, Mrs. Ooff je and family,
On last vVcdntBday while Wm. Bray
ton was painting the interior of om of
the school house rooms, he was over
come by the paint and fell from a seven
foot scaffolding and was severely hurt
but is slowly improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Town have arrived and
are becoming settled in their new home
lately owned by Mrs. Russell.
Glen, the little son of Mr. and Mra.
G. Hamilton, has been very sick, but
is some better at present.
Stella and Lyle Kellogg, of Oregon
Uity, spent tne uay witn their grand
parents Mr. and Mrs. Brayton Sun
day. Mr. T. W. Swope, who lies been visit
ing hie son, B. F. Swope, of Newport,
Oregon, for the past four months, re
turned home Monday evening, and is a
visitor at the home of bis daughter. Mrs.
Chae . Oglesby of thia place.
E. French has finished painting the
interior ot W. A. Holme's store, which
improves the looks ol it greatly.
The first of November the Maccabees of
Clackamas Tent No. 40, chose Bides with
15 on a side for the purpose of getting
neff members, the losing side to pay
for a supper. The contest to close New
Years. Three new members ware secur
ed and 33 Maccabees and their ladiea
met at tbe hall on the evening of the
16th inst, when the following odlcera
were installed fo' the ensuing year: A.
B. Hibbard, com. ; "C. Judd.L. C. ; A. F.
Jack, R. K.; B, Jack, chaplain; Dr,
Wrightman, phys; P. S. Adams, sar;
Roy Riding, master at arroa ; Clark Mo
Kinney, first M of G; Fred Hubbard,
second M of G; John Comer, centinei;
Wm, Harmon, picket.
Past Commander, A. F.Jack, was in
stalling officer and did the work ina very
creditable manner.
After the installation the audience
waa favored with several aelectlona on
phonograph by A. B. Hibbard.
At 10 o clock all were invited to the
homea of Sir Knight and J. E. Marquam
where supper waa served. Everyone
did justice to the supper, but it would
take a better correspondent than myselt
to do justice to Mrs. Marquam who pre
pared such a banquet, and to the boys of
tbe loaing aide, who apare no ex pence
in getting such a lady to prepare tbe
supper. After enpper all again assem
bled iu the hall, where games were en
joyed until midnjght.
Next Saturday night two of the new
candidates will be initiated.
"Itchlngs htmorrhnl'ls were tlie plague of my
ife, Way almost wild. Itoan'eOiiitnient cured
mequlckl ud permanently, after doctors lial
failed." C. f. Orn well, Valley ritreet.Baugertli
N. Y,
Wh n jou tke Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic be
cause "The formula Is plainly prluted on every
ot le Bh owl us uuilt is simply iron and Quinine
a taMOiSn Jurm. H . 'Jure, no i; ay oUc,
Book Ulan
fias trouble
People In Southern Part of tJye
County Op In Jlrms Jlgainst
Book Jt gents,
Dee Wright ia a young man of good ad
dress and clever personality. He loves
to do people favors and never misses an
opportunity to do some kindly act. He
has been at times in tbe government
employ and is on quite good teims with
Uncle Samuel. Now it ko happens that
Mr. Wright lives at Liberal and tl at he
knows every man, woman and child in
three or four election precincts. It also
happens lhat quite receully the good
people of Liberal, 'Molalla and some of
the adjoining precincts were pretty well
worked by a smoothe set of book agents
selling a pretended history of Oregon
and Clackamas county. The history
would also contain a biographical sketch
of the subscriber, and he got the whole
"shooting match" for $18, unless he
had his picture also in the book in
which event it would only cost him $93.
When the books were delivered the good
people were outraged as they wore not
what they were represented to be and
the price waa an outrage. It therefore
follows that all of the Southern part of
tbe county is dead set against book
agents at the present time. Well, to
thest.ry! Recently Uncle Sam in his
kindness of heart sent to Dee Wright
about 4J copies of a very fine work on
horses and their diseases. The book
was large, handsomely bound,, line ma
terial and splendid illustratated and
really a very valuable publication. The
government asked Mr. Wright to do
liver the smd books to a few of his
iriends at Liberal and other territory, all'
of which Mr. Wright tried to do. He
found out, however, that it ia hardly
possible to deliver books of any kind in
that part of the country. He would take
a book to the house and leave it with
the good houee wife and she would
promptly throw it out iuto the road. Mr.
Wright tried to explain that the govern
ment waa giving these books away free
but she would have none of it. Atone
place a matron drove Mr. Wright out o f
t ie hous i and yard with a broom stick;
At another daee he was chased out of
the yard by a bull dog being set upon
mm Dy an irate mother who thought he
was a genuine book agent, Mr. Wright
has given up the job and he says that
if Uncle Samuel wants any more horse
books delivered in the rural districts of
this county he will have to send out an
other agent or a company of regulars.
Wants a Democratic Club.
Petitions are being circulated today
by the Democrats of Oregan City and
vicinity for the formation of a Demo
cratic fllub. The initial meeting ot the
club will be held within the next two
weeka. The promotera of the club are of
the opinion that they will be able to or
ganize with more than 200 charter mem
bers. As it is now only four months
until the county election there ia consid
erable political activity being manifeat
ed. It ia practically a certainty that none
of the Republican office holders now in
possession of the court house will be re
nominated with popsibly one exception.
The Democrats are looking around for
material and within a few week the
fight will be on in earnest.
The Bank' of Oregon City
AlmiAl a,iiim.i,,.4iil,,iiiilli,ilH j ilm.iif; dl !Bi.,.riffli,
SHANK & BISSELL. Undertakers
J PhoneMiitulaoj.
At Bradley's Second Hand Store
All Goods in Hardware Line Greatly Reduced. We can save
you money if you want anything we handle. New and
second hand goods kept in stock. Examine our stock
before buying elsewhere.
Next door to Heinz Bakery.
Jem rSJyv ?. Jo-r
Absolutely Pare
31 Scandal at
Bubbard, Ore
Wealthy Jfesldent of that FXcxt
Separates Wan and Wife tn-
ried In 187 S. .
A couple who were married fnlSTrv.
and have grown children, only twu-a.?
whom are under the asre of 21 7awK ..
yesterday took the steps for a legal wp
aration. The suit is brought by
husband, O. H. P. Chamnes.i, that.
fendant being Viola Chamnesa. In t.w,';
complaint, John R. Hinkle, a weaitiiy.-
rancher oi JtiUDoard, is named !)y S.m
plaintiff as cor-respondent.
The complaint alleges that the deiet;-
ant and cor-respondent have been undu.
intimate, the offenses having been cc:r -mitted
on Elliott Prairie, in theaoafca .
end of Clackamas county, within ia..
past year. The Chamneae family Min now
separated, the plaintiff living .a.,,
Portland. An additional charge whirr. .
the plaintiff alleges is that the defeyi?
ant called him false and vicious natntn;,..
Among others he states that she un
truthfully called him a thief. The pa
pers were filed yesterday in theC'.niiil8
Court by Attornev G. B. Dimick, coaai
Bel for tbe plaintiff. t
Desertion Chaiged In Three Suits. -
Three divorce auita, all alleging desty
Hon, were instituted in the Olac'kaiattisv..
County Circuit Court Wednesday.
A. W. Melton charges Jennie Meltean-
whom he married at Pendleton, July 2,
1902, with having deserted him on h -v.
lOtht of the same month;
Katherine Cornell accusea Olaren'tt-
Cornell with having abandoned heraftea
five yeara of married life. They were
married at Skamokawa, Wash. Decern'--ber,
1898, and desertion followed at
Ranier in 1903. Plaintiff asks for th& .
custody of one minor child.
Lettie Poyser wants to be legally sep
arated from Frank Poyser, to whom oil
was married in this city in July, 19012..
She alleges that Poyser deserted her ia .
January, 1903.
We carrv iha nnlinmnW a Una t
- J -aj vvuijivtBslUB
of Caskets, Coffins, Robes and
Llninvs in f!ln'Unriini Pnimin
We have the only First-Claaa
Hearse in the County, which we
wm lumiHii ior jess wan can be
had ileewbere.
Embalming a Specialty.
Ou. pricea alwaya reasonable.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Main St., Opp. Huntley' ,