OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY. JANUARY . 15, 1904 ft Tho Burdens of Modern Civilization. Normally a woman should have no dis comfort so far as feelings of discomfort are concerned, at each recurring period. But mod ern civilization lias added its con ditions of ever present suffering to a large propor tion of American women. The .great bulk of such cases is dne to inflammatory or congested con ditions within limited territor ies which can be overcome by the right treatment. Of course, this local irritation is followed by headaches, back aches, nervous ness, irritability, and, indeed, often results in nervous prostra tion or collapse which might have been aovid ed by proper treatment. $500 REWARD FOR WOMEN WHO CANNOT BE CURED. Backed up by over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a record such as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay $500 in legal money of the United States, for any case of Leucorchea, Female Weakness, Pro lapsus, or Falling of Womb which they cannot cure. All they ask i3 a fair ana reasonable trial of their means of cure. World's Dispensary Medical Assr ciation, Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y. News of the County, as Gathered bij the-Courier's Able Corbs of Correspondents. Beaver L'ike. After an absence of some two weeks I again come before you to say a few words for the welfare of our little bnrg and its people. Uhys Guynn has his new house near inz co npletion. Charley Powell, of M mitor Mills, was teen meeting oil friends in this section a few days ago. laic Kfaarp a former resident of this place, has purchased the Milstead place where he intends to settle down and look for a lite parner. Williom Gwynn who has been spend ing the b didays at home has returned to Forest Grove to attend school during the coming term. Frank Holt seems to bars some great Attraction near Russelville. Mr. Coffin has moved near Molalla. Niw Comb. aausoir B&OOK. Mrs. Henderehot died January at 9 a. m, funeral services as the Ringo grave yard at 11 o'clock on the 11th. Da ceased was a member of the M. . church and was respected by all who knew ber. The father and son have the sympathy of all in tl is sad hour of .affliction. Jamestown is Btill on a boom. We are glad to learn that there is a prospect of a postoffice. Geo Williams is very busy at present with his new log teams. Mr. Print Hall was seen on our streets Saturday. Mr. Hall has been borne for some time with rheumatism. With two sawmills running full blast cutting ties, why not Meadowbaook have a railroad or two. We are glad to learn that there is a fair prospects of a bridne across the Molalla river at Mnadowbrook, as that has long been k nown to be the best bite on the river fur a bridge. Mrs. E. Dode is visiting her son, E. P. Dodge this week. VV bete and when will that poBtoffice business be settled. Mr. R. P. will ye arise and explain. Found a Cure for Indigestion. and find anv and I use Chamberlain's Stomach Liver Tablets for indigestion and that they suit my cae better than ivunptima rmedv I have ever tried 1 have used many ainereniremeuies, j. am nearly fifty-one years of age and have suffered a great deal from indiges tion. I can eat almost anything I want to now. Geo. W. Emory, Rock Mills, Ala. For sale by Geo. A. Harding. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS "HAKES FXAIHXE." Farmers here have improved the good weather and have their work well in hand We hear that Mr. H. Choat, of Elliott Prairie, is very low with pneumonia. A. Hagey was calling on Mr. Steh. man, of Liberal, the- past week. Chris Koctaer sold bis hops for 25 cents per pound last week. Your Needy correspondent seems to have put bis foot in ir, and to one who is directly concerned in this affair it ap pears that our learned friend should be a little more ca, etui in the future. We will say that does not look well to pur chase a spectator ticket at 15 cents and then do as much dancing as anyone, and then say that as a mask ball it was a fail ure when it was a complete success. Frank May Is farming the Sam Mark farm. Dave Rnder is one of the successful farmers of our vicinity, and he has made money the last year. htea Luckey, who purchased the Sutherland farm, is improving it and it will be a fine farm. James McGill has been elevating stum ps with powder and otherwise im. proving his jancb. Several parties here are very angry about their plajes advertied for taxes, especially when they have the receipts in full, and we see land advertised that the parties whom they are assessed to have not owned the land for 18 years. Say, Mr Clerk, what is wrong? Where are the present ownership books? Redland. There seems to be an epidemic of measles all around us. Severale mem bers of the Hicinbothem family are down with it. . Several parties have tried their hand after the cougar that killed a deer here since, but with poor success. Abe Cutting, of lzee, Or., is visiting relatives here. A.M. Kerchem has been doing some surveying near the town site of Estaca- da near the upptr Clackamas bridge. D C. Richardson and J. Harry ate building a house for Mr. Stauffer. College Boy ceitainly has several "screws loose," in his cranium, as in trying to make a correction in last week's items he gives Mr. btaunei'a name as Stautller and that after the gentleman had given him an envelope with his name on, but there is some allowance to be made, as no doubt College Boy's head is getting too bit for his body since he has been going to Vskale" and getting bo-k learning, but never mind, brother, if you need any more room come over and we will ac commodate you. Communion services will be held at Redland M. E. church on the fourth Sunday inst, at 10 a. m. All are in vited. The presiding elder, Bro. Wat ers, will preach in the evening of the fifth Sunday with the quarterly meeting following the next day. L. Funk caught a large otter last week which measured 4 feet and 10 inches from tip to tip. Teacher's application for a three months' term of school will be received by District Clerk Win. Stone. School will begin about the 1st of March. , Wm. Stone sold several head of beeves toPetsold, of Oregon City, a few days ago. There won't be more than about 50 per cent of a crop of fall wheat (acreage) sown here and some of that was sown very late. Spring wheat is not in favor here. W. H. Bonney is looking for a new location for his sawmill as he has Mr. S:one's timber nearly all cut. Mr. Sears, of Viola, has been npon the ridge trying to buy wheat, which is a scarce article here. L. F. BHTJBEL. Most of the farmers have their spring plowing done. Rev. Doescher moved his family in the Lutheran parsonage. Mrs. W.D. Hil' returned from a three week's visit with her parents over in Washington. John Heft has his shingles mill about ready tor cutting shingles. That makes three shingle mills here. Fred Heft sent to Portland for a surgeon, be having a sick horse and no hopes of his recorvery. Conundrum If Judge Rayan would make three trips east in a year at one hundred dollars per trip, how long would it take to repair some of the dangerouB places in our road. A prizs for the best answer. Mr. Bnol who has been seriously ill, is able to be out again. Albert Stuedeman got it in the neck laBt week. What is it? E. A. Cummins is going to move bits family near the mill as soon as he can get his home finished. There seems to be more or less friction between the young folks and the preach, et at the German Congregational church because he will not allow the boys to sit with the girls. No doubt if they would behave, there would be no objections. FAUX FIiACE. Imperfect Digestion Means less nutrition aid inconsequence less vitality. When the liver fails to secrete bile, the blood becomes loaded with bilious properties, the digestion be comes impaired and the bowels constipat ed. Herbine will rectify this; it gives tone to the stomach, liver and kidneys, strengthens the appetite, clears and im proves the complexion, infuses new life vigor to the whole svstem. 50 cents a bottle at Charman & Co. A pleasant party was given Miss Laura McCannon on the evening of Jan. 8th, in honor of her 16th birthday. The evening was very pleasantly passed and at a late hour all returned home wish ing Miss Laura many happy returns of the day. We are all pleased to see the aide walk being repaired on Main. It is a good improvement to the little villiage. ' Mrs. Hess made a business trip to Portland and Seaside Friday, returning Monday. Mr. Cable Hauser, of Denver, Col., is visiting Geo. A. Hamilton of Parkplace. Mr. Hauser took charge of Mr. Hamil ton's mining affairs on Gold Run, Yu kan, Ferry during his absence. Mr. Mauser and Mr. Hamilton expect to leave for the north about February 1st. Mrs. Rivers visited relatives in Port land Saturday and Sunday. The Ladies Aid Society met at the church last Thursday for the first time since the holidays. New officers were elected for the ensuing year as f jllows: Mrs. Brayton president; Mrs. J. Bruner, treasury ; and Mrs, Hamilton secretary. A few new names weie added to their r ill call, and the work for the new year was taken up in a very encouraging manner. The Mother's club of this 'place will give a social in the auditorium of the school house Friday, January 22nd. An interesting program is being prepared. Supper will be served. Mrs. W. A. HolmeB was a Portland visitor on Monday.. Mrs. Branon is very sick with la grippe. Dr. Norris is in attendance. Remember our entertainment, social and supper,! J ucuarj 22 nd. You will be well ent ertained and well fed for 10 and 15 cents. Every boey is welcome. CAJTBT. 0 H. K. Stozsdil and Fred Phegley of Portland, were in Canby visiting last Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Knight and Mrs. W. Bair were Portland visitors Friday. Chas. Wait, Frank Atman, J. S. Dick Wesley Riggsand Chas. Roth attended the Democratic banquet at Oregon City last week. J. S. Dick has put a new wire fence around his property on 4th and B streets, Several Odd Fellows attended the Auroral. O. O. F., last Thursday and all report a good time. See W. H. Bair about that hav vou intend to sell. Ebert Knight spent Sunday with rela tives near Canby. , Chas, Rath ra ttle a business trip to Portland and Vancouver last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Astman were Portland visitor's last week . Mr. C. Hoff died yesterlay of cancer of the liver. The deceased leaves four children, Miss Emma Hoff, Joseph, Ed win, Mel vin and Christian Holl. The funeral services were held last Thursday. J. F. Deyoe waB a Portland visitor last Tuesday. The saloon of H. A. Vorpahl was en tered and robbed Monday night. The robbers seemed entrance by boring a hole through the back door and with drawing the bolt and raising a bar across the door. The slot machine was forced open and the till rifled, 500 good cigars and 6 quarts of choice goods were taken . No clue to the robbers. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAKING Whn jou lake Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonlo be cause ttu formula is plainly printed on every ot.le showing uut (s limply Iron aud Quinine ilt'virtu h'fn N ' Our, no 'a?. t:. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned ad ministrator of the Kslate ol Surah J Fanchor, Deceased Una thia day filed his final account with the County Court of Clackamas coiuty and State of Oregon and that the said Court has set Monday the 1st day of February 1003, at the hour of ten o'clock a. ra- of said dny as the tiaie tor hearing the said Report and objections thereto If any there be at which time all person Interested are hereby notilied to be present before said joitrt. DAVID FANCHEIt Administrator of the Kstaie of Sarah J. Faucher, Deceased. , Date December 31, 11HJ3. French-Qraves Wedding. At 9 o'clock on New Year's Eve the home of Mrs. H. F. Watts in this city, was the ecene of a quiet but ptetty home wedding, when Miss Grace Graves a eausin of Mrs, Watts, was joined in wed lock to Ricbard W. French, Rev. F.El mo Robinson officiating. By request of the bride the wedding dinner was served on New Year's Day in honor of the 47th anniversary of her uncle, Mr. Quinn, at which time a num ber ot guests were present. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Graves, of Oregon City, She is a member of the Baptist church of that city, where she is highly respected and has many friends. Mr. French is well known here as an exemplary young man, and is at present employed by the government as mail carrier on one of the city tree delivery routes. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed as administrator of the Estate of Patrick Duffy, deceased aud any and all persons havinK elaiuj-anaiint the said estate must present them to the undersigned admluiRtia tor, at the Bank of Oregon City, Oregon, duly Teritied within six months of the date of this n Dated this 30th day of December, 1903. E. O. CAUFIELD, Administrator of the estate of Patrick Duffy, deceased. G. B Dimi ci, Attorney for admr. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given thtt the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, administrator of the estate of Robert Ronald, deceased, late of laid county and state. All persons having claims aanUust the estate of said deoendent are hereby 7Ta..A u ih.umn dulr verified according to la with my aturney. C. H. Dye. Lsq., at bis KcSm -of Suth and Mam Bt... Oregon Citv Oresron, within six months from the date 'nXJj City. Or., A. Dv19 Climatic Cures. The influence ol climatic conditions in the cure of consumption is very much ove drawn. The poor patient, and the rich patient, too, can qo much better at home by proper attention to food diges tion, and a regular use of German Svrup Free expectoration in the morning is made certain by German Syrup, so is a good nitiht's rest and the absence of that weakening coughing and debilitating night sweat. ReBtlees nigbt and the ex haustion due to coughing, the greatest danger and dread of the consumptive, can be prevented or Btopped by taking German Syrup liberally and regulatly. Should you be able to go to a warmer clime, you will tind that of the thousands of consumptivs there, the few who are benefited and regain strength are those who use German Syrup. Trial bottles, 2ic; regular size 75c At Charman & Co. Cured Lumbago. A. B.Canman, Chicago, writes March 4 1903; "Having been troubled with Lumbago at different times and trid on physician after another; then different ointments and linaments, gave it up al together. So I tried once more, and got a bottle of Ballard's Snow Linament, which irive me almost instant relief. I can cheerfully reccommeud it, and will dd mv name to vonr list of former luarman 111 Zbt Lucky Star The Star Wind Mill. Every "point" of It the best. Steal construction, Glvlmj strength. Ball Bearing, Easy Running, Galvanlzedafter making, pre venting rust. "Star of all Stars" the Star Wladaiill. CHASE PLOW f HOOSIER DRILL Come and get one, take it out and try it, if it is not al right bring it back. YOU KNOW we could not say this to you if they were not OK. ONE OF THE OLDEST, THE STRONGEST. BEST MADE, POSITIVE, ACCURATE, THE BEST BUY THE HOOSIER. BUGGIES WAGONS IMPLEMENTS BICYCLES HCGH FRAScte RONALD. .offerers.' 25c. 50c and $1 Administrator of lbs Estate , n Kobert Bonald, 1A. I vO- Send .. ... ' "' 'M M which . . ig ifl interested M $ V mP FIRST AND TAYLOR STS. ; mW . PORTLAND V-'' .O R E G O N HHPsssMkl MsMMkssMMsHHMs ssf J ' KEMPS I rrAuwMfr Don't wait for rain to plow Plow when its dry. You can with the Sanders Dise Plow No ground too hard, j Mo ground too dry o r the Sanders Disc Plow: The disc plow Is far ahead of the moul-l board plow. A trial will convince you j Improved Manure Spreader The MITCHELL WAGON ! MONARCH OF THE ROAD j The best possible wagon that can be built. The materials are j Will spresd any and til kinds of aanure thick or ;we!l Seasoned having been boueht ' .......J.;,:: !5 years ah :ad ol requirements, : short tim. i L his alone means investment of a 'A.... '. .1 Best results cannot be had without manure iiuriure 111 Wagon StOCK. soreader and the orlelnal Kemp made by Kemo ! Expert labor used In the Construction. and Burpee is the best of them all. Their splendid reputation all over the Send for circular answering all the questions icountry the Northwest In particular you can possibly ask. iaemonsiraics uie iaa tnat i MITCHfcLL WAGONS ARE ALL RIGHT Congratulations. Mr John H. Cullora, editor of the Galium!, Texas, News, has written a let tei of congratulations to tlie manufac turer of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as follows : "Bixteen years ago when our first child was a baby he wits suojnct 10 crou; y spells ana we would be very un easy about him. We began uning Cham berlain's Cough Kennedy In 18S6, and finding it such a reliable remedy for colds and croup, we have nevar been withrut it in the house since that time. We have five children and have given it to all of tbem with good results. One good feature of this remedy is that it is not disagreeable to take and our babies really like it. Another is that it is not dangerous, and there is no risk from giving an overdose. I congratulate you upon the success of your rumedy." For sale by Geo. A. Harding. Wonderful Nerve. 1 displays 1 by many a man enduring pains of accidental Cuts, Wounds, Bruises Burns, 6calds, Sore feet or stiff joints. Bat there's no need for it. Bucklen's Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure the trouble. It's the best Salve on earth for Piles, too. 25c, at Charman & Co, Druggist. BEAVEB CBESK. Willie Ilerrinman relurnfid home last Tuesday from Camas, Washington, where he spend Christmas with his sister Mrs. Michaels. A gentleman, from Portland, was out here last week buying potatoes at 75 i;ents per hundred. Artlur Baben and Coxie Thomas re turned from Eastern Oregon last week. Joe Fischer called on friends in Port land last Sunday aud Monday. Iiumors say there will be another wedding in tueniear future. The Shannon Bros, are quite buy running their saw mill, but Henry, seems Uj have a hard time finding a cook . isover mind Henry, if at first you don't succeed always try again,for there are several cooks left in Beaver Creek. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this country most dangerous because so decep tive, iuanysuaaen deaths are caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia', heart failure or p apoplexy are often the result of kid ney disease. If kidney trouble is allowed to advance the kidney-poison-ed blood will at tack the vital organs, causing catarrh ol the bladder, or the kidneys themselves break down and waste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles almost always result from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel ing badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and over comes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take and is sold by all druggists in fifty-cent aud one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery and a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and toe address, Binghamton, N. Y.t on every bottle. JTEEDY. Ralph Ackerson, who hps been work ing in the frtate ol Washington for the past four years, is b:me on a visit. $onie relatives of Mrs. Frank Fish are cere from Spokane, Wa h., on a viBit. Mr. Giesy. of Portland, visited at the home of J. D. Kilter a few doaya last week. Mr. Gahler is budding a new board fence on his farm, Mr. Miller, of Paradise City, has moved into our town once more, Henry Kummer went to the Grimm sale at Macksburg last Saturday aud bought a valuable mare. Miss Alice Hitter returned to her school yesterday after a two weeks' va cation. Elrthday parties are the rage now1. Last Friday night the Invited friends of Misses Wilda Ellhtt and Tena Stuwe gathered in Thompson's hall to cele brate their birthdays. The Oxlerby boys furnished the music for the eve ning and everybody, both old and young, married and single, all enjoyed them salves most heartily. Many valuable presents were given the ladies. For generosity and good will the people of Needy are all right. Maple Lane Explanation Note, At the last grange meeting it wai voted to hold a pie social on Saturday evening, Jan. 9th, and a committee was appointed to look after the matter. Af ter the meeting it seems that a few took it unto themselves to have a dance that evening at the hall without the author ity from the Grange, or pnrmiBion from the trustees of the hall. When the trustees heard of this, combined with conduct of some at the last dance held at the hall, they decided it would net be I wise to permit dancing that evening. This was brought about solely by the conduct of the dancers, and there is no one else to blame. Theobiectof the Grange is education al. This cannot be carried out except by work with and by the young. We wish every respectable, intelligent young person to j )in us and we will en deavor to instruct, interest andatnu:e. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy indeed, All play and no work makes Jack a poor Ivtf indeed . ' The Grange is a trifle in debt on their hall, but they do not wish to raise it from the young people by turning Ma ple Lane Grange hall into a saloon or dance hall. 1 heartily commend sir. Beard in the stand ho took an spokesman for the I trustees, and think he should be sup , ported by every well moaning persuu iu I the community who believes in good j elucation and eood government, lam very sorry that some were bo thought less as to disgrace themselves by insult ing Mr. Beard Saturday evening. C. W. Swallow. Domestic Trouble. ' It is exceptional to find a family where there are no domestic ruptures occasion ally, but thepe can be lessened by hsv ing Dr. King's Hew Life Pills around. Much trouble they save by their , great work in Stomach and Liver troubles. They not only relieve you but cure. 25c, at Charman & Co's diug store. Mothers. Who would keeptnulr children In good health should wak'li for tho first symptoms of worms, and reinoie, them with White Cream Vermi fUKC. it la the children' bust tonic. It gets dls po.stion at worlt so that their looil does them K'xl, and they trow up healthy aud strong, 'ion at Umrraan & Co. Beautiful Clear Weather. Herbine exerts a dlrsot Influenc on the bawela, llrer and kidneys, pnrilylng aud strengthening these organs, aud maintaining them la a notmal condition of bualth; rhus reinoTlng a common cause of yellow, mothy, greasy skin, and more or as of pimples, blotchea aud blackh'jada, (00 at Charman It Co. I THE COBWEB I I Oregon City's Leading Wine House $ I All the leading brands of Cal- I fornia Wines kept in stock. I Come and see us. I E. A- BRADY U We promptly obtain U. 8. aud Korean ATI rriuitU model, sltotcli or photo tl inveutiou lor r !rereort on patentability. For free hook nVs1SriP,fi!JE-FRKS .0 Opposite U. is. Patent Office WASHINGTON D. C. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE a b. "naot Marks , Zti' rt .iO Designs ''WIV COPVR.GHTSAC. Anyone sending a sketeh and descHntlon may qutcsly aaeortain our opinion free whether an invention Is prohnkly jiutiniriMs 1. i'oniniunloa tionsslrlotlTronndontlal. HANDBOOK on Patent ' not free. Oldest agency for Heeuruiic pateuta. I'atenta taken tljr.iuuh Munn 4 Co. reoelra peeta! notice, without charus, lnthe Scientific wicrican. Tiftnrefit rtr Tnrnm, 13 a four niuntlu, i. DOlu by all new era. A hantitviinftlv N1nfttrfttfd weeklr. dilation of anr nHenUtlo Journal.